[SCRIPT] Bail Signal Extension: Higher Chance & Big Ship Bailing 2.1 (8/18/07)

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Captian Connor Greer
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Post by Captian Connor Greer » Mon, 9. Jun 08, 10:47

hassisin wrote:yes you're right i posted wrong. anyway i don't want to stop this but add a touch of realism it would be nice for example to see a squadron of pirate ships escorting they're capture back to base
i never knew that pirates capped shipa i just thought it was Player that capped ships.

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Post by eladan » Mon, 9. Jun 08, 11:39

Captian Connor Greer wrote:i never knew that pirates capped shipa
They don't in vanilla. There may be scripts or mods which allow them to. I think I've heard that AI competitors is one that does, though I don't know if the code in that script affects pirates.

:EDIT: Ah. BSE. I didn't read that too well.

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Post by hassisin » Mon, 9. Jun 08, 17:11

the bail ship extension allows npc against npc bailling so it is possible for a ship fighting yaki lets say to bail. the question was if there was a way to make those yaki/pirates claim their spoils. of course that shouldn't apply for the xenon. maybe for the khaak as they may want to make some research:-?. also the xenon should kill the astronauts, you know filthy carbon based being:D.

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Post by surefire_ven0m » Mon, 9. Jun 08, 17:35

Hi guys read a lot about this script but can't find anything on known conflicts with other scripts....

so does this mean there are no conflicts with other scripts?

And also which slots does this script use?

Thanks, hope the answer to the first one is no as i will be able to test this out once i get home :D

May make my life as a pirate easier....however i'm glad theres options for this script as i don't want hundreds of unclaimed ships raping my PC performance :P
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Post by hassisin » Thu, 12. Jun 08, 18:49

is it possible to incorporate the station capture feature from the unicap script into bail system extension?

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Post by Jakesnake5 » Fri, 13. Jun 08, 06:48

Unicap violates several rules. One, is never take over a station the GOD engine will try to replace.

There has been some complaint about Unicap costing people rep, and a station, when GOD spawns a new station right where the 'captured' one is.

Sorry, a feature like that is just not too bright.
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The Black Duke
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Post by The Black Duke » Sat, 14. Jun 08, 20:49

im runing the bail signal extention and iv run into a problem the script keeps msging me that its stoped because of an infanite loop on object null any help here?

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Post by hassisin » Sat, 14. Jun 08, 22:20

oh if this causes problems to the game then i don't want it anymore. it would be interesting to capture stations as i don't think that all those people will just stay on a dying station.

Mr G
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Post by Mr G » Thu, 19. Jun 08, 01:24

I dont know about anyone else but has anyone else seen RRF ships bail?? itd be great if they'd bail, add a bit of diversity to the claims, even tho it wouldnt be very realistic - being proper military 'fight to the death' crews.

lol! one of the odd things i found with this script is it sometimes is affected by the Race Response Fleets script when running as only 1 of a few scripts, but curiously if using a whole load of scripts it seems perfectly fine to work along side RRF! :)

i thought that was quite quirky tbh!

tho personally i like to set up my BSE to something very realistic...
for fighters - high explosion rate but low setting for bailing and high equipment damage.
for cap ships - extremely high explosion rate(95% - self destruct) and moderate bailing rate - plus with xtm on, cap ship explosion damage!

as a little idea for a feature for a new release... if you could set bail rates different for individual races, ie... teladi bail higher than split or paranid, pirates use a random bail percentage etc... thatd be awesome! maybe not as user defined but something u guys could test to come to some kind of balance...

... or am i being dumb n not thinking that the moral value comes into play with BSE??

anyway guys, awesome script n id recommend it to anyone!

ohh and another thing.. has anyone experienced this before?? -

in the middle of a firefight between cap ships 'cannoning' each other to death... making sweeping runs of the bow or stern etc... then suddenly the ship bails... changes position (ideally moving away from incoming PPC fire; but suddenly your ships shields are gone, along with 3/4 of ur hull too... requiring u to limp to a shipyard cursing along the way...


