What Buck_Rogers DiD. (Now a `join in` game!)

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Post by Buck_Rogers » Sat, 19. Mar 11, 01:50

:o Holy mcpoop! 2 applications! I am indeed honoured! :lol:

I shall add your name to the list of pilots waiting for ships MotB ;) Well........When I say list, I mean the 2 of you. :D
Buck Rogers

Vice Admiral of Shadows Haven Alliance (SHA) visit us at:
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Too often we lose sight of life's simple pleasures. Remember, when someone annoys you, it takes 42 muscles in your face to frown. But only 4 to extend your arm and slap the bugger!

Posts: 674
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Post by Nathancros » Sat, 19. Mar 11, 13:56

such an extensive list XD the waiting room will be full :P XD
Nullam et arcu vitae magna instabilitate omnia solvit

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Post by mcjomar » Thu, 31. Mar 11, 12:39

Still watching :wink:

Can I please get some more kills?
(and a heavier ship? Like a Nova? Or maybe an M6 of some sort? Or a Titan?)
SHA Vice Admiral

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Post by Buck_Rogers » Thu, 7. Apr 11, 00:34

mcjomar wrote:Can I please get some more kills?
Your wish is my command ;) Read on Jack. If you still want more, then you should be a better pilot! :p After all, it's not me who's crediting them to you.
mcjomar wrote:(and a heavier ship? Like a Nova? Or maybe an M6 of some sort? Or a Titan?)
:o Woah! Patience my young Padawan learner. You'll be getting bigger ships. Or you will when I get the cash ;) hehe. Still along way off though.

For now though enjoy this chapter. It may be the last for a while, as I just formatted my PC without backing anything up! Guess that's what I deserve for faffing! Still, I have managed to recover just about everything. So as long as I can get the game to work again.....

23. Back on duty part 2

After thanking my escort contract, I quickly turn to my ships sensor logs to see how Sabre Squadron are getting on. Due to the fact the communications channel has remained silent since they left, I'm guessing they hav'nt caught up with the Pirate Falcon I sent them after.

Sure enough, after checking the feed from my satellite in Teladi Gain, I can find no trace of the Falcon. I guess he was smart enough to dock somewhere before the lads caught him. No matter though, good fortune decides to smiles on us, as Sabre Squadron enter Profit Share. In the shape of...

http://i284.photobucket.com/albums/ll3/ ... n00218.jpg

Another Harrier....hhmmmmmm.....Small pickings perhaps, but the combat practice will help. So I send my ships to intercept. However. A few Sezura's after Mckenna responds, I see.....

http://i284.photobucket.com/albums/ll3/ ... n00219.jpg

EEK! This guy has friends! :o

I quickly radio my squadron. "I take it you lot have just checked your Gravidar's again?"

Frozen responds first. "I see em boss. The Falcons are mine!"

"Easy Frozen!" I chirp back. "It's at Mckenna's discretion, whether or not you smash those Pirates. He's your Squadron leader"

"So what do you think Mck? Can you and the boys take on a Harrier and 2 Falcons."

"Lets do it! But watch your backs boys!" Mckenna finally responds.

"Good luck! I'll be there as fast as I can. Rogers out." I quickly reach for the Navigation Console and punch in the command to initiate a jump to Profit share.

I exit the East Gate and arrive on the scene just in time to watch the fire works. Or in this case, watch the forward Pirate Harrier get a face full of PAC!

http://i284.photobucket.com/albums/ll3/ ... n00220.jpg

Kinda glad the Harrier was at the front of the group. As it only took one full squadron PAC salvo before...

http://i284.photobucket.com/albums/ll3/ ... n00221.jpg

One down. But now the Falcons are angry that my boys just toasted their little friend. So they both decide to pick on Sabre 6! Luckily Apollo is a good pilot. He starts to take a pounding, but manages to go evasive enough to stay alive. Pulling all kinds of sharp twist's, turns and dives, to stave off the Falcons. Almost looked like some kind of aerobatic display. That is, if it had'nt been for the constant stream of laser fire smacking his hull every so often!

Luckily, the rest of the lads manage to pull together, until.....

http://i284.photobucket.com/albums/ll3/ ... n00222.jpg

2 down. After that, Sabre 6's survival rate went up a bit, but the 2nd Falcon carried on hounding him.

"I......*crackle*.....use some help guys!....*buzzzzzzzz* failing.....taking...........damage!"

"Hang on Appollo, We're on him" I replied, as I slammed the boost button. No Pirate Falcon wreck was gonna take any of my boys out.

"All ships, I want that Falcon trashed, like NOW!" I called out over the comm channel.

"What do you think we're bloody doing here boss?" came Mckenna's sarcastic response.

I set "Lazy Geordie" on an intercept course and activated my turrets. Luckily, my help was'nt really needed, as....

http://i284.photobucket.com/albums/ll3/ ... n00223.jpg
http://i284.photobucket.com/albums/ll3/ ... n00224.jpg


"Thanks for that guys. Don't know why they decided to both pick on me though?"

"Apollo. How's the ship holding up?" I asked.

"Moderate damage boss. Shields have failed and are just starting to recharge and I'm down to about 70-75% hull at a guess. Hav'nt checked the actual numbers yet."

http://i284.photobucket.com/albums/ll3/ ... n00225.jpg

"Don't worry about that now. At least your in one piece! Head for the Repair yard in Ceo's Sprite. The rest of you form up behind me and we'll escort Appollo in."

My Ships enter formation and we begin the trip to Ceo's Sprite. Once we were underway, the communications panel beeps an imcoming message.

"Ok boss" Pipes Frozen. "You wan't to put me out of my misery and tell me how many and how much I got for chewing up those Falcons?"

I laugh back. "hang on while I check the computer." Searching through my pilot database reveals a bit of a suprise...

http://i284.photobucket.com/albums/ll3/ ... stats2.jpg
http://i284.photobucket.com/albums/ll3/ ... stats2.jpg
http://i284.photobucket.com/albums/ll3/ ... stats2.jpg
http://i284.photobucket.com/albums/ll3/ ... stats2.jpg
http://i284.photobucket.com/albums/ll3/ ... stats2.jpg
http://i284.photobucket.com/albums/ll3/ ... stats2.jpg
http://i284.photobucket.com/albums/ll3/ ... stats2.jpg

Although there were no bounties this time, I was some what surprised NOT to see Frozen accredited with even a single Falcon kill!

