Marcus A tale of an Orphan of two worlds

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Sabrina Bergin
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Post by Sabrina Bergin » Tue, 14. Aug 12, 22:05

Tying up Loose ends:

Chad put away the phase pistol.
"My appologies he said to leese when I saw the your name on the list of those who died I assumed subterfuge".

"So Beth sorry Leese this is what you meant" said Marcus smiling "I wish you had warned me."

"I did try to Leese reminded him but you kept deferring the matter, but at least now we can move forward, Beth is wrong to wish to appoint me as Captain of the Veangeance for your plan to intervene in Terran space Perrin must be in a position of power and responsibility or he might be seen as a pawn under your control".

"I will be what is the expression a diplomat without a portfolio. A deniable bridge to contact with the commonwealth that may in time provide a means to peace".

"Its do'able agreed Marcus "and Perrin must be seen as a senior independant player I think Beth was just flexing her muscles when she said she wanted you as Captain I mean with Beth on board the question is academic ".

The comlink flared into life again as Beths image appeared before them,
"I would follow protocol Beth said over the uplink".

" For about two nanoseconds until such protocols violated your own primary goals" Leese allowed.

"Traitor said Beth smiling very well Marcus I will follow my avatars lead in this matter but Perrin must never know of my existence".
The uplink died and all eyes turned to Marcus.

"Don't look at me for suggestions at this point Perrin Has to make a commitment though I believe he wil accept the challenge".

Then we have to draw back from open conflict with the Terrans and the Argon.
The politicians out there will see our restraint as a clear signal that we are not bent on changing the staus quo rather that we are more interested in maintaining trade.
As long as they think that is our only aim then they will act accordingly ".

"Saddly I agree said Vannessa we have created a void with many contesting for the vacancies it is time to sit back and see what develops.
But it wouldn't hurt to keep the fleets at readiness just in case".

"Hah that is why I respect your mate Marcus said Chad signaling for a waiter to replenish their drinks she has the heart of a true Split matriarch".

Chad rose to his feet a full Glass of kingdom wine in his hand, " now enough of buisness it is time to feast and honour those who have passed in our service.
I give you a toast to the fallen may the light bless their courage and may the gods grant them entry to the halls of the warriors".

They all stood to reply to the toast and then hurled their empty glass's to the floor.

"Waiters more wine" roared Chad.

Vannessa took Leese' s hand and led her from the table, "this is where we make a discreet departure Vannessa whispered I have seen these parties before and ladies of rank would only dim the men's enjoyment.
Besides which there is no point in attempting to speak to them at the moment. I get much more pleasure the day after such events men are so much more malleable when they have blinding hangovers".

Leese considered Vannessa's words then laughed as she was led to the transport waiting for them.
Last edited by Sabrina Bergin on Mon, 27. Aug 12, 12:51, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by Sabrina Bergin » Tue, 21. Aug 12, 23:21

The Terran Mission:

Marcus slipped into the kitchen early his hand full of data pads containing notes that he needed to plan his next steps to try and reverse the steadily increasing hostilities between the Terrans and the Commonwealth.
Much would depend on Perrin but if he refused the challenge he had a less satisfactory alternative available.
He'd consider that set of alternatives if he had to.
Next on the list was his peoples security Marchad industries had stations accross the Verse and it would not be possible to protect them all with assigned patrol ships.

The best soloution might be to follow the example of the races military rapid response units.
That would work he realised most of his larger ships were equipped with jump drives assigning a few more auxillaries to the fleets would enable them to be kept refueled at all times.

They would not be able to maintain constant readiness if they were on constant call's to deal with threats but short term it should work.

"You're up early" said Vannessa giving me a hug before sitting down opposite me.

"I'm trying to think of a way of protecting our people whilst still moving for a peace".

"You're pushing too hard Marcus let Perrin and Chad lay the groundwork, I know you think if you direct matters personnaly things will take shape more quickly but they won't".

Vannessa could be right that was what was worrying me how many more lives would be lost in the weeks and months ahead.

Vannessa took my hand and squeezed it gentlly, "dear heart please you laid your plans some time ago don't change them now".

I laid the data pads to one side Vannessa as always had seen to the heart of it my impatience to complete the task I had assigned myself could very well jeopardise it.

"You're right as alway's I agreed so, if we are to remain on track we need Perrin as a willing volounteer".

