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[X4 All DLC] Procedural story

Posted: Mon, 1. May 23, 23:09
by AlphaShark
Hey everyone I'm a huge RPer and mentally create a story as I play various sandbox games. I've written up a few stories for various other games (nothing posted but am in the process of finishing a book for publishing). Due to hardware issues I've had to start a brand new X4 game and have decided to document this play through and for the first time post it on the forums for the public. Plan is to do a chapter per day depending on how busy RL gets. I've already got 3 chapters written and 9 chapters on the go as my game has progressed and need to do a little more writing and less gaming.

The prologue as well as chapter 1 and 2 are "before game play" narrating life in Gaian Prophecy during the gate shutdown and the actual story play will begin as the gates realign. My game play events as well as the procedural names that happened while I was leveling rep and doing missions I've written into the early life of the main character Mike and friends.

I'll be honest and say I'm cutting quite a bit of detail out compared to my normal writings to allow it to be more forum tldr digestible but I'm definitely open for any suggestions as I update this thread.

Game start is a custom budgeted start. Terran Male with 147k credits, various supply wares and all the Terran blueprints for a self sustaining medical factory(you'll understand in the story). Starting with a fully outfitted Takoba, Baldric, Bolo Gas and Mineral miners and a Nimcha scout. All with 4 star pilots and advanced crew which goes with the story.

The plan is to write the story as if one was living and experiencing these events in the X universe. There will be no SETA story wise and the logistics weren't as instant and user friendly as they are in a game so you actually have to go to the ship trader, manager, essentially removing the overarching "God" that is the player behind the screen. Anything that happens in my game such as Xenon invasions, pirate attacks, stations and ships getting destroyed, Khaak attacks I will narrate into the plot as I proceed through the game so no save scum and DiD.

There will be spoilers as I do plan to narrate all the plot and choices.

Prologue: Destined?

From humble beginnings born and growing up in a Pioneer medical supply factory during gate shutdown to being the conquerer of the Xenon. I was born in 2971:EY on the same day Gaian sector received a probe from Alliance of the Word 19 years after the gate shut down. Some called it destiny others circumstance. My family was quite well known to everyone in the factory and provided extra shifts to create more protein paste for the sector. We were lucky because medical supplies were deemed a necessary ware to keep production running during the shutdown so my parents still had money to send me to school and the station was a safe place to live. As a child everyone had high expectations of me. Being born on that special day after all I was the only hope to a lot of other Pioneers. Lot of pressure to put on a kid growing up even in a more well off sector like Gaian was so my parents kept me on quite isolated.

On my 13th birthday I was finally allowed to go into space. Captain Xiaowen was one of the traders that made her route on to our station every month bringing medical supplies and any spare protein paste to the trading station. It was amazing to finally fly through space after watching the drones fly around the station dreaming what it could be like. I was jaw dropped as I stare out the cockpit glass as we flew through various gas clouds, past floating asteroids, and nearby the other stations in the sector. It was at that moment I knew I wanted to spend my life living as a pilot and live on my own ship. To my surprise we came across a Computronic Substrate station that looked abandoned.

"Not much need for substrates during gate shutdown without a ship or station building to support so we shut it down to save resources."
She says to me noticing my concerned look as we passed by.

Captain Xiaowen told me other pioneers weren't so lucky as we were. There was little to no need of advanced materials; only for the occasional micro asteroid patch jobs on stations or for repairing the gas collectors but the trade station had more then enough supplies stocked up for all these years. Only stations of food production or medical supplies were kept running. Independent stations making no money were abandoned and some people were relocated to other stations.

"What happed to the people that weren't relocated?" She looked back at me in grimace but didn't answer.

Arriving at the trade station for the first time was sight to behold. It was at least 3 times bigger then the medical factory with small drones zipping around depositing and withdrawing storage from the massive containers, police drones buzzing around scanning other drones making sure nothing illegal is going on. A voice comes over the PA system.

"Trading station to approaching Baldric transport MGM-050 you have permission to dock, nice to see you again Xiaowen".

"Good to hear from you too Delcan, after we dock and the shipment is being unloaded I'll come up to visit. I've got a new passenger on board I want you to meet his name is Mike Pearson."

"Mike Pearson? The Mike Pearson that was born on transmission day? Please do bring him to visit!"

I look at the Captain puzzled as she smiles back at me and then returns her view and prepares navigation to dock.

As we entered through the atmosphere barrier and the dock was visible my excitement had disappeared. There was people everywhere; lying on the ground, sitting against the walls and around various tents and makeshift shelters. I understand now where all the workers from the abandoned stations had come to and why my parents made such an effort to produce extra protein paste for the trade station. The harsh reality of the gate shutdown that I was sheltered from had hit me all at once. Xiaowen voice snaps me out of my stupor.

"You can stay on the ship if you like, I can't imagine how hard it must be for you to see this for the first time." She says to me now standing beside me.

"No, I uh want to go. I have to meet Delcan right?" I said to her hesitantly.

She gestures to her side and I follow her out of the Baldric onto the landing pad. There's already drones flying overhead and attaching to the cargo containers on the front of the Baldric pulling off the cargo boxes. The once idle people around the docks started getting restless shouting at the drones for food and supplies.

"Quickly now to the teleporter!" Xiaowen says as we make haste towards and through the crowd, down the ramp into the teleport room as a guard stops the crowd at the top of the ramp from following us. She enters a long code is into the keypad and we are whisked away to a different area of the station and confronted by Delcan when the door opened.

"I hope the refugees didn't give you too much trouble. We haven't been getting as much protein paste lately, word has it the Methane fields are starting to dry up so I might have to start commissioning some scouts with the little supplies we have left." He says with a worried look.

"I might know someone. She's a Terran that got trapped here in a very reliable scout ship during the shutdown and works as one of my service crew. I'm sure she'd love to start flying again."
Xiaowen says to him as they start walking down the hall to the manager office.

"So this is the renown Mike. Hero of Gaian and the Pioneers!"
He says as he sits down behind his chair smiling as he's amused by his own words.

"I wish you wouldn't call him that. He's just an ordinary boy born on a station. No one picks the day they are born you are superstitious like the earthlings of old." Xiaowen says begrudgingly as she sits in the chair in front of his desk. I move up and sit next to her. Looking out the window behind him I could see the large Hokkaido ships docking and drones carrying large canisters of what I imagine is Methane to be stored.

"Yes, yes perhaps you are right but wouldn't he make a great story? First born on the day of the beacon to bring Pioneers hope for the day the gates realign. Maybe I'll even let him meet my daughter. HA" He says excitedly as he bangs his fists on the desk and starts laughing. She turns to me and face-palms shaking her head. This is definitely not what I expected.

After a hour of boring babble about trade wares and sales talk while I watch out the window Delcans terminal hologram lights up as the docking manager lets him know the Baldric is now loaded with empty containers and is ready for departure. Delcan and Xiaowen shake hands into a hug then he comes to shake my hand.

"What do you want to be in this galaxy?"
He asks still grasping tightly.

"Well after flying in the Baldric today with Xiaowen I definitely want to be a pilot."
I respond excitedly.

"Just a pilot?" His eyebrows raise on one side in thought. "I had figured the hero of Gaian would be a little more ambitious then that!" He begins to laugh and starts to shoo us out of his office.

"The more I think of it the more I realize the gate shutdown has turned him crazy." Xiaowen says as she chuckles to herself while we walk back to the teleporter.

It felt like a much longer flight back to the station after what had transpired. My mind was full of thoughts but the main thing that kept popping up was what Delcan said. "More ambitious?" I murmur to myself. I had never even thought of being a pilot before, what's more ambitious then that?

Re: [X4 All DLC] Procedural story

Posted: Tue, 2. May 23, 23:50
by AlphaShark
Chapter 1 The Nimcha

It's been 6 months since my visit to the trade station. I didn't feel as compelled to visit and see the refugees as I was the first time. Xiaowen offered the last 3 times she was transporting supplies but I've been busy studying what little access I have to the Terran and Pioneer piloting history. I've felt different since the visit with Delcan. My teacher says he's awoken my calling but all I know is I want to be out there piloting a ship so anything else can happen after that. My deep thoughts are quickly broken as the station alarm starts going off and a red light fills the room. Nissa the station manager comes on the PA system.

"Incoming! Ship on collision course with M docking bay 3. Please evacuate the area immediately. I repeat collision course with M docking bay 3."

I run to the window quickly and see a small maybe scout ship with a trail of smoke being left behind heading straight for the docks. Living in the habitat ring I shouldn't be affected by the collision but I hope everyone will be okay. A sense of urgency rushes over me and I quickly run out of my room down the hall to the medical ward and grab a med kit in each hand unsure of what could be needed and wait by the transporter to decide if I was really going to do this.

"Watch out kid!" "Coming through move aside!"
Two security personal comes running by and into the teleporter.

"Hey kid can we use these?"
He points towards the 2 medical kits I grabbed from the medical ward.

"Yes! Take them if you're going to the docking bay I wasn't sure what to do so I brought them here."
I say to him quickly.

"Thanks this could be helpful!"
He says as the door closes and they are teleported away.

Waves of anxiety come over me as I make my way to the mess hall trying to decide if that was the best course of action or not. I probably will just get in the way I thought to myself and start walking towards my room. I then hear a loud crash and small creaking noise then more emergency alarms going off. Looking out the window I see that the scout has hit the landing pad and stopped. Nissa is on the PA again.

"The station is going into emergency lockdown. All personal please make your way to your rooms immediately we have a minor deviance to structural integrity from the collision. Everyone please enact the safety protocols to seal off your quarters to avoid any airlock leaks for your own safety until we know it's safe."

My parents soon arrive in our quarters and seal the door behind them. I notice my dad is covered in protein paste and mom starts to laugh at him. I told them about the ship I seen flying towards the docking bay and gathering the medical supplies so we all look out the window. Smoke has filled the atmosphere barrier so we can't see through the black. We waited for 30 minutes that felt like an eternity before hearing Nissa again on the PA.

"The station is no longer in lockdown and everyone may resume normal duties. Can Mike Pearson please report to the managers office immediately. I repeat Mike Pearson to the manager office immediately."
The red emergency light above the door turned to green and opened.

I look at my parents who look just as puzzled as I am. I'd only ever met Nissa once on my 9th birthday party because one of the security workers slipped on some protein paste and she came to complain at my parents about the well being of other pioneers. I make my way down the hall towards the teleporter and am greeted by the 2 security workers who shake my hand and pat my back in thanks before walking off. I guess the medical supplies came in handy but we are a medical production facility surely someone else would have thought to bring medical supplies with them to the crash site.

"Ah good you made it quickly Mike."
Nissa says to me as I enter the office. Head of security and a short girl with red hair all bruised up with a bandage wrapped around her head. I didn't recognize her so she must be the pilot.

"You are here because you are being reprimanded. You, Mike Pearson; without permission or authority stole medical supplies from Medical Ward."
I go to speak but she shushs me.

"I however have been recommended to withdraw discipline by the head of security as no one else thought to bring medical supplies. Incompetent all of you allowing a 13 year old to do your job and break the law in the process." He goes to speak but she cuts him off pointing her finger at him before turning her gaze back on me.

"Since you are likely the sole reason this young lady here is alive. I've decided your punishment is that half of your MRE rations are to go to feeding our new guest for as long as she decides to stay. Now everyone out of my office I have work to do."
I go to speak but no words come out and we all awkwardly make our exit unsure to make of what just transpired.

"Thanks for saving me."
The girl hugs me soon as the door closes. "My name is Meili. Captain Xiaowen has told me all about you. I've been doing scouting runs for Delcan at the trading station." She grabs my hand and drags me to the teleporter. "Come with me I have to show you my baby."

We teleport to docking bay 3 where there is 2 service crew still working on the ship. It's nothing like I've ever seen before. It has the cockpit of the rapier but the top is different and it has 2 engines and 2 shields.

"She's beautiful isn't she? It's a new Terran design of the Rapier. Too many Xenon issues in the matrix sectors so they added extra shielding. She's a fairly slower from the extra weight and power usage so she's got 2 engines for deep recon survival. Despite being slower then a Rapier she'd out maneuver one. Maybe even a Xenon T!" She says proudly staring at the ship.

"Sorry what's a Xenon T?" I know what the Xenon are but I don't know what the T stands for. Everything about their ships as it's all classified on the terminals.

"Oh right you're a newbie but if you want to be a pilot one day you better know the Xenon. There's T for scout, N and M for their fighters, the big scary bug K destroyer and apparently there's an I as well but no one's ever seen one or at least that I've heard before the shutdown. That T is fast though I don't know how those machine brains do it but it moves at like 11000 meters per second. I can barely get Horizon over 5500/ms. Oh yeah her names Horizon." She grins ear to ear saying the ships name then walks towards the 2 people working on the ship.