I open the squadron channel. "Well, well well. Looks like Frozen has competition for his status as chief Falcon basher!

"WHAT?! Right who swiped my Falcon kills?!" responds a joking Frozen.

"Well, according to these stats here. Jack, you got 2 kills there, putting you up to 4 in total and Fendalis got 1 kill, moving him up to 2 in total."

"Remind me not to buy anymore rounds for those 2! You know I'm chief Falcon basher round here!"

"Not any more." responds Jack and Fendalis in unision.

Game time = 4 Days 23 hours 5 mins
Ranks = Graduate / Master Broker
Cr = 2.4 Million

Non combat orientated assets:

1 x Silicon Mine L "TigerInc Silicon Mine 1"
9 x Advanced Satellites
1 x Mercury "TI-SM1-T1"
1 x Caiman Super Freighter "Profit Maker 1"
1 x Discoverer "Inferno"
1 x Terracorp Vulcan "Lazy Geordie"
1 x Octopus Vanguard "Universe Explorer"

Combat capable assets:

7 x Harrier Sentinal "Sabre Squadron"
"Shoot that Guy"
"Frozen Dream"

TigerInc TopGun Rankings

Rank-------Pilot------------No. of kills
2nd------Jack Jomar-----------4

On another note: Chalk up the 10th kill for Sabre squadron! Woohoo! lol
Buck Rogers

Vice Admiral of Shadows Haven Alliance (SHA) visit us at:
SHA Forum
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Too often we lose sight of life's simple pleasures. Remember, when someone annoys you, it takes 42 muscles in your face to frown. But only 4 to extend your arm and slap the bugger!

Posts: 131
Joined: Thu, 3. Feb 05, 17:14

Post by mcjomar » Thu, 7. Apr 11, 03:56

Awesome :D

hopefully you'll get some bails soon, to expand the fleet.
SHA Vice Admiral

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Post by Nathancros » Thu, 7. Apr 11, 08:53

ahaha fun fun fun :P, will be interesting when u get more pilots? XD a wing of harriers = full speed fun :P
Nullam et arcu vitae magna instabilitate omnia solvit

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Post by Buck_Rogers » Sun, 17. Apr 11, 01:45

mcjomar wrote:hopefully you'll get some bails soon, to expand the fleet.
Hmmmm...Interesting thought. Although, I don't think you get bails if ships you OWN (i.e dont fly yourself) get kills. Pilots ejecting, yes. although thats thanks to the Pilot AI script I have installed. :D
Nathancros wrote:will be interesting when u get more pilots?
Stay tuned Nathan. New pilots will be added within the next couple of chapters. (I hope!) ;)

Just a shortish chapter here fella's. To break up the large chunk of material I aquired playing the other day. ;)

24. The return of Na t'Pst.

After having Appollo's ship patched up, We all dock at the Trading Station in Ceo's Sprite. I gather the boys in the bar for a quick debrief on our recent activity.

"Sorry, I let those Falcons get a bead on me." Says an embarrassed Appollo. Looking very sorry for himself.

"Don't worry about it." I say, placing a reassuring hand on his shoulder. "It could've happened to any of us. But you were smart enough to stay alive, whilst the rest of us took care of the problem. So all's well that ends well.

Mckenna swills his drink round his glass, then knocks it back in one go. "So what's our next mission then boss" He asks.

"Well, I'm heading off for a change of scenery for a while. I'd like you lot to sit tight here, untill I return. No sense in sending you galavating round the Universe on your own."

The boys look a little disheartned at my response.

"Don't worry. You each have enough credits to tie you over for a while. I've also took the liberty of booking you all into some accomodation on board the local Trading Station, So you won't get bored. Just please don't do anything stupid With my ships! If you want to leave for whatever reason, then take a taxi! I can't afford to lose good pilots AND ships right

"Don't worry about us. As long you keep us supplied with ample credits, you'll have no problems" Replies Mckenna.

"Ok, good to know." I stand to leave the table. "Enjoy your stay boys and I'll be back in a couple of Tazura's."

I turn and head for the exit. Stopping at the bar on the way to pay off the boys drinks tab. I look back towards the table, as I hand my credit slip over to the barman. Frozen notices and gives me a '"thumbs up". I wave back.

I take a slow walk back to the hangar to give me a few more Mizura's to think of my next move. Ideally, I would like to have enough credits to buy my own TL. I could then expand my trade empire a little faster and have a small carrier to get Sabre Squadron around the universe a bit easier. Although that is some way off right now. The cheapest TL will still cost me well over 10 million credits! So I better start saving!

I enter the hangar area and stop at the security gate. The Teladi on duty takes my papers and quickly glances at them before handing them back.

Climbing back into the cockpit of "Lazy Geordie" I call up the ships manifest. I notice myhold is almost full of Sunrise Flowers!

"Stupid Bastu!" I mutter to myself. I had completely forgot those were still in my hold! So I guess the first task of the day is to get a good price for these.

After searching the local area, I fail to find any good deals. So I dock at the Trading Station in Teladi Gain and bring up the Bulletin Board. Sure enough I find what I'm looking for. An advert from the Independent Traders' Guild. Offering to scan my cargo to find the best prices for me. I pay the 2000 ish credits and get my report. The nearest best price for Sunrise Flowers, was in the solitary refinary in The Vault. So I quickly undock again and set up the jump.

Exiting the gate, I bring up the sector map, locate my target station and hit the Autopillock. I then activate the Trading System Extension and call up the local trade market. Sure enough, the Sun Oil Refinary is practically empty of Sunrise Flowers and is offering a buying price of 34 credits each! Jackpot! So I sit back and wait for "Lazy Geordie" to dock.

I decide to use this time to monitor my Gravidar, whilst having a bite to eat. It's whilst doing this, that I notice I'm being followed.......

http://i284.photobucket.com/albums/ll3/ ... n00229.jpg

Hmmmmmm..........No doubt after a donation! I think to myself. I sigh as I open a com channel to my new stalker.

"Sorry my Earthly chum, but I ain't got any spare credits for you. They're.....er....all tied up in the cargo I'm carrying. So You'll have to catch me another time."

That should get rid of him. NOT!

The video screen flickers into life and a familiar face stares back at me, with a toothy grin.

"Split say. Hello boss!"