Am I asking to much of him I wondered, sending him back into Terran space where even Beth might have trouble protecting him and his mission.
I wouldn't short him on rescources, hell I had four TL's loaded to the gills with the most necessary commodities that I knew were in desperately short supply throughout the terran systems.
If he could establish a trading company that could alleviate some of the more urgent needs of the Terrans then we might be able to consider the possibility of peace.
But enough of such thoughts I could do nothing till I heard from Perrin and for the moment I was suddenly feeling hungry on a whim I turned to the small galley and prepared us both a solid breakfast.

"That was delicious said Vannessa clearing the last of the eggs from her plate".

"Adan has been giving me lessons" I admitted, "now how about we forget our cares for a while and go walkabout with the kid's ?".

Vannessa just smiled and left to get changed and bring the children.
We spent the day wandering along the sea shore watching as Racheal and Isiah frolicked in the shallows Harn as ever was an unobtrusive shadow behind us and walking with him was Arhens carrying a lunch basket.

We paused briefly after noon then after a light lunch we slowly made our way home Vannessa and myself carrying the children as the sun set in the west.
We headed upstairs and put the children to bed then went backdown stairs to the lounge where we found Perrin and Leese waiting for us.

"Sorry to intrude said Perrin I can leave this till the morning".

"Not at all Perrin" said Vannessa "I hope you will both stay for supper, Marcus perhaps some drinks in the garden".

"Of course I agreed" moving back into the kitchen area only to be chivied out by Adan who appeared to have matters well in hand he followed me into the garden where he had prepared some tables and tuirned on the ornamental lights that made the garden so beutiful to see in the half light of dusk.

A squad of young fleet trainees had apparently been seconded for waiter duties and they mingled amongst us dispensing drinks and snacks as we were joined by several old friends who just happened to be passing.
I knew a well laid plan when I saw one but I honestly didm't know who had arranged this informal affair, a shake of the head from Vannessa told me she was as startled as I was.

All became clear when Arhens entered the garden dressed as I had never see a Split woman dressed before.

"My Lord, my Lady said Harn bowing deeply I am honoured to introduce you to my wife".

To say I was staggerred was an understatement it was one thing for a Lady of rank to acknowledge a Split warrior as a mate, but to marry him was taking it to a whole different level.

"My Lady I said bowing formaly you are ever welcome in my house I ask the gods to smile on your marriage".

My Lord she replied smiling might I ask my husband be excused this gathering my grandfather is arrangeing a feast to honour Harnn'tts new status".

"Of course"' " Harnn'tt I said addressing him directly I have ever found it unwise to displease Chad I would consider it a favour if you celebrated as Split custom demands I assure you I and my wife will remain here under the ward of your men".

"Lord said Harnn'tt unable to keep the smile from his face if you would see to the safety of my wife I would also be honnoured."

Honnour satisfied Harnn'tt spoke breifly to Arhens then left nodding to unseen watchers.
I had no doubt there was a full company of marines patroling the outer grounds and half the fleet patroling the upper atmosphere and beyond.

"My thanks Marcus said Arhen without your leave he would have insisted on remaining at your side".

I knew why she had been worried, if Harn had not attended the feast held to honour his marriage to a Split Lady of rank it would have been seen as an affront to Chad, and that would have been one hell of a mess.

"You also contrived to have me acknowledge him I suggested a fact that will not be lost on his peers as both I and Vannessa hold rank amongst the families. It will silence any talk of his having risen from other than noble rank.
That's okay by me Ahrens I said quickly to assure her I was not displeased Harn is my First but he is also my friend".

"Now that's out of the way why don't we enjoy ourselves ?".
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Post by Sabrina Bergin » Sun, 2. Sep 12, 07:09


The informal party was a godsend Marcus realised as the evening progressed, people were beginning to see the possibility of an end to conflict.
For himself he knew that lay some distance in the future but the hope was there.

He found Perrin by the fountain talking with Leese.
"sorry to intrude Leese, Perrin I take it you've come to a decision".

"I have Marcus though not without some misgivings, I am a bit of a pariah in Terran space you have presented me with a task that will face difficulties".

"That's why I chose you for this I admitted, you've already proven you are capable of making hard choices depite the cost to yourself".

"Touche" agreed Perrin smiling recalling Heretics end.

"You will have help I admitted Leese will be appointed as my agent or rather the agent of Marchad Industries I will take a back seat on this as I think my prescence could hinder you rather than help".

