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Post by BankruptAssasin » Tue, 16. Jul 13, 09:58

23. Leaders of the Pack

Not much happening in any of the Pirate sectors at all, I have seen a few Boron Krackens which look good stat wise, but don’t want to upset the Boron so I need to pass, I'm on the look out for the Paranid Ares - but it’s proving quite difficult to find, I have S'hot out on Patrol, he will scout around the Sectors looking for an Ares and will report back when he locates one.

To be fair I don't anticipate finding one soon and I'm hoping I don't as it only occurred to me that all my marines are in training, I have been on the look out for the better ones but they are proving quite difficult to find as well, not many have fight skills, I did buy a good couple from the Marine training barracks in Ghinns escape, they were probably the best I found and I'm at around 65 Marines, I have had to buy a few TP's just to house them in and once trained I will separate them into teams.

Team 1 & 2 will be a mixture of Marines, some will have fight skill while others don’t, they will all be 3* in the other skill sets, I don't anticipate that these will last that long since the average fight skill between the 20 will be less than 2*, but there is no point me wasting millions training them to be 5* in Hacking, Mechanical and Engineering for them to be shot by there own squad, so once they get enough fighting experience I will put them back into training – if they last that long, if they do they will be moved on to 3-4.

Team 3-4 will be the ones with good skills all around, 3* Marines and will be the most used for the normal boarding of M6 & M7 when I find the right targets.

Teams 5-6 will be the main guys, these are the ones with at least 4* fighting, these are worth getting trained up, these are the heavies, these will take on the big boys. These will most likely be the better ones from teams 3-4 plus the ones with the biggest fighting skill.

I have not organised a leader for each team just yet, this is an on-going process but I have my eye on a few of them, one in particular I came by pure chance, I picked up a second hand Magnetar, 500k which at the time was a lot, considering a new 1 isn't that much, but I took the chance and boy am I glad I did, it came with a jump drive and 4 Marines, 3 of them were useless, 0* in all stats, but 1 came with 5* fighting, I immediately saw him as Leader of Team 5-6 once he is trained up enough.

The reason for the amount of teams is because the amount of marines I currently have, my TP's can only carry 10 Marines at a time, this is why I need an M7M, although I need one so I can launch 20 Marines at a target easily, TP boarding is quite hard and taking that Hyperion was hard enough launching 6 marines from the Dragon and having to collect the rest, imagine sending in 20 space walking to a target? I may need to save up and buy an M7M to start my boarding rather than spacewalk one, but that’s 50 million credits and my Marines will burn through that very quickly.

Just as I'm contemplating saving up for one, an Ares has been spotted, S'hot is on the Comm. and telling me to get to Moo Keys Revenge ASAP, I jump the Hyperion in with 6 freshly trained marines onboard, none have any major skills, these are the few I got from the Terrans a while back and was not prpared to waste money on training 1* fighing marines. I switch to my PBG's and fry it's shields, his escorts don't like that and start hammering me, with some of their own PBG but the turrets take care of the annoying ones and I fry the rest. I scanned the Ares and found it only had 2 Flail Barrage Missiles, not enough to worry me, the shields are down to 3%, Marines away, they eventually make contact, took them a while which was surprising considering the Ares stopped moving, they breached the hull quickly taking it’s hull down to 80%, I jump to the far gate to stop any extra damage, Deck 1 Cleared no Casualties, Deck 2 - 4 men down, Deck 3 - "Boarding Crew have been eliminated"

Green horn marines is not enough, 6 Green Horn marines is really not enough, I think I will wait for the others to finish up and put them in their designated Teams, then I will sort out the leadership of the teams.
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Post by Poseidon » Tue, 16. Jul 13, 15:17

Ouch. Sorry for your losses.

Marine training is quite an undertaking in this game. It makes sense give how powerful they become, but I sorta wish it involved the player more. There's nothing quite a boring as farming cash, then sitting and waiting for a week for your soldiers to pass a test.

Maybe now is a good time to build a small financial empire?

