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Posted: Mon, 23. Nov 09, 04:54
by Matchimus
Thanks for the quick response, I didnt expect that and had edited my post. I use the one by Laz, but it does not have the spawn supression system. Maybe I am just bind? But I can not see any script for TC that does this.

Posted: Mon, 23. Nov 09, 04:56
by Matchimus
I think I am blind... I have found it, thanks!


For anyone else looking:

Posted: Tue, 23. Feb 10, 23:51
by Buck_Rogers
I have a slight problem with this script regarding Averice.

I bought it a long time ago, but have only just installed STO. My problem is: On the sector map, the owner race is shown as 'Unknown', instead of 'Julian'. I have my HQ. an ED and a Trading Station present. It does however list 'Julian' as the owner race on the universe map.

To ensure the script was'nt totally knackered, I tested it out by taking over Hatikvah's Faith from the Pirates. That worked perfectly, with 'Julian' showing on both the universe map and the sector map, once I plonked down a Trading Station.

I have even tried setting the 'Unknown' race, in the Global Settings to foe, with no effect. :(

Any help/ideas?

Posted: Sun, 11. Jul 10, 21:05
by Corruptor666
I apologize if this was asked before, but once I overtake a sector, can I rename it as I like? I just "borrowed" President's End, because it's an unused sector, and would like to name it "New Beginning" or something like that.
Any help would be appreciated.

Posted: Mon, 13. Jun 11, 19:37
by LowkeeDragon33
Hi all,

I was just given the sector Getsu Fune, and I believe this is the script responsible. Though a little early for my own sector, it certainly changes my long term goals for the game. :)

Two questions arise. I have been playing with the station taxes off, but there are a bunch of NPC stations in this sector. Do the NPC factories pay me?

The message log entry was pretty important, though when I clicked "okay" it went away forever (I think). I would like to see the message (I appear to have been randomly given the sector, so no return to a save game works). I thought "Well, it must be in the script somewhere". Upon looking through the scripts I found that the log entries only refer to a number (a variable), so my search stopped. Still, they must be somewhere. Where?


Posted: Mon, 13. Jun 11, 21:12
by Buck_Rogers
Erm.....................I think you'll find, being given Getsu Fune is a function of this script. Not the Sector Take Over one.

Posted: Mon, 13. Jun 11, 21:25
by LowkeeDragon33
Very helpful, thanks. Also the reason why the trading station disapeared.

Posted: Wed, 4. Apr 12, 07:40
by ShadowlightINC
-sigh- The link is broken, yet again...

Posted: Wed, 4. Apr 12, 11:07
by Buck_Rogers
As long as no-one has any objections. I will make this available

Sector Take Over V2.4.3 zip version

Sector Take Over v2.4.3.spk

Posted: Wed, 4. Apr 12, 22:46
by ShadowlightINC
Many Thanks!

Posted: Sat, 28. Apr 12, 10:23
by harvie-smith
Many thanks for putting this up, and ofcourse BIG kudos for the script in the first place.

now to find if there is one for TC as well . . .

Posted: Mon, 18. Feb 13, 12:38
by Zalioth
Does this work with X3AP? Thx in advance ^^.

EDIT: Nevermind, I didn't notice it was the Reunion forum :P.

Posted: Sun, 3. Mar 13, 23:11
by paulyus
Download links are dead!
Anyone has this version of script?

Posted: Sun, 3. Mar 13, 23:34
by X2-Illuminatus
Look four posts above yours.

Posted: Sun, 3. Mar 13, 23:59
by paulyus
Thanks. Probably would be better to move those links to the front page.

Re: [SCRIPT] Sector Takeover v2.4.3 [Updated 20-Apr-2007]

Posted: Thu, 13. May 21, 20:17
by LoGyMW
I know this is for Reunion, but was wandering if this could be made to work with X3FL or not possible?

Re: [SCRIPT] Sector Takeover v2.4.3 [Updated 20-Apr-2007]

Posted: Fri, 14. May 21, 15:04
by X2-Illuminatus
It's not compatible, and adjustments may take a while as there were quite a few changes as well as additions to the scripting engine in the last 14 years.

If you're unsatisfied with the sector takeover option X3FL provides, it would be a better to look into the X3TC/AP Scripts and Modding forum for possible scripts. Those will at least be loaded in X3FL, when correctly installed to the X3FL addon2 folder. Doesn't mean that everything is compatible, but the amount of necessary adjustments to make them work should be lower.