My jaw almost hits the console and I start to choke on my meal, as I realise Na t'Pst has returned! Plus he is no longer piloting the Octopus he originally had!

"What!?......How?!....*cough* *gag*......Where?!" Is about all I can muster.

"Is boss OK?" Frowns Na t'Pst.

I compose myself (just) and look back at the video screen.

"You! Trading Station! NOW!" and I cut the channel. For now the sale of the Sunrise Flowers in my hold would have to wait.....

Game time = 4 Days 23 hours 48 mins
Ranks = Graduate / Master Broker
Cr = 3 Million

Non combat orientated assets:

1 x Silicon Mine L "TigerInc Silicon Mine 1"
9 x Advanced Satellites
1 x Mercury "TI-SM1-T1"
1 x Caiman Super Freighter "Profit Maker 1"
1 x Discoverer "inferno"
1 x Terracorp Vulcan "Lazy Geordie"
1 x Octopus Vanguard (To be renamed)
1 x Gonar Ranger "Universe Exporer"

Combat capable assets:

7 x Harrier Sentinal "Sabre Squadron"
"Shoot that Guy"
"Frozen Dream"

TigerInc TopGun Rankings

Rank-------Pilot------------No. of kills
2nd------Jack Jomar-------------4
Buck Rogers

Vice Admiral of Shadows Haven Alliance (SHA) visit us at:
SHA Forum
Feel free to join my DID
Too often we lose sight of life's simple pleasures. Remember, when someone annoys you, it takes 42 muscles in your face to frown. But only 4 to extend your arm and slap the bugger!

Posts: 1521
Joined: Mon, 20. Dec 04, 23:23

Post by Buck_Rogers » Tue, 19. Apr 11, 23:11

25. A tall story

I quickly dock before the Gonar Ranger, thanks to the Docking Computer. I then 'hot foot it' over to the other side of the hanger, where Na t'Pst assigned bay is. No sooner are the clamps in place and his ship powered down, when I'm battering on his newly aquired ships hatch.

"Easy boss." He says, holding up his arms. "Split can explain."

"you'd better make it quick!" I snarl back, as I barge past him towards the cockpit.

I sit down hard in the pilots chair and swing it round to face him, with my arms folded.

"Ok Goon. Spill it!

"That's not nice boss. Split take offence to that." He frowns

"I don't give an Argnu. Start talking."

He then explains about the his request for absense of leave from my sevice, to meet with the Gonar."

"Yes, I remember. But that does'nt explain all this. I say, as I gesture round the cockpit.

"Well. Split has made good progress in Explorer rank. Gonar notice and call me for audience. Initiate me into Gonar as Priest! Ship is gift from them, for spreading word of Nathan R Gunn and Earth."

My eye's practically pop out of my head.

Na t'Pst smiles back. If a Split can be said to smile that is.

"So it's not stolen then?" I ask.

"Gonar never steal!"

"But what about the Ship you originally had? The Octopus? I told you I needed it in the future." I shake a finger at him.

"Octopus is safe boss. Docked here on this station. Check ships database." He says pointing at the console behind me.

I shake me head, trying to take it all in. I sigh and turn the pilot seat round to face the console. My Split friend appears along side me.

"You free to have look around to boss. Split have nothing to hide."

I power up the computer and call up Na t'Pst's "owned property" database. Sure enough, it lists the Octopus as docked at the same station as we are. Suprised I never noticed it in the hangar bay, before I met my Priest friend! lol Although I suppose I was a bit flustered at the time.

"Split just need to transfer Octopus to boss. Split already have papers." He says, waving a handful of forms at me.

"Ok, I guess your telling the truth." I say with a satisfactory shrug. I then navigate to the ships detail page and have a slow look at the Ranger's stats. I'm just about to shut down the computer when something catches my eye.

http://i284.photobucket.com/albums/ll3/ ... n00250.jpg

"Wait a minute. There is no way this ship is capable of that sort of speed!" I say, pointing at the screen and looking at Na t'Pst.

He simply smiles back. "Split make good mechanic, as well as Gonar!"

I shake my head again and laugh, then a thought pops into my head and I stop and sit bolt upright.

"Hang on. I recently saw an article on the BBS about a Gonar ship crossing a Xenon Sector unscathed."

"Split say so what?" he says. Still smiling. He obviously knows what I'm going to ask next.

"The thing is, that Gonar vessel was rumoured to have been overtuned." Na t'Pst's smile broadens.

"It was bloody you was'nt it?! You stupid Bastu!" This time, he lets out a huge belly laugh. I can't help but laugh along with him.

After a few moments of histerics, I calm down enough to recover my power of speech.

"Well, now that your in your own Gonar Ranger, I don't really care. If you want to take risks with your life, then go for it. Just remember who pays your wages!"

Na t'Pst's shrugs his huge shoulders.

"So. What's your plans now?" I ask.

"Split now Gonar, but Split still work for you. So Split carry on spreading word of Nathan R Gunn and Earth, but at same time, Split still explore and map Universe for you. If you happy with that?"

"Suits me just fine my Holy friend" I say with a smile. "Now that we've cleared our little misunderstanding up, I'll leave you to your work." I stand up from the pilots seat.

"Split now going to records office to transfer Octopus to boss."

"Ok Na t'Pst's. I'll see you in space sometime. Look after yourself. And if you ever need help..........Just open a channel. You know my frequency." and with that, I leave the Gonar Ranger and head back to my own ship.

After a few Mizura, I'm back in the pilots seat. I sit for a few moments, trying to remember what I was doing, before my Gonar friend appeared..........Sunrise Flowers! I forgot....Again! lol I have a cargo hold full of em. I quickly ask for permission to undock.

"I sure hope that refinary has'nt been restocked yet!" I mutter to myself, as the ship is positioned to leave the station.......