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Post by jumbled » Tue, 1. Jul 08, 04:52

I have a problem which I can only guess is a symptom of BSE's bail script.

I have been trying to use the Salvage Claim Software by Cycrow, which is a good thing to have so I can actually claim some of these larger ships that ocasionally bail. The problem is I'd also like to use it OOS since I can't keep jumping all over the galaxy for every ship I want to pick up. This, in itself wouldn't be a problem (and certainly not your problem), except for one detail.....

The SCS command has several checks in it to make sure you only claim a true derelict, one of which is to check the speed is currently at 0. Running the command IS is no problem, but running it OOS is a problem.

It seems that when a check is done to see what the current speed on the ship is set to, it pulls up the last known speed before the pilot bailed. Even though the ship is not actually moving, it's running its engine at full throttle, which is showing up as a false positive on the script check "$s -> get current speed"

Anything you can do about this?

Another little problem I've been noticing lately is I'm picking up a lot of Xenon P Raiders in Scale Plate Green, which is fine, but they have 0 hull points. I'm wondering what's holding them together, their own gravity? :D

Northern Comfort
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Post by Northern Comfort » Thu, 10. Jul 08, 22:15

I saw it mentioned once, and i don't think an explanation was given-no matter what i set explosion rate to (anywhere from 250 to 1), 99% of non-cap ships seem to go boom as soon as their shields come down-tested it with AHEPTs/AIREs on pirate novas/buzzards-soon as i get one or 2 hits on the hull, the ships go boom :(

X3 latest version
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Cycrow's Salvage Claim Soft
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Post by Meltdown » Tue, 15. Jul 08, 17:08

I've installed this script because the stock bailing settings are too strict and not realistic enough, IMO. If I'm a pirate in a Buzzard and a big angry Xenon LX has just stripped my shields in two seconds I'm bailing no matter what. I find it rather silly that so many pilots are willing to die for the sole reason that they find it hard to swallow their pride.

However, I'm having an issue. Even when I set the difficulty to only 1X, most pilots bail well under half of their hull. I set bail chance to 100% and explosion to 1% to test the script, then went in a pirate sector and got trigger-happy. The result: of twenty capped ships one had its hull at 60%, one at 37% and all others were considerably more damaged, rarely at better than 20% hull.

This is far more damage than they usually endure in the stock game when they do bail, and it causes much loss of profitsssss.

Is this how the script is supposed to work? Cause if it is, it makes it rather useless... I get more profits out of a single capped ship in the stock game than out of five with BSE installed, and at that point I might as well not bother with the script and just cap them the bad old-fashioned way.

On a side note, I have nothing against the ships changing position when they bail. It's not particularly realistic, but I've damaged/blown enough surrendered ships in the stock game to like it that they no longer stay in the line of fire after they bail.
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Post by jumbled » Thu, 17. Jul 08, 04:37

Meltdown wrote:The result: of twenty capped ships one had its hull at 60%, one at 37% and all others were considerably more damaged, rarely at better than 20% hull.

This is far more damage than they usually endure in the stock game when they do bail, and it causes much loss of profitsssss.
Realisticly, I don't see a problem with this...after all, the ship is free to you, regardess of how much damage it has on it. Anything after that is money in your pocket, and you're likely to get a lot more ships with BSE than without, especially if you use a salvage add-on to tell you of abandoned ships across the universe and a claim system (like Cycrow's SCS) to pick them up. I can't tell you how many huge TS's I've picked up this way, and they normally cost me a couple mil to buy and equip normally. I've also found M3+'s that I either reversed in my PHQ (and now build my own), or repair and use, saving me millions in purchase costs, and I have a small fleet of Xenon P Raiders flying around now. So it does pay, if you keep your eyes open for opportunities.

