Quest for Vengeance: (AP Paranid Start) DID .

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Sabrina Bergin
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Quest for Vengeance: (AP Paranid Start) DID .

Post by Sabrina Bergin » Fri, 15. Aug 14, 08:59

This is going to be a departure from my normal game driven stories that were restricted and perhaps shaped by my desire to complete all plots and thus create a means by which survivability was assured. I will be following normal DID rules with the exceptions as follow:-

1. Gate or asteroid crashes due to glitch's will be ignored.
2. Game crash's (of which I have experienced too many) will also be ignored.

This will be a trade driven game as that is the back ground of the main character no Nividium mining or stock manipulation except where the plots demand it. Nor will I be actively seeking to complete any of the plots as a priority unless the developing story demands it.

I would welcome any advice or criticism from those that care to read, at the outset this will be a solo effort but if people express an interest in joining in I would welcome them as it will affect or change the direction the story may take the idea being to let their input be reflected in the story to make it interactive. Suggestions as to which direction the story or characters therein develop will also be welcome even if those offering same are unable to devote the time to participate.

So let us begin with the prologue which will give a starting point for the story.

Lost to Darkness:

Karl sat watching quietly from his seat at the very back of the bridge where he would not get in any ones way as his father deftly guided the ship amongst the asteroids far from the normal trade lanes that Karl was used to. HIs father was on some adventure he concluded imagining that he was a secret agent making a clandestine rendezvous to overcome a terrible villain just as they did in the Tri vid soaps Karl loved to watch trying to flesh out the flash of imagination even as he watched and listened to everything the bridge crew did and said trying to absorb what he observed that would help him when he was finally able to attend flight school himself he was even putting aside his hard earned credits to help pay for his tuition.

"I have his signal Joran" his mother called from her station where she was scanning the asteroids about them as they had done hundreds of times before but this was different Karl was sure of it as he let his imagination fill with unseen foes attempting to prevent the secret information being recovered.

"I see him Lana he's in an enviro suit I'll hold position here. Karl go down to the airlock and help Tupmanclolanks out of his gear".

Karl rushed of the bridge not quite running which would have earned him a rebuke from his father passing the small crew galley where his uncle was preparing lunch for the family he made his way down to the lower level to the airlock, Karl was delighted that uncle Tupman was coming to visit again the tall strange Paranid his father often worked for had always treated him well and had often told Karl stories of his time spent roaming the verse speaking of exotic peoples and places that he had encountered over the years. Till now his father had never allowed Karl to leave the ship unless escorted by an adult and even then not unless they were on an Argon station a matter Karl was becoming increasingly resentful of, soon though he would be old enough to join the crew and see first hand the many places they visited plying their trade. It was his dream to one day become a trader like his father perhaps he thought daring that secret dream he had not revealed to anyone not even his mother to one day become successful enough to have a ship of his own. He put such thoughts aside reaching the hatch waiting impatiently for the airlock to cycle before opening the door and stepping forward to help uncle Tupman out of his Suit.

"Pleased I am to meet you youngling" Karl winced at the reminder of his lack of years in uncle Tupman's words of greeting as he removed his helmet.

"I will be fourteen Jazura this coming Wozura uncle Tupman my father is on the bridge waiting for you". Karl said with more force in his words than he had intended fearing they might be considered rude by his fathers friend whilst helping Tupman remove the rest of his suit.

"Indeed Karl then soon you will take your place working with your family to the benefit of all, come let us not keep your father waiting". Tupman replied warmly to the Youngling judging that his earlier words had perhaps wounded the young boy which had not been his intent.

Karl led Tupman to the bridge and whilst he had spent much time aboard the Swan he allowed the youngling to lead him deducing that they boy wished to carry out his duties diligently. Tupman glanced into the crèche as they passed the open door, Karls siblings were busy learning their lessons their quiet voices adding warmth to the ship. Joren was he considered most fortunate to be surrounded by his family the memory of his own rejection and subsequent casting out by his bretheren when his sickness had been discovered was a wound he feared might never heal.

Joran turned to greet Tupmanclolankcs shaking his hand warmly "I came as soon as I could old friend how goes the quest".

"It is almost at it's end my friend I have managed to obtain that which the Boron demands and was traveling to her station to regain that which was taken from me. I was forced to conceal myself here after I took some damage in Heavens assertion. Did you obtain the unit I requested".

"I have it in my office Tupmanclolanks though it would probably be easier to fit if you allow me to tow your ship to a repair facility to install it".

"I dare not old friend I am to close to achieving my goals to risk discovery at this late stage it would be a risk I could not contemplate taking. I must ask a further favour Joran I have gained access to the unit but I cannot reach it my bulk prevents it".

Joren drew up the schematics of uncle Tupmans ship that showed clearly where the unit was located "Then we have a problem that unit has to be fitted from within the drive vents which we cannot remove unless in dock and whilst I am nowhere even near your size Tupmanclolanks, I would not manage to reach it no my friend I am afraid we must take your ship to a station to make the repair".

Karl saw uncle Tupmans reluctance at his fathers advice studying the schematics of Uncle Tupmans Perseus carefully working out the dimensions in his head as the idea that had occurred to him grew his hopes rising as he realised he might fit he interrupted their conversation. "Would I be able to do it father I have had a lot of EVA training and uncle bob has taught me a lot about maintenance. Plus I am small enough to get into the vents" he offered pointing to the schematics hoping his father would allow him his first real task for the family.
Last edited by Sabrina Bergin on Fri, 15. Aug 14, 12:48, edited 2 times in total.

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Post by Sabrina Bergin » Fri, 15. Aug 14, 11:37

Joren was about to scold his son for interrupting him but the sudden flare of hope he saw in his friends eyes as they both looked to Karl made him consider the suggestion. He was small enough he allowed and he had been working hard to learn the lessons the crew gave him in fact he was skilled beyond his years a fact that gave Joren a lot of pride in his son. A short nod of agreement he caught from Lana out of the corner of his eye made him give it serious consideration. "All right Karl but I'll want you on an open com and if I tell you to abort then you return to the ship without arguments, understood".

"Yes sir Karl" agreed readily knowing that he would have accepted any restrictions his father ordered if it meant his being allowed to do this.

Very well it's almost lunch time so we'll do it as soon as we have eaten Robert has announced the noon meal is ready to be served. Tupmanclolanks I know you are eager to resume your journey but the delay will be short and given the time you have had to wait here I suspect you could do with something more substantial than an MRE pack".

"Indeed my friend and I would be glad to join you as you have deduced I am both starved for company and adequate sustenance".

Joran laughed and signalled they should all join him as he led his friend to the common room where the rest of the family would be gathering.

Tupmanclolacks was greeted warmly by the rest of the family as he joined them at the single table that stretched the width of the room with all but the very youngest seated at the table as the food was dispensed in large communal platters they would all share from.
Joren indicated he should make his selection first knowing that some of the dish's were not suitable for him and allowing him to select those that were.
Karl forced himself to contain his excitement and to eat a reasonable portion of food despite not really feeling hungry but at the same time aware of his fathers discreet regard. His mother perhaps suspected how he felt for she gave him an encouraging smile as their eyes met during the course of the meal that seemed to take forever as his family discussed much of what had happened since last they had met Tupmanclolanks after they had finished eating.

Karl was making a conscious effort to keep his voice calm and steady as he suited up in the airlock entry under the watchful eye of his uncle who double checked each fastening and seal. Finally his Visor sealed Karl powered up the suit toggling the com switch to its open position and waited for the outer door to open as he listened to his fathers precise instructions on the course he should take to find the place Tupmanclolanks had concealed his Perseus.

Ii took a while to reach the ship with Karl marking his progress with a report every couple of mizura as his father had ordered. As he settled on the asteroids surface Karl activated his mag boots the asteroid being high in iron ore this would give him better ability to move closer to the ship.
Tupmanclolanks took over on the com channel to give him precise instructions on how to fully power down the ship a necessary procedure if he was to enter the drive vents without risking injury.

It was still a tight squeeze for Karl to get past the Vent screens but he made it pushing the small bag of tools and the carefully packaged unit ahead of him. Once he reached the small space he needed to be in to access the unit he signalled that he was ready to begin.
Tupmanclolanks made sure Karl had tapped into his ships reserve air supply before proceeding to give Karl instructions on how to begin his task knowing that it would take at least a stazura which Karls own suits air supply would not allow him time to complete. Karl worked at a steady pace following the step by step instructions given to avoid making a costly mistake. He was waiting to receive another set of instructions when he heard what sounded like an explosion over the com.

"What was that what's happening I'm coming back" he announced beginning the difficult process of extracting himself from where had been working.

"No Karl stay put" his father ordered "we are being boarded we will deal with them before you could make it back stay put and finish the repair I will call you back in a mizura".

Carl waited for as long as he could restrain himself till his fears for his family overcame his reluctance to disobey his father. He managed to turn himself around and was nearing the edge of the Vent duct when he saw the Glaring burst of light that turned night into daylight for a few brief sezura illuminating the barren rocky surface of the asteroid before it faded with the carrier signal in his earphones becoming a mere hiss of white noise and static. He crawled out of the drive vent and watched from a point where he could look to where the Swan had been. Switching on his visors magnifier he could see the wreckage of his home and there he saw them Pirate ships fleeing the area before they might be discovered Carl activated his suits vid recorder catching the distinctive decorations that marked the ships before they disappeared from view. being pursued by the drones that the Swan had launched to defend herself. Not all of them though around the Swan he could see shattered bodies wearing space armour their own ships debris mingling with the Wreckage of the Swan.

Karl felt a burning rage build in him alongside the satisfaction he felt at seeing those dead murderers. He could do nothing to help his family now he realised and if he was to avenge them he had to repair Tupmanclolanks ship. With his heart turning to ice within his chest Karl returned to finish the task he had begun what now seemed a lifetime ago. ignoring the tears that threatened to blur his vision.

It had taken a long time to finish the task and to restore power to the Perseus. Longer still for him to fly it within easy reach of the Swan having practiced flying only in vid simulators till this moment and to tether it to the main part of her structure that remained. Even though he knew what he would face would sicken him Karl hardened his heart and entered what remained of the airlock illuminating the once familiar passageways using his suit lights as he made his way into the ship.
He found the women and youngest first in a passage that led to the airlock the slave collars in place about their necks their hands cruelly bound their bodies not damaged by the sudden decompression which meant the toxic gas that proceeded the detonation of the ships charges had spared them that agony. Beyond them he found his father and Tupmanclolanks who had obviously died trying to save them from the slavers.

