Condition: Null [DiD - Total Xenon Xenocide] - BANKS, RANA - KIA

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Post by eldyranx3 » Sun, 24. Jan 10, 03:30

2938-05-07 14:22 – Chapter 42 – Begin Vogon Notification: 'All Your Military Base Are Belong ...'

Nothing takes the ion out of my drives like the dull grind of operational reports and bureaucratic paperwork. The Op to clear X101, aside from unloading Trade stations, is going smoothly. So smoothly that Ive given the all clear for PTNI to set up a few stations. As long as they are smaller tech stations.

I was hoping that they would plunk just Microchip and Computer factories down so my Teladi Adviser could discreetly funnel Squidward his electronics wish list for the Xenon Hub repair. She manages to swing a lucrative contract with the Chip station owners in 'Homily of Perpetuity' and 'Acquisition Repository' as compensation. If you consider paying maximum price for every Loki damned microchip 'compensation'.

Why am I doing this? I'm hoping that once Mahi Ma gets his control interface built we might be able to just shut down the jump gate to X023 and halt non-P2P invasions. It certainly would be a relief to Down South trade, hence the Profit Guild backing.

Status reports on the Carrier Strike Group show that the refit of 'Kharak' is holding up well, aside from a run in with a Yaki Akuma. With the acquisition of the last two Xenon L's, 'Tiger's Claw' has 29/30 docking slots filled. I can always offload non-essential ships like 'Recycler', but otherwise she's got all of her claws now with full shielding. The reformed Gold Wing is a bit light on available weaponry but otherwise operational. Ive got plenty of Gauss Cannon ammo if I ever need it.

After the fifth report I wake up to find a desk shaped imprint on my forehead. Rather than write a letter to my loved ones, drink a glass of red wine, listen to Wagnerian Opera, and then unlock the Luger P08 from its case, I have Merlin plot a course for X472. Maybe I found out the real reason why the crew of 'Die by the Sword' jumped into that sector. I need a bit of exciting recon or else Im going to go mad.

X472 remains heavily fortified. Four Q's and at least one J sit at each of the gates to X598. X023 Core remains unchanged. I peek through the north gate to X695 and find a sizable fleet there. Aside from these and the steady stream of Q's at the Paranid's walls, Ive got the Xenon beaten back to their very doorsteps.

I stash a trade station in 'Nostromo' as I carefully weigh which sector to take next. With even these 13M Xenon Invasion Ops becoming rarer and rarer, I might have to find another, more Mercenary solution to my dwindling income source.

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Post by eldyranx3 » Sun, 24. Jan 10, 04:07

2938-05-07 19:34 – Chapter 43 – The Taking of Xenon Sectors X598 and X627

At first I wanted to just take X598 as my next sector, but then I realized that if I could take X627 as well in one fell swoop, it would create an effective strategic bottleneck. There humanity will make a stand against the machines, where their inhuman production capacity and overwhelming numbers wont count for ****. While I make battle plans for the massive assault, 'Nostromo' picks up another trade station.

Begin Operation: Götterdämmerung

To all Ship Commanders: Prepare to Jump into X598 on my mark. All hands: Battle Stations. *Klaxons Blare* All bomber pilots, you are clear to go in Weapons Hot! 'Tiger's Claw', prepare to launch Gold Wing on gate exit! 'Event Horizon', load all missile tubes! Merlin, we are Go to begin Jump Sequence! All Ships: Three. Two. One. Mark!

The last time I jumped into the South Gate of X598, the turrets of no less than four Q's swiveled to greet me. When no IFF warning blares after clearing the jump, I can't but be a little disappointed. Still, looks like a J and K are patrolling the center of the sector with decent frigate escort. My Claymores send their regards.

In the massive debris field, there's some good drops, but the J and K's interceptor wings lunge forward, their PBE's stinging 'Kharak's shields like a swarm of angry bees. 'Tiger's Claw' jumps into the swarm, and opens up with over twenty SSC's. The star burst shock waves rattle 'Kharak's hull with their close proximity, and Gold Wing launches in the chaos.

Once we blow the remaining fighters out of space, Gold Wing escorts 'But I'm NOT an Alien!' as it scoops up the leftover weapons among the broken up wrecks of the carrier, destroyer, and its frigate escorts. 'Nostromo' jumps in and deploys one trade station and the military base, which will be my Command Center for the rest of the Xenon war.

Without stopping, I have Merlin begin the jump sequence for the West Gate to X627. I'm hoping to catch the Chips off guard. No such luck, a J and its frigate escort are charging 'Kharak' in a desperate bid to defend X023. 'Event Horizon' jumps in just in the nick of time before that carrier gets within PPC range of 'Kharak'. She takes some nasty hits, but jumps clear with 23% shields.

