Rise of Phanon LUV DiD

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Post by kaistern » Sun, 31. Aug 14, 10:34

By the way how are ya'll liking the story so far?

Any improvements to my writting style/story line you can think of?

How do ya'll like the dream sequences? Those originally came from the random crazyness that is my brains... Ships waging desprite wars against each other, explosions, death and mayhem... So I stamped a X3 stamp across it's forehead a put it to good use :D If ya'll like them I keep including them when my brain rolls them out... and I think it adds spice for my character to have nightmares lol

Anyhow back to slaving over the keyboard.... errr well it's almost time to get back to work so...
[ external image ]
Running LU 1.4.7 + XM-O 1.0 + Quick Wings 1.0
Rise of Phanon DiD LUV
Wrath of the Hive DiD XM-O
Try my script: Quick Wings for better wing control in LU!

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Post by kaistern » Sun, 31. Aug 14, 12:16

The next day I headed toward split fire.

<Warping to Split Fire>

Everything was quite, nothing moved in space... or at least what part of it I could see. Easing forward I started to map out the pirate controlled sector.

"Boss, I got a Pirate Penatron off the port bow, range 30km... It's a pretty heavy fighter, looks tougher then the Novas. But I don't think they have seen us yet." I eased towards the starboard side just in case... after that last fight I had no intentions of becoming pirate lunch... I just wanted to map their territory... for ah... future refrence. My ship zipped south giving a wide berth to the Penatron. As I was beginning to bring the southern edge of the sector into range my screen filled up with red enemy makers.

"Shit that's a lot of pirates" I said turnning the ship on it's tail and gassing it back toward argon territory.

"Yeah boss, I am reading 20 fighters mostly m3 with a good number of m4s. i hope you don't feel suicidal today cus i bet they would be willing to help!" Luckily I now had one of the fastest ships in existance and I left the entire fleet in my wake. Heading north past Elena's Fortune I warped though to Farnham's Legend.

<Warping to Farnham's Legend>

"Boss, I got three Pirate frigates on the screen, 30km off. Doesn't look like they are intrested in us though. Oh and the is some wreckage about 2km off the starboard bow that I am picking up working PAC inside of."

"Ok let's keep a low profile, I just want to fly through here on the way to Boron territory.... And pick up that PAC." After making a short detour to aquir e the PAC I headed west on a course to avoid the Pirate frigates. After making a huge loop around them my scanners detected a Plakton farm with 4 pirate heavy fighters just sitting outside. In between me and the pirates sat a 5 mJ shield...

"Boss, your heart rate is climbing, your not thinking what I think you are thinking are you? You know it's a trap don't you?" So maybe I did know it was a trap, but I also had a very fast ship... Decisions, decisions... As I sat there pondering on the shield a Boron food transport came through the north gate and started towards the east gate. I guess the transport was to juicy to pass up as the pirates all raced off towards it. Stupid transport pilots I thought as I gunned my engines and raced toward then shields while the pirates were busy. A few seconds later the shield was in my cargo bay, but 3 more pirate fighters launched from the station and headed straight at me! Flipping my ship around I pushed the throttle all the way in as I raced towards the north gate.

Alert! Alert! Incoming Missle!

Great just what I need, I thought as I prayed that I would make it through the gate before the missle got me... 5km...4km...3km..1km...

<Warping to Atreus' Clouds>

Never was I so glad to see a Boron ship in my life. My heart was still throbbing as I accelerated away from the gate. A few hours of exploring late I found the Equipment dock and landed to sell my new wares. The squid made a hard bargain but i eventaullly got the better end of the deal and sold him the PAC, 5 mJ shield and an IRE that i had picked up somewhere all for 100k. After that I headed north to Rolk's Fate and then after exploring there I went north again to Menelaus' Frontier. No sooner had I jumped into Menelaus' Frontier then a local minner contacted me offering me 15k credits each to scan 10 astroids! I didn't have a mineral scanner so I quickly flew back to the equipment dock in Atreus' Clouds. The Boron I had sold my weaponary to grinned evilly when I told him what I needed . He must have sensed my need as he seriously gouged the price of the scanner to 38k credits. But I didn't have time to look for a better deal so I paid the man his money and went on my way.

I worked for a couple of weeks for the minning company scanning astroids all over boron territory in the end when we parted was they presented me with a 178,000 credit check. The Boron who wrote my check told me that their Argon branch had some work down in Elena's Fortune if I was ever that way. It took me less then two seconds of looking at that check to decided where I was going next. I had to navigate my way around a pirate fleet that was laying siege to Atreus' Clouds but before I knew it I was back in Elena's Fortune. The work here was more dangerous requires frequent trips into pirate country, and several times I had to avoid large pirate battlegroups that were looking for my scap, but in the end I survived and the company paid me 197,000 credits. With my pockets now loaded with over 1m credits I decided that I liked this company and I set out in search of more minning contracts.

<Jumping to President's End>

"Hello? Hello?" A man's voice came over the comm, "Mayday? Mayday? I am stranded in President's End and I am in need of assistance." Gizmo quickly found the source of the transmission a nova sentinel sitting 10km off the east gate.

"This is William McCloud, I am on my way to your position. What can I do to help?"

"Oh thank the lord! I thought I was a gonner out here. Well I am a Gonner but I thought I was a dead man! I need a ride to some station, my stupid engine is broken again. I hate this stupid ship!" This rang a cord in my soul, if this man hated his ship so much maybe he wo0uld be willing to sell it.

"Not a problem I would be glad to be of assistance. But on a side note, if you don't need that ship any more, any chance you would sell it?"

"Would I? Give me 216k credits and you can have the hunk of junk!" I couldn't believe my ears. I quickly made the arrangements and transfered him the cash. I then had Gizmo give him a ride in the Hermes to the local shipyard in Cloudbase Southeast, as I began to repair my new ship. It was an old modle from the terran conflict and it looked like it had set in a drydock for to long and was now covered in rust, but those were but minor details. The engine it turned out was just crammed full of spaceflies and after cleanning it out it looked perfectly fine. After shinning it up and doing a tune up on the engine I finally strapped myself into the cockpit. I could fell the history seeping from this thing, it spoke of what it meant to be a true fighter pilot, and it felt...... it felt... right.

End of Chapter 1 "m5 Dogfight"

Note: I relized that if i kept using "Jumping to" it would be confusing later when I have jump drives... So if I fly through a gate I'll use "warping to" instead.
Last edited by kaistern on Sun, 31. Aug 14, 13:25, edited 1 time in total.
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Running LU 1.4.7 + XM-O 1.0 + Quick Wings 1.0
Rise of Phanon DiD LUV
Wrath of the Hive DiD XM-O
Try my script: Quick Wings for better wing control in LU!

Posts: 443
Joined: Mon, 30. Jun 14, 13:29

Post by kaistern » Sun, 31. Aug 14, 12:20

Whoo I never thought that I was going to get out of that Pegasus, never thought I was going to finish this chapter, and I never thought I would be able to type it all up tonight. But I DID!!! lol

I hope yall all enjoy how freaking lucky I got on that nova find.... My game is so much more fun now that i am in one of my favorite ships in the game... wish it was a raider but I'll take what i can get! (Novas in LU start at 1.5 MILLION credits just FWI)

BTW that was ONE of the THREE pages of notes i have but I don't have the time ATM to finish the rest. Dont forget to send me characters and to give me any tips, hints, and comments!

EDIT: Total game time in M5 11H with 7H saved by SETA

Current Assets:
m3 Nova sentinel

m5 "Hermes" Pegasus
- 4 IRE
- 2 mJ shields
-Fully upgraded Engines and rudder

750k Credits
[ external image ]
Running LU 1.4.7 + XM-O 1.0 + Quick Wings 1.0
Rise of Phanon DiD LUV
Wrath of the Hive DiD XM-O
Try my script: Quick Wings for better wing control in LU!

Posts: 37
Joined: Fri, 1. Mar 13, 14:41

Post by MoonlightMassacre » Mon, 1. Sep 14, 07:22

Name: Franklin "Franky" Roberts
Race: Terran
Occupation: Pilot/Communication Engineer
Background: Commincations Engineer for the Earth Defense Force. Franky was based on Earth for most of his career. He was eventually posted to a carrier. On the carrier, he made "friends" with one of the young pilots, and convinced her to take him for a ride. He cell in love... with the ship. The next day he quit his commission, took all his life savings and and brought a 2nd hand M5.
Quirks: Speaks very clearly and eloquently, until he is in the pilot seat.
Speech: (flying) Woooooooooo lets do this! (Leeroy Jenkins?)

