A Yaki's Story DiD X3AP

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A Yaki's Story DiD X3AP

Post by BankruptAssasin » Mon, 3. Feb 14, 20:15

Prologue - This is the life i choose

Weavers Tempest, what a sight to behold, there is nothing more beautiful than seeing The Yaki Armada drift past your window, you can’t help feel but safe when there is a couple of Akurei’s, a few Ryu’s and countless fighters just waiting to protect their own. Not many people get to witness such a sight, and a lot of those who do; wish they rather hadn’t as the Yaki are the most fearsome “pirates” in the Universe.

I use the term Piracy very lightly as it's very unfair to paint one race/organization with the same brush, there is more to the Yaki than meets the eye, yes we do raid the other races for the stuff we cannot supply ourselves just yet, but all the stories you have read or heard have been fabricated by the other race governments simply to try and control an organization with it's own Military, we have our own stations that need to be manned with a thousand different jobs, we have inventors of great things such as the ships we have and the weapons we use, we have station builders and we have traders.

As I am thinking all this I'm sitting in my new Tenjin, it’s a good ship, can handle itself in a scrap, is fast enough to get away from most things that can kill it and has plenty of cargo space for carrying around the things I need such as missiles. All this makes me look like a fighter pilot but I assure you that I am not.

My parents used to work in the Yaki Shipyard as mechanics, they taught me a lot of things like how to use the repair laser built into the space suits to repair light damage, and they taught me how to use some ships, mainly the smaller ships like the Tonbo & Susanowa but they also taught me to respect all races. They let me choose my own path in life, I could be apart of the Yaki Armada, I could maybe even one day be captain of an Akurei but I choose a life of simpler things such as trading in small high tech equipment, my dream is to have the Yaki people being able to provide for ourselves and for us not to have to rely on raids to survive, this is the life i choose and i plan on living it.

I call up the built in navigation computer, luckily enough for me it has already been completed so I can go anywhere I want, I decide to move towards the Argon area ranging from CBNW across Argon Prime, down into CBSE and the surrounding sectors. On my way, my scanner picks up an Enhanced Pericles in Savage Spur – not the best ship in the world but free is free and to a trader free is credits. I send it of to the Yaki shipyard but not before stripping away its cargo, some Fragmentation Bomb Launchers – not the best and certainly not overly useful but they will sell for quite a few credits.

I reach emperor mines relatively untroubled, however I got a message from the Phanon Corporation warning me to stay clear of its ships, just because I am a Yaki, talk about showing prejudice? But I also seen something I hadn’t expected, a Paranid Deimos, this is some piece of engineering especially coming from the 3 eyes. I once read a story where the Paranid were likened to the Argon cows if the cows stood up on 2 feet. This has always stuck with me and makes me laugh whenever one comes along, Mooooo.

I reach Red Light and although I want to trade my way up the food chain I am not in a position now to turn down easy money so I accept a defend station mission, a single pirate in a Harrier came screaming past me and straight into the station I was “defending” worried that I may have failed the mission considering the paint work got scratched and I didn’t even see the harrier until it was to late I was pleasantly surprised when I was congratulated for my success and was giving a small reward.

I do a few other missions in and around Argon Prime and decide to get my Tenjin a Mineral Scanner; this proves a worthy expense as I quickly build my credit and reputation with the Argons & Borons. I then make a quick detour to Atreus Clouds and get myself Cargo Life Support (basically an oxygen mask in the cargo hold) as I have seen a few taxi missions being offered, a lot of them I cannot do due to cargo size but I think it’s the fact that they don’t think flying in a Yaki Tenjin is very safe, not that I blame them with the prejudice shown to us but I do get a couple of takers.

1 for 500k

[ external image ]

and another for 600k

[ external image ]

Not bad for a few minutes work and the docking computer make’s life so much easier than relying on the auto pilot which has nearly had me look like that Harrier pilot from earlier. My bank balance is looking a lot healthier but I have noticed a small issue with the Tenjin, the cargo bay. Although it is of a decent size but with collecting a few choice missiles/weapons etc it is a little cramped and I have had to turn away a few taxi jobs so I think I have to invest my money in some other ship.
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Post by Triaxx2 » Tue, 4. Feb 14, 01:42

Added to the DiD List.
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Post by BankruptAssasin » Tue, 4. Feb 14, 14:18

Thanks Triaxx2, Really appreciate it.