Considering I have a Xenon carrier and two frigates all within PPC range, I pound on 'Event Horizon's Nuke button, and the M7M flings enough Shadows to blot out the sector's sun.

[To Xenon:] This! Is! Götterdämmerung!

My warcry echos across the AEBS, billions of Terrans cheering on as nova after nova erupts around 'Event Horizon'. After the debris clear, my shields are now critical at 18%. Two Q's and a K charge from the middle of the sector, only to meet a swarm of Shadows. With 2/3rds of my ordnance spent, I lumber toward the east gate like a juggernaut. The Xenon reserves of a J and K fail to impress me.

I blow them out of space and am about to call in 'Nostromo' when my IFF blares. Almost immediately my shields begin to drain, and it takes me a second for tactical to realize three Q's have just performed a P2P ambush. Right. I throw the last of my Shadows at the closest one. All hands! Prepare for Emergency Jump!

With the remaining two Q's charging and with no more ordnance, I call in 'Nukem' Rico!' to deliver a sweet double tap. 'Kharak' confirms all major enemy grav contacts are eliminated, and 'Nostromo' plants the trade station while 'But I'm NOT an Alien!' scoops up the spoils.

Operation: Complete

I park 'Kharak' close to the East Gate when my Sat Network confirms Xenon reinforcements of a J and K passing through the Hub.

Bring it on ...

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New Sector Assets:


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Post by Lord Dakier » Sun, 24. Jan 10, 04:08

The Xenon ain't half backing down.

You'll force yourself into door-to-door cookie sales next.

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Post by eldyranx3 » Sun, 24. Jan 10, 05:08

Lord_Dakier wrote:You'll force yourself into door-to-door cookie sales next.
I can see it now. USC Space scout approved branding. Eight-two percent of all proceeds go directly to Xenon Extermination Efforts. The biggest irony, how much you wanna bet you can get them in Silicon Wafer form?

2938-05-07 21:13 – Chapter 44 – Rise of the Machines

[Fourth Wall disclaimer: I'm incorporating an odd bug from the STO script into the storyline. I'm not sure how or why it happened, but its perfect for the direction of the story]

As I give the classical demented captain's brood from 'Kharak's command chair, I lean forward, eagerly awaiting the J and K to exit out of the gate sitting ominously before the view port. It normally leads straight through to the Xenon core sector, X023. For unknown reasons its currently connected to a central Hub of jump gates, designed by an ancient race for an unclear purpose.

The Teladi stations that have set up shop in the Hub are all nervously monitoring the carrier and destroyer approach one of the only two operational gates. I sound a yellow alert and call crews back to their battle stations before alerting USC Brass of our imminent tactical situation. The carrier shoots through the Hub Gate and ...


Both my tactical officer and I exchange a bewildered look. That J should be on top of us right now, unloading full banks of PPC fire. I have Comm hail Mahi Ma, asking if he's found a way to alter the gate destination and just hasn't told us yet. Squidy meekly denies any involvement, but reports back an unusual buildup of tachyon particles in the gate moments before the carrier disappeared.

Well, lets see what happens to that destroyer. I monitor the live video feed from the closest Advanced Satellite from within the Hub, sweat glistening off my tight brow. Sure enough, there is an odd white glow from the Stargate's Iris moments before the K vanishes. What the Hel is going on? Where's a Loki damned science officer when I need her?!

Wait? Squidy is a scientist! How does the build up of tachyon particles tie in with the disappearance of an entire Xenon task group? Whats that? Temporal Convergence? Retro-Causality? Damn it Loki, I'm a ship's commander not a quantum physicists, just give it to me straight!

Time travel? To the past or future? YOU'RE NOT SURE??!! [Rest of comm log deleted for copious profanity, directed at various parts of Mahi Ma's aquatic and reproductive anatomy, having repercussions for his cephalopod descendants]

To top it off USC Brass is now getting reports of a massive sub-space ripple spreading out from Jupiter orbit. The ATF Fourth Fleet stationed in Aldrin also reports that the Xenon CPU ship just vanished as well. What the Hel is going on around here? Well, no use giving in to bad cliches. For all I know Jeri Banks is now being targeted for temporal Termination. Not that its going to help the machines, with him just being my Uncle and all.

But he did inspire me to join the USC / ATF in the first place. I wonder if it ties into those UFO's that keep showing an interest in my little endeavors.

Either way, nothing I can do about it in the here and now. I go over some post-Op reports to see what my next move in the current Xenon war effort is. For some odd reason, the larger weaponry I salvaged from the last Op turned out to be (7) PPC, (7) CFLAK, (7) FLAK (7) CIG, (7) ISR, (7) MAML, with (1) SSC to round it out. The shifty Teladi pawn brokers of the PTNI EQ dock give me average price for the lot, all told almost 23M.