Posts: 443
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Post by kaistern » Tue, 9. Sep 14, 11:38

Chapter 2: Little fish in a BIG pond.

The Nova handled like a nightmare compared to the Pegasus. At a speed of 49 m/s and with a turning radius the size of a small moon it took me forever to fly to the shipyard in Cloudbase Southeast.

After I docked at the station I found my way to the local ship merchant. A large fat Argonian male sat behind a worn desk. The tiny room that he called his office stank of sweat and body odor. I wrinkled my nose as I stepped to the desk and offered a handshake to him.

"What do you want?" We asked without accepting my handshake.

"I am selling a ship, the hermes in bay 23." I replied, more then slightly irritated by his attitude. He replied with a grunt before pulling up my ship's stats on his computer.

"Not much to look at is it?" he said, "I can give you, umm... 450k cr for it."

"Not much to look at!?!" I asked in disbelief. "That ship will out run everyother ship in this dock! I spent over a million credits in upgrades for it!"

"Well that's the best I can offer, now I see your other ship the Nova? Now if you want to sell that I can give you 1.5m cr for it." I couldn't believe that he was trying to under cut me so bad, but I needed the money to upgrade the Nova so in the end I sold him the Pegasus and stormed out of his office.

After an hour or two and a couple hundred credits at the local bar I found my way to the ship mechanic. It took me a while to find him, but finally I found him underneath the engine of a Discoverer.

"Hello? Are you the mechanic?" I asked. With a twist of his body the slim man spun out from under the ship and then jumped to his feet.

"Hi! Im Kyle, what can I do for you?" Finally someone who knew how to treat costumers.

"I have a Nova Sentinel over in bay 15. I want to beef it's engine up as much as possible."

"Not a problem, man. If you got the dough I got just the engine for you. How's about 35k credits and i'll make her purrrr. You want any firepower?" Weapons and shields did seem like a good idea.

"How much?"

"I'm selling PACs for 70k a peice and 25mJ shields for 85k each." I knew that my pocketbook couldn't handle much at those prices.

"Give me 4 Pac's and 2 shields, it'll help if nothing else."

"Can do bro, I am also running a special on extensions, you want some?"

"Yeah give me anything that will help in a fight, and I'll need a trade extension too." I paid the man, noting that I had just over 500k credits left. I went back to the bar and threw back some more drinks before heading to bed for the night.

The next day the mechanic called up to my room to tell me that he had finished working on my ship. Apperantly he had stayed up all night working on it. I just wanted to know what drugs he was on. Leaving the station I headed for Elena's Fortune.

<Warping to Elena's Fortune>

Exiting warp I headed for the military complex, but halfway there...

"Boss, I got contacts, 5 pirate fighters being chased by what looks to be half the argon navy." Checking my scanner I saw the pirates, making a bee-line towards the west gate.

"Time to test this puppy out!" I flipped my ship around and accelerated towards the pirates. I topped out at 125m/s which was a lot slower then my last ship but I was still beating the argon navy to the pirates. I angled toward the last ship which was slowly falling behind the others, a Blastclaw. Coming into range I fired my guns stripping half of their shields away with the first salvo. The Blastclaw turnd hard towards me firing HEPTs as I barrolrolled to avoid them. Twisting my ship to come up under the belly of the blastclaw I gave it another burst destroying it's shields shields and damaging it's hull. Thinking that I had him I lined up the kill shot and... Boom! The blastclaw blew into stardust as a missle from the navy inpacted it's side right before I could pull the trigger. I sighed as I watched the rest of the pirates getting eaten up navy missles. Glancing down my HUD I notice that my shields are completely depleted.

"Hey Gizmo, did we get hit? I'm not showing any shields."

"Ah no boss, you didn't install any."

"What!?! I paid the mechainic at the shipyard to install them!"

"No boss, I checked the bill, there were no shields ordered." I couldn't believe that he had forgotten about the shields. It was a amazing that I hadn't been hit and blown to peices. Shaking my head I flew back to the Military outpost and bought a triplex scanner before heading back to the ship yard to confront the mechainic.

<Warping to Cludbase Southeast>

"Oh man, I forgot about those!" The mechanic said "I'll make you a deal and cut the price down to 85k a piece since I put you in danger man."

"That's what you wanted for them before." I said dryly

"Is it? Oh well that's the price then.. I'll load two of them on now"

I was feeling poor again when I left the station, this time with my shields intact. My wallet was down to 318k. Heading west I flew through the ore belt, Cloudbase Southwest and finally to Empire Mines, Paranoid space.

<Warping to Empire Mines>

"Hey boss, aren't we at war with the paranoid?" Gizmo inquired as we exited the gate and stated exploring.

"Yeah but a couple of years ago they signed a pact allowing traders and civillians to go back and forth. Leave the war to the Navy and all."

"Umm Boss, we got a contact. Single Xenon N just came through the gate behind us." I turned the ship hard trying to get the N in my sights, however the faster, more agile scout ship easily flew around me and headed away from me before a local paranoid ship blew it up with missiles. "Hey boss, why don't we ever use missiles?"

"Have you seen the price on those, they cost way more then they are worth! Especialy for how much we are getting paid right now." I tried to explorer Empire mines but with how slow the nova flew I soon got bored and turned back around.

<Warping to Cloudbase Southeast>

"Help! We need help! Pirates are attacking the station!" A cry came over the radio from a near by Chip Plant. Racing towards them I find a single Pirate Harrier shooting ineffectivly at the station's shields while a swarm of missles circled around it. I slowed my ship down to a stop and set back to watch the fireworks show. Then to my amusement the pirate bails out of the ship only to have a missle intended for his ship run right into him. After I stopped laughing I looked back up to find the harrier still floating in space with no missles around it and the Navy flying off to the north.

"Umm Gizmo... who owns that ships now?"

"Well boss by Commonwealth law it is now free to claim." I didn't even let him finish before I popped the hatch off and threw myself towards the harrier. A little bit of spacesuit flying later I was latched to the side of the harreir hacking my way into it through an access panel. After trying myself a few times I pluged Gizmo into it and watch in awe as the hatch to the harrier popped open and I was given command access to the ship. Smiling to myself I fixed up a couple dints in the armour and told Gizmo to sell the ship at the shipyard in Cloudbase Southeast.

"Umm boss, about the stuff on board, what do I do with it?"

"Have someone strip the ship first and then sell it. That lowlife who buys ships probably wouldn't even give us anything extra for the equipment." Getting back in my Nova I headed to the ship yard myself.

<Warping to Cloudbase Southeast>

Trying to find the mechanic was a chore again.

"Hey Gizmo how much did we make off that harrier?"

"We made 550k credits off of everything, boss." I stumbled a little

"That much!?! That is way more then the pegasus and the harrier wasn't even upgraded."

"Well boss, I guess I'm just good at negotiating"

"Yeah well from now on that's your job." Finally I came around the end of a mercury to see a pair of worn boots sticking out from under it. I bought 5 more PACs for my ship rounding it out with a full load for just 350k... it made me feel sick, but I knew it would be worth it if it came to a fight. I still had some cash in my pocket so I made my way to the bar before heading to bed.



520,000 Credits

Nova Sentinel
2-25mJ shields
9 PACs

Note:Well Im back from vacation so get ready for some good reading.

@Moon: I have Frankie flying around like crazy.. already done some pretty cool stuff, kinda suprised me I half expected him to get blown up the way I was using him.... trying to stay in character and all :) LEEROY JENKINS!!! I have about 1 page of notes left before you meet him.

@everyone else: I need wingmen! lol I have several ships in game labled as 3, 4, 5, ect that need pilots.... we already determined that gizmo isn't a fighter..... or I think I did at the start? when we first meet gizmo maybe? I dont remember :P
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Running LU 1.4.7 + XM-O 1.0 + Quick Wings 1.0
Rise of Phanon DiD LUV
Wrath of the Hive DiD XM-O
Try my script: Quick Wings for better wing control in LU!

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Post by Phyon » Tue, 9. Sep 14, 19:03

Really enjoying this only started reading today but read the whole thread I don't have much suggestion for pilots or anything but. Great job so far.

