[SCRIPT] Assassins Guild V1.60 : Update 07/08/2006

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Post by janonol » Tue, 13. Dec 05, 01:50

have not yet had chance to try this script out but it sounds good.

one thought though. an assassin tradtionally has to stalk his prey and preferably take them out in unexepectabdly.

would be quite nice to have this element in here.

Maybe have the escort ships really beefy so you have to act like an assassin (ie not rambo but altogether more sneaky) and either race in and take them out by surprise before the 'bodyguards' can react or ambush them using things like gates (the mark goes in and before, factories and asteroids as defences.

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Post by Mehrunes » Tue, 13. Dec 05, 02:16

It seems that the purpose of the Assassination and Bounty Hunter guilds are reversed. Bounty Hunters are typically legal when they're licensed for the area they're operating in. Assassination should be illegal in most places (maybe some races like the Split allow it if you have an "official" assassination contract). Bounty Hunter contracts should be limited to the territory of the race providing the contract. If the target escapes into another races territory that's when they send out an assassination contract (unless the races are allied and have an agreement where bounty hunters can cross borders to persue their prey).

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Post by skadog » Tue, 13. Dec 05, 02:40

999-JAY-999 wrote:Gambles over !!!!

Being the like minded person as I am.... What I like to ask though being an assassin going to be very similar to being a bounty hunter for instance? Are you not in both instances paid to kill a determined target for a price ?

Just an interesting brain bender for myself as the three seem to be not far from the other, I wonder with glee and at the same time intrigue how the missions will differ between the scripts...Bounty Hunters Guild V2.50,
Mercenaries Guild V2.10 ?

Ok what I am trying to ask here out of just plain wonderness and for conversation sakes.... is what’s the difference to being a:

A. Bounty Hunter
B. Mercenary
C. Assassin

Answers on a post card please........



(right back to trying this out :) )
Forgive me if something similar has already been said.. I must admit that I've not read the entire thread.. :wink:

The gray areas between these professions may be easier to sort out if you took some reputation hit from joining one guild over the other. Perhaps also making it so that you would have you resign from one guild to join the other.

Consider that bounty hunters generally work for or towards the goal of "law enforcement" or "a justice system", where "Mercs" would typically work for or with a "military entity", "security", or "paramilitary organization" and thier goals would be more martial in nature. Assassins on the other hand seem to be specialists, working to achieve a much narrower objective, "Hits" and "contract killing". If the missions are scripted to reflect these types of differences then I there is less gray area.

Just a thought.. :D

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Post by Cycrow » Tue, 13. Dec 05, 02:50

well, bounty hunters are hired by the gourvnments to take out criminals and enemies to them, which is y taking out the bounties will gain rep with that gourvnment

not enterily sure what kinda rep hits the assassins should take, as atm, the assassination missions basically work the same way they did in X2, just without all the BBS text and everything, will i will eventaulyl add anyways. The assassinations will also be by private ppl wanting revenge for what ever reason rather than fro mthe gourvernment, this isn't all that apparent right now as i havn't added all the entries for the BBS yet so its just a simple generic message.

The mercs are basically hired by anyone, either by pirates, private buisness or the miltary, they get paid to do a specific job, weather its attacking a station/sector, helping to defend a sector, protecting an escort, etc

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Post by Dread » Tue, 13. Dec 05, 13:05

Ive read that there is a problem at the moment with targets bailing from their ships. When this is fixed, will it take into account that the 'mark' is still alive and in a spacesuit and therefore you also need to destroy the spacesuit to have completed the assassination and get paid.

Havent played this script yet so was just a thought as I had not noticed anyone mention this.

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Post by Mailo » Tue, 13. Dec 05, 13:31

I wanted to bug the bailing bit as well, but saw someone else beat me to it. :)

Still, what hasn't been mentioned so far is that the message one gets after failing the mission due to the pilot ejecting doesn't contain the target's name but "null" in its place.