That gives me close to 35M, enough for another trade dock. I think its time to come full circle and finish what I started with Operation Deathblossom. X472, here I come.

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Post by Sp@c3Ch!mp » Sun, 24. Jan 10, 10:48

omg I could almost feel sorry for those silicon based lifeforms... almost. :lol:
Nuke 'em till they glow, then shoot 'em in the dark.

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Post by eldyranx3 » Mon, 25. Jan 10, 17:03

2938-05-07 21:20 – Chapter 45 – The Taking of Xenon X472

Ive got some small things to take care of before I tackle what is arguably the most fortified Xenon sector within the Commonwealth. First, to collect and outfit all the Xenon derelicts left over from the last two large Ops. The Chips blow up a captured LX and a M before I have time to get them docked aboard 'Tiger's Claw', so I dont consider them lost in fleet action persay.

Second is to check on Mahi Ma's little checklist. Seems I'm almost halfway there.

Third is to test out all those Keris that Ive been building to see what their general role might be. They prove themselves to be an expensive distraction. They are slower and less accurate than the Commonwealth Fighter Drone Mk II, but if they are apart of a self sustaining complex to begin with, I suppose a commander gets what he pays for. The upside is that they are unmanned, so I wont have to risk any pilot's lives.

Continue Operation: Deathblossom

Which is what 'C-Viper' is about to do again. The Chips have a destroyer, a carrier, and five frigates guarding the South Gate. Looks like this will go pretty much by the numbers. Time to marshal the fleet in Thynns Abyss. While 'C-Viper' pulls the Xenon away from the East Gate, I decide to go in with 'Event Horizon' and take out the larger assets.

We're in the pipe. Five by Five. Intel is such a beautiful thing. Scanners pick up some decent drops in the bone yard 'Event Horizon' just made while 'Nukem' Rico!' jumps in to drop some righteous anti-matter on the Xenon Station.


I throw out some Ghouls to thin out the fighter screen before jumping 'Tiger's Claw' in, but it finally looks like the Argon have decided to finally join the party. Gold Wing launches to help engage the PX's escort while I call in 'Fail-Deadly' to deal with the Xenon Shipyard.


I love the sight of matter / anti-matter reactions at midnight. Looks like ... victory ...

Operation Complete

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New Sector Assets:


Edit: Corrected X472 from X101, again ...
Last edited by eldyranx3 on Mon, 25. Jan 10, 22:38, edited 1 time in total.

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Post by eldyranx3 » Mon, 25. Jan 10, 20:59

2938-05-08 01:11 – Captain's Log – Final Entry

[|| Begin Captains Log: Commander Rana Banks - Commanding Officer of the ATF M7 Frigate 'Kharak' – Occupied Xenon Sector X472 ||]

As predicted, the claiming of the final Xenon sector at the core of Commonwealth space has left me but few options. Xenon continue to funnel and disappear through the Hub into unknown reaches of the universe or even space time itself.

At first I thought I could play mercenary and help rid the Commonwealth of the Khaak problem. A Khaak Incursion of Black Hole Sun brought the attention of the Argon government. After seeing first hand how efficient Terran technology was at repelling Khaak swarms for the second time since 'Heretic's End', a rather odd character named Jesan Nadia hailed us from Omicron Lyrae and offered us a Bug Hunt.

When he rendezvoused with 'Kharak' in Black Hole Sun, he refused to allow Military Clearance back into Argon Sector M148 unless we could prove our worth by repelling the next Xenon Invasion from X472. Considering I had just wiped their circuits from existence only an hour ago, Nadia is going to be waiting quite some time for that to happen ...

I'm out of time and resources. ETA on Third Fleet's Operational Status is forty five days. First and Second Fleet has already been called to reinforce the Paranid Border.

My only option at this point is to scrap 'Eternal Vigilance' and 'Death Trap' to raise enough credits for two trade stations. I'm going to have to take X695 and their Core sector, X023 at the same time. I don't know its its tactically possible. Breaching X627 almost took out 'Event Horizon'. My only hope is to jump in with 'Kharak' long enough to deploy a diversion. If all goes well, it will provide enough cover for 'Tiger's Claw' and 'Event Horizon' to reinforce me.

If not, then this may be my last entry.

Merlin has plotted the jump coordinates, and Ive asked all non-essential personnel to disembark from my Carrier Strike group. 'Tiger's Claw' has a skeleton crew manning her, only two hundred brave volunteers. I can't repeat the same mistake with 'Die by the Sword'.

I know the Chips have but two conditions: Null or [Not] Null, but Odin, if I fail, have Sigmund greet me and my crews ...

In Valhalla !!!

This was Commander Rana Banks, Commanding Officer of the ATF M7 Frigate 'Kharak', signing off ...