So this is the scout ship that Xiaowen was talking about to Delcan. I wonder why shes crashed. Was she out scouting and got attacked. That's impossible though the gates are shut down.

"If you're wondering I wasn't attacked by Xenon they can't really make it here for another 100 years without the gates then we'd all be killed but until then we're safe." Oh I feel so much better knowing that I thought to myself. "I was attacked by the Khaak who could be arguably worse then the Xenon. Came out of no where while I was scouting a new Methane field and this was the closest place to land."

"You mean crash."
I quickly interrupt her.

"No I mean land. She can still fly it was just a not so graceful landing if I must say so."
she says smirking.

"Right. Uh. So whose the Khaak?"

"Aren't you kids learning anything in school? Khaak are the crazy purple bugs that teleport around asteroids and attack miners. Not sure what they were doing in the Methane clouds though. Wasn't any miners or asteroids around so maybe he was lost. Oh and these guys fixing Horizon are my service crew, Kaylee and Mohammed. I don't know what I'd do without them as they know almost as much as I do about fixing ships."
They wave as she grabs a wrench from Hayley and starts wrenching a bolt on the landing gear.

"Yeah but that doesn't explain how they got here. The gates are shutdown so how are they here in Gaian space?"

"Well there's 2 ways. Either they have a hive nest somewhere in the outer reaches of Gaian or they have some sort of tracking beacon to teleport here like in the old Terran jump tech. Both are just as terrifying if you ask me."
She says getting up off the ground wiping dirt on her face. "Ah I love the smell of stardust."

I spent the rest of the day on the docks instead of studying asking Meili questions. Despite her being so eccentric she is she's got a wealth of Terran knowledge that's considered classified and even more about ships that I feel compelled to learn. I can see why Xiaowen took her in. They finished the repairs on her ship in a few short hours and we all went to the mess-hall for dinner. The rest of the patrons on the station didn't look too kindly to her after the dock incident. I don't blame them either I was quite worried about people getting hurt. I don't imagine she'll be staying long on account for working with Xiaowen.

"Oh by the way I plan to live here now."
She says with a mouth full of my MRE. "Delcan said something about you having a destiny for Gaian and wants me to teach you how to fly. He figures a little scout like Horizon would be the perfect ship to teach you on."

"Woah, woah, woah. What do you mean stay? Also me? Fly Horizon? You're joking."

"Well yeah of course who else is going to let a kid get behind the controls of their ship. You basically saved my life so I owe you even though I already said yes to Delcan. Plus your quick thinking saved me so you should pick up flying and combat easily. In no time you'll be a pro like me!"

I was quiet for the rest of the evening. As Meili shared her stories of United Space Command more and more people started to gather and warm up to her. It wasn't long until the entire mess-hall seemed to be captivated by her tales. For being as eccentric as she is it seems like she was quite the important person to the military before the shutdown. I wonder why; with an prototype recon scout ship she was in Gaian space in the first place. Was she spying on us or just passing through.

Re: [X4 All DLC] Procedural story

Posted: Thu, 4. May 23, 00:49
by AlphaShark
Chapter 2 The cold of space.

It's been 2 years since Meili had crashed into the station and with a lot of flight training I've become quite the pilot.With at least 1000 hours behind the controls of the Horizon one could say I fly as good as she does as we weave between asteroids scouting out uncharted regions of Gaian as we receive various missions for Delcan. Thanks to Meili finding the new Methane fields and my dad increasing protein paste production we've made quite the name for ourselves in the sector almost eliminating the hunger crisis entirely. I hear buzzing at my door and get out of bed to go answer.

"Oh good you are up. Nissa has a new job for us repairing some data leak on the station."
Meili says at the door already in her pilot clothes.

"I wasn't up but isn't that a job for the station drones, or the engineers, or absolutely anyone other then us?"

"Apparently this one is in a hard to reach position for the drones and the engineers don't have much as much space time. We have to go talk to Nissa so get your gear on"
She says as she starts walking away towards the teleporter.

"What do you mean space time?"
I say to her as she shrugs and enters the teleporter.

I get dressed in my piloting gear and grab a MRE out of the cabinet and make my way to the teleporter to meet up with Meili. I hope they don't mean actually going into space to fix the leak instead of using the ship scanner to do it.

"It's about time you've made it. I shouldn't have to send your captain to get you out of bed."
Nissa says scorning. I really wasn't up for this today. "There's a data leak inside of the defense ring below the dock. Drones aren't permitted around the ring as it could set off the turrets and all our space walk capable engineers are off station currently."

"I'm not even a space capable engineer."
I blurt out interupting her.

"Of course you're not. You're still a child but Meili is and you're the copilot so now you're required."
Doesn't she know I'm 15. Not such a child anymore and I can fly a space ship. "Do you have an algorithmic scanner to a data leak Meili?" She says eyeing her up. One can tell by the expression on her face that she's not happy we are the ones being employed for this mission.

"Yeah of course I do I've fixed them 1000s of times. It was part of regular pilot training when I was stationed at Mars."

"Good get to it now I expect it won't take you two more then 1 hour. I don't want to have the drones avoiding that area any longer then we have to."

We head back to the teleporter and head to S dock 1 where Horizon is parked. Mohammed is there cleaning the ship off with dry ice and Kaylee is in the cockpit running a sensor diagnostic.

"We'll be heading out in less then 5 so finish up what you're doing we've got a mission to accomplish!"
Meili says proudly as both service crew salute and finish up their work. We enter the back room in the ship "So have you ever been in a space suit?" Meili turns and asks me.

"No and I'm not doing it. You're the professional don't even ask."

"Come on space is so cold and it messes up my hair putting the helmet on. Plus you need the experience. How can you expect to finish pilot school with no experience in a suit."
Meili says as she grabs the helmet and tosses it to me.

"Fine I'll do it. Only because it'll make me a better pilot."
She jumps and cheers then gives me a big hug.

"Good get over here!"
She grabs my hand and pulls me to the thruster gear.

It's quite a large apparatus you sit in but all the thrusters are necessary to not end up being pulled away by gravity or intertia. As I finish strapping in she heads back to the cockpit and I am soon greeted by Mohammed and Kaylee who sit in their diagnostic stations monitoring the ship functions. A rush of g-forces pushes me down into the chair as Meili boosts off the platform and out of the dock.

"Be careful!" I shout into the comms and I can hear her giggling from the cockpit as we make our way down to the drop point.

"Okay Hayley put up the atmospheric barrier around Mike and launch."

"Hey wait a minute you haven't shown me the thruster controls?"
I say as I'm ejected out of the bottom of the ship. I quickly fiddle with the thrusters and start moving quickly sidways towards the wall of the station.

"You better slow down or you're going to bugsplat the wall."
I hear Meili in my comms still giggling.

"Meili what are you doing? You're way too close to the wall of the station. Just make your way to the data leak and fix it with the algorithmic scanner. This is no time for goofing off." I hear Nissa on our communicators. She must be watching us from her office. Probably when Meili boosted off the launch pad.

"Sorry Nissa I'll be more careful!"
Meili says. "Psst Mike. Be more careful Nissa is watching."

"That better not be Mike out there in that suit Meili or his parents will eject you out of an airlock Meili."

"Oh uh yeah no it's me just rusty with the controls. All is good you don't need to watch us"

I think this is the first time I've heard Meili nervous as I very slowly make my way to the data leak. My HUD says I'm only moving at 1/ms but it sure feels a lot faster. Crazy to think yesterday I was moving at 3900 /ms in the Horizon as happy as can be but this has me on edge. I manage to maneuver to the location and after a few minutes of running the scanner leak is clear.

"Making my way back to the Horizon."

"Okay good. Mohammed restart the atmosphere barrier and open the docking doors."

I see the bottom hatch of the Horizon swing open so I maneuver myself in range of the ship and line up best I can.

"Don't scratch the paint Mike. Hayley worked hard fixing the ship last time."

"Yeah the last time you crashed?"

"I didn't crash! It was a graceful landing."
I can hear her attitude in her voice.

I enter into the small room and bounce into the atmosphere barrier as the door closes behind me.

Mohammed says as there's a blast of air as the life support pressurizes the barrier around me. "Dropping barrier. Welcome back Mike."

"Hey Nissa job complete I'm uhh back on the ship now."
Meili says on the comms and then deepens her voice "Hey Meili super awesome job you did. You're so amazing. I'm going to fly us to the trading station for uh, to tell Delcan how amazing you are." "Byeee Nissa!" She says now in her own voice and we boost away into travel drive.

"Hey, wait, oh and they're gone."
Oh well I'll have to have a word with her when she's back.

"Why are we going to the trading station? This isn't on our flight log."
I say to her now that I'm out of the thruster gear and in the cockpit.

"Well we needed to get you out of the suit before we dock or they'll definitely know it wasn't me fixing the leak."

"I think they already know. You weren't very subtle about it with Nissa."
She looks back at me worriedly.

"Mayday mayday we're under attack I repeat we're under attack! Can anyone out there help us?"
A distress call comes up on the monitor.

"This is Meili Ito of the scout ship Horizon. VFB-620 Nimcha. How are you under attack?"
She responds to the call.

"Oh thank god someone is out there! This is captain Yoshiko Kikuchi of the Dirty Treasure. We're under attack by the Khaak! We're uh Baldric Miner KYKY-52. Only have 30% shields left I am flying as fast as we can towards the trade station."

"Everyone hang on battle positions!"
Meili says as she switches to battle mode then sends out a long range sensor burst. "There!" A red ping on the holographic radar pops up. "Hang on!" She boosts us straight to 2100/ms launching me backwards into the door before entering travel drive.

"Are you crazy!"
I shout at her. "If we're going into combat we need our shields not to be using them as boost."

"You've got a lot to learn rookie! They are 40km away and Horizon shields recharge in 12 seconds so as we drop out of travel we'll be back to full. Kayle make sure the proton barrage is ready to go."

"Yes captain bringing combat systems online in 3, 2, 1. Ready."

"Proton barrage? What the heck is proton barrage?"
I ask her as I've never heard of this weaponry.

"Brand new Terran tech. Well new about 35 years ago when this ship was created. Way better then the EMP cannons."
She says proudly.

"Dropping out of travel drive. Prepare to be under fire. I want all systems at 120% Mohammed. They bested us last time but we got the jump on them now!"
Meili shouts into the comm obviously overly excited.

As we drop out about 3 kilometers ahead of us we can see a bright light from the baldric engines running at max. There's a small black and purple triangle chasing him firing off a purple laser at the ship.

"Please hurry we are down to 5% shields!" Yoshiko shouts on the comm.

"Full burn on the engines. Telemetry says they are moving at 104/ms while Horizon can only do 260." She then shouts on the comms. "Yoshiko we'll be in range in under 5 seconds directly behind you hang on!"

"Are you crazy woman! Our shields are at 2% if you miss and hit us we could die!"

"Do you want our help or not!" She now screams in battle rage on the comm. Remind me to never be on her bad side.

"FIREEEE." Meili screeches and echoing blasts of the top mounted Proton Barrage start firing echoing through the cabin and in 9 hits the Khaak ship explodes into a burning flame and a loud hissing sound of evacuating gas fills the cabin.

"That was so fun I wish there was more then just one ship to blow up!" Meili says proud of herself.

"You saved us!" Yoshiko shouts into the comm. "I wasn't sure when you said scout ship if you could take that on but I've never seen a weapon like that before. Or heard of a Nimcha."

"Terran special operative at your service." Meili says.

"Please meet with me at the trading station! I must reward you for saving us."

We follow the ship Dirty Treasure back to the trading station where Yoshiko pays Meili 30k credits for saving them.

"I'll never forget this. Horizon and captain Meili saviors of the Dirty Treasure!" He shouts as he heads back to his ship. Drones start working away at unloading the ore crates on the ship while we go pay a visit to Delcan.

"What do you mean you don't want it?" Delcan says to me. "Take the credits you both have earned it saving that miner out there. It's good moral for everyone in Gaian." He says to me trying to offer me 10k credits for assisting in the take down of the Khaak ship.

"I didn't do anything it was all Meili and the Horizon that saved them. I was just there to watch."

"Pilot school is going to be expensive you know. You should accept any and all credits heading your way." Meili says gesturing me to take the credits.

We leave Delcans office after catching up a bit from being paid and Meili bragging to him about how good the Proton Barrage is.

"I'm transferring all these credits to you. You need it for school and I don't need it because I've got everything I could ever want. The Horizon, Hayley, Mohammed and your MRE's at the station." She grins and uploads the credits to my account. I go to speak but shes interrupts me. "You just keep saving credits and start thinking about how you can turn the gates back on Mr Destiny." She then starts blasting some music while flying us back to the medical factory.