Game time = 4 Days 23 hours 48 mins
Ranks = Graduate / Master Broker
Cr = 3 Million

Non combat orientated assets:

1 x Silicon Mine L "TigerInc Silicon Mine 1"
9 x Advanced Satellites
1 x Mercury "TI-SM1-T1"
1 x Caiman Super Freighter "Profit Maker 1"
1 x Discoverer "inferno"
1 x Terracorp Vulcan "Lazy Geordie"
1 x Octopus Vanguard (To be renamed)
1 x Gonar Ranger "Universe Exporer"

Combat capable assets:

7 x Harrier Sentinal "Sabre Squadron"
"Shoot that Guy"
"Frozen Dream"

TigerInc TopGun Rankings

Rank-------Pilot------------No. of kills
2nd------Jack Jomar-------------4

Your probaly all noticing that my Rank, Timer and Cash have not moved since the previous chapter. Well, I did't really need to play the game to write this one. :D hehehe

Your also probably noticing I'm pumping out the chapters left, right and centre. Well, I'm moving a week this Saturday and if I know the wife, setting up my PC in the new house will be way, way WAY down her list of priorities. It was in this house! (Moved in to house in September, got PC set up following January!. Nearly 5 months! :evil: ) So I'm trying to use up as much of my notes as I can. Plus I need to keep you lot entertained! :D

Buck Rogers

Vice Admiral of Shadows Haven Alliance (SHA) visit us at:
SHA Forum
Feel free to join my DID
Too often we lose sight of life's simple pleasures. Remember, when someone annoys you, it takes 42 muscles in your face to frown. But only 4 to extend your arm and slap the bugger!

Posts: 674
Joined: Tue, 30. Nov 10, 04:46

Post by Nathancros » Mon, 25. Apr 11, 16:12

Buck_Rogers wrote:25. A tall story

Plus I need to keep you lot entertained! :D


Damn right u need to :P
Nullam et arcu vitae magna instabilitate omnia solvit

Am a recovering Addict of the CREATIVE FORUM.

Long live X3

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Post by Nathancros » Sun, 8. May 11, 16:24

still watching, still waiting..

Still DYING of anticipation!
Nullam et arcu vitae magna instabilitate omnia solvit

Am a recovering Addict of the CREATIVE FORUM.

Long live X3

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Post by Buck_Rogers » Tue, 10. May 11, 00:55

Nathancros wrote:still watching, still waiting..

Still DYING of anticipation!
Patience my friend. lol This ain't easy for me. I've just moved house and still have lots of work to do to it. Not to mention the fact the Mrs also hates me doing this! :D

26. At the races

Setting the Autopillock on. I quickly contact the station to check the buying price of Sunrise Flowers and sure enough, they are still offering a price of 34cr per unit. Phew! After selling the contents of "Lazy Geordie"'s hold, I retire to the recreation zone and find the nearest bar.

Flicking through the BBS, I see an article that interests me. An ad for a race about to be run right here in The Vault.

Well. Why not? It seems a while ago that I joined the Racers Guild and I hav'nt so much as looked at my new Octopus Vanguard yet! lol So I call the little M5 over to the Sun Oil Refinary and lock down "Lazy Geordie" Once she docks I cross the Hanger and jump into the cockpit. I immediately become a little clostrophobic form the cramped space. It seems like a lifetime ago I was flying "Inferno" lol

Next I contact the race officials, pay my 10k entry fee and await the start.

A short time later I'm instructed to head for the starting grid, and line up with the other competitors. Bit of a mixed bag in the line up, which includes 3 Pegasus Vanguards, 2 Xenon N's (I hope their owers removed all trace of old silicon for brains!), 2 Jaguar Raiders, 1 Fujin Raider and 1 Discoverer Vanguard. As well as my wee Octopus Vanguard. Phew!

After lining up behind the Disco, old Harri Conyac's voice crackles over the race channel and were off!

I make my first mistake by activating the Autopillock, thinking it would keep me from slamming into my competitors. Unfortunatly Auto must've gotten the heebee geebee's from the 2 N's in the pack as the ship veered way off course, away from the other vessels, before settling back onto the first race beacon. By this time I was in 3rd place behind the 2 Jaguars.


Lukily the rest of the field don't look like they'll bother me as they're too slow. I also notice the poor Disco in last place. So glad I did'nt use "Inferno" for this! lol

Things zoom along nicely as I pass the 1st, 2nd and 3rd beacons. By this point I notice on the Gravidar that I have caught up with the 2nd placed Jaguar! Not bad considering I'm in a slower ship. lol The pilot must have been taking some wide turns when passing the beacons for me to catch him up.

I up my concentration level to see if I can shave the last couple of beacons a bit closer and pass my Jaguar rival.

The RNG gods must've been watching the race as I manage to overtake him whilst passing the last beacon and end up finishing in 2nd place! Not bad for my 1st race. I also net just over 77k as a result. Nice!

Docking back at the local Trading Station, I head to the bar for a celebratory drink. Whilst there, I flick through the media channels the establishment has installed and to my surprise I find one of them already has highlights of the race playing.


Afterwards I notice the one and only Harri Conyac talking about me in an interview!
"I liked the new Rookie. Finishing 2nd in his first ever race is no mean feat. I know this is the Rookie league, but, maximum respect to the other racers today, it's not exactly easy and not just anyone can do it. If I have to pass on one piece of good advice to the new guy it would be this: Don't use the Autopilot when starting a race. It'll just mess things up!"
I'll have to remember that for next time! Oh and I'll also have to rename my Octopus.

Game time = 5 Days 0 hours 8 mins
Ranks = Graduate / Master Broker
Cr = 3.5 Million

Non combat orientated assets:

1 x Silicon Mine L "TigerInc Silicon Mine 1"
9 x Advanced Satellites
1 x Mercury "TI-SM1-T1"
1 x Caiman Super Freighter "Profit Maker 1"
1 x Discoverer "inferno"
1 x Terracorp Vulcan "Lazy Geordie"
1 x Octopus Vanguard (To be renamed)
1 x Gonar Ranger "Universe Exporer"

Combat capable assets:

7 x Harrier Sentinal "Sabre Squadron"
"Shoot that Guy"
"Frozen Dream"

TigerInc TopGun Rankings

Rank-------Pilot------------No. of kills
2nd------Jack Jomar-------------4

On another note. Chalk up 10000 plus views! :o Now I know Im no Nuklear-Slug, but I must be doing something right? lol
Last edited by Buck_Rogers on Tue, 10. May 11, 22:51, edited 1 time in total.
Buck Rogers

Vice Admiral of Shadows Haven Alliance (SHA) visit us at:
SHA Forum
Feel free to join my DID
Too often we lose sight of life's simple pleasures. Remember, when someone annoys you, it takes 42 muscles in your face to frown. But only 4 to extend your arm and slap the bugger!

