[script] Improved Kha'ak 1.1: Updated June 10, 2008

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Post by ezra-r » Fri, 27. Jun 08, 16:16

in my setup I have P2P disabled since most of sectors taken by the khaak are guarded by 5-6 Destroyers and I want to have a chance against them with tactics.

I also disabled suicidal scouts but Iill give it a try to see if its balanced for my style of game.

Also, about bounties.. I was thinking of installing LV improved payout for kills for that and set it to normal payout so I get the usual payout but I also get payout killing ships in enemy sectors, that way you woudnt have to worry about payouts in your script.

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Post by Firgof Umbra » Fri, 27. Jun 08, 21:08

I assume that, when installed, the Improved Kha'ak script gives you a message which allows you to set the difficulty levels described in the original post?

If so then I am not being sent that message. If it matters I am currently starting up a new game on Broke Assassin and have the following mods and scripts installed:

XTM 0.7a [mod]
Improved Kha'ak (1.1)
Improved Xenon (0.95)
Race Response Fleets Final (1.7a)
Yaki Armada (1.09)

Also, I do not see any new entries in the AL Plugins; leading me to believe that, despite using the SPK to install these scripts, something is causing them to function improperly.

Would anyone have any advice?

(Also of potential relevance: I similarly do not get any options or messages with Race Response Fleets; I may install Xenon Migration to see if it will send me any messages. Strangely, though, the Extended Communications AL Plugin is showing up and working properly.)

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Post by supakillaii » Fri, 27. Jun 08, 22:48

Holy crab-apple Pies!

...it's teh only thing I can think of....
(aka. it's superbulously [if that's no a word, it should be] awesome!)

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Re: Configuration?

Post by ezra-r » Fri, 27. Jun 08, 23:21

Firgof Umbra wrote:I assume that, when installed, the Improved Kha'ak script gives you a message which allows you to set the difficulty levels described in the original post?

If so then I am not being sent that message. If it matters I am currently starting up a new game on Broke Assassin and have the following mods and scripts installed:

XTM 0.7a [mod]
Improved Kha'ak (1.1)
Improved Xenon (0.95)
Race Response Fleets Final (1.7a)
Yaki Armada (1.09)

Also, I do not see any new entries in the AL Plugins; leading me to believe that, despite using the SPK to install these scripts, something is causing them to function improperly.

Would anyone have any advice?

(Also of potential relevance: I similarly do not get any options or messages with Race Response Fleets; I may install Xenon Migration to see if it will send me any messages. Strangely, though, the Extended Communications AL Plugin is showing up and working properly.)
All the options you need to configure this script are in the AI Menu Options.

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Post by Firgof Umbra » Sat, 28. Jun 08, 01:59

Reinstalled the game fresh, nothing other than the EMP and Improved Kha'ak.

No listings in the Plugins.

And where's this AI configuration you're speaking of? The AL Plugin ("Artificial Life") configuration menu is the only one which I presumed would be used.

I also checked my ship commands and extra commands just to be sure.

Do note: Not even a manual installation via the ZIP file, along with the activated SPK file, adds any functions to the Artificial Life settings menu.

Are we sure this is compatible with the latest patch? (It prompted me to overwrite -many- a file in the scripts directory with older-dated files)

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Post by Firgof Umbra » Sat, 28. Jun 08, 04:54

Hey, I have the 2.5 patch applied, as opposed to

Could this be the reason why the script isn't working? I figured that it supported the newest version as it was 'updated June 10'?

Edit: I manually initialized the IK plugin to force it to show up in the AL Plugins menu. However, several of the options fail to initialize when I attempt to enable them and immediately become 'Readtext'ed.

Yet I'm not missing any files as this would be the fourth time I have installed it and manually activated it. Other than the EMP, what in the world am I missing? O.o;
Last edited by Firgof Umbra on Sat, 28. Jun 08, 05:23, edited 1 time in total.

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Bug Report

Post by Firgof Umbra » Sat, 28. Jun 08, 05:21

Alright, a thorough report.