*Edited for the sake of incorrect ship stats.*

Re: [X4 All DLC] Procedural story

Posted: Fri, 5. May 23, 06:22
by AlphaShark
Chapter 3 The day that changed everything

"You planning on sleeping in on your 19th birthday!" Meili shouts at me waking me up.

I open my eyes to Meili in my room while my parents, and Xiaowen stand in the doorway. I roll over pulling the sheets over my head.

"You know it's really selfish of you. We want our cake and party." Meili says and starts pushing me to get up.

"Okay, okay I'm up." I hop out of bed and stretch as Meili pokes me in the stomach.

"Get your piloting gear ready and head to M dock 1! We've got a surprise!" She says as everyone leaves.

I had a feeling my birthday would be like this. Last 3 birthdays she's done this yet refuses to tell any of us when her birthday is or how old she is. Child at heart I guess all one needs to know about her. I quickly shower and change then make my way to the docks which too my surprise there is 100s of people here with the Santa Maria and a Baldric miner.

"Beauty isn't she all cleaned up?" A man says as he tucks me in under his arm. "I made sure to get it cleaned for your birthday!"

"Sorry who are you?" I say very confused knowing pretty much everyone on this station.

"Ouch man!" He says sadly. "Nah just kidding you haven't seen me in about 4 years! It's Yoshiko, you and Meili saved us from the Khaak!" He bows slightly.

"Oh great to see you again but how'd you know it's my birthday?"

"Well being your 19th Meili made sure to fly around to all the stations in Horizion to get everyone on the trade station today for your 19th birthday party. She's been working hard to haul extra MRE in that tiny ship of hers just to be sure everyone has something to eat."

I'm stunned by all of this. Everyone doing all of this for me is very strange but I can't help but be grateful. We spend the next 30 minutes or so mingling before the station speakers beep.

"Happy birthday Mike Pearson. I'm sorry to cut your mingling short but the docking bay is not a place to loiter so can everyone please vacate" Nissa says. Even on my birthday she's still cold.

"Everyone load up!" Xiaowen shouts. "Half of you on the Dirty treasure and the other half with me on the Santa Maria!"

I start heading towards the Santa Maria and am stopped by Meili.

"Hey co-pilot where you going? Might need your help flying the Horizon with all the cargo I've got." She says grabbing my arm pulling me to the teleporter.

As we board I'm greeted by my parents who head into the back with Hayley and Mohammed. Looking back there I see bunch of boxes full of MRE.

"You better be flying safe with my parents on board Meili."

"Sure Co-pilot. What ever you say co-pilot. Now hang on!"
She shouts as the door closes.

We blast off the landing pad and like usual boost out of the dock. All the MRE boxes shift sideways as we flying right between the Santa Maria and Dirty treasure.

"Hey turbo be careful up there. Safety first." Xiaowen says to Meili as we zoom by reaching max speed in seconds.

We soon get into range of the trading station Delcan comes on the comms.

"This is Gaian Trade Station to Nimcha designation VFB-620 you are clear for landing in S docking bay 1. Meili you're here way ahead of schedule I figured you'd fly with the group today." Delcan says on the comm.

"No way!" She shouts back "I want the best seat closest to the cake!" she says ignoring the docking speed and gives us a rough landing.

I follow everyone to the mess hall and while they get set up I am captivated by the view out the window. As I watch the drones tirelessly work I suddenly feel overwhelmed thinking how dramatically my life has changed the past 6 years. Now that I'm an official adult I'll have to start working in the factory. No more trips out in the Horizon or goofing around the station. I'll probably be working on protein paste production with dad every day. Their ships start coming into view as they approach on the station. Delcan comes on the station comm to clear the M docks for the approaching ships.

"Hey Meili we should go greet them and make sure everyone knows to come to the mess-hall."

"No way I'm staying right here. No one's taking my spot."

"Suit yourself."
I make my way to the teleporter as the station goes code red from a proximity alert.

"We have unknown carrier and destroyers that have entered the sector I repeat unknown carrier and destroyers have entered the sector. I'm launching the station defense drones so everyone please exit the docks immediately." Delcan shouts on the comm catching everyone off guard. I quickly head to the teleporter to his office followed by Meili.

"Unknown? Destroyers?" Meilli and I say at the same time.

"It looks as thought the west gate has activated according to long range scans and there's a fleet of large ships coming through. I can't see what ships through the clouds thought and they haven't answered hails."

"Gaian Prophecy trade station this is Fleet commander Nowak Lee of the Tokyo Carrier PLT-918 Intervention Corps of the Terran Protectorate. Please ready your office and mobilize anyone of importance as I'll be arriving immediately with delegations. Your gate has realigned with Brennan's Triumph and subsequently the Sol system. You will be greeted by myself and Delilah Shiratori of the Terran Secret Service. Lee out." We all stand there in complete shock.

"I need you two to go inform everyone in the mess-hall immediately. I need to call all the station managers here right away."
He says still staring at the now blank screen.

"I ask Meili how we're going to tell everyone?"
As we make our way to the teleporter.

"Don't worry I've got it all under control."

"Everyone I have an extremely important announcement."
Meili shouts as we enter the mess-hall. "While Mike and I were in Delcan office talking about preparations for the party Mike did some magic for his 19th birthday and opened the west jump gate!" I look at her completely stunned.

Everyone stands silent looking at us unsure of whether to believe her or not until someone shouts. "Look!" Everyone turns around to see a giant white ship approaching slowly towards the large station dock. "Is that a Terran Tokyo?" The man shouts back at us.

"Yes the gate to Brennan's Triumph and to Sol has been opened. The Terran fleet is here for delegations."

It was many hours into the night that the Terran delegation talked with Delcan and the other station managers. If it wasn't for the extreme excitement of exploration into Sol I would have passed out with nearly everyone else. The party was definitely fun but there was an eerie feeling amongst everyone. There's still no contact with Segaris meaning we would be under Terran control depending on the outcome of the talk.

"Can Meili and Mike please report to my office."
Delcan says on the station comm. I wake up Meili who seems to be in a cake coma and we make our way up to Delcan office.

As we enter Nowak Lee is sitting at Delcans desk next to a woman who I presume is Delilah.

"Meili it's a pleasure to meet you and Mike interesting story Delcan has told me about you."
Delilah says to us.

"Don't be superstitious Delilah."
Scorns Nowak. "Meili I have been told you fly a Terran scout ship."

"Yes I was on mission for united space command to test out the capabilities of the new Nimcha scout."

"Oh just a Nimcha?"
Nowak seems dissapointed and turns back to Delcan. "I thought you said she had an advanced Terran ship not a scout ship."

"It was advanced when I left on mission 35 years ago."
Meili responds very formally but definitely upset they are not praising her ship.

"Ah yes that explains it you must have been part of the intial creation of the Nimcha in calling it advanced. Does it have the Proton Barrage as well?"
Delilah asks.

"Yes it does I used it to kill a Khaak ship a few years ago."

"Oh so you've had confrontation with the Khaak? That could be a very serious threat to mining operations in Sol. How often are the attacks?"
Nowak abruptly asks.

"Only the 1 Khaak ship. There has been no other reports in over a year."
Delcan responds standing up for us as he's noticing this is turning into an interrogation and begins to question them about supplies to Gaian and starting up the computronic and carbide factories again.

"Can you bring me to your Nimcha?"
Delilah asks Meili who is ignoring Delcan questions. "I'll let Nowak handle all these questions I'd like to see what the prototype looks like."

We head back to the docks and she looks over the ship thoroughly even looking into the system management terminal where Mohammed usually works.

"Hmm interesting. I have a proposition for you Meili. Your shields and thrusters are upgradeable to the new Mk3 variant as well as we've got a Mk2 of the Proton Barrage I could arrange to have installed on your ship at the Jupiter Equipement Dock."

"That would be amazing!"
Meili shouts and jumps excitedly.

"I however require one thing. I need you to be an informative for me about what's going on in Pioneer space. Now that the gates are realigned, until Segaris is connected we'll need to keep a close eye on things. Especially with the pirate history of Brennan's Triumph."

I'm about to speak in objection "You can count on me! When can we get our upgrades?" Meili says quickly and excitedly.

Delilah uploads navigational information into the computer giving us sector data on Brennan's Triump, Neptune, Uranus, Saturn, and our final destination Jupiter. We spend a few more hours talking as Meili tells her USC stories to Delilah until she can hardly stand in exhaustion. Meili and I agree to start our travels to Jupiter tomorrow to upgrade Horizon. I'm still taken aback from Meili readily agreeing to spy on the Pioneers but I guess it's no different the her original mission in the first place. I still haven't talked to her about that but since we'll be flying for about a week it'll be a good time to chat.

Edited to update ship type Bolo to Baldric Miner as there was no Bolo previously to the gate shutdown.

Re: [X4 All DLC] Procedural story

Posted: Tue, 27. Jun 23, 22:27
by Blitz4
You're going to be helping me learn how to RP. I wanted to give something back that I spotted, I'm technically capable to help with stuff like this.
Due to hardware issues I've had to start a brand new X4 game
If it's hard drive died. There's Steam Cloud. If can't use Steam Cloud. Use something like google drive and then setup FreeFIleSync to auto-backup the files to your google drive.

Re: [X4 All DLC] Procedural story

Posted: Sun, 23. Jul 23, 21:23
by AlphaShark
I am back after the long hiatus with a very long chapter. Trying to stick to a theme of realism in the X universe so there is a lot of logistical writing put in this chapter as how I'd think security would be after the gate network came back online as well as the retrofitting of the old x3 stations to the x4.

@Blitz4 Thanks for the helping hand! My hardware issues was the 6.1 patch at that time breaking windows 7 compatibility so I guess it was more a software issue then hardware. I had to roll back to patch 5.1 and start a new save which is this story. The issue was shortly fixed thanks to the Egosoft team putting out a hotfix quickly so I rolled this custom save up to 6.1 but have not done much since as I was playing ventures beta and didn't want to try mix that element into the story this early on.

I had a new SSD and adapter coming in to use for a windows 10 upgrade but the adapter did not work with my motherboard so I sent both back (my old motherboard not compatible with m.2). Ordered a new SSD and it was a dead-on-arrival so I am unfortunately still running windows 7 waiting on my refund to yet order another SSD. Of the hassle I did very little writing from playing ventures but here's chapter 4 done and updates ongoing will be more delayed then my original plan. For anyone wondering why I'm waiting I need windows 7 for some software compatibility in work that I do and I'm worried about issues with the upgrade so having a fresh SSD to install on means everything on my current SSD will be unaffected.


Chapter 4 Foray into Terran space

Exiting the teleporter at the docks I see Mohammed loading the ship with a few boxes of MRE for the trip while Kaylee, Meili, and Xiaowen stand around saying farewells. Xiaowen said she upgraded the Nimcha with some trade software allowing cross gate communication and so she can download all the navigational data as we proceed for future trade routes but told us we'll only collect data if we're within 40km of the stations. We wave our final fair wells being one of the first ships to leave Gaian space in almost 40 years.

"You take over I'm too nervous." Meili says as we approach the jump gate.

"Are you sure? It's your ship and I'm the rookie."

"Oh don't kid yourself. You're at least as good as me if not better when I was your age. Just fly through it's fine." She gets out of the seat and heads into the back.

We approach the gate very slowly as the surface becomes clearer. I can start to see the planet Tarus coming visible and burning bright red as though I'm looking into a pool of water. My anxiety starts to spike as the ship approaches closer and closer for my first ever gate travel. The idea knowing we'll be at a entirely different part of the galaxy in a few seconds causes my heart to skip. The sheer size and mysticism of the gate alone is stunning and as we get pulled in there's a feeling similar to passing through the atmospheric barriers we were through on the other side.

"See I told you it's not so bad!" Meili now joining me in the cockpit visibly sweating. "I can take over now."

"This is Jennifer Takahashi from Pioneer Shipyard to Terran Military ship VFB-620 from Gaian gate please identify."

"Oh, uh, this is Meili of Nimcha VFB-620 we are pioneers we just have a Terran scout ship. We're traveling to Jupiter for ship upgrades."

"I have nothing on record for any Terran military ships to be entering from Gaian so early after the alignment. Please report to the station for identification."

"Will do we're on our way." Meili sighs as we change course. "I'm sorry my ship is causing troubles."

"That's okay I'm sure this will be the only time. Once we're registered in the Brennan database I don't think we'll have any further issues. I just hope Sol is more inviting."

The shipyard slowly comes into view as we make our approach. The station is decorated in white with red and black accents across the metal surfaces; nothing like the dull grey metal in Gaian. It's a massive complex many times bigger then the tiny Medical Supply Factory I grew up on. Both our jaws drop passing by the XL bay as we see a massive ship at least 100 times bigger then the Horizon having it's engines worked on by drones and engineers.

