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Sabrina Bergin
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Post by Sabrina Bergin » Sat, 21. Nov 15, 21:01

You know I kind of like this girl, I think I might take her of into her own story once the war starts.

Hands up if you agree?.

Also thumbs down if you think she is a mistake.


When traveling pause occasionally, look back and enjoy the moment again.

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Post by Triaxx2 » Sat, 21. Nov 15, 21:34

She does seem interesting. I've gotta go back and read the last bits. I've been both sick and running at top speed the past week, so trying to make sense of anything has been a bit of a chore.
A Pirate's Revenge Completed Now in PDF by _Zap_
APR Book 2: Best Served Cold Updated 8/5/2016

The Tale of Ea't s'Quid Completed

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Sabrina Bergin
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Post by Sabrina Bergin » Sat, 21. Nov 15, 22:14


I hope you get better soon. Sending you hugs and kisses.

This Idea for Ritsu came to me on the ferry to Bilbao, I had my Kindle loaded with stuff I wanted to read. (I would recommend Nathan Lowell Solar clipper series quarter share, half share etc.) then Namiko just hit me, and having just killed her off I, I found Ritsu, or she found me.

NO she is not going to be Yuki's bed warmer, well she might... just nothing more. I think that will create an interesting dynamic if Yuki want's but can't have.

At the moment I am hip deep researching Japanese traditions I want to get her right.
When traveling pause occasionally, look back and enjoy the moment again.

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Post by Sabrina Bergin » Sun, 22. Nov 15, 21:29


“I look ridiculous Kamishi, this dress allows for little modesty.”

“We have already discussed this Ritsu, Lord Kagenawa wishes you to accompany the Lady Yuki, as such you must wear clothing appropriate to a girl of your age… It also means you are not to conceal weapons about your person.” I feigned ignorance… she ignored that staring quite pointedly at my right thigh.

Knowing that she would insist I hitched the dress up around my waist and removed the small strap that secured my Kaiken to the inside of my thigh. I handed it to her and rearranged my dress. She stood there waiting with her other hand extended towards me. This was impossible, how could I defend my lady if I was to be left defenceless. I reached down the front of my dress and removed the throwing stars, I had stored in my bra.

“Is that all Ritsuko?” Kami asked knowing that it was not, spitting out a muttered curse of exasperation, I pulled up the sleeve of my dress and handed her my sheath of throwing knives.

“Is there a problem?” the Lady Yuki asked stepping into the room

“Not now I have disarmed young Ritsuko here,” Kami replied indicating the weapons she had made me surrender.

“Impressive, yet unnecessary Ritsu, tonight you are to enjoy yourself… my grandfather’s men will ensure the safety of all the guests, or do you doubt their competence? Now run along, and let the ladies attend to your hair, we have only a little time before we must present ourselves.”


Yuki stared after the girl as she left the room, concerned at what she had observed here. “Kami why does she carry such things and when did she conceal them I watched as she was dressed?”

“My main concern is that she still has a weapon about her person Yuki, she gave in far too easily for me to believe otherwise. As for why…? I think you should best ask your grandfather that question.” That was a blatant attempt to stifle my query I’d had enough of that of late, so I pressed her for the truth

“Not this time Kami, I would know why she has been assigned to me, surely one of Hiro's other guards could do just as well.”

“They are all known to your grandfather’s enemies Yuki, when they consider Ritsu they will see only a young girl.” That made sense in a way but still did not answer my question fully.

“That is all she is Kami… is it.?”

“Perhaps not Yuki, she is from Aldrin where they have truly reverted back to the old ways, Ritsu is… I believe Samurai. Kumi agrees this might be the case. She has had a great deal of training, far more than she received at the camp. Her weapons of choice also indicate this is a strong possibility. That is the value your grandfather see’s in her.”

Yuki was stunned by this suggestion; she had heard her stepfather speak of these people, knew he had wanted to cultivate them for his own use. He had often expressed the wish to have people who would follow his orders without question, even whilst knowing that doing so would result in their own deaths. Did her grandfather want the same, if so she might have to reconsider staying here? The thought of Ritsuko acting in this manner troubled her for reasons she could not explain. She would discuss this with Arlen, she seemed knowledgeable in such matters.


There was a knock at my door as I disrobed, I gave myself a moment before allowing access. Then my heart stopped, “Saya” I whispered unable to control my feelings of joy at seeing her stood there before me. I hugged her close not caring what her guide thought as I breathed in my tears.

“My Lady… know that we will not be parted in this life or the next, I have… missed you she allowed, a rare admission from her, I would not note lest she fell herself shamed.

“How?” I asked simply, pulling her deeper into the room.

“The Lord replaced Hidaka at the camp… after that I was instructed to board a flitter that brought me here, beyond that I know nothing my Lady.” I tightened my embrace about her hoping we were not under surveillance, or that the enthusiasm of my embrace might distract those who might be observing us, if we were.

“You must not address me as such here Saya…, there are sentinels everywhere,” I whispered into her ear. “Act as my true long lost friend… no more, and no harm will be done.” I wished that were so, but since arriving at my lord’s house, I had many questions with few answers. Saya caught my words of caution and once more was my friend of old.

“Come, sister of my heart, let us discuss all that has happened since I left the camp”. Truth be told there was not much to tell save that Saya mentioned she had secured the clothes I had left behind, those we retrieved at once from the room she had been assigned in a lower level. I contacted Kami and asked if Saya might not be given the room next to mine. Kami agreed readily enough, perhaps sensing my loneliness here, and thinking to place a friend of my home sector close might ease that. So in short measure we returned to my rooms where I examined the contents of the carry bag, that Saya had bought with her. My weapons were there, their ceramic nature fooling the scanners of the house.

We were ready to begin. Taddeo was dead at the hands of Yuki’s maid… Namiko who I had yet to meet, I had heard from others in the dining hall of what had happened during the meeting of the lords. It was clear they were somewhat in awe, if not afraid of this woman. It was just as well that she confined herself to The lady Yuki’s quarters, were she to appear before them I am certain half of them would faint at her presence. I would meet with her I decided, and with Saya at my side we scoured the house for any sign of her.

“She is not here Ritsu, and we have searched the house from top to bottom, perhaps the Lady Yuki has sent her home.”

That was a possibility, if half of what the other servants said of this woman were true she would be uncomfortable in their presence, still it troubled me, if she were truly Goryu as some whispered she would not leave her lady’s side. I checked the time and cursed, I had little left before I was due to attend the function this evening. Together we returned to our rooms where I had Saya dress in one of the garments that had been sent to me.

“Ritsuko I have not been invited to attend, I cannot go with you.”

“Nonsense Saya, if questioned I will say I invited you, it would not be expected of me to do otherwise having just been reunited with you, indeed it might seem suspicious if I did.” Saya looked at me in the way she had of questioning my words without speaking them aloud still she was happy enough to wear the fine gown we chose for her. She even allowed me to do her hair for her, I could have asked a servant to help do this but I wanted no one to anticipate my intentions, and perhaps thwart them.

We arrived at the grand ball room just as the Lady Yuki and the elusive Namiko who was garbed in a stunning black silk gown with a raised collar that all but hid her features did. It was hard to credit that the staff thought this young woman was some demon in human form, still where there is such belief it had to be founded on a grain of truth. That Taddeo had died at her hands was certain, that was a fact I bore in mind as I introduced Saya to my Lady.

“How delightful, I had heard you were arriving today Saya… my grandfather did not tell me how beautiful you were though.”

I felt for Saya when the lady said that and watched as she coloured to a burning crimson hue at such praise. Saya was not used to such but she responded politely enough and we four entered the ballroom together as I had intended. Once within the room and with many of the guests stepping forward to present themselves to the lady Saya slipped me the weapons she had concealed for me. They were little enough, a knife and a few ceramic throwing stars, but at least now I no longer felt unable to perform my duty should the need arise.

Our Lord had said that many of the other clan lords would be in attendance here, and it was one of those I wanted to see for myself. The man made no effort to hide himself, that in itself told me Taddeo’s death had not taught him caution. He introduced himself like some fancy peacock to the lady Yuki… it took all of my forbearance not to sink the knife I carried into his throat. I had witnessed him revelling in the slaughter of my people, only Saya’s firm grip on my arm kept me from acting out my desire.

“I have tagged him my lady” she whispered as she Kept me still, “once the party is finished we can visit retribution upon him.”

“Akihiro these are two of my ladies Ritsuko and Saya.” The Lady announced startling me.

“As ever you surround yourself with beauty Yuki.” He replied in a manner I found offensive, his flowery phrases cut short when his eyes fell upon Namiko, the woman who had slain his lord in such spectacular fashion. I could not miss the anger her presence provoked in him, nor the swift flash of triumph I saw on my lady’s face. She had done this on purpose I realised. Akihiro took his leave of us as soon as seemed polite, and joined the other guests circulating about the room, Saya pulled me to one side as the Lady did likewise.

