[4.20] BUG - Mission guidance stopping early during Xenon Incursion

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Post by gapper4 » Fri, 27. Oct 17, 08:46

While I also find the campaign pretty basic, let's not forget that XRVR is Egosoft's first attempt at a VR game. I'm personally very happy to support this and, hopefully, what they're learning here will eventually help them make X4VR, which is the game we all want after all.

Also, if you really want the main campaign, the Vanilla Recall collection will let you play it, although it will break some aspects XRVR -- such as the secret crafting missions.

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Post by Bazza » Fri, 27. Oct 17, 10:13

I supported it by buying it. I posted feedback on the forums. i think I lived up to my side of the contract when it comes to Early Access. I enjoy the title for what it offers but lets face it, the main campaign is a bit of a joke tbh.

There is not likely to ever be an X4VR From what I have heard / read so my focus is on the title I already paid for.... XRVR. Exactly where egosofts focus is on the other hand is anyone's guess.

Having said that. Its a good game. It now runs well on my setup. The latest patch really gave me a great performance boost even though there was nothing directly obvious in the patch notes other than trimming down asteroid numbers. But it runs miles better even in zones with minimal asteroids for some reason. So the last patch was greatly appreciated. Not only that, it has plenty of atmosphere for me and I love flying around in the X-Universe in VR.

But... As per the topic of this thread... The main campaign may as well not exist because its just not worth the bother at this point. I would hope it would be fleshed out better, but I think this EA release is about bug fixes only...not really fleshing out or adding anything of any real substance to what we already have.... which for me is a bit disappointing especially in terms of main campaign.
Last edited by Bazza on Fri, 27. Oct 17, 10:40, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by X2-Illuminatus » Fri, 27. Oct 17, 10:37

Franc Kaos wrote:Funny thing is the original main campaign did all that you expected (and was a good story) and they ripped the entire thing out (whilst still charging full price for basically half the game).

This fact isn't mentioned anywhere (that I noticed) and you can easily burn thru the two hour refund period (I did) before realising.
XR VR Early Access FAQ wrote:14. What game content is in XR VR Edition?

XR VR Edition is based on Home of Light and also includes all gameplay features from The Teladi Outpost. So most features from the very latest X Rebirth should also be included in XR VR Edition. However, the game is designed to take full advantage of Virtual Reality and this means that we had to make a lot of changes also to gameplay elements. Here is a quick list of some of the more obvious differences:
- The universe was modified. This affects the density of stations, the highways and many other things.
- There is no external camera: XR VR Edition is always played from cockpit perspective or 1st person on platforms.
- Platform gameplay is reduced: While you can still leave your ship and walk around stations, the need for this is much reduced.
- New missions and tutorial
- The X Rebirth original plot is replaced by a tutorial to learn the game and a series of missions. The later storylines from X Rebirth 2.0, 3.0 and 4.0 including the addition of SETA, jumpdrive, weapon mods and much more are all included too.

Most importantly of course the whole UI is changed. As the launch trailer shows, the game can be controlled in a very unique way with VR controllers. See also the images in this gallery.
(Important part underlined.)
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Post by gapper4 » Fri, 27. Oct 17, 10:38

Bazza wrote:I supported it by buying it. I posted feedback on the forums. i think I lived up to my side of the contract when it comes to Early Access. I enjoy the title for what it offers but lets face it, the main campaign is a bit of a joke tbh.

There is not likely to ever be an X4VR From what I have heard / read so my focus is on the title I already paid for.... XRVR. Exactly where egosofts focus is on the other hand is anyone's guess.
Apologies, I didn't mean to imply that your criticism was unfair and I agree that the "campaign" in XRVR is, to say the least, short and rather flimsy (rebuild the Skunk, shoot some Xenon, and that's pretty much it). I'm also not happy with some things, beyond the poor story. There are lots of visual artifacts, the controls are a fairly basic port (point and click instead of using finger presses on buttons), and fleet management is quite awkward (although that's true of all X games, not just XRVR). Still, it's a good first attempt and we should encourage the devs to make it better.

Also, why I can't speak for Egosoft's plans, I think that X4VR will be made. Egosoft said that VR wouldn't make it at launch but they didn't exclude the possibility and VR in general is rapidly expanding. A bunch of new VR headsets have just hit the market, entry prices are tumbling, graphics cards are becoming more and more powerful (next year's Volta from NVidia should give another very significant boost to performance), and space games in VR are just such a natural match that I find it hard to believe that a major title like X4 wouldn't be ported.

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Post by Bazza » Fri, 27. Oct 17, 10:47

gapper4 wrote:
Bazza wrote:I supported it by buying it. I posted feedback on the forums. i think I lived up to my side of the contract when it comes to Early Access. I enjoy the title for what it offers but lets face it, the main campaign is a bit of a joke tbh.

