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Sabrina Bergin
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Post by Sabrina Bergin » Sat, 12. Apr 14, 15:10

I came in behind the Chief dragging my kit with me wondering why he had asked me to bring it then when I saw him attack Kert I had my answer without thinking I dropped the cases and went for him.
I was driven almost insane with the rage of betrayal I felt and managed to get him away from Kert, I meant to kill him. I realised then why he had Uma and Flot here to meet us they came to his defence and hauled me off him and pinned me against a wall.

The Chief picked himself up and approached me keeping himself at a distance so I couldn't reach him. "Bekka you need to calm down he's not dead just unconscious it was necessary Bekka it was either knock him out or kill him before he had a chance to realise what I was going to do. I've been here before remember its the only way Bekka, now are you going to let me help him or just get in the way? because if you are I can have you tied up real easy at this point".

I considered it trying to think of a way of breaking free of Uma and Flot's hold on me but there wasn't one so I took a long slow breath and let it go but I promised myself that if Kert got hurt someone would pay. I think the chief got that but he signalled Uma to release me and to take Kert down to his fighter and strap him in once they had got him into his flight suit he then removed the munitions packs from the fighter and disabled the engines and missile controls.

"Just in case" he said simply before he had Uma and Flot start plugging their gear into the fighters interfaces. When they were done we all went back to the command centre and the Chief killed the lights on the hanger deck.

I knew what he was doing now he had effectively turned the fighter into a simulator.
Once he saw me understanding that he sat me down at a console and gave me a helmet to wear that was linked to kerts as far as Kert would know I would be right there next to him in the cockpit.

"Now Bekka when he starts to come round we will start the simulation I've given him a hot that will knock out his short term memory for a while but he's going to be a little bit disorientated so you will have to keep his attention on the op don't give him time to think can you do that ?".

I nodded and powered up the console. I could see it was a simulation but the chief said he had given Kert a shot would it be enough to convince him this was real I wondered.

Uma and Flot looked to the chief and he told them to monitor every thing that went on in the cockpit he wanted full range analysis of every audio and visual data as it occurred. They knew the drill and powered up their own terminals that would take data directly from the Nova's systems not from the flight recorder.

Kert was startled as he realised he must have blacked out for a moment.

"What the hell happened" he asked Bekka as he looked about to make sure everything was okay.

"We hit a rock skip shields are already recharged target is dead ahead"

Kert snapped his attention back to the target accelerating hard to get on his six and then using his thrusters to avoid the fire from his rear turret Kert swung into position just as the fool launched his missiles. "warning incoming missile" Betty announced as Kert felt a deep calm wash over him he targeted the missiles destroying them and the nova in the resulting blast. Bekka already had the next target bracketed the Falcon was making a run for the west gate till he saw him alter cause when his sensors detected the four Nova's Lupo had dropped in sector ahead of him Kert altered cause to intercept him intending to kill him on the first pass but he missed the killing shot but took out his shields as the pilot suddenly bailed Kert swung to pass him then stopped and spun his ship around looking the man in the eye floating just fifty meters from his guns.
Kert began to squeeze the trigger his anger driving him on. All targets eliminated Betty announced as Bekka said something to him then he blacked out again.

Bekka ripped the helmet off even though it had been a simulation she had seen the change come over him again and she knew now what the trigger was.

"The missile warning" she said aloud looking to the chief "and later again when all targets were eliminated that's what turned it off ".

The chief nodded and started comparing the data from the flight recorder with the real information they had received. from their interfaces looking at the missile warning system as soon as he threw it up on the displays she could see that the real data stream had an additional signal imposed on it something that the flight recorder must have filtered out.

The Chief sent Uma and Flot to retrieve Kert and had him secured to a chair in the room before he regained consciousness leaving his helmet on.

"Relax Bekka we are not going to hurt him but we have to make sure he doesn't hurt himself or anyone else either" the chief said as he plugged a com lead into kerts helmet "or haven't you thought it all the way through yet.

That scared me I had not the chief was right whoever had done this would want to ensure their dirty secrets were kept hidden.
Which meant Kert could be primed to kill anyone who discovered them including himself.

The Chief looked to Uma and Flot "We suspect Kert might have been conditioned by the same people who dreamed up the Omega project so you remember the procedures I trust".

"Not something we're likely to forget chief" Uma said grimacing at the memory of what had happened on that station getting more kit out of her case and injecting Kert with something.

"Uma and Flot were with me in that incident I told you about earlier Bekka and if so he's got an implant for those signals. The only way to make sure he can't be triggered is to locate it and remove it".

"Yeah and its gonna be rigged as well Uma" added waiting for the chief to send the signal.

The chief pressed a button Bekka didn't hear anything but Kert suddenly began trying to escape his restraints twisting and writhing in the chair so violently she feared he would hurt himself whilst Uma swept him with a scanner.

"Okay chief I got I it shut him down" Uma pulled the helmet of kert then reached for another tool from her kit as Kert suddenly just stopped moving".

"Oh shit chief he's just gone hot" Uma commented she moved swiftly and placed the device at a point just behind Kerts ear and pulled a trigger something from it penetrated flesh and blood began to seep from the wound but Uma ignored it making adjustments to the tool she held her face a mask of concentration.

"Okay I've got it" she announced pulling the tool away from Kert and moving quickly to remove whatever it was the tool had cut out of Kert and throw it into a flash incinerator. Only then did she attend to the wound she had made cleaning away the blood before applying a plas skin patch over the wound.

"That will do him for now chief Uma said wiping the sweat from her brow but he's going to need to pay a visit to the med centre".

"Okay thanks guy's get him down there then lets clean this mess up after that we are going to be busy with those fighters get the people we need to get it done you know what units we are going to have to pull and the sooner the better. I'll contact Rider and have him get replacements for them until that's been done they stay in lock down".

The Chief turned tome and looked at Uma and Flot as they placed Kert onto a trolley and took him out of the room. "Best you go with them Bekka I know you want to and Kert will need you when he comes around we'll speak later".

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Sabrina Bergin
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Post by Sabrina Bergin » Mon, 14. Apr 14, 15:24

The tone of chiefs voice made it clear that this was not over yet, it also rankled that he knew how deeply I felt about Kert I hadn't thought it was that obvious.
So it was with mixed feelings That I followed Uma and Flot down a level to the med bay where they let Liom our unit medic and the closest thing we had to a doctor have a look at him. He didn't say anything about the wound but I think he suspected what had caused it He pulled away the plast-skin patch cleaned the wound then stitched it up properly and wrapped a dressing over it. He reached into a cabinet when he was done and chucked me a packet of pain killers then left us alone.

Flot left with him but Uma stayed it was clear she wanted to speak to me and I could guess what she wanted to know.

"I took some pretty detailed scans Bekka has he told you" she nodded at Kert.

"What that he's got prosthetics yeah he's told me Uma but that's our business".

"Hey Bekka I'm not prying, the fact that he's already told you makes me feel more comfortable than if he hadn't I was just concerned okay. I'd best get back and help Flot we've got a shit load of work to do because of this I'd advise getting him wheeled back to your quarters before he comes to, familiar surroundings and all that".

I got the impression there was something she hadn't told me but Uma had always been overprotective of the girls in the squad me in particular ever since Naol gods even thinking of him still had the power to hurt me. I took her advice though and called Liom back in to help me get him into a chair so I could take him back to our quarters. Uma had been right about that much the last place Kert would want to be wake up in was a med bay. It also meant I would be the one to tell him that someone had stuck a bomb in his head and knowing Kert he would want to do something about that.

"How is he ?" asked the Chief still studying the flight recorder we had pulled from Kerts fighter on the work bench.