"That's putting it mildly agreed Perrin, so Miss Rathmeyer are you to spy on me for Marchad Industries ?" Perrin asked her bluntly.

"Of course" she agreed "Marcus is giving you billions of credits in a hope of establishing a peace. I am tasked with making sure you don't just disappear with his credits". I will also be there to broker deals that will lead to a firm commitment to peace".

"Fair enough answer" agreed Perrin "alright Marcus I'l do as you ask or at least I'll try".

"I can ask know more of you than that" I agreed and left them alone to find Vannessa.

Perrin regarded Leese with some disquiet he had made a committment to Marcus that he would honnour to the best of his ability but this young woman troubled him.

First and foremost in his mind was the fact that she was one of Chad's specials, a warrior and despite her youth she was a veteran of this war.
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Post by Sabrina Bergin » Mon, 3. Sep 12, 21:34

Leese & Perrin.

Leese studied Perrin as Marcus Led Vannessa back to mingle with the other guests.
He seemed to be considering the commitment he had made to Marcus and even now considering how he might begin to implement the first stage.
"You seem worried Perrin is it anything I can help with ?"

"Not realy" he replied, " I've been to the Aldrin sectors and there is potential there, the question is how do I announce myself without raising questions about the Vengeance ?".

"That's easy enough" Leese answered "my family is commonwealth and rich, daddy wouldn't let his little girl loose in the verse without a means of ensuring her survival would he ?".

"The problem therein lies in the fact you are by your own admission an orphan Terran intelligence would spot you as a fake within an hour of learning your name".

Leese contacted Beth as Perrin spoke and subliminaly outlined his objections to her ruse.

"Tell him to do a search now" Beth whispered in her mind.

"Here check me out" Leese offered handing him a com link.

Perrin logged onto the global net that was used throughout the commonwealth then began his search.
It took a while as he was bounced from one archive to the next that ended with a fairley concise reume of a young socialite Leese Rathmeyer and her families understated wealth and connections accross the five races.

"Impressive" said Perrin "will it hold up tp a detailed cross referencing ?".

"It will Leese assured him now relax a little Perrin and lets enjoy the evening it is Arhens night after all, time for work is tommorrow not before".

With that she took him by the hand and practicaly forced him to mingle it took a while but he seemed to unwind enough to enjoy himself. That was important to her she had studied Marcus/Isiah and knew that by establishing bonds with the community here it would draw him out of his isolation.
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Post by Sabrina Bergin » Tue, 9. Oct 12, 11:22

The Vengeance:

"All hands stand by for jump" Perrin ordered feeling the generators begin to wind up.
Megnir that was the destination Perrin had decided thas the best way to proceed was to establish a few stations ore and sislicon would do for a start then he would build a complex to feed the masses as Marcus had put it.
They jumped into Megnir and immediately the targetting computers locked onto a Q that had arrived just before them kill that thing he ordered swinging his ship clear od the gate as a J class carrier came in behind him and started launching its fighters.

Leese overode his control as she took control of Nav tac and tuned to engage the carrier launching drones as she spun the ship about and bought the mains to bear the battle was breif to say the least the J exploded in a blinding flash of light as Leese then targetted the Q that had tried to sneak up on them.
"Drones launched" announced the gunnery officer as they started to take damage.
"Firing soloution on the Q fixed firing mains"
"Course 135 down" ordered Leese as the mains fired allowing the port batteries to come to bear, the Q vanished obliterated by the IBL's.
"All hostiles eliminated" came the report from the gunnery officer.
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Post by blazermick » Tue, 9. Oct 12, 15:02

Excellent story

Thanks for sharing it with us.

Keep up the good work.

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Sabrina Bergin
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Post by Sabrina Bergin » Wed, 10. Oct 12, 12:46

Thanks for reading it is always a boon to know someone is watching;

Now without further ado its time to get back in the saddle;


"Set course for the shipyard" Perrin ordered as his drones began to return, feeling shaken by the recent battle and a little bewildered at the speed with which it had happened, if it hadn't been for Leese stepping in things could have gone far worse than they had.
He retired no retreated to his day cabin feeing the need for a stiff drink. It was no surprise that Leese followed him and poured herself a whiskey and sat down opposite him.

"Not quite what you expected she said simply".

"Hell no" he agreed "if you hadn't intervened when you did, I didn't even think".

"So what you got caught with your'e gaurd down you weren't expecting a Q let alone a J coming in on top of us, you froze Perrin that's why I acted but let me tell you you can't freeze again the crew need to know that the captain is on top of his game".