Once docked we make our way to the teleporter and received many strange looks from the other pilots and crews next to us on the landing pads. I wonder how it looks seeing Pioneers uniforms exiting a Terran ship with unmarked colors. Reaching the managers office we can already hear shouting from the room and I notice Meili tensing up. Just as we reach the door it opens and we are nearly run over by a very angry women.

"It's my ship and I'll build damn well when ever I feel like just get my engines finished. Arrogant woman you're worse then dealing with the Terran!" She storms out of the office as we enter.

"Sorry about that Leila just ordered upgrades on her Kyushu after completion of the station but we've had some major issues with getting enough Silicon Carbide so we've only been able to finish her engines in time before the next job." She says looking out her window having a clear view of the XL bay where the ships being worked on.

"Right so we're here for identification."

"Oh right! Sorry I tend to start daydreaming every time I look out the window. Days like today I miss being a pilot." Jennifer says as she sits back in her seat and starts typing on the screen.

Meili tugs my arm and points at the chairs in front of the desk so we both sit down and wait.

"Okay I'll need full names, dates of birth, your home system, planet or station born, as well as fleet identification, criminal record and family history." She says handing us both holopads to fill out.

I feel disappointed as I was hoping she'd question us and I could learn more about Meili past. She seems very sensitive on the topic which I would assume from her Terran background but why was she so open to spying on pioneers. Very thorough inquirers though which must be from them being extra cautious now the gates opened. What if a gate opens up directly to a sector full of pirates or Xenon that would be terrible and I begin to sweat at the thought.

"Hello earth to Mike?" Meili says to me.

"Oh uh sorry I was just thinking." I hand the holopad back to Jennifer as they both look at me quizzically.

"Okay I'll enter the details into the database for your registration and contact you if I need you. Feel free to explore the shipyard and I'll let you know when you have docking permission to leave."

As the door closes behind us Meili grabs my arm and starts dragging me quickly to the transporter.

"We have to go look at the ships! I need to know more about that massive ship Kyushu! Plus who knows what else the Pioneers have managed to build the past 38 years."

As we exit the elevator at the ship trader we are stunned at how big this place is. Meili quickly goes running out the side overlooking the large docking bay shouting and creating a echo "this place is huge!" As I make my way beside her looking at the ship holograms repelled from the ceiling I feel the rumbling of engines. Looking up to see a big ship flying through the atmosphere and lands on the large docking pads in the middle of the structure. I look at Meili and behind her is small ships are coming and going from the docking pads all along the wall of the hanger. Feeling very foreign as I I don't recognize any of these ships, they look nothing like the ships from before the gate shutdown.

"Excuse me can I help you?" A woman says uncomfortably close behind us causing Meili to scream. "Hi, my name is Nkanta Chen. I'm in charge of all the ship purchases here, is there anything I can help you with?" She says unfazed by the scream.

"Yes I need to see your biggest and baddest ship!" Meili spin jumps in front of her shouting causing a frown and she notions us to follow her back to the desk.

"The only L class battle ship Pioneers have access to is the Terran Osaka but we do have others.." Nkanta says to us as she's cut off by Meili.

"Awe I already seen the Osaka that's nothing new. Where's the big crazy ships built over the 38 year shutdown!"

The projector next to us changes from the previous ship to now a ship shaped like an arrowhead with the title Osaka over it.

"That's the Osaka now!" Meili shouts excitedly grabbing her cheeks as she peers closely into the hologram.

"Can you please tone you voice down there's no need to shout." Nkanta scorns. "I'm bringing up the ship configuration now you will have limited customization of ship modules based on your reputation with the Pioneers."

"What's going on I can't change anything!" Meili shouts now swinging her hands through the hologram trying to select options.

"Do you have no reputation at all with the Pioneers?" She says now adorning a concerned look.

"Hello Nkanta security footage shows that Mike and Meili are there with you in the shipyard. Can you tell them to meet me back in my office." Jennifer says on the prompter.

"We're on our way!" Meili shouts. "We'll be coming back soon Nkanta and make sure you have that Osaka on view I want to know more."

We made our way back to the office where we were given many more forms to fill out. I had to register as a independent faction of Pioneers as we aren't diplomats, military or officials of Pioneer. I picked a nice red for our faction color despite Meili objection to go with blue. To their surprise I couldn't think of a company name or one I liked from Meili 100s of ideas for registration so I left it blank. Jennifer then gave us access to the Pioneer and Terran local channels so we'd have access to various requests and missions from stations in each sector if we choose to.

"Alright Nkanta let's see that Osaka again!" Meili says back to shouting as I think she is now doing it to annoy Nkanta. "We're now bonified bounty hunters and will need something bigger then the Horizon."

"Meili we're not bounty hunters were just registered independent."

"Yeah well if we get asked to hunt down some pirates or criminals doesn't that make us bounty hunters?"

I decide not to argue and we make our way towards the hologram of the Osaka as Nkanta proceeds to give us all the details as she customizes it from her desk to Meili liking.

"I'm sure it's out of your price range but to order everything you've selected that'll be 33,418,677 credits." She says grinning ear to ear.

Meili looks like she's seen a ghost and I probably look the same. "Um, wow, okay, can you show us what else is available at the shipyard?"

"Well to give you price ranges we have the Hokkaido transport for mineral and gas mining of 3-20 million, the Okinawa large freighter 6-20 million, the extra large construction ship Kyushu is 20-44 million and finally my personal favorite the extra large Honshu auxiliary ship necessary for any fleet support at 24-50 million."

"Let's see the Kyushu! That's the one in the hanger when we arrived." Meili breaking out of the stupor now back to her excited self.

"Well we can't afford any of these ships for a long time but could you put all of them them up on the holograms so we can browse?"

We spent a hour customizing our limited access to the ships and talking amongst ourselves before a girl came in asking about a custom Okinawa that was ordered for a Dr. Rick Feynman. Meili attempted to greet her but she coldly stated her name was Najia Takio and was on important Pioneer business so she couldn't talk with us.

"We should get going. I'd like to get to Terran space before we have to find a station to sleep and we haven't even explored Brennans Triumph."

"Oh yeah we need to fly by every station for Xiaowen!" She shouts excitedly running towards the teleporter. "Thanks Nkanta we'll buy a new ship next time!" Waving bye as she gets to the teleporter.

I'm starting to realize how much of handful Meili is going to be and this is only the first day.

We spent the next few hours scanning station to station collecting station and trade data while doing criminal drone missions from the public channel which made us some extra credits, reputation and collecting a few commodities to trade. There was 3 other construction ships around various stations retrofitting the 38 year old stations to the new Terran designs. I hope they'll be upgrading the stations in Gaian Prophecy by the time we get back.

"Are you sure you don't want to fly through the gate?" I ask Meili as we are now approaching the jump gate to Terran space. "You're the one who's Terran after all."

"No, and stop asking. It's probably better you fly the rest of the trip." She says heading back into the cargo bay.

I wonder if there is some reason she's not telling me as to why she won't fly through the gates. Maybe it has to do with her Terran mission.

"Meili you should probably come look at this." I call her back into the cockpit as we can see a lot of laser fire and explosions going on from the other side of the gate rift. She is just as shocked as I am. "Should I just fly through or should we head back?"

"Step aside and let the pro take over. I'll teach those ships not to mess with Terrans." Meili now jumps into the ship immediately entering boost sending me backwards. "Sorry!"

As we fly through the gate we are contacted immediately from sector defense.

"This is Maria Turov of the Terran defense station Neptune to Terran Nimcha VFB-620. There is nearby Xenon forces in the vicinity please assist the defense of the sector!"

Meili and I look at each other in shock. Xenon here already in Neptune of all places. "Oh no, ok Meili you can do this. You're a professional pilot and you've killed 100s of Xenon you can do this."She says to herself attempting to psych herself up.

"This is Meili of Nimcha VFB-620 Horizon here to turn those machines into dust! Awooo!" She shouts out a battle cry and engages battle mode bringing up the radar display and proximity alerts followed by a long range scan. "We've got 5 bogeys and 9 allies let's go show them what my baby can do!" Boosting us up to 3000m/s instantly then engaging travel drive to 4k covering as much space as possible before dropping out of travel right behind a Xenon and opening fire.

"Mike get on the scanner and start scanning these Xenon. We're going to need as much information as possible now and the future." She shouts at me while keeping perfect aim on the ship ahead causing it to start leaking plasma.

"We've got 2 Xenon N fighter ships, 2 Xenon M heavy fighter and a Xenon P corvette. They all seem to have the same weapon and shield systems but the corvette has turrets so be careful on intercept." I say just as she blows up the Xenon N in front of us. "Yeeeee hawwwww!" She shouts into the communicator.

Meili managed to take out the 2 N and 1 M ship while the allies took down the P and other M ship before we were contacted by the defense station.

"This is Maria Turov to the Nimcha I thank you for your assistance in defending Sol with those impressive piloting skills. I will be transferring 40,000 credits to your account. Did you got to pilot school around the moon?"

"No I actually learned here in Neptune many years ago. Meili Ito if you want to look me up." She responds proudly as she sets course for the defense station.

"Meili Ito? It says in our records here you're deceased." Maria says concernedly.

"Yeah!" She laughs. "That's classified but I've also been trapped in Gaian Prophecy."

"Oh well good to have you back in Terran space. I'll update your record."

Before Meili gets a chance to respond we get a new call on screen.

"This is Pavel Kojima of the Terran Logistics Station Neptune. I will be sending police to your location and I request that you dock immediately for registration into Sol space Pavel out."

Meili and I look at each other in surprise and annoyance and she sets course for the station in the middle of the sector. "Why would they send police?"

"Probably because I'm such a badass pilot they want to ask questions." She says pridefully but I can tell shes quite tense from the situation.

As we approach the huge trading station we're flanked by Terran police ships on each side. There's many Okinawa and Hokkaido ships docking and undocking from the ring of ports around it's middle as the drones fly up and down shuttling their cargo to the massive containers below. Surprisingly everything is nearly identical to the shipyard in Brennan. They must have redesigned everything to be modular to speed up construction when the network went down.

As we enter the docking ring the police break pursuit and fly off and we feel relieved until we see station security at our docking pad.

"What's with the high security protocols?" I ask as I exit the Horizon before Meili.

"Just think. You're a Pioneer kid flying in a Terran military scout with a extremely advanced pilot able to dispatch Xenon quickly. We have to take our precautions."

"Sorry." Meili says to me again. I feel really bad for her that all this trouble is being caused and I'm sure she's blaming herself for it all.

A man stands up from his desk as we enter the manager office. "Mike Pearson and Meili Ito. Good to meet you 2 please sit." He sits down and gestures to the seats in front of his desk as security lines up behind us.

"I had your registration records sent over from Brennan. Interesting information and you say your heading to Jupiter Equipment dock by order of Delilah Shiratori? Even I don't have direct contact with her so please explain how you got that name and what you're true intentions are." He says smugly as he just uncovered some nefarious plot.

"It's true Pavel. I am very interested in Meili and her information so I have offered them some free upgrades in Jupiter. I'm sure you don't have a problem with that do you?" A voice comes over the speakers in the room.

"Oh, wow Delilah. How'd you tap into this room. Do these kids really have unrestricted access?"

"Do not misunderstand Pavel. They only have visitor access in Sol up to Asteroid belt. As Mike is Pioneer he's not allowed in the core sectors. Meili used to be an operative of my predecessor and is Marsborn so I am offering assistance to her nothing more now I would be pleased that you release them. Delilah out."

"Well you heard the lady. Sorry for this. You can understand how it looks that 2 unknown people enter Sol in a Terran military ship, then blow up a bunch of Xenon and are expected to simply make there way through our sectors without suspicion." He says now sweating beads. I remind myself to never cross Delilah if this is how someone in charge of Logistics acts with her.

"There's something I need to tell you." Meili says to me as we are now undocking and happily leaving the station. "I am technically a slave." She says as she pulls her hair up revealing some circuitry at the base of her head. "I was captured by pirates when I got to Brennan for my mission and they enslaved me. Since I was a Terran pilot I was too high risk so they attached a super slave chip to me. Once the gate network shut down the chip stopped working so I blasted all those pirates to space dust and that's when Xiaowen found me drifting in Horizon and got me back on my feet bringing me to the Pioneer enclave. It's why I don't really age and gives me heightened piloting and engineering abilities. It's also why I agreed to spy for Delilah because there's no more pirates as I killed them all." She looks down at the console extremely sad. "I hope you don't think differently of me now."

"Of course not that's amazing. You managed to break out of your slavery and kill your enslavers and then still create a normal life for yourself. I'm just surprised you were able to keep it secret for so long. You're an awesome pilot and friend so don't feel down and lets continue on our mission."

"Roger captain!" She shouts and throws us directly into boost as usual.

