AP DID: Nomad

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Sabrina Bergin
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AP DID: Nomad

Post by Sabrina Bergin » Tue, 14. Aug 12, 23:18

AP Terran commander start: Not Vanilla but no cheats.


Mars Weapons/Turrets control installed finaly.

Assets 1 Katana a skeleton crew and its under equipped:

A Prologue:

I am Captain of this ship and everyone on board knows I walked away from Kan Onin the Hero of the Heretics end affair and more importantly of the revenge attacks on the commonwealth sectors.

I remember my last meeting with the great man the killer of a thousand ships.
I had been his exec till I requested a transfer, he took it as a personnal affront of course and in a way it was.
The man I had served with pride for so many years had become a savage he had come to believe the legends about his rise to fame, had come to revel in his implaccable stance towards all non Terran races.

After the Torus event he became worse

That was where I had drawn the line, After the battles that had followed he had targetted survival pods and spacers alone in the void.
That I couldn't handle.
I come from a long line of military people I was raised old school and I couldn't condone what he did.
Hell my ancestors shades would have shunned me if I had even considered what he did as acceptable
So I did the honnourable thing I asked for a transfer.

"Comander Janz reporting as ordered sir I said saluting".

"Commander you have requested a transfer may I ask why asked Kan throwing the transfer paperwork onto his desk and turning to face me his face splotched red with outrage".

"Sir I meant no disrespect to you but as an officer it is my duty to advise you when I believe that I cannot perform my duties to the best of my abilities, perhaps its just the war sir ".

Kan seemed to consider that point " Yes the war he answered turning to the view screen in an attempt to mask his feral enjoyment of those words, this is a sad day he continued his back ro me his voice taking on a more phillosophical tone, you have served me well and with courage, but the war takes its toll in different ways at least you had the courage to bring this to my attention your request is granted reluctantly".

"I am grateful for your understanding sir I replied as I left the cabin glad to be out of that mans prescence ".

So now I sit in my cabin awaiting permission to disembark with a ship and a crew that need serious work.
Last edited by Sabrina Bergin on Thu, 16. Aug 12, 19:52, edited 2 times in total.
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Post by 46_n_2 » Wed, 15. Aug 12, 00:52

awesome :D another Terran DiD... i enjoy seeing tings from the other perspective, and look forward to reading more

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Post by RyuKazuha » Thu, 16. Aug 12, 10:19

Looks promising, but by all means please look out for your speech marks, they tend to be all over the place, causing more confusion then anything else, making the read unecessarily cumbersome and may even keep people from reading, wich would otherwise love your stories. (=

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Post by Sabrina Bergin » Thu, 16. Aug 12, 19:33

Thanks Ryu I've done a quick edit.

Im not great at puntuation so any input is appreciated.
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Post by Sabrina Bergin » Fri, 17. Aug 12, 01:33

Sorry for the delay but read the post "Help" and you will see why.

I am going to try and recreate what would have been my post but obviousely It will vary slightly from the original text if I can recover it then I will also post it for the purpose of comparison if nothing else.

Thank you again for those who are reading and are attempting to help me with my punctuation I am aware of the need for it in the written word and I assure you I will strive to improve.

Now as Buzz lightyear said to the Galaxy and beyond.

Waiting for the axe to fall:

I started reading through the crews records nothing impressive most of the lower deck crew had been side posted from one ship to another before being assigned to the Dragon a fitting name for a combat ship but this ship was hardly that half the shields were missing and some of the turrets empty and the computer core was still being reinstalled and that the dock hands were still busy refitting what they had stripped of her when she had been removed from the salvage list and restored to service.
As for the officers non had combat experience christ two had just graduated with a minimal pass grading.
My first officer Liam Brax was a mystery top in his class at the acadamy but had served in rear echelon duties since then that just didn't fit my judgement of the man somehow.

The Com unit gave a quick beep interrupting my chain of thought and the coms officer Lieutenant Falken that was his name reported in.

"Sir I have a message incoming your eyes only".

"Send it through" I answered activating the secure message protocol, it was a terse instruction to report to Admiral Dealy at the Dockmasters office on station.

Admiral Dealy I had heard of him something of a hero in years past and now sector commander of Mars since he had been promoted off the line.
I closed down the com unit and left my day cabin to inform Lieutenant Brax of my orders.

" Do you require an escort sir ?" he asked

"No I won't be long Liam hopefully we'l have orders when I get back, till then carry on with the ship prep".

"Aye sir he replied" turning back to his station.

I walked down the ships main access hatch onto the brightly lit and hellishley noisey dock and made my way to the dockmaster's offices eschewing the grav peds and enjoying the walk allowing me time to consider my current circumstancesand options.

I was being sidelined that was obvious the change in orders from assuming command of a ship of the line to that of a scrapper taken of the salvage list, and then there were the rumours that had started to circulate about me that suggested I had lost it.
I knew who had started those rumours of course but I had no way of proving them false after all who would question the word of the great Kan Onin and the worst thing in the world you could attempt to do was to try and challenge what went round on the scuttlebut my father had taught me that much.