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Post by kaistern » Wed, 10. Sep 14, 04:50

Ha! My evil plot to gain more readers worked! Thank you Phyon, i'll try and keep up the good work. :D
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Running LU 1.4.7 + XM-O 1.0 + Quick Wings 1.0
Rise of Phanon DiD LUV
Wrath of the Hive DiD XM-O
Try my script: Quick Wings for better wing control in LU!

Posts: 37
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Post by MoonlightMassacre » Wed, 10. Sep 14, 07:14

Wow, he must be a better pilot than me them. LU has given me an intense hatred for missiles...

(Exept when I'm the one firing them :D)

Posts: 443
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Post by kaistern » Wed, 10. Sep 14, 10:05

*Sigh* Well after typing for hours tonight my computer decided to delete all of the content I had wrote, several paragraphs... so no release tonight I'll try again tomorrow lol

@Moonlight: So far i have not had much of a problem with missiles (knocks on wood) I think suprise may have helped with that. I like my enemies dead before they know they are my enemies.
[ external image ]
Running LU 1.4.7 + XM-O 1.0 + Quick Wings 1.0
Rise of Phanon DiD LUV
Wrath of the Hive DiD XM-O
Try my script: Quick Wings for better wing control in LU!

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Post by Triaxx2 » Thu, 11. Sep 14, 23:54

Heh, don't feel too bad. I lost three or four chapters when the computer decided to shut down the thing I was writing in. It's beyond frustrating. At least you only lost one chapter.
A Pirate's Revenge Completed Now in PDF by _Zap_
APR Book 2: Best Served Cold Updated 8/5/2016

The Tale of Ea't s'Quid Completed

Dovie'andi se tovya sagain

Posts: 443
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Post by kaistern » Sun, 14. Sep 14, 11:58

I awoke to red flashing light from the comms unit in my hotel room. It felt like I had just drifted off, and I still felt a little drunk from the night before. Rolling over I almost fell back to sleep, but the thought that no one ever sent me messages plauged me so I eventually got up and fumbled with the comms unit in the dark until I found the play button. Admiral Chase's face flashed to life as the recording played.

"William, I hope this recording finds you well. I have been following your progress and have been presently suprised concerning your fighting skills. That being said I need to speak to you on an urgent matter. I can't reveil the details right now but if you could meet me on Argon One at your earliest convienance it would be of great beneift to us both." And with his face winked out of existance and I was let again in the dark. For the life of me I couldn't figure out what Admiral Chase could want from me but the possibilities intriuged me so I activated the room lights and replicated a cup of coffee for help wake and sober me up. A few hours later I was finally able to pass a breath screen and I departed the station, starting on my way to see what waws going on.

<Warping to Argon Prime>

Getting in to see Admiral Chase was much easier than it was before. After landing a lieutenant meet me in the hanger and escorted me straight to the Admiral's office. The office looked exactly the same as it the last time I was here. Stark gunmetal grey walls, reminding you that you were inside a warship not a corperate office, a plain simple desk with plain simple chairs almost being enough to make you forget who you were in the presence of. But how could you? Standing at 6'7 and as wide as a bus, it was amazing that they had ever found a fighter craft that would fit the admiral. Not that he was fat, quite the opposite, he was completely solid a fact that was not common amongst space-faring humans. With a small gesture of his hand he offered me a chair which I quickly sat in. The sinister grin on his face almost made me gulp. I felt like a mouse beig stared at by a bobcat in a open field.

"It's been a while William, I see that you have made quite a name for yourself out there."

"Thank you sir." I sweeked in reply, I just did not feel good about the grin that covered his face.

"I have good news. Friends of mine have tracked down Phanon, well of a sorts. Phanon is a ghost, maybe he exists, maybe he doesn't, but what does exist is TandiTech a start up company which is OWNED by Phanon and my sources believe it was started with the money they stole from your father."

I felt stunned, stammering I replied "Does this mean that you can finally bring them to justice? Bring doen the force of the commonwealth to make them pay for what they have done?"

Chase shook his head, "No, we don't have enough evidence to press charges on them. Even if we had the evidence, I do not have the man power to enforce it."

I felt the wind go out from my chest. For a moment I had thought that justice was finally at hand, but now? "Whay did you bring me here if there is nothing we can do?"

"You miss understand me. MY hands are tied. YOUR hands are not. As of yestorday I have started a corperation in your name, Dragon Paramilitary Corperation, which can under commonwealth laws declare and persecute war on any other corperation that causes it significant harm. I have filed on your behalf grivences against Phanon and any company that he owns, allowing you free reign to attack an asset thus owned. A bit wierd that law, the split insisted that it be included and so it was drafted to make them happy, but now it serves our purposes well."

I had never heard of such a thing before. I mean, sure everyone know that the split were constantly fighting back and forth with each other, but for it to be a commonwealth law? The possibilities intreged me and I was eager to get back to my ship and mull them over. Luckily the comm unit rang and the Admiral picked it up and started talking about a problem in the engine room. Asking them to hold for a moment he handed me a stack of papers with the Label Dragon Co. on the front of it and politely showed me back to the leutineant who had escorted me to his office, thanking me for visiting. The leutineant showed me back to my ship and I was soon back on my way.


The next couple of weeks saw me trolling Argon space looking for mission or for anything labeled TandiTech; however, besides a Discoverer Advanced that I bought for 250k credits and then had gizmo sell for 560k credits, nothing much seemed to be happening. Guessing that TandiTech was avoiding Argon space I headed to Kingdom End to see if they might be preying on the Boron. Kingdom End looked much the way I remembered it from when I had been working for the Boron Minning Co. and since I could see most everything in the sector on my scanners I headed to the east gate to continue my search. Right as i was about to jump through the gate Gizmo piped up

"Hey boss, you know how you have been looking for TandiTech stuff here lately?"

"Yeah Gizmo, what about it?"

"Just thought you should know a TandiTech Demeter Hauler just warped in from Three Worlds." It had been behind me? Breifly I consitered the idea that They were having me followed but dismissed the idea, I think gizmo would have noticed it already. I quickly turned my ship and head towards the trader. The Demeter didn't seem to take much notice of me as I crept up next to it, to close for it to have any chance of getting away. Opening fire with all 8 f my PAC's I watched as... I bearly dinted their shields at all. Well no one said that they wouldn't be protected. I thought as I fired another salvo into its side. Passing above it I noticed a bay door opening on the side allowing drone after drone to launch, twelve in total. The drones looked to be little more then IRE's strpped to a rocket so I didn't give them much mind as I fired another salvo into the Demeter. The cargo bay on the demeter opened spewing it's contents into space, 8 advanced satellites. What the hell are those going to do? I thought as I blasted one of them to bits so I could line up a shot on the demeter... Right as I was firing another salvo the demeter opened up a warp tunnel and was gone, leaving me alone with the drones and the satellites. Glancing down to survey the damage that the drones were doing to me I found that my shields were at... 100%... laughing quietly to my self I watched as gizmo used the rear turret to systematically destroy all of the drones and then, wanting to say that I had done some kind of damage to Phanon, I opened fir on the satellites blowing them to bits. Did it really hurt Phanon? No. Did it make me feel better? Yes. Looking through the wreckage of the satellites I found a 5 mJ shield and 27 energy cells that the Demeter must have dumped at the smae time he dumped the satellites. I didn't really feel as satisfied as I had thought that I would but it was enough for now.


Sorry for not posting in a while it has been intresting in RL lately. I was hoping to get the rest of this page of notes put in tonight but I guess not lol... the peice of paper is starting to fall apart :P

BTW Triaxx: Yeah this is the content that I lost.... not word for word the same but the content was the same... This is about all I have time to time at one time :P
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Running LU 1.4.7 + XM-O 1.0 + Quick Wings 1.0
Rise of Phanon DiD LUV
Wrath of the Hive DiD XM-O
Try my script: Quick Wings for better wing control in LU!

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Post by Telorath » Sun, 14. Sep 14, 23:46

This is pretty cool. I was keeping a "journal" for the first like week and a half of my playthrough with some light plot elements focusing around the OCV(go figure), but a thunderstorm knocked out my power and I had it all in an unsaved text document because I'm an idiot. So it's nice to see I'm not the only one crazy enough to make their own story while playing a game about flying ships around and blowing things up to nothing but ambient music.

