How do you transport goods between your stations?

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How do you transport goods between your stations?

Post by glorsh66 » Fri, 12. Apr 24, 12:30

How do you transport goods between your stations?

For example, I want to put a solar collector in mercury system.
and a factory in the asteroid belt. How do I transport goods from one of my stations to another?
I've heard there's a trick to set the purchase price. But won't my merchants buy goods from me for my own money?

In x4 there is an order - "move wares". but it doesn't work in repeated mode.
But what about x3?

I want to try to make distributed production, so that each station does only its own thing.

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Re: How do you transport goods between your stations?

Post by Cycrow » Fri, 12. Apr 24, 17:58

For basic goods, you can use the deliver or fetch commands.
This will allow a ship to move 1 ware.

Or you can use the trade distribution run command, that allows you to setup multiple stations and wares

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Re: How do you transport goods between your stations?

Post by BrigandPhantos77 » Sat, 13. Apr 24, 05:50

Complexes are another good solution. You don't need to involve transport. Downside is they need to be in the same sector.
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