[|| End Captains Log ||]

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Post by Master of the Blade » Tue, 26. Jan 10, 17:56

What? The end? Or is this just one of those fake endings you sprung on us before? If you're truly ending it(for whatever reason), then :cry: . If it's just another elaborate hoax, :roll: . But I'm thinking the former. Please let me be wrong!
Allergic to work.

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Post by eldyranx3 » Tue, 26. Jan 10, 18:55

2938-05-08 02:06 – Transmission intercepted by Argon AGI Operatives - Federal Argon Installation - Black Hole Sun

Broadcast from X023 across known MCP communication frequencies to all former Xenon Sectors, including X472:


MCP process #4334029283; Cycle # 28375; Processor load 0.00000000023%

if (var: | Spe/Hs | Gen/Ma | Id#/0281334 |BANKS, RANA) {
}send conditional report: MCP @ X023
else {
return false; // Anomaly remains {
=not null

MCP process #000038484; Cycle # 3.14e329k; Processor load 1.0%


process #4334029283 || status change detected
sending conditional report: MCP @ X023

... ...
... ... ...

message not sent: no response from Master_Control_Process

resending conditional report: MCP @ X023

... ...
... ... ...

message not sent: no response from Master_Control_Process

[A]bort, [R]etry, [F]ail? :F

Last edited by eldyranx3 on Thu, 28. Jan 10, 16:32, edited 1 time in total.

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Post by Zaitsev » Tue, 26. Jan 10, 21:30

Trying to dechipher the last report it looks like something like this:

If Rana Banks, id nr /0281334, is killed, send report to MCP at Sector X023. If not, do nothing.

K-class destroyer on patrol in X023 reports that id#/0281334 is null, i.e. Rana banks is dead, and tries to send the report, but gets no response.

I'm taking a wild guess at a couple of options here:

1 - you're toast, but managed to launch enough missiles to take some Xenon with you.

2 - your ship is hanging together because you ordered a three-layer paintjob instead of a two-layer, the Xenon think you're history and you managed to kill something.

3 - the Xenon jumped you the second you showed up in X023 and you're now reduced to atomized parts floating around the gate, but that doesn't quite make sense with the "no response" part. Could be the Xenon equivalent of a BSOD tho :p

In any case... If you survived, here's to you. If the Xenon reduced you to statistics, here's to a great and interesting story :)
I'm sorry, I can't hear you over the sound of how awesome I am :D

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Post by eldyranx3 » Wed, 27. Jan 10, 05:27

Zaitsev wrote:Trying to dechipher the last report it looks like something like this:

If Rana Banks, id nr /0281334, is killed, send report to MCP at Sector X023. If not, do nothing. K-class destroyer on patrol in X023 reports that id#/0281334 is null, i.e. Rana banks is dead, and tries to send the report, but gets no response.
I'm glad that butchering of javascript was somewhat legible.
Zaitsev wrote:1 - you're toast, but managed to launch enough missiles to take some Xenon with you.

2 - your ship is hanging together because you ordered a three-layer paintjob instead of a two-layer, the Xenon think you're history and you managed to kill something.

3 - the Xenon jumped you the second you showed up in X023 and you're now reduced to atomized parts floating around the gate, but that doesn't quite make sense with the "no response" part. Could be the Xenon equivalent of a BSOD tho :p
Rana noted that he planned on jumping into X695 first and then make a run on X023 if possible. Probably closer to #1, but replace [some] with [most] :twisted:

Realistically, the full events wouldn't be known until the ATF sends in the Fourth Fleet in Aldrin to X023 for either a Search and Rescue Operation or retrieval of the Carrier Strike Group's Black Boxes.

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Post by Sp@c3Ch!mp » Wed, 27. Jan 10, 13:57

oh man, you're dead? damn another good DiD gone :cry:
Nuke 'em till they glow, then shoot 'em in the dark.

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Post by eldyranx3 » Wed, 27. Jan 10, 17:39

2938-05-09 12:40 - Operations Room – ATF Flagship 'Valhalla'

As Major General Rai Ishiyama sat at his commander's desk and looked over some field reports transmitted by Second Fleet earlier that morning, he rubbed his chin with some measure of pensive consideration. The escalating conflict between the USC and the Paranid Empire was not going in their favor. Paranid technology and strategy had proven a comparable match for even mighty Terra.

Unlike the majority of Ishiyama's contemporaries, he found no greater glory in senseless slaughter. He dropped the data pad in his hand and leaned back into the soft cushions of his operations chair, closing his eyes. He thought about Rana Banks, the former USC Commander who had almost exterminated the Xenon menace with only a single carrier strike group.

But at what cost?

A series of clipped chirps announced someone at his door, and Ishiyama opened his eyes with a short inhale to collect his composure.