"He'll be out of it for at least a stazura I had Brent give him a shot to keep him under till I had a chance to speak to Bekka, she doesn't know Chief at least not all of it".

The Chief considered that for a moment just nodding as if it confirmed something he had already guessed at.

"Chances are he doesn't know either Uma which is probably for the best leave it with me to handle that okay".

Uma gave the chief a nod then began cleaning away the kit they had used which she had hoped never to have to use again. Uma was concerned though for Bekka she was a friend they had been in the same unit for a couple of Jazura now and she had been the one Bekka had turned to when Naol had been killed in that stupid training accident.
She had been pleased for her when she and Kert had got it together, it had bought her out of her grieving for Naol though she probably thought no one knew about them two despite the fact that for the first time in ages she had been happy and had stopped biting guys heads off when they tried to get familiar. Which begged the question how did you tell someone like Bekka who only gave all of herself or nothing in a relationship that her lover had xenon tech inside him.
Well that was not her problem the Chief had said he would handle it and she wished him luck with that judging by how Bekka had reacted when the Chief had knocked Kert out earlier that was one conversation she did not want to be around when it finally took place that girl was strong when she got pissed it had taken both herself and Flot to hold her and they both out massed her by a fair margin.

The room was darkened and my head hurt like hell and I had been bandaged up for some reason I realised as I woke up, there was also a taste in my mouth that I knew all to well the residual effects of a sedative.
I managed to sit up a little feeling a bit fragile and smiled as I saw Bekka sat in a chair just watching over me.

"How are you feeling she" asked and I could hear the concern in her voice which meant what we had suspected had turned out to be all to true.

I've felt better but otherwise okay, first though I need a coffee to get this taste out of my mouth".
I got off the bed and made it to the kitchen still feeling sore but moving seemed to make me feel a bit better. I poured us both a mug and sat down at the small breakfast bar brushing the sleep out of my eyes.
Bekka joined me but she was still not saying anything which worried me a bit. Hell a lot of things were worrying me at that particular moment but she was the one I was most concerned about. She meant more to me than I had realised or dared to admit even to myself till now and if she couldn't handle this, wanted to end what had grown between us it would hurt me just the thought of her not being part of my life frightened me. I was even too scared to speak to her in case she chose that moment to say what I feared most. Perhaps she knew or suspected what I was thinking because she just took my hand and gave it a squeeze to let me know she was okay which was when I let go of a breath I didn't know I had been holding and managed a smile.

"The Chief will be joining us shortly kert he'll let you know what they did to you, he's been working all night on it so he's liable to be a bit grouchy".

There was more to it than that but I let it go no doubt the chief would fill me in when he got here so I left it alone and just relaxed as much as I was able feeling a vast sense of relief that she was still here that she cared.

The Chief let himself into our quarters a mizura or so after that, there wouldn't be room for all of us in the galley area so I made a fresh jug of coffee and we all went into the lounge area where we would at least be comfortable when he told me the worst of it.

He didn't spare me any of the more gruesome details either as he told me what had happened, which explained my headache and the bandaging and the bruises he was carrying where Bekka had gone for him. I'd given her a look when he told me that but she had just shrugged leaving me to work it out. Then we got to the tech stuff which fortunately he laid out in layman's language.
The gist of it was that Whilst I was being treated for my injuries at the base in M148 they had put a bomb in my head and programmed me so to speak.
No wonder they had not tried too hard to get those fighters back, as long as we had them they must have figured they could give that leash of theirs a tug and we would all come running like good little soldiers. That alone made me angry enough to want to go back to M148 and launch a payload of nukes at the place. Fortunately as the Chief had grounded all the fighters and they were having modules stripped out of them as we spoke that was not an option. I was quiet for a while after he had finished just trying to take it all in really. Which was when I started grinning having thought of a use for those modules he was ripping out of our fighters.

"Those modules are pretty hi tech Chief I mean they are combat grade which would be worth a fortune to someone say some pirates at a base like the one the guy in the brig told us all about".

He got that straight away because his grin was nearly as evil as the one I was sporting and it would take care of one of our problems with very little effort on our part hell we would probably make some money on the deal.

"It will have to be handled carefully the Chief said after thinking it over probably best to use Lupo for this he's got contacts in places you would not believe and we need to make sure that only the people we want to get hold of them and that it couldn't be traced back to him".

"So how long till we get back in operation Chief ? we can delay some contracts but not for too long or it will start to hurt".

"We've got all the units stripped out Kert and it won't take long to get them back on line say a tazura after Rider gets back with the replacements for one team and the same again for the other".

The Centaur hadn't been rigged so that was something but until we had at least one team operational I figured it would be best to keep it in sector for the moment at least until we were able to defend ourselves. Which just left one question how many of us had had that thing stuck in our heads.

"Just you Kert but I would bet money on it that Brannl had one".

That made sense and would also explain why Braks had not wanted him replaced as Beta teams leader, I suspect that at some point Erin would have had a medical or some thing similar arranged to have one implanted except that Braks had screwed up when he had tried to frak with us and she had jumped out of the sector in the Centaur before he could get a chance to arrange it, no wonder he had been pissed about that.
That was a relief in more ways than one it meant that the facts of what had been done to me and the fighters could be contained to just five of us but I thought about that for a moment if and I didn't like that our success was largely due to the fact we trusted each other if we did not warn the others it could put them at risk and more importantly undermine that trust.

I told the Chief to set up a general meeting for the next day when I would brief the teams on why our fighters were grounded, he seemed pleased that I had made that choice but instead of leaving as I expected he stayed put which meant there was more he had yet to tell me and I just knew I was not going to like it any better than what he had already told me he glanced at Bekka in a way to suggest I might not want her to know what he was going to tell me but I wanted her to know I was not going to keep anything from her.

"Okay chief spit it out, there's obviously more to say and its a given I am not going to be pleased to hear it whatever it is and I want Bekka to hear it as well there are no secrets between us".

"Simply put Kert the tech that was used to treat your injuries is unlike any thing I've seen or heard of in the commonwealth it's terran more precisely terra former or as we would call it xenon. I would guess that was why Braks couldn't duplicate it because the terrans have never shared their terra former technology with us in fact as far as I knew they actively prohibit the use of it".

That made a dreadful kind of sense obviously the terrans would.. no had used it I was proof of that only.... I hoped for specific military purposes spook type stuff. The question was why had they sent me back, it had been deliberate they wanted our people to know what they were capable of doing perhaps a warning that they had a whole technology they had a millennia of experience with, a tech that we didn't have that had nearly led to our extinction as a species.

That knowledge hit me like a blow to the guts shattering a lot of my own beliefs in myself like was I even human and what would other people more importantly what would Bekka see when she looked at me now knowing the truth.

"That's a lot to take in Chief I finally managed still stunned by it do you mind if we keep that part to ourselves because even I don't know how to deal with it ?".

The Chief just nodded then left us alone I looked to Bekka unable to speak I mean what was there to say.

"I guessed Kert when I spoke to Uma last night in the med bay she was holding something back and I had all night to think about it, I'm still here though Kert its given me a shock I mean I knew you had prosthetics".

"This makes it different though doesn't it Bekka, I mean I had enough to worry about before about how people looked at me knowing I was part machine, now I'm not even sure how I feel about myself. Look I finally said if it's too much I understand ".

"You obviously don't Kert I already said I am still here so what if they used Xenon tech to save your life it obviously works better than ours and it makes no difference between us unless we let it".

We spent the remainder of the day in our rooms mostly just talking and I was glad we had the chance to take it all in.

The meeting the next day was at held just before lunch break so people would have a while to take in what we had discovered there were a lot of angry comments about what had been done to me and our fighters and they felt pretty much the same as I had the day before. That was when I told them the rest of it Bekka had not wanted me to but I felt they had a right to know.