But getting back to realism, a ship is an investment for the owner. Would you leave your car on the side of the road if it only had a scratch in the paint or a minor dent in a fender? Probably not. Would you walk away if the whole front end was smashed in? I can't see anything else you could do in that case. The pilots of these ships try to hang on as long as possible and only bail if the ship is a total loss.
Meltdown wrote:On a side note, I have nothing against the ships changing position when they bail. It's not particularly realistic, but I've damaged/blown enough surrendered ships in the stock game to like it that they no longer stay in the line of fire after they bail.
I agree with this. Especially on big ships. They bail without warning, and I'm still shooting at them. So get them out of the way of incoming fire so they don't die on me before I can claim them. Even the stock bail is a bit useless for this point. In the time the guy radios me telling me he's going to bail, my turrets kill him in mid-sentence, so I lose it anyway. Big ships are worse, because they make bigger targets with more incoming fire directed at them. If they bail, they often have a huge trail of something coming in to finish them off.

Just attrribute it to "drift" now that the engines are shut down and the ship is free-floating. ;)

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Post by Meltdown » Thu, 17. Jul 08, 16:18

jumbled wrote:But getting back to realism, a ship is an investment for the owner. Would you leave your car on the side of the road if it only had a scratch in the paint or a minor dent in a fender?
If someone with a heavy machine gun was peppering it full of holes, then hell yeah I'd leave it on the side of the road...

My point is that the pilots should know when they are facing impossible odds. If I'm in a M3 and he's in a M3, and we're taking potshots at each other's shields, and I finally manage to strip them, then yeah, it makes sense that he'd want to keep fighting even if I've momentarily gained the upper hand.

But if a far more powerful ship than his own has just stripped his shields in two seconds flat he has to know he doesn't stand a chance in hell. In that case, realistically, he should bail even if the ship's hull is in perfect condition, and hope I have a good enough heart to just take his ship and not enslave him (I don't :twisted: ).
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Post by Nanook » Thu, 17. Jul 08, 19:40

Meltdown wrote:.....
But if a far more powerful ship than his own has just stripped his shields in two seconds flat he has to know he doesn't stand a chance in hell. In that case, realistically, he should bail even if the ship's hull is in perfect condition, and hope I have a good enough heart to just take his ship and not enslave him (I don't :twisted: ).
Which is probably a good enough reason for most pilots to go down fighting, don't you think? :P
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Post by jumbled » Fri, 18. Jul 08, 01:41

Meltdown wrote:But if a far more powerful ship than his own has just stripped his shields in two seconds flat he has to know he doesn't stand a chance in hell. In that case, realistically, he should bail even if the ship's hull is in perfect condition, and hope I have a good enough heart to just take his ship and not enslave him (I don't :twisted: ).
Kinda like me in my M7 and that little M5 that's buzzing around me like a gnat around a fruit bowl...until my turrets swat him.

But not to worry, I carry an M4 with cargo life support... :twisted: I'm such a nice guy, I'll "help" him get back to a station...or maybe I'll pool him with the other slaves and store them on my HCF as part of a boarding party that I'll send over as cannon fodder to capture another big ship. :twisted: :twisted:

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Post by nman » Sun, 27. Jul 08, 00:38

Man, I started a new game, and within 1 hour, a Kha'ak carrier decided to invade Elena's Fortune. It must have hit an asteroid of some sort, because its shields went down, and half of it's hull got damaged, and the pilot bailed...

Well, now I have an Eclipse, a few bailed pirate harriers, half a million credits, and a huge kha'ak carrier... Now if I can only manage to repair it...

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Post by Al » Sun, 27. Jul 08, 01:03

so your playing a mod. .....
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Tenlar Scarflame
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Post by Tenlar Scarflame » Sun, 27. Jul 08, 04:36

Oh, the wild and wonderful world of Bail Signal Extension. :D

What a novelty item, too. Keep that one around, no matter how tempting it might be to cash him in.
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Post by s9ilent » Sun, 27. Jul 08, 06:21

But the repair and equip costs will break him (I am of course refering to the shield equip costs, find guns will be... troublesome)

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