Hope you read it as it plays out, you were one of the inspirations in this story, did you notice the "Paranid were likened to the Argon cows if the cows stood up on 2 feet"

Anyone else who has read it please comment, let me know what you think. Chapter 1 will be up later on.
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Post by BankruptAssasin » Tue, 4. Feb 14, 20:35

Ok here is the Boring bit.

X3AP 3.1 with TC Plots


Abandoned Ship Spawner for AP
Add disruptor Missile Fab
Auto-Rename Property
Cheat Collection - Reveal All Sectors
Improved Boarding
Marine Repairs (Does not seem to work)
NPC Bailing
Passenger to Marine
Reduced Eemy Missiles (Does not seem to work)
Salvage Commands
The Marauder Ship yard
No Station Wrecks
Pirate Starts
TC Plot
Pirate Guild
Yaki Armada
Plus a couple Performance Based Ones

There may be a couple extra but i can't remember them and i don't think it adds to much.


I struggled with this a little, some may be broke at some stage

DINQD - I have given myself 5 Lives - These will be highlighted if/when i die. Exceptions are Bugs, Auto Pilot problems, Gate crashes & my own stupidity - eg using a harrier to take on a Xenon Q - i tend to loose concentration after a while.

Only Capital Ships to have Jumpdrives - this may extend to CLS ships at a later time

Paranid will be my enemy but will be friends if plot requires it

Must support Local economy this includes the Yaki

No Massive Complexes - No Illegal Stations

Must try and be self sufficient if and when possible

If i loose an expensive ship i loose it, if i loose my marines i loose them, reloads will only be done in the above situations and to player only EG if my Titan crashes into a planet so be it.
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Post by BankruptAssasin » Tue, 4. Feb 14, 20:43

Chapter 1 – Expansion

I already have a M3+ so if I’m looking something better i may have to use a capital ship, I fancy a TM, it means i can jump in my fighter anytime plus sitting behind 200mj worth of shields is fine by me, never know when it could come in handy, I have looked around and I think the Yaki TM will suit my current needs, although it can only carry 3 ships compared to the other races 4, it is very fast and has a very good cargo bay even before being upgraded, plus luckily I still have my enhanced Pericles docked in the Yaki Shipyard, it saves me the trip. I communicate with the on-board computer and buy the TM remotely, I then add in the necessary components and the all-important jump drive, unfortunately for me the Yaki station contractor has so far not built a Solar Power Plant so the Chokaro will have to make his way to me slowly but will take a detour to the ore belt to collect the jump juice. I must take check back soon, if he does not build a SPP I may have to build one myself, what use are stations without resources?

I jump into the Chokaro once it reaches me and accept another protect station mission, it’s all fairly straight forward, I lined up in front of the station and watch as the harrier went straight into the station, I wonder what actually went through his head to do that, apart from his face?

I then began working for Terracorp, I have heard that they offer good rewards eventually and the extra money will be good for me, to begin with the missions were fairly simple, a few taxis here and there, a few protect stations, nothing to frustrating and I was getting good money for it so it was all good and in one of the missions I was even able to cap another ship and it was carrying Plasma Burst Generator, these have a very short range but my god they cook just about everything and hurt like hell.

The Chokaro opened up so many new opportunities for me; I was now in a ship that was protected against anything that it could get away from and even the smaller ships that caught up were wasting their time as I jumped in my Tenjin and fried them with my recently acquired PBG. But it also meant that I could take on very time limited missions for great reward due to the cargo bay but also the jump drive, the only thing I had to worry about was getting the e-cells every so often which was only a small inconvenience, I may look into getting a supply ship setup that automatically tops up my ships with e-cells.

I then took on a mission for a split which was to transfer some goods, only had 10 minutes to complete, jump drive to the nearest gate, a short journey to the station and docking computer charged and ready, 700k richer, Chokaro paid for itself and more with that mission alone.

Terracorp did not have any missions for me and there was a shortage of transfer or taxi missions so I began to explore a little, I was hoping to increase my rep with the other races as my Argon rep was sitting in and around Federation Guardian. I decided to head towards Teladi space via pirate space and got to split fire when I see a Boron Military Transporter, I done a cursory scan seeing as I could in pirate space and found he was carrying 2000 firefly missiles, not very useful but I took it upon myself to relive the Boron Military Pilots of the burden using firefly’s, you would think the Boron would give their pilots better missiles to defend themselves considering their ships tend to have a J-Lo Ass.