So after resigning myself to what was likely to be an indefinate patrol posting in the outer sectors I made my way through the outer offices to the inner sanctum.

"You are expected sir" said the secretary "go right in".

I entered the office and snapped to attention "Sir Commander Janz reporting as ordered".

"Take a seat" said the admiral turning to look out at the exterior view of the shipyard docks below his window.
He sat down and leafed through some files on his desk before returning his attention to me.

"My appologies for the delay in your departure orders that was my doing" he admitted candidly his eyes looking for a reaction from me. "The scuttlebut has it that you lost it Captain, could'nt take it any more care to reply ?".

"I have no comment to make on innuendo sir, I will allow my record to speak as to my character and fitness to wear the uniform".

"Good answer Captain one your father might have made, I knew him back in the day". "I was greatly saddened when I learned of his passing he was a good comrade and a better friend".

"You knew my father I asked"?.

"Hell yes son I was proud to serve with him which is why when I heard that his son's conduct was being questioned I decided to check you out, You were awarded the Order of Merit for the Pluto debacle, yes I know about it despite it being buried by the politico's you have an unblemished service record with numerous commendations as being a solid intelligent officer".

"Word has it that you led a patrol of M3 sabres and held of a K class AGI ship long enough for the defence outpost to be evacuated .
If that was'nt enough after three months in hospital you volounteered for the Heretics end incursion mission and actualy made more kills than the great Kan Onin".

"I am aware of the statistics sir" I said remembering those who hadn't made it back it was'nt something I ever dwelled on.

"So" said the Admiral going to a comfort station and filling two glass' one of which he placed in front of me before resuming his seat. "I have to ask myself how a hero of Sol can possibly be the man the rumours would have me believe now sits before me".

"It has been suggested to me that to do you a disservice would sit well with certain people but what those people and you do not know is that I wear two hats as it were one as the Sector commander and as the other I serve Sol as leader of a Task force with orders to find a means to end this conflict through peaceful means if possible".

"I'll be blunt Captain if you want to play dead and roll over then the door is behind you and you will eventuialy get the orders you expect or you can stay and hear me out, I know what Reubens son would do"

Again he alluded to his serving with my father but I was swimming in murkier waters than I was used to I needed to know if I could trust this man.
"If you knew my father then you know how the Boner was given his name".

Adniaral Dealy laughed out loud at my question "oh jesus you are smart just like Reuben" he said trying to catch his breath, "no one else knows" he acknowledged "only Reubens and Cal Lint his wingman Boner was given that name because he seemed intent on having congress with every breathing female from the Oort cloud to Sol itself".
"Dammned if he wouldn't have succeded given a bit more time".

"I haven't thought of him in a long time and to answer your next question take a look ".

He pulled of his Jacket to reveal the terrible scars along his arm I knew how he had got them dragging my father out of his ship before it went critical.

"You're Cal Lint I gasped" recignising the scrasa my father had described to me in detail he recovered from his own wounds.

"None other son now" he said putting on his Jacket "make a decision the door or work for me".

What choice did I have but it was with a lighter heart that I boarded the Dragon with my orders packet in my pocket.
Last edited by Sabrina Bergin on Tue, 28. Aug 12, 20:18, edited 2 times in total.
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Post by Sabrina Bergin » Sun, 19. Aug 12, 12:19


I strode onto the bridge and signaled Liam to follow me to my day cabin entering the tiny room and switching on the coms unit I broadcast a ship wide message, "all hands stand too status amber all decks respond as to readiness".

" I take it we have orders said Liam taking a seat".

"We do" I confirmed "we head for the Oort cloud with a few passengers after that it depends what we get offered we are officialy desiganted as a fleet support vessel".

"Not frontline duty then" said Liam sadly.

"I agree but to be honest would you want to take this ship into battle in its current condition ? hell we wouldn't last five minutes.
I want you to trust me on this Liam so thats why I'm going to breif you fully your ears only".
I laid out the mission directive from Cal Lint/Admiral Dealey and waited for his reaction.

"I'ts a suicide mission" he said finaly seeming to resign himself to that end. "If we leave dock at our current level of readiness we'l be lucky ro reach the defence station here and with no missiles in our cargo bay I am not comfortable Sir, perhaps I could try getting more experienced men from the station rescources unit".

"We are not going to get the ordinance or a better crew than what we have Liam" I said coldly "you should know that I'm on someones crap list who will when he learns of my death in the line of duty will smile briefly before targetting some other poor son of a bitch he has taken a dislike to".
Last edited by Sabrina Bergin on Tue, 28. Aug 12, 20:20, edited 3 times in total.
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Vim Razz
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Post by Vim Razz » Sun, 19. Aug 12, 22:10

Your punctuation has been improving, and that does make it easier to read. Thanks!

There are still a few spots that get confusing, though. For example:
"I'ts a suicide mission he said finaly seeming to resign himself to that end if we leave dock at our current level of readiness we'l be lucky ro reach the defence station here and with no missiles in our cargo bay I am not comfortable sir perhaps I could try getting more experienced men from the station rescources unit".
Would be a little easier to read if it were more clear where the talking starts and stops. Maybe something like:
"It's a suicide mission," he said, finally seeming to resign himself to that end. "If we leave dock at our current level of readiness we'll be lucky to reach the defense station here, and with no missiles in our cargo bay I am not comfortable, Sir. Perhaps I could try getting more experienced men from the station resources unit".
Anyway, it's a good read! Just a little tricky to make out at times.