I realised it was a mistake listening to the silence that followed that revelation then Uma asked the question that changed everything.

"So this tech stuff you've got skip its just prosthetics like an artificial arm or something just made better, I mean it's not like you're any faster or stronger than you used to be or that you get urges of galactic domination or anything right ?".

"Pretty much Uma in fact if anything my reflex's are slower than they used to be and I weigh more than I am comfortable with to be honest".

That had the effect Uma intended and I gave her a nod of thanks as the teams took it and accepted that I was no different than any other vet that had got mangled in combat and had limbs replaced and the reaction of a moment earlier just vanished which was a relief but it showed me clearly how some people in fact most people would react if they knew.

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Sabrina Bergin
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Post by Sabrina Bergin » Mon, 14. Apr 14, 22:52

After a quick lunch I went back to the Office as I called the command centre and started rearranging our contracts advising the people I had to of our revised schedule.
Fortunately most of them were prepared to wait a few had to call in other people to do the ops that couldn't be delayed but that was understandable.

As I figured out the numbers the layover would not really hurt us just cause us a minor delay in our expansion plans.
Once I got that out of the way I went down on to the hanger deck to see if I could help getting the new equipment installed which the guys doing the work were happy enough with.
As we were plugging in the new modules I couldn't help but wonder what was going to happen the craft the old ones would be going into, something terminal I suspected. I made a mental note to ask the Chief later I am sure he had a pretty good idea.

By the end of the day all ten of Alpha teams fighters were back together and had been thoroughly tested by the technicians Uma had selected before she would sign of on them.
I took the opportunity when she was alone to thank her for speaking up earlier.

"Hell skip that was no problem you should have broke it to them gently getting it in one hit like that didn't give them time to think it through. Once they had and knew Bekka was okay with it, it wasn't a problem for them there is one thing though if that extra mass you are carrying is hurting you it might be an idea to start working out a bit you could do with carrying a bit more muscle".

"Yeah but the doctors told me not to".

"That would be those doctors that did all this stuff to you Kert and you believe anything they told you after yesterday".

She walked off after that leaving me to consider what she had said, and she was right of course those bastu had been lying to me for tazura I really should stop considering everything they had told me to have any connection with the truth whatsoever.

After that I went home and had a long hot shower then started cooking as Bekka was still down on the training deck with the other marines.

She came in just as it was ready so I called out good timing and stared serving it up whilst she got changed. She seemed a lot more cheerful than she had been over the last few tazura and started talking about what she had been doing with both of us avoiding any reference to what had been a major worry for us both. Hopefully now that we had found out it that the way I had changed in combat was not a problem with me personally we could put it behind us.

It was not a problem I could so easily ignore though the next morning when I stood in my flight suit and looked up at my fighter to be honest I was almost afraid to get into it till Bekka gave me a shove and get a move on.

I ran through the check list and launched moving to the rendezvous point to wait for the others. This job was a roving Patrol from here to Sanctity four sectors north. we had been warned by the Boron who gave us the op that they were expecting trouble along the way at which I wondered what sort of intelligence operation they had running because their intel was usually pretty reliable.

As soon as I got confirmation that every one was ready I signalled the trading station to let them know we were starting the Patrol and headed for the north gate. In system traffic was light and I caught sight of Erin in the Centaur doing a sweep past the base.

I listened to the rest of the team chatting away over the com and guessed they were as happy to be back out here as I was. We were half way to Queens harbour without incident and I was beginning to think the Boron had screwed up when a swarm of Pirates jumped in at the west gate and headed straight for the trading station, at that point the com's chatter stopped and we became all business again Bekka was throwing contacts at my HUD as fast as she could identify them and I began giving orders to the team targeting the M3's before we dealt with that Centaur. the smaller ships were of little concern the worst they could do with what they were carrying was irritate people. as soon as we reached intercept range we split up I was targeting a Falcon which seemed to be in a hurry to get to that station I suspect he was carrying the heavier ordinance but he never got a chance to use it as I fried him on my second pass. As soon as I had dealt with him Bekka put me onto the next target closest to us a Nova and I swung us around in a turn that pushed our high G compensators to the max to get onto his tail, I froze for a fraction of a second when I heard the missile lock warning and felt a cold stab of fear which cleared my head and I got in real close to him before I shot the back end of his Nova into so much junk. I was so relieved I was actually beginning to enjoy myself when we ran out of targets, all except one of course and after a brief com check to make sure everyone was okay we moved in on it. To be honest I was surprised he hadn't jumped out of sector once he lost his fighters especially facing ten of us but he kept coming on, It took a bit longer to take the Centaur down but he never got in Range of the station and once he was just an expanding debris cloud I checked to see that the sector was clear.
I signalled base and had Rider jump into sweep up before we moved on to Queens Harbour for the next leg of the Patrol.

"You realise we are never going to live this down" Bekka said.

"Live down what" I asked.

"You laughing and giggling like a maniac throughout combat, honestly Kert its just so damned unprofessional".

I thought she was kidding me but the stare she was giving me told me she wasn't "Sorry Bekka I was just so damn relieved that the other thing didn't happen but are you sure I was giggling".

"Like a fool Kert try not to do that again for me my sake if nothing else".

"I'll try I promise" I said.... I think she would have hit me then if I hadn't actually been piloting us towards the gate at that point as I knew I had a stupid grin on my face when I said it.
The Patrol through Queens harbour was a bit of an anti-climax but considering the sheer number of sec defence ships in sector it was no real surprise that we got to deal with the few they missed. Even so the local commander or at least his com's officer had the courtesy to thank us for our assistance before we moved on to Queens retribution.

I had thought it strange the first time we had come through this way that Queens Harbour had a bigger defence force in system than they did here but then I had learnt that a lot of the ships in that sector were assigned to the Atreus headquarters itself.

Which meant that we were a heck of a lot busier than we had been there when several waves of pirates came into the sector. I kept the team together for this one not wanting us to be split up and vulnerable it meant a lot more work and time but we got the job done some freighters had been lost but as the Boron refused to arm the damn things I didn't really see that as being my fault. A point I made to one of the local station managers who demanded to know why I had let one of his ships be destroyed. Fortunately a Local sec defence captain took over the com link the man knew we were on a scheduled patrol and thanked me for our help.

By contrast the only activity we saw in the Sanctity of corruption was a single Pirate Buzzard piloted by a Teladi who was actually flagged as being non hostile, which I thought was a bit strange given our occupation but the scans showed he wasn't carrying anything illegal at least not in Teladi space so we gave him a pass. A few mizura later we got a signal from the Boron contractor and got paid at which point we jumped back to distant clouds and called ahead to let them know we were coming in. as soon as we neared the base I was pleased to see the Beta team launching wondering who would be piloting the Centaur as I definitely heard Erin calling her team to form up on her fighter over the com.

"Beta this is Alpha good hunting" I sent

"Roger that Alpha see you in two Tazura Beta out".

I docked and settled back in my seat for a moment allowing Bekka to exit the cockpit first giving myself a moment to savour the fact that I was still able to fly without fear of what someone might have done to my Nova. As I stepped dpwn onto the dock I saw the guys trying to hold back the laughter which is when I recalled how I had behaved at the start of the patrol.

Bekka was the only one not laughing so I took her arm "I'm sorry Bekka I'll see to it".

"They're not laughing about you skip, I left the mic on when I pulled you in about it they're laughing at what I told you I thought about your behaviour".

"What the bit where you said it was so unprofessional to be laughing during combat" I suggested. Bekka just glared at me and stomped of which made the guys even worse if that was possible.

"Come on guys enough okay its me who has to deal with her when she's ticked off unless I see any volunteers, now lets get the op written up and get some down time we have a busy couple of mizura ahead of us".