That was rhe crux of it Leese was right and he knew it the question now was he able to do what Marcus wanted.
He sipped his whiskey and watched as the massive shipyard appeared in the distance.
He was afraid he admitted to himself, afraid of failing.

"Oh no you don't" said Leese taking the glass away from him, "no self pity stand tall Perrin".
Leese embraced him as he let go holding him tight as the tears fell down his cheeks.

"Sometimes it'd good to be able to cry" said Leese leading him to his private qaurters , Perrin was in a daze not sure what was going on but aware of leese as she reached out to him.
"Youre not alone" she said simply as she folded into him her hands on his chest as he finaly found a peace within himself
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Post by Sabrina Bergin » Thu, 11. Oct 12, 00:39

Leese & Perrin:

Perrin woke and gently untangled himself from Leese, in some way she had made him whole again he walked into the shower and just stood there letting the hot spray pound him, He reached for the soap then found an arm around him He turned and Leese melted into his arms her lips finding his.

"This could become complicated" he allowed as she led him back to the bedroom.
"No this is the easiest thing in the world" said Leese pulling him close.
Perrin felt his heart burst in that moment he held her and knew that he was'nt alone anymore.

Perrin awoke to find Leese had gone but she had left him a note that a Marchad TL was enroute to the shipyard.
Perrin dressed quickly and made his way to the bridge. Sit rep he ordered as he took his place in the command chair. Sir we are on final approach to the shipyard the TL is enroute to the ship yard sector scans have been completed.
Perrin called up the data on his own console noting the prescence of an Osaka near the north gate. "take us to the east gate" he ordered seeing a hole in the defences there that left the TL vulnerable.

The ship came about its engines beginning to shake the ship as they were pushed to their max settings.

"Nav tac I need a sattelite up now" ordered Perrin sensing a threat ahead of them.
"Sir sattelite is deployed" answered the Tac officer as rhey began to get new data feeds.

A K class destroyer was wreaking havoc at the east gate, "weapons free" ordered Perrin as they closed on the destroyer.
"missiles" he ordered "give that thing a headache" Perrin felt the shock as the missiles left the tubes.
"Bring the mains online and fire as we bear " rhe next few moments were hectic to say the least as he engaged the K rolling the ship to avoid taking hits and presenting chances for his turrets to deliver the killing blow.

"Not bad" said Leese as they emerged from the debris field.
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Post by Sabrina Bergin » Wed, 17. Oct 12, 00:01

Perrin grinned at her as he ordered the ship to maintain a defensive position near the gate.
Clearly the incursion of Xenon craft here could threaten his plans so he decided that it would be wiser to wait before building a large complex here until such time as a reasonable sized defensive force could be provided without upsetting the local residents of course.

"Sir called his scan cheif interrupting his line of thought we have two M6 class ships approaching our position. A Hyperion and a Springblossom".

"A Hyperion here ?". he said startled by the information. "Have you got an ident on them yet ?".

Yes sir both ships are regisdtered to the owners of the mines in this sector".

"Alright hail them when they are in range and make sure they are not targetted or scanned, no practice drills until we know what we are dealing with people".

"Leese would you join me please ?" he asked indicating the second command chair positioned next to his own deciding that they should present the cover story Leese and Marcus had prepared.
They did not have long to wait as the ships came alongside the Python and a comm link was established with the commander of the Hyperion.

"Sir I am Captain Eckland Commander of JN Industries defense forces in this sector, I have recieved footage of your actions since entering this sector, whilst I am grateful I would know your intentions especialy as the ship you command is known to be owned by Marchad industries a commonwealth organisation that does not have a good reputation amongst the Terran fleets ?".

"Perhaps I might answer The Captain" suggested Leese looking to Perrin for approval.

"Ma'am as a board member of Marchad perhaps that would be best" agreed Perrin.

"Captain I am Leese Rathmeyer a commonwealth citizen, and a board member of Marchad Industries I can assure you that we intend no harm to the Terran facilities or personnel of this or any of the adjoining sectors.
Nor will any other capital clas ship belonging to Marchad industries come to Terran space, without the express permission of the local goverment or security forces".

"Your intentions then ?" asked Eckland intently moving closer to the vid cam.

"Trade" Leese admitted, "and hopefully a way to end the conflict that is tearing both our peoples lives apart".