“My Lady that is not Namiko” she hissed, “she smells like the gaijin Arlen, we met earlier.”

I had missed that so intent had I been on my enemy, I followed after Namiko drawing close enough to confirm Saya’s words. Yes… it was the same scent the woman habitually wore, one not common to terran space, I drew up close to her and whispered for her alone to hear. “I know not what game my lady play’s here Gaijin but your perfume betrays you to me, I suggest you change it before it is noticed.” The woman said nothing of course but I did note her absence from the room for a short period after I had spoken with her. Unfortunately, on her return she must have repeated what I had said to my Lady for she summoned me to attend her.

“You are to say nothing Ritsu, nor you Saya, there is a reason for this but it does not concern you is that clear?” She demanded in tones that were at odds with the look of warmth she appeared to be giving me should others be watching.

“Of course my lady, my only wish was to prevent others from discovering this deception as I have. I assume that Namiko is attending to my lady’s business elsewhere, whilst her presence here,” I indicated the woman who bore her semblance. Would provide proof that she was not involved in whatever occurs.”

I did not see a need to note that the woman who now appeared in the guise of Namiko was not the Gaijin. Clearly my lady was embarked on some action I was not aware of, to bring attention to her now would be unwise. She must have thought as I did for she excused us from the gathering just an hour later. Perhaps fearing that we would betray whatever plans she had in motion to her enemies.


Hiro was nothing if not efficient, I found the apartment that had been rented for the job and the rifle secured in a locker that opened to the code he had given me. The thing was a brute. Its rounds were explosive capable of taking out an entire floor of the skyscraper where my target would soon be arriving. I had met the man at the party, and I had taken an instant dislike to him as he’d approached us. A dislike even that girl Ritsu seemed to share with Yuki, why that was I didn’t know, as far as I knew she was just a servant as far as Yuki was concerned. I put those thoughts out of my head, as I zeroed the rifles scope on the apartment where my target was due to appear. That’s when things got weird. I saw the flitter land on the roof of the building and turned my attention back to his apartment. That’s when I saw them climbing down from the roof on mono cables. They were within the buildings shielding that Hiro said would go offline in just another few minutes. I watched through the scope as they cut a hole in a window then waited for Akihiro to arrive. They were good I had to give them that, as soon as Akihiro entered his apartment they dispatched his guards with ruthless efficiency before killing the man himself. The buildings shields dropped then as Hiro had promised and for a moment I considered firing at the target anyway but there was little point. Hiro would be interested to learn of this, I would be interested as well as those two assassins had just cost me the million credits I had been promised for the job. I watched as they exited the way they had entered returning to the roof before boarding, a flitter and joining the mass of traffic in the sky above me.
When traveling pause occasionally, look back and enjoy the moment again.

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Post by Triaxx2 » Sun, 22. Nov 15, 22:36

Please tell me, I'm not the only one confused.

I appreciate the well-wishes. I really, really hate being sick. My brain tends to not work to it's fullest extent when I'm sick.
A Pirate's Revenge Completed Now in PDF by _Zap_
APR Book 2: Best Served Cold Updated 8/5/2016

The Tale of Ea't s'Quid Completed

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Sabrina Bergin
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Post by Sabrina Bergin » Sun, 22. Nov 15, 23:05


Hiro had taken the news I had given him far more calmly than I had thought he might, the man was difficult to get a read on at the best of times, and he casually assigned the assassins I had seen, as belonging to one of the other clan lords.

“You will be paid as promised despite this,” he assured me. “Now to the other part of the payment you required for your services… I have not one but two skilled sword masters who will teach you the art of swordsmanship you desire. Once you have mastered what they can teach, I will complete your training. Does this satisfy you Arlen?”

“Of course” I agreed following him from the room.

He had to be kidding me, perhaps I was the butt of some joke as I looked at the two girls who were waiting for us in the training court. A point I made to him in no uncertain terms.

“You are mistaken in your wrath Arlen these two… Ritsuko and Saya are masters of the blade, ignore their youth for a moment and observe.”

He gave a signal and at once the pair took places in the centre of the court, I must admit to being wrong to have judged them as unskilled or too young they moved with what I could only see as a fluidity of motion and grace that defied my expectations. That they were evenly matched was obvious as their blades clashed and almost sang as they sought to best each other. It was also clear they had fought each other many times in such fashion. Hiro clapped his hands to end the bout, Saya and Ritsu advanced and waited for Hiro to give them further instructions. “You will teach Arlen all that you can, inform me when you believe she is competent”, he said simply before leaving us. That did not worry me as much as the small smile Ritsuko gave me on hearing his words.


“Stop being such a baby Arlen, after one month of training I would have thought you better able to endure the attentions of Saya and Ritsu.”

I considered that… for about a sezura, Saya was easy enough to work with, she was skilled without doubt, and was eager to follow her orders to teach me… Ritsu was something else, the girl seemed determined to bruise me whenever the opportunity arose. Which as we were training for hours every day, happened more frequently than I liked. Yuki rubbed more salve into my back, I wondered at why the girl had taken such a dislike to me. I’d pulled her up on that but she had been so effing polite I’d gotten no answers from her. She had assumed a mask of polite impenetrability that I could not fathom and that worried me. As did that girl Saya, the others seemed oblivious to the way she looked to Ritsuko, I wasn’t. Those two were hiding something, I would find out what that was. I was looking forward to the morrow when I would begin teaching them the Split style of combat, they would be the ones bearing bruises then, not me.


One month later:

“My apologies Arlen Ritsuko is unable to attend. I will learn in her stead and convey all that you teach me.”

So little Ritsuko had had enough, that had been my aim yesterday, seems the girl lacked the ability to take a bit of punishment. Perhaps now she would get off my back, a little humility would be no bad thing for her to learn. I drew my training sword and waited for Saya to begin. Let’s see if she was up to snuff, was my thought as she unleashed a barrage of attacks that drove me back across the court. I didn’t even see the blow that eventually knocked me to the ground. I did see her eyes though as she knelt by my head. “Harm my lady again as you did yesterday, and I will kill you.” Saya promised her eyes blazing with an anger I had only seen before in a mirror. It was as frightening as it was unexpected. She left the court before I could question her so I returned to Yuki’s quarters where I told her what had happened.

“You are certain that is what Saya said Arlen?”

“Of course I am Yuki, if that little bitch Ritsu was there she would have loved it.”

“Arlen… Ritsu was not there because yesterday you broke her arm; she is still receiving treatment for that injury. Given what you have said… you might consider yourself fortunate to be alive, now excuse me I must speak with Kamishi.”
When traveling pause occasionally, look back and enjoy the moment again.

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Sabrina Bergin
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Post by Sabrina Bergin » Mon, 23. Nov 15, 00:05


Ritsuko smiled as she saw the look of surprise on Arlen’s face, that last touch had landed… the point was hers. Despite her much vaunted skill the Gaijin was not quite the master of the sword yet. Soon she would have proven the value of her service to Lord Kanegawa, then… she dared not say it even to herself just yet. The years of suffering would end, twice more she landed the blows as Arlen began to lose her temper. Discipline Gaijin… remember what I taught you. She attacked again, I turned to deflect her strike, the move was an old one she must know I would have the counter for. To late I realised she had forsaken the form of the bout and attacked me with her Gaijin method. I was out of position to counter it now, and had no choice but to accept the strike dishonourable though it was. I turned to face her again sensing something wrong, this was no longer a practice bout… she meant to kill me as she had Taddeo.

I prepared myself as best I could, signalling Saya to protect our Lord should he be the ultimate target of the Gaijin. It was possible… there were few about at this early hour, and our lord had wanted this test carried out in secret. Was this then her plan all along? Again and again she charged at me, each time striking me a blow. I saw what I knew would be her final charge I was tiring fast now, I felt the shock as she struck my Iaido from my grasp then struck my behind as she surged past me laughing at her cleverness.
Was this but a game that she could choose to humiliate me in front of my lord… If so to what purpose? The test had been to demonstrate her ability to fight in the correct manner, as lord Kanegawa had promised she would be taught. I turned to face my lord seeing the sneer upon Arlens face. She had planned this… all of it to prove how little value I possessed.

It was all for nothing then, the desperate evasion of the Ronin, the time spent under the thumb of Hidaka. I had failed so completely it was beyond my ability to comprehend how stupid I could have been to have even hoped… It was clear now the Gaijin would take may place at my lady’s side. I bowed to my lord forcing myself to accept defeat without protest. If that might have been of use he would have called a halt to this before now. Saya fetched my Iaido and followed me from the hall. I did not trust myself to speak till we were alone in our room.


“What now my lady?”

“It is done… finished Saya, you saw what she did… how our lord reacted, there is no hope here for us… I have failed.”

“Perhaps you might speak to the lady Yuki…” she offered.