We all went through the patrol again skipping the boring bits till I cringed with embarrassment when I heard my self laughing like an idiot as I ran down the fighters I had targeted.

"No disrespect skip said Tomes but we all thought it was great hearing you loosen up a bit till then you were always like a nothing ever bothered you everything by the book type pilot if you know what I mean".

"Yeah I know what you mean Tomes but don't expect it every time okay guys lets get some rest see you all in the morning we are running Patrol in system till Beta get back okay unless something crops up.
I gave one parting shot as the left the room.

"And lay off Bekka my life is hard enough as it is".

I didn't get a response to that so I showered and changed and went to face the music which was a bit of a let down because she wasn't bothered at all it had been an act when she realised it was her remarks that had them in stitch's she had played up to them.
That's when I kissed her knowing she had seen how it would make the team feel more relaxed about me and burying the other matter for good between us.

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Sabrina Bergin
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Post by Sabrina Bergin » Tue, 15. Apr 14, 01:54

We had just hit the hanger deck after refuelling and rearming when the sirens went of and I heard the Chiefs voice booming over the deck speakers.

Alpha team flash launch this is not a drill hanger doors will be opened in five sezura all deck crew to clear the hanger. The message repeated twice then stopped as I was sealing my helmet and sprinting for my Nova.
I saw others doing the same and plugged in my com link as soon as I hit the seat hearing Bekka closing the hatch behind us and firing up the engines.

"Okay chief this is Alpha where do you want us" I asked buckling myself in as the bay doors began to open".

"Go for a hot jump to the beacon in Queens Harbour Kert, Erin is in a shit storm over there and needs immediate support".

"Roger that Chief, Alpha team go for a hot launch and jump immediately clear of the hanger dispersal pattern delta weapons hot".

I launched as soon as the doors were open enough and hit the emergency jump going to military thrust to get me clear of the station before the jump dive spooled up we had practiced this knowing how dangerous it was to have ten ships jumping for the same jump point at the same time but Erin must be in real trouble to have to call us in. Bekka had the weapons systemson line before we even cleared the Hanger doors and was giving mea sizura by sizura report on the team status even as we jumped.

I went max thrust as soon as we emerged to clear the danger zone as Bekka put Beta team on the HUD they were running right at us and they had taken a beating from a heavy xenon force that had four P's and a load of L class fighters involved The Local Sec defence force was over by the north gate but they had their hands full with a Carrier.
Erins Nova's were faster than the Xenon but not by much. Erin fly through us regroup and give your shields a chance to recharge. Copy that alpha she replied we see you make a hole Alpha team she went past us at a combined speed of over 360 ms leaving us a pile of L's coming into range of our missiles.

"Fire at will I ordered even as I heard Bekka launching ours and cycling in another salvo. We'll try and do as much damage as we can on the first pass I ordered then break left 120 degrees down lets try and draw these tin cans of Bravo then we'll swing back and give them another pasting".

Their was a rapid series of acknowledgements before everyone was to busy firing at the approaching fighters we took some damage from their PBG's but I was expecting that but we hurt them hard blowing a whole right through the middle of them with debris impacting on our shields.

They are in pursuit skip we have one on our six Bekka told me as the missile warnings started an almost repetitive message thankfully Bekka silenced it as I tried to get enough space to come about and deal with the fighter behind us who was trying to drop our shields.

It was to close I realised and if we turned It would have us broadside on, "Hold onto something Bekka" I warned as I tried that crazy move I had seen that Buzzard make, perhaps that was why I had never been able to do it when I had practiced it I thought as I found myself head onto the L flying backwards at 180ms you had to be desperate enough to really try it. I opened up with a continuous burst from all eight guns with bekka adding wasps to the things it had to worry about before it disintegrated and I repeated the stunt and veered away to the next target which was a P class ship fortunately he had taken damage already and as the team joined me we managed to take him out of the picture.

After that Erin was able to regroup with us but only six of her fighters were undamaged the rest I told to dock at the trading station till the sector was safe. after that with sixteen of us we managed to clear the remaining fighters and the P class ships before we set course for the Carrier that was still causing problems near the north gate. "Skip called hal over the com what is it with you and this insane urge to attack carriers". I knew he was joking and managed to reply it was a force of habit in a similar vein but I held us on course until I saw it go nuclear under a barrage of heavy missiles that must have been fired as we began our attack run.

The Local sec defence commander got on the com himself to thank us when I got an override com from Scot Polar one of Erins team that interrupted his link "Skip Dayes has been hurt pretty bad he needs emergency medical asap".

The Boron commander cut in on our link and offered the facilities of his carrier assuring us they had suitable facilities available and I told Scot to land there as soon as he could, Bekka tugged at my arm and showed me a message she had typed so it wouldn't go over the com Daye was Erinn's brother, I nodded and called Erin and asked her to guide Scot in before turning to thank the Boron commander for his assistance.

"Indeed Captain it is to you and your warriors that I give thanks please join me aboard my carrier I would welcome the pleasure of the company of such valiant allies".

I could hardly refuse so I thanked him and made arrangements for both teams to dock on the Shark including the guys that had docked at the trading station.

I contacted Base and let Chief know we would be delayed and why before I docked last.

The Hanger was pretty much like any other carriers which made sense as I don't suppose the Borons could afford the time it would have taken to drain the water out of it before launching fighters so most of the ground crew who rushed up and started to get our fighters clear of the landing bays were wearing environment suits. "Excuse me" I asked the first one I came to "could you direct me to your medical facility one of my men is being attended to".
The Boron must have passed my request on to someone for in a few sezura another one arrived and asked us to accompany him.

"This is the area of the ship in which we host our air breathing crew" the Boron explained as he saw me noticing the fact this part of the ship was designed for humanoids not amphibians. "

Our commander understands your concern for your fellow warrior commander Dannar and has asked me to see that you are given all assistance. like wise we shall make such efforts as we are able to attend the harm your ships have suffered in aiding us".

"Please convey my deepest thanks to your Commander" I replied as he led us to the treatment rooms where Erin and her Gunner and Scot Polar were waiting for news.

The Boron bowed slightly then left promising he would return as soon as I wished.

"How is he" I asked Erinn noticing that she was struggling to maintain her composure.

"Not too good Skip he got caught by a piece of shrapnel from a missile Scot here had to fly single handed with no cabin pressure ever since we came through the north gate. Daye managed to seal of the suit joint above the wound but he might loose that leg even if he manages to pull through They are operating now".

There was nothing I could say so I just reached out and hugged her close as she broke down and cried quietly shaking with concern for her brother.
She must have been worried sick about him I realised knowing that there was little or no chance of help for him till the xenon task force was dealt with. That raised my respect for her even more not only did she have her brother to worry about but she had still maintained control of her team and taken out a lot of xenon fighters before we arrived in system.

She settled eventually and wiped her eyes recognising the fact that I had shielded her from the view of her team. I don't think they cared that she had been reduced to tears by her fears for her brother but it was an image thing I suppose she whispered thank you to me before straightening herself and joined her people as they waited for word on Daye.

The Doctor came out a little while later a small Teladi Female who asked us to call her Hallissa I got the impression she had long given up on the Boron ever being able to produce a suitable translation of her name through their translators. She also spoke surprisingly good common with few of the never ending esses that most teladi incorporated into their words.

"Who is the hatch sibling" she asked after a moment and looked up as Erin stepped forward.

"Your sibling is recovering well and wish's to speak with you but he needsss resst he lost much vital fluid, I have tended hisss wound asss best I am able only time will tell if the removal of the limb will be necessary but I thinkssss not now come.
With that the Teladi took Erinns hand and led her into the treatment room we all waited a while to give her time alone with him before we joined her.