There is not likely to ever be an X4VR From what I have heard / read so my focus is on the title I already paid for.... XRVR. Exactly where egosofts focus is on the other hand is anyone's guess.
Apologies, I didn't mean to imply that your criticism was unfair and I agree that the "campaign" in XRVR is, to say the least, short and rather flimsy (rebuild the Skunk, shoot some Xenon, and that's pretty much it). I'm also not happy with some things, beyond the poor story. There are lots of visual artifacts, the controls are a fairly basic port (point and click instead of using finger presses on buttons), and fleet management is quite awkward (although that's true of all X games, not just XRVR). Still, it's a good first attempt and we should encourage the devs to make it better.

Also, why I can't speak for Egosoft's plans, I think that X4VR will be made. Egosoft said that VR wouldn't make it at launch but they didn't exclude the possibility and VR in general is rapidly expanding. A bunch of new VR headsets have just hit the market, entry prices are tumbling, graphics cards are becoming more and more powerful (next year's Volta from NVidia should give another very significant boost to performance), and space games in VR are just such a natural match that I find it hard to believe that a major title like X4 wouldn't be ported.
Just so you know... I edited my post whilst you were posting although the essence is the same and no apologies necessary as I did not take any offence :)

I would love an X4VR but its going to be hard to make the content compatible. I don't think the engine is up to providing the same rich content for both pancake and VR versions and I doubt they'd want to support 2 different content versions simultaneously. Just look at XRVR as an example. It has been very much cut down from the vanilla XR for assumedly performance reasons, so based on that alone, I find an X4VR highly unlikely.
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Franc Kaos
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Post by Franc Kaos » Fri, 27. Oct 17, 18:22

- The X Rebirth original plot is replaced by a tutorial to learn the game and a series of missions. The later storylines from X Rebirth 2.0, 3.0 and 4.0 including the addition of SETA, jumpdrive, weapon mods and much more are all included too.
Fair comment, I missed that. I didn't mean to come across as crotchety but best laid plans of mice and men I guess. :/
Having said that. Its a good game. It now runs well on my setup. The latest patch...
Also, if you really want the main campaign, the Vanilla Recall collection will let you play it
Nice one, not played for a while and forgot about the mod, will maybe try again.

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Post by X2-Illuminatus » Fri, 27. Oct 17, 18:25

Be aware that the Vanilla Recall collection reintroduces the original X Rebirth map, which causes problems with some of the missions. See also Lothari's post here.
Nun verfügbar! X3: Farnham's Legacy - Ein neues Kapitel für einen alten Favoriten

Die komplette X-Roman-Reihe jetzt als Kindle E-Books! (Farnhams Legende, Nopileos, X3: Yoshiko, X3: Hüter der Tore, X3: Wächter der Erde)

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Post by gapper4 » Sat, 28. Oct 17, 06:31

Bazza wrote:
gapper4 wrote:
Bazza wrote:I supported it by buying it. I posted feedback on the forums. i think I lived up to my side of the contract when it comes to Early Access. I enjoy the title for what it offers but lets face it, the main campaign is a bit of a joke tbh.

There is not likely to ever be an X4VR From what I have heard / read so my focus is on the title I already paid for.... XRVR. Exactly where egosofts focus is on the other hand is anyone's guess.
Apologies, I didn't mean to imply that your criticism was unfair and I agree that the "campaign" in XRVR is, to say the least, short and rather flimsy (rebuild the Skunk, shoot some Xenon, and that's pretty much it). I'm also not happy with some things, beyond the poor story. There are lots of visual artifacts, the controls are a fairly basic port (point and click instead of using finger presses on buttons), and fleet management is quite awkward (although that's true of all X games, not just XRVR). Still, it's a good first attempt and we should encourage the devs to make it better.

Also, why I can't speak for Egosoft's plans, I think that X4VR will be made. Egosoft said that VR wouldn't make it at launch but they didn't exclude the possibility and VR in general is rapidly expanding. A bunch of new VR headsets have just hit the market, entry prices are tumbling, graphics cards are becoming more and more powerful (next year's Volta from NVidia should give another very significant boost to performance), and space games in VR are just such a natural match that I find it hard to believe that a major title like X4 wouldn't be ported.
Just so you know... I edited my post whilst you were posting although the essence is the same and no apologies necessary as I did not take any offence :)

I would love an X4VR but its going to be hard to make the content compatible. I don't think the engine is up to providing the same rich content for both pancake and VR versions and I doubt they'd want to support 2 different content versions simultaneously. Just look at XRVR as an example. It has been very much cut down from the vanilla XR for assumedly performance reasons, so based on that alone, I find an X4VR highly unlikely.
Well, I'll only buy the VR version, if they make it. After hundreds of hours in Elite Dangerous and now well over 120 in XRVR, there's no way I'm going back to playing a major space sim on a flat screen. Simple as that. It's not possible for me...