Posts: 674
Joined: Tue, 30. Nov 10, 04:46

Post by Nathancros » Tue, 10. May 11, 22:34

Buck_Rogers wrote:
On another note. Chalk up 10000 plus views! :o Now I know Im no Nuklear-Slug, but I must be doing something right? lol
Could be cause im comin in bout 3 times a day dying for more Rogers Action WOOT

Oh and also your update

HOW DID YOU KNOW MY LOVE IN LIFE IS RACING!? Seriously the authors on this site scare me *Shiver* XD
Nullam et arcu vitae magna instabilitate omnia solvit

Am a recovering Addict of the CREATIVE FORUM.

Long live X3

Posts: 1521
Joined: Mon, 20. Dec 04, 23:23

Post by Buck_Rogers » Wed, 11. May 11, 21:04

Nathancros wrote:Could be cause im comin in bout 3 times a day dying for more Rogers Action WOOT
lmao. There's no need for that. Just click the "View your posts" button and you'll see what topics you've posted in, have any new posts. (if any)
Nathancros wrote:HOW DID YOU KNOW MY LOVE IN LIFE IS RACING!? Seriously the authors on this site scare me *Shiver* XD
Dunno lol Must be psychic :D

27. A busy busy day

After downing a couple more glasses of the good stuff, I'm feeling a bit more refreshed and start to get a bit restless. The Barman notices me looking a bit bored.

"Whatsssssss wrong?" Ask's the rather down trodden looking Teladi.

"Not much. Just gathering my thoughts, wondering what part of the universe to visit next." I reply.

"Teladi ssssay. If you bored and want to make profit, try the Bulletin Boardssssss. Here." He points me to the console at the end of the bar.

"Jusssssst checked today. Lotssssssss of posssssssibilitiesssssss for profitsssssss. Would take a few myssssself, but Teladi have to ssssssstay at bar." He says. Looking at bit sorry for himself.

"Then why are you telling me?" I ask suspiciously.

The Teladi smiles back. "Teladi sssstill have waysssss of making profitssssss" he says holding out one of his scaley hands.

I should've guessed! I throw a few credits his way and move over to the console.

Setting my glass down beside me, I activate the screen and sure enough, I find there are several BBS messages I could make use. 1st off. I join the Teladi Military for about 186k. That will help when the boys patrol route goes quiet next time. Then I join the Mercenaries Guild for about 437k. Again, this will help when things go quiet. I also find a Traders Guild message telling me that the local Warhead Factory is fully stocked. So I quickly log off from the terminal and chuck a couple more credits across the bar for my scaley friend. Who quickly grabs them and smiles back.

A quick flight over to the factory and I'm loaded up with Warheads. I then check the BBS again for my Independant Traders Guild friends and sure enough I find one offering to scan my hold for best selling prices. Shortly after the credit transfer Betty beeps an incoming message. Scanning it reveals 2 places with good prices. So I set off.

1st stop is the Squash Mine Factory in Home of Opportunity. Now I know Squash Mines are illegal, but I'm not actually buying the mines themselves. Just selling the components to the factory :D hehehe. Whilst passing through my ships sensors catch these 2:

http://i284.photobucket.com/albums/ll3/ ... n00230.jpg

Mean looking sod that!

http://i284.photobucket.com/albums/ll3/ ... n00232.jpg

This one just looks....well....weird! lol

Next stop is Pontifex's Seclusion and the Antimatter Missle Forge based there. After Jumping in the proximity alarm goes off! I switch to the Gravidar and see a Pirate Blast Claw heading my way!

http://i284.photobucket.com/albums/ll3/ ... n00234.jpg


I know I've taken logs of a Blast Claw in the past, but there's just something about the way they look, that scares the living poop out of me! :lol:

Luckily though, the pilot ignores my completely and heads for the gate I came through. Although he does'nt get very far, as a Rapid Response Nemesis MK III comes through and smashes him to bits. Now you may be wondering why I'm bothering to tell you this, well, the Blast Claw pilot manages to eject and left in the debri, is a Tempest Missle!

I do an an about turn, just as Betty informs me of a hostile alert in Ore Belt.

http://i284.photobucket.com/albums/ll3/ ... n00231.jpg

Holy Argnu! What is up with these purple Bastu's and Ore Belt? *sighs* Well, they'll have to wait for a few Mizura's till I pick up the pilot and missle that's just floating round! Although I still end up radioing Toki Silarn in my Silicon Mine and asking him to stay put for the time being.

A quick scoop later and both are in my hold. Selling the missile can wait, as I radio the nearest station to take this bandit off my hands.

I quickly dock and....

http://i284.photobucket.com/albums/ll3/ ... n00236.jpg

That'll do me. I did'nt want him in my hold too long.

Getting back on track, I reach the Antimatter Missile Forge and sell the rest of my Warheads. I don't get long to relax as Betty calls out another warning. This time in Family Whi. Strange that, I don't have any assets there. Or so I thought!

I bring up the Family Whi sector map just as my communications console screams into life and an all too familiar face again appears.

"Boss? Remember when you say to call anytime Split need help? Well...............Shields going down! Need help from Split!"

http://i284.photobucket.com/albums/ll3/ ... n00237.jpg

Crap! Na t'Pst's in trouble and I'm not exaclty in the position to help him. Although I do still have those Silkworms on board....Sod it! One of my pilots is in trouble! So I take a note of each attackers ship code and setup to Jump to Family Whi, whilst warming up my missile boat program. The buggers will pay!

However. By the time I exit the South Gate I'm greeted with this:

http://i284.photobucket.com/albums/ll3/ ... n00238.jpg

I'm guessing this fellow had something to do with it?

http://i284.photobucket.com/albums/ll3/ ... n00239.jpg

Dammit! I wanted a piece of them! Although there is still a few floating pilots left over. So I quickly scoop them into my hold and then put it on lock down. To make sure they do nothing stupid!. Next I radio Na t'Pst to make sure he's OK. He informs me he's fine, although his Ranger has suffered some minor damage. He assures me he's on his way to get it fixed ASAP.

I then comm the nearest station in Family Whi, which just happens to be Scruffin Farm M Alpha. I tell them I have some felons to drop off and am prompted to dock immediately. No sooner have my erm....."Passengers" disembarked :D when Betty beeps me a nice surprise!

http://i284.photobucket.com/albums/ll3/ ... n00240.jpg

Woohoooooooo! Certainly was'nt expecting that. That made me feel better after missing out on throwing several Silkworm missiles at the stupid Pirate Bastu's that attacked my Universe Explorer! Although I am once again reminded by Betty that there are still some pesky Kha'ak in Ore Belt. Hmmmmmm....Perhaps I could throw some at them instead? Off to Ore Belt me thinks.