I saw the similarity between him and Erin at once as I approached wondering why I had never connected them together before now. He looked pretty rough but he was smiling at us as we came in.

"Hey skip thanks for coming".

I knew he meant to the sector and not just this room but I waved it of. "That sector patrol was getting boring so I was glad to get the invite Daye perhaps next time you could be a little more selective in who else you invite to the party".

That got a grin out of him

"What can I tell you skip gate crashers they always mess up the place".

"Yeah I agreed well I won't linger Daye I just wanted to be sure you were okay you just look after yourself I'll get you a transport back to the base as soon as the medics say you can travel okay".

"Thanks skip I appreciate that".

I saw Erin nod her thanks as He shook my hand. Then I let Bekka lead me from the room leaving him with his team mates.
As soon as we were out of sight Bekka grabbed me and kissed me"thats for what you did for Erinn but don't make it a habit of going round kissing other women Kert Dannar in a threatening tone of voice".

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Post by Sabrina Bergin » Tue, 15. Apr 14, 04:10

The Boron who had escorted us earlier arrived within moments and asked us if we would be able to join the Commander.

"I would be pleased to" I said aloud and he led us up two levels before the lift halted and remained stationary.

"Is there a problem" I asked after a while

"Not at all Commander it will take a few mizura to adapt this level to meet your requirements that is all".

"There is no need I replied we are both wearing environment suits and we consider ourselves less than grateful to our host if we did not use them and spare him the inconvenience of so much unnecessary effort on our behalf".

I sealed my suit as the Boron forward our willingness to proceed directly to meet the Commander and within a mizura the lift tube started to fill with water. Bekka looked at the rising level and tested her mag lock boots so I did the same and within moments we were being escorted into what I assumed was the Commanders offices. The Boron ushered us in then left The Boron who I assumed to be the Commander flowed through the water to meet us and I must admit it was graceful I had never seen Boron in their natural element before now and they looked quite different than they did when in their environment suits.

"Commander Dannar you do me great courtesy In meeting me in this fashion" came the surprisingly clear voice over the helmet com. "Your warrior he is well I trust ?".

He is Commander your Teladi doctor assured me she is confident he will recover fully in time".

"Then all is well Commander but there is another matter as I assume you have realised with which I wish to discuss with you. I have good reports of your service on numerous occasions to the Boron people in this and other sectors as have members of the family royal who have watched your efforts on our behalf with much interest, suffice to say that I have been tasked with offering you an opportunity to undertake a matter of great import to the Boron that will enhance your status amongst us. But first regrettably I must ask that should you decline which I have stated to those who have tasked me with this matter you would not, that you would be oath bound not to divulge the nature of the offer.

"I would consider such a discussion would be considered privileged information and I would gladly vow that I would not discuss it beyond the walls of this room" .

"Then Let me give you this task Atreus has requested that you provide these items and deliver them at a time convenient to yourself to the Atreus HQ you will of course be suitably reimbursed, this I must admit that whilst these items are sorely needed it is a test of your resolve. I myself have advised it as unnecessary still there are others who wish for it to be done in this manner".

I scanned the list which was quite impressive enough ordinance to level a planet if they wanted and the items were not commonly produced and those that were being rapidly purchased by those catering to the arms trade. Fortunately I had a Teladi in my employ who would see this as a challenge and a chance to demonstrate his value to me.

"I shall arrange delivery of the items as soon as is possible" I agreed

"Which brings me to one last condition commander due to the nature of the items given our much vaunted peaceful nature it is requested that you deliver the items personally. The one taking collection of them has requested that her name not be known to more beings than is necessary".

"A wise decision" I allowed "it will be as you wish".

"Then our business has concluded Captain I have ordered that rooms be set aside for yourself and your warriors and your needs seen to, though regrettably I must leave this system in two tazura!.

"Duty allows no time for rest I agreed if we may linger till the morrow when the Teladi has said our man may be safely moved I would be grateful".

"I shall arrange a transport for your warrior then Commander that way he may be moved under the care of our physician a simple enough courtesy I think for one who's wounds were received in our service. I will speak with you again before you depart commander but for the moment I must regrettably attend to duties".

At that point the Boron guide returned and led us back into the Lift and down to the level where the accommodations had been arranged.
We were shown to a suite of rooms and advised that suitable attire had been provided for us an Argon steward then introduced himself and demonstrated the many features of the rooms and asked if we were ready to dine.

"In perhaps five mizura we would wish to refresh ourselves before dinner" I told him at which point he left us.

"You surprise me Kert where the hell did you learn to speak like that".

I knew she meant all the polite and flowery phrases I had used to reply to the Commander. "Argon Prime I had a friend whose family are quite well to do anyway the last thing I wanted to do was embarrass her or make myself look like some hick from the outer sectors so I took lessons I admitted any way we need to get changed that steward will be back in less than four mizura". I said changing the subject.
Bekka let me get away with that for the moment but I would have to tell her at some point I knew but I needed to get my head around it first it was something I hadn't discussed with anyone.

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Post by Sabrina Bergin » Tue, 15. Apr 14, 14:35

The steward was on time and was setting up a dining table as we finished dressing.

A soon as we entered the room where he had set it up he stood back and waited for us to take our seat moving only to assist Bekka into her seat.

"Is there anything else sir he asked" stepping back.

"No this looks splendid thank you...."

"Vana sir if you do require anything please just call and I will attend".

The man left immediately after that pausing only to give us a slight bow before doing so.

"I could get used to this Kert" Bekka murmured looking at the table that was filled with several dish's whose aromas were tempting.

I took a sip of the wine recognising it as a Vintage Menelaus and I was tempted to agree with her the Commander had not been kidding when he said he would attend to our needs.

"I think we are being spoilt" Bekka I answered as I began to fill a plate for her the commander said as much in what he didn't say as in what he did".

"Such as " she asked taking the plate and tasting the dish I had thought she might prefer.

"Oh such as the fact that he knows a great deal about us and that we are being closely watched probably by their intelligence people and I suspect we are being groomed for an operation that the Boron would rather not share with their allies not directly anyway. The Commander is the head of this task force and he has already alluded to the fact that his presence is required elsewhere but he is going out of his way to stay in system till we can get Daye back to base he's even supplying a medical team and transport to make it happen Bekka".

"So what you are saying is that all this comes at a cost".

"Doesn't everything Bekka, the only question is wether it is a cost we are willing to pay. I don't think that is going to be a problem the commander has made it clear that he has selected us specifically for whatever it is they need doing and with a person of his rank involved it probably means things that the Boron government want that they might have a problem doing directly. Anyway the only way we are going to find out is if we do these errands for them then they will tell us."

"Speaking of which Bekka said as she finished her meal you changed the subject on me earlier is it something you can or would rather not discuss ?".

I knew this was coming and had prepared myself as much as I could but it was still difficult.

"It started out a few Jazura ago I began I was new at the flight acadamy where I was pretty much looked down on by my so called peers, they actually resented me being there amongst the potential future officers of the fleet, all save one Valerie Sillarn. Her family were wealthy and were considered to be right up there with the gods in Argon prime society circles. For some reason we just hit it off, possibly because we were the best two candidates amongst them we can and did out point them in every part of out training.
Well to cut a long story short I sort of fell in love with her and I think she felt the same about me because the next thing I knew every time we got leave she was dragging me of to Argon Prime to one party or another amongst her friends there".

"I take it that was about the time you took lesson's in etiquette" Bekka guessed.

"Yeah but it didn't do me much good her mother was really nice to me and I think she liked me as well but her father well he just looked at me like he couldn't believe I actually thought I was good enough to be stood on the same planet as Val let alone be her friend".

"Most fathers are like that Kert especially when it involves their daughters I doubt it was anything more than that".