“Enough! Saya… my mother the Lady Naymuri bade me make this effort, but ordered me not to beg for our Lords aid. We are Samurai… We do not beg. I will do what I must to demonstrate the worth of our people, will you help me please Saya?” I asked before I truly broke.

“Of course my Lady, I am ever your servant and I hope your friend.” I smiled at her response, she was ever the braver of us, and long had she been my true friend. I trembled as I considered the Jigai ritual; I had been taught it long ago, never dreaming I would have cause to follow it. I would not dishonour my name by performing it badly. Saya’s presence would give me the strength to do this properly. I knew this for fact. That gave me cause to consider what she might do after.

“Saya I would ask you to bear witness to our lord, so that he might know why I have chosen this path.”

“My Lady I know your intention, I will ensure the Lord knows why this had to be, but I swear my eyes will not see the sun set this day. I have vowed I will serve you in this life and the next do not deny me this honour I beg you.”

I said no more to do so would be to suggest I questioned her honour, that I could not. It did not take long to make the preparations, I glanced at the predawn sky knowing that time was fast passing by. I wrote a letter for the lady Kamishi, and my own poem placing that within my robe for Saya to read after. Feeling the cold touch of steel of my Kaiken warmed by the thought that it would soon end my shame. Saya wrapped her own cloak about her and escorted me to the place I had chosen to bring shame to Lord Kanegawa. My mother would hear the news if she still lived, no doubt she would choose the path I now faced, this gave me some comfort as I settled myself to the rocky path facing east out over the lake. Saya knelt before me to bear witness as I bound my sash tightly around my legs so that I might not fall, and disgrace my ancestors.

“It is peaceful here” I said at last as I waited for the sun to rise.

“This place affords an excellent view of the lake, my Lady” Saya agreed her soft voice trembling just a little. She was close to tears… I would not inflict that shame upon her, and held my peace, content to watch as the dawn sky slowly brightened before me. When the first rays of the sun touched the lake I decided, it would be beautiful then. My vision narrowed as I readied myself, all around me fell into darkness, except the surface of the lake touched only by a gentle breeze, and Saya’s gentle face.

“I have always loved you Saya I whispered,” weakening a little at the last as sunlight kissed the lake’s surface. The cut was true there was little pain to speak of. I felt my vision dim as the warm flow of my life’s blood soaked into my robes, finally I was at peace


An hour earlier.

Hiro watched as Ritsuko left the practice chamber her chin held high, she knew the Gaijin had forfeited the match. That Arlen felt no shame at what she had done, disturbed him more than a little.

“That was unkind Arlen, she bested you, why did you not accept defeat with honour?”

“Because honour gets you killed Hiro, people beyond these walls do not play by any sort of rules, if they can kill you they will.”

“This was not a match to the death Arlen, it was to test your skill in swordsmanship using the Katana as I and Ritsuko taught you. Once she has been fully trained she will be a superb guardian for Yuki. Swordsmanship is but one of the means we use to test ourselves here, by our standards it is you who have failed. You will note that even though you used the Split forms of combat Ritsuko did not, she held to her task with honour, nor did she protest your actions as was her right. Consider that for a moment Arlen.”

Hiro had a point, I did feel ashamed of what I’d done, I had let the rage loose when I should not have, in doing so had hurt a child who had acted within her own frame work of only what she knew, what she had been taught was right. “I’ll apologise to her in the morning I promised”.

“Be sure that you do Arlen, she is well respected here, neither Yuki nor Kamishi will be happy with what you have done. You still owe me a month of training for her remember that as well. A month is a long time to have those two woman angry at you, trust me I know.”

Hiro stepped down from the dais and ordered whiskey for both of them. He knew that Yuki would be furious with Arlens tactics here, she had argued against this match perhaps having a better sense of what the foreign woman would do when faced with defeat, than he did. Kamishi would also bend his ear about this, she alone knew how much his plans rested on that young girl. Perhaps it had also taught Arlen a lesson in that there were consequences for one’s actions, not just for the results themselves, but in how they were achieved.


A maid appeared with their glasses, Hiro asked her to instruct Ritsuko to present herself to him mid-morning. That would give him a chance to apologise to her before Yuki and Kamishi made him. He would also ask her why she was here. That had been worrying him for some time now. He was startled by the sudden return of the servant, her face distraught as she ran as best she could in her gown clutching a note in her hand.
He knew what this meant, his heart sank as he saw his plans crumble before his eyes, reaching into a pocket he retrieved his com and ordered the guards to locate Saya and Ritsuko at once. Then he contacted Kumi ordering him to prepare an emergency field kit, and to have the surgery and the flitter on standby. Swearing at his stupidity he cursed himself for not paying more attention to the girl, he had forgotten for a moment who or rather what she was.

Where would she go he wondered, he knew the rituals as well as anyone, she would act at sunrise… That meant she would want to be facing east, she would not delay matters by placing herself, where she did not have a clear view of the dawn sky. “The lake” He shouted into his com link ordering everyone there, it was the perfect place for this. Taking his own Katana he ran from the room, Arlen but a pace behind him as he looked to a sky that was brightening all to swiftly.


This was insane here I was chasing after a seventy-year old man, brandishing an antique sword. Only the fact that I sensed this involved Ritsuko… what I had done to her, kept me running after him. I saw them at the lake and pointed them out, they were both still as statues. Were we to late I wondered? Realising now what Hiro feared, I saw Ritsuko move then slump forward a moment later, it was then Saya heard our approach and leapt to her feet drawing a katana that was not meant for the practice courts. Her face drawn into a demonic mask of blind rage, as she moved to prevent our approach. I drew my own sword knowing it was no match for the blade she wielded and that her skill was equal to Ritsuko’s in the use of it.

"Go right" I screamed at Hiro as we came within range of that blade which she used to great effect to keep us at bay. She was not distracted as I’d hoped when I tried to slip past her… The blade came down, I managed to deflect the blow with my Iaido but not enough as I felt it sink into my arm forcing my hand open, allowing my sword to drop to the ground. Even so I was past her now, and Hiro was attacking her from her other side. I found myself kneeling before Ritsuko, without thinking about, it I pressed my bloody almost useless hand against her neck attempting to staunch the flow of blood, as my own senses faded.
When traveling pause occasionally, look back and enjoy the moment again.

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Sabrina Bergin
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Post by Sabrina Bergin » Mon, 23. Nov 15, 13:23


It was unbearable yet must be born, how could I shame my Lady now? I watched as the sky slowly brightened, recalling when I had first been called to serve her… My father was beside himself with joy, only my mother had worried at being involved with highborn. The following years had taught me much, my ladies gentle smile and words had helped me endure much that had seemed strange to me, and the Lady Naymuri had been kind. My Life had seemed perfect to me before Taddeo, he had killed our lord, and we had been forced to flee seeking shelter from those who sought us amongst those I counted kin. The lady’s words had seemed simple enough to accept. On arriving here, in Japan where we might present our case to our Lord. Hidaka had shown that this was not to be so. Then a miracle had occurred… the Lord himself took her away from that place and I soon followed by his order.
The gods themselves must have judged our cause and found it worthy… So I had thought till the Gaijin had betrayed us both. I knew the sorrow in my lady’s heart, that same grief burned in mine yet I had vowed to bear witness. Mercifully she allowed I might take my own life once I had done as she asked. I shed tears as she spoke of her love for me and saw her make that fatal… final cut. I wanted to die with her then but she had asked me wait till I had honoured my promise to her. I heard them approaching, and with an anger uncommon to me, I drew my sword to deal death to those who dared make sacrilege of her sacrifice.

“Saya do you hear me?”

The question was strange, I should be dead, I had fought and sought death in doing so, I remembered that much. I turned my thoughts inwards seeking that peace I had found in accepting my end, surely my lady waited for me beyond that light I saw clearly now.

“She is fading my Lady” I heard the sound of the man’s voice muted as my eyes filled with a brilliance I had never known.

“Ritsuko needs you to stay” came that other voice, this was some trick of a demon was my thought till, I felt my lady’s hand pressed into my own. I could not deny this try as I might, I knew this touch as well as I knew my own face… it was true, more I felt the faint pulse of life within that demanded my attention. I turned aside from my path and struggled to return so that my lady would not be left alone. If I damned myself in the eyes of my ancestors so be it… I was sworn to defend her above all else. I opened my eyes to find those of the Lady Kamishi, staring into mine. I felt the hand in mine and turned to see my lady her still form, as near death as I was. “You should not have intervened” I managed my throat strangely dry, my words sounding as a hoarse whisper. Sleep overwhelmed me then, though I was reassured by the touch of my lady’s hand. I poured all the love I felt for her into that as my senses darkened.


“This is insane, Kumi has said that Arlens nannites stemmed the wound allowing her to be saved. Her friend Saya was stunned before she was harmed, why then are both at deaths door?”

