X3 TC starts, but AP and FL won't..

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X3 TC starts, but AP and FL won't..

Post by quentinvespero » Fri, 7. May 21, 23:46

Hello :)

I hope I'm at the good place, it's the first time I open a topic on this forum.

I'm using Crossover (a fork of wine as I understood) to run x3 on my Mac. Okay, I know I should have posted in the Mac section.. But.

The thing is, x3 TC is running perfectly well, while x3 AP and FL doesn't. They are all 3 running the same way, in the same space, with the exact same settings.
AP and FL, both crash and close just before the Egosoft animated logo should appears. No error message, just closing.
I'm supposing (but I don't really know) that it might be a codec problem 🤷🏻‍♂️

So my question is, isn't there a difference between TC and the two others (AP and FL) at the starting moment when the egosoft animated logo should appears, which could explain a crash at that moment ? Are they using a different way/codecs...

Thanks in advance, and let me know if you need more informations :)

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Re: X3 TC starts, but AP and FL won't..

Post by X2-Illuminatus » Sat, 8. May 21, 09:51

As far as I know there's no difference in codec usage between the three games.

Try adding the start parameter -skipintro via Steams launch parameters for the specific game or via an .exe shortcut. That way the intro video isn't played, and see whether it makes any difference. Alternatively, try renaming or removing the intro logo video, it's the 00831.dat file located in the X3 Terran Conflict\mov folder.
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