We spent the next few hours mapping out Neptune and Uranus as she told me stories about her past in the United Space Command. I was over thinking her calling me captain the whole time. Am I really fit for being a captain, could I own a ship or even a fleet and explore the galaxy fighting Xenon and helping people. It sure sounds a lot better then working at the station with dad but I do feel obligated to help him. I'll have to think on it more.

"Automated message." "Nimcha VFB-620 this is Katherine Takahashi the Terran faction representative at the Supply Base here to welcome you to Saturn. There's nothing you can't find in Terran space here at the Orbital Supply Base for all of Sol."

"Oh wow should we go look? They said they have everything!"

"I think we've detoured enough. Let's just get some sensor data for Xiaowen as I'm sure it'll be a big trade hub for her but keep going. I'm getting tired and we're only 1 gate from Jupiter so let's stay at the Equipment dock and maybe visit tomorrow on our way back to Gaian."

We proceeded to scout the rest of Saturn uncovering both the Titan and Saturn II gates before making way into Jupiter. To our surprise the sector is almost empty other then a giant station in the distance maybe even bigger then the shipyard in Brennan. It was a sight to behold as Sol was positioned behind the station so the sunbeams were bouncing off the surfaces of the station creating a stunning contrast of dark and light. The Terrans have really built some amazing stations over these years.

"This is Tsukiko Smith to Nimcha VFB-620 you are clear for docking procedures. We welcome you to the Terran Equipment Dock." The station manager says as we make our approach to the massive hanger.

To our surprise the hanger was mostly empty. A few small ships along the many docking pads along the sides of the hanger being worked on as we see torch light flashes from many of them. As we exited the Horizon a station worker greeted us.

"Hi would you like to have your ship cleaned? We can get your glass nice and clean as I can see you've been through a few nebula and mining traffic."

I look back at the ship and to my surprise it's no longer the nice silver and red when we left the Brennan shipyard but covered in a nice film of reds, browns, blacks and ice.

"Oh no she looks terrible! Please she's absolutely filthy how much will it cost?" Meili starts shouting concerned as she notices too how dirty Horizon is.

"Oh it's no charge, a free service provided to all Terran ships. We've got to look the part on the galactic stage." He says as he starts to suit up and get a large machine ready.

"Great thanks so much!" Okay so now where do we go from here?" She asks looking at me.

"If you're looking for upgrades go see Changying Collins at the workshop. She's in charge of all maintenance and repairs on the ship." He says as he pulls his mask down and starts blasting a jet of co2 out of a huge gun connected to the machine next to us causing all the debris to start falling off the ship.

We enter the teleporter and enter the workshop teleport and a split second we're already there.

"Did it not teleport? Maybe we're already here?" Meili says to me quizzically as we exit on a raised area still in the large hanger. "Look! It's my ship!" She runs up to the glass railing pointing and we're only 3 hanger pads away from the workshop.

"Sorry can I help you?" A lady says to us from her desk around the corner.

"Oh yes! Are you Changying? Delilah said we could come here and get upgrades on my ship." Meili says as she runs up to her desk excitedly.

"Oh no." She starts fumbling with her holopad. "You're here earlier then we figured. As she taps frantically at the holopad. "Alright I'll start mobilizing our engineering teams ready to start the retrofits, I hope you don't mind that in this short time frame we'll need the assistance from your service crew as well."

"What do you mean retrofits I thought I was getting upgrades?" Meili now taken aback says grabbing her chin curiously.

"Delilah has informed me your ship is a prototype from over 30 years ago during the shutdown correct?"


"Well that means we've got to strip down pretty close to everything and rebuild it all with our new standard issue schemantics. It'll take 8-24 hours so Delilah has already arranged for a room in the east habitat hotel with exterior windows of the sector for a view of Jupiter. Here's your key passes you can come see the ship tomorrow." She then pushes a button and an alarm goes off with a large hydralic hiss behind us. We turn back to now see the Horizon being lowered into the station as Mohammed and Kaylee are being escorted into the teleporter by the man that did the co2 wash.

Meili runs up to the glass. "I didn't even get to say goodbye."

"Not to worry your ship will be taken care of. It'll have increased speed, maneuverability, shields and firepower as well as all the new software upgrades over the years. You'll be back to mapping sectors and killing Xenon in no time."

"You heard about that?" I ask surprised.

"Oh yes I was told by Tsukiko the station manager that it was all over the private channels. Word of a girl from Gaian taking down 3 Xenon ships with a Nimcha in Neptune. I'd be impressed to see what she could do behind a Kukri, or even a Gladius. Now I don't mean to be rude but please leave I have lots to do."

"I'm from Mars not Gaian." Meili says as we head back to the teleporter.

We spent the next 2 hours in our massive hotel room that probably cost a fortune to stay in. Kitchen, living area, full bedrooms. This hotel room alone was the size of 3 apatments back on the medical factory. We had access to a Terran encyclopedia holopad that gave us information on all the ships and stations across Sol that we could download into our own holopads which cross updated with what we had already scanned and learned on our trip here. Meili was extremely excited to see the Kukri and Gladius stating that she want's one immediately.

As we said goodnight and went to our rooms I laid on the bed looking out the window at Jupiter in it's magnificence. This is beyond anything I could have ever dreamt back in Gaian. From a kid on a medical supply station trapped from the gate shutdown now getting invited to Jupiter from the Terran secret service for free ship upgrades on my friends ship. Even my friend is technically Terran secret service or some kind of spy. I don't even own a space ship yet Xiaowen, Yoshiko, and Meili has their own ships and doing all these amazing things. I hope I'll have a ship one day.

Re: [X4 All DLC] Procedural story

Posted: Wed, 26. Jul 23, 01:22
by AlphaShark
Chapter 5 Welcome to the team

I woke up to the sound of Meili singing in excitement.

"Mike! Wake up! My ship is going to be done! Get up, get up or I'll going to leave without you." She shouts.

"Alright, alright good morning to you too. I'm awake I'll be out shortly." I gaze upon Jupiter again as I get out of bed. What a surreal view.

We enjoy an amazing meal of steak and fruit, adorned with exotic spices that the Terrans gave the super basic name of "Fine Meal". It's the first time in my life I've eaten something other then a MRE or protein paste and wow is it ever amazing. I'll definitely be on the lookout for more fine meals on our travels.

"That was sooooo good." Meili says laying in the chair holding her belly. "I think I'm in food coma I can't move."

"Changying calling to Mike and Meili." Her face appears on the holopad screen. "Your ship is officially ready in docking bay 3. You're free to leave when you're ready everything is covered by Delilah. You'll be happy to know we've increased your shields, firepower and maneuverability. Plus with your old outdated systems you now have a better short and long range scanner as well as advanced trading,public and private channel communications. Unfortunately we are unable to make the Horizon any faster it seems old Terran tech for speed is advanced as it gets."

Meili immediately jumps out of her chair. "My baby is ready!" She shouts as she jumps into action and runs to the door. "Hurry up we need to get in space as soon as possible I have to test out the new thrusters and firepower!" She leaves as I look back at the table left to deal with the mess of breakfast and finish getting ready.

As docking clamps release we lift into the air from the avoidance stabilizers and Meili looks like a little girl about to open her Christmas presents. The cockpit of the ship is entirely different and most of the work a copilot would do is now easily accessible to the pilot so she no longer needs me for scanners.

"Hang on everyone!" As she spins the ship as quick as possible causing us to go into a spin directly above the landing pad. "Woo ok enough of that I think I'm going to be sick!" She slows us back down to a stop.

"Tsukiko to Nimcha VFB-620. Please don't attempt those maneuvers inside the hangar. We request that you exit immediately if you are going to be testing out the ship performance."

"You heard the lady!" Meili shouts boosting us out of the hanger way above the speed limit.

"Tsukiko again to Nimcha VFB-620. Meili I have to ask you to never do that again or you will acquire a fine for unsafe piloting as you risk rupturing the atmospheric barrier."

Meili visibly grips the armrests of her chair in suspense. "Sorry Tsukiko, won't happen again, just excited, sorry again."

She switches the ship into long range scan now that we're out of the station and launches a full charged ping and 100s of ships start appearing on the radar now projected in her field of view. "Oh wow I don't even have to go into battle mode now to see the radar blips."

We spent another half hour or so getting tossed around in the back of the ship as Meili maneuvered around the station. I counted 3 more times Tsukiko had contacted her about her dangerous piloting before issuing a 10,000 credit fine for dangerous maneuvers around the station and we're now on our way back to Gaian.

"Automated message." "Nimcha VFB-620 this is Katherine Takahashi the Terran faction representative at the Supply Base here to welcome you to Saturn. If there's anything you need we welcome you to our station."

"That's the same message we got last time."

"Can we go visit?" Meili asks visibly pouting on the controls as she steers us towards the station.

"Okay I guess but only for a hour. I'd like to get back to Gaian space and see if they are upgrading the stations yet and how my parents are doing. Plus it'll be nice to talk to Xiaowen about all this new trade data."

"You're really acting like a captain now. Setting course." She says to me grinning

A rush of anxiety hits me as she calls me captain. I can only think she must be hinting at my plans to get my own ship so we could fly together, either that or she's trying to get me off her ship. Both make me just as nervous.

"This is Katherine Takahashi to Nimcha VFB-620 you are clear for docking. Please come meet me in my office I've heard a lot about you."

Meili and I both look at each other concerned. "I hope this isn't going to be like the last few instances."

"Me too." She says now landing the ship.

Once we get to the managers deck we're greeted by the glorious smell of a fine meal and Meili goes running to the door. As it slides open Katherine is sitting at her desk enjoying her meal with 2 more sitting on her desk with chairs behind them.

"Perfect you're here. I hope you're hungry I decided to order us all lunch." She says to us with a big smile.

Meili immediately jumps into her seat and starts eating like she's starving while I tried savored the taste not knowing the next time I'll get to enjoy it. As we ate Meili shared some old USC stories while I told her about life in Gaian from the shutdown. She told us once we can get some reputation with the Terran government we will be able to buy ship, station, and equipment blueprints from her at anytime needed to build our own factory and possibly shipyard in the future. As we left on pleasant terms I thought of the idea of building factories and one day a shipyard was so far-fetched as a kid from a station in a remote part of the network doing something so grand.

"Now I'm really in a food coma." She says as she stretches out while piloting the Horizon.

"Yoshiko to Horizon, I repeat Yoshiko to Horizon. Is this thing really working Xiaowen they still haven't answered yet." We get communication static over the speaker as we entered Neptune.

"Hold on let me tune into their frequency with this new software." Meili says as she types on the HUD. "Yoshiko! It's Meili we're in Neptune are you guys okay?"

"Oh perfect it's working now! Can you 2 do me a favor before you get back? I need you to fly to Pluto and then to Oort Cloud and get some sensor data for my mining. I'd like to get out of Gaian for awhile and see some new rocks. I'll pay you both of course!"

Meili and I look at each other with credit signs in our eyes and both shout at the same time "Deal!" Just like that course was set for Pluto and then the Oort cloud.

We spent about a hour scouting out all of Pluto from the many manufacturing stations here being so close to mining operations it'll be really good information for Yoshiko and Xiaowen. Just as we finished scanning the last station we had someone come up on our private channel.

"Hello my name is Jamila Rasheed I'm looking for a courier to deliver me 6 hydraulic pumps. If you can do that I have further work for you."

"Oh perfect we've got 6 pumps we can dock and meet you in the hanger." I say to her knowing that's some of the wares we've collected by blowing up criminal drones.

"No please meet me in my crew quarters it's important." She then cuts communication completely and I get a room number mailed to me on my personal holopad.

"Great thanks for the hydraulic pumps." She takes them from me and throws them in the bin behind her then transfers me 64,000 credits.

"Uh, why'd you ask for pumps if you were just going to throw them away?"

"That's just a ploy to get you in here I have a very important mission. There is a secret lockbox in Oort Cloud containing an AGI core that I need. I want to hire you to collect it but I only require 1 AGI core from the box you can keep the rest."

"Isn't AGI illegal in Terran space?" I ask visibly concerned.

"You're not police are you?" She looks me up and down "That's a old Pioneer uniform by the looks of it."

"Yeah we're Pioneers exploring not police but I don't like the idea of handling illegal goods."

"Pioneers is even better. AGI currently isn't illegal in Pioneer space so collect the box bring me mine and get back to Pioneer space without getting caught."

"That sounds super risky."

"You must not know but AGI parts on the black market sell for hundreds of thousands. You could make a lot of credits doing this but if you're too chicken then I'll find someone else."

"We'll do it!" Meili shouts as she eavesdrops from my holopad.


"What we need the money it'll be fine."

I meet back with Meili on the Horizon and as she gave us the general location.

"We'll have to find it by sensor pinging it with the long range scans. She only gave us a 30km sector it could be in but it might not even be there."