I jumped into the Tenjin now named “First Blood” and politely ask the Boron to drop his cargo, which he did quite quickly, all 2000 missiles and as I was about to leave him alone he decides to bail leaving me with a Dolphin and another 25mj shield, Not a bad haul and no one lost their life which for me is a bonus, I don’t plan on killing people I don’t have to, I know the shock and horror this coming from a Yaki “Pirate”

I sold the Dolphin and its missiles and then bought two Argon Mercury’s with CLS software, I had noticed that the area surrounding Argon Prime was short of E-cells but had a lot of SPP, I took advantage of this and started to supply a number of stations I thought would be useful to me in the future such as the Swarm Missile Fab in Argon Prime and the Medium shields Fab in CBSE. I was heading back towards Teladi space when I get a call from Terracorp, might as well finish this mission and head to Teladi space shortly.

All was going well, I was sitting with a nice credit sum of 2m, I had a good fighter armed with PBG’s, I was currently sitting in my Chokaro without a worry in the world until I was doing a Taxi mission for Terracorp, I let the autopilot take control, it was an easy run down to CBSW, I was busy reading a good trading guide by Author Timsup2nothin, I picked it up in CBSE when buying the Mercury’s and have found it very helpful and will plan on using it’s ideas at some stage, at times I get a little lost but when I read over it again a few times I start to understand then: BANG!!


Tenjin "First Blood"
Enhanced Perciles

2 Mercury CLS

2 Million plus change
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Post by Triaxx2 » Tue, 4. Feb 14, 23:18

Hadn't read, but did, and it's pretty good. I'll keep watch on it.
A Pirate's Revenge Completed Now in PDF by _Zap_
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Post by BankruptAssasin » Wed, 5. Feb 14, 20:48

Chapter 2 - Lucky

Blackness filled the cockpit, shields down to 30% and dropping what the hell happened, open up navigation computer, Ore Belt, no red blotches on the monitor, what the? Just as I'm scratching my head i look out the window and see minute pieces of rock drifting harmlessly by, the Auto Pilot decided to take the shortcut root of driving through an asteroid, I hope nobody got a recording of it, it would be all over Utube (Universal Tube) and my Yaki friends love that station. Luckily I was sitting behind my 200mj shields that would have been a costly repair bill.

Trying to establish some of my pride back I took on a assassination contract out of Ringo Moon, jump in my Tenjin for a fairly straight forward fight, or it would have been if I had missiles which were sitting cosy in my Chokoro, I won but got my ass handed to me with only 47% hull left, lost my docking computer and worst of all Set, as I sat in the silence of space repairing my hull I thought to myself "What A Day"

My misfortune earlier with the assassination made me install some Wasp Missiles and Mossies installed in First Blood to help with incoming missiles so I felt a little safer but not much, I think I will need to get myself some stronger missiles to help with the big guys. Preferably typhoons but these are expensive and i will need good Teladi rep. I went to Split Fire which was soon becoming my favorite hunting ground and took on a scan freight mission, very easy to do and in doing so I was able to look for wares I might have use for. A lone Paranid weapons dealer passed me and I scanned, seen he had over 600 Dragon fly missiles and a few Hepts in his hold, after a short negotiation I was now flying with a lot more missiles – 360 Dragonfly’s, 135 Wasps and 100 Mossies, but still not overly useful for the hard hitters.

I took a few more missions to help get my credits up, At this point Terracorp had another taxi mission, another easy mission which netted me a few hundred thousand credits, I have been considering expanding my contacts, I remember a message being sent through about helping escort some Terrans back home maybe I could take a look and see how it all goes.

I have also been looking at improving my survivability by getting a bigger ship but I have nowhere near enough credits, I have been looking at a Hydra, it’s not to far out of my reach credit wise but arming the thing will prove to be a real issue, plus to make money you have to spend money and thats what I plan on doing.

The only real mission of note that I remember is doing 3 asteroid scanning missions together, some of them even overlapped but for all of 10 minutes I was now up 2m credits, I would like more mission like this but I would also like to own a factory, this way I have a base of operations and I can dock safely for the night.

I decided I wanted to concentrate on secondary resources; I know it’s a little random but how many of your missile fabs get supplied with secondary resources? It’s an untapped market. Scruffin Fruit is needed in every cattle ranch in Argon and nowhere near is supplying it. I jump to family pride where I know the shipyard sells the L version, I hire the local Elephant to transport the factory to The Wall, this is a good spot for this factory as it sits in a sector with cattle ranches in & around it and also has 3-5 SPP close by for it's only expense.