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Post by kaistern » Mon, 15. Sep 14, 00:54

I find it make everything more interesting :D
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Running LU 1.4.7 + XM-O 1.0 + Quick Wings 1.0
Rise of Phanon DiD LUV
Wrath of the Hive DiD XM-O
Try my script: Quick Wings for better wing control in LU!

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Post by Dawgzilla » Thu, 18. Sep 14, 06:41

kaistern wrote:Whoo I never thought that I was going to get out of that Pegasus, never thought I was going to finish this chapter, and I never thought I would be able to type it all up tonight. But I DID!!! lol

I hope yall all enjoy how freaking lucky I got on that nova find.... My game is so much more fun now that i am in one of my favorite ships in the game... wish it was a raider but I'll take what i can get! (Novas in LU start at 1.5 MILLION credits just FWI)

BTW that was ONE of the THREE pages of notes i have but I don't have the time ATM to finish the rest. Dont forget to send me characters and to give me any tips, hints, and comments!

EDIT: Total game time in M5 11H with 7H saved by SETA

Current Assets:
m3 Nova sentinel

m5 "Hermes" Pegasus
- 4 IRE
- 2 mJ shields
-Fully upgraded Engines and rudder

750k Credits
I was hunting for bailed ships and i got a pirate nova fully eqipped in Rolk's Legacy. I also made the mistake of putting a sat in atreus clouds so that my ut's would go there. Which i corrected later when i removed the sat. But not before my UT's radar revealed a cutlass with only 9 % hull and full shields and weapons. Which i also made my own. Good loot to be had from the mayhem that happens around the pirate and xenon sectors :)

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Joined: Mon, 30. Jun 14, 13:29

Post by kaistern » Wed, 24. Sep 14, 12:13

The next morning found me really hung over. My attack on the Phanon Trader had left me more emotional then I had thought it would have, and THAT had left me a lot more drunk then normal. Rolling out of bed actually hurt as it turned out that my bed was a good three feet off the deck and literally rolling out of bed wasn't a good idea. Rubbing my shoulder I left the hotel in search of some grub and some coffee to sober me up.


Feeling much better I took off from the Boron station heading east to see what I could find.

<Warping to Rolk's Drift>

"Help! Help! were are under attack and need immediate assistance!" A cry came over radio from a local chip plant. A quick glance at the gravdar showed 5 pirates on a fast approach to the station with no local defence forces in sight. I accelerated towards the pirates cuting the gap and bringing a Jaguar Hauler into my sights PewPew,PewPew...BOOM the Jaguar exploded into a ball of fire. Estatic I quickly turned and wiped another Jag. Hauler, and a Jaguar standard. The two remainning ships, a Kestrel and a rapier turned firing on me as I dodged their fire. Knowing that the rapier was the more dangerous of the two I blasted the Kestrel and then finished off the rapier.(1) The Chip plant manager called me up thanking me for the help and paying me 100k credits for the rescue. I didn't stay long in Rolk's Drift, the thrill of my first real kill was think in my blood and I wanted more. I contacted the Boron navy and was told that a Silicon Mine in Queen's Space was under attack and needed immediate help. Warping to Queen's space i find the Silicon mine swarmed by three Ms and more then ten Ns and no sector defence in sight. Setting my sights on the Ms I engaged them quickly destroying them in quick succession before setting turning to the Ns and ridding the world of them.

The next several weeks continued like this. Argonian and Boron officials always had work for me and I was lost in the blood lust. Pirates and xenon alike feel under the wrath of my cannons. I quickly moved up rankings in both Boron and Argonian social chains and recieved sevreal invitations to meet and greet events. I wasn't intrested in anything but the next kill and so I ignored the invitations and instead took more contracts. After a month and a half constantly in the battle harness of my cockpit I recieved a message from Admiral Chase which read "Your efforts of ridding the universe have been noted by the Boron and Argonian Navies with high regard. At this point we have deemed it appropriate to present you with a bonus and two weeks paid leave to enjoy the spoils of your efforts."

"Vacation!?!" I asked out raged, though the message couldn't reply "I dont need a vacation!"

"Boss, maybe it wouldn't be a bad idea to do something else for a while, cool down a littlebit. You know we still haven't explored even two sectors that aren't either Boron or Argonian." The blood lust was still think in my veins but I could see the logic of cooling down. So I started out across the galaxy from Menelaus' Frontier exploring the lands of the Teladi. A couple of weeks went by without incident until one night at the bar of the Teladi Trading Station in Greater Profit a young Terran walked up to my table.

"Excuse me sir, would you perhaps be William McCloud of the Dragon Paramilitary Corperation?" My slightly liquered mind reeled on the words he said for several seconds before I grasped what he was asking and formed a reply.

"I suppose I am, who are you?"

"Well sir, I am Franklin Roberts, ex-communications expert of the terran navy. Pleasure to make your aquantaince." I could haved guess as much from his pristine uniform... you know if I had been sober.

"Well Frank..ie... what is it I can do for you? Round of shots?"

"No thank you sir, I am actually intrested in joinning you force, rumor has it that your one of the best fighter pilots this side of Terra."

"No offence but I dont have any need for a comms jockie. And I dont know about that whole fighter thing, I am just a man that pulls a trigger."

"Well sir, thats the thing I have a scout ship down stairs that I fly now and i would love to fly by your side, exploring the stars, taking the fight back to the terraformers..." Somewhere deep in my mind a light bulb went off... took it a couple of minutes to fight its was through the beer but as it did it brought soberiety with it.

"Your serious aren't you? Well I tell you what I could use a pilot. But before you can join my side in a fight you have to prove yourself. I need the rest of the commonwealth mapped out, and you could use the time to familairise your self with the lay of space out side of the Sol system. Does that sound like something the intrests you?" The boy brighten noticably.

"Yes sir it does." Standing up slowly to make sure the alcohol had indeed left my system I shook Frankie's hand.

"Well then welcome to Dragon Co., Now then show me this ship you have and lets see if it is worth anything."

Frankie lead the way to the Hangar bay and to a small terran rapier that had definitely seen better days. It was covered in rust and the entire engine looked like it had been shot full of holes and then patched up several times over. Inside the cockpit was covered in a dark stain that I was sure had once been blood.

"Trash it Frankie, just trash it. Ill buy you a ship and outfit it right." A look of mixed emotions crossed his face. "Look I know that this was your first ship and all but it is worthless, and I am pretty sure at least one person has already died in it. I noticed a mako for sale when we came in. You see about scrapping this peice of junk and I'll go see about getting you a real ship." Frankie looked heart broken but he head toward the shipyard as I turned back to where I had seen the mako sitting. The mako wasn't in good condition but I was able to make a deal and get it for a couple hundred credits and have a repair job thrown in. Then a quick trip to the mechanic to specify what all the "repair" job was going to entail... Needless to say the Boron I bought it from ended up paying more for the upgrades then I paid him for the ship. I also had it fully outfitted with PAC cannons and shields, Dont want to waste my investment or anything. By the time I meet back up with Frankie I had a prestine warship to hand over to him. Frankie was thrilled and insisted that we test it immeadiatly.

Launching from the station we ran through so basic test runs which Frankie past with ease. Just as we were wrapping up a SOS came over the radio from a near by station that was under attack by Xenons. Before I knew what was happening Frankie had gunned his engine and flew off stright towards the incomming Xenons.

"Shit, Frankie what are you doing? Gizmo give me a sitrep on the xenons."

"Boss, we have a XL and several Ns comming in fast. ETA five minutes" Looking at how fast frankie was moving away from me it was obvious that he was going to beat me to them by at least three minutes

"HeeeYa! Heeeeeeree's FRANKIE!" Frankie shoted over the comms as he let lose his cannons scoring direct hits on the XL. To far away to really have a good view of what was going on I swapped my main display screen to show his cockpit camera. Frankie swiftly dodge several volleys from the XL and kept blasting the XL over and over again. But deep inside I knew it couldn't last. The XL's shields dropped rapidly under Frankies constant assault and its return fire seemed to slugish to even get near him as his ship danced around. Finally Frankie dug into the XL's hull and then swooped in for the killing blow. Firring at the XL as he made a direct attack the XL was able line frankie up right as it's engines fireballed.The last bolts from the XL slammed into Frankie stripping his shield and leaving him tailspinning with all power from his engines gone. I quickly scanned for life signs and was relieved to find him still alive. I quickly destroyed the two remainning N's and then flew over to Frankie. By this time Frankie had already extracted him self from his torn up cockpit and was trying to figure out who to work the repair laser.