I also don't quite understand the reasoning behind the bounty hunter/assassin script.
Currently, the bounty hunter targets are criminals hunted by the government ... why do I lose reputation for working for the government?
The assassin missions are from private people wanting revenge, basically illegal murders ... why no rep hit?

On the other hand ... I don't have high enough reputation with any government to buy M3s, so I really hate rep hits ... which is why I am not doing any bounty missions (except the 3 for Yaki I found so far).

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Post by Cycrow » Tue, 13. Dec 05, 13:50

the reason for the rep hit point from the bounty hunters guild, is that althou the bounties are criminals from a certain race, there not classed as criminals by thier own race

so if the bounty is for the argon gourvnment, then they will be a criminal to the argon and not to the whole universe, and im also making it increase ur rep with the race you took the bounty with

the reason i havn't put a rep hit for assassins yet, is coz im not sure how to work it yet, as you didn't get any rep hit in x2 either, but if ppl think they should take a rep hit, then i could always put it in

about killing the pilots who bail, its something i want to add in eventually, i just have to find a way to match up the bailed pilot to the mission

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Post by Mailo » Tue, 13. Dec 05, 14:01

Please keep one of the missions rep-hit-free, the game is sorely lacking in fighting action not damaging race relations.
Although I would propose making the bounty hunter one rep-hit-free, and moving the "enemy of this race but friend of other race" case over to the assassins script.

Keeping it the way it is now is also an option, I mean, these are not gamebreaking issues, rather minor nitpicking :D

Concerning the bailed pilots, is it possible to stop the spacesuits from spawning during the mission? Then this problem wouldn't present it at all, and the docking clamps of surrounding stations would also stay free of spacesuits.

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Post by Cycrow » Tue, 13. Dec 05, 14:14

i havn't found any way to stop this from happening yet

theres 2 options, i could either get the script to automatically kill the pilot when it spawns, or make the player have to kill them to get paid

i think making the player do it is better, as afterall you are assassinating him so it doesn't matter if they was in or out of thier ship

if think it wil lbe best to keep the rep hits this way round, as it wil lbe quite abit to change in the bounty hunters script to make it work the otherway but i will be adding rep increase there so at least you can gain rep with certain races

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Post by alphalvr » Tue, 13. Dec 05, 17:06

i dont spose u could make a file that gives u the who;e lot in one script

ie assasin,bounty and mercenary, im new to scripts and i can only **** it up once rather than 3 times.

it sounds good but im pluckin up cutrridge to use it.
will my game saves still be compatible with x3 after ive used it....ie if i remove it


sorry 4 being thick

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Post by Cycrow » Tue, 13. Dec 05, 17:17

i've put them all into a file

they shouldn't mess up you save games after u've used them, if you detail them, they will stop running.

Any old save games will also be uneffected, as the scripts will only work in the same games that u've enabled the script editor on :)

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Update V1.01

Post by Cycrow » Wed, 14. Dec 05, 18:54

Fixed most of the problems i think :)

* Fixed displaying of null pilot
* Fixed capturing assassin ship
* Fixed removal of captured ship
* Removed arrow and starbust from escorts
* Fixed escorts carrying on attacking after target is dead

Going to add templates for the BBS messages like in the bounty hutners script, so if anyone wants to write some for it then your more than welcome ;)

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Post by Mailo » Wed, 14. Dec 05, 19:01

lol, nice timing, just wanted to post the lines one can comment out to "fix" the problem with capture :)

Downloading ...

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Post by Cycrow » Wed, 14. Dec 05, 19:03

i was mkaing it so u have to take out the pilot as well
but it wasn't recognising the attacker for some reason, so i left that out for now and thought ill just update a fixed version

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Post by boomer » Thu, 15. Dec 05, 13:10

How does the script activate??
I've done what you suggested (unzipping the whole lot in the x3 map, with the files going to the right submaps) and flew around for about 4 days now, still no BBs is asking me to join the ass. guild.
Do I need to do something else??