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Post by BankruptAssasin » Tue, 16. Jul 13, 15:44

I know, they are a pain in the neck to train up and keep track of them, the ones i lost were not fully trained and i didn't expect them to survive that encounter.

Financial Empire? What would you suggest? so far i have been doing missions and selling ships to get me by, i don't want huge complexes or cheats such as Microchips, Space Fuel & Weed or flooding the market with 1mj sheilds etc.

On another note, does anyone know how to change pilots? i have a cls pilot trained up but i can't put him into the Caimen i have for him, i have docked both ships, undocked both ships, been in & out of sector, have landed with them and followed the guide on this site and nothing appears in the special commands. they both have all the software although only 1 have the CLS software, i wonder if this is the problem?
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Post by Poseidon » Tue, 16. Jul 13, 15:58

I don't actually know what to suggest for a financial empire... I was just trying to give you some ideas for something to do while waiting for your marines. You could always pick up a Corporation plot or two if you're not interested in a trade empire.

*edited to remove reading comprehension fail
Last edited by Poseidon on Tue, 16. Jul 13, 16:09, edited 1 time in total.

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Post by Song Of Obsidian » Tue, 16. Jul 13, 16:00

Not sure if they both have to have CLS, though the target ship will need CLS to actually USE the pilot. But the transfer command isn't a special command. It's in the trade commands. Go to, say, Trade => Start external commodity logistics => Trader settings => Reassign trader.

You can do perfectly well just setting up a single station here or there, if the area needs the resource. That's what I've been doing in my game. It isn't as effective as complexes, but it does work. And you can use sector/universe traders to supplement as well.

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Post by BankruptAssasin » Tue, 16. Jul 13, 16:19

Cheers guys. I will try that when i get home from work & gym. I have seen the option to reassign i just didn't know where.

I have already started having a station here or there, unfortunatly it seems i favour the areas between Two Grand and Scale Plate Green a little to much, must invest into other areas.
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Post by BankruptAssasin » Wed, 17. Jul 13, 14:42

24. Double Agent Part 3

S'hot T'sht had just give Erin the co-ordinates to the Ares, he did not expect her to capture it, but it did give him a little time back in PTNI to do something he needed to do, something that would trigger a response from Erin Iovis.

S'hot docked the Dragon at the Missile Plex, he spoke to a few people aboard the massive complex but not for long, he quickly made his way through the station until he reached the main control room. It was here where the real danger started. He hacked into the system and doctored it's recording, the cameras were wiped and instead loaded with a new image, one depicting a Paranid sitting where S'hot was now sitting.

S'hot felt guilty, he liked Erin, he felt guilty as it was he who had turned her, she was just an innocent Philosopher who was looking to explore the galaxy, do things that other Terrans had no interest in, but it was S'hot who had ruined that dream the second they met in that bar, he had his mission and he was given his orders, right or wrong he just followed his orders, after all he was just a soldier.

S'hot inputted the keywords into the computer system, it was a timer, first it would infect every station linked to the complex hub, then to stop the stations from blocking the virus in 1 go he would destroy the Hub, this meant that each station had to fight the virus separately, but it would be useless, there was nothing they could do in the time given.

First virus sent, now time to blow the Hub, S'hot knew what he was doing, he reach the Dragon and clicked the final code in remotely "Self Destruct in 10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1" S'hot just about got out of reach before the Complex blew, he could see in his scanners that all the stations once connected where all flashing furiously, it would not be long, 1 by 1 they blew up just like the complex hub. He could see the resident Shrike moving to investigate, but it would find nothing, just the scattered bits of twisted metal.

The massive loss of life was something S’hot would bring to his grave, there must have been thousands of people stationed on that complex, now they are just dust, he could feel his heart beating faster and faster, was he having a heart attack he thought to himself, perhaps the souls of those people he just killed have came for him, he vomited on the floor and over his trousers, his head began to ache and his eyes began to roll and then it was black.

