[Mod] [07.01.07] TCM Tubeless_Complex_Mod

Hier ist der ideale Ort um über Scripts und Mods für X³: Reunion zu diskutieren.

Moderators: Moderatoren für Deutsches X-Forum, Scripting / Modding Moderators

Posts: 53
Joined: Fri, 16. Aug 13, 21:14

Post by Tiberseptim » Sat, 17. Aug 13, 03:01

You know after playing around with this and also playing with where I place a complex, I don't think the tubes aren't the real problem (they certainly compound it though). I think it's because of the behavior of the pathfinding algorithm the AI uses - it tries to find pathing solutions through complexes rather than recognizing them as a volume of space to avoid.

I tested this a bit and placed a large complex (well only 77 factories) in void of opportunity after using the Xenon hub to create a dense traffic corridor through that sector. I placed the complex varying distances from the line of traffic between gates and the global slow-down (in and out of system) seemed to be closely related to that.. It was almost unplayable in system.

When I placed the complex in an unknown sector with known through traffic, the the gameplay in and out of that system was far better. When I changed the hub settings not to trade with other races and used a few of my own ships to ferry goods off to the 2nd HQ station you get (the ware house one) things improved even more.

I would note though that the removal of the tubes does seem to help as they certainly were part of the problem. They basically expanded the path-finding quicksand that are these complexes as well as increased the difficulty of the ai to handle them. so getting rid of them does help.

Posts: 6
Joined: Fri, 27. Sep 13, 15:12

Post by polskas87 » Fri, 11. Oct 13, 09:29

Ich denke mal 5 Wochen vor dem start von rebirth, intressiert es keinen mehr ob der Complex Mod eig auf AP geht ? also mich schon !!! ^^

Ich hoffe ja sehr, noch kurz vor dem start in den nächsten 2 - 3 Wochen ne Antwort zu bekommen ^^ ...ich bereite mich grade auf den 4 teil vor in dem ich AP einfach ein bischen zocke :P

Meine Frage wie bereits auf English gestellt....aber leider English meine schwäche ist!

Funktioniert der Mod auch für AP ? wen ja kannst du mir das vielleicht erklären wie ? auf Reunion hab ich mi ihm gespielt und es war echt toll!
Es ist aber iwi nicht die selbe instalations geschichte wie bei Reunion und bei den vorherigen treads konnte ich twar was mit irgendwelchen datei lesen wo anders reinschieben das hilft mir aber iwi nicht weiter ...weil BAHNHOF in meinem Kopf ...sry ^^
mfg sobi

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