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Post by Sabrina Bergin » Mon, 20. Aug 12, 08:28

Vim Razz:

I see what you mean, noted and edited thanks for the heads up.
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Post by Sabrina Bergin » Mon, 20. Aug 12, 23:05


I showered and changed into my day uniform before taking my place on the bridge.
"All crew accounted for and all stations are ready sir" Liam said saluting.

"Very good Liam take her out set course for the defence station we have some personnel waiting for us".

Liam was a lirrle startled that I allowed him to take her out for our first run but I wanted the chance to see how well he handled her and to give me a chance to monitor the various sections as we left the safety of the dock and for the first time in months under our own power.

"Incoming signal from the Shipyard sir called out the coms officer it reads, Good hunting Dragon".

"Acknowledge it" I ordered as I studied the monitors the ship was showing it's age in several minor powwer fluctuations a lot of them would be because of the rushed work at the shipyard to restore her to active duty but some spoke of underlying problems that we would have to watch out for.

"Sir we are clear of the outer markers called the Nav officer"
weather his comment was meant for me or Liam didn't realy matter I nodded to Liam as he looked to me and he opened her up to flank speed.

She still had her speed I was pleased at that the engines became a muted roar as we hit max without a flicker on the propulsion system monitors.

"Switching To Autopilot Sir" said Liam "course is set and locked".

"Good work number, one stand down all but necessary duty personnel" I ordered "gunnery crews we will wait until we have left this system before we carry out live weapons testing".

My orders were swiftly acknowledged the crew was moving with a bit more of a spring in their step we were on active duty at last even in a fleet support role it was better than being docked.

"How do you think she handles ?" I asked LIam

"She's still got her legs Sir "he replied cautiously "there are a couple of quirks with the lateral thrusters but I'm sure we can sort them out fairly swiftly".

We starred discussing the ships handling in depth being interrupted only by a steward bringing us a welcome coffee.

Liam seermed to have a good understanding of the ship and from what I had witnessed he had a steady hand at the control's, once again it puzzled me why he had been held back he was a good officer, He had already expressed his wish to be a allowed to act as a buffer between me and the crew, which I was happy to agree to allowing him to organise the various shift personnel rotas. for my own part I felt it necessary that he establish his own authority on board.

For the most part of the journey we made small talk each trying to establish a bond to improve our working relationship.
Liam brought her into the dock smoothly and the crew swiftly connected into the stations power and auxillary systems.

Our passengers were waiting outside the access hatch and were swiftly sent below by their sqaud leader after he had presented his papers to Liam.

Liam had him escorted to the bridge where He introduced himself and assured me his men were ready for duty should the need arise.

"Hopefully that won't be necessary Lieutenant but I appreciate the offer for the moment we have two hours to undock please feel free to use the facilities on board".
"The crew will be dining in one hour I'd be happy for you to join us in the ward room".

"Happy to sir for the moment with your permission I'll see to my men".

I returned his salute and turned my attention to the incoming data ffrom the station as we took on stores.
There were a number of personnel messages for the crew that I transferred to Liams console as well as a lot of update information from the stations tactical office.

I paid particular attention to reports from sectors adjacent to the warzone I looked through the list of assigned ships being transferred to the fleets from the home system's.
Too many I knew it indicated that we were suffering higher casualties than was being relayed over the news feeds.
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Post by Sabrina Bergin » Tue, 28. Aug 12, 23:19

Once the ship was cleared to leave we cleared the station and made for the west gate.
Normaly a first cruise was used to visit Earth and since the Saya Kho incident to pay respects to the dead of the Torus.

We had no time for that though. Admiral Dealy had stressed the importance of finding some means to slow down the pace of the war.
Which meant that I had to find a means to contact Commonwealth citizens who would listen before firing on sight.

This ship also posed a dilemma to me it was old and underequipped to get it up to minimal standards for a ship of war would require I expend our entire annual maintenance budget in one go.
For the moment I would seek out whet missions I could to add to that expense fund. But I knew opportunity's would be limited with so many other support ships competing for those same missions.

As it was I had maxed out the Dragon's engine tuning's at the defence base it was a gamble, one of many I sensed I would have to take in the day's ahead.

We entered the accelerator and on reentry into normal space we quickly acquired the north gates coordinates.
Unfortunatley we also acquired a pack opf Argon ships who had been hovering in the lee of the accelerator who targetted us with missiles and accelerated towards us.

"All Hands battle stations" I ordered sounding the general alarm "helm evasive manouvers"

"Aye sir" came the coxwains reply as he pushed the ship into a series of moves that we could feel even over the ships grav field.
I felt the ship shudder as the turrets opened up exploding incoming misiles that had gotten too close.
"Nav/tac what are we dealing with" I asked seeing Liam make his way to fire control for the mains.