He awoke a few minutes later, the nausea that was hanging over him was mercifully lifting, he keyed in a few co-ordinates to get him out of harms reach and made one of the hardest broadcasts he had ever done.

He made an emergency message to Erin to report what he saw happen, off course this would not be the truth, just the kind of truth that would make Erin make a move against the Paranid, the destruction of her multi million missile plex would be more than enough to send her over the edge, plus in the carnage she also lost one of her Mistrel SF she was using as storage for these missiles that was nearly full and was being prepared to sell the loot to help fund her M7M fund.

Reporting Log

>>> Emergency Signal <<<

>Destruction of Property - PTNI
>Thousands missing, assumed dead
> Complex Hub Exploded
>Remaining stations exploded 1 by 1
>Mistrel SF docked destroyed
>Paranid signature in control room
>Black Box Discovered in Ruins
>Waiting on instructions – S’hot

All S'hot could do is wait for Erins response, he knew what she would do, but something in his mind was telling him to be careful, the black box would log him as being in the sector when it happened, he was unable to hide this fact, he was able to doctor the black box to wipe out the camera footage of him docking & entering the control room, but his ship log would have recorded it anyway, if Erin was suspicious of him and checked the ships log, then he would have some explaining to do.

(Yes i did blow up the Missile Plex, i did not however intend to blow up my Mistrel SF, i forgot to send him away. Reason for this is that i was not overly happy with the complex but it also made sense to involve the Paranids)
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Post by BankruptAssasin » Thu, 18. Jul 13, 09:52

25. Resistance is Futile

Just after my Marines got killed in that Ares I get an urgent message flashing,

Reporting Log

>>> Emergency Signal <<<

>Destruction of Property - PTNI
>Thousands missing, assumed dead
> Complex Hub Exploded
>Remaining stations exploded 1 by 1
>Mistral SF docked destroyed
>Paranid signature in control room
>Black Box Discovered in Ruins
>Waiting on instructions – S’hot

I sit there and re-read the message over and over, so many questions running around my head, so many people lost, could the Paranid be that ruthless? to kill a couple of thousand innocent working people? Millions of credits lost, hundreds of missiles lost, my Mistral SF lost that was just about to go and sell its loot to help me get an M7M or at least a couple of factories set up. Then there was S'hot, why was he in that sector in the first place? I had given him strict orders to fly the pirate sectors looking for possible targets, so many questions, very little answers.

It's at this point I realise that the Ares is lobbing missiles at me, only flail so nothing too exciting, I decide to just flatten it with constant Hept fire, nothing like dying under sustained green goo, the shields were already low so the hull cracked very quickly, I for the first time did not feel guilty about ending a life, I think it was therapeutic if I was to be 100% honest.

I jumped back to PTNI to assess the damage, as the message stated there was nothing left of my complex, just the burnt, twisted metal left over from the explosions. It dawned on me then that although I felt guilty for the deaths, I hadn't even known anyone working on the station, I just docked, took what I needed and left without actually knowing or caring who was making me these missiles, all these nameless faces flashed before me and tore at my soul from somewhere deep within.

I met up with S'hot at the equipment dock, he looked as shaken as I felt and most definitely looked, I could see stains on the bottom of his trousers and the cuffs of his jacket, it looked like he had been violently sick at some point. He also looked weary, the colour in his face had drained to make him almost look white, I could tell he was upset about what had happened.

"S'hot, how are you?"

"About as good as you can expect, I just got in the sector when I seen a big flash straight ahead, at first I thought the Xenon had migrated and someone let of a Hammerhead, but then all sorts of warnings flashed on board"

"Did you see any Paranid in space at the time?"

"No, after the last station blew up I was able to track down the black box, it's slightly damaged but it is still working, according to the station records a Paranid landed not too long before I arrived in the sector, he then made his way to the central control room"

"No security stopped him?"

"It was change of shifts, it was as if they knew when and where to be at that time"

"An iside job?"