That was a question I had given much thought to, Hiro’s anger was clouding his mind, I sat back and thought of all I knew of the girls. They had followed a path they thought correct, the intention obviously to shame Hiro into an action they desired. That they were prepared to pay for this with their lives said as much as it concealed. Then I considered the recent reports of deaths amongst those who had served Taddeo, was there a link…? I knew Arlen had been killing those my lord thought disloyal, she had all but boasted of this over the last few weeks, still there were other deaths she had not taken credit for. The thoughts that came rocked me as did the certainty of their truth, I would need to speak with Yuki, and soon if that truth were not to die with Saya and Ritsuko.


The beatings came once more, I felt my jaw suffer as Hidaka hit me again, this was wrong, I was not in the training camp I felt no blow, merely a hand holding my chin. The grip was no less severe. “Ritsuko” her voice demanded from beyond what I knew. “You swore service to me how dare you forget that?”

That was unjust, I was my mother’s daughter I forgot no oaths. Anger drove me to reply to that accusation. It was difficult my voice was trapped in some mire that held me back, as I struggled to make sense of what occurred around me. “I am Ritsuko Naymuri first born of my house, if you wish to retain the use of that hand remove it or I will.” I screamed. Offended now by the touch of it. Too late I saw that I had been tricked, by the one person I thought would not be so cruel to me. I tried with all my heart to regain that moment of peace I had found as the suns light had kissed the surface of the lake, it had all seemed so right. So perfect. Why had the gods chosen to turn aside from me I wondered as I found myself looking at the blurred visage of my lady? The Gaijin had done this I realised, there was a faint memory of her touching me as I had welcomed death, I recalled the sound of combat… then nothing. Was there no end to the humiliation she would inflict upon me? It was too much, I wanted to go back… to regain that moment of peace but it was gone. I cried as I had not done since I was a child and felt shamed at my weakness as my lady gathered me into her arms.


“Leave us” I ordered in a voice even the Gaijin dared not question. I waited for the room to be clear before I approached them, Yuki had not grasped the significance of what Ritsuko had revealed. She was Akura’s first born how could I have failed to recognise her? A thousand images filled my mind as I recognised my sister in Ritsu, what to do now was the question. She still lay perilously close to death and her heart must be torn at being forced back to the living, she needed to focus on that she held dear or she would be lost to us.

“Lady Ritsuko, Saya is in need of you.” I said coldly. Yuki turned to me her face betraying her shock at my words. It garnered the response I wished for, Ritsu turned her eyes to me, in that moment when our eyes met I truly knew fear as I gazed into eyes that had seen death, they were as dark as the night and in their depths I saw madness. Thankfully she turned her gaze from me and considered Saya whose hand she still held.

“Saya” she whispered weakly, “We are called to service once more… attend me.”

Ritsu collapsed then as if the effort had been more than she could bear yet the machines monitoring them picked up the steady strengthening of their will to live. My niece would not thank me for this I knew, yet it was in my heart that my sister would forgive me for not allowing them to end their lives here. I summoned the technicians back into the room and sat by the door waiting for Ritsu to be healed.


This was not so easily done, the nannites that Arlen bore had proliferated beyond the ability of our med techs to eradicate. Ritsuko felt her honour was lost to her because of them. Where was the girl that had seemed so eager to please her Lady? Saya too was caught in this, by her lights she had failed her lady, and I am certain she sought only to end a life that bore no hope of peace. This could not be allowed to continue, the servants who attended to their needs were in fear of them, a single glance from either would send them running from their rooms. They had feared Namiko ‘s presence abstractly, in seeing Ritsuko they feared her gaze more deeply, was that not justified I had spoken to them and they had told me that to look into her eyes was to see death itself looking back at them. This could not be allowed to go on.

I ordered her and Saya to attend me in the tea house Jiro had built for this, once she was seated before me I poured us both cups of Sencha. She was Samurai she could not fail to see the significance of this.

“I have caused you harm Ritsuko know that for this I am truly sorry. I beg your forgiveness.”

“My lady” she protested “you have shown me nothing but kindness since I came here, what reason is there for me to forgive you anything?”

“It is my hope you might forgive me for failing to recognise my sister’s daughter Ritsuko, too long have I felt her to be a stranger to my heart, this blinded me as to who you are. It is for this I ask your forgiveness. Much that has happened here would not have, had I known the truth of this ere now.”

Ritsuko was stunned by my words, I saw her slough of that lethargy that had gripped her since that day when we had found her by the lake, I saw once again the eager girl I had met in the hallway of this house when she had arrived from the camp. This gave me hope. A dam seemed to break inside her, she told me of her desperate journey to seek the aid of Hiro, her voice broke when she recalled seeing her father slain cut down in his own house by Akihiro and of the vengeance she had visited upon him, and others for that crime.

“It is long past time I think that I visit my sister Ritsuko, I would ask you and Saya to act as my guides in this. Our lord has a ship ready and waiting to act to put right the wrongs done to you and mine.”


Hiro acted at once upon hearing my report of what had been revealed, within hours we were aboard his carrier and jumping for Aldrin. It had been my thought that Ritsu would wait aboard the Tokyo with me whilst our transports landed at the habitat. I should have known better I watched in shock as I saw her in a soldier’s camera view as she ran forward charging the enemy, dealing death to all who stood in her path, Saya at her side doing the same. It was a bloody battle the enemy knew that only death awaited them for their crimes, they even sought to overload the habitats reactors to deny my lord victory. Sakura thwarted them in that, it was hours later that we had word the Lady Naymuri would receive us.

My lord accompanied me as we walked down the road that led to her house, the people standing by its sides who had risen up against their oppressors when our troops had landed. Many of them still bore the scars of that conflict and I was awed at the calm determination they portrayed to us. The house had not been spared as we entered I saw the work that was being done to remove the signs of battle. Akura waited for us sat in the single chair within the room. With a single clap of her hand servants issued forth and placed a table and chairs for us. Others arrived and placed cups for all to use. Only then did Akura deign to join us, it seemed my sister had forgotten none of her arrogance I decided as I took my place at my lord’s side.

“So Lord Kanegawa what now will you do with your troops here in my home?”

“Only what you wish my Lady, I came in answer to a need to right a wrong, no more I am not Taddeo.” he said plainly.

“Perhaps” she allowed “yet Ritsu here is tainted, was that you’re doing?”

I glanced then where her eyes led seeing Ritsu now her eyes filled with shame at her mother’s words. “The taint was imposed upon her without her consent or my Lord’s Akura, how dare you question her worth? Do you know what it cost her to bring us here?”

“I know full well the measure of that cost Kamishi.” She snapped her anger clear now. “You think I have no care for her, how dare you suggest such a thing. I sent her to you in the hope she might bring an end to our people’s suffering. If I had known this would be the result, I would not have done so.”

There was no mistaking the pain in my sister’s words, that she loved Ritsu was beyond question, equally clear was the knowledge that Ritsu would ever be denied a place here at her side. The nannites Arlen had infected her with would ever be a source of shame to her. If she stayed she would have but one recourse.

“Sister despite what you say Ritsu has gained favour in the eyes of my lord, he has placed in her care that of his closest kin, would you deny her the chance to gain honour in that task.” Akura considered my words, it gave her daughter a chance to live beyond this day, she wanted that as much as I did.

“Ritsuko is my sister correct in what she says?”

“She is mother, though I would stay here if you wished.”

“No doubt… you are ever obedient daughter of my heart; still there is the matter of service, I would have you attend your lady; none shall have cause to question the fidelity of my daughter. Know that in performing this task you bring honour to our house.” Ritsu rose and bowed to all of us before heading for the docks Saya but a pace behind her.

“Know that I will care for her Akura” I whispered feeling her gratitude on hearing that as I embraced her before following after them. Hiro would negotiate the terms of his aid of that I had no doubt, my concern was more pressing. I had to see to the comfort of a young girl that had been forever exiled from her home.
When traveling pause occasionally, look back and enjoy the moment again.

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Sabrina Bergin
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Post by Sabrina Bergin » Tue, 24. Nov 15, 23:27


I checked the clock as I returned to the bedroom pulling back the sheets, and flicking a towel against her thigh. “Anya get showered and changed the car will be here within the hour.” That got her moving with a gasp of panic, as she saw how little time she had to get dressed. Pulling my robe tighter I stepped into the lounge then froze as I saw the phase pistol aimed at me. Ritsuko if she were here then…

“Take a seat” Saya said from behind me, “make no sudden moves or I will kill you before my lady does.” I didn’t have to look at her to know how much she wanted that, I took the seat Ritsu indicated with a flick of the pistols barrel. I’d been careless I should have known they would be here.

“Now we will speak of why you are here, and more importantly, why you have assumed the guise of my lady. Know that if your answers do not satisfy me, young Anya will die before I leave. My lady has expressed her wish that I do not kill you, that wish I would honour were it not that I perceive you to be a threat to her. So tell me Gaijin… why are you here? Your recent acts have been… clumsy, is it perhaps your wish my lady be blamed for them? I am certain you know I will do whatever is necessary to prevent that. You will tell me what you are doing here or you and the girl will die, this is not a matter you might seek to negotiate. You have three minutes to answer my questions before I allow Saya to take your head.” Ritsu would kill Anya and me If I gave her any excuse, that was certain. The question I had was how much could I tell her.