The interlocking doors slid open with a soft whine of mico-servos, revealing a tall, thin woman with a sharp nose and piercing blue eyes. The pins on her uniform's lapel indicated her rank as a Colonel of some type of Special Forces. The heels of her black shiny boots clicked together as she stood at attention and took off her beret, addressing the commanding officer.

“Lt. Colonel Nobiru from Fourth Fleet, reporting, Sir!”

“At ease, Colonel.” Ishiyama allowed a shallow nod. “What did you find?” The vague question sent a morbid shiver up Nobiru's spine.

“An unmanned jump probe sent into Sector X965 found no grav contacts of deliberate motion. A light expeditionary force found three destroyed xenon carriers, two destroyers, seven frigates, an intact Teladi trade station, but no terran wreckage.”

Ishiyama bit his lower lip, tempering the hope that some of Rana's crew made it out of the Xenon core sector alive.

“And X023?” The General asked, arching an eyebrow.

“A grave yard, Sir.” Nobiru replied, the already fair skin of her face paling. “The expeditionary force found three heavily damaged Xenon destroyers and two crippled carriers. There was so much Xenon debris in sector we had problems telling what had once been a ship or a station.”

“Did you locate Commander Bank's carrier strike group?” Ishiyama's right index finger tapped lightly on the cushioned armrest of his chair, stalling emotional and mental acceptance.

“What was left of it, Sir.”

The deep, long silence between them was final.

“Very well.” Ishiyama offered with deadpan resolve.

Deep inside however, his gut shrank. Over five hundred men and women, gone. No amount of 'glory' could ever compensate for their loved ones loss. Unknown to Banks, he had been the one to block his transfer to the ATF for years. The General knew that Banks had a vendetta against the machines for the death of his Uncle.

Senseless loss after senseless loss. The tragic cycle never seemed to end. He swiveled in his chair to face the comm pannel set in the wall, but it was dark and empty.

“Dispatch a military briefing to the civilian press. Reimburse the owners of the missing Yokohamas for their ships and continued silence. I want Banks remembered as a Hero of Sol, not as Ahab or like Bosch the Butcher.”

“Understood Sir.”

“Dismissed, Colonel” Ishiyama continued to stare into the lifeless panel, haunted by the faces of those lost. Five hundred more added to the billions already lost to the Terraformers. When Ishiyama absently noticed that Nobiru had not left yet, his sharp eyes turned to her. “Is there something else, Colonel?”

She walked up and planted a data cube on his desk with a crystalline 'clink'.

“We were able to extract most of the data from the fleet's black boxes. Some of it is corrupt, but ...” Her lower lip trembled with pride, “... I think you should see it.” She turned and walked out without another word.

Ishiyama continued to stare at the comm panel for quite some time, gathering his thoughts. His finger tip tapped on the armrest some, then moved over to pick up the cube. It felt light in his hand, the angles sharp. The General deposited it into the holographic transmitter and engaged the data storage device ...

[Colored dialogue inspired by Nixy23's own DiD, 'The Butterfly Effect']

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Post by Fendalis » Wed, 27. Jan 10, 18:53

bummer on the whole dying thing. I was really getting into this one. Well played!
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Post by Zaitsev » Wed, 27. Jan 10, 19:16

eldyranx3 wrote: I'm glad that butchering of javascript was somewhat legible.
I think my old Java-teacher would have flipped her lid, but it wasn't too hard ;)

Too bad the invasion went south though. It was a great and entertaining story none the less :)
I'm sorry, I can't hear you over the sound of how awesome I am :D

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Post by eldyranx3 » Wed, 27. Jan 10, 20:34

2938-05-08 01:15 – Command Bridge of ATF-M7-A248-'Kharak' – Rana 'Collateral Damage' Banks Commanding

[Captain's orders to proceed to Red Alert operational status automatically engages 'Kharak's black box recording sub-sytem]

Commander Banks: Carrier Strike Group Yamoto, report in!
Admiral Towlyn: 'Tiger's Claw', reporting in.
Doctor Weir: 'Event Horizon', reporting in.

Commander Banks: All wings, report in!
Wing Leader Porkins – Green Wing reporting in. I can hold it Sir!
Wing Leader Starkiller: - Red Wing reporting in, Phantoms locked and loaded Sir!
Wing Leader Seven of Nine – [Screech of Analog Binary] Gold Wing. Status Nominal.

Tactical Officer: Ive got a bad feeling about this.

Commander Banks: All ships, prepare to initiate jump sequence at five minute intervals. Merlin, send coordinates and synchronize with the other ship's NAV-COM AIs.
Merlin: [in heavily digitized voice of Mark Hamill] By your Command. Coordinates set. Synchronization complete.
Commander Banks: All hands, prepare for jump! Damage crews to station. Seal all bulkheads.

