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Posted: Tue, 31. Dec 13, 04:33
by xxx73
This script have some great ideas. just listen to this:
Brand-X wrote: A ship can perform one of a number of events.
-- It can try to jump away to escape.

-- The crew may simply abandon ship, leaving the vessel to whatever fate awaits it.

-- The crew may surrender and remain on board, found in the cargo bay as slaves.

-- The crew may also abandon ship after setting a delayed self-destruct timer, although there is no warning of that.

-- There is also the chance that the crew will only pretend to surrender, waiting for the player to approach before coming back to life and opening fire, if any undamaged weapons remain, or trying to close and ram if there are none.
The frequency of these events are tied to the owner race and the size and nature of the ship.
So does anyone know if this script actually is working well, and if it is compatible with popular mods like XTM, RRF and PiloteAi?

Also is it possible and east to tweak the different events to happen more or less, and remove or at least reduce the capture possibility?

Also, I think the elements of the Deadly Bounty Hunter scripts integrated in this script will conflict with other scripts using signal_attacked and signal_killed. Is it possible to remove this part without too much struggle?

Any help is welcomed :)

Re: [AL-Plugin] Unified Capture by Brand-X

Posted: Sat, 16. Sep 23, 21:05
by aandrasandras
I cant insert this mod in the x-plugin manager, is there a way to make this script/plugin working without manually installing it as a solo Mod?