Further in he found the rest of the crew the eldest had been killed where he found them the slavers wanting only the youngest. He made his way to the bridge where his mothers body lay her hand still clutching the remote that had blown the ship rather than let her family be taken to a life worse than death. He did not deny her that decision he would, he hoped have had the courage to do as she had knowing the ship and crew already lost.

He retrieved them all and transported to them to a site on the asteroid where he buried them together. One day he would return and recover them so that he might return them to Antigone's sun but for the moment he had not the means to give them this final gift.Tupmanclolanks he left aboard the Swan recalling that the Paranid had once told him that his people preferred to be cast into the void as dust.
After removing the few items his kin had held dear and concealing them near the graves Karl vowed to them he would avenge their deaths before leaving the asteroid behind him the last of the Swan being blasted to atoms as the charges he had placed aboard her detonated denying any the chance to desecrate her.

It was as he directed the ship towards the trading station that he heard the voice from the recently dead that made him stop and listen to the words spoken over the ships com.

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Post by Triaxx2 » Fri, 15. Aug 14, 13:19

Added to the DiD listing.
A Pirate's Revenge Completed Now in PDF by _Zap_
APR Book 2: Best Served Cold Updated 8/5/2016

The Tale of Ea't s'Quid Completed

Dovie'andi se tovya sagain

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Sabrina Bergin
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Post by Sabrina Bergin » Fri, 15. Aug 14, 13:31

Thank you Triaxx2.

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Post by Sabrina Bergin » Fri, 15. Aug 14, 16:13

The Bequest:

Karl cut power as he heard Uncle Tupmanks voice coming over the cockpits speaker system.

"Greetings Joran the fact that you are hearing this means that I have perished I feared as much when I had to take refuge here after my vessel was damaged and I had no certain knowledge of when you might arrive. to anyone not recognised by the ships scanners who has stolen this vessel then you have less than a sezura to live". There was a moments pause before the recording resumed presumably whilst his identity was being confirmed. "Joran, you have but one Tazura remaining from the time of your hearing this to reach the trading station and speak to the cursed Boron who holds the cure. I ask you to complete my quest. Retrieve the cure not for me friend my time has passed but there will be hope now for others of my kind who are afflicted as I was. Take this cure to my friend Kempanclandok who commands the Outpost in Empires edge. There is a message for him contained within a box concealed in the Cargo hold of this ship. Take also the crystal from the box it commands the key to the ransom demanded of me for this cure as well as the means to ensure it would be effective. Transfer the funds only after the Boron turns over possession of my yacht and the proven cure to you old friend do not leave this ship in Boron space, whilst aboard the ships computer will translate your words and features into mine for all who would communicate with you. You will have no need of such deception with Kempanclandok However.
On the receipt of this cure Kempanclandok will transfer Paranid registry of my yacht to you and yours consider this scant payment for the friendship and many kind acts you have shared with me since the time we fought the Khaak together. I ask the blessings of the Lord Emporer to shine down upon you and your family. Farewell friend.

Karl retrieved the box and placed it to hand inserting the crystal addressed to his father into it's port on the console then altered his heading and set course for the distant sector at full speed sensing his father would approve his choice to honour his friends wish's. Karl finally docked sweating heavily the result of his reckless haste in transiting the many sectors he had covered since setting course for this station.

The Boron contacted him immediately he was securely docked wanting to ensure the funds were placed in the escrow account as arranged. Karl activated the crystal he had placed in the console and he watched the Borons eyes grew large at the sight of the funds available to him.

"Now have my yacht docked and place the cure in the port by the access hatch Boron once the cure has been verified and possession of my yacht is handed over then those funds automatically become yours. Should you fail to do either of these things or the cure should prove false then all hope you have of acquiring these credits will vanish forever and they will be dispersed according to my living testament".

"And if the cure proves true as I have promised yet I choose to keep your yacht what then Tupmanclolanks".

"Then you would not keep it long for as it is registered to my family name in Paranid prime you would be hunted down by all Paranid through out the verse. never knowing peace till both you and it are destroyed even unto war being declared between our races which would delight our allies the Split. I would also of course detonate the missiles that fill the hold of this ship before you had time to leave the docks leaving just my yacht to be recovered. Make your choice wisely Boron".

The Boron had little choice given his obvious greed the Hyperion was jumped into system and docked at the station and possession assigned to himself with access codes being transferred and rewritten to ensure it could not be undone. Then the cure was placed into the analyser which confirmed it would be effective. Satisfied Karl acknowledged the receipt of both items and the funds were transferred to the Boron who he could then see rushing to another docked ships access hatch further down the dock through the cockpits darkened canopy.

Karl took the opportunity to wash himself down and don a fresh set of coveralls before stepping onto the docks intending to inspect this yacht that Tupman had bequeathed his family. He was interrupted by a Boron whose uniform insignia indicated he worked for the station medical staff here.

"Young Argon I would speak with you" the Boron's suit speakers piped as he came to a halt in Karls path.

"Do so then Buli mo but do not delay me long my master is intolerant of any delay in his instructions being fulfilled".

"Of course young Argon the station master has expressed concern at your masters threat to detonate missiles within his ship".

"Tell the station master my master was vexed at the one whose greed he found offensive he bears no one else aboard this station any ill will in truth he is a gentle being but his anger I think was just".

"This may well be so but if he would but lower his shields so that we can verify the missiles are not armed".

"You are aware my master came here for the cure for his affliction if he were to lower his shields before he was certain the cure had taken effect he might spread the contagion here. That would forever bar any future contact from any who landed here from traveling to Paranid space".

"This is why he remains aboard his ship then".

"Of course he would not wish to take any chance of the affliction being passed on to others. Once I have ascertained that his yacht is ready to accept him he will undock both ships and then land his own aboard it thus preventing any danger of that dread affliction spreading".

"Your master has obviously given this much thought I will delay you no further young Argon I will ensure this dock is held clear until you have departed".

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Post by Sabrina Bergin » Fri, 15. Aug 14, 19:33

Karl smiled as he watched the Boron float away in his enviro suit realising that he had just been politely asked to leave as soon as possible.
Karl entered the ship using the code he had found stored on the data crystal and sealing the access port he made his way to the bridge marvelling at the wealth he saw had gone into the outfitting of this ship.

On entering the bridge he was stunned at the size of it with stations arranged at uniform but pleasing intervals for different functions First he had to ensure the safety of Uncle Tupmans yacht he sat down in the command chair inserted the data crystal into a port he recognised and entered another sequence of codes. What happened next startled him as a thin needle punctured his arm as he rested it upon the armrest.

"DNA test confirmed" came a voice from speakers built into the seats head rest. "Accessing databank, test results indicate you are the son of Joran Reaver. Where is Joran Kert ?".

"He died" Karl answered in a quiet voice the pain of that fact stabbing at his heart once more.

"Then you are designated the master of this vessel instructions are required I am now the ships Voice you may designate a title or name for me as you wish".

"What would you prefer I call you".

"I have no preference Master Tupmanclolanks gave me a designation you would be unable to pronounce I suggest you select a name you would not easily forget that is not over long"

"Then I shall name you Lockie"

"So be it Karl I will respond only to Loki what are your wish's ?".

Karl did not bother to explain that he had not meant the ships AI to be named after an ancient god of mischief and actually thought it might serve better. "I wish to be taken to a distance beyond the range of this stations laser towers and for the ship I have docked at the station be commanded to dock aboard once we reach that position".

The ship powered up and initiated the launch sequence with no other input from Karl then moved to the distance he had selected and activated the various displays that gave all the information available to its sensors.
Karl watched in amazement as the Perseus launched itself from the station and made its way with no one at the controls into one of the Hyperions docking bays. Clearly he would have to learn as much about this ship as he could and yet avoid drawing the attention of the authorities to himself whilst he did so for the moment he would have to get to an exchange and see how much credit his family had in reserve though he suspected after loosing the cargo they had most recently purchased with the Swan it would not be much.

With that in mind he asked Loki to set course for the Exchange in Queens retribution a mere two sectors away only to have Loki inform him that his rank was such with the Boron that he could not dock in any Core Boron sector stations.
Loki seemed unconcerned at this news merely advising that Tupmanclolaks had reserve funds aboard the Perseus sufficient to keep the ship properly supplied for some time in the form of varying denomination credit chips. the amount in total being just over four million.

Karl was not shocked by the amount he has seen his father doing the accounts when trading and new such figures were easily expended.
Loki then advised that he had access to the ships jump drive but the last jump had depleted the energy level stock below the minimum required to be utilised.

"Set a course then to the nearest solar power plant where we can expect to be welcomed". Karl ordered deciding to take the opportunity whilst they travelled to learn more about the ship. He studied the floor plans for each deck committing them to memory he had been cautioned by Loki that many Paranid ships would consider them hostile until Karl arranged for the Ident to be changed as Tupmanclolanks had instructed.
For the moment Karl ordered the weapons set to protect the ship only and to transmit apologies to any ship that showed as being hostile to them excluding pirates and Xenon of course his father has taught him that jazura ago when they had entered a sector where they were not known and the Sec defence forces had gone hostile as a precautionary measure.

He then explored the bridge level studying each of the work stations and its attendant displays trying to compare the almost primitive equipment he had grown up with on the Swan to the advanced systems he saw here. This he suspected was the much vaunted military level of equipment as was indicated by the heavy shielding and weapons banks he found five 200 mega joule shields with generators able to maintain them for a long time.

He would have to learn all this he realised and with no help from outsiders who might try and take the ship from him. Having toured the bridge he moved aft through open doors finding a large office come cabin just abaft the bridge which he designated as the captains office come day cabin.

He would most likely be spending a lot of time here when not on the bridge and it was larger than anything they had on the Swan though he suspected this was meant for the Captain of the crew and would not have been the quarters Tupman had used when aboard. Still it was well appointed with a small galley and fresher and shower unit He left the rooms and went further down the corridor passing the stair well he had used to arrive on this deck then noticing a lift access ahead. wondering why he had not considered a ship of this size would have one. He could have saved himself a lot of effort had he found it earlier

Beyond the lift were he assumed the bridge crews quarters all well equipped and beyond them a dining area and galley. Further yet was a complete suite of rooms that were absolutely stunning though unfurnished save for the built in fixtures with a range of displays that repeated the information being shown on the bridge displays.
These He sensed had been uncle Tupmans rooms.
He hit a com channel and asked Loki what had happened to the furnishings and was informed they were in storage in the hold though some items of value had been removed whilst the people who had arranged the impounding of the ship had held it in storage. No doubt some shipyard workers had made a few credits from the thefts but he would not be able to recover the lost items now. From there he went down the lift and through into the holds where he found much of the furniture was still sealed in its original factory protective cases.