"Well it's a good thing we just had the scanners upgraded. Let's go!" As she blasts off the dock towards the Oort gate.

It took us 3 hours of mapping out the Oort cloud, scanning the station and finally finding the lockbox for Jamila.

"Look at it it's got like 20 locks on it and it's wired with a bomb!" I protest to Meili.

"Not to worry with the new Proton Barrage I'll blast all those locks off in no time!"

As she fires she blasts the lock off but heavily damages the container and causes it to spin.

"Spaceballs!" She shouts. "You're going to have to go out there." She says to me smirking.

"No way I'm not doing it. I'm not risking my life for some illegal AGI parts that's insanity! Plus look at how fast it's spinning now I could miss and blow us all up."

"You know I can't because of my hair. Come on you'll have enough money to buy a new ship after doing this. Just think you'll be your own pilot of your own ship able to go anywhere."

"Sigh, fine I'll do it."

"Yay! Hey Mohammed give Mike your blaster he's going out there to destroy the locks."

I quickly suit up in the back again on the spacewalk chair exiting out the back of the Horizon. "I can't believe I let you talk me into this." I hear her giggling over the communicator. Making my way to the lock box with a lot of precision I manage to blast off all the locks and collect the loot. 4 AGI processors, a single AGI heuristic core, a bunch of decryption modules as well as what looks like a flux capacitor so we set course back to Jamila.

"Perfect that's exactly what I needed." she says as I hand her the AGI core. "Oh yes and a reward for that core I'll transfer you 469,000 credits I left that out for reasons. I will also give you contact details with my accomplice Amalia Jordan at the Orbital Logistics Dock in Neptune if you can't find a place in Pioneer to sell the AGI."

"Wait there's a blackmarket going on under Pavel's nose?"

"Yes!" She starts to laugh. "That pompous fool thinks he's got everything covered but we've been trading AGI parts into Brennan when the gate opened up. Working out of his station is the perfect cover however I've said too much and have lots to work to do with this core. You can forget my name and see Amalia if you need anything illegal. Goodbye."

"Meli! Mike! It's good to see you guys back in sector." We receive communications from Xiaowen when we entered Brennan Triumph. "I'm currently docked at the shipyard doing silicon carbide runs, you have to see my ship."

"You're going to have to tell us how you knew we were in sector but we'll see you soon travel drive ETA around 3 minutes." I say to her as we adjust course for the shipyard.

"Welcome back to Pioneer Shipyard Nimcha VFB-620."

As we fly into the hanger Meili looks for Xiaowen Transport ship "I can't see her ship anywhere in here, do you think it's inside one of the bays?". I look around to only see 2 Baldrics and a Katana are docked as well as a Kukri and 2 unknown ships.

After landing Meili and I head for the elevators while the ship gets it's co2 bath. As we decend it puts into perspective just how big the next class of ships are as we look towards the Katana in front of us.

"It'd be cool if you had a Katana one day." Meili says as she elbows my side hinting at what my future ship purchase should be.

"I don't even know how much one costs, it'll be at least a couple million."

"Look there she is!" Meili points towards Xiaowen down at the other side of the hanger now waving at us as we descend the elevator.

We hop on the moving walkway and I stare at the Katana as we make our way past it. What a first ship that would be there's no way the Khaak, Xenon or pirates would mess with me. Next to it was a Baldric and I notice a name adorned the side Xiaowen Prophecy. Could this really be here her ship I thought. How much did it cost and where did she get. "Oof." I fall flat on my face reaching the end of the people mover not paying attention as Meili and Xiaowen start laughing.

"Thanks for the moral support." I say dusting myself off.

"Can you do that again so I can get my camera out." Meili says still giggling waving her holopad as I join them on the raised pad overlooking the Baldric.

"What do you guys think of the new ship? I hope you guys aren't mad but they gave me a offer too good to pass up for my old Baldric. Vintage model in perfect condition so it's going into a museum in Saturn."

"What! I love your old ship!" Meili shouts in protest.

"Look at her though. Isn't she just as beautiful. Plus cargo bins in the front for the drones. It'll make things so much faster the Terrans are genius." Xiaowen points at the front if her ship. "Come with me you 2 have to see the interior!"

We toured the cabin cockpit which was a lot bigger and roomier then her old ship. Now having room for a co-pilot and navigator on the bridge while being so spacious in the back it's consoles bunks and a kitchen.

"Crew of 22 servicemen to keep this baby running in tip top shape." She says proudly now looking directly at me. "Mike I have a request, with your data we collected can you be my navigator for awhile as we go make some trade runs into Terran space. I've done a few runs to the shipyard here hauling all the silicon carbide we had at $1627 a pop so 3 transfers made us just over 2.5 million credits so with that,the sale of my old ship and the money in your account I was able to afford it."

"What do you mean made us 2.5 million, what money in my account and how'd you know we were here?" I ask in shock as that was a insane amount of money for her to consider sharing.

"Well when I installed the trading software to the Horizon it linked our ships together and when you registered your ship here at the shipyard Jennifer picked up the link with the station scanners. With her help and some extra paperwork I decided to register under your independent faction so my new ship is technically yours as well and our ships show up on the holopad map. All our money is now linked to the faction as well for legal reasons. I talked it over with Yoshiko and he plans to join as well with your permission. We could create our own mining and trading empire! Imagine Meili scouting the best deals out in the Horizon, you running navigator to those deals while Yoshiko provides the raw resources and I move the wares; it'll be the perfect team." She says now grabbing my shoulders in excitement waiting for my response while Meili is ecstatically jumping behind her.

I go to open my mouth and Meili blurts out "Can we, can we, can we!" Unable to hold it in.

"Uh sure welcome to the team Xiaowen. I guess we'll have to figure out a faction name now" I say completely overwhelmed and sit down in the chair.

"Horray!" Meili and Xiaowen jump and highfive each other.

"Meili hop in the Horizon and meet us at the trade station in Gaian I want Mike to come with me and get used to the controls. I believe Yoshiko is there now let's get him registered and head to Oort Cloud."

As we make our approach on the Trading Station I can see a Kyushu just starting to depart as well as a few Okinawa's docked. The station has been completely retrofit to new modular Terran style and looks stunning.

"This is Kyushu YBF-641 to Baldric MGM-050. Xiaowen right?"

"Yes this is Xiaowen can I help you Kyushu MGM-050?"

"This is Leila Suzuki of the Galaxy Builder offering my thanks. I heard it was you that provided all that silicon carbide to get my ship out of that damn station. I offer my thanks and if your faction ever needs my help let me know! Leila out."

"Making a name for yourself already."

"Xiaowen! Is that your new ship?" We hear Delcan on the com.

"Yes it is Delcan I hope you like it. Are we clear for docking?"

"Yes dock at docking bay 3 around back. Yoshiko is already at docking bay 4 I'll come visit I want the full tour of that ship Delcan out!"

As we come in for landing I can see Yoshiko and Delcan talking in front of his old Baldric Miner. It must be quite the sight to see the new baldric compared to before and now know our next upgrade will definitely be a new Bolo miner that we seen in the encyclopedia in our hotel room. If Yoshiko can turn a profit in that old thing I can only imagine what he'll do in a fancy new ship.

"Hey Xiaowen where did you get the Baldric anyways? There was no medium class ships available at the shipyard when Meili and I looked."

"Oh that's because Leila finished the construction on the Pioneer Warf yesterday. When you guys scanned it was a unfinished station."

"Oh we thought that was some kind of housing complex or hotel as it was only living quarters and storage." A Warf would explain where to get all the S and M class ships that are available. I wonder how much a Kukri or Gladius would cost to buy there.

We spent the next hour showing Delcan and Yoshiko all around the new Baldric as well as taking them for a quick flight around the station. They couldn't believe how such a big ship can enter travel drive and move 1600ms as only the Horizon was capable of going over 1000. Everyone's old generation ships are cruising along at 100-300/ms. Everything was going great until Meili showed up.

"Hey Delcan any idea where we can sell these?" Meili holds up one of the AGI processors above her head and starts waving it around.

"What the hell are you doing!" Delcan shouts running up and grabbing the processor from her hands and stuffing it under his jacket. "Come to my office Meili, you too Mike."

"Sorry." Meili says to me as we follow Delcan.

"You can't just be showing off illegal AGI parts in the middle of the dock Meili! Don't you know how many Terrans are here overseeing the station upgrades."

"I'm sorry." She slumps in her chair.

"Terrans take AGI very seriously. As we currently have no laws against it technically until Segaris is reconnected we have no official government and are operating under Terran law. If a high ranking official seen that you could possibly be charged."

"Not possibly, definitely." A man walks into the room with a big afro. "My names Dr. Rick Feynman and I seen your stunt little lady. I'm doing some studying on AGI and could use those processors if you tell me where you got them."

Meili looks at Delcan and I as we nod. "We got them from a lockbox in Oort Cloud for a person. There was a AGI core as well but she took it and left us the rest."

"Troubling news for Sol indeed. No matter, that is of little concern to me. I am a scientist not a militarist in search of studying the AGI under the noses from the Terrans as I too am a Pioneer." All 3 of us look at each other.

"How have we not met you before?"

"I am from Brennan's that's why. I've been working in secret under the Terrans to advance the Segaris Pioneers in any way I can the past few weeks. I've come across something suspicious going on with gravity sheering in this sector but I am not at liberty to discuss it further. Do you wish to sell the AGI parts to me or not?"

"How much you offering?"

He laughs. "Ah so we are bargaining now? Very well. I will give you 12,000 credits for each AGI processor you possess and any other AGI components you have we can negotiate."

"What only 12,000?" Meili jumps out of her chair. "The lady said they were worth hundreds of thousands."

"I'm assuming you mean Amalia on the Logistic Dock, she is an accomplice of ours and buys all sorts of illegal terran goods for our project. Only for 12,000 credits as well so you can either sell to me or to her take it or leave it."

"But...." Meili says defeated.

"Sir, maybe you can sweeten the pot a little we do really need those processors for the ship if we are to scan the rifts in a timely fashion."

"Whose that?" Delcan immediately asks concerned someone could be listening into a conversation about AGI.

"That would be my protege Najia eavesdropping our conversation." He pulls out his holopad. "Couldn't join us in person Najia?" holding up the holopad as she comes up on video.

"No I am too busy here on the ship. Look we need those AGI processors and no time for delay so give them 15,000 credits I'll make up the 3000 difference."

"But she said hundreds of.."

I cut Meili off. "We've got a deal. We also found a flux capacitor and some decryption modules as well."

"Ohh now that's a rare find. Theory states that flux capacitors are found it Khaak ships. I could give you 100,000 credits for that."

"DEAL!" We all shout at the same time.

"Pleasure doing business. No hard feelings but I hope to never see you again." He walks out the door after transferring the credits.

We spend the rest of the evening celebrating. The upgrades on the Horizon, Xiaowen getting a new ship, the formation of a new independent faction. Who knows what kind of adventures are to be had.

"Oh Mike, we've been talking while you're day dreaming. We've come up with a name."

It was at that point on our faction is now known as Gaian Legacy.

Re: [X4 All DLC] Procedural story

Posted: Fri, 28. Jul 23, 04:42
by AlphaShark
Chapter 6 Segaris

We spent the next 2 weeks working in Oort Cloud and Pluto. Xiaowen was busy doing trade runs for Leila to finish upgrades on all the stations in Gaian Prophecy. There was no longer any sign of the 38 year old stations as everything was now the new flashy white, red and black colors of the Terran Protectorate.

"I can't believe this is the end." Yoshiko says as we all watch the Dirty Treasure an old 40 year old Baldric Miner getting lowered into the bay of the hanger before closing it's doors. "I think I might shed a tear."

"Don't worry Yoshiko! You'll be so happy with the upgrade." Meili says trying to comfort him.

"Well where is it? I'm starting to feel homeless."

"It's actually right in front of you." I worked things out with Daisy Kikuchi the ship trader here at the Warf to have his new Bolo Miner ready to go right behind the old Baldric as it descended.

"That's my new ship!" He shouts pointing at it as we all nod our heads. "You can't be serious?" Yoshiko starts running down the side of the hanger bay towards the ship. It's quite the distance so the rest of us go back to the teleporter and arrive before he does in front of the new Bolo Miner.

"You.. guys.. beat.. me.. here.." He says gasping for breath.

"What will you name it?"

"You!" He shouts pointing at the Bolo. "This day henceforth will be named." He gasps for air between his dramatic statement. "Dusty Treasure!"

We all look at each other confused.

"Wasn't that the name of your old ship?"

"No that old thing was the Dirty Treasure this is now the Dusty Treasure." He states proudly.

"Very creative." Xiaowen rolls her eyes.

