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Posted: Mon, 19. May 08, 23:54
by Locksley
4. Lag when pilotes ejects and ship becomes neutral
-> ?? I dont understand

Ah well yes, there are some of us that got a longer lag between when pilot bails and the ship turns blue thus the turrets usually destroys it since it still shows as hostile.

It's no biggie since if one really want to go capping ships one could go in an appropriate ship with no turrets (or just the back turret) and to pay attention to when the pilots bails.

The ship itself even though it still is red stops attacking you and also stops moving.

That's the lag I was referring too.

I've just been playing for a couple of hours and it feels like I'm just about at the same spot as when I started :P Although I am 15.000.000 credits richer now.

Have a nice week,

Posted: Wed, 21. May 08, 04:53
by siath70
Azz wrote:violently_happy
-----Check: When you order your squad to go to a sector or likewise they are presented as list's; which is fine but.... there not in alphabetical order Any fix for that or do you just have to be a fast reader?

I'm afraid it's not possible.
This function is a part of the PrizzZ's library 'mEngine'.
What he does is to draw up the list of sectors by going through the map from top to bottom and left to right...
In the script language, there is no simple means to sort lists.

with little use, (and the paper map ;-)), it's rather simple to to find your way in the list..

And for moving squadrons you can more easily use the command 'Piracy-Squadron... / SQ-Move To Position' which shows the usual screen of selection of sector...


I don't use X-Cartman's Fight Command Software MKIII, but it is compatible...
You should look here for a sort script. I'm not sure how the data is sent but this little script is very nice and has some very nice functions.
All you would have to do is run the data through this script to sort it.
Might not work but I thought I might point this out to you. I haven't really looked at how mengine works code wise.

Hey Azz! Hope you're still around!

Posted: Fri, 30. May 08, 16:24
by xxdh2kxx
Well I have to say this script is quite unique and has enhanced my gaming experience since I started playing X3.

I have a problem I want to ask you about. When it comes to creating squads I am able to create a squad after my eighth one (squad 9), but when I assign a ship to a squad it only shows 8 squads. When I view my squads until Global Management I can see the squads I created. This wasn't that big a deal and I just formed new squads from old ones, etc. but now when I assign a squad to a ship I can only see 3! :(

All in all the script is great and I'd very much like to fix the problem. Just to mention, I understand that certain scripts by LV (Race Response Fleet) conflict with you're signal extension. Well I still went along with his script and I haven't heard a AI bail since, I have had to live with it and get skilled AI through good ol practice. Overall I just want to get the squads fixed. Any help is appreciated!

Posted: Sat, 31. May 08, 01:06
by Buck_Rogers
hmmmm I think there is some confusement here. I have LV's RRF script installed and have had no conflicts. I have seen my AI's eject and NPC AI's to. I have seen posts which mention his PLAYER response fleets script. I did have that, but removed it before installing this. As I thought that one caused the problem.

So which is it that causes the problem? RRF? or PRF?

On another note. Is there a way to increase the range a COMAI can scan? 5 sectors for a fighter and 10 otherwise is a little disappointing. I'm going to end up with COMAI's all over the place! lol Just to cover my empire.

Alot to ask I know, but thought you would like some feedback. :D

Great script by the way.



If I am making squads is it possible to choose who is leader rather than the script? I have a mixed squad of M3's M6, M7 and a TL. the script keeps making the M7 leader. I would like the TL to be leader.

2nd edit

If I did install the specific script by LV that conflicts with Pilot AI, what would that cause exactly?

Posted: Tue, 3. Jun 08, 01:57
by LordAlrik
I'm having issues with PiloteAI myself.

Whenever I group squadrons past the 1st squadron, I get a blinking command screen whenever I select the Squadron leader, making it impossible to relay commands to the squadron without them instantly being ended.

I do have the latest version of the RRF script installed, though I had a previous version that didn't cause conflicts.

Posted: Tue, 3. Jun 08, 05:39
by Vayde
Just a small niggle which also includes an answer to Loxley's post.

DDRS mod comes with a wonderfull ship called a Kyoto(Mobile pirate base).

When I instaled a lvl 10 pilot in and asked him to patrol Blueish Snout reporting all enimies via the scan all enimies option. He refused stating he needed a triplex scanner. As DD decided to give this ship one as a pre installed item along with FLT cmd sotfware mk1 & Mk2 the scripts fail.

This is a bit of a pain but looks to be loxley's prob also as his toucan comes with the cargo life support already installed and the scripts don't chk for that.

Just my moan at an otherwise brilliant script.

Keep on scripting Azz :)

Posted: Thu, 5. Jun 08, 17:21
by joelR
Im having a problem! My squadron only patrols when im in sector. When i leave they stop where they are at. Anyone know what the problem is? It wont work if I use any command like attack all enemies either. I cant figure it out. Im not sure what would cause such a problem. The script so far works flawlessly. This is sort of an immersion breaker. Any help would be appreciated.