['Kharak's Jump Drive begins final charging sequence]

Tactical Officer: Damage Crews on station, Commander. All sections report full operational status.
Navigation Officer: Jump drive charge. Full navigational control transferred to Merlin, Commander.
Commander Banks: Merlin, on my mark. Three. Two. One. Mark!

[With a flash 'Kharak' jumps to the South gate of Xenon Sector X695. Immediately the frigate's IFF goes ballistic]

Tactical: Its an ambush!
Commander Banks: Helm! Evasive maneuver Tango!

[The close range, concentrated PPC fire of one destroyer, one carrier, and three frigates slam 'Kharak' to port. Several bridge crew fly from their seats. Emergency klaxons wail as internal stabilizer fail to compensate from the overwhelming barrage]

Tactical: Shields down to 71%!
Commander Banks: Deploy ALL Keris! Merlin! Prepare for EJ back to X472!

[Another concerted volley from the Xenon M1 and M2 slam into the oversized Ion drives of 'Kharak', spinning the massive ship almost one-hundred-sixty degrees around. Several power conduits on the bridge blow in a shower of sparks. Emergency lighting comes on]

Merlin: Overload detected in Ion Drive primary relays. Jump Drive, offline.
Commander Banks: Mother-[BLEEP]!
Tactical: Shields at 34%!
Commander Banks: Comm, signal the Keris to Attack All Enemies! Helm, Best Speed, forward!
Navigation: Ion Drive output down to 85% Commander! We can't outrun those Q's!

Commander Banks: If 'Tiger's Claw' jumps into that, she'll be atomized! Merlin, ETA on her jump sequence?
Merlin: Three minutes, fifty two seconds.
Commander: Helm, distance from that K?
Navigation: Eight kilometers, Commander, but we've got a Q closing!

Commander Banks: Helm, all stop, bring us about. Tactical, fire all forward tubes. Prepare to engage with attack pattern Omega.
Tactical: Five wraiths, away!

[The Q's forward shields light up with the dance of twenty five small anti-matter explosions, their blinding orbs momentarily creating EMP static on the bridge view port. The lumbering machine frigate lists to port as the barrage cracks its shields]

Commander Banks: (With vehement disdain) Fire.

[Sixteen M/AM launchers open up on the Q, obliterating the front of the ship. Seconds later, the power core of the Xenon Frigate goes nova, shaking the hull of 'Kharak' with its shock wave. A few pyrrhic Ion Shards slam into 'Kharak's battered shielding, dropping it down to 32% again]

Commander Banks: Status of the Xenon fleet!
Tactical: The J is down Commander, two Q's showing moderate shield loss.
Commander Banks: We got to give 'Tiger's Claw' more time! Comm! Concentrate all firepower on that super-K-destroyer!
Comm: Aye-Aye Commander!

[As the lethal swarm of fighter drones swarm the M2, the K opens up with full flak guns, swatting twenty out of space. Its targeting computers get overloaded, and its shields begin to slowly drain]

Commander Banks: Helm, plot an intercept course for the closest Q. Tactical, three Wraiths on each, if you please.
Tactical: With pleasure, Sir!

['Kharak' closes within 4km of the overwhelmed Q's just as the keris nibble through the K's hull and into its reactor housing. The shock wave, combined with a Wraith assault, drops the last of the Q's shields. The bridge crew cheers, all except Banks, who grimly studies his tactical sector map]

Commander Banks: Helm, move to position 8.5.2. Roll to starboard, twenty five degrees.
Navigation: Confirm 8.5.2. Rolling.

['Kharak' slides between the remaining two frigates, under bombardment and heavily distracted. The two arms of the ATF frigate spit out twin streams of anti-matter, and within seconds, twin nova's erupt around 'Kharak'. The remaining Keris explode as they expend the last of their energy reserves.]

Merlin: Incoming jump signature. Woden Class.

[The thirty shock wave cannons of 'Tiger's Claw' rips into the mass of Xenon fighters left over from the J and K's escort. Gold Wing and Green Wing launches into the fray]

Commander Banks: Helm, circle around 'Tiger's Claw'. Tactical, optimize the firing arcs of our own shock wave cannons.

['Kharak' circles the carrier, the largest fur ball in Terra's history since the first Terraformer invasion erupting around the two capital ships. Over sixty fighters and interceptors tangle for position among the roar and ripple of shock waves. HEPT, PBE, and EMP shots flash like strobes along 'Tiger's Claw's shields. Without warning a P2P jump signature flashes just 3km off 'Kharak's port]

Tactical: A Xenon J has just jumped in system. Its exchanging broadsides with 'Tiger's Claw'!
Commander Banks: On screen!

[The broadside of PPC fire severely cripples the Woden's 12 GJ of shielding.]

Commander Banks: All tubes, fire at will! Helm, I want to see our nose up that J's exhaust's port!