"Sir I have Two Argon nova class fighters and a wing of four buster class ships in close pursuit".

"Understood send firing soloutions too the gunnery crews as you have them".

I watched the tac sreen and began to recognise this pattern the M4's would try to turn us into the heavier nova's after damaging our shields, I'd seen it before many times.
"Liam roll 170 degrees port course 135 true" I ordered "main guns to fire as targets come to bear, turrets deter those m4's for a minute".

Liam didn't hesitate he rolled the ship and swung us about so that the the mains had a chance to fire on the Nova's one disintigrated in seconds the other went spinning away its main engines damaged and its thrusters overloaded.

"Now Liam I ordered roll 190 starboard reverse thrust".

I watched as the M4's desperate to protect the novas flashed past us our mains and turrrets obliterated three of them and the fourth suddenly halted all manouvering as the pilot ejected. "Secure all weapons I ordered"

"All weapos secure" reported Liam bringing the dragon around.
I was startled there ahead of us were two of the enemy ships a nova and a Buster sitting in space.

"Gentlemen we are going to claim those ships I want the area swept for salvage".

The crew knew what that meant, they would get a bonus for the captures once the ships had been delivered to a shipyard for asessment which is why I ordered the hulls to be repaired before I sent them back to Mars.
The weapons and missiles left onboard were a welcome bonus and I had them transferred to our hold with the exception of the ten mosquito's which I sent to the missile tubes to give us some form of missile defence.

As soon as the ships were on their way with our claim tags on them I ordered our course resumed at full speed.

That evening Liam joineed me in my cabin for dinner with welcome news the ships had been asessed and we had got top rate for them which meant a huge boost for the ships funds even after the crew got their share of the prize money.

Liuetenant Danson who was commanding the marine passengers was also pleased to be told I had included himself and his men in the pool of beneficiarries.
I knew a lot of Captains wouldn't have but by my lights they had shared the danger of the encounter and they wore the uniform.
Liam had agreed instantly with my decision and had made the reasons clear to the lower decks who had taken it well and agreed with the decision.

So it was in a good mood we settled down to enjoy our meal, the alterday drew were running ops and we were well on time to complete our current mission.

Genltemen a toast to the Dragon I said raising my glass. My fellow officers couldn't stand in the confined wardroom but all responded.
We enjoyed a pleasent meal the cook had outdone himself considering the meagre rescources he had at his disposal.

After the meal there was a lot of discussion about the Argon's tactics earlier that day I stayed back of that I wanted to hear them analyse what had happened and why.

It was Liam who had the correct answer which increased my respect for him even more.
"Sir" he began settling his thoughts before speaking," from what I saw the M4's should have been left free to engage us at will"." Given their greater speed they could have slowed us enough to allow the Nova's to engage beyond the range of our weapons".

"By turning back when we turned to engage the Nova's and rolling to hide our empty turret we were able to strike at the Nova's when they didn't expect it and left the M4's with an unclear objective".

"A fair analysis" I agreed, "now gentlemen let us discuss how we could have done it better".

The debate became quite intense after that and I left them to it, I felt I had achieved my intent of getting them to engage with each other.
A crew that understood what everyone else might do made for a better crew and we had started that here.
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Post by Sabrina Bergin » Mon, 3. Sep 12, 00:42

The Outer system:

The defence outpost grew steadily larger in our monitors as we accellerated away from the TOA.

"Very little insystem traffic" Liam noted as we held at just below flank speed.

He was right another sign of the effects of the war the outer regions were being starved of commerce. Military ships were also sparse which made me wonder why Lieutenant Danson and his men were being sent here.
Still that was a matter beyond his pervue.

He moved to the rail and looked down on the flight deck the crew had settled in well and were intent on their moniters even this far inside Terran space he was glad to see they were being vigilant.
The Weapons officers were runnng drills targeting passing ships.

It was amazing what a few days on a mission could do for a crew I thought they had turned into a unit and I was impressed by their efficiency.

"Nearing space dock sir" called Liam allowing the stations dockmaster assume control of the ship his hands poised over the controls just in case.

I hit the intercom " Lieutenant Danson we are preparing to dock"

"Understood Sir" came the swift response "my team are ready to disembark my thanks for a swift passage".

"Sir a message from the stationmaster I am relaying to your screen".

I acknowledged the report and read the brief instruction we were ordered to deliver the personnel then report to a defense post in the unknown sectors ro the south for a mission briefing.

That was unusual we would be required to make an immediate departure once the military personnel were cleared.

"Acknowledge the orders" I told the com's officer " Liam set a course for defence post Beta 12 looks like we won't have a chance fot any R&R here.
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Post by Sabrina Bergin » Wed, 10. Oct 12, 00:07

Outer System patrol:

I shut down the com link after we had docked, the passengers were off ship and we had managed to gain some more credits for the war fund the ship was armed as well as I could manage but there were still problems that I think only a major refit would be able to solve.

It was time to take a gamble. "Liam a moment if you will" I said walking of the bridge Liam followed me into the day cabin and took a seat.

"You seem troubled captain" he noted.

