Najia Takio - A gift to you all (Creative movie-style story gameplay in a pilot episode) - Now episode 2.

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Najia Takio - A gift to you all (Creative movie-style story gameplay in a pilot episode) - Now episode 2.

Post by Kessica » Mon, 7. Feb 22, 09:36

As per the subject, but most importantly, to Bernd and his team of devs, “who have given us a universe in which we can immerse ourselves, and influence, from the comfort of our armchair”.

Folks, I have created a movie style gameplay which features Najia Takio in the Project Genesis start. This episode gives Najia a back story which is very lore friendly, and fleshes out her complex character through hearing her thoughts and conversations with those she interacts with. She is quite naïve but doesn’t suffer fools gladly. Whilst at university, studying Quantum Mechanics, she published a paper on Quantum Tunneling, and it was this publication, that got her noticed.

This is a 45 minute Pilot Episode, which might seem a little long, however, it is full of interactions and background, and there are very few parts where just the background music is playing. The actual gameplay took around an hour, however I played it 5 or 6 times to get through it as fast as possible.

The production, including the additional dialogs, took about 2 weeks to get right, so a lot of work went into this by two producers. There are 4 video and 6 audio tracks that all combine to make this production. This work also contains, a few additional sound effects, some which are quite a low frequency, so try to ensure you listen on a good sound system. It was played and recorded at 4k Ultra, and later produced to 4k with TrueTheater Surround optimised for a living room.

The protagonist is orated by Emma, an old 32 bit voice, but the clearest one I have ever come across. Using ssml and x-sampa, I have been able to get Emma to display some emotions, such as sarcasm, wistfulness and anger. So please don’t think this is just a pure TTS, it is so much more. Hence the amount of time to produce this work. I have used TTS because my own voice doesn’t come across very well on YouTube, however I do feature in the bloopers as the director/producer.

The movie is split into chapters, so you can jump to various parts, but in doing so, you would miss something important to her background. If you already know the Project Genesis start then I suggest you skip the prologue, but might be worth listening to the intro as it is quite pertinent to the story, otherwise skip to the chapter “Feynman”. If you don’t know this gameplay start, then perhaps don’t watch it, as it may spoil your own start, however, COH has been out quite a while now, so everybody should know the plot from Egosoft's point of view. To get to the chapters on YouTube, simply expand the description to show more.

If you are interested in the music tracks that have been used, they are listed in the credits as not all have come from X4.

As with most movies, there are some bloopers and outtakes which can viewed separately.

On a final note, this is a pilot episode, in other words there may or may not be a full series, taking her into the Tides of Avarice after it's release. That will totally depend on the reception of this work. If you would like to see more of Najia and her story (which will contain lots of twists and turns), then please like and subscribe to this brand new channel. Subsequent episodes would probably be released perhaps once every two or three weeks, as they are quite demanding to make. But whether there are more, is entirely in your collective hands.

Enjoy, and thanks for reading.


PS: There are no mods for this playthrough and will remain vanilla throughout.

Alan Phipps
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Re: A gift to you all.

Post by Alan Phipps » Mon, 7. Feb 22, 10:41

It certainly looks a fine and entertaining effort and achievement. However, I think it and any discussion of it really belong in the Creative forum rather than in the gameplay forum. (We could leave a link thread in gameplay taking you to the actual thread.) What do you think? I also think the thread needs a more descriptive title as the current one could be thought suspicious by some.
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Re: A gift to you all.

Post by Kessica » Mon, 7. Feb 22, 10:53

Yes, please go ahead and do what you feel is right. Thanks for the compliments. To be honest, I wasnt sure where to post it, but knew that it would be corrected if I got it wrong. I was lost for words as for a title, but it was made as a gift to the devs etc for all their hard work over the last few strange years. Considering what the world has gone through, they have excelled with the up-coming DLC.


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Re: A gift to you all.

Post by Starlight_Corporation » Mon, 7. Feb 22, 12:15

Cheers for making this. It is fun to see it from an in character experience.

Alan Phipps
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Re: Najia Takio - A gift to you all (Creative movie-style story gameplay in a pilot episode).

Post by Alan Phipps » Mon, 7. Feb 22, 13:30

Thread moved across and title made more descriptive. :thumb_up:

(PS: The devs are watching with interest and enjoyment too!)
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Re: Najia Takio - A gift to you all (Creative movie-style story gameplay in a pilot episode).

Post by CBJ » Mon, 7. Feb 22, 17:01

That was a very entertaining watch. I look forward to seeing more of the story. :)

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Re: Najia Takio - A gift to you all (Creative movie-style story gameplay in a pilot episode).

Post by Ormac » Tue, 8. Feb 22, 06:01

Well done creating this.

I've just been creatively writing my adventure for the last four months and I'm still surprised how long it takes me after the session.
So seeing you do a 40 minute recorded episode is kind of jaw dropping.
It will be interesting seeing a variant playthrough of Project Genesis.
and I hope Najia's spacesuit experiences hasn't put her off.

-- Ormac

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Re: Najia Takio - A gift to you all (Creative movie-style story gameplay in a pilot episode).

Post by Kessica » Tue, 8. Feb 22, 10:31

@Alan - Many thanks for that, great subject line. I find that the older I get, the more senior moments occur and I get a total blockage when trying to think of the correct wording.

and I hope Najia's spacesuit experiences hasn't put her off.
Well, she overcame the fear right near the end, but although probably still gets anxious, not nearly as bad. Which is great for me, as creating the heartbeat sound fx, although its quite easy, getting very low frequency sounds to come out on Youtube is tricky.

Thanks for the compliments, I am glad folks are enjoying it. I might necro this thread in the future if there are further episodes, assuming that is ok.


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Re: Najia Takio - A gift to you all (Creative movie-style story gameplay in a pilot episode).

Post by Kessica » Mon, 7. Mar 22, 12:09

If you have a tin foil hat, now is the time to wear it.

Najia's story continues with the encounter of an enigmatic passenger, who forces Najia to question all she knew about her father.

As the pilot episode got way more views than I ever expected, (low by Youtube standards, and its very early days), S1.E2 is now up on Youtube. Its about 20 mins long, as all future episodes will be. There are a number of surprises in this short episode. The last chapter will surely capture your imagination. After viewing, if you think you know where this is going, you are wrong.

Enthralling episode with additional voice actors. Not to be missed. Enjoy!


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