['Kharak' slides under 'Tiger's Claw' and launches Wraith after Wraith into the J's underbelly. All sixteen ant-matter launchers burrowing streams of ammo into its hull. The carrier explodes, larger pieces of tumbling, crackling superstructure slamming into 'Kharak's shields]

Admiral Towlyn: This is captain of the 'Tiger's Claw'. We have sustained critical systems damage. We are going to jump into X023 and attempt to pull any Xenon forces away from the North Gate. Make your run, Commander.
Comander Banks: Belay that Captain, you are to retrieve fighters and jump back to X598 for repairs. That's an ORDER!
Admiral Towlyn: It was a pleasure to serve with you, Commander.

[Their is a red flash from 'Tiger's Claw', and the carrier jumps into X023 to make its final stand]

Commander Banks: Noooooooooo!!!!

Tactical: More P2P jump signatures, Commander.
Commander Banks: Target them both. Blow them out of Loki damned space!

[Twin streams of Wraiths take down the approaching frigates. More P2P jump signature flash behind the last one to blow]

Tactical: Two more frigates incoming. Wraith supply at eight missiles, Commander. Shields at 72% and falling.
Commander Banks: Hmm. Perhaps today -IS- a good day to die! For Gloryyy!!!

[Kharak engages the two Q's at point blank range. The three frigates tangle, but the ATF's ammo based, auto seeking weaponry proves to outlast the two Q's sub-par weapon's generator. Their twin novas light up the void of X695. There are more P2P flash in the far distance]

Merlin: Incoming Jump Signatures. Skinir and MMBS class.
Commander Banks: Status Update
Tactical: Shields at 18%
Navigation: Ion Drive output at 53%
Commander Banks: ETA till full Jump Drive functionality restored?
Merlin: Two hours, fifteen minutes, five seconds.
Commander Banks: Very well, deploy the Package.

[The Xenon reinforcements jump back to X023 as they lose the sector]

Commander Banks: Transfer command to 'Event Horizon'. By Odin lets give Earth something to Sing at our Pyre!

[End Black Box Recording]

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Post by Sp@c3Ch!mp » Wed, 27. Jan 10, 21:17

ok that is the most amazing log I have ever read. :o
Nuke 'em till they glow, then shoot 'em in the dark.

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Post by eldyranx3 » Thu, 28. Jan 10, 17:56

2938-05-08 01:54 – Command Bridge of ATF-M7M-A12-'Event Horizon' – Rana 'Collateral Damage' Banks Commanding

[Begin Except - 'Event Horizon's black box recording sub-system]

Ship's Computer: XO Banks is aboard. Navigator Pressly stands relieved.
Commander Banks: Thanks, SHODAN. All remaining wings report in.

Wing Leader Starkiller: Red Wing reporting in. Everybody's gotta die sometime, Red.
Wing Leader Seven of Nine: [Screech of Analog Binary] Uni-matrix 01 home base lost. Request new directive.

Commander Banks: Sigma Lance, form up on my lead. All remaining units, proceed to X023
Navigator Pressly: Gate X023 approaching. 400 meters. 200 meters.
SHODAN: Approaching Iris. Jumping ...

[The 'Event Horizon' jumps into X023, just 2km from the Xenon K that destroyed 'Tiger's Claw']

Commander Banks: All right everyone, that's the bastard that took out 'Tiger's Claw'. Let's make it glow ...

['Event Horizon' launches several volleys of shadow missiles, point blank into the K's steady stream of PPC fire. While most warheads zip around the white snowballs of doom, some of the PPC shots strike 'Event Horizon's port forward missile tubes just as some warheads launch]

SHODAN: Internal ammo explosion detected. Port missile tubes, destroyed. Jump drive, damaged.

[The resulting explosion flings 'Event Horizon to the side. The K goes up in a nova as the bridge crew assess damage. Commander Banks gets back up into his command chair, sporting a burn mark on the side of his head and a bloody nose. He stares at the rapidly expanding nova of the K's reactor]

Commander Banks: (Hissing) ...To the last, I grapple with thee; from hell's heart, I stab at thee; for hate's sake, I spit my last breath at thee ..."

Navigator Pressly: Looks like this was a one way trip commander.
Commander Banks: (Wipes his bloody nose with the back of his uniform's sleeve): I want a situational report.

Navigator Pressly: Ive got a single carrier contact just inside gravidar range. One frigate by the shipyard.
Commander Banks: Comm, signal 'Kharak'. Ask her to use image magnification to let us know whats out there.

Comm: She's signaling back. Five destroyers. Three carriers. Nine frigates. They have all plotted an intercept course.
Commander Banks: ETA till interception?
SHODAN: Six minutes, thirty two seconds.