I exit the North Gate and turn to face the about to be smashed Kha'ak!

http://i284.photobucket.com/albums/ll3/ ... n00242.jpg

I approach to within 15k or so, until they spot me. Then come to a halt. I activiate my little missile program and sit back, to watch the fireworks. Literally! lol

http://i284.photobucket.com/albums/ll3/ ... n00243.jpg
http://i284.photobucket.com/albums/ll3/ ... n00244.jpg
http://i284.photobucket.com/albums/ll3/ ... n00245.jpg
http://i284.photobucket.com/albums/ll3/ ... n00246.jpg
http://i284.photobucket.com/albums/ll3/ ... n00247.jpg

With 3 Silkworms remaining, the last Scout goes pop and I check the sector map, to make sure Ore Belt is once again Kha'ak free. I also notice my fight rank is now Fighter! Woohoooooooooo. lol

I then see this poor Argon pilot floating home.

http://i284.photobucket.com/albums/ll3/ ... n00248.jpg

Obviously one of the Kha'ak's last victims. So I do the kind thing, pick him up and drop him off at SPP XL Alpha.

http://i284.photobucket.com/albums/ll3/ ... n00249.jpg

I doubt Ore Belt will be Kha'ak free for long, the rate they keep invading. I suppose I should be thankful they hav'nt sent cap ships yet. Then I really would be in trouble! lol

All in all. A busy day indeed!

Game time = 5 Days 1 hour 30 mins
Ranks = Fighter / Master Broker
Cr = 3.9 Million

Non combat orientated assets:

1 x Silicon Mine L "TigerInc Silicon Mine 1"
9 x Advanced Satellites
1 x Mercury "TI-SM1-T1"
1 x Caiman Super Freighter "Profit Maker 1"
1 x Discoverer "Inferno"
1 x Terracorp Vulcan "Lazy Geordie"
1 x Octopus Vanguard (To be renamed)
1 x Gonar Ranger "Universe Exporer"

Combat capable assets:

7 x Harrier Sentinal "Sabre Squadron"
"Shoot that Guy"
"Frozen Dream"

TigerInc TopGun Rankings

Rank-------Pilot------------No. of kills
2nd------Jack Jomar-------------4
Buck Rogers

Vice Admiral of Shadows Haven Alliance (SHA) visit us at:
SHA Forum
Feel free to join my DID
Too often we lose sight of life's simple pleasures. Remember, when someone annoys you, it takes 42 muscles in your face to frown. But only 4 to extend your arm and slap the bugger!

Master of the Blade
Posts: 2259
Joined: Fri, 6. Feb 09, 20:52

Post by Master of the Blade » Thu, 12. May 11, 01:17

:o You, uh, posted loads of new chapters, and they're all great. Guess I should kind of get on with my own DiD, huh? :lol:

But yeah, congrats on 10, 000 views - I'd congratulate you with a clapping smiley, but there isn't one, so you'll have to imagine it. :wink:

Fly safe, profit to you.
Allergic to work.

If at first you don't succeed, delegate the job to a minion.

Posts: 1521
Joined: Mon, 20. Dec 04, 23:23

Post by Buck_Rogers » Sun, 15. May 11, 01:02

Master of the Blade wrote::o You, uh, posted loads of new chapters, and they're all great. Guess I should kind of get on with my own DiD, huh? :lol:
Yeah, you'd better! ;) Would be good to see yours continue.

28. All quiet on the Western front

Well, Kind of.....

After vanquishing the Kha'ak, again! I survey the surroundings for a while, to make sure no more turn up. I then head through to Cloud Base South West and the Equipment Dock there. Selling the 3 Dragonfly and 1 Tempest missile I had on board.

Getting back to profits, I decide to peruse the BBS. I find a nice transport job to.

http://i284.photobucket.com/albums/ll3/ ... n00252.jpg

Hmmmmmm Not a bad payout. Quarter of a million credits and it's only a wee bit of radioactive waste! lol Contacting the officials, I am accepted and they load up "Lazy Geordie" with the canisters.

A quick jump to Wheat Farm L Alpha in Antigone Mermorial and....

http://i284.photobucket.com/albums/ll3/ ... n00254.jpg


I wonder round Antigone Mermorial for a while, to see if any other lucrative jobs appear, but after a few Mizura's, Betty interupts with a warning from my one of my Satellites.

http://i284.photobucket.com/albums/ll3/ ... n00256.jpg

Without thinking, I radio Sabre Squadron and scramble them to intercept. However, I realise my mistake several Mizura's later, when they meet in Siezewell. If my mermory serves me correctly, the last time the lads got in a fight around some rocks, I almost lost one of them! So I radio Sabre Squadron again and tell them to abort.

"Awww. No fair boss. We've been itching to bash some more Pirates" Says Frozen.

"You'll get another chance boys. I just don't want to take too much of a risk with you in those Harriers. Head for the Trading Station in Greater Profit and I'll see what I can find there."

I dock several Mizura's before Sabre Squaron arrive and spend the time going through the BBS again. This time I find:

http://i284.photobucket.com/albums/ll3/ ... n00258.jpg

Well, Well. Looks like my old friend silicon for brains is after someone. Well, we can't have that can we? hehehe

I wait for Sabre Squadron to dock, before showing them the mission offer.

"I'm not too sure about this." Squeaks Mckenna. "If they send anything bigger then a couple of M5's, we're in trouble."

"C'mon Mck. Where's your sense of adventure? Besides, with you being a Terran, I thought you would've jumped at the chance to wipe a few Xenon hard drives?!"

"Ok. Your the boss!"

We all head back to our ships and I contact the contact. lol Shortly after he arrives on board, we all undock and sure enough:

http://i284.photobucket.com/albums/ll3/ ... n00260.jpg

Here we go!

I immediatly dispatch Sabre Squadron in the Xenon's direction, whilst I activate my turrets and make for the destination station.

The lads wade into the Xenon, with the help of the Teladi. But one of them breaks through and charges straight at me!

Oh bugger!

