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Post by Sandalpocalypse » Fri, 6. Jan 06, 21:09

it's not quite as easy as that in x3.

weapons loadout is determined by the cockpit, and cockpits must be facing a direction and you can only have 6.

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Post by Tsar_of_Cows » Fri, 6. Jan 06, 21:24

Moxy wrote:
It's 'phase'.
That's just 3ds getting the better part of me :shock:

About weapons/turrets part II:

How much of what is good?

Config(s) I've got in mind so far:

-4 to 6 Main batteries (cockpits) with 2 turrets each (8-12 guns)
-2 Anti fighter batteries with multiple small turrets

Bigger in size means more turrets but the number of turrets able to fire
simultaniously on 1 target should remain about the same for each M7.


After reading DeadlyDa's progress report on docking abilities I have to admit that it changed my opinion about including docking or not in the initial release.
Let's just go for it shall we :)
Personally, I think the turrets should be predominantly anti fighter, with all M7s taking flak guns and HEPTS on their turrets.

I'd suggest several forward guns which take GPPCs for taking on larger ships.

This way they are a predominantly anti-fighter ship (something sorely lacking in X) while maintaining a big punch for stations and other capitals.

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Post by unfunfofmpc » Fri, 6. Jan 06, 21:36

I agree with Tsar_of_Cows; however, I suggest using BPPC not GPPC.

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Post by -XTM- » Fri, 6. Jan 06, 23:12

Fine by me, flakships with a bigger punch towards the front sounds nice.
If someone can come up with a better sound for the flakarray's then I'd be double as happy.

Meanwhile I'm redesigning the Argon M7 to fit a docking bay cause I totally forgot about it's dimensions in the initial mesh.
However, I've tested it without the proper modelling and everyting (docking and launching) works fine.
Dimension-wise the meshes seem spot-on in relation to the docking-parts,
they could even be allowed to dock M6's should the need arrise at some later stage.
For now, M4's will do.
Also, ingame the ship looks about 10 times better then in the 3ds screenshots, and see here launching 8 Busters in waves of 2 was quite a pretty sight.

As soon as I've got the remodeling done I'll post some pics.
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Post by sai-ku » Fri, 6. Jan 06, 23:36

Cruisers are sorely needed in X, these M7s fulfil that need.

Maybe make fore and aft capital ship guns that can sweep the sides with others as AA guns.

I agree that more than 1GW shield is needed.
Back in the Ku baby!

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Post by foxd0nut » Sat, 7. Jan 06, 00:37

I love it. Reckon its a brilliant idea.

Reckon the weapon loadout should be a little like this.

Support BPPC's for use against slow, heavily armed targets.
Supports BFAA's for use against fighters. (Argon Version), and BPBE's (when the fix the collision) Paranid version should have GPSG's.
Supports for Only AHEPT's.
All PAC'S support.

Also, needs to be pretty fast, to be any good against fighters.

Also, increase shield strength. 2GJ would be better. Because in X3 the weapons are stronger by far, so a small squadron of M3's could take a frigate easily with 1GJ shields.

These are just a couple of ideas. What do people think.

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Post by Tsar_of_Cows » Sat, 7. Jan 06, 00:56

camp3r wrote: Also, increase shield strength. 2GJ would be better. Because in X3 the weapons are stronger by far, so a small squadron of M3's could take a frigate easily with 1GJ shields.
Very true, 1GJ won't be enough, it'll get blown to bits in no time.

I'd say maybe 3 or 4 (depending on how defensive hte race is) would work a bit better.

I don't think PACs are good enough though, I say HEPTS.

A good Anti-fighter support ship is sorely needed. I'm thinking the type of thing which defends M1s and m2s from swarms of fighters.

Thats why I suggested the FAAs.(which, IMHO need a range increase and an energy drain decrease)

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Post by Sandalpocalypse » Sat, 7. Jan 06, 02:21

If you're going to make m7s that hugely strong you would have to buff the m1s and m2s.

HEPTs are not good anti fighter weapons on a large ship, they are too slow.

PACs, modded PBEs (longer range, slower bullets. try it, it looks AWESOME.), and modded flakguns are good choices.

Incidentally, you never want to go too wild on the number of turrets, they can cause serious performance hits with too many of them.

These ships shouldn't be meant to last against m2s or m1s.

one thing to keep in mind when designing turret layouts - the AI places the Ventral, Dorsal, and Aft turrets on Missile Defence. Front, Left, and Right are on Attack Enemies.

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Post by unfunfofmpc » Sat, 7. Jan 06, 03:43

id say 2x1GJ shielding would be sufficient. Maybe 3x for a teladi, but then dimm down the guns a bit.

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Post by Identitystolen » Sat, 7. Jan 06, 04:32

If you make a Split M7, allow it to have beta flak arrays!!! That makes for great AA coverage.