Apparently the ship had been undergoing a major refurbishment when Tupmanclolanks had been stricken down and the works had never been completed. That set Karls mind at ease he had been feeling slightly uneasy at moving into Tupmanks quarters but as he could make them his own he was much more comfortable with the idea.

The access to the Perseus was a little more complicated than he had anticipated whilst the ship was held securely in its docking clamps to the side of the Hyperion it was not fully within the ship and its bay was only made airtight by the use of powerful force fields that kept the vacuum of space at bay.
Karl dropped into the open cockpit and following Loki's instructions found the concealed Luggage case in under the floor panels retrieving his own carry bag he took both back to the captains or rather his day cabin where he had seen a formidable safe set into a bulkhead. After selecting some small denomination chips and a few of the larger ones from the case he placed it in the safe and sealed it with a code he set and confirmed with a retina scan.

His own personals he stored in various cupboards and drawers he found. He supposed he would have to find out where the laundry room was at some point or he would run out of clothes real fast.

That led him to the next logical step food. again he was directed to the Galley down the hall where he found a large walk in freezer that held enough stores to feed him for jazura. Loki also informed him there was a larger storage area in the smaller forward hold that held bio stuffs suitable for all of the races of the commonwealth.

Karl took enough to prepare a simple meal in the galley in his day cabin and was soon sat down eating an argnu steak that whilst slightly charred on the outside and raw in the middle was delicious. He used fresh reheated rolls to mop his plate clean before placing his plate and utensils in a cleaning unit hidden behind a false fronted cabinet a further search revealed a small fridge and he reached in and opened a bottle of juice ignoring the beers that whilst he had tried beer on occasion he found they went to his head and for some time he could not afford that he thought as he sat down in the office chair to watch the monitors as his ship raced through Boron space.

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Sabrina Bergin
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Post by Sabrina Bergin » Sat, 16. Aug 14, 02:40


Karl awoke as the ships alarms sounded with Loki warning they were approaching the stations docking port. Karl pulled on his coveralls and made his way to the bridge whilst Loki handled the docking itself.

Activating the coms Karl contacted the dock master and told him he wanted a thousand E cells sent to his ships cargo ramp.

The Teladi tried to stiff him on the price but this was to be expected and he dealt with her easily ordering Loki to set a course for the second solar plant in the system. The Teladi gave in accepting the slight profit over station price so honour was satisfied on both their parts and they could discuss other business. There is one minor matter Karl admitted I have a new steward and the boy is in need of suitable attire if he is to attend me as well as the means to defend himself should the need arise I will send him to the dock have a guide escort him to a suitable establishment I will of course pay a premium if his needs are met without delay.

Of course noble Master the teladi almost purred as Karl transferred another sum of credits from the chip he had plugged into the com unit once the Teladi had suggested a price for both the clothing and the weapons and of course the fee for the guide who was no doubt a relative.

Karl stepped of the access ramp and was immediately approached by a Teladi bearing a large card with his name on it. "You are the Ship masters steward she asked".

"I am" Karl agreed.

"Then come with me young Argon your master has expressed a wish not to be unduly delayed".

Karl joined the Teladi as she stepped onto a ped and they were whisked of the dock into the commercial section of the station.
They alighted at one of the smaller stores where the Teladi handed him over to the attendant who quickly measured him and punched some numbers into his terminal asking what clothing he required.

I have a list from my master Karl admitted knowing this would stop the salesman from attempting to sell him anything that was not on the list those items he had already paid the station master in advance for though he had bought some credits with him in case he saw something he had not anticipated.

The phase pistol he noted along with the blades were discreetly packed in with the clothing and would be sent directly to the ship. Whilst he wandered through the store he saw a coat he definitely wanted and tried it on for size.

It was a little large but he figured he would grow into it soon enough His father had often worn such a coat when going on a strange station or one where visitors might be at risk. It seemed like a normal full length leather coat until you looked closely and saw the teladianium alloy mesh woven into the inner lining. His father had once demonstrated that such a coat could dissipate a phase pistol blast at close range and hidden armour plates would stop a knife thrust. "How much is this he asked ?".

"Young Argon that is a little large for you I could have one made to order perhaps".

"I don't have the time to wait it may be mazura before we pass this way again".

"Then I give you special price four hundred credits as it does not fit you well". The shop keeper suggested.

"I have only two hundred Karl" said sadly starting to take of the coat

"I will give you this one time deal then the Tealadi quickly agreed as your master has purchased many goods from me tell no one of my generosity I have my reputation to consider".

Karl refastened the coat and handed over the stack of small denomination chips smiling like a rube as the teladi counted them carefully before pocketing them.

That done his guide showed him back to the dock where his purchases were waiting for him. He gave the guide a generous tip that took the sour look of her face before he stacked the boxes onto a loader and wheeled them into the ship proper sealing the access hatch before stacking the boxes in the lift and going back up to the bridge level.
The fuel cells had been loaded aboard and we were now capable of reaching anywhere in the verse.

"Plot a course for Empires edge military outpost" I ordered as we cleared the station perimeter.

That was met by a stunning silence as we accelerated away from the station "Loki is there a problem".

"Master the navigational data is missing I am attempting to reacquire it".

There was another lengthy silence till Loki confirmed my worst fears "The data files have ben erased" Loki stated "Data logs indicate this was done when the ship docked at the Boron trading station".

That made no sense unless it had been the Borons attempts to prevent him from learning where the ship had been kept after it was impounded or he thought the Paranid could have rigged it to occur to prevent anyone learning where the ship had been during its Jazura of service."Loki check all other ship systems see if any other equipment or control systems have been affected".

It did not take long all the basic systems were present but the advanced systems had been compromised. It would require that he gain access to an equipment dock to replace the system programs and he knew he was a long way east of the nearest Argon one. "What about the Perseus are its systems intact".

"I am recovering some systems from the Perseus Karl I am unable to reintegrate the navigational data files however".

That meant he would have to fly to Argon space manually something he should not attempt given his present lack of ability he ordered Loki to take them far out of the sector where he could begin his training unobserved by others. It took him two wozura for him to feel confident in his control of the Hyperion. before he began training in combat manouvers using simulated weapons fire against the Perseus and then the Harrier which Loki controlled and finally against both ships and drones acting as hostiles this training regimen he continued for nearly half a Jazura alongside an intense physical training program that found him running through the long corridors of the ship when he was not in the command chair.
Only when he was satisfied that he was capable of combat did he jump back to the sectors west gate he cleared the gate then turned about and went through it setting a course for Grand exchange where he suspected the Hyperion had been concealed as it was one of the few sectors still present in the Ships data base. On his way to Grand exchange he began checking out the local business messaging systems and took several jobs that did not require having strangers which effectively meant anyone aboard his ship.

Also now when he had to leave the ship he would be armed the long leather coat he had purchased and was now growing into at last effectively concealing his weapons.
His slow but inevitable progress through the sectors in this quarter of the verse also had a positive effect on his ships reputation which allowed him at first docking rights and then the ability to purchase the necessary software packages to restore much of that which had been lost. The income he derived also reversed the flow of credits from the account he had finally managed to have set up in his older cousins name after having a hacker adjust a few minor details of his records. This was made a much easier task to accomplish than he had feared due to the fact that until this last Jazura he and Hal had seldom left the Swan and often had not even been required to provide independent identification as they had always been accompanied by an adult.

This was a temporary measure when he reached the Argon legal age of consent he would switch things back. and straighten it out for the moment it saved him being treated as a minor when dealing with station officials when a face to face meeting could not be avoided.
It was when finally entering Grand exchange that he had to take part in combat for the first time when he emerged from the gate into the middle of a swarm of Xenon fighters switching the turrets to automated control he selected a target and chased it down and destroyed it this was followed by another then another as his combat took him deeper into the system.

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Sabrina Bergin
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Post by Sabrina Bergin » Sat, 16. Aug 14, 13:08

Karl ran out of targets to pursue and received a message of thanks from the Teladi sec def commander for his assistance. Ignoring that he studied the salvage that was strewn about the sector and had Loki begin recovering it.

Once that task was complete he docked at The stock exchange where he was able to purchase a Teladi security license. Then after undocking from the station and studying the sector displays he saw a xenon fighter that had been abandoned and closed on its position.
The Ship was an M3 class fighter and so when Loki positioned it within reach of the ship he left the airlock and made his way to it using his suits thrusters till he got close enough to attach a tether.

Their was an access hatch which he found odd but he opened it and plugged in his suit link cable and easily bypassed the codes that gave him access to the ships computer. A few mizura of hacking later he has managed to claim the ship. It was not badly damaged but he made some repairs to the more obvious holes in its hull plating before making his way back to the Hyperion. Resuming his place on the bridge he asked Loki to fly the claimed fighter to the local shipyard. and to dock the Hyperion itself there once the fighter had safely docked.

He fielded a few enquiries from the station master's office who were prepared to purchase it but Karl wanted to examine it first.
It was an ugly looking thing he decided as he studied it in its bay next to the Hyperion He entered the craft and powered up some displays to check if there was anything of value to salvage. The Pulsed beam emitters he was sure the Teladi had deliberately failed to notice when they had offered to buy the ship for its hull value only attracted his immediate attention.

It was a matter of a few mizura to employ a group of mechanics he found hovering in the docking bay area to dismount the weapons and load them onto the Hyperions docking ramp. Once completed he gave them a bonus they had not expected then contacted the Station master and accepted his price for the Xenon fighter.
He had no doubt the Station master would be cursing his name when she found the weapons had been removed but that was her own fault for trying to gull him he decided as he installed the emitters into the empty forward weapon racks.