"Possibly, but unlikely, they may have docked before, or even got a look at the records on the database"

"I can't beilieve they killed so many innocent civilians"

"I told you, they are ruthless, they kill without thought, they kill with fear, and worst of all, they kill in the name of thier god"

"A religious war is something i don't want mixed up in, but they have backed me into a corner and all i can do now is come out fighting"

I looked at the black box recording in the Hyperion and watch how the lone Paranid worked his way into the control room, he was able to hack into the system and deliver a virus, this apparently systematically shut down the complex defence grid and spread to every station connected to it. he then proceeded to enter the self destruct codes and just sat there as the clock ticked down, he did not flinch when the timer reached 3,2,1, he blew himself up along with a few thousand innocent lives, about a minute late the first station blew, every minute another station blew up, no one was able to get to the escape pods as they were shut down and controlled by the complex hub which was the first thing to explode.

This was an act of war and one that I know I wont win, I can't take on a whole race by myself, but I will die trying, first things first, I need to start making some money, and to make money I need to start spending some. I decided I will not have anymore complexes, they are too risky after what happened and it means I can spread out my operations some.

I check the Adv Satellites that I have dotted around the Universe, the areas surrounding Two grand are chronically short of Ore, unfortunately there are no asteroids in the sector, but that’s no problem for me as I have a tractor beam I purchased a while back, I jump to Patriarch Retreat and scan the Asteroids, I find one with an Ore rating of 45 so I attach the tractor beam and bring in to two grand. This is my first solo enterprise as I don't need to supply it with food like the Nostrop station.
I then buy a Scruffin & Plankton farm, the Scruffin fruits will be used in the area around Argon Prime, it's based in The Wall due to the SPP's in the sector, I also place the Plankton in Queens space for the same reason, I don't expect these to make me a huge profit but they will help supply the local sectors and will eventually make some profit.

I also have a Wheat station in Omicron Lyrae - this will supply around 3-4 sectors around it and will hopefully help keep the Hammer Torpedo Factory in stock as it has been short for quite some time due to other factories being out of resources such as wheat.

While doing this I have also began a major recruitment, I have travelled to almost every pirate station and rehad stations, marine barracks and outposts and bought only those Marines with at least 3* fighting but most 4*. I still have the load I had from before, but I don’t expect these to live long and I will need replacements along the way as these are likely to get wiped out. It has been costly but it will be worth it.

Meanwhile I have sent out a kestrel to patrol the pirate sectors for any Paranid cap ships, I aiming for an Ares first then will move on, I have also asked S'hot to Patrol from Two grand to PTNI - this I hope will deter any other Paranid or Pirate from disrupting my businesses.

Just as I'm recruiting the last of my Marines for now and send into training, I get another urgent message, this time its the Kestrel, looks like an Ares has wondered into Pirate sectors, I automatically jump in one of the transport ships to the sector and tell him to follow the Ares, I make a couple quick stops picking up Tempests and Thunderbolts, this will help thin out it's escort, I jump to desecrated skies and begin my assault.

I launch the missiles as fast as I can, it's escort is wipe doubt quickly and the Ares has not turned hostile just yet, I switch from HEPT's to PBE's and pepper its shields, its shields are low enough now to send the marines, I fire a few more tempests to keep it occupied and transfer into my express, I launch 10 marines out and jump back into the Hyperion, the express is jumped out, I need to keep the shields down while the Marines make their way in, all is going to plan so far when I get a warning message of an incoming missile - an Hammer Heavy Torpedo, not a major issue in most cases due to missile defence but I forgot I turned the turrets off and I need to track it manually while also keeping the shields low enough.

The Marines get in ok, this has been done plenty of times before but it never turns out the way you want, this was no different, the marines got slaughtered in the first few decks, only 2 remained by the last deck and only 1 when he hacked the ship and transferred control over to me, I now own an Ares at 50% hull and has 35 Heavy Hammer Torpedoes onboard.