He empties a full laser bank into my shields, which slowly start to drain. Another mistake. I had set my turrets on Protect instead of Attack which meant the Xenon got the first punch in! STUPID BASTU! Now my turrets open up, as he pulls in behind me.

http://i284.photobucket.com/albums/ll3/ ... n00262.jpg

On the plus side, it's me who takes the tinpot terror out, surprisingly! Plus I score my 1st bounty reward from the Teladi.

http://i284.photobucket.com/albums/ll3/ ... illpic.jpg

On the downside, my satellite is damaged, Sabre Squadron did'nt score a single kill and I've lost almost half my shields. I badly need some gunners! Guess that'll have to wait. For now, on with the mission!

I make it to my passengers destination without further incident.

http://i284.photobucket.com/albums/ll3/ ... n00267.jpg

Measily payout, but I guess that was to be expected, as it was only a few N's and M's.

To my surprise, it looks like my metal mates are busy today.

http://i284.photobucket.com/albums/ll3/ ... n00272.jpg

But alas, this mission is not to be.

http://i284.photobucket.com/albums/ll3/ ... n00273.jpg

Meh. No matter, as something else turns up anyway.

http://i284.photobucket.com/albums/ll3/ ... n00274.jpg

Not as good a payout as my 1st job of today, but beggars can't be choosers i guess :D. So once the water is loaded I set off for Menaleaus's Frontier.

In no time at all, I reach the Plankton Farm I need.

http://i284.photobucket.com/albums/ll3/ ... n00275.jpg

Just as Betty beeps me a warning in Ore Belt. Again. I wonder who this could be? Need I ask?

http://i284.photobucket.com/albums/ll3/ ... n00292.jpg

Surprise, surprise! *sighs* Well, this time the authorities can get their Bastu's in gear!. So I once again instruct my CAG pilot to stay put in the mine.

Docking back at the Trading Station in Greater Profit, I find my next job. A Teladi Military Patrol.

Why not? Beats the monotony. Plus with Sabre Squadron tagging along, I'm in no danger of wondering out of range of the patrol leader, chasing enemy contacts. So we head for Profit Share and form up with the patrol group. With me behind the Teladi Military craft.

http://i284.photobucket.com/albums/ll3/ ... n00285.jpg

And Sabre Squadron behind me.

http://i284.photobucket.com/albums/ll3/ ... n00288.jpg

Our route takes us through Profit Share, then Seizewell and finally Teladi Gain. All surprisingly without incident to. Shortly after reaching the centre of Teladi Gain. The patrol leader contacts me.

http://i284.photobucket.com/albums/ll3/ ... n00289.jpg

Yay! Easiest 67k I'll probly ever make! lol Although I doubt it'll be so quiet next time. So I think I'll leave the Military patrols for a while!

Game time = 5 Days 2 hours 51mins
Ranks = Fighter / Master Broker
Cr = 5.4 Million

Non combat orientated assets:

1 x Silicon Mine L "TigerInc Silicon Mine 1"
9 x Advanced Satellites
1 x Mercury "TI-SM1-T1"
1 x Caiman Super Freighter "Profit Maker 1"
1 x Discoverer "Inferno"
1 x Terracorp Vulcan "Lazy Geordie"
1 x Octopus Vanguard (To be renamed)
1 x Gonar Ranger "Universe Exporer"

Combat capable assets:

7 x Harrier Sentinal "Sabre Squadron"
"Shoot that Guy"
"Frozen Dream"

TigerInc TopGun Rankings

Rank-------Pilot------------No. of kills
2nd------Jack Jomar-------------4
Buck Rogers

Vice Admiral of Shadows Haven Alliance (SHA) visit us at:
SHA Forum
Feel free to join my DID
Too often we lose sight of life's simple pleasures. Remember, when someone annoys you, it takes 42 muscles in your face to frown. But only 4 to extend your arm and slap the bugger!

Posts: 674
Joined: Tue, 30. Nov 10, 04:46

Post by Nathancros » Wed, 18. May 11, 04:50

ahaha not doing so bad there it sounds? XD

i love theese DiD's

i can never outfit my fleet for shit XD

can never seem to supply enough weapons and shields and etc

anywayz keep it going XD am LOVIN it STILL
Nullam et arcu vitae magna instabilitate omnia solvit

Am a recovering Addict of the CREATIVE FORUM.

Long live X3

Posts: 674
Joined: Tue, 30. Nov 10, 04:46

Post by Nathancros » Tue, 31. May 11, 17:01

i know ur probably busy doing.. well .wahtever it is humans are meant to do XD*which is everything i DONT do*, but can i asks for a new chap? :P ahaha
Nullam et arcu vitae magna instabilitate omnia solvit

Am a recovering Addict of the CREATIVE FORUM.

Long live X3

Master of the Blade
Posts: 2259
Joined: Fri, 6. Feb 09, 20:52

Post by Master of the Blade » Tue, 31. May 11, 19:44

Buck_Rogers tends to take long breaks.

Be patient - the next chapter of What Buck_Rogers DiD always arrives. Eventually. :P
Allergic to work.

If at first you don't succeed, delegate the job to a minion.

Posts: 674
Joined: Tue, 30. Nov 10, 04:46

Post by Nathancros » Fri, 3. Jun 11, 17:35

Master of the Blade wrote:Buck_Rogers tends to take long breaks.

Be patient - the next chapter of What Buck_Rogers DiD always arrives. Eventually. :P

haha apologies, i am ADHD and therefore very fast so very impatient also XD, to me 2 weeks seems like years! XD
Nullam et arcu vitae magna instabilitate omnia solvit

Am a recovering Addict of the CREATIVE FORUM.

Long live X3

Posts: 1521
Joined: Mon, 20. Dec 04, 23:23

Post by Buck_Rogers » Mon, 6. Jun 11, 01:52

Nathancros wrote:ahaha not doing so bad there it sounds? XD

i love theese DiD's

i can never outfit my fleet for shit XD

can never seem to supply enough weapons and shields and etc

anywayz keep it going XD am LOVIN it STILL
It's not that hard. Just takes alot of work though. Especially if you can't produce the stuff yourself.
Nathancros wrote:i know ur probably busy doing.. well .wahtever it is humans are meant to do XD*which is everything i DONT do*, but can i asks for a new chap? :P ahaha
Patience my young friend. ;) Good things come to those who wait.
Master of the Blade wrote:Buck_Rogers tends to take long breaks.