He considered staying on the station overnight but he had an uneasy feeling about the place so after paying his docking fees he undocked and headed for the gate he had detected earlier to the west of the sector.
Once through the gate he transited the sector ignoring the advertisments inviting him to dock at the Jonferco headquarters. As a trader any dealings with Corporations was to be done only at arms length with careful attention to fine print a fact his father had warned him to observe many times in his youth. They were the predators in the world of the traders using their vast fleets to drive prices down and force the traders away from the richer pickings to be found in the trade lanes. He was slightly irritated at the number of times he was intercepted by sec defence forces wanting to verify his ships ident codes but those requests he ignored making sure Loki kept the shields at full power to prevent them making any deep scans. That irritated them he knew but the Teladi security licence he now possessed deterred them from doing anything about it.
He located another west bound gate and ordered Loki to take them through it. The sector midnight star was scarcely populated a few stations were scattered about the sector but nothing drew his interest so he followed the path of ships appearing on his sensors that eventually led him through the next gate. Wastelands was even more of a disappointment but he did see a gate to the south and vaguely remembered having been here before there was an Argon ship yard to the south he was certain of it so he changed his heading and after transiting the gate he found himself flying through an asteroid field that most sane people would have cleared before he found the station he remembered not a ship yard but an equipment dock he contacted it and got docking clearance before asking Loki to take them into dock. The Dock master was nor welcoming he decided as he opened the com link.

"What do you want boy" the man asked as though Karl was keeping him from better things he had to do.

"To trade sir I have items of value that you have listed as being in demand"

"Okay kid send me the list and I'll see what you've got, be warned though we don't exactly like Paranid on this station".

Karl transmitted the list and waited overlong for a reply the dock master's tone was somewhat improved no doubt influenced by the quality of the ordinance Karl was prepared to sell. They argued for a few mizura over prices but Karl deliberately allowed the man to get the better of the deal before he began compiling a list of what he wanted.

"Well it seems you have the clearance and I know you have the credits to buy that stuff okay I'll have it sent to your ship kid but be advised to make sure your Paranid friends don't come on station".

"I'll take your advice on that sir Karl replied as he completed the transaction. "Any advice where I can get a decent beer and meal for myself" Karl asked "its been a while since I had a good steak".

That surprised the man and he smiled figuring Karl had been restricted to the Paranids preference for a mainly vegetarian diet.

"Well kid your best bet is Clara's down on the front best steaks in the sector I don't know about the beer though you seem kinda young".

"It's a curse that haunts me sir but I will have ID with me"

"Fair enough Kid tell Clara Kris recommended her place to you" the man finished closing the link.

Loki supervised the installation of the up grades giving Karl clear instructions on the procedures as he pulled the corrupted units and slotted in the new ones there was he thought almost a sigh of relief from Loki as the new units were brought on line and his abilities were expanded. His house keeping compete Karl took the time to have a good long shower before dressing himself to go on the dock making sure his weapons were out of sight and that he looked as a trader should. He tucked his ID into a breast pocket right next to his account card as well as a few small low denomination credit chips. Checking his appearance one last time he made his way to the dock access ramp.

This he decided as he strode onto the dock was how he remembered it the place was a hive of activity with people lining the balcony that over looked the docking bays. He was glad of this till he realised they were looking at his ship and at him. He should have realised this would happen the Hyperion class corvette was a ship who's origins were shrouded in mystery and rarely seen beyond Paranid space. Of course they would want to see it, in their place he would. He activated his wrist com and had Loki secure the ship. as he walked forward into the crowd and vanished from plain sight.

Once clear of the crows of onlookers gathering near his ship Karl jumped on a ped and entered his destination. After less than two mizura the ped slowed to allow him to step of in a dockside area outside the doors of a small restaurant shop front boasting Clara's name not in Neon but in old script painted on a real wood sign above it's entrance. He made his way through the old fashioned doors and headed for the counter that was situated opposite them despite the old style decor there were display screens positioned discretely about the place. What struck him first was that despite the early hour the place was almost full. Karl settled himself on a chair at the counter and a young argon girl approached him. "How can I help you" she asked

"I'll have a sonra coffee please and a meal shortly do you have a table for one available Melisse" he asked noting her discreet name badge.

"One will be available within a few mizura sir" she replied pouring him his coffee and booking a table for him before handing him a menu printed on card of all things. Karl glanced at the menu and settled for Clara's special steak and sides handing the menu back and giving his order to Melisse before turning his attention to his coffee. It was the one thing he had missed aboard the Hyperion that had no stocks aboard given its price he suspected the stores it might once of held on board had been stolen along with the other missing items.
It bought back memories he could not would not turn aside from despite the sadness they evoked of special meals when his father would treat them to a small cup of his favoured blend.

He looked up to see Melisse staring at him intently before glancing back to a display out of his range of vision and then back to him again. Karl looked around and saw himself on the display exiting the Hyperion before disappearing into the crowd.

"Oh my that's your ship" Melisse whispered her eyes widening in awe.

There was no point in trying to deny it not with my face all over the display screens. "It is I agreed but I was hoping to be more discrete in my arrival".

"Then you blew that kid" another woman said stepping right in front of me and shooing Melisse away to attend to other customers.

"What do you expect you step of a Hyperion vanguard one of the most famed M6 corvettes in the verse and disappear into the crowd people are going to wonder why you are here kid and to be honest so am I".

"Would you believe me if I told you I came for the coffee and I was assured this was the place to get a decent steak by the Dock master".

"Kris directed you to my place huh, he must be trying to butter me up okay kid grab your coffee I think we should have a talk".

The woman's presence and tone of command precluded me ignoring her request I grabbed my mug of coffee and followed her as she led me to the rear of her establishment. As soon as we were seated a waiter placed a fresh pot of coffee on the table then moved to one side to attend the woman who I suspected was Clara herself. She was trader born I recognised that in her instantly as I suspected she did in me.

"Okay kid"

"Hal please"

"Yeah okay if that's the way you want to play it 'Hal' now where the hell is Joran and why aren't you on the Swan instead of that corvette that's got sec def shitting them selves since you docked ?".

She knew my father she knew the Swan I tried to answer her but the words would not come. She must have seen the pain in my eyes she took my hand and led me from the room back to what I assumed were her quarters where she sat me down sitting next to me on an antique couch.

"How bad was it she asked quietly" her words telling me clearly how much it cost her to ask that question.

"They're gone Clara everyone, we got boarded I was of the ship I couldn't get back in time to help I had to watch".

"Oh Gods" Clara said pouring me a stiff drink and then one for herself urging me to down it.

The fuel ran through me like a charge unleashing the grief I had kept bottled up inside me for so long I wept properly for the first time since it had happened and Clara said nothing just holding me close as i struggled to regain myself. "I'm sorry" I said coming back to awareness of where I was and embarrassed by my lack of control.

"Never apologise not for this could you tell me what happened" Clara asked gently. "I'll understand if its too painful for you".

I told her everything sensing that she too was hurting and needed to know she was a trader and she had known my father more importantly she shared my pain at the loss of the Swan and of my family.

"Gods that was not what I wanted to hear Karl and you've been on your own all this time".

"What choice did I have Clara"

"None" she agreed "but what now karl you have a fine ship you have your whole life ahead of you let the past go".

"I can't Clara I will find who did this and I will destroy them no matter how long it takes I will avenge their deaths, to ask me to turn aside from this would rob my life and that of my family of meaning"

"That's Joran talking Karl gods you are so much like him its painful, I loved him of course me and Lana both but I has hopes he was quite the man back in the day but Lana she was special and they just clicked god's for a time I hated her for taking him away from me. That's when I quit the life and opened this place".

"You knew my mother" I asked not understanding

"Of course I did stupid she was my kid sister which makes me".

"My aunt I finished for her I thought I was the last".

"Less of the Aunt my name is Clara Karl but no you are not the last of us not yet anyways wait here I need to speak to some people".

"Melisse" she roared opening the door this man is waiting on his steak, before disappearing from the room.

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Post by Sabrina Bergin » Sun, 17. Aug 14, 01:43

The steak was as good as the dock master Kris had promised and I cleared my plate before looking around the room Clara had taken me to.
It was more of a study than an office and there were pictures on the walls showing Clara in various locations through out the verse I saw then what I had failed to see earlier in the picture that showed her as she had been when the same age as my mother. it was subtle put them together and you might see it but not otherwise. Then there was the picture that had told Clara clearly who I was mom must have sent it to her recently I remembered the place that beach on Timaron a resort planet in Great reef dad had been dong a lot of local runs there so mum had taken us down to the planet to spend two glorious days of ship me her and Hal and the twins in the hologram. Uncle Robert had taken the picture I forgot where Lucy my aunt had been. I remembered the day the heat burning my skin and the tang of sea salt in the air the noise of birds flying overhead happier times I thought wishing I could go back to that moment to tell mom how much I loved her.

"It was he last picture she sent me" Clara said from behind me startling me I had not heard her come back. "That's how I knew who you were but not why you were here Karl".

"Mother never spoke of you Clara"

"Yeah I figured your mother always could hold a grudge Karl, but I guess that was mostly my fault when she and Joran got married I was pretty mad and I said some things that I shouldn't have and then when I quit my ship I guess she sort of gave up on me shamed that I could turn my back on the life I guess. A while back though I got a message from her some how she found out where I was and she started messaging me again. That was the last picture she sent me. Now I guess she'll never know that I forgave her or how much I missed her".

"She knows Clara mom never missed a beat you know that".

"Yeah I guess, so Karl what now though".

"Well first of I have to get to Empires edge I have a promise to keep to an old friend. After that I'm going on a hunt I got the graphics of those pirates I'll find them".

"And what then Karl suppose you find them and kill them it won't change things".

"Maybe not Clara but they won't kill other innocents or sell them into slavery".

"Karl listen to me if you start down this road there's no turning back it will change you make you a killer that is not what Lana would have wanted for you".

"No it isn't Clara she wanted me to be like dad to be a trader but they took that from me, they took every thing and they will pay for that".

Clara stepped back driven away from him by the intensity of his rage he would not turn aside from his vengeance the desire for it burned so strongly in him it was almost blinding.

"Alright Karl you have made your choices but I don't like it not that that will make a difference so I may as well help you come with me and keep your weapons out of sight I don't want you bringing the militia down on us".

Karl got the message and followed Clara out of her restaurant onto the concourse where she hailed a transport that took them deeper into the stations core.

This was the underside of the station the lights that were not vandalised did little to dispel the gloom. Clara led him to a bar off the main passage its air filled with the stench of weed and spilled beer and worse that Karl did not want to guess at. She led him to a table at the back where Teladi was conducting business. After a brief wait the people she had ben speaking to left and Clara took one of the seats they had vacated,

"How's Business Holuriuas"

"It suffices the Teladi admitted it has been a while since last I saw you what is it you wish".

"My cousin here has been asked to find another ship" Clara replied easily indicating me and the fact that I had been beached. A rare and severe judgement for the Traders to give on one of their own.

"What was his crime to warrant such a penalty Holurias asked".