On my way back from Family Pride I found an abandoned Scorpion Raider, needs repaired but looks decent enough so might hold on to it, on the other hand I got suckered into buying a Buster for 900k, it sold for 300k, massive loss and I went hunting for it former owner, he was gone but will not be forgotten.

When I got back to The Wall to meet the Elephant I noticed that the Elephants Hull was done to 33% and it’s shields were increasing, I would have went mad had my investment in the Elephants hold been damaged, I guess I was lucky, including the Buster fiasco this little trip would have cost close to 2 million credits.

Meanwhile Terracorp have another mission for me, this one proves to be a little tricky, they are asking for a shipment of missiles to be delivered, Tempest & Disruptors are fairly easy to come by as I have some stored from earlier, however they looking 16 Typhoons which I currently have a grand total of zero, I will need to keep and eye out for stations that supply these.

I set up my CLS freighters to work there magic, I did not have a trader assigned to the Scruffin Farm and give it no credits, the 2 CLS traders were giving simple instructions, 1 would buy the e-cells from surounding Solar Power Plants while the other would load up with Sruffin Fruits and supply the local region, the 2 CLS freighters have already been trained up to extend their range and before I know it the credits are rolling in, granted it is not millions an hour but it is providing the surrounding factories with the goods they need, which I hope in turn will provide the stations I may want to use with primary resources, time will tell.

While driving around looking for other missions especially for Boron to repair the rep I damaged earlier when taking control of the firefly’s, I dropped into the Ore Belt and was greeted with a foray of free abandoned ships, 1 Nova, 1 Nova Vanguard, 1 Buster Raider & an Elite – probably pirates getting tangled with the local fuzz or Military, good fortune comes to those who are lucky.

I could not find any missions for the Boron but I was able to increase my Teladi Rep a good deal, Few taxi missions, a couple of transport missions and an assassination, I began to sell of some of the ships I found/capped, I emptied the goodies out of them into a Merc SF which I parked in the Military Outpost in Elenas Fortune, I have decided to work towards getting myself in a M6, crashing into that asteroid could have easily killed me plus I have had to turn down a few jobs as I know I would be in trouble if anything bigger than M3 shows up. I stop off at the Marine Training barracks in Home of Light, I buy 8 Marines on a whim as they have decent stats in fighting 2-3* so but I will need to train them in other areas, off course this costs a lot of money, money that I don’t have and money that I should be putting into buying an M6, I am really considering the Hydra which is the cheapest but also the fastest, it’s only weak link seems to be it’s shields and weapon recharge compared to other M6’s, all this just heightens the fact that I need the Boron back on my side.
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Post by Triaxx2 » Thu, 6. Feb 14, 16:27

True, but it's the best missile boat you'll meet until you get to an M7M. Nice work.
A Pirate's Revenge Completed Now in PDF by _Zap_
APR Book 2: Best Served Cold Updated 8/5/2016

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Post by BankruptAssasin » Thu, 6. Feb 14, 19:02

Chapter 3 - Goals, goals, goal, goals Goals, I do adore!!

I eventually finished that Terracorp mission, I was able to find the last of the missiles I needed and got paid well, they came back quickly with an assassination mission, this proved even more difficult, I was tasked with taking out 3 M8 bombers, quite hard but while firing a good lot of wasps at them with only 1 left the Argons decided they had enough and killed him before I could, mission failed, so I’m out of missiles and out of pocket, not the start I had in mind.

Things began to look up, I was running low on money, running low on missiles and running low on missions I could do, so I did what I could and began M6 tech shopping, I jumped to Split Fire and scanned ships that looked like they were carrying goods, usually named Military Supply or Weapons Dealer when I came across a Boron weapons dealer carrying 1 Cig, 3 Ion disruptor and a selection of Missiles, I opened fire and he dropped everything he had, I was also able to get a Nova Raider to bail with all these inside

[ external image ]

A load of guns & missiles

Plus I was able to get 20+ Pac dropped so even though my Rep with Boron is even lower I now have a weapon I can use if I ever get my rep up buy it.