"Yes I thought of it myself. All aboard I must show you all my new ship!" He starts to run towards the Bolo not knowing we've all been in it already. Pushing buttons pulling up screens spinning in the chairs. You could say he was a kid with full access to the candy store.

Compared to the Baldric it wasn't much bigger. A slightly roomier interior but the rear cabin was nearly identical just smaller only accommodating 8 crew over the Baldric 23. The view out the cockpit glass though is where it excels. It's more imposing as the large crab like arms stretch out covered in ore containers and metal piping compared to the arrow head containers on the Baldric.

"I must be free I can't take it any longer." As the ship quickly lifts into the air we are shifted off balance.

"Everyone hang on!" As he engages thrusters and the ship sets forth from the hanger.

"You could have said that sooner." Meili says still bouncing around.

Yoshiko quickly banks us left and engages boost swinging us around the Warf. It's a lot faster then any of us expected even when I read the stats I didn't believe it. A mining ship that has faster top speed and boost speed then the Nimcha is quite impressive. Yoshiko begins playing with more of the controls and starts open firing the turrets.

"You guys gave me guns?" He asks in shock.

"Yeah you've got 2 Terran pulse turrets so now you can fight back any Khaak that tries to zap you into space dust."

"Oh man this is amazing!" He shouts as the sounds of the turrets echo into the cockpit while he continues firing into the abyss. "You, all of you I can't thank you enough I've never been so happy. Mike I swear I'll make back every credit this cost you and more!"

"Well you got to remember, it was your work mining in Oort and Xiaowen doing runs from Pluto to Gaian that gave us enough credits to buy this ship so technically you helped pay for it."

"Right! I'll still make you millions of credits for this gift and then, we'll get you a marvelous ship!"

"Yeah!" Meili and Xiaowen cheer as well.

After docking in the hanger we depart to our respective ships. Meili in the Horizon for placing down a satellite network and resource probes, Xiaowen doing trade runs with me running navigator to organize routes and offers on wares and Yoshiko out collecting the ore and silicon the stations needed to produce the wares.

"Delcan to Mike, Delcan to Mike come in." I hear him out of my personal holopad.

"Wow Delcan good to hear from you this far out. Is everything okay?" I ask now face to face with him on the view screen.

"I've tapped into the satellites Meili has been placing. Are you in the Horizon?" He says frantically.

"No I'm currently running navigation for Xiaowen. What's wrong?"

"I need the Horizon back to Gaian immediately. The gate has come online and thankfully it's to Segaris so I need one of you to accompany me for delegations."

"What!" Both Xiaowen and I say at the same time.

"Yes there is no time. Tell Meili to head to the Trade Station immediately."

"Don't you have your own ship?" Xiaowen asks now joining the conversation.

"No as part of the Terran take over I am to remain on station and maintain control of the sector. I attempted to contact Pavel at the Orbital Logistics Dock in Neptune but he hasn't answered me so I am taking things in my own hands so please tell Meili to fly here immediately. Delcan out."

"Meili!" I shout into our faction channel. "Meet me at the Oort Defense Station! We're traveling to Segaris!"

"What! Segaris! We found Segaris?"

Xiaowen without objection dropped me off immediately just as Meili docks back from deploying probes deep in Oort cloud for Yoshiko and we head for Gaian disregarding the request for 1 of us.

"I'm so excited! I've never been to Segaris. One of the first Pioneer colonies on planet Terranova from the Aldrin part of the network. I do hope they are all okay as this is now the second time they've been isolated after the second terraformer war."

It's like sitting next to a history book traveling with Meili. She tells me about the USC operations into Aldrin space and having to clear out massive fleets of Xenon and Khaak. She was still in pilot school at the time and only heard the updates from some of the teachers in Neptune after the gate was brought online to Althese linking the Aldrin, Pioneer, Terran network.

"I'm glad you have made it Meili! Dock at pad 7 I'll meet you there so we can leave immediately!" Delcan says as we approach the trade station.

"Oh Mike you're here too!" Delcan says in surprise as a girl enters behind him. "I guess now is a good of time as any, this is my daughter Nissa she'll be joining us to Segaris. I had figured you would stay with Xiaowen so I asked her to come as a relief pilot for Meili if needed."

"Oh you're a pilot too?"

"Well I've done some training with some of the other trade ships in the sector but nothing like you and Meili in the Horizon." She says smiling.

"Welcome aboard!" Meili shouts.

"You better hang on." I say knowing what's coming next as Meili boosts out of the station sending Delcan off balance into the wall.


"Sorry!" She says giggling.

"Pioneer Spacelab to unidentified vessel. I request you state your business immediately or we will not hesitate to defend ourselves."

"This is Meili of Gaian Legacy Nimcha VFB-620 here for.." She's quickly cut off by Delcan.

"Delcan here sector manager of Gaian Prophecy the connecting sector. We are Segaris Pioneers coming in to welcome you to the gate network."

"Pioneers? There's still other pioneer colonies that made it all this time thank the heavens! My name is Bella Bolton please meet me in my office you now have docking clearance."

The sector is to our surprise busy and active. Multiple stations still making goods as well as another large station in the distance I can't make out as we approach the Spacelab. It's quite a bit bigger then other stations in the sector so makes sense this would be the head of operations.

"This is unbelievable. After all these years the gate network opens up and to our luck it's other Pioneers!" Bella says as the 4 of us enter her office greeted by her and the eyes of 2 other people sitting in front of her desk.

"So another Pioneer colony well it seems the full extent of the network is now on-line." the unknown man says as he gets up from his chair to shake Delcan hand.

"My names Saman Sunta head of the Antigone Republic."

"I'm sorry I haven't heard of you before." Delcan says shaking his hands.

"Yes that seems common as Bella didn't know of us either. When the network shut down we formed our own faction and government being shut off from the Argon government. You could say we are Argon but operate completely autonomously from Argons." I immediately think back to my studies and realize the Terrans are not going to like this from their war with the Argon when the gates shutdown. Looking at Meili she is very concerned probably thinking the same thing.

"Another faction of Argons, this will be interesting delegations as Gaian Prophecy is linked to the old pirate sector Brennans Triumph and from there connected to the Sol network."

"The Terrans!" He shouts in shock.

"Yes, the Terrans. They are likely on their way already I contacted them of the gate opening before we"

Alarms start going off in the station. "Warning multiple unknown destroyer ships have entered through the new gate. I repeat multiple unknown destroyers have entered through the new gate."

"That'd be the Terrans." Meili says grinning.

"Hmm you girl with the snarky look. Yes you definitely look Terran." He gets up and now looks at her inquisitively.

"Marsborn and proud thanks." She says grinning more.

"This is Fleet commander Nowak Lee of the Tokyo Carrier PLT-918 Intervention Corps of the Terran Protectorate. Your gate has realigned with sectors linked to the Sol system. Please ready your office and mobilize anyone of importance as I'll be arriving immediately with delegations. Lee out."

"Should I approve docking?"
Bella asks anxiously looking at Saman who is still standing in front of Meili having a staring contest.

"Yes may as well get this diplomatic nightmare over." Saman says. "It looks like this band of misfits is no longer needed now the Terrans are here." He says waving his hand in dismissal as Meili glares at him and sits down.

"Okay, well, I'll call you all back once talks with the Terrans is over." Bella says softly trying to maintain moral.

"Ah Delcan, Mike, Meili. I didn't think I would see you 3 again so soon." Novak says as he arrives with a security team from the teleporter. "Mike I have news for you, as Delilah wasn't able to join us I've been requested to tell you she's approved piloting school for you in Neptune."

"What!" I shout almost knocking myself over.

"Yes that was my shock as well. She's quite impressed by Meili and her combat abilities and since you're her protege it would be beneficial to Sol to have you go through school as well. Maybe one day you'll join her ranks of spies like Meili."

"I'm not Solborn though."

"Oh I know don't remind me, but you are human and thankfully not Argon so the offer applies. Take it or leave it no matter the Intervention Corps needs no help from outsiders. Goodbye." He says and enters Bella office.

We spent a few hours talking with the station inhabitants as we waited for Bella. They told us that when the gate with Neptune went down there was a mass migration from all the sectors to Segaris. Everyone packed every ship possible full of food, supplies and tech then traveled to the Segaris sector before the other gates went down. After a few years of being isolated they built the Spacelab as the HQ of the sector to hopefully one day figure out how to turn the gates back on and try advance the Terraforming knowledge to one day bringing Terranova back into its glory.

"Do you think this is Saman's ship?" I ask Meili as we stand upon a ship much bigger then the Baldric.

"It's got to be. I've never seen a ship like this before the gate shutdown so they must have advanced as well."

"This is the Cerberus Sentinel." A man says as he exits the ship walking towards us. "One of our advanced Frigates for the Antigone, our own variation of Argon Cerberus Vanguard."

"You've seen Argon ships?" I ask in surprised he mentions them.

"Oh yes, flown them too. You must not know yet but the other 4 races in the universe have been connected for a few months. Segaris is now the connection to the rest of the network."

"Only 4 races? Whose missing?"


"Terran, Argon, Teladi, Paranid, Split and Boron. That's 6 so there's still a race missing from the network."Delcan visibly concerned new connections could be made bringing further conflicts with Terrans.

"Oh there's no sign of the Boron I completely forgot about them from the wars. There is rumors of some Split holding a few Boron captive but there is no dedicated faction systems. The whole network has been rearranged and I guess they were left out."


"Bella to Delcan and crew I am available in my office please visit soon." She says on the station speakers.

The man says farewell without answering the question of war. We make our way to the teleporter just as Saman arrives.

"Ah yes you bunch. I'll have you know that we're in hostilities only with Terrans, not Pioneers. Despite what that arrogant fool Novak may say we wish none of you harm and will go about our business as usual but do understand that we will be stationing our Behemoth destroyers at the gate if the Terrans decide to send an invasion force they'll be swiftly destroyed." He now walks off to his ship yelling at the crewman that greeted us for leaving his post.

Delcan and I spend the next hour filling in Bella about Gaian, Brennan and the Sol system as well as any information we can provide. They look forward to the increased trade but being in the middle of Antigone and Terran relations will prove to make her life evermore difficult now being nominated the Pioneer faction representative. The Terrans have arranged Kyushu builders to come to Segaris and retrofit the sector to the updated stations before Antigone has a chance to influence them.

As we leave back to Gaian we spot a Kyushu coming though the gate followed by a communicator ping.

"Leila Suzuki to Meili Ito pleasure to see your group here already in Segaris."

"Hi Leili." Meili says. "Are you here to start retrofitting the stations?"

"Yes of course can you please tell Xiaowen and anyone else that can help with supplies to head to this sector in assistance. There's big credits to be made for us all."

We fly back to the trade station to drop off Delcan and Nissa and relax for a bit. We're all quiet from the whole Antigone and Terran situation. Being in the middle of a possible warzone could create a lot of problems for Pioneer so it hopefully won't come to that. It makes me realize we don't have any dedicated combat ship to protect the fleet as the Horizon with it's single gun and the turrets on the other ships can only really provide cover fire.

"Mike I have a private video log addressed to you on my terminal that I'm going to send to your holopad."

"Mike Pearson, I hope you are fairing well in your travels with Meili. I have arranged for you to join the Pilots school in Neptune at the Logistic Dock. It is our most formidable school in all of Sol for those not Solborn. You will start in 7 hours from the time this video log was sent. Do not be late and do not disappoint." The video log disappears from Delilah leaving me stunned that what Novak said is actually true.

"That means we have 37 minutes!" Meili says looking at the time on her holopad.

We quickly hop back into the Horizon and set our route for the Logistic dock.

"Okay Meili I don't know how long I'll be gone for. Don't forget to tell Xiaowen about making credits in Segaris with Leili again. Also she's in charge."

"Awe why her! Why can't I be in charge."

"I have no time to argue but if you really want run the show you'll have to work it out with Xiaowen I've got to go. I leave it in her hands." Mike runs off towards a large group of people surrounding large hologram projection into the air Neptune piloting school sign-ups.

Re: [X4 All DLC] Procedural story

Posted: Sun, 30. Jul 23, 06:11
by AlphaShark
Chapter 7 The Takoba Tragedy

After 2 months of Mike at school through the hard work of everyone they've managed to amass just over 2 million credits. Meili has been hard at work negotiating with Dasiy Kikuchi at the Warf about buying a new ship for Mike but always coming up short due to back orders raising the cost.

"We've almost got enough, are you sure you don't have anything left to do?" Meili asks Delcan now at the trade station.

"Well there is 1 more job but it's dangerous and I don't want you going. Mike still has 3 days before graduation you'll find other missions."

"Tell me! Tell me! I might not find missions and we need to get a ship for when he graduates!"

