[SCRIPT] Assassins Guild V1.60 : Update 07/08/2006

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[SCRIPT] Assassins Guild V1.60 : Update 07/08/2006

Post by Cycrow » Sun, 11. Dec 05, 20:26

Name: X3 Assassins Guild
Version: V1.60
Author: Cycrow
Updated: 07/08/2006

Download only avilable in script package format (.spk)
:arrow: Download - Mirror

If you like this, my other scripts can be found here
:?: Bugs: Report any bugs you find here - Just select Assassins Guilds from the project list on the right


You need the XScript Installer from Here to install this script


* Added BBS news about locations of the outposts
* Improved Capping of Assassin Targets
* Prevents Escorts from being killed by police

* Fixed displaying of missions
* Increased numbero f missions avaialble at guild outposts
* Guild outposts is now the only place for you to join the guild

* a few improvements to mission
* Added Assassins guild outpost

* Improve ments to capped assassin ships, less likly to fail.
* You now get notority for killing the escorts.
* Slight chance of missions appearing in any stations
* Make escorts attack you after capping the target.

* Now using shared "View Guild Status" command
* Added random pricing to join the guild
* Increasaed chance of missions showing up
* escorts will attack when target is destoryed or captured
* Replaced M6 target to TP target for level 4

* Lowered chance of finding messages to join the guild
* Joining the guild is now only available in Pirate and argon station
* Assassination missions will be available from any trading station or pirate base
* Assassination missions will also be available from terracorp and goner stations

* Fixed displaying of correct pilot name for target
* Changed race of astronaut to enemy when target is capped
* Reduced price to join the guild to 250'000 credits
* Improved launching of fighters from carrier
* Increased chance of getting higher level mission

* Added pilot names to escort ships

* Caused astronauts to dock and mission failed
* Increased max level to 15
* Increased Experience points from high levels
* Increased payout for higher levels
* Added TL assassinations
* Added M2 assassinations
* Added M1 assassinations
* Added special prize for reaching level 15
* Added promotional sound

* Fixed problem with assasin missions failing, saying someone else got the kill
* Already a mmober of the guild when playing bankrupt assassin game
* Fixed mission levels
* Added killing pilots when they eject

* Improved Template System
* Added more templates from DIGSIN

* Added level 6 & 7 assassin missions
* Removed low level missions for high level assassins
* Added template system for BBS display to make missions have more of a story for each race
* Added DIGSIN's templates
* Adjusted Experience required for each level

* Fixed displaying of null pilot
* Fixed capturing assassin ship
* Fixed removal of captured ship
* Removed arrow and starbust from escorts
* Fixed escorts carrying on attacking after target is dead

Thanks to DIGSIN for the mission templates
Thanks to Mailo for the german translations

This script allows you to join the assassins guild and take on assassination missions.
The assassination missions will be silmar to those found in X2.

2. Joining the Guild

To join the guild, you will find the applications avaialble fro mthe BBS at Assassin guild outposts.
there is a one time fee to pay to join, once joined, you will gain access to missions.

3. Taking on a Mission

Once you have joined the guild, you will find assassination missions availabe from the the BBS, once accepting the mission, you will have to find your target
who will be flying between 2 sectors, intercept them and destory the ship to claim your money.

If the pilot ejects and you capture thier ship, you must kill the eject pilot to complete the mission

4. Guild Level

Upon complete missions, you will also raise you experience points with the guild, when you get enough experience points, you will level up.
Higher levels will give you harder and better paid assassination missions.

You can view your missions via your ships additional command slots

Reaching level 15 will get you a reward from the guild

5. Targets

Level 1: TP class target
Level 2: TP class target + m5 escorts
Level 3: TP class target + m4 escorts
Level 4: TP class target + m3 escorts
Level 5: M6 class target + m3 escorts
Level 6: M6 class target + m6 escorts
Level 7: M6 class target + m3 escorts + m6 escorts
Level 8: TL class target + m3 escorts
Level 9: TL class target + m6 escorts
Level 10: TL class target + m6 escorts + m3 escorts
Level 11: M2 class target
Level 12: M2 class target + m3 escorts
Level 13: M2 class target + m6 escorts
Level 14: M2 class target + m6 escorts + m3 escorts
Level 15: M1 class target + full compliment of fighters

6. Assassins Guild Outposts

you will find various outposts being created by the assassins guild, when a new one is created, there will be a news article on the BBS about it
At the outpost you have more chance of getting extra missions from the guild.

Last edited by Cycrow on Mon, 2. Jun 08, 16:26, edited 29 times in total.

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Post by 999-JAY-999 » Sun, 11. Dec 05, 20:45

Gambles over !!!!

Being the like minded person as I am.... What I like to ask though being an assassin going to be very similar to being a bounty hunter for instance? Are you not in both instances paid to kill a determined target for a price ?

Just an interesting brain bender for myself as the three seem to be not far from the other, I wonder with glee and at the same time intrigue how the missions will differ between the scripts...Bounty Hunters Guild V2.50,
Mercenaries Guild V2.10 ?

Ok what I am trying to ask here out of just plain wonderness and for conversation sakes.... is what’s the difference to being a:

A. Bounty Hunter
B. Mercenary
C. Assassin

Answers on a post card please........