Be patient - the next chapter of What Buck_Rogers DiD always arrives. Eventually. :P
HA! A break? :lol: Actually doing my DiD is my break from real life. I've just not had time to do it recently.

I've just moved and am still decorating. Then my HDD decided to give up the ghost. Then after restoring everything I find my DiD caused CTD's whenever I jumped into a sector with Sabre Squadron. :evil:

Meh. No matter. Fixed now.

So on with the show................

29. The Experiment.

Today I have decided to try my little experiment with Sabre Squadron and missiles again. So I jump to Ocean of Fantasy to buy 60 Silkworms for "Lazy Geordie", then I jump to Argon Prime to buy 70 Wasp Missiles for the boys. On route I get a comm asking for another excort, but decide to decline, as I did'nt have the boys with me. Instead I find a nice job offer from my friends in the Merchants Guild.

http://i284.photobucket.com/albums/ll3/ ... n00297.jpg

After successfull delivery, I recive my payment then jump back to Ceo's Buckzoid for another round of Pirate bashing with Sabre Squadron! lol

Just after exiting the West Gate, Betty politely wanrs me of a contact in Ore Belt........AGAIN!

http://i284.photobucket.com/albums/ll3/ ... n00298.jpg

Honestly you would think the "Purple Flying Triangles of Doom squad" would give up the ghost by now. Or even just try another sector!. Not these guys though. *sighs* I blame that "Julian Brennan" kid, for trashing the wee base the Kha'ak had in Ore Belt. Looks like they're trying to setup another one. Although I really hope not!

My fears are unfounded though, as a short time later I check up on my purple friends to find:

http://i284.photobucket.com/albums/ll3/ ... n00301.jpg

Now that's more like it! 3 MkIII Centaurs and a squad of ships from my OTAS buddies seem to be on the ball today. At least I did'nt have to bloody deal with it this time.

Anywayz. Before we can all set off on the next patrol, I get another intel warning from Betty. This time I see:

http://i284.photobucket.com/albums/ll3/ ... n00296.jpg

Hmmmmm that was fast work from the Teladi. Especially considering they have the slowest ships in the Universe. lol Looks like an M6 got him. Meh, whatever. I jump to Profit Share, pick him up and quickly drop him off to the authorities.

http://i284.photobucket.com/albums/ll3/ ... n00300.jpg

Shortly after receiving my reward, I get another warning from Betty. This time a Pirate Buzzard is spotted in Seizewell. However the RNG gods decide to smile on the Pirate and he escapes us. Although he does leave me a present in the shape of a cargo pod of 2 Mosquito missiles. Well, better in my hold that someone elses! :D

Continuing our patrol, we make one full circle back to Ceos Buckzoid, without further encounters. Typical! So I decide we need to have an increase of Pirate type encounters, to blot out some of the bordom! lol

"We're heading for Elenors Fortune. At least there should be more Pirates there" I radio to the boys.

"Erm, are you sure boss?" Mckenna's response. "It borders 2 Pirate sectors. So we more likly to see bigger groups, rather than more single vessels that these peas-shooters can handle."

"I'll be the judge of that Mck"

An audible sigh is heard over the communications channel. "Ok. Your the boss!"

I kill the audio feed. "Yeah and don't you forget it!" I mutter to myself.

As I setup the Jump to Family Zion (To buy Advanced Satellites), I watch as Sabre Squadron accelerate away.

A short while later and I jump to Elenors Fortune, setup the Satellite and wait for the lads on board the local Trading Station. Sure enough...

http://i284.photobucket.com/albums/ll3/ ... n00302.jpg

Well, I did say I wanted to engage more Pirates! lol Now's the chance to try out that little experiment. This time with the CORRECT missiles on board the Harriers.

So getting the boys to dock, I once again get the station workers to split the Wasp missiles I had in of "Lazy Geordie". 10 each. We then all fly out as quickly as we can. I ask Mckenna to setup the squad to use the Harriers "bomber" capabilities, as we set off towards the Pirates. Although I don't think we're going to be quick enough, judging by the damage the BlastClaw and Kea are taking.............

http://i284.photobucket.com/albums/ll3/ ... n00303.jpg

Unfortuneatly the BlastClaw is trashed before we reach it. But the Kea seems to be holding. its own. So I let Sabre Squadron lose on it. I focus my ships sensors on Mckenna's ship and watch. Sure enough, they approach to a close enough range and let rip with the Wasp's. With each missile splitting into 8 separate units, consisting of a yeild of 1000 each. It should be enough to smash the Kea. Providing a large number of them connect with their target that is!.

http://i284.photobucket.com/albums/ll3/ ... n00306.jpg

Hmmmmm.......Perhaps we over did it.......

http://i284.photobucket.com/albums/ll3/ ... n00307.jpg

Perhaps not! I watch as the Wasps buzz over the Kea, like the a swarm of angry Space Flies and notice they are being swatted down before they hit the thing! Not by the Kea itself, but by an interfearing Argon Cerberus! Stupid captain is shooting down my boys missile's, whilst trying to shoot the Kea down himself! Which he succeeds in doing anyway.

GRRRRR! Idiot!

Looks like this might not be such a good idea. Especially with the stance the Argon have on the Pirates.

*sighs* Back to the drawing board I guess! :(

Game time = 5 Days 7 hours 28 mins
Ranks = Graduate / Master Broker
Cr = 5 Million

Non combat orientated assets:

1 x Silicon Mine L "TigerInc Silicon Mine 1"
9 x Advanced Satellites
1 x Mercury "TI-SM1-T1"
1 x Caiman Super Freighter "Profit Maker 1"
1 x Discoverer "inferno"
1 x Terracorp Vulcan "Lazy Geordie"
1 x Octopus Vanguard (To be renamed)
1 x Gonar Ranger "Universe Exporer"

Combat capable assets:

7 x Harrier Sentinal "Sabre Squadron"
"Shoot that Guy"
"Frozen Dream"

TigerInc TopGun Rankings

Rank-------Pilot------------No. of kills
2nd------Jack Jomar-------------4
Buck Rogers

Vice Admiral of Shadows Haven Alliance (SHA) visit us at:
SHA Forum
Feel free to join my DID
Too often we lose sight of life's simple pleasures. Remember, when someone annoys you, it takes 42 muscles in your face to frown. But only 4 to extend your arm and slap the bugger!

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