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Post by Bazza » Tue, 31. Oct 17, 07:53

Well I have now had another 2 "Escort Pride of Albion" and 3 "Last known patrol location" missions. Will this ever end. Its getting monotonous. Is there something I am missing? Am I failing to do something that triggers the campaign to move on? How many more of these very repetitive missions am I likely to endure? Has anyone got past this in the vanilla XRVR campaign?
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Post by gapper4 » Tue, 31. Oct 17, 08:29

Bazza wrote:Well I have now had another 2 "Escort Pride of Albion" and 3 "Last known patrol location" missions. Will this ever end. Its getting monotonous. Is there something I am missing? Am I failing to do something that triggers the campaign to move on? How many more of these very repetitive missions am I likely to endure? Has anyone got past this in the vanilla XRVR campaign?
Well, I managed to progress -- sorta. I got a mission (after many, many escort and last known patrol locations missions) to board a Xenon I. Things were going well. I managed to board the I, "capture it", and then my Marines escaped in their pods. The next stage of the mission was to recover my Marines safely. Now, I have no idea how to do this. There was no obvious command. They were just following me. I led them away from the I, and we just sat there in space until I got the "mission accomplished" message. BUT. All my marines and my Marine commander were gone ! No way I was losing a 5-Star commander, 11 Elites and 39 Veteran Marines. So I reloaded, tried again, and same thing happened. I reloaded again and ignored the mission. My Marines are too precious to waste.

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Post by Sharck » Mon, 4. Dec 17, 00:12

I have finished this mission and since nothing! more mission ....
Is this a bug? Or did I miss something?

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Post by Ringo7 » Wed, 3. Jan 18, 17:30

gapper4 wrote:
Bazza wrote:Well I have now had another 2 "Escort Pride of Albion" and 3 "Last known patrol location" missions. Will this ever end. Its getting monotonous. Is there something I am missing? Am I failing to do something that triggers the campaign to move on? How many more of these very repetitive missions am I likely to endure? Has anyone got past this in the vanilla XRVR campaign?
Well, I managed to progress -- sorta. I got a mission (after many, many escort and last known patrol locations missions) to board a Xenon I. Things were going well. I managed to board the I, "capture it", and then my Marines escaped in their pods. The next stage of the mission was to recover my Marines safely. Now, I have no idea how to do this. There was no obvious command. They were just following me. I led them away from the I, and we just sat there in space until I got the "mission accomplished" message. BUT. All my marines and my Marine commander were gone ! No way I was losing a 5-Star commander, 11 Elites and 39 Veteran Marines. So I reloaded, tried again, and same thing happened. I reloaded again and ignored the mission. My Marines are too precious to waste.
I am also stuck in the "Last known patrol location" loop with the xenon swarms, like 12 times now. Stuck in a loop. Keeps wanting me to repeat that mission even after I get the mission accomplished message after every time. Just ignoring the mission now and moving on to other stuff.

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Post by profanicus » Fri, 5. Jan 18, 21:39

Weird, I got about 4 of them I think, until you find the Xenon cap ship and damage it enough so it escapes. Then the 5th time was a tutorial about getting marines, taking out its defences, and boarding it, which I completed (my marines also failed to come home and were killed, like previous poster).

After I finished that mission I found I now owned some big freighter along with the container ship you get earlier.

But that's it so far - no more story missions after that yet. There are still tutorials I see in the menu so I was wondering if I were meant to get more?

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Bug in CampaignQuest - Stuck Completly

Post by TheCherry » Fri, 14. Sep 18, 03:18


es gibt noch immer diesen Bug: <Merged. Alan Phipps>
Ich habe zum glück noch ein Autosave vor der Mission, um es noch mal zu versuchen, aber das man komplett Stuckt in der Main Quest ist schon sehr ärgerlich.

Wie ist es bei mir zum Bug gekommen?

Nachdem ich die Xenon besiegt habe, erzählte mir die Dame das Sie auf Infos wartet und es wurde automatisch eine andere Nebenmission ausgewählt, das habe ich nicht bemerkt und bin zum Ziel geflogen. Als ich merkte das es eine andere Mission ist, habe ich wieder zur Hauptquest gewechselt.



There is still this bug:

Fortunately, I still have an autosave before the mission to try again, but completing the main quest in the main quest is very annoying.

How did I get to the bug?

After I defeated the xenon, the lady told me that she was waiting for information and another side mission was automatically selected, which I did not notice and flew to the destination. When I realized that it was another mission, I switched again to the main quest.

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Same mission over and over - Xenon Incursion

Post by Razorbeast » Sun, 21. Oct 18, 18:33


I have done the plot mission Xenon incursion / Xenon Buildup plot mission about 8 times now and I have got the "mission complete" message each time. I would really like to move on with the plot. Is this supposed to be a one-time mission or is it supposed to be one where I do it until I get a particular item? I even knocked out a Xenon I (with help) and thought that that might be the final mission, but no, still getting the same mission in the mission list.