Goals to complete

Buy/Board M6

Get a Teladi Falcon Hauler – this will help ease the burden on Chokaro “Dropship” on collecting the goods

CLS trapping as Timsup2nothin described – Need more Ts Ships

Build SPP in Yaki Space

Improve Race Relations

To do all this I need to increase my funding so I will have to scrape the bottom of the barrel and start selling some of the extra ships I found, this consists of a much damaged skate, couple falcons, a few novas and a handful of smaller ships and transports such as Demeters I helped the old owner to donate, I was reluctant to sell the Demeters as I had plans for them, but plans can change and so can the bank balance.

I then saw this and wish I had the right amount of money and rep there and then

[ external image ]

My quest for a Teladi Falcon hauler is still ongoing, I have since used a short term measure being freight drones, but these really are not the answer I need, the problem is with freight drones is that they are slow like a Ts, they collect the goods and deliver them no problem, but I accepted a mission and jumped sector (this seems to make the drone work better) and ordered the drone to dock in a station to keep safe, but after a while it just disappears loosing all the loot I had stored, it’s frustrating I can’t order my Chokaro “Dropship” to collect the goods but Tm’s can’t accept the collect ware in sector command, I need a ship like the falcon hauler than can lift L size cargo and have a decent cargo bay but this ship is not sold anywhere, the ship I really want is the Blastclaw Prototype, this has a massive cargo hold for a fighter and can handle itself in a tough situation, again this is not sold anywhere, I just have to wait for one to be free.

I went hunting for more wares but found nothing that really interested me, I ended up in Nopolios Memorial where a brigantine was kicking ass,

[ external image ]

A scary sight for some I’m sure, but the pirates are friendly to me still. I decide to wait around for any goodies spilled but turns out only a few missiles drop, nothing overly serious and that boron battle group that passed by just left the Brig alone, a shame as I was in the mood for watching Rumble in Memorial.

My quest to repair my Boron Rep is not going well, I have jumped to over 10 Boron border sectors and not one had a mission for me, what I did come across was a Merc for sale, 96k and while I was sending it to the nearest shipyard I got a message to deliver an Argon Ts, the gods were shining on me, sold it for 260k that’s a quick turn around, need more of those in the future.

My Split rep is increasing steadily, again a few missions go a long way, so does buying that Scruffin Farm I suppose, I liked how fast that Elephant delivered the goods, it looks nice as well and can hold a few ships inside, this would make a good supply ship, something I may look to in the future, although it does not hold a candle up to the Ryu, this is were my heart truly lies.

My luck increased when I finally got a Boron mission, I had to blow up a Pirate Peregrine in Rolks Drift, a core sector in Boron space where I am not allowed to enter, roll on the fun. I jump in and immediately get a warning from the Boron to move on, I jump in First Blood and starting rolling wasps out the pipes, a few hit Boron stations which does not help me but the Peregrine is down and out, not before taking my shields right down with his escort wing, Dropship has took a little bit of a beating, it's sheilds are down to 25% but we survive. I jump back to kingdom end and I’m all good, my rep has bounced from Confirmed Adversary to Queen's Guard only 1-2 away from being able to buy my Hydra but the Laser tower and jump beacon in Rolks Drift are still red to me, I assume it was these that my wasps hit.
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Post by BankruptAssasin » Thu, 6. Feb 14, 19:05

Thanks Triaxx
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Post by Triaxx2 » Fri, 7. Feb 14, 04:58

A good quick and dirty rep trick is to go hunting for Split Traders in Boron Space. Not only will it increase your boron rank, but it'll also net you some valuable loot.
A Pirate's Revenge Completed Now in PDF by _Zap_
APR Book 2: Best Served Cold Updated 8/5/2016

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Post by BankruptAssasin » Fri, 7. Feb 14, 16:35

Chapter 4 - I'm going home

I was back to square one, Terracorp had another mission for me, another assassination but i was reluctant to try it out as i was still in my M3 and the last couple of missions have spawned a few heavy hitters that I would need heavy hitting missiles to take care off.

I was back in Split Fire looking for some more work, I enjoy doing the scan for freight missions, no-one shoots at me which is very much appreciated, I can look for valuable goods that I may be able to have and it's fairly good money.

Unfortunately the Soyfarm that usually offers me these missions has no work on, i see another Paranid flying by and after the scan it turns out it's a Boron Manta, a TP class ship, i take a few pot shots and after a short but intense negotiation i am now the proud owner of a Manta with 16 Paranid passengers, wonder what i can do with them? I have stopped of at a few stations with it and they just stay on-board, very random.