It took all my will power to do what I just did, but I let the captain live, I give him a message to give to his people, it was simple and straight to the point

"Resistance is Futile"
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Post by BankruptAssasin » Mon, 22. Jul 13, 14:32

26. Expanding the War Machines

I was able to sell of a few abandoned ships that I found throughout the universe after long battles between the races, there have been increased skirmishes throughout, particularly with the Argons and Paranid or so my computer keeps telling me but I now have enough to repair the Ares, I was happy it came with the Hammers as the universe seems to be chronically short of them at the minute. I have been buying up flails everywhere, it's good having my TP ships stationed in numerous military bases as they are quickly picking up the flails and boarding pods for me to collect and transfer them to the Ares - I also have my Falcon Hauler tracking around the Universe and supplying my Ares with Flails. But I have decided to get rid of some of my other ships, these had not been used since I got them and I needed the money, I sold the Falcon wing – these are easily enough to buy if I need them again but having a couple of Solano wings will be much better due to speed and shielding.

It's around this time that a lot of my Marines are finishing up their last training, these are the bunch of marines with only 2* in fighting, I have around 20 so that’s perfect for the Ares, it takes a while jumping around picking up the marines from the various Military & Pirate bases but soon enough I have all twenty on board, this will be a relief on my funds as having 40-50 marines training is a major investment, now it should only be the 4*+ fighting marines training heavily until they are ready.

I have been contemplating building another missile plex but after the last time I'm not sure, I think having a big complex like that is a big target for my enemies and I don't think I could bare the loss of more innocent lives, maybe I can set the stations up so that they are buying from each other instead of being linked, but that will cost money, and due to the shortages of hammers I am thinking of building a separate complex to supply the Ares, but this will cost more than I currently have, especially if I want to start supplying my own E-cells.

S'hot has been acting funny lately, he seems distant, more so than usual, he is drinking heavier and heavier, even his flying has been eradicate at best, he even clipped me once and nearly got himself killed, I guess hearing all those screams from the destroyed complex is haunting him. I sent him out for a patrol in the Pirate sectors and the boarder Paranid sectors, I need more funds for my expansion plans and a nice Ares will go along way towards that, but when I get a message from him he is in Savage Spur, way of track in my eyes but he must have been heading towards the Yaki sectors for a drink or something but anyway he tagged an interesting ship I must investigate.

I jump in the Ares, the seating position in the Ares is not as good as the Hyperion, in fact when it moves it seems like the front moves and then the back decides to slowly follow, it's most certainly not a personal vessel in my eyes, it looks pretty but its too slow at everything it does. I jump to Savage Spur to see what’s happening, I have 32 boarding pods, 35 Hammers and around 60 Flails onboard, so I hope this will be enough for what I'm about to attempt.

Their is a Paranid Heavy Nemesis & a Zeus in the sector happily shooting the Yaki, the nemesis is not a great ship, it could be useful but at the minute it would be a hindrance on my target, the Zeus. I launch 3 Hammers and the Nemesis is blown to pieces quite easily, now it's time for the Zeus, thankfully we are both quite slow so the long distance between us is to my advantage, I launch hammer after hammer followed by a few flails to distract the turrets, we are now within around 7-8km away from each other and the shields are holding around 7%, I launch another Hammer followed by a few flails then launch the marines - it's around this time I got to excited for my own good and instead of launching flails I launch two hammers - this brings the hull down to a whopping 43% before the marines even landed, but it also destroyed the Internal Sentry Lasers so a benefit of sorts. With the Marines safely onboard I jump to the south gate and wait, we are both too slow for us to be in firing range before the op is over so it's just a waiting game.

I check the comms of the Marines and realise only 10 are aboard, I thought the boarding pods launched ten at a time? maybe it's only 5, by deck 4 I still have 7 Marines, all is looking good so far, but deck 5 appears to be heavily guarded, I loose 4 of the 7 quickly and I’m thinking its going to be a failed op, but then I hear the marines saying they are transferring control, I scan my new ship at 28% hull and find out it still has a Jump drive and e-cells onboard, this is a relief as I didn't fancy flying through Paranid sectors in a ship that travels 77m/s, I jump it to the shipyard in CBSE and after transferring the goods over to me including my remaining 3 marines I sell the Zeus for 19 million - not much for what it is but the condition of it was terrible and I don't have enough fighters to fill it out, this will go to help me build my stations.