If anyone could tell me how to progress, I would be very grateful.



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Re: [4.20] BUG - Mission guidance stopping early during Xenon Incursion

Post by Razorbeast » Sun, 21. Oct 18, 21:26

I am also stuck in a never-ending loop of Xenon fights.

Is it necessary for this mission to complete in order to get reinforced metal plating? I am trying to build a station but it needs the plating and I cannot find any anywhere. I've had a pretty good explore into OL and DV as well as the main regions and nowhere has any.

I wouldn't say that I'm happy to abandon the main plot, but if I can carry on without it then I will if that's all there is to do.

Likewise, is it a plot thing that is stopping me from upgrading my trade software? Any time I go to buy better software the option is greyed out (I have enough cash). There are, in my opinion, far too many greyed-out boxes with no explanation as to why they are greyed out.

I saw it mentioned earlier in this thread about the Xenon cap ship that needed to be boarded. I encountered a Xenon I in one of the missions and was told that we didn't have the firepower to deal with it. Well, I blew it to smeggeroo. I hope this isn't going to further complicate things.


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Re: [4.20] BUG - Mission guidance stopping early during Xenon Incursion

Post by bitvoid » Mon, 22. Oct 18, 09:23

Razorbeast wrote:
Sun, 21. Oct 18, 21:26
I am also stuck in a never-ending loop of Xenon fights.
It's been a while since I did that mission but after the fight with the I the mission chain should complete fairly soon(ish). I remember that during those missions I thought multiple times that it was stuck but in the end I was able to complete it.
Razorbeast wrote:
Sun, 21. Oct 18, 21:26
Is it necessary for this mission to complete in order to get reinforced metal plating? I am trying to build a station but it needs the plating and I cannot find any anywhere. I've had a pretty good explore into OL and DV as well as the main regions and nowhere has any.

I wouldn't say that I'm happy to abandon the main plot, but if I can carry on without it then I will if that's all there is to do.
Access to RMP shouldn't be tied to the plot in any way. It's just that with the very much reduced number of stations in the VR edition, there is barely any production of them. You'd be wise to start work on producing them yourself ASAP. As I remember there were only 3 stations producing RMP as a primary product and 2-3 more that produce it as an intermediate product, so supply levels are abysmal. Make sure you have a free freighter available to buy up all RMP offers that you see immediately (they will likely only be available for a couple of seconds) and use them to build your own Construction Shop. Once you have that one it gets a little easier.
Razorbeast wrote:
Sun, 21. Oct 18, 21:26
Likewise, is it a plot thing that is stopping me from upgrading my trade software? Any time I go to buy better software the option is greyed out (I have enough cash). There are, in my opinion, far too many greyed-out boxes with no explanation as to why they are greyed out.
I remember there was a problem with the campaign start where some unlocks never happened. When I was playing that one I was actually at some point going through all the mission scripts to see if it's supposed to unlock at any point but didn't find any triggers for it. So I was stuck without any upgrades to my main weapons and also some of the factions were never introduced so they were showing as "??" for the whole time. A little while later I abandoned that save and started a "Free Play" game which has everything unlocked from the start.

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Re: [4.20] BUG - Mission guidance stopping early during Xenon Incursion

Post by Razorbeast » Mon, 22. Oct 18, 21:15


Thanks for that. I will keep plugging away at the plot missions.

T'he whole RMP things sounds like a real pain - I have to get RMP in order to make a station to make RMP. I'll keep an eye out for it. My main aim at the moment is to get a trade agent in every station. Hopefully, that will maximise my chances.



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Post by Mavo Pi » Tue, 23. Oct 18, 08:42

X2-Illuminatus wrote:
Fri, 27. Oct 17, 18:25
Be aware that the Vanilla Recall collection reintroduces the original X Rebirth map, which causes problems with some of the missions. See also Lothari's post here.
In the mod thread there is a link to a md script in the steam forums that fixes the crafting mission. I have completed all of the crafting missions with the vanilla mod by now but sometimes I had to edit my savegame because the person I had to speak with was not spawned on the plattform (was number 4 on the list). My workaround was to edit my savegame so I was able to speak with them remotely without docking.

Edit: Just saw the post was a bit old :roll:

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Re: [4.20] BUG - Mission guidance stopping early during Xenon Incursion

Post by Razorbeast » Sun, 28. Oct 18, 16:27

I think I've run out of patience with this situation now. I'm going to wait until X4 is released and moan about its bugs instead.

The Xenon missions seem to have come to an end - I had one where a Xenon I had arrived but I got a message telling me that the mission had failed before I even got there (and I wasn't hanging about).

Broken missions and no resources to build my space station have finally worn me down.

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