"Sorry sir, I just got to confident, I let my guard down." I could hear a hint of depression in his voice, it was clear he was beating him self up over what had happened.

"Don't worry about it that was still some amazing flying. And next time you will know better and will have learned from this. Now lets get your ship fixed up." I really was impressed by what he had managed to do, even I struggled in a Nova agaist the Xenon XLs.

As I floated towards him in my own spacesuit he figured out how to activate te repair laser and hot plasma sprayed all over the of the cockpit of the mako forming a shell of plasma around it. Felling sorry for the kid I told him that I would handle the repairs from now on and I began to fix the ship, starting with removing the layer of metal he just applied to the cockpit. Frankie apologized and then started watching me intently but I was not about to let him do anymore repair till he took a class for it.

After Frankie's ship was back in it's orginal condition I bid him forwell with stern instruction to avoid all fights unless there was no way to avoid it. And then he was off to explore the Commonwealth.

"So boss, what do we do now?"

"I dont know Gizmo but I have always wanted to visit the Split. Maybe we should go see whats out there."

"What ever you say boss, its your vacation after all."

"What are you talking about, It's not like I actually work for Navy they were just tired of me having all the fun."

"Or they didn't want you to burn out... you know literally."

1)Upgraded to Fight rank 10, Combat vet (fight rank 9 came entirely from the drones and sats in the last post)

How do you like Frankie? :D And don't worry he will be back after he gets down with some exploring.
[ external image ]
Running LU 1.4.7 + XM-O 1.0 + Quick Wings 1.0
Rise of Phanon DiD LUV
Wrath of the Hive DiD XM-O
Try my script: Quick Wings for better wing control in LU!

Posts: 443
Joined: Mon, 30. Jun 14, 13:29

Post by kaistern » Wed, 1. Oct 14, 12:24

Well the only good thing I had to say about my time with the split was..... they had some really good alcohol. Unfortunately the split didn't seem intrested in making use of my skills at all. So after a week or two moving from station to station looking for work, or to try the beer, I decided I had had enough of being bored and that it was time to get back to work. I was short on energy cells for my jump drive so I stopped by a lock trading station boiught some and then jumped back to Argon Prime.

Nothing intresting popped out at me from the local net as I swept past the shipyards and had Gizmo set a course to Home of Light. Getting out of the cockpit I worked my way back to where my bed was laid out (1).

"Hey boss?" Gizmo asked right as I started to get comfortable. "The passenger you brought on back at the split station is awake."

I sat straight up quickly throwing leftover food and dirty cloths around as I searched for my laser pistol "Passenger!?! I didn't let any passenger on!" Finding the pistol I jumped onto the ladder that lead down to the cargobay.

"Sure you did boss, you loaded the crate with him inside it yourself." Gizmo replied as I crept to the cargo bay. The cargo bay was very small and entirly linned with crates of energy cells that I had purchased. Peering around the room nothing looked admiss.

"Where is he Gizmo?"

"Directly in front of you third box from the top." Slidding over to the boxes I couldn't see any diffrence between this box and the rest. The box was only about three foot long and maybe half that in hirght and width, there was no way that a person could hide in there. On the other hand I had never known Gizmo to be wrong. Deciding that speed and suprise where my best options I grabbed the entire stack of crates and pulled then over, crashing them onto the ground. Many of the boxes broke on impact and energy cells went everywhere, except one box that didn't break, a box that was now groanning. I swiftly kicked the lid off the box and thrust my laser pistol into the container... and right into the face of a small boy.

The boy looked pathetic, he was obviously malnurished and had signs of abuse all over his body. Bruise next to a cut next to bruise. The boy had obviously been through hell, and my holding a gun to his face was not helping the matter. He was obviously frightened, his face covered in anxity with tears beading up in his eyes. Feeling pitiful for scaring the poor boy I holstered my gun and then raised my hand to help the boy out of the crate. When He saw me raising my hand the boy shrinked even further back into the box.

"No mister please dont hit me!" The boy's words shocked me, I didn't know what else to do so I quickly stepped back a step to give him room.

"I'm sorry I didn't mean to scare you, I just didn't know who or what you were, or where you came from."

"I... Im.... I'm slave 2467." The boy stammered. A slave? I thought that the commonwealth had banned slavery years ago.... oh well except for the split.... This boy must have been one of their slaves and had hide himself in my cargo to excape that horrific life. I couldn't even begin to imangine being a slave to a Split.

"Do you have another name? You know that your mother gave you?" I asked hoping to earn some trust.

"I never knew my mother, she died when I was born, I never had a name other than 2467." He wimpered

The life this poor child must have endured. He looked to be only 8 or 9 but old scars on his body made it obvious split must have started him working years ago. He was dressed only in a badly worn loin cloth that would have been tossed aside by any caveman.

"You must be hunger, why don't you come with me and I will get you a hot meal." I said gesturing up the ladder to the main part of the ship.

Several minutes later I watched amassued as the boy scarfed down an entire meal for four by himself. By the look on his face as he tried each new item for the first time I got the impresion that he had never had a decent meal in his life. For all I could tell the split must have feed him dog food if they feed him at all. As he was eating I slipped to the front and quitely asked gizmo to dock us at the Trade station in Ore Belt. Walking back to the kid I found him just staring at a glass of orange juice I had poured for him, an orange mustash on his face.

"What is that?" he asked is astonishment.

"It is orange juice, it come from fruit."

"What is fruit?" Well there was a question I didn't know how to answer in a way that he would understand, instead I got an apple out of the fridge and handed it to him. Confusion crossed his face as he held the studied fruit.

"This is food?" Laughing I took it back and sliced off a peice for him. He took a bite, amazment crossing back over his face. He looked more like a kid tasting candy for the first time instead of an apple. It wasn't long before he finished eating a look of bloating crossing his face.

"Do you like it?"

"I have never eaten anything that good. We were only ever given old rations, one a day." I was hard for me to believe that the split would treat their slaves so bad, with that little food I wondered hom many slaves died every day from malnurishment. The food must have gone straight to his head because before I could ask him any more question his head was nodding as sleep over came him. I gently picked him up and carried him to the bed and tucked him in. Back behind the pilots seat I waited silently, lost in thought as we made our way to the trading station.


"I am sorry but there is nothing we can do to help you. We bearly have enough resources to provide for our own, much less start taking in stray children." The man in front of me was a welfare agent on the Trade station in ore belt. He words were much as I expected after reading on recent news about freed slaves but they still did not make me happy about the situation. I was a fighter pilot by trade and a fighter craft was no place for a little boy. I was in quite a tight spot. On one side I couldn't take him with me, but I also couldn't leave him with the station authorities, and I certainally was not about to just dump him on a dock somewhere. Shaking my head as I made my way back to the hotel I rented Gizmo peeped up.

"Hey boss, we have some capital put back now. Why don't we get a place here?"

"And what Gizmo? Give up the fight because I accidentally resucued a slave boy? Give up my life as a fighter pilot and start a job in the local cafe'?"

"Well no, but I could watch him when our not on mission. I could teach him and let him grow up in a secure home here."

"Gizmo is your biological clock ticking? Do you have baby fever? Last time I checked you were a sophisticated trade program not a nanny."

"No but your father did instill a since of right and wrong into me. And anything else would be wrong." I hated to admit it but Gizmo was right. I wasn't sure how much he knew about raising children though. I was going to have to think long and hard over this one.

Arriving at the hotel room I found the kid watching cartoons on the TV like he had never seen a cartoon before... which he probably hadn't. Hearing me walk in he jumped up and ran over, grabbing my hand and showing me the television. I had to smile it wasn't every day that someone found tv for the first time. After he calmed down a little he turned to me, "Oh, Gizmo and me found a name I like." I felt the wind leave my lungs, how had he found out about Gizmo?

"Sorry about that boss, he must have heard us talking last night. The first thing he did when he woke up was poke the computer repeatedly asking me by name where you were at, he was starting to get really agitated so I told him, and then the cat was out of the bag." I felt stupid for being so careless.

"Gizmo is really nice, I want to go meet him some time." The boy said.A shiver of hope opened up to me.

"And where would we do that?" I asked

"Well where ever he live, duh." I chuckled to myself. The kid must believe that he was talking to another person over the comm link.

"So what name did you choose?" I asked felling better now that I knew that Gizmo's secrete was still safe.

