Please help I am unable to assign keys in X-BTF

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Please help I am unable to assign keys in X-BTF

Post by vic324 » Mon, 28. Feb 11, 17:53

I bought and installed X-Beyond The Frontier from the XSuperbox, however
I only have the mouse and keyboard as controllers, while the game is set up to run off Joystick.

I went into options and assign keys to change this and the only keys that could be assigned were Left/Right CTRL and Alt. Please could you advise me how to change the keys so the game runs off keyboard and mouse.

Many thanks in anticipation,


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Post by glenmcd » Mon, 28. Feb 11, 18:07

Although there are some keys that you can rebind in BTF, it is quite limited in comparison to later X games. The X series is to a large extent a series of improvements based on BTF, however it's a lot more than simply incremental changes. I bought the Superbox on Steam and due to reading reports from guys that suggested to play BTF first, I did so, followed by X2 etc and finally X3: Terran Conflict. IMO, you should probably treat BTF as an introduction, with Terran Conflict being the climax. TC is better in almost every respect than others in the X series. A possible exception is its tendency to overload even the fastest of monster PCs.

I was rather confused with key rebinding in BTF, until I accepted that it simply didn't do all that one would normally expect. Although I too would suggest that you get a grounding in BTF before you progress to X2 and then X3: TC, if you do find that you're getting frustrated and wondering why others love the X series so much, it's time to move on and upwards towards TC.

You've just started a wonderful journey. Enjoy!

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Post by CBJ » Mon, 28. Feb 11, 18:19

I'm not sure what you mean by "the game is set up to run off Joystick". The game works equally well without a joystick and you don't need to set up any keys to use a keyboard/mouse combination. All controls are available this way, and indeed many have to be used even if you do have a joystick..

Note that it is a limitation of the game (and of X-T and X2 too) that there is only a very limited set off controls that can be remapped to keyboard keys other than the defaults.

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Re: Please help I am unable to assign keys in X-BTF

Post by McKack » Fri, 17. Apr 20, 18:36

I think it's obvious there's a very limited set of controls that can be remapped but the keys themselves that can be mapped seems to be limited as well.
It honestly seems like it's a bug since there's more controls than keys that can be bound - Q, W, B, Tab, LAlt, LCtrl, RCtrl, arrow keys and no other keys.
Also when binding these keys only LAlt, LCtrl and RCtrl shows up in the Keyboard fields even though the previously mentioned keys get bound.


I've purchased the game on Steam and GOG and have the same issue in both versions.

I'm tempted to set up a virtual box with Windows XP and see if it works there - anyone else tried it?

Alan Phipps
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Re: Please help I am unable to assign keys in X-BTF

Post by Alan Phipps » Fri, 17. Apr 20, 19:57

I'll let this run as long as you also realise that you have necro'd a 9 year old thread.
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Re: Please help I am unable to assign keys in X-BTF

Post by McKack » Fri, 17. Apr 20, 20:51

Thanks. All I see is "Mon, 28. Feb 11, 18:53" on OPs post, there didn't seem to be a resolve here and I didn't wanna create more dupe posts on the same topic.
I'll keep you up to date with my findings (I'm also trying to decipher the keymapping stored in the Windows registry at HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Classes\VirtualStore\MACHINE\SOFTWARE\WOW6432Node\EgoSoftware\X)

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