Eckland was clealy stunned by her words and took a few moments to gather his thoughts.

"Ma'am" would you please allow me to contact my superiors what you propose is not within my scope to deal with".

"Of course Captain with your permission we will; remain at a defensive position warding this gate against any futrher xenon incursion's I assure you we will offer no offense to any other vessels in this sector if attacked by any Terran vessels however we will leave".

"Leese will you join me in the conference room Commader Jenath you have the bridge" Perrin led the way to the conference room where he ordered a meal for them to be sent to they had made the first step, now they must be ready to act on the promises they had made.

"You handled that well Leese Perrin" offered as he poured them both coffees and sat down at the conference table next to her.

"I was well breifed" she admitted, Marcus and Chad have a network of agents through out Terran space so I had an idea of what to expext".

"You didn't think to breif me, why not ?".

Leese sighed wondering why Perrin couldn't see it "because Marcus wants you to do this on your own I am here to facilitate finances and broker agreements but it is you who have to do this Perrin the Terrans will simply not accept anything less certainly not a commonwealth citizen to deal with directly at least not yet".

They were interrupted by missy as she pushed a food trolley into the room and placed their meals before them she smiled at leece before leaving not having said a word to either of them.

" How is it you have managed to arrange for missy to deliver your meals to you asked leese reaching for her cutlery ".

" I have an arrangement he admitted speaking as he ate, if she cooks me a meal she gets a kilo of solano blend without having to 'acquire' it".

Lease almost choked at his words and took a large sip of coffee to restore herself remebering her first true meal.

They ate mostly in silence mijssy's meals were not to be dilued by idle coversation they had barely finished when am urgent com call from the bridge was forwarded to their monitor.

The screen cleared instantly to show a man Perrin had come to hate, Commander Janz first officer to Kal Onin the man who had done his best to see him executed at his trial.
When traveling pause occasionally, look back and enjoy the moment again.

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Post by Sabrina Bergin » Wed, 17. Oct 12, 00:36

Nomad and Marcus an Orphan of two worlds:

For those of you who have been reading either or both of these stories, I have neglected Nomad somewhat, (Writers block).

My appogies, and RLI has interfered with my intentions to write more.
It is difficult to write fiction when one suffers a family loss that I took pretty hard.

But onwards, I began Janz (Nomad DID AP) when I did a fresh Terran AP start, but the story lacked direction after the prologue.

Marcus being a TC era game (although with an AP start) game DID which I havent played for a fair while and having reached an impasse I decided to merge the two as all the lead characters have the same or similar goals.

I will continue to post the current story of Janz and Characters from Marcus in an Orphan of two worlds whilst I attempt to get Nomad up to date to take over. in an AP only enviroment with multiple perspectives some of the characters in Marcus are still too fresh and vital to me to discard.

Plus I don't think Isiah is finnished yet.

If any of you think this is a bad idea please let me know.
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Post by Sabrina Bergin » Fri, 23. Nov 12, 01:19

Perrin tensed up he couldn't help it, the memory of his trial was still vivd to him as was the memories of what it had cost him.

The fact that Kal Onin had suggested to the advocates that his execution would serve as an example to the fleet had shaken him to the core at the time.

We.ll take the link here Perrin ordered the comms officer trying to maitain an outwardly calm appearance that he certainly didn't feel.

The Link went active Janz thanked them both for engaging the xenon they had encountered on entering the system before raising the proposals Leese had made to his local security defence officer.

"You are a Terran if I am not mistaken Captain Perrin in fact you once served in Heretics end".

"I did and I was later dismissed for failing to attack a battle fleet that took station on the base I was ordered to defend ".

"That was regrettable" Janz said "I have seen the records and I fail to see how you could have taken any other action than the one you chose but that is past I see you have ventured into the commonwealth and made new friends it is the proposals you bring that merit further discussion might I come aboard or would you prefer to meet at the shipyard it has some respectably good resataurant facilities?".

Perrin considered his response to keep the man at a distance would be counter productive "please come aboard we are intending to dock at the shipyard in due course but there is no urgency".

I will join you shortly then Janz agreed closing the link.

Leese rose from the table and headed for her own qaurters " I suggest we dress formaly Janz seems the kind of man who expects such things" she said as she left the room.

Leese was right Perrin realised Janz was still military and he would judge them by what he expected to see in them.

He took his time and dressed as a Marchad indusrties captain before making his way to the main airlock.

Leese was already there dressed in a formal dress suit that did nothing to hide her curves.