"Valse Reef. I want to be called Valse Reef." (2)

"I think that is a wonderful name" I replied curious how he came up with it.
As I looked around the small hotel room, I knew I had to get something bigger and more permanent. Sitting on the bed as he started watching cartoons again I opened up my computer and looked up property for sale here on the station. It wasn't long before I found a fully furnished rental house not far from the hangar bay that caught my eye. Three bedroom with a full living room and a full kitchen for only 10,000 credits a month. I decided that it was worth checking into and so I slipped out again and went to meet the landlord.

The landlord was a kindly old lady by the name of Elaine who lived in the next house over.(3) I instantly loved this old women and decided to tell her everything about what was going on. By the time I was finished she insisted that I bring Valse over right away so that she could meet him. When I made it back she intruduced herself to Valse and then asked us to come in to one of the back rooms. The room had already been furnished for a young child but now there was a huge box of toys sitting in the middle of the room.

"I want you to have these Valse." Elaine said. Valse's eyes lit up as he looked at it and he immediatly ran over and hugged Elaine around the waist before he ran over to the toy box and started to dig in. Laughing a little at the sight, me and Elaine retired to the living room to talk.

"He is a very nice young man." She started

"It is amazing considering what he has been through."

"What do you intend to do? Move in here, find local work and start a family?" I could tell that she was trying to assess what kind of man I was. But I was not about to blab everything about my mission to her so instead I kept it simple.

"I have to keep my current job. But my work involves me frequently leaving and not being back for days at a time, but it is far to dangerous for him to go with me. I hate to leave him here alone for days at a time, however I have no choice, there is no one else for him and no one is willing to help him but me. I am all he has. So I am trying to do right by that."

"I am just an old lady but if you want I could watch him while you were gone. He is so adorable and he reminds me of the son I lost many years ago." A look of sadness crossed her face and then was replaced by a huge smile. "It is settled then, you will rent out this house from me and in return I will watch Valse while you are not home. Now don't make it too often or too long mind you. I am still just a old lady. But for a couple days at a time I can manage to take care of such a sweet young man." Elaine must have been a god send.

"I will have to pay you for your services, say another 10,000 credits on top of rent to."

"No I could not accept that, it will be enough for me just to have a child in my life again."

"Never the less, I insist." We talked for a time after that and check in on Valse. As the night wore on she bid us farewell and after having the hotel deliver my luggage to the house I tucked Valse into his bed and then retire to mine.


(1) I imagine that the heavy fighters have a small living compartment dirrectly behind the cockpit with a small hidaway bed, a cooking area and some sort of entertainment. Think like what semitrucks have and then add an access to the turret and another to the cargobay.

(2) Cheers to the person who can figure out why I choose this name (Hint it is in the letters)

(3) remember we are in a trade station so scrap everything you think of as a house and then try again.


How do ya'll like the notations ie: (1)
[ external image ]
Running LU 1.4.7 + XM-O 1.0 + Quick Wings 1.0
Rise of Phanon DiD LUV
Wrath of the Hive DiD XM-O
Try my script: Quick Wings for better wing control in LU!

Posts: 88
Joined: Wed, 3. Jun 09, 02:00

Post by Dawgzilla » Thu, 2. Oct 14, 05:30

kaistern wrote:Well the only good thing I had to say about my time with the split was..... they had some really good alcohol. Unfortunately the split didn't seem intrested in making use of my skills at all. So after a week or two moving from station to station looking for work, or to try the beer, I decided I had had enough of being bored and that it was time to get back to work. I was short on energy cells for my jump drive so I stopped by a lock trading station boiught some and then jumped back to Argon Prime.

Nothing intresting popped out at me from the local net as I swept past the shipyards and had Gizmo set a course to Home of Light. Getting out of the cockpit I worked my way back to where my bed was laid out (1).

"Hey boss?" Gizmo asked right as I started to get comfortable. "The passenger you brought on back at the split station is awake."

I sat straight up quickly throwing leftover food and dirty cloths around as I searched for my laser pistol "Passenger!?! I didn't let any passenger on!" Finding the pistol I jumped onto the ladder that lead down to the cargobay.

"Sure you did boss, you loaded the crate with him inside it yourself." Gizmo replied as I crept to the cargo bay. The cargo bay was very small and entirly linned with crates of energy cells that I had purchased. Peering around the room nothing looked admiss.

"Where is he Gizmo?"

"Directly in front of you third box from the top." Slidding over to the boxes I couldn't see any diffrence between this box and the rest. The box was only about three foot long and maybe half that in hirght and width, there was no way that a person could hide in there. On the other hand I had never known Gizmo to be wrong. Deciding that speed and suprise where my best options I grabbed the entire stack of crates and pulled then over, crashing them onto the ground. Many of the boxes broke on impact and energy cells went everywhere, except one box that didn't break, a box that was now groanning. I swiftly kicked the lid off the box and thrust my laser pistol into the container... and right into the face of a small boy.

The boy looked pathetic, he was obviously malnurished and had signs of abuse all over his body. Bruise next to a cut next to bruise. The boy had obviously been through hell, and my holding a gun to his face was not helping the matter. He was obviously frightened, his face covered in anxity with tears beading up in his eyes. Feeling pitiful for scaring the poor boy I holstered my gun and then raised my hand to help the boy out of the crate. When He saw me raising my hand the boy shrinked even further back into the box.

"No mister please dont hit me!" The boy's words shocked me, I didn't know what else to do so I quickly stepped back a step to give him room.

"I'm sorry I didn't mean to scare you, I just didn't know who or what you were, or where you came from."

"I... Im.... I'm slave 2467." The boy stammered. A slave? I thought that the commonwealth had banned slavery years ago.... oh well except for the split.... This boy must have been one of their slaves and had hide himself in my cargo to excape that horrific life. I couldn't even begin to imangine being a slave to a Split.

"Do you have another name? You know that your mother gave you?" I asked hoping to earn some trust.

"I never knew my mother, she died when I was born, I never had a name other than 2467." He wimpered

The life this poor child must have endured. He looked to be only 8 or 9 but old scars on his body made it obvious split must have started him working years ago. He was dressed only in a badly worn loin cloth that would have been tossed aside by any caveman.

"You must be hunger, why don't you come with me and I will get you a hot meal." I said gesturing up the ladder to the main part of the ship.

Several minutes later I watched amassued as the boy scarfed down an entire meal for four by himself. By the look on his face as he tried each new item for the first time I got the impresion that he had never had a decent meal in his life. For all I could tell the split must have feed him dog food if they feed him at all. As he was eating I slipped to the front and quitely asked gizmo to dock us at the Trade station in Ore Belt. Walking back to the kid I found him just staring at a glass of orange juice I had poured for him, an orange mustash on his face.

"What is that?" he asked is astonishment.

"It is orange juice, it come from fruit."

"What is fruit?" Well there was a question I didn't know how to answer in a way that he would understand, instead I got an apple out of the fridge and handed it to him. Confusion crossed his face as he held the studied fruit.

"This is food?" Laughing I took it back and sliced off a peice for him. He took a bite, amazment crossing back over his face. He looked more like a kid tasting candy for the first time instead of an apple. It wasn't long before he finished eating a look of bloating crossing his face.

"Do you like it?"

"I have never eaten anything that good. We were only ever given old rations, one a day." I was hard for me to believe that the split would treat their slaves so bad, with that little food I wondered hom many slaves died every day from malnurishment. The food must have gone straight to his head because before I could ask him any more question his head was nodding as sleep over came him. I gently picked him up and carried him to the bed and tucked him in. Back behind the pilots seat I waited silently, lost in thought as we made our way to the trading station.


"I am sorry but there is nothing we can do to help you. We bearly have enough resources to provide for our own, much less start taking in stray children." The man in front of me was a welfare agent on the Trade station in ore belt. He words were much as I expected after reading on recent news about freed slaves but they still did not make me happy about the situation. I was a fighter pilot by trade and a fighter craft was no place for a little boy. I was in quite a tight spot. On one side I couldn't take him with me, but I also couldn't leave him with the station authorities, and I certainally was not about to just dump him on a dock somewhere. Shaking my head as I made my way back to the hotel I rented Gizmo peeped up.

"Hey boss, we have some capital put back now. Why don't we get a place here?"

"And what Gizmo? Give up the fight because I accidentally resucued a slave boy? Give up my life as a fighter pilot and start a job in the local cafe'?"