But this has given me an idea, I am fed up having 4-5 TM ships jumping in with certain strike teams, maybe I should streamline the whole process by getting a carrier class ship and just jump it in, then launch whatever team I need, this will be a longer term goal I think, I need to get a couple of complexes up and running and make them self sufficient somehow to limit the need for me to micro manage.
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Post by Poseidon » Mon, 22. Jul 13, 15:20

Nice snag on the Zeus, but that was an expensive Op. After the cost of flails, hammers, and marines, I think you barely broke even. I'll need to remember to curb my enthusiasm in my own game. :-p

Something I've done in the past is build a bunch of small, incomplete complexes. For example, here's an incomplete Flail complex: http://goo.gl/SnOUv Notice that you'll need to import Ore and Energy... but you can let AI traders do that for you. Build these in a few places, and you get Flails while stimulating the economy. And if you ever want to close the loop, you can make a small energy loop that also produces a little ore.

The incomplete complex idea is far less work than the massive 16-64 station complexes you see in a lot of games.

Anyway, good story. Keep it up. :-)

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Post by BankruptAssasin » Mon, 22. Jul 13, 18:22

Thanks, To be honest i didn't really care about the marines as such, they were only 2* and i spent millions training them, i have decided to fluch out the "Crap" Marines in favour for those with at least 3 but preferably 4* in fighting and will only buy marines with those stats.

Thanks for the complex loop suggestion, i already have an ore mine so maybe i could just steal some from that and ue the AI to supplement the E-cells
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Post by BankruptAssasin » Fri, 26. Jul 13, 10:13

Sorry for the slow updates, real life is taking over for a while

27. New Ventures

After selling the Zeus I realised that I probably lost money on this operation, I used a lot of Flails and a good amount of Hammers, this coupled with losing 7 well trained Marines meant that the 19 million I got was petty change, but it will go to good use. I have been exploring sectors, scanning asteroids, checking system defences and local supplies, I have decided I will make my own Flails & Hammers but they will be in separate sectors, I have too many enemies after me and I won't risk loosing another complex like before.

I will have Flail Alpha in Patriarchs Retreat, it will be nearly self sufficient other than E-cells & Ore, however it will get the Ore from my Ore mine in Two Grand, this will allow me to have these two stations trading money between each other without too much interference from me, I have it set that when the Flail buys the Ore, the Ore mine transfers the money back into the Flails account, so no loss on that front, and it keeps two stations separate & the Ore mine is supplying the sectors around it. I also picked up a cheap Caimen SF XL, this will be for storage of the Flails, to make this happen I have a Kestrel using CLS to load up on Flails and then unload on the Caimen - this will allow me to quickly transfer as many Flails as I have easily since I can't dock the Ares.

I have made Queens space my Hammer Facilities home, I brought an Ore mine from Ceos Buckzoid into the sector and dropped two Hammer Torpedo Factories, 1 L Ore Mine - It needs Bofu & E-cells but the sectors surrounding it are rich in both resources so I don’t see any problems with this, Again I have a Dolphin SF, this will act as storage for Hammers, unfortunately these are L class cargo so the Kestrel is out, I want a fast moving ship that can transport L class cargo, the only one that sprung to mind was a Solano. Again I did not want to micro manage every so often, so I have ordered my most successful station, my Nostrop Facility to supplement it with credits every so often, hopefully this will allow me to do what I need to do, and that’s increase the size of my fleet.

With my war machine underway, I decided I would do a couple missions to help increase the funds, I took on a lot of build missions for two reasons, 1 the money is easy to get, the only outlay is a few E-cells now and again, but it also helps my traders sell items to them and if an extra Solar Power Plant is there then al the better in my eyes. This brought my credits up to around 25 million, not a world record but enough to do what I wanted if I so choose. I also took on a few assassination missions, easy easy money when your in a Hyperion firing Hepts and missiles.