I also have a couple pot shots at a Demeter that's hauling over 4000 Argnu Beef inside, again the pilot offers me his ship, this reminds me of my Scruffin farm that is still pulling in the money i think i might extend it's operations and take advantage of my new found good grace with the Boron.

I jump into Kingdom end and order the local Orca to buy a Plankton Farm M, he then delivers it to the wall where he connects it to the Scruffin Farm, i assign a new CLS trader to sell the plankton to nearby Argnu Beef farms - i cant make enough of the stuff, there are times when the freighter is only shifting 50% of his cargo hold, i might need more Plakton but will see how this goes as is.

I may also change things up a little, i have a number of Ts ships sitting doing nothing, i may use Timsup2nothin advise on using traps, will need to research a little more into this but it's something extra to get my teeth into.

I am still in the process of saving money for the M6, I have extended my reach to be between 3, the Hydra, the Heavy Osprey & the Skiron all have their differences, i want the Hydra but it's shield & weapon generators are fairly poor but is very fast, the Heavy Osprey is very slow but is a tank and can fire an awful lot of different weapons, while the Skiron is almost a mix of the two in that it has good shields, fast speed but has a more limited weapon selection but the Heavy Osprey and Skiron are twice the price of the Hydra and means i would be waiting even longer.

As i think all this i get a message from the Argons that threw everything out of the water, it's a return ship mission, usually these are really poor ones like return a stolen Manta in 3 minutes, but this one was a return a Cerburus, an M7 class vessel and a relatively decent one at that, i think i would prefer the Split Tiger or Teladi Shrike for anti capital firepower but as i have said before, free means credits. They want me to fetch this ship for just over 250k, somehow i can't see that being worth my while, on the other hand I could take it to the Yaki shipyard and see what they think of it.

I accept the mission, find the Cerburus in Three worlds, I transfer over my jump drive from Dropship plus a few extra e-cells and my only 200mj sheild, I jump the Cerburus to Senator Badlands and order it to dock in the shipyard, I make my way to Terracorp for a new jump drive then jump to meet the Cerburus, I transfer back the shields and remaining e-cells and check out what the true value is - over 7 million credits, I could keep it and skip the M6 altogether but I have no way of arming it at the minute and I can't even afford to pay for the damages, and 7 million will go a huge way to helping my M6 fund.

The other thing of note was that my rep with Argon dropped considerably and the guys they sent to find their ship did not think to kindly of me, thankfully the Yaki look after their own and rained hell on the Argons, it was a pretty scene, one i wish I took pictures off.

While i ponder my decision i think i should kick back and start repairing some of my fleet, a lot of it is made up with beat up ships that are no good for anyone.

Dropship - Chokaro
First Blood - Tenjin
Missile Storage - Mercury Tanker
Guns & Tech Storage - Mercury SF

Nova x 2
Nova Raider x 1

CLS Ts x 4 + a couple random Transport Ships

Scruffin & Plankton Farm Complex (The wall)

Credits 7 Million + Change
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Post by BankruptAssasin » Mon, 10. Feb 14, 23:27

Chapter 5 - Up up up and away

Terracorp have another mission for me, another delivery mission, some mosquitoes, some hornets and some firestorm torpedo's which prove to be an absolute nightmare to find, I jump all across the universe looking for 16 of these things and i came back with 9, looks like Terracorp are going to have to wait a while on these while I go hunting in Split Fire for some of my Paranid contacts. I scan a Paranid weapons dealer and find he has a couple of PBG's on board, these will come in handy so i go for him and the drops them very quickly, it's amazing what a couple PBG do and now I have 4 of them. I also scanned a Paranid High tech trader, i see a couple 200mj shields on board, i go for them and again they drop out, i am quite happy with myself but when i see what else has dropped out i am delighted. 3x1GJ shields have been dropped, i didn't even see them when i scanned him, so you can guess my delight when i saw them.

This has been a good day hunting so far, although my rep with the Paranid is very poor and now even my Teladi rep has taken a knock it was worth it, my Chokaro is now worth over 9 million due to the wares packed inside. I decide to keep on hunting seeing as i am on a winning streak & go for more Paranid, I end up with over 300 1mj shields that i plan on selling, i wonder if i can bribe the Terracorp guy to take these instead of those firestorm torpedoes which are proving very rare, I am now up to 12, only 4 more to go and with split fire now drying up with Paranid I decide to go looking for a new hunting ground. On my way i find a Buster sentinel, haven't came across this one before and it looks like its a rarity as it's not sold by any shipyard i have seen.