"Well no, but I could watch him when our not on mission. I could teach him and let him grow up in a secure home here."

"Gizmo is your biological clock ticking? Do you have baby fever? Last time I checked you were a sophisticated trade program not a nanny."

"No but your father did instill a since of right and wrong into me. And anything else would be wrong." I hated to admit it but Gizmo was right. I wasn't sure how much he knew about raising children though. I was going to have to think long and hard over this one.

Arriving at the hotel room I found the kid watching cartoons on the TV like he had never seen a cartoon before... which he probably hadn't. Hearing me walk in he jumped up and ran over, grabbing my hand and showing me the television. I had to smile it wasn't every day that someone found tv for the first time. After he calmed down a little he turned to me, "Oh, Gizmo and me found a name I like." I felt the wind leave my lungs, how had he found out about Gizmo?

"Sorry about that boss, he must have heard us talking last night. The first thing he did when he woke up was poke the computer repeatedly asking me by name where you were at, he was starting to get really agitated so I told him, and then the cat was out of the bag." I felt stupid for being so careless.

"Gizmo is really nice, I want to go meet him some time." The boy said.A shiver of hope opened up to me.

"And where would we do that?" I asked

"Well where ever he live, duh." I chuckled to myself. The kid must believe that he was talking to another person over the comm link.

"So what name did you choose?" I asked felling better now that I knew that Gizmo's secrete was still safe.

"Valse Reef. I want to be called Valse Reef." (2)

"I think that is a wonderful name" I replied curious how he came up with it.
As I looked around the small hotel room, I knew I had to get something bigger and more permanent. Sitting on the bed as he started watching cartoons again I opened up my computer and looked up property for sale here on the station. It wasn't long before I found a fully furnished rental house not far from the hangar bay that caught my eye. Three bedroom with a full living room and a full kitchen for only 10,000 credits a month. I decided that it was worth checking into and so I slipped out again and went to meet the landlord.

The landlord was a kindly old lady by the name of Elaine who lived in the next house over.(3) I instantly loved this old women and decided to tell her everything about what was going on. By the time I was finished she insisted that I bring Valse over right away so that she could meet him. When I made it back she intruduced herself to Valse and then asked us to come in to one of the back rooms. The room had already been furnished for a young child but now there was a huge box of toys sitting in the middle of the room.

"I want you to have these Valse." Elaine said. Valse's eyes lit up as he looked at it and he immediatly ran over and hugged Elaine around the waist before he ran over to the toy box and started to dig in. Laughing a little at the sight, me and Elaine retired to the living room to talk.

"He is a very nice young man." She started

"It is amazing considering what he has been through."

"What do you intend to do? Move in here, find local work and start a family?" I could tell that she was trying to assess what kind of man I was. But I was not about to blab everything about my mission to her so instead I kept it simple.

"I have to keep my current job. But my work involves me frequently leaving and not being back for days at a time, but it is far to dangerous for him to go with me. I hate to leave him here alone for days at a time, however I have no choice, there is no one else for him and no one is willing to help him but me. I am all he has. So I am trying to do right by that."

"I am just an old lady but if you want I could watch him while you were gone. He is so adorable and he reminds me of the son I lost many years ago." A look of sadness crossed her face and then was replaced by a huge smile. "It is settled then, you will rent out this house from me and in return I will watch Valse while you are not home. Now don't make it too often or too long mind you. I am still just a old lady. But for a couple days at a time I can manage to take care of such a sweet young man." Elaine must have been a god send.

"I will have to pay you for your services, say another 10,000 credits on top of rent to."

"No I could not accept that, it will be enough for me just to have a child in my life again."

"Never the less, I insist." We talked for a time after that and check in on Valse. As the night wore on she bid us farewell and after having the hotel deliver my luggage to the house I tucked Valse into his bed and then retire to mine.


(1) I imagine that the heavy fighters have a small living compartment dirrectly behind the cockpit with a small hidaway bed, a cooking area and some sort of entertainment. Think like what semitrucks have and then add an access to the turret and another to the cargobay.

(2) Cheers to the person who can figure out why I choose this name (Hint it is in the letters)

(3) remember we are in a trade station so scrap everything you think of as a house and then try again.


How do ya'll like the notations ie: (1)
Ok i will take a stab at it. Did you scrmble the letters? Is it Free slave?

Posts: 443
Joined: Mon, 30. Jun 14, 13:29

Post by kaistern » Thu, 2. Oct 14, 09:52

Dawgzilla wrote:Ok i will take a stab at it. Did you scrmble the letters? Is it Free slave?
LOL cheers to you
[ external image ]
Running LU 1.4.7 + XM-O 1.0 + Quick Wings 1.0
Rise of Phanon DiD LUV
Wrath of the Hive DiD XM-O
Try my script: Quick Wings for better wing control in LU!

Posts: 88
Joined: Wed, 3. Jun 09, 02:00

Post by Dawgzilla » Fri, 3. Oct 14, 09:20

kaistern wrote:
Dawgzilla wrote:Ok i will take a stab at it. Did you scrmble the letters? Is it Free slave?
LOL cheers to you
\o/ yay :)

Posts: 443
Joined: Mon, 30. Jun 14, 13:29

Post by kaistern » Fri, 3. Oct 14, 11:35

The days past slowly for my on the trade station. It wasn't that I didn't enjoy being there, or that I didn't like Valse. But I wasn't in space, I wasn't pursuing Phanon. I could FEEL myself being tugged back to my ship like a marionette bound by a thousand tiny strings. We spent the time buying Valse cloths, teaching him how to fit in with normal children and finally enrolling him into the local school. Elaine spent a lot of time with us, bringing us lunch and dinner everyday as an excuse to spend time and play with Valse, go with us shopping to make sure I wasn't an fasion idiot(which it turns out I am). It was all very pleasant. Elaine reminded me in ways of what I could remember of my mother before the sickness took her when I was little. Always dotting on Valse, but then scolding him if he did anything wrong, and then loving on him so that he knew she wasn't mad at him. Valse on the other hand acted like he had been given the key to the kingdom. Everyday was a new adventure for him. Shopping was an adventure, school was an adventure. Everything was an adventure.

But still it was not enough for me. So I finally decided to break the news to them. I asked them both to join me in the living room, where I made my anouncement. "It is time for me to go, my work is calling me back and I can't turn it down."

"What!?!" Valse asked with astonishment "Where are you going, can I go with?"

It broke my heart to see his little face conturted in anguish and shock overf the news. "No, I have been given a mission from the Navy to patrol the local sectors and keep them safe from Xenons and Pirates. It would not be safe for you to come with me."

"But where am I suppose to go? Who is going to protect me if your gone?"

"I will," Elaine spoke up. She had known for a time that this day was comming. "I will watch over you while William is out. Now be respectable, his job is very important. Without men like him none of this would be possible." I felt myself swelling with pride at the praise.

"When are you coming back?" Valse asked me his face awash with anxiety.

"I will only be gone a couple of days. Then I will be back with stories to tell you of sillyh pirates and EVIL robots."

"I'll miss you..."

"You won't even know I am gone. You have school for the next couple of days and Elaine will be here to care for you. Gizmo will also still be here so if you need me all you have to do is ask him and he will reach out to me. But I must go now." I hated good byes so I always tried to make them short and sweet. Valse for his part took the news like a champ, though he wouldn't let me leave without giving me a hug and making me promise that I would be back.


Space was like a breath of fresh air to me. You never knew claustrophobia until you had been couped up inside of a trase station. Making my way across Ore Belt I hailed the Sec.Def. to see what was going on.

"Pilot it is good to hear from you. I have an urgent mission. Xenon fighters have manage to penatrate deep into Argon territory and are currently attacking the local shipping in Ringo Moon. The local defence is being overwhelmed and are in need of immediate assistance!"

Just want I need after too long of a break from fighting. I spun up my warp drives and jumped to Ringo Moon.