Here's what I did, and the resulting effect:

- Started new game
- Attempted to open the Script Editor, wasn't available
- Went to main bar (esc) and selected Gameplay, then looked for AL settings (they weren't there, obviously)
- Renamed pilot to 'Thereshallbewings'
- Went to main bar and checked the AL settings, which had no plug-ins.
- Opened the Script Editor and ran the IK initialization/registration script.
- Checked the main bar/Gameplay/AL Settings and found new plugins registered.
- Turned on the Handler.Core:
"Installed" - Option became "ReadText 8972-1", remained ON.
- Attempted to turn on the Handler.Difficulty script:
Option became "ReadText 8972-062" and reset itself to OFF.
- Attempted to activate Handler.invasion:
"Not Available" - Option became "ReadText 8972-82", remained off.
- Moments later, Handler.invasion sent me a message to my log which read: ReadText 8972-302

There's my debugging log. I hope somebody can figure this out.

From the looks of it, the initializer is failing to execute and for some reason all of the plug-ins are not correctly registering, pointing to, the system as they turn into ReadText entries when changed. As the difficulty plug-in won't initialize I assume that the Core isn't reporting correctly or it cannot initialize until some other plug-in reports.

But that's just my non-programmer viewpoint. Has anyone had similar circumstances with this script?

In the meanwhile, I'm going to re-re-re-re-re-install the EMP; just to be extra extra extra extra extra sure that I installed it correctly.

Edit: Problem resolved. For some reason, the Plugin Manager cannot properly install a script when the script was opened on download on my system. It's a strange issue, but it works fine now.

Haven't seen any fruits yet, but I'm sure I will with it being set to Insane on both Improved Kha'ak and Improved Xenon.

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Post by ezra-r » Sat, 28. Jun 08, 22:27

Is it possible Improved Khaak is incompatible with Improved Xenon in any way? or with New Horizons Mod in any way?

Im also getting the.. when SETA some ships stop and sometimes even mine when on autopilot.

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Post by Daishi13 » Thu, 17. Jul 08, 16:16

i have also "readtext" in the AL-menu and in the messages send to me.
im playing XTM and the EMP is already installed with XTM and i dont know what i have 2 do... i just want 2 have a more challenging game :evil:
Thanks and greeeetz Daishi
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Post by nexus47 » Wed, 6. Aug 08, 04:19

I am having trouble with this script, I have activated the core and increased difficulty to hard and have now been playing for sometime but the only secotr to fall to the Khaak is the one next to their Unknown enemy sector, Kao's Mistake I think it is, not sure.

When activating the mod in AL settings I can activate everything except invasion that tells me via PM its not available because the Khaak are hostile to me, tried starting new games but in every scenario the Khaak are always hostile...

Is this the script line that gets the Khaak to attack other sectors or is it redundant and if it is the one to run it why is it set so it can't be activated?

Any help would be appreciated.
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Post by Algoran » Wed, 6. Aug 08, 04:38

I think you're talking about the option thats for when you play as a khaak with the khaak start, when the khaak are friendly to you. What it does is make them start swarming in the sector you're in, to help you in your evil invasion :D So no you dont need that on.

As for them being slow, i think they take a little while to wind up perhaps, but im sure you'll be eating your words if you wait for awhile longer :p I started up improved khaak again a while ago, nothing much happend for awhile except annoying cluster swarms. But just now i've found 2 sectors totally infested with khaak capships, and neither my fleet nor that of RRF will be sufficient to exterminate them as matters stand. A scary sight i can tell you :D

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Post by nexus47 » Wed, 6. Aug 08, 05:03

LMAO I'll play for a while longer and see what happens, I think I'm happy you said that although I wonder what my border patrols will say when several destoryers and carriers jump in lol.

Oh well Down with the Kha'ak!!!

Thanks for the help Algeran
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Post by milp » Thu, 7. Aug 08, 19:59

Hm i have a problem:

I activated this script together with RRF and set the difficulty to Inase, the RRF difficulty to Light. I thought this would produce an interesting war since the extremely strong RRF fleet and the extremely strong Khaak fleet would fight a war, but it has gone wrong, VERY WRONG.

The khaak overran the whole universe within a few hours of play, the RRF fleets didnt stand a chance.

Now im asking:

Having RRF set on light, which difficulty should i choose in the script, so the khaak and the RRF fleets will fight a huge and dangerous war, but without the Khaak taking over the universe in no time?

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Post by jordan kirwan » Thu, 7. Aug 08, 20:59

damn the kha'ak are my neighbors they control grand exchange right down to the first unknown sector by malestrom i control the second unknown sector but the khaak have made no attempt to take it
i went in to explore it i so far seen 30 destroyers and 6 carriers :doh: :khaak: :headbang: i only have enough e-cells to get to malestrom :doh: :| anybody got advice on how to get out ALIVE
this script is sick..................i like it :twisted:
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Post by (----____JEFF____----) » Thu, 7. Aug 08, 21:39

milp wrote:Hm i have a problem:

I activated this script together with RRF and set the difficulty to Inase, the RRF difficulty to Light. I thought this would produce an interesting war since the extremely strong RRF fleet and the extremely strong Khaak fleet would fight a war, but it has gone wrong, VERY WRONG.