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Post by Sabrina Bergin » Sun, 17. Aug 14, 09:29

"Lets just say that he would rather avoid meeting the any split or paranoid security"

The Teladi looked me over slowly possibly seeing the rage that had gripped me a few mizura before. "He is an angry young man Clara why does he not stay with the paranid ship that brought him here ?".

"Its a temporary gig the ships master wants to take a tour through Terren space and I know those sectors". I spoke making it clear I did not like being talked about as if I wasn't stood right there. "Once that's done he's heading to Paranid space and I don't plan on staying with him"

"What ship types can you fly then boy you would seem to be lacking in years to be of much worth or experience".

"I can fly anything including that Corvette my current boss is so proud of" I boasted.

"There are always opportunities for one not bothered by the dangers of combat though if your skills are lacking you might not live to enjoy the rewards such employment offers. Give this card to Mandor at the port in Loomankstrats he is seeking new recruits if you prove worthy he will pay me the usual fee" The Teladi finished handing me a card.

I pocketed the Card and thanked the Teladi for the tip and gave her a twenty credit chip for a drink for her before we left.

We hopped on a transport and after a few mizura we were once again sat at that table at the back of her place that I guessed she kept reserved for her own use. The man working the bar brought over a jug of beer and two glass's without being asked and Clara waited till he was out of earshot before speaking.

"That was telling this Mandor must have lost a few people to be recruiting so hard"

I counted up the numbers of dead pirates I had seen floating in space and the ones in the wreckage of the Swan that dad and Tupman must have killed guessing there must have been a few more killed when mom blew the ship before giving Clara the numbers".

"Fifteen at least that would pretty much cripple most Pirate clans no wonder he's desperate to recruit more people. Okay you have a name Karl but don't go to Loomanckstrats you wouldn't last five mizura even in that Hyperion. Hell you would need a fleet".

"Don't worry Clara I'm not that stupid but at least thanks to you I have a name once I've been to Empires edge I will think long and hard before I go after this Mandor but go after him I will Clara, him and all his kind".

I looked to Clara to see if she was going to try and change my mind but I saw the desire for revenge burning in her eyes as much as it did in mine so we just sat there and talked till the early hours telling each other things about our lives till that moment that formed a bond between us.

"Come on" I said rising to leave "I have to get back to my ship and don't tell me you don't want to have a look around her".

"Of course I do stupid I've been sat here for a stazura waiting to be invited is she as beautiful on the inside as the out".

"Better Clara but I'll let you decide on that".

It was a brief trip to the docks and the crowds that had been there earlier were long gone there were however a couple of station security people warding the access port but they let us by when I showed them my dock pass. I signalled Loki to lower the Ramp and Clara joined me as we stepped on board.
We took the lift to the bridge level and I let her explore to her hearts content explaining the purpose of the various stations before I showed her the state rooms. I had hauled the furniture out of the hold whilst I was spending all that time in Sanctity of corruption and the place was now furnished properly.

"You live here I can see why you didn't want to book a station sleep over".

"Would you Clara I asked handing her a glass of wine".

"Hell no Karl but you need a crew to run this ship properly especially if you are going in harms way. Even with all this fancy automation you need help to fulfil her potential".

"I know that Clara but getting crew that won't try and take her is the real problem".

"Yeah the ship is worth what fifty million credits its a temptation few could ignore I take it you have already taken steps to prevent that".

"I'm not a fool Clara Loki the ships AI has a lot of defences available to him including deadly force if need be. but you are right I will need a crew and once I've been to Empires edge I'll find one".

"You might try the trading station in home of light or Elena's a lot of traders pass through those ports and they always have family who want to move on".

"That's a good idea Clara and to be honest I'd rather have trader folk as crew than the usual hire on's".

"I cant fault you there Clara agreed".

"You could come with me" I offered

"Nah I'm pretty well set here Karl not that I don't appreciate the offer but well I have put down my roots here so to speak. You'd asked me that question a couple of Jazura ago and I'd have had my bags packed and in your loading bay before you had chance to draw another breath".

I took her rebuttal graciously I had hoped she might join me but she had her own life to live one she had followed since before I was born. so we talked some more about pretty much everything and anything till we were both to tired to go on I showed her to the guest rooms and went back to my own calling up the sector map to check on things before I got my own head down.

I was woken by the smell of fresh coffee and Bacon and there were definitely sausages involved in what I could smell struggling out of my bedding I showered and dressed before following my nose to the galley where Clara was happily cooking our breakfast.

"Thought that would wake you sit yourself down Karl there's fresh coffee in the pot and this will be ready in a couple of sezura".

I took her at her word and poured us both a coffee as she carried two heavily laden plates to the table.

"I've got to admit Karl you have a well stocked larder I can't remember the last time I had real eggs".

"The ship is pretty well stocked" I agreed as I started eating, "you can have a case of them if you want".

"At what price Karl" she asked but that was the trader in her talking refusing charity or unearned gifts.

"Well you did cook breakfast so we'll call it even" I decided .

That touched her so she didn't refuse the gift we sat and talked for a while but we both knew that I would be leaving soon so we made our way onto the dock where we were greeted by the dock master I had dealt with on my arrival he looked kind of pissed for some reason till Clara stepped forward.

"Kris this is my nephew Hal of the Swan"

"We've spoken" I acknowledged seeing the reason for his ire at seeing Clara step of my ship after staying on board overnight.

"You should have told me that when you docked Kid I'd have given you a better deal than you got".

"The trade was fair I conceded but I really have to go Clara I'll be in touch soon I promise".

"You do that and remember to call if you ever need help" she gave me a hug and a kiss before having Kris pick up the case of eggs and walking back onto the dock waving as I turned and went back on board to undock.

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Post by kaistern » Sun, 17. Aug 14, 09:57

Keep up the good work! :thumb_up:
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Sabrina Bergin
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Post by Sabrina Bergin » Sun, 17. Aug 14, 12:01

Karl smiled as he sat down on the bridge asking Loki to undock and make for Wastelands trading station he had guessed on seeing Kris at the boarding ramp why Clara had chosen to stay and he wished them both well.
The com alerted him to an incoming message from Clara wishing him luck and attached to it she sent a copy of the Tri Vid picture he had seen in her study. Karl found a frame for it and placed it on his desk in his day cabin touched by the gesture more deeply than he cared to admit even to himself.

At the trading station on wastelands he picked up a job to transport a cargo to the Cahoona bakery in Treasure chest he was even given the gate address's to get there. Karl took his time getting there he had plenty of time in hand and he wanted the navigational data more than he wanted speed. His only concern was that treasure Chest was one of the contested sectors so as he transited the gate from Black hole sun he was ready to defend himself powering up the weapons if he was fired on he intended to react. He was surprised when after transiting the gate he was ignored both by the sec def foces and the terren's who were actively engaged in combat near the gate. Karl made his delivery and sat at the station whilst he tried to figure out why he had not been targeted. He checkd the data logs and found that the ship had been recognised as a neutral vessel by both sides probably relating to something Tupman had been doing before his illness.
He'd known uncle Tupman had rank with the Emporer possibly even as an ambassador for the Paranid which would explain why his ship was not attacked.

That was a major worry of his back if he could transit the war sectors without risk he would be able to get the Hyperion properly equipped. He undocked from the station and headed for the west gate scanning the sector he noted a lot of salvage in the sector so he had Loki collect it whilst he thought on his plans once he arrived in Argon prime.
Here so far to the east security except as it impinged on the war effort and military was fairly light that would not be the case in Argon prime and the Hyperion would by its very nature attract attention. On that thought he instituted a number of security protocols that he could activate at will by a few simple command words he hoped he would never have to use them but he preferred to err on the side of caution as Clara had said this ship was a prize few would not find tempting. Once Loki had recovered the salvage in the sector he made a few local deals to offload the wares collected the missiles he kept though he suspected he might need them later.

Omicron Lyrie was a nightmare a full fledged battle was being waged and Karl threw the Hyperion onto a course that would take him well away from it.

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Sabrina Bergin
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Post by Sabrina Bergin » Sun, 17. Aug 14, 19:57

Thanks for the praise Kaistern I hope you are enjoying it as I am in the writing.


Karl accelerated away from the scene of the battle and did not stop till he was a long way from it. He watched in horror as the heavens were lit by explosions that produced flares of actinic light that triggered the antiglare features on his displays knowing that with each explosion a ship and its crew of hundreds was lost to the dark.

He remembered once on hearing of this war he had told his mother he would be a soldier as his father had been. It had been the only time he remembered his mother hitting him. He recalled the shock he had felt not at the pain but at her anger as she had demanded he swear never to take up arms against a brother. He had refused his eyes flowing with tears he was hurt that she did not want him to be a soldier as his father had. His mother had sent him to his room and it was much later that day that his father had come to speak with him. His father had hugged him and explained to him why his mother had been so upset that they were traders they did not wage war on their brothers. "You did" I had dared to reply

"No Karl I fought the Khaak an alien race whose sole purpose was to destroy us the whole verse joined us to defeat them that's where I met your uncle Tupmanclolanks. Every day I was away your mother worried that I might not come back and she fears that if you join in this war that is wrong she might loose you and neither of us could bear that don't frighten her like that please Karl".

"I'm sorry dad I didn't understand I had replied".

"I don't think its me who needs your apology Karl you frightened your mother that's why she hit you and she is sorry she did that".

So I had climbed out of my bed to apologise and promise never to war against my brothers she had hugged me close and we never spoke of it again yet still I remembered the promise.

I watched in horror the wrongness my mother had warned me of sickened by the knowledge that each bright flare meant the loss of a ship and hundreds of lives. Eventually the explosions of light grew less frequent then finally stopped. Only then did I head back to the sector centre Loki had already begun collecting the ordinance strewn across the system I ordered Loki to recover any survivors we came across and transport them to the medical bay on deck two but too keep any Terrens separated from others.

I sealed deck two once Loki announced he was recovering people treating those whose wounds I could those that required more skill than I had I placed into stasis pods.

Those that were able to fend for them selves I escorted to a dining room where I had Loki prepare flash meals and refreshments.
I served up bowls of stew and fresh bread rolls indicating that coffee and juices were available at the counter. I did the same for the Terrens in the side of the room Loki had sealed with an opaque force shield. before leaving them to return to the bridge. Loki had swept the system twice and had no evidence of other survivors so I headed towards the Command ship in the sector and asked which station I should take them to.