<Jumping to Ringo Moon>

Immediatly my scanners registared 4 Xenon L's and 2 XL's harrashing a murcury and it's escort a single buster. The local defense force was now where to be seen. Still 10km away the Xenons were making short work of the Murcury hitting the slow moving transport with volley after volley of laser fire. The murcury for it's benifit was doing an admiralable job of fighting the XLs but they were just to heavly armoured for the buster to do much damage. In agony I watched as the Xenon continued to pour fire into the mercury quickly tearing down it's shields, ravaging it's hull and ending in a ball of pent up fury exploding from it's core. Still 6k out the Xenon's brought down their rage on the buster that was now desprately trying to stay alive. Somehow the buster managed to get in a lucky shot and avenger the murcury on one of the XL's that had been dogging it but in return it opened it's self up to fire from the rest of the Xenons quickly reducing it's shields as the pilot tried to evade for all he was worth. Coming into range I opened up with all of my cannons rainning blue death down on the closest L tearing down it's shields and adding a new star momentarily to the cosmos. But it was to little to late. The new badly damaged Buster was still under fire. The pilot ejected flying off into the void hoping that the Xenon would be satisfied with killing his ship. But it was not to be, the xenon turned away from his no adrift ship and swooped down to bring their cannons to bear on the defenceless pilot.

"Gizmo! Beam him into the cargo hold!" I shouted, watching as Gizmo followed my instructions not a moment too soon as Xenon lasers sliced through the space that he had just been.

"He is safe in the cargo hold boss."

"Good job Gizmo." The Xenons seemed outraged that i had stolen their kill and turned in unison towards me. I let another swath of fire rain into the lead L reducing it to plasma before I resorted to barrol rolling to avoid the fire from the rest. With one XL and two Ls left I was still in for a world of hurt if they were able to get a lock on me.


"Shit, Gizmo target that missile!" I rolled desperatly as the missile pasted meer inchs from my hull nly to turn around and come back at me. Gizmo was feeding me target info and hit algorithms on the missle but between dodging it and the fire from the Xenons I could bring it to bear so that I could hit it with my main cannons.

TewTewTew, TewTewTew.

The rear phased reapeter gun started firing hitting the missle causing it to prematurly fireball. Stunned i tried to look back and see who was manning the turret but a blast from the Xenons reminded me that I need to focus if I wanted to survive.

"Gizmo, are you controlling the rear turret?" I asked as I swooped in beside the XL firing a salvo into it's side and denting it's shields.

"Negitave Boss, it seems the pilot we picked up is helping. You know i don't know why you never asked me to use that turret before, it wouldn't be that hard..." All this time and he never told me he could use the turret!?!

"Shut up Gizmo I need to concentrate!" The XL tried to shake me but with it's slower engines a turning of a New Argon bus it had no hope as I pour round after round into it, cheering as it finally blossumed into a plasma-flower. I turned to find the other Xenon already dead, the Argon Navy finally had shown up with a Military Centuar and several Novas. I brought the ship to a stand still and decided to go meet my new guest. As I turned to the living quarters a large spilt crawled out of the rear turret.

"WIL'HEM!" the famliar looking splir roared. "Ha to be saved by you is truely FATE!" Why did I not like the sound of that.

"Uhh, Kar'l was it? What are you doing out here?" I asked steping back a little as the split looked like he was happy enough to hug me. I had heard of people dying from hugging a split and I could easily see why.

"I guarded that mercury from pace to pace. Goot what him earned though. Never meet a wo'se swindler"

"Well my friend what do you say we fix your ship up. I have more Patrols to do and I am sure you have to find more work as well." I said edging towards hatch.

"Wil'hem you forget that I owe you a blood debt now. I must pay it back or forever be disgraced." Oh dear now that really didn't sound good. The split demeaner had ceased the overly happyness I was used to and now Kar'l looked much more serious. "Blood debts are VERY serious matters to us Split. Until it is repaid I can not leave your side."

"But you have already saved my life, you blew up that missle it would have killed me." I stated hoping that i could find a way out of this.

"No that is not good enough. I might have done that just to save my own rough hide." I didn't know if I liked the sound of this blood debt, however Kar'l did seem to be a more then decent pilot, and he did already have an outfitted ship.

"Alright, you can fly with me on one condition. I pay you, normal mercenary fees collected after every mission." The more i thought about it the more I liked the idea of having Kar'l guarding my six. Besides what kind of mercenary company only had one combat pilot? Well there was Frankie out there exploring the stars but I need a battlehardened sword by my side and who would be better then a split?

We spend the next couple of hours in space repairing his ship. They really had done a number on it but with a little TLC we had it up and running in no time.(1) We spent the next couple of days learning each other's style and running combat trainning on local astroids. Then we headed north in search of missions.

<Warping to Cloudbase Northwest>

"SOS, SOS. We are in need of help. Pirates are attacking out base and we have no defence!" Also no sector defence either I saw on the gravidar.

"We are in bound" I replied. Two pirate novas with several escorts were trying in vain to damage the station. It almost made me want to laugh. When will these people learn the kind of shields that stations had?

"Kar'l we have Pirates dead ahead. Keep on my six and lets show them how it's done."

"Yes Wil'hem. Let us show them." Kar'l's moved into formation behind me as we raced to the defence of the beef station. "Tell the station to start kooking steaks. I am hungery!" Kar'l was always hungery.The gap between us and the pirates closed quickly but the pirates paid us no mind.

"Open fire!" I shouted as we came into range of the first Nova. Twin fire from both of our ships ripped the Nova from stern to bow leaving nothing but ashes. That got the attention of the rest of the pirates who turned on us to sow their vengeance. IRE fire from the escorts sprinkled across my shield like rain on a trenchcoat bearly leave a dint. The remainning Nova was not so nice. High Energy Plasma ripped into my side as I turned to evade it's wrath. Kar'l already had the nova in his sights letting loose with his PAC's badly denting it's shields, and leaving it vulnerable to me. Pulling my trigger I pumped rounds into the Nova completly destorying it. The rest of the pirates had had enough and turned to flee, only to find a Military Centuar waiting for them.


The next couple of weeks blew by. Soon word began to spread about Dragon Co. and I soon had pilots either showing up at my door on the Free trade station in Ore Belt or chasing me down in space to ask to join my force. At first i turned them down but as demand for our services seemed to be picking up I decided to sign some of them on. I opened a small office on the Trade station, a place just big enough to have meeting at and to work on strategies with the new pilots. For the most part the new pilots toe'd the line. Unlike Kar'l and my self they were mostly new pilots with little or no experience. In our down time between missions, while I was spending time at home with Valse, I tasked Kar'l with trainning the new guys. I recalled Frankie from his job of exploring the galaxy. He had wanted to be a combat pilot well now was his chance. Gizmo also kept buying and selling used ships, often at great profit, however I had him start collecting traders and then fix them up and have them trade across the know cosmos making me money, for this is what Gizmo was truely made to do. It cost me a king's ransom with each trader though. It turns out that customs do not like ships with no life signs aboard and sometime got a little trigger happy. So gizmo found a man in Home of Light that would sell you a fully functional human clone, wiht no data inside. They were mostly used by rich people to have their minds put into new bodies, but we used it to fool the Customs into think that the traders were being piloted by people not by Gizmo. (2)


"Boss, just got our first profit report, Trader 1 and 2 have cleared their start up cost and are now in the money." Gizmo had no since of timing I thought as I fired another burst of cannon fire into a Xenon M. The xenon had managed to sneak a reather large invasion force into The Hole and even with the argon military's help we had our hands full. Frankie had made it back from the other end of the galaxy and i had given him command of a wing of fast fighers, all three (Frankie included) with a speed greater then 200m/s. Kar'l on the other hand was leading the three (Kar'l included) heavier slower fighters.

"Blue wing, report status." I said

"We are ridding high with guns a blazing. No damage to report." Frankie replied

"Red wing?"

"Cannons hot Wil'hem, shield full." Glad to hear that everyone was safe, I finished off the M and then came around looking to find another one... there were plenty.

"SOS, SOS. This is Wheat Farm Alpha, were are under attack we need help." Yeah buddy who didn't today? The entire sector was covered in Xenon. "Oh god its a P........"


And that's all I have time for today! Hope you enjoy!


(1) This buster was found more or less as described, even fully fitted with shields and PACs just like I like my fighters. I did add Combat 1 and 2, nav comm, and special comm, but we will skip that.

(2) What do you thing of my discription of Trade Com.3? lol

EDIT: Corrected incorrect information regarding sector and station in the last part to correctly reflect events. Turns out video is better then my memory lol
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Running LU 1.4.7 + XM-O 1.0 + Quick Wings 1.0
Rise of Phanon DiD LUV
Wrath of the Hive DiD XM-O
Try my script: Quick Wings for better wing control in LU!

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