(right back to trying this out :) )
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Post by Cycrow » Sun, 11. Dec 05, 20:50

well, in a way it is simlar to the bounty hunters guild, but its like the old X2 Assassinations mission

where you accept a mission from the BBs, and the target will be spawned in a given sector, and it will appear hostile to you, so u dont have to look for them
They will have backup ships traveling in formations, and you wont loose any race rep for killing them and the rest of the ships in the sector wont try to attack you after you kill them :)

Being a merc is abit differnet, as you effectly get hired to take on various missions, and can be on both the attacking, or defending side to a conflict
plus the missions are more like invasions, taking out stations, etc, rather than just killing ships

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Post by XxNe0xX » Sun, 11. Dec 05, 21:30

are there any compability problems if you run more than one? For example the mercanary and the assasin script?

and isn't an assasin more likely to be someone who kills illegally? For political reasons for instance.

a bounty hount in x2 was for hunting someone who comitted a crime and so somehow forgiveable.

nevertheless i think it's a good idea and i will certainly download 1 or 2 i just need to decide which one i want ^^
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Post by Cycrow » Sun, 11. Dec 05, 21:38

all of my scripts will work together

the reason i did it this way is coz it then works the same was as it was in x2

and the bounty hunters guild can be that someone commited a crime, but against a differnet race, so an argon bounty for a split pilot would be classed as a criminal by the argon, but not by the split, which is y you lose rep points from the split as it wasn't them who put the bounty on thier head

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Post by 999-JAY-999 » Sun, 11. Dec 05, 22:22

How often does the guild appear ???.... selected stations ??..

I belong to the Bounty Hunter one so get plenty of offers there...I see Merc one but dont belong to that but they offer to join on most if every BBS I open...

Now I NOT seen the ASSIN one yet though on the BBS.. Just wondered how quickly and how often its supposed to appear as compared to the others they were almost on every BBS I could find you see.

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Post by Cycrow » Sun, 11. Dec 05, 22:29

well, the appearence should be as frequent as the merc guild, or at least it was set like that

due to the randomness of the BBS scripts, its really hard to tell when it will appear

let me know if it doesn't appear at all after using it, so i can check if somethings missing, althou it did appear for me when i tested it after visiting a few stations

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Post by xalien » Sun, 11. Dec 05, 23:28

Err, 447532.xml is used in both overtune and this script.

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Post by 999-JAY-999 » Sun, 11. Dec 05, 23:36

Dnt worry.. Cycrow scripts share files..... or a file...

Just accept Overwite when copying.
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Post by xalien » Sun, 11. Dec 05, 23:42

999-JAY-999 wrote:Dnt worry.. Cycrow scripts share files..... or a file...

Just accept Overwite when copying.
Are you sure? They have different sizes. I assume that assassins file being the largest and with the latest date is latest version, but still, one day it can cause a liitle mess when someone overwrites the newer version when installing some earlier made script.

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Post by Cycrow » Sun, 11. Dec 05, 23:56

if u download them from the site, they will all have the new versions of the files, so its ok to overwrite :)

if your concered, jsut make sure u install the latest version last

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Post by 999-JAY-999 » Sun, 11. Dec 05, 23:59

Hummmmm, well before now Cycrow has said to simply overwrite....

Perhaps a word from Cysrow himself incase I am wrong here....but his scripts are ALL compatable with one another as far as know.

For the record I have installed over the top..I have all his scripts and Lv's plus others on here RED SPOTS etc.. etc...... no real issues yet.
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Post by Cycrow » Mon, 12. Dec 05, 00:02

yep, its fine to overright :)

obviously it u overright with an old version, then you might be replacing an old version of the file
but if u have downloaded them all at the same time, they will all have the same version of the files

so it will only cause problems if u say download an old version of a script months ago and left it on ur hard drive, then installed a new script, and installed the old one as well, the old one will overright with an older file, which is of course easily fixed by putting the more recent one after :)

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Post by 999-JAY-999 » Mon, 12. Dec 05, 09:43

Slick way in keeping things orderly and up-todate... :thumb_up:
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Post by Cycrow » Mon, 12. Dec 05, 15:21

and it makes it easier when i eventually join the scripts together :P

Tea Boy
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Post by Tea Boy » Mon, 12. Dec 05, 20:53

Nice script Cycrow - thoroughly enjoying it.

One bug so far, though - if you accidentally cap the target, you get a message from the Ass guild about someone else killing the mark, and to make matters worse, the mark and all escorts disappear.

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Post by Cycrow » Mon, 12. Dec 05, 20:59

oh interesting, i will have to look at that
you should be able to cap them as well as kill them, obviously i musta missed something somewhere

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Post by Tselakus » Mon, 12. Dec 05, 22:13

Enjoying it so far but have noticed one thing, installed it earlier tonight - just made it to level 3 and I'm seeing escorts with the mark for the first time now. However once the target is dead (I usually go for the main target first) all the escorts drop to 0 speed and sit there without moving or firing whilst I mop them up.

Only had one target bail on me so far - and I also got the message that I failed 'cause someone else destroyed them

Before I forget, I havn't tried to cap any escorts yet - but one in a mission just before was one of the racers from er Freedoms Reach? with a max speed of 1418 or so :o no weapons makes for a bad escort at any rate me thinks :D
Last edited by Tselakus on Mon, 12. Dec 05, 22:55, edited 1 time in total.

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Post by xalien » Mon, 12. Dec 05, 22:26

Tea Boy wrote:One bug so far, though - if you accidentally cap the target, you get a message from the Ass guild about someone else killing the mark, and to make matters worse, the mark and all escorts disappear.
Same thing here. Another thing is that it seems really like unknown sectors, this adds a bit of the confusion since all their names are the same.

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Post by Cycrow » Mon, 12. Dec 05, 23:15

yes, i think i added the arrow and starbust in, i think i might just remove those :P

the problem with the ships stoping i think is coz they were escorting and didn't get any new orders, should be easy to fix

so hopefully ill get all those fixes done faily soon :)

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