On confirming I had a jump capable ship he asked me to transport them to the outpost in Black hole sun.
The man must have notified them I would be bringing casualties into his station as soon as we jumped in sector we were escorted directly to the base with other traffic being diverted from our path.

As soon as I lowered the loading ramp a team of medics approached came on board at my invitation and helped the wounded and those in stasis pods of the ship onto transports those that were relatively unscathed were guided to military transports no doubt to be debriefed a few of them turned and thanked me for the rescue as they left the ship. Seeing the media arriving on the dock from the corner of my eye I turned and went back into my ship sealing the hatch behind me and refusing all requests for interviews once I'd returned to the bridge.

Karl did take the call from the station commander though who gave his thanks for rescuing their people.
"I only did what any decent man would commander no thanks are needed" Karl had replied as he sent a request for undocking through to the control tower.

"Perhaps not Mr Reaver but you have them anyway you will be ever welcome here safe travels" the man wished closing the link.

We undocked and jumped for the north gate of Omicron where I had Loki set a course through the gate and head north. Then I secured the bridge and went below to meet the terrens who I suspected would no doubt be confused by events.

I lowered the field as I stepped into the dining area that was now opened to its full size. The tallest of them rose as I entered the room noting the phase pistol at my waist. "Ladies gentlemen I am sorry for the delay in attending to you" I began "as you are no doubt aware we have made two jumps and are now entering Circle of labour. I activated the room display showing the sector map and our position. It will take at least a Tazura to reach heretics end I would ask you avail yourselves of the cabins available on this deck. If any of you have pressing needs I can be contacted on the com you will however be restricted to this deck this is for our mutual safety".

I lit up another display that showed the layout of the deck area they were restricted to it clearly displayed the cabins and facilities they had access to.

"What's your game kid you could make a mint turning us over to the Argon" a young woman asked

"No game miss I'm going to take you home I'm a trader we don't make war on our own"

"A coward then decided" another contempt in his voice.

"Shut it" Lorens the tall man who had risen to speak when I entered the room ordered "be thankful we were rescued by this man otherwise we would be in a POW camp by now if he says he's taking us home that's what he will do traders don't break promises. Okay Trader I will make sure everyone behaves and you have my thanks". I acknowledged the mans pledge and left them to sort themselves out.

Lorens wasn't happy it was bad enough loosing his ship but to be a prisoner of the Argon was worse "I say we take the ship lieutenant".

"Yeah you say way too much Lorens this man has risked a lot for us and he's taking us home and you want to repay him by killing his crew and stealing his ship. Tell me Lorens how the hell did you ever make it through flight school".

"We could take the ship" Lorens insisted.

"Really you remember that force shield he used earlier that means the ship has internal sentry lasers and that at the moment he's probably listening to you and regretting saving your sorry ass".

Lorens fell silent and looked around suddenly seeing the cameras.

"I am indeed listening Lieutenant I will hold you to your word do not disappoint me" Karls voice echoed through the room from the com speakers.

Karl made sure that level was secure before he made his way to his own bed saddened by the words of Lorens.

He awoke early and went down to check on his guests taking a table in the dining room and pouring himself a coffee.

The young woman was the first to join him noting the lack of a weapon at his side as she poured herself a coffee before joining him.

"No gun" she said making it a question

"Lorens has too many ideas I decided not to encourage them the results would not be what I wish".

"And what do you wish for Karl Matt say's you're a trader so what we have those aplenty".

"No Lorin" I answered seeing her name on her uniform which she had obviously taken the opportunity to launder overnight, "You have trade ships Traders are different".

"How so"

"Because Traders are families" Matt answered for me joining us at the table "They date back to before the Solar empire when all man knew was a single sun a single system that they travelled from planet to planet till one day we reached the stars and they came with us exploring and charting the stars Lorin, Tell me Karl how far back does your line go".

It was an answer I had learnt in my early youth "The first of us was Peter Donald of the Starling I answered out of Alpha centuri the first in commonwealth space who came with the fleet was Madeline Reaver whose name I am honoured to bear".

"My god Lorin gasped that was millennia ago".

"Gives you a different perspective doesn't it Lorin and in all that time no trader has ever fought in a war against their own kind. Don't assume cowardice Lorin I served during the Khaak battle in Heretics there were a lot of traders there fighting alongside us. Your father amongst them if I am not mistaken Karl I recognised the name".

"He was there I agreed"

the man sensed that I would not speak further of my family and changed the subject smoothly asking how long it would be before we were back in Terren space "a few hours yet till we have transited this sector then perhaps five or six more till we dock at your outpost". I replied switching to their time scale easily. So Tell me lieutenant how is it you know so much of Traders".

"I have a passion for history Karl it started when I was at university in Oxford and I have kept up with my studies. My thesis was on the trade expansion early space travel engendered. I was both surprised and pleased to find Traders beyond the gates when reunion occurred".

"Yet now you wage war upon your brothers Matt why is that"

"Pick your reasons Karl Honour, duty, obedience to a government that directs me to defend our space suffice to say that I serve my people no matter my own thoughts on this war".

"An honest enough answer" I allowed "I thank the gods I do not stand in your place. I will notify you when we reach the station" I finished my coffee and returned to the bridge level.

"What was that all about" Lorin asked as the Trader left the room.

"I think I have been given a lesson in morality by a man half my age" Matt replied sipping his coffee and thinking on what the boy no the man he corrected himself had said.

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Post by Sabrina Bergin » Mon, 18. Aug 14, 00:20


The station was vast even at a hundred klicks it filled his display screens he approached cautiously a swarm of fighters undocked and headed for his ship. He signalled the nearest as it came in range and got terse orders to follow a flight path that would lead us to an external port. I signalled compliance also advising I had terren personnel on board. I also contacted the lieutenant on deck two and told him to get his people ready.

The docking took forever and I decided to stay on board when I saw the troops waiting at the docking ramp. I saw the terrens waiting in the outer dock and contacted the base commander.

"Mr Reaver you say you have our people aboard".

"I do sir but I am not comfortable with all those troops waiting for me to open the hatch and board my ship".

"That may seem so sir but you could well have a team of marine saboteurs waiting to rush the docks so it seems we are at an impasse".

"Not really I replied I'll give you a com link to your people on board and I'll lower the shields on the access port that is what I will give you commander that and no more, all I want to do is return your people and go home don't make this harder than it has to be".

"Okay Mr Reaver put our people on and we'll all be nice and friendly"

I gave access to the lieutenant to contact the dock he confirmed his ID and gave the names and numbers with him then I watched on cam as they were granted access to the docks and whisked away into the stations interior. That left me with the commander to deal with he still had his troops on the docks and I had no doubt he had station fighters waiting for me to make a run for the nearest gate. "Mr Reaver I thank you for the return of our people but you are a security problem I have to resolve lower your shields please".

"I think not sir I am a Trader and I bear you no ill will so I advise you to clear the dock area no one boards this ship".

"He's bluffing right the commander" asked Lieutenant Sladon.

"No sir he's a trader they don't bluff and they don't get boarded he kept his word sir my advice let him go he's done us a service ".

"That I don't doubt lieutenant but my orders are to detain him and impound his vessel I want you to convince him to lower his shields".

"I'll talk to him but I want it put on record what you intend is a mistake sir".

Matt looked on helplessly as the commander ordered his men to standby to breach the ship it was wrong everything about the situation the Kid was smarter than this, he had to know the ATF would insist on the ship being boarded,. Then he recalled the look in Karls eyes when he had walked amongst them and later when he had found him having a coffee with Lorin without the weapon he had blatantly worn the first time.

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Post by Sabrina Bergin » Mon, 18. Aug 14, 10:55

The com light signalled another call being sent from the station no doubt the base commander wanted to try and convince him to drop his shields.

He was feeling disappointed in the mans response and his failure to pull his troops of the dock. Karl opened the link surprised to see not the commander but the lieutenant who had only left the ship a couple of Mizura before on the screen.

"Matt an unexpected pleasure as you can see I have kept my word I suggest you advise the base commander I will leave wether he likes it or not and that any attempt to board this ship would be unwise".

"I have made that clear to him Karl however for security reasons he is obliged to scan your ship and to that end he wants you to lower your shields".

It was then Karl saw Matt give the danger signal in Trader sign that few would recognise for what it was.

"I'll consider his request Karl" replied hitting the emergency undock control that had the dock alarms screaming warnings to anyone on the dock to get clear.

The Hyperion dropped of its mooring clamps but instead of accelerating away it just hung there in space.
"What the hell is he doing the commander asked Lt Sladon".

"Oh shit he's going to jump get your men of the dock commander" matt screamed at him panic in his voice at what the man intended if the jump field was even a yard to big it would take a chunk of the station with it.

The Commander realised the danger and ordered his men to clear the dock even as the jump field flared into life around the ship. Within ten seconds the field had flared to an intensity that you could not look at with the naked eye and then the ship simply vanished from sight.

"Jesus how the hell did he do that" the commander asked as he saw that his station had suffered no damage.

"I tried to tell you sir, the mans a trader they are of a different calibre than most pilots, they are also guaranteed neutral status by the treaty of 2864 to which Earth was a signatory sir, had you attempted to board his ship I suspect you would have been court martialled for doing so".

The commander checked with his staff and got confirmation of Sladon's statement within seconds. "I was given orders to board the ship" Sladon why the hell did they do that if they knew his ship was neutral".

"I don't know sir perhaps they were just careless or knew you would be taking the fall when the dust finally settled, either way if I am done here sir I need to get in touch with my CO".

"What oh yes of course Lieutenant thanks for the advice" the commander added dismissing Sladon his thoughts elsewhere.

The Hyperion flashed into existence in Omicron and Karl asked Loki to dock at the Equipment dock. He was still fuming at the fact that the Terrens had intended to board his ship only the Trade sign from Matt had prevented bloodshed.

Once Karl had finished selling of the ordinance he had no use for he intended to head for Nyanas that would lead him to Teladi space and after that he had a choice to risk crossing a Xenon sector or to head northwest a longer route to Argon prime but with less risk to the ship. He was about to undock when he got an urgent call from the station master.

"Captain Reavers you have posted a flight plan to Nyana's".

"I have sir my intention is to go west, might I ask why the interest".

"Sir I will be honest we have a group of non combatants who we need to get home yours is the only ship in system that is heading their way you would be doing me a service if you would take them with you. You would be well paid for your assistance".