"Well I'll tell you but you can't talk me into letting you doing it. Bella at the Spacelab was contacted by some Antigone looking for a scout to head into a sector linked to The Void, a gate recently opened up and they think it could be infested with Xenon. They also believe that the sector could be extremely resource rich from visual scans and needs to be mapped. The mission is to map and scan then to bring results to the Trade Guild as they can arrange for a possible incursion on the Xenon if it is profitable. Currently The Void has a dangerous radioactive hazard that damages and can destroy small and medium ships. Large ships usually have enough shield regeneration to handle the radiation but having a mining sector only for Large ships really limits resources at their shipyard to rebuild for the war."

"Oh that's easy in the Horizon she's fast enough to do it."

"No, she isn't. We have received information on Xenon ships from Mikes scanning as well as information provided by the Terrans, and Antigone. The Xenon M, N and T are faster then the Nimcha. If it really is infested you and the Horizon won't make it back."

"I'll just weave in and out of the asteroids and avoid fire to get away."

"What if there is no asteroids? It could be gas cloud rich I don't know but no like I said I will not give you the mission."

"Well maybe if I get a combat ship could I do it?"

"No Meili. Plus you just told me you don't have enough money."

"Well what if I borrow a ship or get a cheaper one that could support me could I do that?"

"Who's supposed to pilot it? You can't fly 2 ships at once."

"I can fly it." Mikes dad walks into the manager room.

"You haven't flown since before the shutdown there's no way." Delcan says to him shaking his head.

"I want to do this for my boy Delcan. If this means he'll get a ship for his graduation then you need to let us do this."

"Fine. If you can show up with a combat capable to kill Xenon I'll consider giving you the mission."

Meili and Mikes dad hop back in the Horizon and set course for the Pioneer Warf in hopes to cut a deal with Daisy Kikuchi on buying the Takoba fighter Meili picked out.

"I'm sorry Meili there's nothing I can do. The Takoba you want is 2,721,592 credits. You're short over 600,000 credits."

"Well we can't give up anything. We're going into Xenon territory and the ship needs to perform."

"Meili we can downgrade the engines. It says here that Takoba is considerably faster than the Horizon with Mk3 engines, but if we downgrade to mk1 we can afford it and still be fast enough to keep up with the Horizon"

"But the ship has to be perfect."

"We can just upgrade the engines at the equipment dock in Segaris on our way back. Mike will never know." She grins as they shake hands on the secret.

"What do you think, isn't she beautiful?" Meili asks Delcan as he gazes towards the new Takoba.

"So that's the new Pioneer fighter with Terran tech?" He asks looking very curious.

After a full tour of the ship with Delcan he gives them the go. They quickly set course for their contact in Antigone Memorial for mission details.

"Sector security to Terran Military ship VFB-620. You are not authorized to enter Antigone space please exit this sector immediately."

"This is Nimcha VFB-620. I have important business with a Dev Verma."

"This is Dev Verma I have no business with Terrans, and I repeat I have not given you authorization to enter."

"We are here to do the scouting mission into the unknown sector from The Voi." Meili gets cut off

"Oh why didn't you say you're with Bella and the guild. Great, please dock at the Antigone Equipment dock to your right of the gate and meet me in my office. Dev out."

As they enter the office 2 Argons seem to be leaving as she's finishing up telling them to increase sector security from Terran threats.

"The gate just opened up a few days ago and first had a few Xenon T scout ships leave once it opened so we've designated it off limits. We're currently at war with the Holy Order of Paranid, pirating issues from Scale Plate Pact, and assisting the Argon in their war with the Split and Xenon linked gates has our forces thin so we can't afford to risk ships without knowing what's behind the gate."

"That makes sense logistically but what if a Xenon fleet starts attacking from the gate?" Mike's dad says.

"Well then we're in a very bad situation especially now with the Terrans on our flank." She brings up a holoscreen on her desk. "Here's where we are in Antigone Memorial, the gate you want to go through is here which takes you into The Void." She swipes across the screen showing the The Void sector. "Avoid these asteroid fields here and here as they contain rocks of dangerous radiation and will destroy your ships. The gates located here at the south of the sector map. Fly through it and map out what you can while taking mineral and gas scans of areas nearby the gate for mining opperations. Bring the data back to me and I'll pay you 319,000 credits. Deal?"

"Can you make it 550,000?" Meili pleads. "We had to downgrade on our engines as we were short on funding."

"You're flying a single fighter ship for scout support with only mk1 engines into a possible hostile zone. You 2 are crazy but done and I'll throw in extra rep just for your courage. Remember you only get paid if you make it back alive."

"Damn suicide mission. Ancients be with you." Dev says as she watches out her window at the Horizon and Takoba taking off from the hanger bay.

As they fly through Antigone, Meili simultaneously uses boost and travel drive to weave agilely through the asteroid fields in Antigone as they make their way to The Void.

"Where did you learn to do that?" Mikes dad asks.

"Terran flight school. Best in the whole galaxy I figure."

"Glad Mike had you as his teacher and is there now learning from the best."

"Me too I can't be the only professional in our group."

*Proximity Alert.* As they get into The Void there's 2 Xenon N ships attacking a large ship but it's turrets are too slow to hit them. Meili quickly jumps into action providing assistance to the ship.

Broadcasting on all channels. "Large unknown ship this is Nimcha VFB-620 coming up on your rear to provide fire support on those Xenon. We are not hostile, I repeat, we are not hostile."

Meili with the assistance of Mikes dad make quick work of the 2 Xenon ships.

"This is sector security from Argon Trade station to Nimcha VFB-620, we thank you for your assistance and are depositing 15,000 credits to your account."

"He didn't even thank us!" Meili shouts on private channel.

"Yeah I don't think Antigone likes Terrans much."

"Oh right Terran ship I always forget. I think I can see the gate from here, exactly where Dev said it would be."

Approaching the gate had a ominous feeling to it. There was no other ships or stations nearby as everyone avoided the gate, other then the abyss was the large gas giant and it's desert moon in the distance.

"Wow I can see a rocky water planet with a moon through the gate." Meili says as she peers through the watery surface of the gate. "I see many thousands of asteroids too. I could have done this solo! Stupid Delcan. You can head back if you like, if any Xenon come I'll loose them in the asteroid field."

"No can do. Mike would be furious if I left you to handle Xenon on your own. Plus I'm just starting to get the hang of flying again."

Meili enters the gate first and the computer goes off reading danger unknown possibly hostile sector detected. Meili quickly pings a long range scan but the asteroid field is too dense and only comes comes up with asteroids.

"So far the sector appears clear. I do have a hostile sector warning but there is no Xenon on radar for now."

Mikes dad enters through the gate. "Alright I'll follow close behind you while you do your scans. Let's keep communication chatter to a minimum if anyone else is listening in."

They spend the next hour weaving between asteroids collecting data on the sector. Ore and Silicon asteroids as well as heaps of Hydrogen, Methane, and Helium.

"Alright I think that'll be good enough. We've got more resources recorded then what we've got in Gaian. Maybe we should head back."

*Proximity Alert* "Warning hostile Xenon ships detected." Meili starts to panic as the Nimcha warning system goes off.

"We have to leave now!"

"Why what's wrong?" Oblivious to the alert in the Nimcha.

"We have incoming Xenon 100s of them!" Meili says as her radar HUD starts to fill up with red pings.

They start weaving their way through the asteroid field dodging enemy fire as they are being tailed by 100s of Xenon fighter ships. Meili skillfully dodging fire behind rocks isn't taking much fire but the Takoba flying in mostly a straight line is taking a lot of fire.

"I'm down to under 50% shields Meili I don't think I'm going to make it."

"Hang in there we have 30km to go! Start hugging the asteroids as close as you can so they have trouble targeting you."



"10km! I can start to see the gate we're going to make it!"

"My shields are almost down Meili I don't think I can make it there's just so many. Go on without me as long as one of us makes it to report back to Mike."

"We have to make it! I'll give you cover fire!" Meili does a boost maneuver in front of the Takoba. She turns off the inertial thrusters and rotates 180 as the ship drifts the opposite direction and starts opening fire on the swarms of Xenon ships in pursuit of Swift.

"Meili to your left!" A massive Xenon destroyer flanks them from the left and starts opening fire with plasma bolts as Meili struggles to dodge them with the thrusters off.

"We're both going to make it!" She says as sees the massive plasma bolts melt through the asteroid they hit on the other side.

Another volley of plasma is flying towards the Horizon about to be a direct hit and Mikes dad uses the last of the shields to boost into the coming fire. A bright flash of light happens to the left of Meili view as the Takoba takes the plasma shot exploding and crashing into a nearby asteroid just before the gate.

"Noooooo!" She screams.

"Tell Mike I love him."

She starts opening fire on the Xenon in her fury until the Proton Barrage overheats. "Shields are almost down!" Mohammed shouts from the cargo bay so she rotates the ship back and starts weaving in and out of the asteroids with tears streaming down her face.

"I know! Give me 120% make it happen guys we got to make it!"

Multiple circuits start to blow all around in the pilot cabin as Meili keeps the throttle pinned and the engines start to scream as they barely make it through the jump gate.

"Mayday! Mayday!" She shouts on public channel. "100s of Xenon ships on approach from south gate! I repeat 100s of Xenon ships on approach." They leave the gate trailing smoke from the burnt out engines.

"Sector security to Void patrol vessels. Everyone is to convene at the south gate. I repeat all patrol vessels to south gate."

Seconds, minutes go by as Antigone ships start arriving at the gate but no sign of the Xenon.

"What kind of Terran trick is this!" A man shouts on the private channel. "There's no Xenon they are just trying to pull us from our posts."

The ships begin to leave just as the Xenon destroyer enters through the gate and opens fire instantly blowing up a Cerberus Sentinel in 1 volley. Seconds later 100s of Xenon fighters begin flying out of the gate in every direction like a swarm of locust.

Meili shreiks "Retreat!" over the private channels and starts heading for the Antigone gate.

"Mohammed, Haylee I know you gave it 120% and she's burning up but if we don't get out of here quick this is the end of the Horizon!"

"Yes captain!" They both shout from the back and more circuit panels start to blow.

As Meili looks behind her she sees multiple explosions as both Xenon and Antigone ships are getting destroyed.

"This is sector security to all vessels in the sector. We are being overrun by the Xenon. I repeat we are being overrun by the Xenon. I am issuing support calls to Antigone Memorial as well as Second Contact Flashpoint. We request that all civilian ships, traders and miners to exit the sector immediately. Anyone with combat capable ships to support the patrols at south gate."

Meili and her crew make it through the gate to Antigone Memorial and are greeted by a absolutely massive ship. Bigger then the Tokyo or even a Kyushu it seems.

"Colossus Sentinel TJZ-757 to Nimcha VFB-620 please vacate the gate immediately."

Meili quickly maneuvers the ship to the side in shock as the massive ship makes it's entry to through the jump gate. Watching from the side was a surreal view as you can see the ship just de-materialize into the portal as nothing appears behind the gate.

"I almost want to go back to watch that thing shred those Xenon." Meili shouts to the back.

"We won't make it. I don't even know if we'll make it back to dock life support is failing." Kaylee states.

"Oh we'll make it! We're going to find a place to dock then patch up the Horizon and then go try rescue Mikes dad."

"Do you really think he?"

"Yes. I have to or I won't be able to handle it. We have a deadline if he's alive he's got 2 maybe 3 days tops before he runs out of oxygen and water. Lets get back to the equipment dock."

"Welcome back!" Dev says as she ushers her into office. "Where's your partner?"

"Um, he's, busy, yeah he's busy." Meili says hesitantly looking at the floor.

"I'm sorry. I heard about the sector. It's quite the bloodbath right now. Hang on let me show you." Dev now walks behind her desk and projects the live stream view from the trade station in The Void.

As she scans the camera around towards the south gate and begins to zoom in. There is still explosions going off constantly, lasers and plasma blasts going off as the Colossus they passed as well as 3 other destroyer ships are opening fire on the fighters and destroyer. A large flash of light and a massive explosion goes off as the Xenon destroyer blows up.

"There goes that K."

"That K?"

"Oh yes that's the name of the Xenon destroyer. The Xenon now only seem to operate with the K and the I there's been no sign of J, L or Q from the shutdown. However if you ever see an I run at least 3 gates away. It could lay waste to all our ships out there and then come after the trade station."

Meili looks at her with a horrified look. "Well let's just turn that off shall we. I'll download the sector data and send your credits as well as give you a 5 point boost to your reputation. You'll now be allowed to dock at Antigone stations and trade limited wares. I'll also forward for faction Gaian Legacy to Vin Myle. He's head of the trade guild as he may want to commend you on your work as well."

"With being allowed to dock does that mean I can I repair my ship?" Meili shouts at the idea of getting back out to try save Mikes dad.

"Yes of course I'll arrange for a repair crew to head to your ship now."