News From Around the Galaxy

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News From Around the Galaxy

Post by Herman2000 » Thu, 26. Oct 23, 21:41

I've decided to let my creative spirits flow a bit; inspired by the old BBS news from X² and X³, I made up some stuff of my own, just purely for fun. Might make more. If I make enough, I might even create an X4 mod with these, just for flavor. (any similarities with real life events or people, living or dead, are pure coincidence.)

AP Argonia Surprisingly Returns to Argon Prime

After having disappeared with little explanation for parts unknown three mazuras ago, the AP Argonia has surprisingly returned today to the Argon Federation capital system of Argon Prime. Asked for comment during a relatively short layover at the local Shipyard, Captain Keyla Danna would only block press representatives with “no comment” or “that’s classified”.

Originally launched 14 jazuras after her predecessor, the Argon One, was decommissioned, Argonia’s stated mission as the first of the then-new Behemoth class was the protection of Argon Prime; this continued even after the re-stabilization of the Jumpgate network five jazuras ago. Seeing the ship disappear from its familiar patrol routes thus came as a shock to some, generating rumours that the ageing ship would be replaced, or that alternatively, border skirmishes against Argon interest were going worse than the public would be let known.

The Argon Prime Ministry of Local Space Defence representative, Tobee Dresen, was not available to comment on the nature of Argonia’s mission or the reason for her return at this time. The Ministry has scheduled a press conference in the coming wozura.

--Menika Danar, social matters correspondent, Galaxy Network

Argonia City spaceport blocked off by student movement

The student movement “Down With the Ancients” has gained further traction, culminating in today’s disruption of operations at Spaceport #2 in Argonia City of Argon Prime.

The collective of students hailing from various universities in Federation space are under the belief that influence of the Ancients upon sentient life should cease at once. Their wide-reaching demands include the dismantling of all Jumpgates and investment into research and development of alternative types of faster-than-light travel. Headed by Jo Lee-Silsarna, author of the “Call for Ultimate Independence of Sentient Life” manifesto, the group blocked off access to the largest space port in Argonia City through a type of raw, modified Teladianium mud, used as adhesive. Stuck to the gate grounds, only a special solvent developed by Lee-Silsarna in a lab could remove the mud again. Otherwise, the students – all volunteers – risked injury upon removal.

Amid mounting pressure, security forces risked injury to the students under article 31 of the Emergency Force Act of 771 NT, forcing them off. The students were delivered to the prison hospital ship AP Kelley; after treatment, they were detained aboard, pending bail.

Argon Prime sector Senator Dal Mettel was quick to comment: “These radical ideas are getting out of hand and are disrupting the peaceful way of life from within. What ideas are our teachers feeding to today’s students? Minister of Health and Education Keppel has been asked to look into this, but at this rate, more restructuring may be needed!”

Minister Keppel was not available for comment at the time of going to press.

--Menika Danar, social matters correspondent, Galaxy Network

Hatikvah Novas face Home of Light Tigers 7:6

The first match of the semi-finals of the Hardball Champions League finals between the Hatikvah Novas versus the Home of Light Tigers ended in a close 7:6 victory for the Novas. It was the first time the Novas qualified for the finals since the connection to Hatikvah’s Choice was established. The Home of Light Tigers, naturally, need no introduction, but just in case you just stumbled back to civilization from the fringes, let us remind you:

The original team from Home of Light got stranded, minus their coach, while touring Argon Prime forty jazuras ago when the Gates disconnected. They have kept the name alive and raised a new generation since, who had shown an eagerness ever since. Their tenacity matched the Novas’, but ultimately, a penalty shot by their star player Scot “M8” Mortell, decided that the Free League’s representatives advanced to the finals.

Asked for comment, Tigers Keeper Lian Myle had only to say, “we gave it our all, but have you ever tried to keep hold of a dumbfire missile in flight? That’s what it looks like when Mortell shoots.”

Novas Coach Kile Erris was naturally elated. “The mood is at an all-time high. Our guys know they’re good, but, hats off to my esteemed colleague, so are the Tigers. This was no failing on their part – we were evenly matched, and Scot won the flip to shoot the penalty.” Shaking hands with Tigers coach Tumulis Lotunis Rusiris V, he went on to say that the finals match will carry the spirit of the Tigers and Novas both.

The second semi-finals match is scheduled in three days, presenting the Black Hole Suns versus the Argon Primates. Catch it live on GalNet+! (available in real time only in Argon Prime and immediately gate-connected systems.)