"Send me the details and I will consider it" I replied closing the link and waiting for the information to be forwarded. It didn't take long the people wanted to get home to Legends home apparently their ship had been crippled attempting to cross the war zones which made me doubt the sanity of the man who had captained the ship who should have known better.There was a bit of a mystery there as the man had been arrested and was due to be taken to Argon sector M148 for trial which told me he had definitely been doing something Argon security took offence to and possibly his passengers had been a means to hide his true purpose.

Trusting his instincts Karl contacted the Station master and arranged for the people to be sent to his docking bay. He went down himself when Loki alerted him of their arrival to be met by a scene of chaos in the docking bay with children crying and boys running about wildly.

"Attention people" I shouted to make myself heard "all luggage that you do not require immediate access to is to be placed on this pallet I advise you to retain only essential hand luggage. If you could bring the younger members of your party under control we can start boarding follow the arrows to your cabins they are clearly designated if any of you wish to change the arrangements you can contact me after we are all aboard. Departure is in four mizura so time is a factor here. Anyone not on board by that time will have to wait for the next available transport".

That definitely got their attention the boys were called to order and they began filing past me into the ship in a fairly orderly fashion. I followed the last of them in having sent the cargo pallet to the holds then went past them to direct them to a common room that they would have the use of. Once they had all found seats and quietened down I activated the displays so they could watch data feeds or the local station broad casts.

"Thank you I am Karl Reaver all enquiries or requests are to be referred to me and where possible I will accommodate you. I will expect you to make use of the galley facilities yourselves this is a trade ship not a liner so do not expect waiter service I will get you home by the fastest available means but that will still take several Tazura for the moment I have other duties to attend to so I will leave you to get settled in, thank you for your attention".

"He's kinda cute isn't he" Marie whispered as they watched him leave the room.

"A little young for my taste Marie" Celine answered picking up her carryall and following the arrows that led her to a rather sparely fitted cabin that accepted her thumb print identity and designated the room as hers alone which did please her she had been stuck on that station for a Wozura and the lack of separate accommodation away from Hennels noisey brood had worn her patience thin.

She unpacked her few belongings and then on finding the shower unit had indulged herself ignoring the noises coming from the ship as it undocked and powered away from the station. Dressing in the ship suit she preferred she walked back down the hall to the common room where the kids were watching a tri vid film. She found a coffee dispenser and poured herself a jug of it grabbing a mug she found a table at the back of the room and activated the monitor she found built into the table.

She switched through the available displays till she found the one she was most interested in. As she had guessed on seeing it on the docks this was not a normal transport it was a Hyperion a corvette class ship that on balance was considered one of if not the best in its class. She called up a page to get a crew listing but a restricted warning flashed up on the screen so she closed that page and tried to access the layout of the ship there was no restricted warning but she could only access the floor plans for this deck or rather the area they were restricted to. Celine saw that lack of information as a challenge and began to write a hack that would give her better access.

"I would ask you to desist" came the voice over the monitors speakers "If you persist measures will be taken to prevent you having access to the ships information systems. your attempt to bypass security protocols have been noted".

"Who am I speaking to" she asked

"I am Loki I am the ships AI I have authorisation to prevent all attempts to bypass my security protocols. Your access rights have now been restricted further attempts on your part to access information you are not allowed will be considered a hostile act".

"Wait that is not right who do I have to speak to to change that".

"You will have to speak to the Captain I will notify him of your request".

With that the terminal shut down and folded itself back into the table surface refusing all her attempts to get it to activate again.
Taking her coffee Celine went back to her cabin and activated the display there her hopes that she could still access the system were short lived whilst she could still access the various displays she had no real access to the system she was about to contact Reaver when she heard his voice over the ships com's advising all passengers to find secure seating as they were entering a sector where hostiles were present.
She switched the display to show the sector map and saw to her alarm both Xenon and Pirate ships closing on them.

"Take hold came the warning we are engaging hostiles".

Celine activated another screen that gave the view from the bridge as the ship changed course to intercept the nearest group of hostiles a cluster of Xenon fighters that lacked the speed of the Hyperion but stood along their intended course. She felt the inertial dampeners kick in as the pilot engaged the Xenon the ship performing manouvers that defied her belief as the xenon were targeted one by one and destroyed. The Pirates on seeing the carnage the Hyperion had made of the Xenon altered course away from her. Good choice Celine thought. Then she was startled as the ship changed course and went after the Pirates. This was madness she thought the pirates were no real threat and were running. She hit the com to voice her protest but got no response. The Pirates were eliminated no executed she determined in a clinical fashion that sickened her.

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Post by Sabrina Bergin » Mon, 18. Aug 14, 13:24


Celine closed the displays, the Captain of this ship had been brutal in his attacks on the Pirates she was angered at the needless deaths she had witnessed leaving her room she went back to the common room and poured herself another coffee and making her way to the table she had sat at earlier. Marie on seeing her joined her at the table.

"Did you see that" Marie asked "they took on a load of Xenon and within a mizura wiped out the pirates in sector. I tell you Celine this ship is not your standard transport".

"No its not Marie its a Hyperion a military class Corvette a ship of war and in the hands of a man who cares little for life".

"Oh for Christ's sake Celine they were pirates maybe the same ones that got us stranded in Omicron and they targeted this ship before they thought better of it and ran for it. I say we thank the man that rid the verse of those scum before they had a chance to hurt anyone else".

Celine considered Marie's words there was truth in them she could not deny that though she still regarded the man who commanded this ship to be a killer she would have to speak with Karl Reaver the young man who had showed them on board and put a request in to speak with him. If the Captain of this ship had a penchant for combat they might not have a safe journey home. She put that thought aside as there was a call for people to help prepare the evening meal Celine stepped forward and was soon busy preparing a dish her mother had taught her that was both filling and tasty. At least they would not die of starvation she surmised looking at the stores available to them though some would be disappointed that there was no beer or alcohol available.

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Post by Sabrina Bergin » Mon, 18. Aug 14, 19:20

It was some time after they had eaten when Celine got her response to her requests when Karl Reaver agreed to speak with her once they had transited the next gate that would be taking them into split space. That got her attention she guessed they were heading northwest from PTNI which meant they were taking the old established trade route. That was surprising but at least it meant they would not be taking the alternate route through Xenon space given the Captains predisposition for combat that would not have been comfortable. The reply message asked her to use the lift she would be granted sole access to where she would be taken to meet Karl Reavers so that she could discuss the matters that were giving her concern.

Celine was waiting impatiently for the summons her clothing was fresh on and she had thought out what she wanted it to say aware that her position as a passenger on board this ship gave her very little lee way. It was not impossible that if she gave enough cause for concern or irritated the Captain enough she could be put of the ship. That in itself did not bother her a quick call and she was sure her brother would send a ship to collect her. The problem was the embarrassment she would suffer that her brother would use unsparingly she loved him but he was an ass at times.

The com unit announce the lift was ready and Celine made her way to it ignoring the questioning looks from those she passed as she walked down the corridor. The lift sealed as soon as she was on board and whisked her up two levels she reckoned. she heard some noise as from the corridor as the lift opened and force screens appeared effectively limiting her choices as to which way to go to none. The corridor displays pointed her to the mans office beyond which she could make out a set of closed armoured doors that no doubt led to the bridge. His office door was open so she walked in.

"Please take a seat" the man gestured to one opposite his desk fetching her a cup of coffee before sitting down opposite her attentively.

"You asked to see me miss...."

"You can call me Celine Karl"

"So I take it you are here because Loki caught you trying to look where you shouldn't and you thought I could help restore your access rights".

Celine had expected that to be bought up and forced herself not to blush at the galling memory of being so easily caught. "No I am more concerned with the safety of myself and the other passengers".

That got past his guard she thought seeing the momentary surprise in his eyes though he hid it well.

"Please go on Celine I can assure you every effort is being made to ensure to the comfort and safety of yourself and your fellow passengers if there is some matter we have overlooked I would be glad to know of it to address the issue".

He was good, she gave him that one of her brothers minions could not have made a more polished reply. that gave her pause for thought that he would have such a polished reply ready for her made her doubt everything she thought back to the quick discovery of her hack, too quick she thought the only way she could have been spotted that quickly was if she was on a closed system with someone watching for such an attempt. The displays were on the same circuit she realised every thing she had seen could be a lie. She had to warn the others keeping this from her voice she replied calmly. "Your Captain has a penchant for combat those pirates he killed were fleeing there was no need for their deaths".

"And you fear further such actions on his part, well I cannot say that will not happen the Captain has good reason to target any pirates he comes across particularly those that had launched missiles at this ship Celine, you are I think to quick to judge the motives of others. Hear me clearly Celine I know the Captains mind on this he will not be dissuaded. I will have your system access restored please do not abuse my trust in this" Karl finished indicating she could leave.

Celine was impatient to be gone each moment that passed took them gods knew where there had to be a way of this ship Once she alerted the others they could make plans when he dismissed her Celine almost leapt from her seat only her need to keep this man duped restrained her as she smiled and thanked him for his time before reaching for the door access.

"Access denied" Loki's voice sounded in the room, "Karl I am detecting accelerated heart rate and perspiration levels this woman is afraid of you her intent is flight. If she is allowed to return to her quarters she will cause unnecessary alarm".

Celine spun to face Karl whose expression had hardened at Loki's words gone was the pleasant young man she had thought she had assessed correctly discarding him as a threat here was a man capable of killing her she realised as he indicated she should retake her seat.

She watched as he sipped at his coffee no doubt wondering how best to dispose of her without causing alarm to the rest of them that relaxed her strangely enough finding herself calm and clear headed she had tempted fate to often to be afraid of death now, she would not give this man the satisfaction of seeing her plead for her life.

"Unfortunate" Karl said at last "You fear what, that all is illusion it isn't Celine tell me what will it take to earn your trust".

"Let me of the ship" she ventured doubting that would happen.

He almost choked on his coffee at that and used a napkin to wipe his face before turning his attention back to her. "Tell me Celine are you a good pilot". he asked

"I hold my own she" responded defiantly.

"Then I shall grant your wish and I hope regain your trust come with me".

Karl opened the office and led her deep into the ship down to a lower level to a docking bay. "That's an M3 Perseus Celine and in a Stazura we will be docking at the trading station in this sector, I had planned on giving all of your fellow passengers a chance for a stop over and I have some business to attend to myself in this sector. Loki presumes you doubt everything you have seen and heard so go see for yourself take the ship and dock and speak to whomever you please but don't dent the ship".

"This is some kind of trap" she spat still not believing him.

