X3 Reunion hangs when trying trade with station

Ask here if you experience technical problems with X³: Reunion, X²: The Threat, X-Tension or X-Beyond The Frontier

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Alan Phipps
Moderator (English)
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Posts: 30598
Joined: Fri, 16. Apr 04, 19:21

Post by Alan Phipps » Fri, 27. Apr 18, 17:11

Hello again. I thought you had the game working again, but obviously not.

I think you are perhaps going down the wrong path anyway. The game doesn't use command line options to play sounds - it uses DirectShow's DirectSound functions to play them directly. In fact your renaming of the extensions may even have made matters worse (or at least not any better) if DirectSound doesn't even see those files any more.

My theory is still that you have broken codecs sat at the top of your default priority listing and directing your DirectSound away from the codecs the game actually needs to play the game sound files. The evidence for this theory is that 99% of Win10 users don't have to do anything at all to run the game with all sound and so there is absolutely no need for the devs to worry about the code in this now quite old game.

I said earlier that I wouldn't recommend a codec tool and I still will not do so directly. All I can say is that when I was playing early X2/X3 I used a free tool called Codec Sniper to resolve some codec issues - but note that this was when my OS was Windows XP.
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