My network of Advanced Satellites was also keeping me updated with information and I even spotted another Zeus, I put my left monitor on it for now as I had other things to get, I jumped about and picked up a few of my Marines, I was going to do a little piracy, and it was open season on anyone this time, I weighed up the risks, I did not want to upset the Teladi or Boron due to my stations being in their sectors but if the right ship appeared somewhere then I was going for it.

First up a Minotaur in Moo Kyes Revenge, only had 2 Discoverers as escort, this will be easy pickings, or would it? I jump the Ares in and send 2 flails towards the escort, they die very quickly and the remaining flails bounce of the Minotaur, it was not shielded very well so a few Hammers was enough to take it's shields down, Marines away and a few flails for protection and the Marines are on board, lost 2 Marines but gained another M7M with 70% Hull, I transferred over a shield and jumped it to Inamus Zura for safe keeping, then betty pips up, one of your ships is under attack, Inamus Zura - a couple of Xenon have taken an interest in me, I jump in, only a few N's & M's but by the time I destroyed them the Minotaur was down to 36% Hull, is it even worth repairing?

I then get another message from my Sat Network, a lonely Shrike has wondered into Danna's chance, nothing in this sector at all, dare I risk the wrath of the Teladi? I will give it a go, I have always wanted a Shrike ever since I read Slugs adventure, and I always wanted to try those Gauss Cannons, I jump in and strip it's shields off quickly, I am still out of range of his guns so I'm taking no damage at all, I send in the Marines, a few flails and a Hammer for good measure, after a short while and only 1 marine lost, I transfer my Jump drive to it and jump it to Cho's defeat shipyard.

Not a bad day after all, I now have 2 new stations producing the missiles I need, luckily as I'm now down to less than 5 Hammers and 10 Flails from the original haul, I am also up 2 new Capital Ships - a Minotaur and a Shrike, the rep loss was nothing special, I can make it up again in a few hours worth of station building but something else has popped up on the Satellite system, a Brigantine with a few Blastclaws as escort, I only have a few Missiles onboard, should I call in help and go for it or leave it be for now?


M7M - Ares, Minotaur
M7 - Tiger, Shrike,
M6 - H.Dragon, Hyperion
M8 - Peregrine
M3 - Xperimental Shuttle, 4 Falcon Sentinels, Tenjin
M4 - 5 Solanos
M5 - 3 Kestrels
TS - 12+ variety
TM - 4+ Variety
TP - 5+ Variety
TL - Elephant

1x Nostrop Complex
1x Flail Complex
1x Hammer Torpedo Complex
1x Wheat Farm Complex
1x Plankton Farm
1x Scruffin Fruit Farm
1x Bofu Complex
1x L Ore Mine

25,539,752 Credits
X3TC - Awesome
AP - Just started playing - Looks impressive
don't play Reunion - Too old
Rebirth - we all know the problems here

We're All dying from the moment we are Born.

Posts: 496
Joined: Thu, 4. Mar 10, 17:54

Post by BankruptAssasin » Tue, 10. Sep 13, 14:29

Sorry for the late post guys, im sure you have noticed i haven't posted in a while, well that last encounter did not go down very well, i just about escaped with my life, but a few days later my save got corrupted.

This is the end of the road for this story, Hope you guys enjoyed reading it, i enjoyed playing it out, even though at times i felt i had lost track of what i wanted to achieve and went off track plus i didn't get to do what i had planned all along which was to get my character killed and jump the story into a new game start "Unholy Traitor" this was my reasoning for attacking the Paranid & Split & why i brought S'hot into the story, he was meant to be the main character in the new story but i did not get the chance, thanks for all the support and comments.

X3TC - Awesome
AP - Just started playing - Looks impressive
don't play Reunion - Too old
Rebirth - we all know the problems here

We're All dying from the moment we are Born.

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