The khaak overran the whole universe within a few hours of play, the RRF fleets didnt stand a chance.

Now im asking:

Having RRF set on light, which difficulty should i choose in the script, so the khaak and the RRF fleets will fight a huge and dangerous war, but without the Khaak taking over the universe in no time?
From what I've read they can't be stopped :twisted: What you could do is turn off the sector take over part in the AL options, I also believe that "balanced" is the best for RRF. But like I said "balanced" is not enough to stop the khaak from over running the universe, it's your job from now on to keep them in check ;)

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Post by NOO3TASTIC » Wed, 20. Aug 08, 16:34

I need some help...

Sometimes randomly when I dock into a station or via incoming message I will receive Readtext8972-204.
I took a look in T files. command 204 is missing in file 348972. I think that is causing it. I already reinstalled my game couple of times but it doesn't get fixed.

Any help is appreciated.

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Post by Andraxxus » Wed, 20. Aug 08, 22:26

umm... I was using an older version (0.8 if I remember correctly) and updated to 1.1 two days ago, set it to insane setting. The first thing I've noticed is that there are far fewer capital ships and ships are jumping less often. Does it suppose to happen?? I ask becouse it says insane level is even harder than 0.7.1
On the bright side I started to win for a change and I think I have found a bug. After taking back the split sectors one by one, I jumped into sector (XTM) "Light of Hope" which was originally an unclaimed sector. I defeated the khaak and destroyed the station but the ownership didnt returned to unclaimed but khaak continued to own the sector, I did the same thing at the sector lies west of the xenon 534, which is also unclaimed, and nothing happened.
Is there a possibility that the script fails to change ownership to original one if the sector is unclaimed?

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Post by NOO3TASTIC » Fri, 22. Aug 08, 08:40

Andraxxus wrote:umm... I was using an older version (0.8 if I remember correctly) and updated to 1.1 two days ago, set it to insane setting. The first thing I've noticed is that there are far fewer capital ships and ships are jumping less often. Does it suppose to happen?? I ask becouse it says insane level is even harder than 0.7.1
On the bright side I started to win for a change and I think I have found a bug. After taking back the split sectors one by one, I jumped into sector (XTM) "Light of Hope" which was originally an unclaimed sector. I defeated the khaak and destroyed the station but the ownership didnt returned to unclaimed but khaak continued to own the sector, I did the same thing at the sector lies west of the xenon 534, which is also unclaimed, and nothing happened.
Is there a possibility that the script fails to change ownership to original one if the sector is unclaimed?
I am facing a similar problem. Unknown sectors won't change ownership back to the original "unknown race" once Kha'ak forces or stations are destroyed from that sector. I will try to put a trading station in that sector to claim it as my own and just for checking that ownership goes back or not I will self-destruct it or put a $ sign. I will post my findings later.

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Post by StealthElement » Tue, 16. Sep 08, 22:47

This scipt is ace and sick and 27 other words for win.

HOWEVER, I do have a problem, when I have the Sector Takeover portion of the script running, and I go into the Sector Map View, I cannot select the sector which is in khaak hands. The map skips over it. I don't know whether this is an issue related to vanilla X3 but it makes things difficult and annoying.

I have to say though it really spices up the universe.. trade is murder when there're 4 khaak destroyers, a station, and enough fighters to eat my m3 like a snackbar in President's End. :o

Keep up the beautiful (read scary) work and roll on bounty rewards :wink:

EDIT - Tested it and it's a vanilla problem not your script. If you could find a way to override it though, that'd make this script perfect in my book! :D
Last edited by StealthElement on Wed, 17. Sep 08, 02:56, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by shilhi » Tue, 16. Sep 08, 23:23

OMFG! You have just given me a reason to reinstall X3 reunion. :o

I read the first page and I was like, "There is no damn way im gonna loose this! I must download it NAAAOOOWWW!!"

As soon as I install it, im going to install your kickass script.
If I could rate it i'd give it a 100/10. :D

Good job, good job. Especially on the Kha'ak custom start. Always wanted to join the Kha'ak and take over the universe. :twisted:

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