Posted: Sat, 7. Jun 08, 01:49
by joelR
Shameless bump! Dont ban me!!

Posted: Sat, 7. Jun 08, 03:17
by joelR
joelR wrote:Im having a problem! My squadron only patrols when im in sector. When i leave they stop where they are at. Anyone know what the problem is? It wont work if I use any command like attack all enemies either. I cant figure it out. Im not sure what would cause such a problem. The script so far works flawlessly. This is sort of an immersion breaker. Any help would be appreciated.

My squadron will only move when using the patrol sector commands and/or the Defend position command. Unfortunatley when I attempt to use the Squadron Commands I only get that "squishing" sound when a command fails.

Posted: Mon, 9. Jun 08, 01:33
by sartha
My TP and TS ships automatically promote my AI's to high-levels >.>;;

-XTM 0.7.3
-Sector Takeover 2.4.3
-PioteIA 3.56
-LV's Cheats 1.4

Ship setup:
-All the upgrades you get at the Argon shipyard (>.> I won't list that many...)
-The upgrades you get at Terracorps HQ (Jump Drive, Trade Extension Mk III, Fleet Support Ship Software)
-The upgrades you get at the pirate base in Ore Belt (Cargo Life Support System)
-The upgrades you get at the Goner Temple (Transporter Device)

it's kind of funny, but it ruins the game a bit to have CommAI quality AI's on all my transports ^.^;;

This happens with the Terran Loki (TP), Baldur (TS) and Sleipnir (TS)... I haven't tried others yet :P

Just wanted you to know about this...

Posted: Mon, 9. Jun 08, 19:50
by Avantoll
The mod seems to conflict with one of the mods that ive recently installed and creates a lot of Readtext errors (especially in VLs Cheat plugin).

I have the following things installed (all X Plugin Manager):
  • Arena by LV
    BBS Offers by LV (tried deactivating, didnt do anything)
    Bounty Boost by LV (tried deactivating, didnt do anything)
    Convoys by LV
    Deathmatch Arena Redux LV
    Dock TS by LV
    Escort by LV
    Forum name library by LV
    Freight Transporter Upgrade by LV
    Heavy Assault Technology by LV
    Imperial Construction Quests by LV
    Jumpdrive Delivery by LV
    LV´s Cheats by (surprise) LV
    Medusa Rapid Fire Interface by by LV
    Player Response Fleets by LV (tried deactivating, didnt do anything)
    Race responds fleets final by LV
    Self repairing hull technology by LV
    Shield boost by LV
And i am running XTM 0.73. I didnt had any bigger problems before (except for a few readtext problems with XTM ships which didnt really bother me). And i know that it is always a bad idea to have so many mods installed at once. But i just cant live without any of them :D

Posted: Mon, 9. Jun 08, 22:17
by Azz
NH 2.0 is out, so I'm back... :D

xxdh2kxx :
I have a problem I want to ask you about. When it comes to creating squads I am able to create a squad after my eighth one (squad 9), but when I assign a ship to a squad it only shows 8 squads. When I view my squads until Global Management I can see the squads I created. This wasn't that big a deal and I just formed new squads from old ones, etc. but now when I assign a squad to a ship I can only see 3!
ok, I'll have a look to that...

Buck_Rogers :
On another note. Is there a way to increase the range a COMAI can scan? 5 sectors for a fighter and 10 otherwise is a little disappointing. I'm going to end up with COMAI's all over the place! lol Just to cover my empire.
10 sectors around is already quite a lot... with 4 or 5 ComAI you should fully cover the map
If I am making squads is it possible to choose who is leader rather than the script? I have a mixed squad of M3's M6, M7 and a TL. the script keeps making the M7 leader. I would like the TL to be leader.
It's not possible
the current preferred choice to assign leaders is :
1 M1
2 M2
3 M7
4 TL
6 M6
7 M3
8 M4
9 M5

so you can create a squadron, with a TL as leader and M6 as wingman.
But you can also create a suqadron with a TL as Tanker, so he become the leader even if there is a M7 in the squad.
Another way is to create a squad withe M7 and other ships, and to order this squad to protect the TL..

Vayde :
When I instaled a lvl 10 pilot in and asked him to patrol Blueish Snout reporting all enimies via the scan all enimies option. He refused stating he needed a triplex scanner. As DD decided to give this ship one as a pre installed item along with FLT cmd sotfware mk1 & Mk2 the scripts fail.

This is a bit of a pain but looks to be loxley's prob also as his toucan comes with the cargo life support already installed and the scripts don't chk for that.
Thank you, I have just understood that wanted to explain loxley... :-)

unfortunatly, the script editor don't find the pre-installed item... The only way of resolving the problem would be to test the type of ship, What is rather impossible because it would be necessary to foresee the ships of XTM, those of NH, Transcend etc....