"more than a little I agreed I need you to do this Aldrin run I'm going to outfit a scoutship and head south we need to start on Admiral Dealy's plans for peace and I can't do that here".

"Thats quite a task youve set yourself Capatain to be blunt you want to run the gauntlet to commonwealth space and then what they won't trade or talk to you?".

"They might Liam and thats all I ask a chance to make a difference keep the Dragon fuelled up to max and when I call just come thats all I need".

"I'll be a call away Captain just don't get yourself killed" Liam added before pouring us both a whiskey.

I started early the next day purchasing a Valkyrie and having it equipped to max out its speed and shields and weapons.
I had no doubts I would need a chunk of luck to clear the war zones if I didn't make it I had left Liam a sealed orders packet just in case.

With some trepidation I climbed into the cockpit and cleared the station turning south to hell knew what awaited me.

I slipped through heretics end avoiding a battle raging to the west then made my way through the war sectors till at last I was in Nathans voyage I was still being targetted by the argon military but I was fast enough to evade them.
I headed through the east gate and had a decision to make if I went east I would face more argon forces than I could handle but if I went south I would be in Paranid space now whilst they were by no means friendly with Terrans they at least weren't shoot on sight, so I headed south. I knew where I wanted to be down by Queens retribution as far from the war zones as I could get.

I needed to establish a base of operations
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Post by Sabrina Bergin » Tue, 23. Oct 12, 00:13

Gaining rep the hard way:

The escape from Argon space was not without some difficulties even in these border sectors leading to Paranid space I was challenged by local patrols.

I managed to avoid entering into combat by heading high above the trade lanes in each system I passed through my primary goal was to reach The remote southeast qaudrant of commonwealth space where I would begin my task proper.

As soon as I cleared Argon controlled space I was attacked by Two pirates who had followed me through the gate.
My own fault they managed to hurt my shields I had assumed leaving Argon space meant I was out of immediate danger.

I rolled out of their line of fire and hit the throttle climbing high and wide spinning a turn that would put me on the six of the buster that had started to lag behind his wingman.
He obviousely wasn't a trained fighter pilot just a fool with some guns, well I had those as well.
I tore into him sustaining a continuous rate of fire that tore away his shields and then started on his hull.
If he hadn't been so busy cursing my ancestors he might have had the sense to escape but his lack of combat training showed with the inevitable result.

With his debris field behind me I looked for his friend he was coming at me hard yelling insults along the way.

I considered using a poltergeist just to shut him up but I had a limited supply so I engaged him strafing through his field of fire and trashing his shields before rolling up behind him.

This one wasn't as stupid as his dead friend and ejected as soon as I started to eat into his hull.

That was unexpected but I pulled up near the ship and claimed it sending it to the outer edge of the system till I figured out what to do with it.

As I re-entered my ship the Local border control showed up and expressed mild gratitude for doing their job for them and were kind enough to provide me with the coordinates for the south gate.
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Post by Sabrina Bergin » Fri, 26. Oct 12, 04:06

Boron Space:

Janz entered Queens space Only to find the local security forces vectoring on his position.

"Intruder you are advvised to leave this sector at once or face aggressive response from our security forces" came an all channel message to him from the approaching forces.

Dammnation Janz swore obviously the Boron attitudes to Terrans had undergone a significant change in the last year.
He checked his gravidar the defense units were coming in from above and behind him.
His instincts had him reaching for his weapons controls but that would abort his mission here before it had even begun.

"Message recieved and understood" he transmitted accelerating "I am merely transiting this sector".

"We will enure that you do swiftly" came the prompt reply as he heard the targetting lock warning.

Janz caught a glimpse of a jump gate accross the sector and made for it at his best speed flying manualy to avoid any incident with local traffic.

The defence forces tailed him till he entered the jump gate fortunately they didn't follow him.

This sector was not a core secror but it seemed he wasn't entirely welcome. He was allowed to dock at the trade atation but his access was restricted to the docking levels and he was not allowed to use the stations trade facilities.
Well at least he had a room to sleep in after his long trip aboard the valkyrie.

The facilities at the station were meagre but he used some of his hard earned credits to buy a meal and a drink in a quiet bar near the docks.
A Boron came and loined him at his table.
"You own the Terran ship it stated it is a fast ship but a long way from the war".

"That was the general idea, how can I help you ?".

"You intrigue me Terran and soon I will have need of a fast ship, but first I would see you prove yourself there are reports of a xenon threat to this sector If you were to prove yourself capable I will provide further such opportunities".

Janz considered the Borons offer it would give him an in with the Boron and he knew from intelligence reports he had studied that they had a habit of employing merecenaries for combat purposes those Boron able to enter combat situations were the ones who served in their military forces already leaving outer sectors with little real means of defense.

"Alright he agreed " I have no interest in the conflict to the north but I'll quite happily go chip bashing for you so what do I get out of this deal ?".

The Boron seemed satisfied with his response "you will be paid for each Xenon you eliminate of course and you will also gain reputation amongst the Boron". I would suggest you return to your ship the Xenon have just entered this sector Mr ?"

"Alvin" Janz offered using hjis first name for the first time in years.

He left the bar and changed into his flight suit on the dock before climbing up into the cockpit of his ship.