Please advice..

Thanks in advance


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Post by Cycrow » Thu, 15. Dec 05, 13:14

have u activated the script editor ?
you will need this enabled to use any of the community scripts

once activated you will need to reload you game with it enabled so the scripts can initilise, just enable it, save the game and reload and it should work :)

the messages to join the guild should be quite frequent, its random so they dont always show up, but if u've visited alot of stations and its not showing up, then its most likly not running

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Post by boomer » Thu, 15. Dec 05, 14:42

Thanks Cycrow, that did the trick. Just typing "Thereshallbewings" was the solution.

It worked after my first visit to a trading station.

Thanks again, I'll keep you in mind when tons of cash flow into my assassins account.


Greetings Boomer

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Post by Leroy The Badger » Thu, 15. Dec 05, 23:08

Hi Guys,

I've installed the Bounty Hunter script and joined the guild. I've accepted a couple of missions now but I don't seem to be able to locate any of the targets. One target was a goner in an M5 but I wasn't able to find any trace of him in the target system even after dumping advanced satellites everywhere.

Anyone got any ideas?


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Post by Cycrow » Thu, 15. Dec 05, 23:22

for the bounties, they do travel around about, so they could be in one of the sectors around the target sector

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Post by DIGSIN » Fri, 16. Dec 05, 20:51

Any of these any use

Pilot, we have a job if you are interested. We have proof that (name of target) has been stealing state secrets and selling them to anyone who will pay a high enough price. your mission is to hunt down and
destroy this thief before he gets to (destination). Will you accept?

Pilot, (name of target) accepted a mission to take 100 of our priests on a tour, instead the unholy one sold the priests as slaves to the pirates. Our most holy one, Priest Xaar, has demanded the (name of target) pays with his life. Will you accept this mission and give justice to our priests?

Pilot, Our trade suffersss. (name of target) keepsss beating our pilotsss to thier desstinationsss and sstealing our profitsss. You musst sstop him before we become poor. Will you ssave our profitsss for usss?

Pilot, (name of target) will not fight, he runs away. kill this coward for the Split families. Kill (name of target) for the glory of Rhonkar?

Hello (name of player) This is Ban Danna onboard Argon One. Recently (name of target) was visiting the Goner temple, unfortunatly he has stolen the plans for the jumpdrive. As you know we cannot risk these plans falling into the wrong hands.(name of target) must be stopped at all costs. Will you accept this mission?

Pilot, Queen Atreus is most upset, (name of target) has stolen the Queens jewels/money/bathwater (whichever you want).She would like these items returned or the thief killed. Will you help our Queen?

Pilot, (name of target) hasss been placing explossivesss on our sstationsss, thisss cosstsss usss profitsss for repairsss. SStop (name of target) and ssave repairsss. we will give you ssome profitsss. will you help?

Pilot, (name of target) is an enemy of the Federation. will you kill (name of target)?

pilot, (name of target) is an enemy of the Kingdom. will you kill (name of target)?

pilot, (name of target) is an enemy of Priest Xaar. will you kill (name of target)?

pilot, (name of target) is an enemy of all Split Families. will you kill (name of target)?

pilot, (name of target) is an enemy of The Corporation. will you kill (name of target)?

Pilot, This is a secret message from the Goner Temple and must not be repeated.(name of target) has been posing as a Goner priest and stealing valuables from people. This Defiler of the truth must be stopped.
Because of our nature we may not act upon this person and have to ask for your services. Will you help to spread the word of justice?

Pilot, I am a man of a high position, (name of target) has found out some sensitive secrets about me. This blackmailer is threatening to give them to my superiors unless i hand over 25 million credits. I do not
have this amount of credits and cannot afford to lose my job. Can you help me out of this mess please?

If i think of any more i'll pass them on.

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