Ship docking came the alert over the speakers from the control room.
The Airlock cycled swiftly and Janz strode onto the deck dressed in his dress unifom with a lietenant simmilatly attired following him.

" Captain Perrin Miss Rathmyer may I introduce my first officer Liam"

"Welcome aboard Captain Janz' Liam we have a conference room available where we will be more comfortable will you join us ?".

"Delighted Miss Rathmeyer agreed Janz" allowing her to lead the way.

Perrin had been pleased to see that Janz had fore gone bringing a bodygaurd with him He followe behind the group as Leese led rhe shortway to the main conference room just abaft the officers mess.

Trays of light snacks and drinks had been readied and a sreward waited quietly by a small gally unit where hot drinks could be made top order.

"You have a very organised crew MIss Rathmeyer" said Liam noting the care that had been taken to anticipate any request they might make.

"The crew have learned to anticipate my needs" Leese admitted bluntly taking a fresh coffee from the steward and sitting down at the table.

"I was somewhat spoilt as a child she admitted but my father saw fit to teach me better. I am a director of Marchad industries through my own efforts".

"That does raise certain questions" Janz responded " Marchad indudtries is infamous for destroying both a Terran and an Argon fleet in the Goner sector".

"I Trust you will also recall those fleets attempted to destroy Marchads industries RRF and innitiated the hostilities. Fleet commander Isiah responded to that attack and suffered heavy loss's."

"So the Goner have stated but they are after all a commonwealth religious order Janz stated".

The attack on the Marchad fleet was as Leese described it Captain Janz" Perrin stated remembering the Carnage. "I was there both fleets were rogue elements who attempted to kill Commander Isiah and decimate his fleet.
I have been able to review all the fleet records and I can assure you that Isiah responded to protracted attempts to kill Himself Marcus and his family. I can also state quite categoricaly that Marcus is actively seeking way's to curtail or halt the hostilities, in the short term he wants to alleviate certain basic shortages here in Terran space Leese can handle that side of it far better than I can."

Janz considered Perrins statement nothing he had said had been innaccurate, Janz still had access to the more sensitive intelligence reports courtesy of admiral Dealy.
"Alright then to buisness He said I am under orders to facilitate any endeavour that will enable a peace to be achieved. So what do you suggest in detail please ?".

Leese arranged her thoughts carefully before replying "Marcus's plan is basicaly to create an infrastructure to alleviate the shortages the Terran economy is experiencing ar rhis time that will forestall any rash moves to commit to an all out offensive. Once the short term goal is secure we move onto the next stage which is to seek a diplomatic alternative to a war that at the moment seems unstoppable".

"We are prepared to provide finace to establish production facilities we expect you will be able to provide staff and traders yourself in return we get a percentage of the profits you generate a nominal percentage I assure you."
At rhe moment en-route to the ship yard here we have a TL that is carrying 30.000 units of crystals enough to supply the power plants in Althes for a year which we will sell to them at a very competative rate we will then set up food produstion ccomplexes, silicon mines crystal fabs etc.

If you agree to support our efforts we will endeavour to tailor our construction to meet your companies requirements.
It is designed to be mutualy beneficial".

"Not without cost to Marchad industries" Janz noted ",so you propose to invest millions of credits in the local infrastructure produce a trading organisation that you suggest will slow down the war.".

"Here is a detailed copy of our proposal study it at your leisure and let me know your decision we can do it without you rhelp but that will take longer " replied Leese.
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Post by Sabrina Bergin » Sun, 10. Feb 13, 11:00


"Miss Rathmeyer and Captain Perrin I assume" Janz said as he strode forward to meet them "this is my first officer Liam he will be my point man providing we can agree to your proposals"

"Then we should review them and ensure that we all comfortable with the proposals if you will follow us we have a conference room ready" Leese announced leading the way.

Janz was imprressed by the facilities onboard but was keenly aware that this was a military ship with a highly trained crew. There was a manner about those he saw of measured confidence and discipline that was obvious to him.

"You run a tight ship Captain" he allowed as he took a seat next to Liam at the table hardly noticing as a steward placed cups of coffe on the table he took a sip recognising the terran blend and was impressed by the attention to detail in preparing it to his taste.

" I have studied the proposals you transmitted to us and in principal I am in favour of such a venture, I would however suggest that you begin cconstruction innitial in Althes to the north it has more than adeqaute power supplies for a complex on the scale you intend building and will be safe from Agi raids".
This sectoe is on an almost constant alert staus and it would help prevent unwanted accidents".