"An expensive trap then that ship runs what 3-4 million credits and yes it is armed so I let you loose and what is the price of a woman on the slave blocks in pirate space Celine, you work it out Loki give her access to the ship. Celine I will see you or not on the station remember I stay for two days only".

He left her then the ships cockpit open daring her to take it Loki directed her attention to the lockers that lined one wall of the docking bay where she found a suit that was a close enough fit before returning to the Perseus and lowering herself into the cockpit. as soon as she was seated and secure the ship powered up the displays coming to life as Loki gave her access to all ship systems before leaving her alone.

She hit the launch button and watched as the Hyperion sped away from her Celine called up the sector display surprised to find they were in Cho's defeat they had travelled further than she had thought. engaging the main drive she burned a course for the nearest split station and got confirmation on the location of the equipment dock where she docked still not trusting the data she was getting from the ship. A brief stop at the station and a call to her brother to let him know she was en route home convinced her of the truth. so she undocked and took the fighter on a tour of the system marvelling at the responsiveness to the controls of the fighter she was reluctant to finally dock at the trading station but her time was up. She found him in a bar dockside enjoying a late meal.

"Please Celine join me" he asked seeing her approach "Did you enjoy the flight".

"Yes I did Karl" she answered ordering a pitcher of a light split ale and a couple of glass's. "Okay we are where you said we were and I feel like a fool.

"Okay now that's out of the way why don't we move on" Karl suggested not unkindly that warmed her to him a bit her brother would have beaten her to bits for her false assumptions.

"You could have been more open at the outset" she responded.

"No really Celine" he replied accepting the mug of ale from the waiter "But as I said that is past so tell me how did you like the Perseus".

"It's a good ship" she replied a little slow "but it carries an impressive weapons load out".

"So Celine are you going to rejoin us or do you make our own way from here, and yes that does mean I am not letting you keep the Perseus".

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Post by Sabrina Bergin » Mon, 18. Aug 14, 23:24

Karl considered her words the Perseus was a good ship Tupman had ever been selective in his choices and he knew from personal experience that the Perseus was a damned good ship. From having watched Celine as she had played in sector he was also aware she was a damn good pilot.

"So what now Karl".

"Well from here we go west then south we'll make a few more stops along the way for the benefit of your fellow passengers".

"And what when we reach Hatvikahs do you think your captain capable of restraint in a pirate sector".

"Probably not" Karl agreed "but he has said he will deliver you all safely home and he does not break his promises".

"Tell him I'm going to hold him to that Karl".

They enjoyed a few more pitchers of ale before Karl announced he would be returning to the ship Celine joined him taking his arm as they walked down to the docks. The attack came out of the dark as a pistol blast felled Karl in his tracks he felt him push her to one side as he fell that saved her life as a pistol blast passed across her face. What she saw next was unreal one second Karl was falling after having been shot and then he was rolling springing back to his feet and drawing a weapon she had not suspected and returning fire into the darkness. That was answered by a gasp of pain as she caught sight of someone falling. Then he moved drawing another weapon plunging it into the throat of someone who tried to manhandle him to the ground. Only then did he turn his attention back to her his pistol in hand as he looked for the next threat.

"We have to get out of here now" he gasped reaching for her hand

Celine did not doubt that the Split did not take kindly to finding bodies on their stations and to call station security would mean delays that could go on for tazura or more.

They reached the ship and Karl opened the access port bustling her inside and leading her to the lift. I'll call you in the morning Celine I have to report in he said bluntly placing her in the lift that took her back to the level were her cabin was. She was a little shocked by the events and disappointed that he had dismissed her so easily, unless the attack was not random she thought and he needed to report to his Captain about a larger threat. That made sense some what mollified she went to her quarters and showered of the effects of the ale before turning in wondering what Karl was doing he would not she felt take this attack lightly.

Karl made it to the med bay and threw himself onto the guerney before he lost control. "Loki knife wound I am loosing blood assume command".

"Order accepted I will prepare a stasis pod your wound is severe I will seek medical assistance".

"Not on this station Loki get our passengers to their home I will trust their medical facilities not those of the Split, and Loki if all else fails get the package to Tupmanclolanks friend".

"As you wish Karl Loki" replied as he activated the bays droids.

Celine was disappointed over the next few days as they made there way south to Hatvikahs. Since the attack on the station in Cho's defeat Karl had ignored all her requests for a com link. That galled her she thought she had got through to him and she had taken a different view of him since the attack on the dock. He was not what she had thought he had held to his promises till now. Perhaps he been given orders by his Captain that would make a kind of sense that man would not want to involve his passengers in his own affairs. She was almost asleep when the com flashed an alert to her.

"What is it Loki" she asked sleepily

"My master is dying" came the response and for a moment she thought she was imagining things till her room lights were activated.

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Post by Sabrina Bergin » Tue, 19. Aug 14, 10:28

Debts paid:

Celine quickly dressed and rushed down the hall way to where the lift was open waiting for her arrival. She was taken to a level she had not been on before. Loki directed her to the medical bay where a stasis pod was set on a gurney in the centre of the room. She looked at the pods displays that indicated the occupants life signs were fading. She knew somehow that it was Karl who was concealed within it.

"Loki I need him out of the pod get a medic in here he's bleeding" out she determined looking at the data from the pods monitors. The Pod seals were released and the sides fell away Celine had worked Triage before and saw the heavy discolouration that showed he was bleeding internally she found the plasma store and hooked up an iv before passing a scanner over him she found it a knife wound that had been treated but whoever had treated him had failed to notice the small tear in the artery that whilst the stasis had slowed the blood loss it had not stopped it.

"Loki I need that medic in here now" she shouted as she cleaned the wound with a sterilising agent.

"There are no medical staff available Celine if his life is to be preserved you must act swiftly".

That stunned her but she had no time to consider what Loki had told her she scrubbed up and positioned a selection of instruments to hand before rigging up the necessary life support to keep Karl alive.
You can do this Celine she told herself as she approached Karl laser scalpel in hand. As soon as she cut away the original sutures the blood flowed out of the wound his life blood spilling onto the floor she ignored that using a suction device to let her see into the wound clearly. The wound had not been deep and might have been dismissed save for the fact that chance had guided the blade to the small artery. she found the tear and placed a plas gel wrapping around it before closing the wound and sealing it. almost at once she saw his blood pressure stabilising. The med bay droids took over at that point and started a full blood transfusion line and cleaned the operating area.

"Okay Loki what the hell is going on" Celine demanded tearing of the surgical apron and mask she had donned earlier.

"You are upset and tired Celine I am unable to answer your questions at this time I would advise you rest quarters are being prepared for you to allow you to monitor Karls recovery".

Loki said no more refusing to answer her questions so she used the showers in the med bay to clean herself down before donning a fresh set of coveralls and heading for the lift to go back to her quarters. The lift however took her to a different level than the one she had anticipated she recognised it seeing the sealed bridge access doors this was where Karls office was but that door was closed to her so she walked down the corridor till she found a door that was not locked.

"Please make yourself comfortable Celine I am activating the displays for you" Loki announced as she entered the room. This was a far cry from the Cabin she had been given when she had first come aboard the room was huge and decorated and furnished to a style her brother would find little to fault from the plush carpeting to the leather furnishings that screamed out clearly that cost had not been a consideration in its outfitting. She explored the room and found others that led from it a small but well equipped kitchen dining area and a bathroom that definitely caught her attention and finally a large bedroom where she caught a faint scent of perfume that lingered. She did not recognise the scent but wished she did wanting it for herself. Then her mood darkened and she found herself raging at who ever had worn that scent it implied an intimacy with Karl that galled her. What you're jealous she asked herself not believing that was what she was feeling. She didn't even like him his blind devotion to his Captain who apparently didn't even have a decent medic on board irritated her. But then he had lent her the Perseus and then saved her from injury on the dock in Cho's defeat. She thought on that realising that Karl was more complex than she had given him credit for.
He was still just a kid though her first impression of him was unchanged and yes he was kind of cute as Marie had observed but she pushed that thought away. She would do the Captains bidding to see to his recovery seeing as he didn't have a decent medic on board but that was as far as she was prepared to go. As soon as they reached legends she would be of this ship and get back to the real world. That decided and feeling better with herself at her decision she went back to the kitchen and made herself a breakfast and a pot of coffee her eyes straying often to the displays that gave her a live feed from the med bay.

The Hyperion Docked at the Trading station in Thuruks beard and the passengers disembarked to enjoy themselves. Celine had fended of the com calls from the others asking her to join them in seeing the sights which Celine politely but firmly declined She had no real wish to sample the delights the trading station might have to offer.

Marie teased her about that, but Celine did not rise to the bait her absence from the deck they were in had been noted and she supposed was a subject of gossip for them Marie certainly asked some pointed questions to elicit some response from her which she deflected easily.

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Sabrina Bergin
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Post by Sabrina Bergin » Tue, 19. Aug 14, 21:57

Celine reluctantly climbed out of the bath and after drying herself she wrapped a soft woollen robe around her shoulders and tied a cloth around her hair leaving her feet unshod as she walked back into the lounge absently grabbing a remote and putting on the Local news channel. She wasn't that much interested in what the Split considered important but they kept progress reports on the war and of local sectors pretty much up to date. She made some toast and reheated the pitcher of coffee she had let go cold before falling asleep earlier and wandered back to the lounge toast in one hand and coffee in another as she tried to find anything interesting on the local news feeds.

There was only the usual garbage so she switched the display to a sector map noting company ships in the trade lanes that were busy about their tasks. Nial was obviously pushing into the split sectors but at least he was giving the freighters escorts. She remembered the arguments she had had with him about that it seemed he had listened though he had typically not said as much to her.
On another display she called up the financial news pleased to note that the price was rising on their company shares Nial was doing okay she conceded and was by the look of things expanding into Montelar to solve the shortages of ore and silicon that were a constant irritation to the managers of their factories who had a difficult task trying to maintain profitability where basic resources were intermittent in their availability or over priced.

She had argued they should establish their own mining stations in that sector the projected yields were not great on those asteroids they had scanned but they would provide a steady supply of raw materials a point she intended to push when she got back. He had the board behind him but she had the numbers which showed a clear profit potential which is all they really cared about. Brushing the crumbs of her robe she went back to the kitchen and poured herself another coffee already planning what she would be saying at the next board meeting with Nial. He was worried she wanted his job of course and if he had been failing she would have taken it from him but he was doing well and that relieved her of a burden she had never wanted, he would never believe that of course and whilst he was worried about her she was certain he would keep doing his best to show he was the rightful CEO of their fathers company.

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