My orders, were to protect the integrity of the mission at all costs. What would occur later, would be no part of that it was a distraction. That was alright then, I could tell them about it. Part of me accepted that they would be questioning me later no matter what I said now. I had an easy way out of course, I could fail to activate the targeting over ride on the weapon "Brano" would be using. It would be quick, painless even. I looked to Ritsu avoiding direct eye contact. She seemed to have a knack for reading me.

“I plan to kill the senator attending the function this evening, the man is a thorn in your lady’s side. He is also a threat to your Lord.” That gave her pause for thought, she had to know that the senator was seeking to push through a bill that would damage Hiro’s interests in Aldrin. I was pushing the right buttons here, I didn’t know what had happened back then, but when they had returned from that sector both Ritsu and Saya had been changed by whatever had occurred. That she would wish to defend Hiro’s interests in that sector was the one thing I knew would prevent her acting hastily.

She considered my words then smiled, before answering. “There is a grain of truth in what you say Gaijin, then that is the best of lies is it not? One told that holds an element of truth. We shall remain at your side whilst events unfold… My lady would not be found without Namiko in attendance. If she were it might arouse suspicions. Suspicions I suspect, you would rather avoid. Should that assassin you observed earlier find myself or Saya to be a target later then you, and young Anya will both die. Tomorrow Gaijin, we will travel to my lord’s house where you will explain yourself to his… and my lady’s satisfaction. Now get dressed you would not want to be late I am sure.” She knew almost everything then, if not my motives, the second shot she would take as an attack against her, I had no option but to tell her what else I had planned.

“This is truth Gaijin,” she allowed “it is well you told me this or you would have died the moment the second shot was fired… Still the fact you sought to withhold this from me demands I be more cautious in dealing with you, Saya I think now would be a suitable moment for the Gaijin to receive my lady’s gift.”


The heavy chain was fastened about my neck before I could react. “Do not look so worried Sabine, the necklace is… insurance if you will, should you stray beyond fifty meters from either myself or Saya, it will remove your head. The same will happen should you ever attempt to remove it yourself.”

“That statement has a sort of permanence about it Ritsu care to explain?”

“No! now run along and get dressed, whilst it is customary for a lady to be fashionably late for an event, is not a custom my lady has ever chosen to observe.”

“Who were you talking to” Anya asked as she finished fitting herself into the gown we had purchased for her to wear.

“I have a small confession to make.” I admitted as I threw of the bathrobe and retrieved my own gown from its hanger.

“What? That you’re not a student doing a gap year thing, that much was obvious when you booked a room here, let alone that the woman at the boutique recognised you, I swear she nearly wet herself when you walked in. So Yuki who are you really? I mean you’ve had your wicked way with me, which was more than nice, so I think you should at least let me in on that secret.”

“My title is Lady Yukiro Kanegawa, the women waiting in the other room are my bodyguards. My grandfather sent them to remind me of my obligations to my house. I must return home with them tomorrow.”

Anya opened the door to the lounge and peeked in before closing it and turning to face me once more. Her eyes wide at what she had realised. “Shit this is real isn’t it, I thought it was odd, you know the hotel and everything but they look serious, have I got you in some sort of trouble Yuki?” That was touching, I don’t know why but her genuine concern touched a part of me I had thought gone forever.

“Not at all Anya, now if you could help me with this.” I indicated the gown fastening that was just beyond my reach. “My servants are discreet Anya; it would be best if you paid them no attention, after a while you won’t even know they are there.”

“I’ll have to take your word on that Yuki…, hang on how long have they been here?” She demanded teasing at my hair as she remembered how we had spent the afternoon.

“Long enough to know that I care for you now let us be going as Namiko, has reminded me I am not one to be late.”
Last edited by Sabrina Bergin on Fri, 1. Jan 16, 05:16, edited 1 time in total.
When traveling pause occasionally, look back and enjoy the moment again.

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Post by Sabrina Bergin » Sun, 6. Dec 15, 05:56

Sorry for not posting for a while I had problems with my browser, none of the usual fixes seemed to work so I managed to log in using Firefox rather than IE Edge. Yeah, Windows 10 does have issues as I am finding out. Still... it has given me time to think things through.

Originaly I continued posting Sabine because I told myself I had too. You know promises made and all that... For a while I even covinced myself it was a really good idea.... That was a mistake! One I can and will rectify.

Yeah, I made the mistake of reaching out, and got it thrown back in my face big time. But this post is not going to be about that.

So I will finnish writing Sabine, but you won't see it. (Yeah; I can be a bitch.) I worked it out, in posting Sabine I was seeking some sort of approval, recognition from you, myself, whoever... I realised I don't need that anymore... I thought I did... but I was wrong.

So to those who have been kind to me, I thank you, those who have'nt... Well I suppose you can consider this a victory of sorts. I am going home soon, Eurostar is all booked, The house and flat here are on the market, and I will close the book on this chapter of my life. Some of you have been great, others well...

You ever get to the south of France look me up, my house there is small but the door is always open.


When traveling pause occasionally, look back and enjoy the moment again.

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Post by Triaxx2 » Sun, 6. Dec 15, 14:02

I have to be honest, I'm sorry to hear that. The story was really picking up. But you have to do what you have to do for yourself.

I would like to apologize for all the jerks you encountered here. They don't deserve recognition.
A Pirate's Revenge Completed Now in PDF by _Zap_
APR Book 2: Best Served Cold Updated 8/5/2016

The Tale of Ea't s'Quid Completed

Dovie'andi se tovya sagain

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Sabrina Bergin
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Post by Sabrina Bergin » Sun, 6. Dec 15, 18:02


You restore my faith in humanity.

Don't break that arm patting your self on the back, I sent you a PM so you know my thoughts.

Look... I'm a big girl and I learnt to look after myself a while back, mind yoiu the image of a dashing armored hero, "You" rushing to my rescue is so cute. (As long as it's not Eat.) plus you better get your partners permission first. Heroes are only allowed to save the one woman in their life, you are safe... sort of. I have my hero right here next to me.

She wants a clean break for me which I can appreciate.

Trust me Triaxx never hook up with a shrink. Especially one with emerald eyes.
When traveling pause occasionally, look back and enjoy the moment again.

Annette Barret
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Post by Annette Barret » Thu, 24. Dec 15, 00:27

Last edited by Annette Barret on Fri, 25. Dec 15, 11:35, edited 1 time in total.

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Post by Triaxx2 » Thu, 24. Dec 15, 02:06

I would love to see it.

And congratulations on the wedding.

The number of a-holes in the world is infinite. Best to just ignore them and be happy for no reason other than to spite them.
A Pirate's Revenge Completed Now in PDF by _Zap_
APR Book 2: Best Served Cold Updated 8/5/2016

The Tale of Ea't s'Quid Completed

Dovie'andi se tovya sagain

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Sabrina Bergin
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Post by Sabrina Bergin » Thu, 24. Dec 15, 09:29


Thank you.

Sorry for Annie's post. I was going to ask her to delete it. Instead I'll let it stand.

Okay Xmas prezzie for Triaxx.



We entered the lounge together Anya was intimidated by both Ritsu… Namiko rather, and Saya. She stayed close to me whilst Saya fetched capes for us from the closet in the hall way. “Your escorts are waiting for us in the limousine Yuki.” Namiko said sweetly. “You remember Sakura of course? He is impatient to meet you again, he has selected a suitable companion for Anya.”

I saw the glint of amusement in her eyes, that made it clear she… Not Sakura had selected Anya’s escort. It seemed she still took delight in toying with me. I still didn’t know why that was, perhaps Yuki would finally explain the reason Ritsuko disliked me, when I saw her tomorrow. We went directly to the rooftop flitter pad where Sakura, and a man I recognised as a currently popular Vid actor… Christophe… yes Christophe Hennal, I remembered his name. He was considered to be the most eligible bachelor actor at the moment…, for young women at least, waited on our arrival. Anya was delighted he was to be her date for the evening, she was all over him like a rash as he helped her into the flitter. I ignored her adolescent behaviour, and waited for the flitter to move off.

I saw the look of triumph in Namiko’s eyes as she took a seat facing me. Normally I would have told her exactly what I thought of her pulling this stunt, that was impossible now. I also had to wonder if Yuki had a hand in his selection as an escort for Anya herself. Namiko had made it clear she was angry with me for assuming Yuki’s identity. Even though I had asked her permission… well… told her I would be, this was the sort of thing Yuki would do, to show her displeasure. I had no option but be polite despite, being angered at the possessive manner with which Christophe treated Anya.