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Post by Stevio » Sun, 8. Jan 06, 15:17

can you put all M7's pics on the first post it'll be easier to find and compare ..... or?????

even better a screenshot with all the M7's on it, like a size comparison chart thingy



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Post by -XTM- » Sun, 8. Jan 06, 16:54

Yeah, good id.
Things have been quiet the last few days, weekend and some other stuff.
Starting tomorrow I'll continue work and clean-up the topic.
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Post by rustybucket » Sun, 8. Jan 06, 22:40

If you're going to make m7s that hugely strong you would have to buff the m1s and m2s.
If you are going to have M7s, then the M2s need no longer worry about fighter suppression. You can reduce their turret count and load them up with extra heavy guns and armor. Ideally each M2 would cruise around with a couple of M7s as escorts.

Edited to add: I guess this introduces the whole concept of fleet based combat and supporting fires.

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Post by Sandalpocalypse » Sun, 8. Jan 06, 22:46

Of course m2s have to worry about fighter supression. No cap ship is going to be able to knock down fighters attacking another cap ship with reliability. Unless it's using Kyon emitters or something.

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Post by -XTM- » Sun, 8. Jan 06, 23:37

As always, things will more or less fall into place when every new ship is ingame and can be tested by a few people.
Still, atm the plan is about as follows;

Figures below are 'abouts/estimates/rougly's', meaning they can change as things evolve.

M7 class
-6 to 8 bigturrets (in 4 cockpits, 1 for each side) (Beta guns max).
-2 small turrets arrays top/bottom with multiple turrets for fighter supression (these will support pac's/ire/pbe/flak)
-shielding 2-4 GJ
-lasergen (of the charts)
-shieldgen (half that of a M1/M2)
-docking for a squadron of 4 to 6 m3/4/5
-speed > able to keep up with most m6's.

-I'll adjust M1/M2 strength's accordingly but most noticable on them will
be the dramatic upgrade on lasergens.
I simple find capital ships should only run out of energy for their guns when under heavy attack, all turrets engaged and sustained at that.

Also, all capital ships hullmass will be doubled, making it harder to take them out with massdrivers only.

-Reach of anti fighter weapons will be increased.
-PBE bullet speed decreased
-PPC bullet speed increased.

I've decided to drop the docking for only m4 and m5 requirement since this will severely limit the usage of onboard fighters for the player and thus the ability to use a M7 as inbetween homebase-ship.
(meaning I think you should be able to speed of in your recon Mamba when you want to defend your ship or scout or whatever and not be limited to a buster).

Mehrunes M6 mod will be incoorporated, meaning all M6's come with more then twice the guns/turrets they now carry.
I'll also add some special type M6's.

Later on the Mod will be updated with a M3-M6 gap-closer, a full load of Terran ships, a pirate corvette and new Xenon and Khaak stuff.
I also plan to give each race a M0 fagship...a real Argon-One so to speak.

Currently I'm in the process of experimenting with turret layouts but I'm now running into a cockpit problem (the main cockpit) of which I new how to fix it but forgot about it..... :(

Edit : No support for Shockwave weapons will be featured in the initial release since so many people (incl myself) report dramatic framedrops with them).
Also, the first release will be cockpits only....yes I know about the blackness but imo we'll just have to live with it until the next patch.
If a huge crowd starts complaining about this I might be pursuaded otherwise.
It's always better to have them in now then to keep modding things over and over.

Prolly forgot a load of stuff but that's about it for now.

Current release window to beta-testers is at end of this week, so if you want to beta-test and haven't signed up yet...drop me a pm.
When doing so, make sure youre doing it for the right reasons, not only to get a sneak-peak at the newships...ofcourse this is a bonus but I'd realy like some feedback of beta-testers as well once in progress.
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Post by Bud » Mon, 9. Jan 06, 00:11

What about scripting in cycrows niffty little mechanic friend that aint much to look at, to retro fit your choice of m6 to turn into a m7 for the handsome price of around 25-35mil cr. Then all you got to do is add the extra shields and guns.

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Post by Sandalpocalypse » Mon, 9. Jan 06, 00:17

also plan to give each race a M0 fagship

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Post by -XTM- » Mon, 9. Jan 06, 00:29

I'd like to minimize the amount of scripting needed for the mod as this will be the nr1 cause for incompatibilities if there's a lot of them.
Also debugging errors if they show up in beta-phase (and they probably will) is much harder when lots of scripts are involved.

About the M0, I don't mean a super whooping ship by it, just a upgraded carrier/destroyer with some extra's and a new model...someting which
makes it clear at a glance that it's the races' flagship.
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Post by Sandalpocalypse » Mon, 9. Jan 06, 00:33

The typo, man! The typo!

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Post by Domage » Mon, 9. Jan 06, 00:36


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