"I see no problem with that" agreed Leese bringing the Althes sector up on the display and filling in the proposed construction plans.
" This is the primary complex which should provide the necessary infrastructure for other facilities both in Althes and other nearby sectors if you have any specific requirements they can be factored in as and when. The primary goal is to supply essential requirements and to promote trade".

"As Commander Janz has indicated" Liam said I "will be running oversight on the developmenmts you are proposing and have some suggestions as to current requirements I will forward to you for the moment though I would suggest registering the complex in a name other than that of Marchad industries" for the moment you say rthe Tl you have enroute to the shiopyard has a full cargo of crystals if you will sell them to our company we will distribute them as required and free up your TL so that the proposed station acquisition can be started as soon as it docks".

"A good point" Leese agreed "I,ll have the Captain contact your representative as soon as he docks and arrange registartion of Our new enterprises name if we remain in contact throughout the innitial construction period then matters should proceed swiftly".

"I have the necessary contracts drawn up said Liam handing the data pad over all it needs is your approval and we can proceed".

Leese scanned through the contract quickly and entered her acceptance code.
"We are done then for the moment" Janz agreed rising and shaking both Leese and Perrins hands, I would like to take a tour of this ship but at the moment I have other matters to deal with.

"When you have the time you will be welcome" Perrin agreed rising with Leese to escort their new partners back to the airlock.
When traveling pause occasionally, look back and enjoy the moment again.

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Post by Sabrina Bergin » Tue, 26. Feb 13, 23:26

Then Terran complex's:

Leese studied the progress reports with interest the primary complex was up and running with ships travelling regularly between the SPP's and with J&N's mines in Segaris to the south. What had caught her attention however was a new complex located in the south east quadrant of Althes It was a weapon's plex but with no buyers that she had been able to discern. "Betty" she called silently "have you been able to trace the end recipients from that weapon's plex"?. "I have been monitoring your investigation and have anticipated your request. The missiles are being delivered to an equipment dock in heavans assertion the ownership was well hidden but it is owned by Commander Janz" Betty repliedshowing the heavily camouflaged route she had used to get the necessary information.

"Does Marcus have an agent in Heaven's Assertion "? Leese asked.

What do you think ? there has been a lot of activity there over the last six months and a lot of combat reports from Lasting vengeance " Betty replied bringing up the appropriate reports.

Leese scanned the reports with growing interest it seemed Commander Janz had financed his entire corporation at the expense of the Duke.
An alarming thought occurred to her, "Betty can you give me an estimate as to his assets given his operation in heavens assertion and of the funds he has at his disposal"?.

"That will\take some time Leese, I will get back to you once I have the information you requested".

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Post by 89James89 » Thu, 28. Feb 13, 17:26

Very good read Shaun. Just finished reading from the start.

Looking forward to more


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Post by Sabrina Bergin » Thu, 28. Feb 13, 21:22

89james 89;

Thank you for your comments they are always appreciated.

In a similar vein I have been reading your posts and enjoy them immensely.
I think that as X3 by its very nature cannot be multi-player these stories allow us to participate in the Games/stories of our fellow gamers.

Collaborative works as epitomised by Scion Drakhar and Zaitsev to name but a few are at times more enthralling than actualy playing.

I do not aspire to be counted as gifted as they arebut your kind words are a boon, thank you.


So on to the next installment.
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Post by Sabrina Bergin » Thu, 28. Feb 13, 22:28

Heavens assertion:

Harnn't docked the ammon at the equipment dock irritated at being away from his wife for any reason. Even after three seasons his heart was pained when she was not nearby but his lord Marcus had asked him to complete this task.

He made his way onto the dock startled to see a full customs inspection area before him actualy being used.

He waited patiently in line then proffered his side arm to the agent at the desk, who politely gave him a claim token for it before passing him through the sensor grid.

Harrnt spent three days on the station before he was approached by a fellow split named C'parrt ".

"You are known to me Lord Harnn't" he said by way of greeting granting Harnn't the honorific denoting his acknowledgement of his association by marriage to the royal line.

The split led him to a well appointed restaurant along the way before broaching the reason for his approaching him.

" You are first to Lord Marcus the man who owns half the commonwealth and has the other half in his pocket, my patron ever a cautious man has asked me to extend you every courtesy". "He also asks why he has chosen to send his first to visit this small establishment "?.