The flitter took off heading for the venue, arriving there a few minutes later, Namiko indicated I should give precedence to Christophe and Anya as they stepped out of the flitter. She seemed determined to enjoy herself at my expense. There was a muted a buzz of approval from those who had crowded the steps to the building, as Christophe and Anya stepped onto the red carpet, from those fans hoping to catch a glimpse of the celebrities as they arrived. I stepped out of the car, holding back a little, as the media descended upon the couple. No doubt there would be intense speculation as to Anya’s identity tomorrow, which I supposed, would only help her in the days to come. Forcing a smile onto my face I waited for them to move on, then followed them inside. Suddenly I had become a part of his entourage, instead him being a part of mine. That was a little galling. “It is important that Anya is sat to my right at the table.” I whispered to Namiko. “Go ahead and adjust the place settings as necessary.” Namiko slipped away. Saya moved closer to me, to provide closer protection. Her eyes were scanning everyone who approached us.

There was a discreet, though minor confrontation between Saya and one of the Senators security team, as we waited in the cue to be greeted by him, in the entrance to the function room. Saya resolved that by brandishing her security credentials, they allowed her to bear weapons as my bodyguard. I caught a glimpse of the Solar security clearance on the ident she showed him. That worried me a little, was she linked to ATF security? If so my whole plan could be in jeopardy, or worse… this could be an elaborate game they were playing. It was too late to back out now. I caught a glimpse of Jenner in the background. He looked quite distinguished in his dress suit, no longer disguising himself as a mere doctor then. It was obvious he was not part of the Senators regular security detail. That was not reassuring, I watched him whispering quietly, assuming he was speaking to a security team, using a concealed com unit. It had been my hope to draw him here, not just to gather more information on him, rather to determine his ranking in the ATF hierarchy. I turned away from him as he began to turn in my direction, paying no further mind to him.

If Saya recognised him, she gave no sign of it. I shook the senators hand briefly as he welcomed me to the dinner, no doubt he was a little surprised to see me, or rather Yuki here, he knew Lord Kanegawa was opposed to him and his policies.

“Perhaps we could meet later Lady Kanegawa?” He murmured as I moved past him, no doubt he thought my presence here, was some sort of precursor to Hiro making an overture of peace to him. I saw no reason to let him think otherwise.

“That would be most gracious of you Senator.” I allowed irritated at the man’s interest in my cleavage. An interest his wife was also aware of, forcing herself to be civil she touched my hand for less than a second as I accepted her greeting. Well, she would not have to worry about her husband’s philandering for much longer. I ignored her discourtesy, joining Christophe and Anya, near the table we would be seated at. A small crowd of woman, had gathered around Christophe. He surprised me, making it clear he was escorting Anya this evening. I smiled on seeing the poisonous looks they gave her, when they thought no one was looking. I was pretty sure Anya sensed them, she was loving the attention she was getting, both good and bad. She at least had the courtesy to look embarrassed as I joined them.

“Yuki” she began.

“Hush silly” I said putting my finger to her lips, “it is clear Christophe has won your attention… I do not mind. If he had not claimed you, I might have gone after him myself.” I whispered “he is rather handsome.” I stroked her hand affectionately to prove I really didn’t mind; in many ways this was much better. With her being seen as a guest of Christophe it would remove any apparent link to myself or Hiro. Namiko’s nod of agreement at my silent decision startled me. The master of ceremonies, called everyone to take their places at their tables, when dinner was due to be served. Namiko and Saya led Christophe myself, and Anya to our table where they ignored Christophe’s objection to not sitting between myself and Anya.

“Do not be alarmed” Christophe, I teased. “It is clear you have won young Anya’s affections.” That drew a look of relief from him. He accepted, I would not interfere with his wish to monopolise her company. I ignored the icy look Anya gave me, for calling her young in front of him. The waiters arrived with the first course at that moment which prevented her from saying anything in reply.

During the meal I joined in the conversation around the table. Often deferring to Christophe, whilst also drawing Anya into the conversation. Soon, the apparent slight she had felt at my earlier comment was forgiven, we all enjoyed some of Christophe’s anecdotes. I had misjudged the man; he was not as shallow as I had assumed he would be. I leaned over to whisper to Namiko, who despite taking part in the conversations was still obviously on her guard. She nodded and spoke to Sakura and handed him what I suspected was a duplicate key to the hotel apartment. Then she leaned close to Anya, telling her I would be heading home earlier than planned, this evening in fact, and that the apartment was hers, for the rest of the week. She had the decency to blush at my obvious assumption as to how she would make use of that.

“Sakura will escort you both, don’t worry he Is very discreet.” I whispered. Giving her hand a squeeze under the table to show I did not mind. She waited a few moments before speaking quietly to Christophe. It was clear he had no objection to her invitation, putting his arm around her shoulders as the table was cleared.


It was annoying having to watch as the agent in charge of the Senators security detail gave orders to his men both in, and outside the building as the evening dragged on. I was positive the Senator was the target, I was equally certain these people had no idea of what they were dealing with here. Kareen Brano had been caught just twice by remote surveillance units, so I knew she was in the city. Even as I watched the monitors I knew that a systemic search of the immediate area, covering a ten block radius was taking place. What was her intention here, that question worried me the most? I had no doubt the recent spate of deaths, assassinations were carried out either on her orders, or in person.

That was why I had been ordered here after all, at least the lead man had taken my warning to heart, and had increased the number of people in the security details this evening. As the time passed though, it became obvious he was beginning to doubt my conviction, that an attempt would be made on the senator. I was beginning to wonder if this was merely a ruse by Brano, to lure our attention away from her real target. In a few minutes the Senator would be concluding his speech, and would be escorted from the dining room. I actually saw the man’s head deform as the shot hit him, he collapsed in a heap a second later. I heard the sound of falling glass striking the tables and floor in the room a second later. There was a second shot, one fired at another target in the room that was deflected. Two bodyguards had activated shields around their charge. That made me suspect she had to have been a target as well. I zeroed a camera in on that table. She was a young, oriental looking woman, seated near the front of the room. Her bodyguards had pressed her almost to the floor, they were looking in the direction the shots had come from. Their weapons drawn. Other guests were being similarly shielded by their own escorts now. I heard excited reports coming from my own people, they had pinpointed the snipers approximate position and were closing in on it.

“We have movement” came the report as the teams converged on the fleeing gunman.

“Take her alive if possible” I ordered, certain it was Brano they were chasing. Whilst making my way to the flitter platform, I heard “Copy that” from multiple sources.

I was airborne in moments. the pilot heading directly towards Brano’s position. The woman was resourceful, somehow she had managed to keep both her own position, and that of the flyer she had boarded hidden from the earlier security sweeps of the area. She couldn’t escape now though; the flitter she was using was a civil, one unlike the overpowered, armoured units my teams were using, it was just a question of time before she was forced down.

“Sir we have a heat signature in the park, it may be an escape vehicle, possibly a rapier from the readings I’m getting.”

“Bring her flyer down now” I ordered, I daren’t risk Brano getting away.

“Tango vehicle is down,” came the report a moment later, seeing a sudden burst of light in the park ahead of us. “Tango is now on foot… heading for the heat source, still no eyes on that,” came the follow up.

I had an aerial view as she ran through the lightly wooded park below us. She turned and fired at us, the rounds pouring into our shields before turning her attention to the men closing in on her. I watched as she reached over her shoulder, grabbed hold of a launcher, then began pumping grenades towards the approaching teams. Almost at once I began getting casualty reports, the woman was determined to escape.

“Take out the Rapier she’s heading for,” I snapped, perhaps once she knew escape was impossible, she would give up. I should have known better, as soon as she realised we had taken out the ship she launched a final salvo of grenades, before diving into the lake at the centre of the park. “Fire a missile into the lake” I screamed at our pilot.

There must be a way for her to escape there. She’d had days, if not longer to plan this. A few seconds later a column of water soared into the air. Showering the transport I was in with water. I saw her body appear seconds later. She hadn’t survived the shockwave, nothing in the lake had, the surface was littered with dead fish and waterfowl. We landed nearby, I ordered her body and everything she had used be recovered, and taken to headquarters. One of my team leaders came up and handed me a small pack, she’d had it clipped to her waist belt. As the clean-up crews arrived, I opened it, finding a detailed map of the surrounding area and of hidden subsurface channels that led from the lake. There were also two stills, one of the Senator, the other of the oriental woman I had seen earlier. She had been the secondary target then. I would have to find out who she was, then determine why she had been targeted.


It had been a long night, and an even longer morning, before I finally found some of the answers I wanted. Kareen Brano had been positively identified, that was a relief. I had underestimated the woman in the past, that was a mistake I couldn’t afford to repeat. The Rapier had been traced, it had been purchased at the city’s spaceport. Apparently the new owner had wanted it customised, so it had been transported from there by a commercial heavy lifter, of course the haulage contractor was a blind alley, as was the supposed owner. All the documentation had now been confirmed as forgeries. Brano’s sniping position had been found as well as fragments of the camo netting that had kept it, and the Rapier hidden. That proved, a lot of resources, and planning had gone into this operation. It also told me there was a network of enemy agents still in place, they would have dispersed by now of course, but we would find them eventually. We always did.

