[SCRIPT] Assassins Guild V1.60 : Update 07/08/2006

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Post by Cycrow » Tue, 10. Jul 07, 22:07

the scripts is currently incompatable and it causes the bountys to no logner work on the assassins.

LV is looking into fixing it

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Post by szuur » Sat, 21. Jul 07, 10:55

i installed XTM and the assassin guild, and i can't find any station in the sector the BBS tell's me, did the min/max distance from the 0,0,0 point change or something? in the past it wasn't that hard to find the station, i used 3 explorer schips with trip scanner to look for it, but i can't find it anywhere (searched +-100km in X/Y and Z)
i think the station ain't spawned.


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Post by Cycrow » Sat, 21. Jul 07, 11:01

they shouldn't be out further than 100km

unless the station was destroyed beofre you found it.

afaik, the stations should be created ok in XTM

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Post by szuur » Sat, 21. Jul 07, 11:10

I don't think it was destroyed before i could found it since i just added the script and went looking straight away on the bbs for messages.
for a lil test i changed in:"al.assassin.timer.station" on lines 34-36 the +-40000 to +-1000 (1km varation from 0,0 point?)
and turned the script in artificial settings on and off, and went looking for bbs messages again.
A bbs messgae told me to go looking in sector: nathan's voyage
so i flew to the center immidiatly but no station.

have u got any clue what i can try now?
EDIT: found an other bbs with spawned a station, the old msg must be from a station before i flipped the on/off switch :)
EDIT2: after jumping in sector 5x and docking for the wanna join for credits, its not coming up *goes to reinstal assassin guild script*

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Post by jc_8888 » Sat, 4. Aug 07, 12:32

Yeah i got the same problem with a bbs message saying to go to an outpost in menelaus' frontier but even when i went there immediately it wasnt there at all

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Post by Arakiel » Wed, 15. Aug 07, 16:54

For anyone who wants to "live by the sword" in X3 instead of spending all their time making complexes and trading, this is a great add on. Why vanilla X3 doesn't have something like this built in is weird. Thanks for the great script.

A couple of things I've noticed.

1) On my first 2 contracts the target bailed before I could kill them. On the first one the mission ended successfully, on the second one I got a message that I had failed for letting someone else kill the guy (even though I also killed the astronaut). Not a terrible bug since the value of the ship was more then what the bounty was anyway but it would have been nice to get both :twisted:

2) There are a lot of names "Uknown Object". People docked at the guild station called Unknown Object in the barter screen and various BBS messages like "Hi I am Unknown Object and I want to hire you to do X"

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Post by poppycock » Wed, 15. Aug 07, 17:20

I've noticed those two as well, also how do you know when you've been promoted?? I got a 'you have been promoted sound' but I'm still on Level one missions or has one thing got nothing to do with the other.
Remember kids, murder kills!!

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Post by Arakiel » Thu, 16. Aug 07, 05:43

Also (and I think this has been mentioned before but just to be sure) the bug with escorts going "dormant" if you kill (or force him to eject) the mark really fast still exists. This allows you to just idle up to the other ships and carefully blast them until they eject. I just capped a TP, which failed the mission again for whatever reason, but no real loss since I not only can sell the TP but with care I was able to cap all 4 of his escorts to...big money in that :)

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Post by Arakiel » Thu, 16. Aug 07, 07:13

hmm...upon some further mission running, have you altered the bail % chance on the marks and their escorts? It seems like they all have really really cold feet and are WAY more willing to abandon ship then vanilla X3 pirates and such. I can't count the number of ships I capped tonight, probably a good 15 at least.

Also the "mark bails and you fail the mission" bug seems to happen with alarming frequency. At least every other mission the pilot bails and I get told off for not killing them myself :o

At first pass this script seemed great but after playing with it some more I'm not so sure, the increased rate of bails and the bail bug itself means I can almost print my own cash with this, it feels like I'm cheating.

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Post by FlameGlow » Sun, 9. Sep 07, 01:01

Yea, the targets are incredible cowards - on lvl 4 I'm often able to cap all escorts and the target TS just by stripping their shields and some hull with PBE, some escort this is. :roll:
Do they have 0 morale or something?

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Post by killuminati-ita » Sat, 6. Oct 07, 10:52

Use it with bail extension signal and on lvl 9-10 you can make at least 40 mil per mission selling the 3 M6 escort and the targhet TL.. eeeeasy money!
Or strip them of all their weap shields and you do not need complexes to biuld you shields and weapons (at least for 125 mj-25mj sh and APAC-BPAC-BHEPT-AHEPT-APPC-BPPC)...

One problem tough: using it with XTM it never uses the new model of ships introduced by the MOD and somentimes it spawns 2 "named" TL (argon and paranid) with no shield or weapons at all..

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Post by Havner » Mon, 19. Nov 07, 20:33

I think there is little packaging mistake. You've put uninstall script to the scripts directory next to uninstall dir. Its bogus imo.

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Post by Cycrow » Mon, 19. Nov 07, 23:29

not sure what u mean by "next to uninstall dir"

also, which files is it, is it the setup.uninstall or is it the unistall.* scripts ?

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Post by Havner » Tue, 20. Nov 07, 00:03

uninstall.plugin.assassin.xml. Its in both, "uninstall" dir (the plcaeholders for scripts that gets put into scripts on uninstalling) and "scripts" dir. I know it doesn't hurt as long as it doesn't start with setup.*. Thats why i wrote its just packaging mistake.

BTW, the same is for Salvage Claim Soft (uninstall.plugin.salvageclaim.xml and uninstall.remove.ware.xml).

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Post by Cycrow » Tue, 20. Nov 07, 00:18

its not actually a mistake at all.

because u can disable certain things via the AL plugin menu, and this uses the unisntall scripts to remove them, but doesn't actually require the package to be uninstalled.

which is the reason those ones are in both

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Post by Havner » Tue, 20. Nov 07, 00:29

I dont see any call of uninstall.plugin.assassin in assassin's AL scripts and Salvage Claim Soft has no AL at all. I'm confused :-/

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Post by Cycrow » Tue, 20. Nov 07, 02:17

The ones for the Assassins guild are not complete, some of the other guilds use them in scripts, and the Assassins guild will eventually.

i've just not had chance to finish all the uninstall scripts properly.

adding them to the packages is just a default for all my scripts, saves time instead of setting them all up specificlly ;)

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Post by Prisoner_of_the_Ram » Fri, 7. Dec 07, 16:09

This (along with a number of other scripts and AL Plugins) isn't activating under my mod manager...

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assassins guild script bug

Post by wolverine005 » Wed, 9. Jan 08, 22:52

right, when im attacking the target im meant to kill in a mission, if he/she bails before i destroy the ship, i get a message saying i should have killed him myself rather than letting someone else do it for me, even though he isnt dead and has just ejected from the ship.

anyone else experienced this/know any solutions?

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Post by Cycrow » Wed, 9. Jan 08, 23:01

it happens from time to time, and theres currently no solution until i get some spare time to think up a clever way of working with the bails.

also, please post questions about scripts or mods in thier correct thread.

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