[The bridge crew is silent]

Commander Banks: All right, people. Nothing has changed. Comm, signal 'Nostromo' to deploy station. Red Wing, target the two stations. You are clear to go Weapons Hot. Tactical, fire all remaining missiles at any targets that come into grav range.
Bridge Crew: Aye – Aye Sir!

[The first interceptor wave reaches 'Event Horizon' and its Gold Wing escort just as Red Wing launches their payload]


Tactical: All missiles away Sir! Direct hits. One carrier down.
Commander Banks: Is that all?
Tactical: No ... wait. One destroyer just went critical. Severe damage to the carriers and remaining destroyers. Tubes are empty Sir. Gold Wing reports heavy losses. Second interceptor wing closing.
Commander Banks: Very well. Transfer command back to 'Kharak'.

[End Black Box Recording]

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Post by eldyranx3 » Thu, 28. Jan 10, 19:08

2938-05-08 02:01 – Command Bridge of ATF-M7-A248-'Kharak' – Rana 'Collateral Damage' Banks Commanding

[Begin Except - 'Kharak's black box recording sub-system]

Merlin: XO Banks is aboard. First Officer Ivanova stands relieved.
Commander Banks: Ivanova, Tactical update.
Tactical: Gold Wing destroyed Sir. Our anti-fighter weapons are holding the second interceptor wing at bay, but the lead Xenon Destroyer is only 6 km out and closing.

Commander Banks: And the two crippled carriers?
Tactical: They are launching fighter now Sir.
Commander Banks: ETA till Phantom impacts?
Tactical: Three minutes.

[Commander Banks sits back in his command chair and leans back. A triage officer offers to treat his nose, but the officer pushes the dermal regenerator away]

Commander Banks: Comm. Open a ship wide broadcast.
Comm: Channel open Sir.

Commander Banks: In approximately three minutes we will blow the Xenon Core Processor. There is no telling if destroying the CPU core will halt the Xenon fleet that is rapidly approaching. The remaining ships of the fleet are either destroyed or critically damaged. This is why we came. To say to the machines: We will not go quietly into the night! We will not vanish without a fight! Mankind will go on. We will survive. No retreat. No surrender.

[The first Xenon K reaches maximum PPC range. Scattered shots strike 'Kharak' and 'Event Horizon'. The third Xenon interceptor wing zips past the two damaged ATF frigates, some blown apart by star burst stock waves]

Tactical: Shields down to 93%, Commander. Target will be within M/AM launcher range in twenty seconds.

[The bridge of 'Kharak' rattles as more accurate PPC shots strike the frigate]

Banks Continued: Remember your training and you will make it back alive! This is where we hold them! This is where we fight! This is where they die!

Tactical: The lead destroyer is within range of forward batteries. Commencing attack pattern Omega. Shields at 73% Commander.

Banks Continued: Xenon: Come and get us!

Tactical: Anti-matter ammo levels critical, Wraith supply exhausted. Shields at 47%

[The lead K, already heavily damaged from 'Event Horizon's missile barrage, goes nova just as the Phantoms annihilate the Xenon Core CPU. The sector falls, but the Xenon fleet keeps coming. The three remaining K's reach optimal PPC range, opening up will full forward banks]

Commander Banks: For GLOORRRRYYY !!!!!

[Static fills the black box holo-screen, then ceases recording. The time stamp is 2938-05-08 02:06]

[Overly dramatic cliches brought on by too many movies :P]

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Post by eldyranx3 » Thu, 28. Jan 10, 19:40

2938-05-09 12:55 – Earth - North America - Boss-Ten – Five minutes after the Press Briefing by Lt. Colonel Nobiru, ATF 4th Fleet – Special Operations

Throngs of Terrans stand on the deck of Old Ironsides, USS Constitution, singing:

O Captain my Captain! our fearful trip is done,
The ship has weathered every rack, the prize we sought is won,
The port is near, the bells I hear, the people all exulting,
While follow eyes the steady keel, the vessel grim and daring;
But O heart! heart! heart!
O the bleeding drops of red,
Where on the deck my Captain lies,
Fallen cold and dead.

O Captain! my Captain! rise up and hear the bells;
Rise up--for you the flag is flung for you the bugle trills,
For you bouquets and ribboned wreaths for you the shores a-crowding,
For you they call, the swaying mass, their eager faces turning;
Here Captain! dear father!
This arm beneath your head!
It is some dream that on the deck,
You've fallen cold and dead.

My Captain does not answer, his lips are pale and still;
My father does not feel my arm, he has no pulse nor will;
The ship is anchored safe and sound, its voyage closed and done;
From fearful trip the victor ship comes in with object won;
Exult O shores, and ring O bells!
But I, with mournful tread,
Walk the deck my Captain lies,
Fallen cold and dead.

- Walt Whitman (1865)

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