JoelR :
Im having a problem! My squadron only patrols when im in sector. When i leave they stop where they are at. Anyone know what the problem is? It wont work if I use any command like attack all enemies either. I cant figure it out. Im not sure what would cause such a problem. The script so far works flawlessly. This is sort of an immersion breaker. Any help would be appreciated.
Yes it's a prblem that I find when i was scripting the Yakis and FSI patrols in NH...
It's the command 'idle' that don't do anything OOS..
I don't know if this problem appeared further to a version of X3, it seems to me that this was working well before...
I am going to rectify that
My squadron will only move when using the patrol sector commands and/or the Defend position command. Unfortunatley when I attempt to use the Squadron Commands I only get that "squishing" sound when a command fails.
Hem, have you installed the PrizzZ Library mEngine ?

Sartha :
My TP and TS ships automatically promote my AI's to high-levels >.>;;
if your TS or TP are also MK3, If your tp is Mk3, the military row(rank) is going to be automatically adjusted according to the level of the trader.
Otherwise it is a bug

Avantoll :

The mod seems to conflict with one of the mods that ive recently installed and creates a lot of Readtext errors (especially in VLs Cheat plugin).
Normally the script is compativble with LV's cheat.
The same question, have you installed Prizz library mEngine ?

Bounty Boost by LV --> PilotAI is completely incompatible with this script, them make anyway the same thing

LordAlrik :
Whenever I group squadrons past the 1st squadron, I get a blinking command screen whenever I select the Squadron leader, making it impossible to relay commands to the squadron without them instantly being ended.
hem, one more time, have you installed Prizz library mEngine ?

Posted: Tue, 10. Jun 08, 00:02
by sartha
Then I think it's a bug because my TS and TP ships never actually used their Mk3 trade software yet... maybe that's the problem, is it possible the fact that the software is installed and never been used (thus preducing a rank of "n/a") is what causes the promotion to high levels?

Posted: Tue, 10. Jun 08, 00:59
by joelR

Yep. I have mEngine installed. For some reason I no longer get the squishy sound but when using squadron commands nothing happens. I dont get the blue text AtkAll or whatever shows up after my squad leaders name. What I do see though is the SQcommands text in the ships info. And of course like I posted earlier my squad does nothing but sit still unless I use the Patrol commands. I dont mind that but I just hate knowing something may be broken! I have installed the files in the bonus folder in the .zip.

Posted: Tue, 10. Jun 08, 07:21
by Azz
Sartha :
Then I think it's a bug because my TS and TP ships never actually used their Mk3 trade software yet... maybe that's the problem, is it possible the fact that the software is installed and never been used (thus preducing a rank of "n/a") is what causes the promotion to high levels?
thanks, it may be the explication, i'll look that

JoelR :
yes, it sounds like something in your installation is broken.
Have you tried to reinstall the script by using the ZIP archives instead of the SPK ?

Posted: Tue, 10. Jun 08, 10:50
by Avantoll
Yes, i have the mEngine installed. Could it be that this replaces the x2script.xsl file? I remember some other mod using this file aswell.

edit.: I just tried if i get any errors without your script, and it is definitely incompatible with one of the plugins i listed. I am not sure in which way though, as the only things that get broken are the LV Cheats menu and the Pirating menu (i hope its called like that in English, i only have the German install of the game).

Posted: Tue, 10. Jun 08, 11:48
by Azz
and what release of PilotIA are you using ?
If this is a german one, can you tell me where I can find it, as it is not a very official one :-).
I will verify if this archive is Ok or if there is any mistake in it.

Posted: Tue, 10. Jun 08, 12:54
by Avantoll
Azz wrote:and what release of PilotIA are you using ?
If this is a german one, can you tell me where I can find it, as it is not a very official one :-).
I will verify if this archive is Ok or if there is any mistake in it.
I am using the X Plugin Manager one from the first post :wink:

I will try the normal download now.

edit.: And its amazing to actually find a community where people are actually this helpful.

Posted: Tue, 10. Jun 08, 15:28
by joelR

Azz is it possible to isolate the ship renaming scripts/t-files and use those only? Don't get me wrong I absolutely LOVE your script but I run a heavily scripted game and sadly had to remove this one due to some conflicts.

Anyhow, is it possible? Ship renaming scripts are sadly lacking in the community. Of course there are great batch renamers like Gazz's version of RSwE and Osiris_sams renaming script but you are more or less forced to use the names the script creates.


Posted: Wed, 11. Jun 08, 10:34
by Azz
No it's not possible simply...

You can use another script for renaming, but there is a command slot conflict between PilotAI and RSwE

The new incoming release of pilotAI will offer more parameters for renaming :
it will be now possible to use variables :
*ID : ship ID
*PN : Pilote Name
*PL : Pilot Rank
*GN : Squadron Name
*SC : Ship class ex : M3
*ST : Ship Type ex : nova avant-garde
*SN : Current ship name
*HB : ship HomeBase
*LD : ship Leader

and you can mix variable and text