I am continuing to search the universe for the firestorm torpedoes & eventually i get the golden number but it has cost me a small fortune and a load of wasted time, i think i will look into setting up a more automated process in the future if i get another mission like that, perhaps a freighter with a jump drive?

Looks like my luck has run out, I failed a Terracorp mission, I tried explaining to Terracorp that i didn't have much of a chance to do anything about it, but when your target blows himself up with his own missile there really is nothing you can do, it falls on def ears, i lose a bit of Terracorp ranking and to top it all of i get the local fuzz annoyed at me when they got in the way of some BBQ action.While waiting for another Terracorp i head to Hatikvah fate, what shows up? a hostile Carrack and it's heading my way, I think my luck has well and truly run out.

While I was running away from the Carrick I find a couple of free ships, the only real note was a Kea & a Solano, there were a couple of smaller M5's and M4's, I sold the lot including that Cerburus i was given by the Argons, plus along with a couple of unusable tech including FBL's, 1mj shields and some random missiles, altogether it brought my cash flow up to a solid 22 million and enough to buy that Skiron.

Having to run away from the Carrack made me wise up and realize that i need to keep myself safe, the Skiron is a wonderful ship, has 1gj of shielding, is very fast for it's Class - will out run anything bigger or similar size and can take care of the smaller ships with it's turrets, i was unsure of it's layout, I had 1 Cig so i used it and then filled the rest of the front guns with Hept, the turrets are packed with Pacs but i am hunting for PRG's, they have slightly better range and are faster. I was unsure over the weapon generator, Hepts are power hungry but when i held the trigger the laser energy did not Drop below 98% this will do for now but i am considering getting IPG or more CIG to give me a little extra punch against the capitals, until then i think missiles will have to do.

To finish my day i did a little more pirating, i used the Skiron and was able to get a split weapons dealer to part with 3 PPC, it must have been the amount of firepower that scared him, either that or the sight of the Skiron scared him, i wouldn't blame him, OTAS ships tend to make statues cry at the best of times.

Skiron - Skiron Folk
Dropship - Chokaro
First Blood - Tenjin
Fetch "Falcon hauler"
Missile Storage - Mercury Tanker
Guns & Tech Storage - Mercury SF

Nova x 1
Nova Raider x 1
Manta x 1

CLS TS x 5 + 10 random Transport Ships

Scruffin & Plankton Farm Complex (The wall)

Credits 11 Million + Change
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Post by BankruptAssasin » Mon, 10. Feb 14, 23:33

Chapter 6 - It's been a long time but my time is finally here

With me now having an M6 it gives me a little leeway in terms of free credits, I want to increase my property portfolio, I decide to build an Ore mine L in Aladna Hill, plenty of stations needing ore in that area and even more SPP's to keep it working, i then buy 1 Mistral SF & a Mistral, i have them training as CLS pilots with one buying the E-cells and loading into the Ore Mine, the other will Load the Ore and then sell it, I am considering giving them Jump Drives as the sectors are quite large plus they will be able to supply the local sectors around it, I will have to consider this, jump drives are usually reserved for capital ships plus they are a huge investment at over 100k each, cant be having these sitting in under-shielded Ts's

While i am over this way i may as well drop into Omicron Lyrae and see how the Terrans are doing, i was contacted way at the start by some argons about helping transport the Terrans back home. As soon as i enter the sector I am commed and asked to help transport a few terrans who remain, i wonder if they have been waiting here all this time? I accept the task as I would like to see Terran space, I have never been there but have heard the stories - hardly anyone gets in past the defenses in asteroid belt and those who do never come back and here i was getting invited to go.

I did not really run into any trouble, my Skiron is a beast, especially when its only faced against the M4/M5 ships the pirates sent to cause trouble, I also got my first taste of the Xenon, only a few n's/m's nothing that would cause me any kind of bother, however the Skiron does have a weakness, it turns very slowly so those smaller ships are more frustrating than dangerous. The next mission has me going to Uranus, nothing overly testing but the Terran sectors are 5 times larger than any of the Commonwealth and in a Skiron that's a very long journey, looks like i will get the chance to read more of Tim's guide, although i am a little confused with some of it and i have a feeling i am going to do something silly and end up scratching my head later.