"Probably not I but it was the way I felt at the time and being an out worlder I was quick to take offence. Anyway to get to the point a couple of Jazura went by and me and Val were getting close I mean we were wingmen and we were flying combat ops all the time together. We took our leaves together and we both sort of knew that at some point we were going to make it all official but fate dealt us a hard blow I got captured and it was a Jazura before she saw me again and she'd thought I had been killed. When she did see me I was in a pretty bad way. Hell the medics had already told her I wouldn't make it. Then I was in M148 for another jazura and by the time I saw her again well she told me she had met someone ".

"Gunnes Kert and this is the woman that you took on a carrier, to save what a bitch she could a least have waited for the damn message that you hadn't made it".

"No she's not a bitch Bekka I said my eyes flaring with the anger at the remark".

"Oh she is Kert and I'm sorry you don't like her being referred to as one but it's obvious you still love her, don't tell me you weren't pissed when she told you".

"Of course I was Bekka but what's done is done she's a part of my past now and that is all she is. Now can we change the subject this is not something I'm comfortable discussing with anyone not even you".

Bekka let up on me at that point for which I was grateful, I had been surprised how easily the pain of rejection I had felt when she had told me still had the power to hurt me. I think Bekka knew she had pushed me as far as I was willing to go and relented so we talked about Daye Erins brother how she had always looked after him as best she could even after he joined her in the forces against her wish's.

"Erin was a marine" I asked shocked "I had always assumed she was fleet"
"Wrong on both count's Kert Erin will always be a marine even though she's just a fighter jock now".

I ignored that jibe and asked why she hadn't put him in her right hand seat.

"kert you can be so dense what if she got herself killed then she would be killing him as well she just couldn't fly like that nobody could".

"I fly with you" I pointed out which she argued was different I couldn't see how but I let that pass and we began talking about other things the trivia that filled in the gaps between important things. we moved into the lounge area after that I had no doubt that at some point the table would be cleared away but I did take a bottle of wine with us. We were woken the next morning by a Brief enquiry from Vana who we enquired if we would care to take breakfast I assured him we would do so in a moment and we both reluctantly got out of that bed and donned the robes that had been laid out for us before joining him in the dining area.
The breakfast which I could smell even from under the covered dish's was tempting but what got my attention was the aroma of Sonra Coffee freshly ground, it had been jazura since I had last tasted it but I was practically salivating as I accepted the cup Vana placed before me. Excellent I conceded savouring the taste.
Vana seemed pleased that I had noted his choice of beverage and that I was obviously one who preferred it to lesser choices.
The man was obviously a bit of a snob as Val would have described him but I didn't care anyone that gave me a cup of Sonra first thing in the morning got my vote on which thought I wrote down a contact address for him.

"Should you ever be passing Argon Prime Vana you might care to give this lady a call she is always keen to meet men of such calibre as yourself".

The man practically fainted when he saw the name I had given him then thanked me profusely before leaving clutching that card tightly.

"Well you just made his day" Bekka noted watching him go before tasting the coffee herself, at which point she ignored me drained her cup and poured herself another one.

"This she conceded is what coffee should taste like". I did the honours with the dish's again wondering what the chances were of getting Lupo to acquire a case of Sonra coffee for me it was expensive but what the hell Bekka seemed to have a taste for it as I did and I figured it would be worth the cost.

The Commander was true to his word later when he contacted us and let me know that Daye was being taken aboard the transport. I thanked him for his hospitality and we made our way to the hanger.
It seems his crew had likewise outdone themselves with the care of our fighters as well. They looked like they had done when new. All the scorch marks had been buffed away and new paint applied over welds that had been properly finished which just reminded me what was possible when you had a properly equipped carrier at your disposal. I still intended the Chief give them a thorough going over when we got back to base, not that I distrusted the Boron but after the last time I would rather be safe than sorry.

The same care had been taken in the cockpit and I was almost afraid to touch the controls in case I left a smudge. But I got over that and began the pre flight checks as the Deck crew moved us into the launch bay.
I contacted the tower and requested clearance and launched as soon as I got it heading for a point two click's from the carrier to wait for the teams to arrive. As soon as we had assembled we formed up around the transport that was already heading for the east gate taking Erins brother back to base.
I contacted the Chjief as we came in sector and got him to get a team ready to take Daye down to the med bay once the transport had docked and told him we would dock after the transport had left. Once it had I told Erin to dock her team first and took mine on a sweep of the sector we had been out for a few tazura and I wanted to be sure nothing had slipped past our Centaur.

All was quiet but we stayed out long enough for the Centaur to take a much needed break, I was about to take us back in when Bekka told me she had something on her sensors a crate of some sort. I contacted Povi and told him to take the team in whilst we checked it out.

"I get first dibs on the crate right" Bekka asked
"That depends technically we both do why what is it" then I looked at the sensor readings with disbelief some one had just left 70,000 credits floating out here.

"You know we could buy a hell of a lot of that coffee you like with that sort of cash" I suggested as I moved in and swept it up.

"I don't want that much coffee" she decided obviously she had other plans so I just headed back to the base knowing I would learn what those plans were when she was good and ready to tell me and not before.

I landed and the deck crew had us turned around and replenishing our supplies before we had even left the cockpit. "Is there a problem Chief ?". I asked over the com.

"No problem Kert I just thought I would have alpha wing on standby whilst Erin takes care of Daye and gets him settled in" he replied so I disconnected and followed her out of the hanger bay and into the rest room.

Bekka poured us both a coffee before wrinkling her nose at the taste and smell of what she was drinking, "alright definitely some coffee" she conceded.

The Chief joined us after a mizura or so and we went over the condition of the fighters. It seemed the Boron had made good all the damage and improved some of the previous repairs that had been made also most importantly there was nothing unwanted attached.
I gave him a the list of items that the Boron had asked for and asked him to see Lupo got them for us but stipulated that they were to be delivered here explaining the proviso that came with the deal.
The rest was straight forward enough the payments we had received as bounty in Queens Harbour plus the free gift of ship repairs was a significant boost in our finances and the Chief thought we should have a meeting at some point to firm out our plans on what we wanted to do next.

Erin joined us a while later explaining that Daye was resting and comfortable which bought smiles to the guys faces. At which point they started talking about that Boron carrier they could see now what I meant when I had claimed having a carrier was a hell of a lot different to just having the use of a fighter bus.
There was a downside of course in that they were expensive to equip let alone maintain. But that we could discuss later short term it might be a good move to get a TL that would give us the Hanger space we really needed and could replace the Magnetar but it could never be used as a combat ship and we would still have to find the means to pay for the crew it would need. I couldn't honestly see any of us being comfortable piloting one of those behemoths from sector to sector.

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Post by Sabrina Bergin » Wed, 16. Apr 14, 18:30

I was working late in the office after returning from our last op when Lupo came in to my office in a distressed state.

"It is impossible thiss task you have setsss me Skip" she hissed slumping herself into the seat opposite me.

Something was wrong I had never seen her so agitated which did not bode well the task she was referring to must be the shopping list the Boron had given us, which for a moment made me wonder for a moment if they knew it could not be filled, but I doubted that there would be no reason for them to even make the request and the Commander had made it clear that it was a test.

"Lets start at the beginning Lupo you have a list of wares we need to have filled and a list of suppliers and producers for those wares how is it impossible given your talents".

"Because none of the suppliers have any of these items in stock and none of the factories that are supposed to produce them are in production, I am skilled in procurement skip but even I cannot procure what is not being made".

Then I saw her problem those terran raids a few wozura back had been targeting supply convoys and stations needed to keep weapons production going obviously they'd a had greater impact than I had thought.