Other pilots were doing the same thing obviousely they were going to meet the Xenon as well.

Janz cleared the station at speed ignoring the stations attempts to keep his speed to standard insystem velocities.
The Xenon were coming in fast from the east gate a mixed bag of m3's 4's and 5's .

Janz powered up his weapons systems and went after the m4's ignoring the m5's for the moment.
The L's were a threat to him but if he could eliminate the m4's he would be able to make starfing runs on them using his superior speed it was a tactic he had developed fighting the Xenon in the past and it had served him well over the years.

with that in mind he turned to attack the nearest pair of m4's wondering briefly why they always fought in pairs when possible.
Still that could wait he realised as he slid into attack position on the leading Xenon and gave a heavy burst of fire at close range before rolling clear so as not to get sandbagged by the other m4 that had targetted him when it had seen him as a real threat.the victim of his first pass had been totaly shredded and was limping along at less than a tenth of its optimal speed.

The second m4 missed him barely and Janz jinked all over the place to swoop back towards the first target finnishing it of and rolling away as the pursuing m4 again attempted to kill him. scoring a few hits on his shields.

Now that they were one on one Janz was free to scan the gravidar and see how other fighters were doing.

Not to badly though the more inexperienced were franticly chasing M5s with little real effect the damn things were just to fast and agile for that tactic to work.

Janz returned his attention to the can of chips that had just gone past him when he had hit the reverse thrusters, he accelerated again matching its speed then began his own attack conserving his energy as he chewed away at the xenons shields and hull.
The end was inevitable the xenon begin to lose hull integrity then exploded as its reactor got a direct hit Janz pulled away hearing the debris rain of his shields as he closed his eyes to reacquire his dark vision.

It seemed the Xenon had noticed him and were cominging in from six different vectors.
Nice to be popular he thought.

"Terran" came a split voice over the com "you fight well I will join you in battle".

Janz studied the splits ship as it approached a Chimera fast, well arned and sheilded with a rear turret, not the ususl ship of a mercenary.

"We have both killed two m4's shall we share the prize for the rest ?!" asked the split.

"Why not" agreed Janz.

"Then we shall leave the amateurs to the m5's let us gain the real prize after we deal with these m4's I will lead will you fly at my side ?".

Clearly the split had military training he had suggetsed the standard wingman setup the more powerful m3 providing the bait with his own ship to pounce on the enemy when they were committed.

"Agreed" said Janz taking the standard wingmans position high and right of him.

as the multiple pairs of Xenon began their attacks Janz slipped into combat mode allowing his instincts and reflexes take over as he made strafing runs on each target as they went for the chimera distracting them long enough fot the split to bring his more powerful weapons into play the results were spectacular to say the least.

Their course through the sector was now littered with the debris of xenon ships and the L class fighters were now cleary targetting them ignoring other targets and heading straight for them.

"Now we shall reap the true prize Terran" said the split "the Xenon have watched us and they will anticipate our actions this time you must be the bait bring them to me".

Janz grinned realizing the split had preempted a suggestion he was about to make himself he selected the nearest L and went to grab his attention.
To the Xenon it appeared that he had made a bad decision even a full volley of empc fire barely dented his shields and Janz turned and disengaged as if realizing his error.

Keeping the L's attention Janz jinked seemingly at random as the L kept attempting to engage and destroy him so must have recieved quite a surprise when on his last attempt to destroy Janz when Janz pulled away the Split Chimera was waiting ahead of him and unleashed a devastating attack that shredded its shields and tore its hull to fragments in seconds.
The Chimera pulled out of the L's way as it contiued straight at him allowing his rear turret to deliver the death blow.

It was a tactic they were to repeat several times alternating as bait and killer till finaly the last xenon was gone.

"Terran" commed the split "I will meet you on the trading station we must celebrate this victory".

"Confirmed" agreed Janz "as soon as we collect those missiles the xenon were kind enough to leave us".

A Little while later Janz was once again at the trading station the split met him at his docking port and took his arm and led him to the nearest bar where he poured them both a stiff drink.

"Terran I am C'parrt" he gave a breif servakai which Janz returned.

"I am called Janz" he allowed "you fight with one who has experience".

"As do you Janz but that was another life, you also follow the way of the warrior, when I saw the way you fought I knew we would suit each other in combat, now let us eat and drink the station officers will arrive shortly to pay us for our kills during battle".

"Ah there" said C'parrt pointing at a view screen that was showing long range clips of the recent actions with a running tally of kills being displayed for each pilot who had participated.

C'parrt and Janz were outright leaders on that list.

"Gentlemen" said the barkeep approaching them and placing a bottle of space fuel on the table "if you would care to order a meal it will be with the compliments of the house".

"Thank you" said C'parrt "we will both have the house special chelt stew"

"So Janz shall we join forces ? you have shown yourself worthy of respect and together we can achieve much".

"I would be honoured" said Janz raising his glass to seal the deal
and so it began he realised.
Last edited by Sabrina Bergin on Sun, 18. Nov 12, 08:14, edited 3 times in total.
When traveling pause occasionally, look back and enjoy the moment again.