I am tasked with killing a few more M's/N's and then asked to head to Ourt Cloud and follow a message drone, i find a Nova of all things sitting there but it jumps before i can close, very strange, I was of the impression that Argons & Terrans were friendly.

The size of the Terran sectors is making me want to cry, why they don't use jumpgates is beyond me and the next mission has me patrolling 3 sectors, i argue with the Terrans over this, how can they expect someone to patrol properly in one of their sectors? but in the end i give in and i try my best to cover everywhere, i need the money and they have promised me some rewards. I end up having my first run in with a Capital ship while in the Skiron, the Xenon P, guess it's time to see how the Skiron copes with the Hepts in a prolonged battle, turns out very well, 30 seconds and the P is down, my shields are only a little damaged and the weapon generator maybe hit 97% at it's lowest but the fight didn't last long enough to really notice.

Then in the next sector i seen something i thought was very strange, something i didn't think was even possible, on the edge of my gravidar i thought i seen a Xenon Viper - I know this is impossible unless the Xenon have turned into Cylons and have the ability to look like another races ship, it disappeared and left me some Tomahawks, i didn't get a clear look so i can't be certain but i defiantly thought i seen a Xenon Viper.

I followed the Pirate Nova to the unknown sector beside PTNI, on the way i was able to grab 3 Xenon L's, the system inside is a little busted but it's in working order, the Nova leads me to a Pirate Station, i get ambushed but i was only tickled by the M's/N's, i am really starting to like the Skiron, i wanted the Hydra, I have been told that it is the best missile boat available until i am in a position to get an M7M, i may still get one but the Skiron is working fantastically for me.

I then get another ambush in Terran space, so much for people not getting through Asteroid Belt, i think it's all Terran Propaganda, but this time i get ambushed by a few things i wish i hadn't, first a P then a Q - i struggled against the Q but it's hull was down to 45% before the Terrans decided it was fun to steal my kill, but i also seen this

[ external image ]

and took video evidence to prove it.

That is defiantly a Xenon Viper - a split ship working for the Xenon, maybe not as bizarre as i first thought.

And my rewards for all this? a Lousy M5

That P & Q spawning at the same time made me worry just a little, so much so that i have ordered my CLS Logistican Pilot to buy a Jumpdrive and buy all the Typhoons it can at average price which is 30k + each you may think I'm a little mad but when faced with a Q and you only have 1 Cig and 7/8 Hepts you can forgive me for being cautious - but it is a massive drain on resources as are the Marines i bought, I am now close to 20 marines, especially after converting those Paranid passengers that decided to stay with me into full blown marines, they are not the best but what can you expect from 3 eyed cows?
Last edited by BankruptAssasin on Wed, 12. Feb 14, 20:16, edited 7 times in total.
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Post by BankruptAssasin » Mon, 10. Feb 14, 23:34

Since i was a little slow in putting the next chapter i decided to put two up to make amends, hope you all enjoy.

Over 160 views and only 1 person commenting :(
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Sabrina Bergin
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Post by Sabrina Bergin » Tue, 11. Feb 14, 21:14

Perhaps as one of the 160 I would suggest to see where you are going with this it is an interesting start by the way.

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Post by TDKPS » Tue, 11. Feb 14, 21:52

As one of the 160, I want to say I like this story and wish to see more of it. It had a rough start but it's been going quite nicely. On a side note, haven't "you" seen a Skirnir yet? They're definitely not propaganda :P .
PS: I don't know about others but photobucket refuses to be embedded for me. And it does not allow me to see the images directly unless I allow it to run every piece of code it wants. Could you upload the images to imgur.com?


Song Of Obsidian
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Post by Song Of Obsidian » Tue, 11. Feb 14, 23:14

I'd suggest slowing down a bit. In this last post you said you followed that Pirate Nova but didn't even mention why. Granted, just about all of us know that plotline well enough to know what you were doing and why, but still. Half the fun of writing what you're doing in the game is coming up with a better reason for what you're doing than Egosoft did.

That said, I'm probably at least 10 of your views :P

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Post by Triaxx2 » Wed, 12. Feb 14, 02:08

Yeah, take your time, tell some story. I've been trying to bring story back into my DiD. It just isn't as much fun without it.
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Post by BankruptAssasin » Wed, 12. Feb 14, 19:32

Cheers for ur ideas and feedback, next chapter up soon tonight, i have used ur feedbaxk so hopefully u njoy it more, let me know what you think.
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