"Alright Lupo so the stations are sat idle what do they need to get them in production again if its just ore or energy we can supply them easily enough we can divert a couple of freighters".

"No you cannot she interrupted the resources they need are enormous it would require a super freighter to work non stop for tazura to get them going and then it would have to keep them supplied till the owners replaced the freighters they had lost better to build factories yourself".

"That is not an option Lupo for one thing it is too damn expensive and would delay other plans we have on the table not to mention the time delay Also the fact that we don't use the type of ordinance they want so once the shopping list was filled we would be left with very expensive weapons factories sitting idle. The same factories that are desperately short of resources right now that are going to be paying top prices to anyone that can supply them. So Lupo get that into that head of yours and tell me what we need to get this done".

"I will need a super freighter a big one that has some speed or profits could be lost"

"Alright Lupo I will buy and equip a super freighter probably from Otas they have a ship with reasonable speed and weapons that will fit the bill so once it's ready you can go and get back to work".

"I am a procurer not a freighter pilot she hissed" obviously offended.

"Then hire a Pilot Lupo I gave you this task so I expect you to take charge of it and get it done as soon as possible".

"If I am in charge then I will be able to manage it" she said.

That made her a lot happier and she left to get on with her job till I had news when the freighter was ready. I had the feeling I was missing something but with the need to deal with the rest of the problems on my desk I just got back to work.

The problems surfaced a wozura after the freighter had been delivered complete with a new pilot and crew. When I got three messages sent to me that were marked as urgent. The first two were from our complex managers who had written complaining about Lupo plundering their stock piles so once I scanned the notes I had a conference call made so that I would not have to repeat myself.

"Gentlemen I will be brief your jobs for which you are both well paid is to produce minerals for me to either sell or use as I see fit. I note that neither of you has made any serious attempt to sell of your surplus stocks and that your freighter pilots spend more time sat on station scratching their arses than they do actually transporting goods which is what I pay them to do or so I thought. So do not start complaining when I decide I want to use some of my products. when they complained about the fact that the shortages would be reflected in their monthly reports I told them to make sure they got receipts and that such shortages would be credited to them, before finishing what I wanted to say.

I suggest you both think about actively attempting to sell the surplus stocks you have on hand and making me a profit rather than just sitting on them I want to see your factories back in full production, if you think I am being unreasonable just consider that I can replace either or both of you quite easily. I cut the link at that point making a note to keep a closer eye on them in the future.

I then called Iaron Rider our salvage specialist and found out exactly what the lizard had been up to.

"I am sorry Iaron this is my fault I gave her a job to do and she's taken it way beyond the authority I gave her to do it if she makes any more "request's" of you ignore her or better yet refer her to me your time is to valuable to be wasted on this sort of nonsense". I assured him.

The man was pleased at the value I made clear I placed in him and was much happier by the time I ended the link. I had a call put through to Lupo next making it clear I wanted an immediate response from her. The Link came up within a mizura and Lupo could clearly see I knew exactly what she had been doing that I was ticked of about it and that I was not going to put up with her feigned innocence.

"Lupo I have given you this task because I believed you were best suited for it, apparently I was wrong. If you are that desperate for Riders help to complete the task I can ask him to co-manage it with you but I would rather not he is busy doing other things for me at the moment and your requests to him are interfering in those tasks.
Alternatively I can take over for you it will be irritating and a waste of my time but I am sure I can manage, so which would you prefer Lupo ?".

"I will manage" she said knowing that I had seen through the silly little power game she had been playing with Rider and that I was serious about doing it myself if I had to". I then told her in graphic detail what I would do to her if I was bothered about it again. I cut the link hoping that would be the end of it but I was still irritated by the sheer waste of time and effort it had cost me to deal with it.

I said as much to Bekka that evening when she asked me why I was so irritable and I explained it to her.

"That's one of the perks of being the boss you get to deal with all the tedious little issues that your subordinates bring to you to deal with because they can't" she told me.

"I don't remember being put in charge or asking for the job I protested".

"You didn't have to Kert you were already our CO and the only one with any idea what to do after the Fleet cut us loose. Be honest who else would you have in charge. The boss has to be someone we can all trust who has plans other than becoming out and out mercenaries, no you made the job yours on day one so don't start whining because it gets frustrating at times".

"I was not whining" I protested as she leaned over me

"Yes you were now enough talk about the office" she said kissing me before I could deny it again.

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Post by Sabrina Bergin » Thu, 17. Apr 14, 00:26

It took a while but eventually Lupo managed to obtain the necessary materials and I had it loaded onto the mistral at the station.
Once that was completed I sent a message to Atreus HQ telling them I would arrive the within a stazura and undocked. Alpha team were going to act as a an escort for me I didn't see the need to put the cargo at risk and if the Boron objected tough it had cost me nearly five million in credits to get these missiles and I wanted to make sure they reached their destination.

As soon as I jumped into sector I noted the heavy sec defence force that were maintaining roving patrols through out the system and I was scanned four times as I moved into dock. Once I was docked I lowered the forward ramp and walked up the loading ramp to be greeted by a squad of Boron marines in full combat gear. The squad leader identified himself and escorted me to the lifts and then up into the station offices an area few people were allowed access to even under normal circumstances. The office I was led to was neatly divided into two enviroments with Boron standing or floating comfortably on the other side of the barrier.

"You have done well Commander" said the Boron who had I had met on the Shark carrier a few wozura previously.

It took longer than I anticipated I admitted.

"That is of no consequence Commander that you encountered difficulties and persevered to fulfil your obligation is, as my patron the Princess is the most apt translation of her rank in your language The princess Buali non of Atreus the most telling point".

I bowed as she approached the barrier.

"You are courteous for a warrior commander she noted as my friend Gola min said you would be now we will discuss more fully the reason that we are all gathered here. Before the conflict in the north one of our scientists was much involved with the terran's. Regrettably they used his friendship to abduct him to discover the results of his research.
It is our intent to restore him to us and in that you will be of assistance Gola will inform you what we intend at the appropriate moment as to how we will do this but first there is one more matter that needs to be resolved or at least ameliorated the incessant conflict between ourselves and the Split.
Such conflict is wasteful when we have a common enemy and we wish to offer them a token of trust so that we might impose a truce between us in this we ask your help".

I couldn't fault her reasoning the constant skirmishes between Boron and Split Border forces was as she said wasteful and an unnecessary distraction from the true enemy of the commonwealth.

"We have access to an ancient artefact that would allow us to re establish safe contact with the family Zyarth who were left isolated from their kin when the gates went awry. If you would act as our envoy to make our proposal to the Lord of the family Zyarth it would please us immensely".

"I would be honoured to be able to aid in whatever way I could ma'am but my standing amongst the Split is not as it is amongst your people surely you could ask the Argon government".

"We regret commander that whilst we consider the Argon our allies we would be reluctant to allow them access to the technology that would be necessary, regrettably in times past they have not always dealt honestly with ourselves".

Her immediate response to my suggestion was one I couldn't argue with the Argon government always looked to their own best interests first and generally ignored complaints from others when they did so. I also considered what the attitude of someone like Braks would be learning of such technology and figured her distrust of our government was justified.

"We have therefore decided she continued that we will allow you alone access to this technology we will demonstrate its operation to you once we have succeeded in the tasks I mentioned are you willing to act for us in this matter Commander".

"I would be honoured to attempt any chance to avoid conflict between allies" I agreed accepting that I didn't really have much choice in the matter.

"Then it is settled I will bid you good day commander" and with that she left the room with her escorts leaving me alone with Commander Gola who sealed his environment suit and had the water drained on his side of the barrier before walking toward me.

"Come Commander I will escort you to your ship, my lady was most pleased at your courtesy and your willingness to aid our people".