There was a report to be written of course, I wasn’t looking forward to that, the local police units weren’t happy at being excluded from our operations. The security service was already filing formal complaints, suggesting the death of the Senator was due to my interference. That wouldn’t wash, I had learnt long ago to record all my actions. The fact the Senators own security team had limited my ability to act here, showed those accusations to be a futile attempt to avoid being held accountable. Still I had to ask myself, why the Senator? True he would have some civil authority here on earth, but given the actual limitations of his role, even as head of the senate oversight committee. So why kill him? Doubling him clearly wasn’t the intention. Argon intelligence had to be aware the man, or his successor, would never have any real power. So it seemed odd, they would send one of their best to kill him. What could they hope to gain? I wouldn’t make my final report until I understood that. Kareen Brano had demonstrated, that she never acted directly, she was a skilled player agent, always covering her true aims by misdirection. I gave myself a stim shot as I considered that. My sense of alarm growing, as I started to get updates on the background checks I had ordered, on the people at the function.

So if I assumed the Senator’s death, was nothing more than a distraction? What purpose was served by killing the oriental woman, why was she a target at all? More importantly, who was she? She had used a false name to reserve the table at the function? How had she got away with that? The video logs suggested the Senator knew her. My head was starting to implode with unanswered questions. I put a call through to Marie, she was clearly up to her ears, following up all the data requests, I had put through since the shootings.

“Clive what do you need?” There was no point hiding the fact, I intended to add to her workload.

“This woman…” I transferred the vid still I had been studying, as well as the little information I had gotten from the police interviews. “She was at the function last night, had her own security with her, very high clearance. I want to know who she is, and why she might be a target for the Argon.” Marie just looked at me as if I was out of my mind.

“Christ Clive you need to get out more… You ask any news hound who she is, and they will give you chapter and verse. That Woman!” she said pointing to the image that I noted had come up on the screen behind her. “Is the Lady Yukiro Kanegawa, considered to be the richest… most desirable, unattached woman in the entire Asian block, if not of Earth itself. Her Grandfather Is Lord Hiro Kanegawa, he owns Japaco for Christs sake, you know… The conglomerate responsible for building the majority of ships and armaments for the fleet? How can you possibly not know that? Wait! … you say she was at the function…. Oh Christ! You don’t think?”

I hadn’t till that moment but it made sense… the Senator being the apparent, obvious target… The woman would only be part of a secondary investigation, one easily interfered with. It was typical of the convoluted way of thinking; I had come to regard as Brano’s signature. It would explain why the Argon had gone to such lengths, why Brano herself had chosen to involve herself personally. If the Argon could get to Yukiro Kanegawa. They would strike a blow that could cripple our security for years. I felt sick as I considered the possible implications. I would have to determine if the woman was who she seemed to be, sooner rather than later. “Marie grab a test kit and meet me here as soon as you can, we have to interview Miss Kanegawa.”

“Yeah good luck with that Clive, you better be religious, because the only way we are going to be able to meet with her, is if god himself allows it.”

“Just Get your arse down here Marie, I’ll arrange the divine introduction.”


She was joking of course… at least I had thought so after making the request to my superior. I had to wait for some time before being given the go ahead, along with a whole list of restrictions. They detailed, how I was expected to behave towards Miss Kanegawa. Most galling of all, was the blunt warning, that if I managed to offend this girl, the consequences would be serious. My superior was worried, the permission to proceed, came not from him but from those he took orders from. Clearly he was concerned he might share the consequences, if I infringed upon any of the guidelines he’d listed. Those guidelines were probably of his making. He was not then, as highly placed as I had thought, it followed then, the Kanegawa’s occupied the same lofty strata as his superiors. That made sense, on that thought, I checked on Japaco holdings. I sat back dumbfounded as the screen filled with a seemingly endless list of companies and corporations they controlled or had interests in. The Corporation wasn’t limited to the defence industries either, their companies had interests in practically everything from shipyards to baby food products. This wasn’t the usual single planet or sector monopoly either, Japaco had holdings in every known sector in Terran and Aldrin space.

“Now you see who you’re dealing with Clive” Marie said shutting down the search and handing me one of the whiskey’s she was carrying, as she sat in my lap. “I ran the same checks, and shut it down when access denied flags started popping up. I also did some research into the Kanegawa’s so I think you might want to reconsider how you plan to present yourself tomorrow.” She put her fingers to my lips before I could object. “Your ATF uniform is going to make you look like you think you need it Clive, you should wear a smart business suit…Not! An Asian style one either, Kanegawa would probably just be insulted by that. Show up as you, a concerned ATF commander who is obliged to conclude your investigation. I have a hunch; he’ll know all about us before we get within a mile of him.”

That was disconcerting, I had kept my relationship with Marie fairly discreet. The fact she chose to share in my personal life hadn’t resulted in me offering her promotions, or extra privileges. Neither of us had tried to conceal our relationship, during quarterly reviews either. I had made it clear, the arrangement was pragmatic, we were both colleagues, a relationship between us was, far better from a security standpoint, than if we had sought such elsewhere. Marie had given the same explanations, though she had refused to discuss the details of her reviews. Apparently our superiors had agreed, they hadn’t separated us, which was probably just as well, when we were working on an assignment together, we were damned effective.

“Alright you select the clothing for us, I am going to assume for the moment, Miss Kanegawa…, is who she appears to be. That… this test is a necessary inconvenience, and be apologetic, in asking for it at all.”

“That’s the right approach Clive… as I said, I’ve done a fair amount of research on the family, one thing I can tell you is that they are quick to take offence for any imagined slight or discourtesy. So keep a firm grip on that tongue of yours. There are rumours that people who manage to offend the Kanegawa’s simply vanish. Now drink your whiskey and come to bed, it’s been a fortnight since we’ve had a chance to be alone together… That rule about biting your tongue… That starts tomorrow.”


Marie scolded me with a barely audible whisper, as I fiddled with the tie that was trying to choke me. That wasn’t the real reason for my discomfort of course, it was the fact I didn’t have a single weapon on me. I looked up at the Japaco building as we exited the flitter, marvelling that such a structure could be built in a planets gravity well. Marie coughed, which brought my attention back to the here and now. We entered the building foyer. The air-conditioning instantly cooling the sweat on my skin making the shirt cling to my back. As we walked across the marbled floor of the foyer, a young woman approached, and guided us to a waiting elevator. The rapid ascent began as soon as the doors closed, the inertial dampers kicking in as soon as it moved. That had me wondering how fast we were going. On stepping out of the elevator we were guided across an open area, that occupied nearly the entire floor. There were discreet signs of heavy security all around us. I was grateful for Marie’s advice now, I had no doubt we had and were being scanned to ensure we posed no threat. Finally, we were ushered into the office of Lord Kanegawa himself. I found myself surprised by the simplicity of the room. Perhaps that was deliberate, the man sitting behind the desk radiated power and confidence. After giving me tacit permission with a glance, I seated Marie in one of the two chairs facing the desk then took a seat myself, unsure where to begin. Fortunately, he took that upon himself.

“You are here, because you believe your investigation into the Senators death, has led you to conclude, my granddaughter was the actual target. I would ask you to explain how you came to this assumption Mr Jenner.” The man asked me directly, that told me he had been briefed, on the vid stills we had recovered. The man clearly wasn’t satisfied with the information he’d been given. So I had to assume there was another reason for the question.

“Sir if I may.” Marie spoke before I could formulate a reply. “I assume Your family members all follow standard security procedures; we have some concerns as to how the vid still, we recovered was obtained.” That was his concern as well… of course Yukiro Kanegawa would have anti surveillance measures in place. Any images of her in the public domain, would have been altered sufficiently, to render them useless for automated facial recognition, or targeting purposes. “That the assassin had such a vid still, is pretty conclusive proof your granddaughter was a target.” Marie finished. It also suggested the man had a leak in his organisation, no wonder he looked pissed.

“All members of my household, follow such procedures as a matter of course Miss Danvers.” He confirmed, pausing for a moment, as if choosing his words carefully before continuing. “It is clear, that our security procedures may have been compromised, in light of this, I shall permit you to conduct your tests. I want you to consider how this might have been achieved. We shall then discuss in detail; all the information your investigation has produced to date.” He glanced to an open door, I had not seen till he looked that way.

“Ritsuko” he called, seconds later a young woman entered the office dressed in a very modern business suit. She had been at the function. She bowed deeply to Kanegawa before tuning to face us. “This is Ritsuko, she is my granddaughter’s personal assistant, she will escort you both to my estate, and arrange matters. She speaks with my granddaughters’ authority.” Kanegawa elaborated. Personal secretary, I doubted that was her sole function… Looking into the woman’s eyes, I recognised the icy stare, usually seen in combat veterans. Her invitation to follow her was not a request. We both rose giving Kanegawa formal bows, and our thanks for his time. Marie had warned me; this mark of respect was considered obligatory, not just a courtesy. We followed the woman Ritsuko, to another elevator in the other room.