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Post by Sabrina Bergin » Thu, 1. Nov 12, 02:00

Menelaus Oasis:

Janz and C'parrt took there time to eat their meal, for Janz ther meat was over spiced but there was plenty of it and the vegetables were fresh rather than packaged. Finaly a station officer came up to them and placed their bounty credits on the table. Janz looked at the fund transfer pad and was pleased at the amount.

"Pitiful snorted C'parrt looking at the figures "but it will pay for some needed upgrades on Javakat".

"Is that the name of your ship ?" Janz asked.

"It is indeed the word does not translate well into common but it alludes to a paingiver of some strengh".

Janz could see why the Splits ship was well shielded and armed and that rear turret was very useful in combat.
Janz has noted that he had gained some recognition with the Boron not enough to let him buy high end equipment but enough to let him sell some of the salvage he had acquired on that thought he sent a data burst to the claimed Pirate ship he had acquired and ordered it to dock at the Boron ship yard in Queens retribution.

"So C'parrt what are your plans for the future ?"

" First I must travel north to the Boron equipment dock, I am in need of mosquito missiles and I have to purchase a new command software suite for Javakat's weapon systems that last L was lucky enough to get a shot through my shields".
"Unfortunate" agreed Janz" but at least we will be able to sell some of those missiles we salvaged", and with a little luck we might be able to get a few better paying jobs".

"You are a pragmatist Janz, but you are right if I am to achieve my goals I must accrue much credit the pay from these border sectors is meagre barely enough to cover the expenses needed to maintain my ship".

"Then we move north in the morning if nothing else we can sell our salvage then consider our options from that point".

"Options" enquired the Boron Janz had met earlier interrupting him as he sat down at the table did I not say earlier that I would have need of your services ?".

"You did" Janz agreed "but you have yet to tell me what those services might be or what payment I might expect".

"A simple matter to rectify I require swift passage to thynns excavation and back via the military base in veil of delusion for this I would pay you triple what you earnt dealing with the Xenon".

Janz considered the figure it was more than generous, what do you think C'parrt.

"It is easy enough and I will accompany you after we have called at the equipment dock for supplies we can leave the Boron at Atreus headqaurters and collect him on our return journey.

"When I said I need a fast ship I meant that I would require to be in thynns excavation by this time tomorrow Terran", stated the Boron

That could make things a little awkward thought Janz unless..... "Alright Boron we leave now it means you'l have to come with us but you'l be ahead of schedule.

"That is acceptable the Boron stated I have no belongings I require for the journey I will meet you at you ship in a stazura" then left them.

About five minutes Janz figured.

"You are rash Janz you have need of rest after battle as do I said C'parrt however if we are to achieve the time target this Boron has ser himself then we have no option and the payment is appropriate".

They both left the bar and went down to the docks the Boron was prompt and boarded Janz's ship as soon as the hatch was opened.

Janz nodde to C'parrt before climbing into the cockpit and slipping into the command seat.
It took moments to power up the thrusters and signal traffic control that he wanted to disembark, he was a little surptised to find he was being given immediated clearance and prepared for undock.

as soon as he was cleared of the docking gantry he set course for the east gate maintaining standard in sector speed till he saw C'parrts ship assume a position on his six. then he glanced at the Boron who had secured his safety harness and opened the throttles till he reached a speed just shy of C'parrts chimera's maximum. The Boron seemed preoccupied with his data pad glancing only occasionaly out of the cockpit viewports.

When they emetged into Queens space Janz was surprised to find himself somewhat relieved that the nearby border control ships paid him no heed. He swung the ship and aimed for the north gate scanning the traffic lanes to ensure they had no unexpected surprises.

The local military prescemce seemed to be keeping everyone honest and it was an uneventful passage through the gate Janz located the equipment dock on the sector display and locked a course onto it keeping his hands near the manual override.

As he was on final approach he recieved a flash message from his captured M4 and quickly sold the craft not wanting questions asked about its clearly piratical detailing.

Janz let traffic control take over the docking a he saw some sort of defensive field about the station.

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Post by Sabrina Bergin » Sun, 18. Nov 12, 09:48

Janz clanced at the gravidar as he cleared the gate transit point knowing thar C'parrt would be close behind him he headed for the south gate at full speed.
There wasn't much traffic insystem but a group of pirates were heading in his direction in a rather determined manner.
He looked at the Boron who had suddenly begun to take an interest in the gravidar himself and asked, "why are those pirates heading for us or rather for you ?".

The Boron seemed to squirm in his seat before answering the question "it would be inconvenient to be delayed by these hostiles my mission is time sensitive".

Janz was atartled that the Boron who had till now been so secretive had let that slip. 'Time sensitive' that was Spook speak no matter which side you were on.

Janz turned his attention back to the gravidar as more pirates began closing on his ship even with C'parrts help this could turn bad.
There was no easy option if he ran for the south gate he would leave C'parrt exposed and with nearly twenty m3 and m4 fighters even the Chimera would not be able to match them.
alright he thought time to call in the troops. He dropped an advanced sat and sent a short prearranged signal before telling C'parrt to clear the gate. Janz killed his engines and waited. Within twenty seconds the Dragon jumped in and raced to transporter range.

