X:BTF Crash on resolution change Windows 10

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X:BTF Crash on resolution change Windows 10

Post by Cloak_and_Dagger » Sun, 25. Aug 19, 14:18

Just downloaded the game to my new computer from Steam. On launch, it defaults to 640x480, but when I try changing it to my native resolution (2560x1440) the game hangs for a second and then crashes. I've tried unchecking "use settings" and tried using compatibility mode (both the checkmark in the launch window and Windows compatibility mode).

- Operating system: Windows 10
- System specs: Ryzen 3600, RX 580, 32GB RAM
- game version: X:BTF Steam version

EDIT: Did some testing, I can bring it up to 1920x1080 until it crashes on me. Anything above that and it closes itself after selecting changes. This happens in both fullscreen and windowed mode.

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