“Mr Jenner, your men have been instructed to return their compound, you will not contact them again until you return to the city.” The woman told me, as the elevator doors closed, and the lift took ascended. There was no mistaking that her words, whilst phrased politely enough, were also to be considered an order. One she assumed would be accepted, and obeyed. A few minutes later we were airborne, heading away from the city, using travel lanes reserved exclusively for military and government vehicles.
When traveling pause occasionally, look back and enjoy the moment again.

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Sabrina Bergin
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Post by Sabrina Bergin » Thu, 24. Dec 15, 09:35


The first thing I was aware of was the smell, my head was pounding, and the after taste of vomit filled my mouth. The second thing, was the light, it was so intense it was painful. I’d had been caught. Jenner must have worked it out somehow, reality hit me hard feeling like a blow to the stomach, almost throwing up I came to my senses, it was impossible not to recognise the room for what it was. We must have been stopped after we left the police station. Only… that wasn’t what happened, we had been interviewed, I remember that happening. Saya and Ritsu with those high level security clearances, had made that a short process. Then we had been in the flitter, that much had been real. I remembered asking to be dropped back at the port, then Ritsu laughing at me.

Ooh shit… That told me the amount of trouble I was in. Saya walked into the room, she must have been watching… waiting for me to come to. I managed to lift my head enough to see the straps holding my legs to the table. There were others, one around my chest, others holding my arms away from my body. There were drip feeds stuck into my left arm. The lines leading to something out of sight behind my head. The predatory look Saya was giving me, told me this was going to be bad… Really… really bad.

There was no need for this if she’d just let me explain, Hiro would understand, hell he’d be grateful. Saya wouldn’t want that of course, before I could begin reasoning with her, she strapped a gag to my mouth, the type designed to stop you swallowing your tongue. Her silence was also deliberate of course, I’d done the training, knew how to scare the crap out of prisoners, before touching them, to get information. Saya didn’t want information from me, she was doing this because she wanted to.

She started cutting me right after that, now I knew what the drips were for. I could feel the drugs take effect as my heart begin beating frantically against my ribcage They, or rather the drugs, were keeping me conscious, would stop me dying on her. I did manage to pass out for a while, after she started breaking my bones with a mallet. After that she must have adjusted the meds, time lost all meaning as she kept going, the amount of pain was beyond anything I had thought possible. After gods knew how long, I lost all feeling of pain in any one specific part of my body, feeling only a white hot needle in my brain, at some new torture. There were, brief periods when the pain subsided for a while. I began to look forward to them, I’d always been told that a body could be conditioned to experience plain as a form of pleasure, something about the pain receptors in your head, getting burnt out or something. I’d scoffed at that till now. Having run out of smaller bones to break, Saya started burning me.

That was when I began to curse my newfound ability to tolerate, enjoy pain. The stench of my own flesh, being reduced to charred meat sickened me as nothing else could. She was careful to keep the torch away from my face, probably wanted to avoid damaging my eyes. The mirrored panels above the table, told me she wanted me to watch what she did. I started to lose it then my, mind that is, all of a sudden the whole process, my pain her delight in inflicting it, seemed hilarious. It was in recognising my impending madness, that I found a means to avoid the pain. I withdrew from everything around me, pushing memories into the path behind, me in a desperate effort to hold it back. This was temporary what little ability to reason I had left recognised that this refuge was shrinking with each memory I sacrificed. That’s when darkness overwhelmed me.

Some part of me understood this. Knew this was the place Lannar fled to when she retreated from the world around her. I was even able to question that, who, or what was Lannar? All I felt was a faint sense of loss. A doorway had opened in my mind, if I walked through it, I would remember who Lannar, was why she was important to me, along with that came another certainty, passing through that door would lead me back to the pain that overshadowed everything. The absence of pain, was all that mattered now. Turning away from the doorway I ran back down the path, away from what I knew, was. The doorway led only to anguish, and torment. This other path was familiar to me, if it was as I remembered it, the cliff was just ahead. I had feared that once, no more. Without hesitation, I ran as fast as I could down the path towards the cliff, throwing myself into the abyss beyond.

After uncounted time, sound reached me, nothing else did except the lights burning into my eyes. This too was familiar, I’d experienced this before, again I saw the man from my deepest, darkest nightmares standing over me, his face masked, the cutting tool in his hand. Again he sliced through my sternum, forcing my ribs aside and, reached into me. I could feel what he was doing. Feel every movement as his hands desecrated my body. Unheard by anyone, I began screaming.


Saya stepped back, when the Gaijin stopped thrashing against the restraints. The machines immediately began announcing signal loss from the med sensors. This was not right, Kumi had been monitoring her, adjusting the dosages to keep her alive. If he had done this, he would pay for his interference. She was not satisfied, not yet. She wanted the Gaijin to know why this was happening, wanted her to beg for an end to her wretched existence. A plea Saya intended to refuse.

Kumi came rushing into the chamber, pushing her to one side he began working on the Gaijin, starting resuscitation procedures. Knowing it would be pointless to question him just yet, she left the room to shower and change into clean coveralls. If he did manage to revive her, she would want him to explain exactly how the Gaijin had managed attempting, to escape her vengeance by dying. Later, having given Kumi more than sufficient time to revive the gaijin, Saya returned to the observation gallery overlooking the chamber. She was surprised to find her Lady, and Kumi deep in conversation as medical staff tended the Gaijin in the room beyond the plexi screen. Kumi, she noted, had a lot more equipment in the chamber now, than when she had left.

Her lady Ritsuko dismissed the man, before turning to speak to her. “It seems the Gaijin has manged to evade your retribution after all Saya.”
Saya glanced into the room, noting the monitors that showed the Gaijin was alive.

“She will recover my lady; I have not yet begun to make her suffer for her crimes.”

“If you want to inflict further torment on that poor creature, then do so Saya. Kumi assures me she will not feel it. He is fascinated by what is happening to her, though the Gaijin gives no outward sign of it, the level of pain she is experiencing, goes beyond anything he has ever known. Whatever might have been left of the gaijin, no longer occupies that living corpse Saya, surely that is vengeance enough? She has died four times since you left, doubtless she will continue to do so, unless we have the machines that sustain her removed.”

That was what they had been discussing, her Lady wanted her to end this, let the Gaijin die. She could… would not allow that. Ritsuko perhaps sensing her thoughts left then. Her disapproval evident.
Ritsuko knew I would not change my mind; her displeasure would be short lived. The gaijin was less than nothing to her after all.

When traveling pause occasionally, look back and enjoy the moment again.

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Post by Zaitsev » Thu, 24. Dec 15, 17:32

Annette Barret wrote: *snip*
So I will be fair, if even one of you wants to see what, she has written. (Not Shaun.)

Say so.

Not going to happen is it?

That's okay, just confirms what I have been telling her.
*raises hand*

I would like to see it too.

Merry christmas, and congratulations on the wedding. :)
I'm sorry, I can't hear you over the sound of how awesome I am :D

Eye of the storm Completed
Eye of the storm - book 2 Inactive
Black Sun - Completed
Endgame - Completed

Annette Barret
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Post by Annette Barret » Fri, 25. Dec 15, 00:59

Okay you humble me.

Thank you all for your good wishes.

Sabbie and I are sat here together sharing a rather good wine. So we are both going to toast everyone on this forum, and wish you all a merry Christmas and happy new year.

I hope you will forgive me, if I keep Sabbie occupied for the next few weeks.

What can I say? I'm selfish.

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Post by Triaxx2 » Fri, 25. Dec 15, 17:52

Good for you. Just don't let her ruin the nun outfit.

Thanks for the present. Even better, I just got power back. Oh, how I love the weather in this state.
A Pirate's Revenge Completed Now in PDF by _Zap_
APR Book 2: Best Served Cold Updated 8/5/2016

The Tale of Ea't s'Quid Completed

Dovie'andi se tovya sagain

Annette Barret
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Post by Annette Barret » Fri, 25. Dec 15, 23:18

Triaxx2 wrote:Good for you. Just don't let her ruin the nun outfit.

Thanks for the present. Even better, I just got power back. Oh, how I love the weather in this state.
Ouch! the weather that is.

Okay I redacted my post. Yes I over reacted.

Basically because it had no place being here. This is Sabbie's storey not mine.

Yes we discussed that at length. Painful. Also I figure it reached the people it was meant to.

The "Nun outfit" is safe. Heh, Heh, Heh.....

So in answer to your unspoken question, yes I will encourage her to finish this. Not my first choice, but I'd rather we not start married life with a row.

I'll speak to you all soon. Well after the new year.


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