"Captain we are closing on you we have hostiles targetted' your orders Sir ?"

"Liam good to see you two to transport aboard immediate" Janz ordered.

Janz was as startled as always as the beam swept him onto the bridge of the Dragon. The Boron was led to one side as Janz strode to his command chair.

"Weapons Target hostile pirates free all weapons Liam send the Valkyrie to the military outpost" he ordered.

Liam sent the orders and the crew manned their stations with alacrity, Liam had obviousely used his time well in bringing them up to speed.

"Sir a suggestion" Liam offered "we are ten minutes from contact perhaps a change of uniform".

Janz grinned at the rebuke and went to his day cabin to shower and change realising how good it felt to don the uniform again so it was still damp from his shower he resumed his position on the bridge.

He reached for the com link and asked C'parrt to watch his six rhen ordered Liam to engage all hostiles.

The battle was breif but bloody Janz watched as his crew worked they exceeded his expectations Liam had not been idle " set course for the south gate he ordered as the last pirate was destroyed.
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Post by Sabrina Bergin » Tue, 12. Feb 13, 07:53

Thynn abyss;

Janz entered Thynns and quickly set a course for it wondering what a Boron spook wanted in a Paranid sector. C'parrt was already ahead of him and was taking place in the docking qeue.

The Boron appered to have recovered from his surprise transfer to the Dragon and was once more studying his data pad to the exclusion ofall else only when they began docking apporoach did he turn to janz.

"I will need to go on station for a few stazura" he informed Janz "please be ready for a swift departure on my return".

Janz signaled to a crewman to escort the Boron to the airlock then turned to Liam whose eyes held questions about their guest.

"Its a Boron spook" Janz admitted "but I'm getting a lot of rep and credits running him around".

"Now to buisness hows the ship the crew are looking a lot better since I left but you have the look of a man with bad news coming".

"Its not good sir" Liam admitted "those problems I thought could be worked around are more serious than I first thought, basicaly shes just too old sir and pretty soon she might no longer be able to handle a jump transit".

Janz winced at that the thought of a ship failing to complete a jump transit was a fear of all spacers.
It also introduced an unexpected difficulty, the Dragon had been an essential part of his plans that would now have to be radicaly altered.

He knew what he needed and an idea of where to get it but it was a risk he wasn't sure his crew were ready to take.

Time to speak to C'parrt.
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Post by half0 » Tue, 12. Feb 13, 10:57

I'm loving the story thus far. Many props. One thing I do like about other DiD's is the "stats" update such as cash some something for each post. Altogether I like your style of storytelling.
Those who are afraid of the dark has never seen what the light can do

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Sabrina Bergin
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Post by Sabrina Bergin » Fri, 15. Feb 13, 00:35


Stats first;


1x Katana
1x Valkrie (scout)
1x Boron Angel docked at Black Hole sun Outpost
10x marines in training

Credits 346000

(as a side note Janz is military any funds he acquires he places into the ship/crew fund hes not a mercenary though money is a means to achieving his goals. I will however attempt to keep an eye on current assets as a score card so to speak on how well he is financing his plans)

now onto the next installment;

Janz was deeply troubled by the reports Liam had prepared, the Dragon was beyond repair the effects of twenty years
of service were beginning to show in her main frame work and systems she still had a way to go but the diagnosis was never going to get better.

"I need\her combat ready for one more mission is she up for that ?" he asked.

Liam looked to the Harsden the Chief engineer who had come with the Dragon when Janz had assumed command.

"She's old sir but she'l not fail you or me and she was born for combat if she's to go I'd rather she kept her pride and ended in battle not sent for scrapping".

"II won't scrap her chief I promise you" Janz said seeing that fear in the mans eyes "and I have combat in mind shes going to be up against one of th best in her class and we need to win, if we do then I assure you the funds necessary for a full refit will be there for you chief she's my first command and I've grown fond of her".

The chief had to hold himself in check his emotions evident in his manner "give the orders sir she will not fail you she never has and never will".

"good enough for me chief get her as ready as you can whilst we're docked here".

"I will sir you can count on the Dragon sir no matter what" Chief said as he rose and exited the room.

"That is one determined man whats his story" Janz asked Liam

"He came with the ship sir started in lower deck and progressed to master chief in engineering, fleets tried to transfer him to a capital ship but he won't budge".

"He was a master chief what happened" Janz asked already suspecting the answer.

"He punched out the last Captain sir when that officer posted the Dragons status as irrevocable after the Heretics end incursion and she was sent to the scrappers".

"So the man is determined I can use that Liam now to details want a pilot to shadow this ship "Janz activated the data file he had brought with him showing the target he had in mind "we have to drop our Boron passengerof at Veil of delusions after that we jump to Black hole sun and meet Lt Danson and his men then we begin the mission in earnest.

When traveling pause occasionally, look back and enjoy the moment again.

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Post by 89James89 » Sun, 17. Feb 13, 19:00

Really nice writing style you have here. Some bits are a bit hard to follow but overall its very enjoyable.



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