--Yuyamados Yahondras Yahanis VI, sports correspondent, Galaxy Network

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Re: News From Around the Galaxy

Post by Terraner05 » Mon, 30. Oct 23, 09:13

Great News! Keep up the good work!

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Re: News From Around the Galaxy

Post by Herman2000 » Tue, 31. Oct 23, 01:04

Survey Team in Grand Exchange Gone Missing

A survey ship, the TU Seizestream, has been reported missing in the system Grand Exchange. The ship, a modified Pelican-class freighter, was last reported performing scheduled scientific studies on one identified anomaly in the Grand Exchange I sector.

A resident expert on such warp anomalies, Taimanckotsat, had this to say when asked: “The anomalies as observed in Grand Exchange possess a great repulsion factor. Only objects traversing the three-dimensionality above certain speed thresholds relative to their mass can hope to make use of their space-shifting properties at all. Of course, even the lesser creatures normally know better than to try such a thing if they are not sufficiently armed.” Taimanckotsat went on to explain that, while most recorded anomaly travel found its terminus somewhere in the now-known Gate network, there is no guarantee a pilot may end up in unknown space, or even the void between galaxies. “Or, worse, you end up in a known sector cut off from civilization. Would you wish to be stranded in a place such as, say, the lost Terran colony of DeVries, where there is nothing but rocks and solar radiation?”

Still, for a ship of the size of a Pelican-class freighter, penetrating the repulsory field of such an anomaly would normally take a deliberate effort of some sort. Dasinos Gutosos Gantelios VII the ship’s captain, has an impressive service record dating back 19 jazuras – certainly not the type for foolhardy ventures.

In any event, the fact remains that the ship has disappeared and her transponder has not been picked up in the observable galaxy so far. The Platinum Casino on the Grand Exchange capital city is presently accepting bets as to the whereabouts of the TU Seizestream. Investors may wish to consult their insurance contracts; the Trading Station in Grand Exchange has set up an emergency consultation office working for a modest fee, charged by the mizura.

--Yuyamados Gradias Yohulbus IV, Central Financial News

Developing Hostage Situation in Bright Promise

Today, at 08:00 station time, a production facility became the site of a diplomatic incident in the typically bustling system of Bright Promise. The as-yet publicly undisclosed station has one of its bars conquered by what authorities have identified as members of the Scale Plate Pact. What a group like this is doing causing such an incident so far away from home is, at present, uncertain. Officially, the closest thing to a representative from Silent Witness denounced the actions of the individuals here.

Involved in the hostage situation are eight Teladi citizens, four Argon and three Split (four in the original report, corrected to account for casualties since). Of the Argon, one of them was identified as the son of Argon Prime’s very own senator Dal Mettel, one Daron Mettel.

Ministry of Finance intervention forces are currently negotiating with the criminals. Traffic is at this point not impacted as halting it without sufficient justification would be an unnecessary strain on commerce.

Unconfirmed sources claim the hostage takers are demanding a ransom of 38 million credits, and a fully equipped Mammoth-class ship of Argon construction. Why they would want such a ship is unclear, however, and it cannot be ruled out that the interviewed parties may have taken in more space weed than they were equipped to handle.

Argon Prime’s Senator Mettel was not available for comment on the situation at the time of writing this article.

While traffic may yet not be impacted, smart traders may wish to circumvent the system of Bright Promise for the time being – there may yet be a chase happening for parts unknown, which could lead to unprofitable situations at the Gates.

--Yuyamados Gradias Yohulbus IV, Central Financial News

Research Facility in Memory of Profit Destroyed

A research facility established on the surface of a moon in Memory of Profit has been annihilated today under mysterious circumstances. Reportedly financed by the Ministry of Finances, Facility GTE-053 as it was officially listed, has ceased all communications. Ships further out in the system reported that long range scanners picked up a great deal of gravitational lensing coinciding with the cessation of signals.

Ministry ships were sent to investigate, and found the structure torn apart. Preliminary reports suggest it was not an outside attack – on-site witnesses claim the facility exploded from within with extreme force. Local rumours suggest that the facility may have been experimenting with old phased shock wave weapons technology. Others say they got their hands on experimental Xenon technology based on the old Xenon BMS type ship which self-destructed on forced activation.

The Ministry representative on-site, Zusilas Gogoeolos Yahanis II, was not willing to speculate, but promised a full investigation in the due course of time.

--Lalundas Hilibis Hurilis I, Central Financial News

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