Harnn't should have realised his nom de plume would be uncovered every aspect of this station hinted at military efficiency and of a stability found only amongst the close formed ranks of a military base.

He chose his words carefully before replying "My Lord has heard much of your patrons operations in this and surrounding sectors, do not misunderstand he has no conflict with your operations quite the reverse he merely wanted to be certain this was not just some rogue or piratical factions my visit was merely to put his mind at ease in that regard".

"Then you are welcome to remain as long as you wish" C'parrt replied " and if ever you wished to be accompanied here by your Lady we would be honoured beyond measure".

Harnn't acknowledged the offer then asked as he felt he should "C'parrt you are clearly your lords first why has he not called you to service ?".

C'parrt shrugged his shoulders "My Patron is a terren even for all their advanced technology they do not comprehend the subtleties of the Split honor system. As\a Patron though I would serve him as you would your Lord".

High praise Harnn't thought raising his glass in salute at the words of the old code. "Regrettably I am recalled to service but I have enjoyed my time here, my lord will look favourably on this enterprise".

C'parrt grinned signaling for another bottle of fire wine pleased at the response of Lord Marcus's first.
Neither man sought to out drink the other they were men of rank and had no need of such displays and parted as friends when Harrn't returned to the docking bays and left to report to his master.
As C'parrt would now report to his on an uneventful inspection by Marchad industries.
Last edited by Sabrina Bergin on Mon, 9. Sep 13, 19:34, edited 1 time in total.

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Post by Sabrina Bergin » Sat, 6. Apr 13, 23:53

This story will resume very shortly I have had hard ware issues that have trashed my save games and hard drives but I am recreating the story lines to the point they were at when I lost them.
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Post by Sabrina Bergin » Mon, 10. Jun 13, 02:48

Up and running again soon folks
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Post by Sabrina Bergin » Mon, 9. Sep 13, 23:11

To stop the Xenon:

Vengeance stood her ground at the east gate decimating all Xenon incursions, they had to be resupplied several times by missile freighters and occasionaly by reserve fighter units but they held finaly a Terran warship entered the system at the north gate and took position a few klicks distance.

A Kyoto, Perrin recognised it at once one of the most heavily armed ships the Terran,s possessed but what was it doing here in a border sector.

He did not have long to wait before he receive a communications signal from a ship he quite frankly dreaded.

"Captain Perrin this is Janz I offer to take your place whilst you and your crew enjoy some well earned rest.
I have support ships en-route and will keep you appraised as to the tactical situation".

Your offer is appreciated sir and I will accept your offer I will transmit a coded frequency that will alert me should you need assistance.

Perrin sent the transmission then ordered a return to home base it had been a gruelling five months and his crew needed time to rest and recover from what had been an arduous tour of duty.

The Jump to the home sector was delayed by several false trails they laid but all was secure when they arrived and they set course for the equipment dock that was a welcome sight for all who watched the in system monitors as they reached final approach.

Marcus had obviously anticipated his primary intent and had a fleet of transports waiting to take his crew to their home stations.

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Post by Sabrina Bergin » Sun, 26. Jan 14, 21:57

The War for peace:

Perrin sipped at his wine whilst Marcus studied the reports, The new Trading company was doing even better than they had envisaged in Althes and already they were getting reports of new stations being built in nearby sectors that were reducing the current shortages the Terran people were facing.

Marcus looked up finally after taking some time to consider his next move, the war was slowing almost imperceptibly but it was attrition had been the cause of that both sides were drawing back attempting to regroup and garner resources before they returned to battle.

You have succeeded beyond that which I hoped Perrin now there is but one task that you and you alone can do me you must speak to Janz alone to prevent a tragedy occurring.

"I will ask Harnn't to brief you no he will accompany you he decided but this must be done before we can move forward Janz must be acknowledged by the Split and if matters are left as they are then we will fail ".

Perrin was baffled by Marcus's words but he said he would be ready and left for his quarters in the hub.

Perrin showered and changed wondering at the changes the last few months had seen in his life there was Leese an enigma to him still who could reach him in way's he had thought impossible and then there was Marcus a man who was such a colossus that he stood almost godlike above him and he wanted his help in many ways he wished the fates had not put him in the path of such things he was just a man and he feared to fail these people.

He was surprised when Harrn't came to his rooms late that night and told him they would be leaving for Terran space the next evening.

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