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X4 Reclamation. The Neo-Goner order

Posted: Wed, 26. Apr 23, 18:32
by FlightJunkie
This is the Background of an idea for a potential new DLC that involves the Terrans, the Argon, and a secretive shadow organization known as the Neo-Goner order.

For the full story ideas and how the whole thing would progress you can find it in this Reddit post ... clamation/

Tis gonna be a long read, but I hope you like it. And by all means, give some feedback. Also this entire thing was written with whatever lore I remembered from the top of my head. So there might be some errors here.

Here goes...

For the Goners, Earth was the promised land. A lost paradise from which humanity was driven off of by an ancient enemy. Even Kyle Brennan's arrival didn't sway their beliefs. To them, he was a messiah.

After the rather eventful reunion with Earth, the Goners were left flabbergasted that Earth was no at all the holy place they imagined, being ruled by the Terrans instead. Even though unexpected, some goners considered their mission a success, and they left for Earth. But for many goners this wasn't only unexpected, but also unwanted, and thus they became disenfranchised. The most prominent of these goners was Yannec Mason. Bitter by the truth of the Terrans and Earth, he founded the Neo-Goner order. Though some Goners gave up completely, most elected to follow Yannec and his new ideals. His vision was reclamation. They were not meant to just find Earth, but also reclaim it. One day the order would bring Terrans to their knees and take Earth for the Argon.

And so, one would be mistaken to think that the Neo-Goners were anything like their predecessors. Yannec had all civilian, Goner assets sold, and replaced with combat ships instead. Gone were the peaceful, pacifist monks of the past, and gone were the robes and beards too. The Neo-Goner order acted underground, becoming an extremely secretive, shadowy organization, electing to recruit members in secret instead of publicly preaching their beliefs. During the cold war between the Terrans and the Commonwealth, a lot of Argon became resentful of their long lost cousins, which made them receptive to Yannec's ideology, and thus the order was bringing in a fair amount of members, something which only intensified when the war broke out.

For a long time the order operated as unassuming, disconnected pockets of mercenaries, bounty hunters, traders, miners and workers, accumulating power and wealth. Thanks to Yannec's foresight the collapse of the gate network did little to deter the order's determination, who's pockets had learned how to survive on their own.

After a time, Yannec passed away, as he was quite old. The one who succeeded him was Davon Meewoh. Davon was born into the order, and as he grew up he became a staunch supported of reclamation. Though Davon was an imposing individual, he was very charismatic, soft spoken, educated, smart and intelligent. For pretty much every Neo-Goner, a career in politics was considered very risky, and no one even dared to pursue it. However Davon saw it as the only way to further the order's goals, especially since the gate network's reactivation could be around the corner. And so he rose through the Argon government's ranks, reaching the point of becoming a very prominent and influential senator, helping other Neo-Goner's infiltrate the government, and eyeing the presidency.

After a while, and when the network started to reactivate, an order scout looking for mining spots discovered a stable, activated, previously undiscovered gate, way off from any known routes, and deep inside a dense ice field. Behind it lied a sector the computer recognized as president's end, a ruined Argon colony that was destroyed by the first Kha'ak assault on argon space. Davon sought to make President's end the home of the order. The Neo-Goners had finally a place they could call home, and for the first time since their foundation, they were united as an organization, in one place.

Davon pulled a lot of resources to build up President's end. He re-established the colony, constructed stations, and he managed to make his new home somewhat self sufficient. He had to pull a lot of strings within argon government as well, in order to support and hide the order's operations.

After the gate to sol had stabilized, Davon's political career came to a screeching halt. throughout his career he very subtly and carefully promoted anti Terran sentiment, which was continuously building up inside Argon society. However when first contact was made with Terrans, all of Devon's efforts got ejected out the airlock. He tried to sow suspicion and distrust in both government and society against Terrans, but with minimal effect, while the Terrans' unforeseen passive stance did not help the order's cause. The strong anti-Terran sentiment Devon worked many years to build, simply fizzled out in a day. The argon simply did not want a conflict right after the gate network gave them room to breath and once again, prosper. In a moment of weakness, Devon didn't give up, but intensified his efforts to such an extend, that his associates started to become suspicious. When he realized he jeopardized the order, he resigned, took his followers with him, and left for president's end where he united the lost Neo-Goners after the gates reactivated, and now is trying to come up with other plans on how to crush the Terrans and conquer Earth

And that's that. I hope you had as much fun reading it as much as I had coming up with it.