He led me back to the docking bay which was deserted by his order no doubt, before I stepped back onto the freighter he gave me a data stick and told me to study its contents carefully but to let no one outside my most trusted commanders have any sight of the information it contained.

Once back on the flight deck I had Bekka undock us and set a course for base which pleased her as she had been having me give her lessons in piloting. I signalled the team to jump with us and escort us back to base wondering just what was so important on that data stick that required such a high level of security from the Boron. well that I would know soon enough I thought looking at the thing.

I resisted the urge to study it en route and decided I would only access it on a remote terminal not linked to any other system on the base.
The Boron had suggested that the Terran's had kidnapped the man to discover what information I held in my hand and I had no doubt others would attempt far worse if they knew I had it in my possession.

Which was why a couple of stazura later we were sat in my office with all external links to the station disconnected studying it on a portable computer terminal that I had disabled the com link on.

It was a bit of a disappointment to find it held only a set of jump coordinates I made a note of them then removed the stick and put it in my pocket and restored the office connections.

"Well that I said was not what I was expecting". I admitted.

"It makes sense though I imagine the technology they referred to is in the sector those coordinates relate to, which means we can expect that any unwanted visitors will receive an unpleasant welcome". the chief suggested.

"I agree with the chief we know the Boron have access to unknown sectors they don't share the locations of with anyone chances are it is in one of them they found this artefact, and their using a term that could relate to the ancients and their belief they can restore passage to Zyarth means it could be a way to turn those gates back on". Uma added

"In which case its use as a weapon could be devastating, can you imagine the response if they even threatened to shut down a races gates". I shuddered at the possibilities of such a weapon it could effectively end space travel. Was that what the terrans were after I wondered a means to effectively shatter the commonwealth.
It made sense they had decided early on they wanted no part of the commonwealth they had lived in isolation for centuries and were almost as xenophobic as the khaak. When it came to the other races.

"Well we will find out in time I so it's going to be business as usual till they let us know when they need us". I concluded wondering how long I would be waiting for that summons they had seemed very vague as to the time line throughout.

I wished the others a pleasant evening and headed back to my quarters still wondering what the technology they had found could be.


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Post by Sabrina Bergin » Sat, 19. Apr 14, 21:38

It was a few wozura later that I was asked to jump to the coordinates I had been given.

The Gate hub as the Boron described it was both impressive and immense, once its purpose was explained to me I could see how useful it could be for us in particular. There were a couple of things that I had to take care of and for a while I had Lupo run ragged meeting the requirements necessary to feed the staff the Borons had repairing the thing.

Finally she got it done and we shifted the gate controls to allow them to rescue their missing scientist and then to link the north gate in Zyarths.
Before it came on line I jumped in the Centaur to their sector and docked at the Equipment dock and asked to speak to the Family elders.

It took a bit of doing to get to see the people I needed to speak to and they flat out refused to believe me when I told them that the Boron were going to give them a safe means for their ships to travel to commonwealth space.

The only way to convince them was to have them follow me through the north gate. and once through and crossing the hub sector I pointed out the other gates available that they could use to exit the hub.
I also made it clear that whilst transiting the hub space they were expected to do so peacefully or the gate access would be closed.
They got the point and returned to their own sector and pretty soon there was a steady stream of freighters coming through from Zyarths all fully loaded and looking for a market to sell their goods.

The actual hub was where I moved our base of operations to and I had both teams dock there after I had a team of engineers refit some of the Hub levels to accommodate us.
I'll admit I went a bit over the top in that regard but I figured we would be living here for the foreseeable future so I wanted quality accommodation for all of us not just a few rooms cobbled together that were more like barracks than anything else.

The results were better than I had hoped and I led Bekka and the guys on a tour of our home first. It was a welcome change from the base in Distant clouds here the whole level was fitted out as an Argon station would be with carpet underfoot and decent furnishings that you would expect to find in an Argon hotel suite it even had wall screens that could display any scene you wanted from a view of the traffic in the hub to that of a forest glade on Argon prime.

I left Bekka there as she wanted to unpack our stuff whilst I led the team to the command and control centre which I had expanded to duplicate the facilities we had in Distant clouds as well as the gate operations.

We then went to the new briefing room which could accommodate all of us quite easily and I went over the details of the changes I had made to the hub and of the cost's which were major but everyone accepted that it was money well spent. We now had a base and facilities that were as good if not better than most military units had available.
I asked the Chief to see about getting support staff for the base we had the facilities but we needed techs and cooks and a whole host of other jobs that needed filling I also emphasised the need to vet any applicants carefully.
I had no doubt that some people would want to have access to this facility and I intended to make sure they didn't get it. I had made a promise to the Boron and I intended to keep it.

"That's easy enough skip I'll interview them at the Distant clouds base, the ones I reckon will fit I'll send over those that don't well that will be as close to this place as they will get".

I got the impression that any that didn't fit wouldn't get of the base in Distant clouds alive but that was up to the Chief our security was all that mattered so I left him with that and went home, that had a nice feel to it home because that was what it was to me for the first time in too long.

Bekka was busy placing ornaments and pictures on the walls and of course I got drafted in to help in as much as going along with her choices and doing the manual work was involved. She got it done eventually and we finally got to settle down on that huge couch and watch the news feeds that we could now get from any sector of the commonwealth.

Uma joined us at some point in the evening and cooked up some snacks in the kitchen apparently she was feeling a bit lonely and just rattling around in her quarters, I didn't mind at all I know Bekka was glad of her company. Later yet Erinn and Daye also called in so I opened a couple of bottles, then a few more as some of the others stopped by. We all had a pleasant evening Bekka was happy enough to play hostess and let me just shoot the breeze with the guys it was pretty late when the party began to wind down.
I carried Uma into one of our guest rooms where Bekka made her comfortable before we went back to the lounge and made a stab at cleaning up. It wasn't bad to be honest just a case of putting the glasses in the washer and disposing of beer and wine bottles and the plates that had been left scattered about.
I was in the kitchen loading up the last batch of plates when Bekka grabbed me with one arm and led me to our bedroom. I didn't resist of course she had that look in her eye that told me refusal was not an option.

The next morning I slipped out of bed and made her a breakfast waking her gently as I put it down on the side table. She reached for me probably intending to carry on from where we had left of earlier till she caught the aroma from the table. "You are a swine Kert Dannar" she declared as she wrapped a gown around herself and reached for the breakfast tray.

I poured us both a coffee and watched as she demolished the breakfast I
had cooked even stealing some of my sausages. I didn't mind I was just happy for her and once she had done I grabbed the breakfast tray and we both went into the kitchen where I put another jug of coffee on. Uma joined us and sat down at the small breakfast bar with Bekka whilst I cooked her up a meal.
Like Bekka she finished the meal quickly then sat back to enjoy the coffee it was Sonra of course Bekka had made sure it was the only coffee we had in the house and like her Uma loved the stuff.

"So skip how is this going to work I mean who are you going to put in the right seat of your fighter now ?".

That went totally over my head and for a moment I wondered what the hell she meant. my confusion must have been obvious because she looked like she'd just bitten something she didn't like".

"Oh gunnes Bekka I am so sorry I thought you would have told him by now I swear I didn't mean to spoil it for you".

I looked to Bekka who had a worried look on her face then back to Uma but I was none the wiser.

"Is he normally this dense" Uma asked at last

"Not usually no but he's probably a little tired it was a late night" Bekka admitted which just confused the hell out of me even more.

I gave up "alright will one of you tell me what we are talking about because at the moment none of this is making any kind of sense to me, lets start with you Uma because there is no way anyone but Bekka sits at my right".

"You might want to reconsider that Kert especially now she is carrying your child and in a few wozura she won't even be able to fit in that seat". Uma replied taking a sip of her coffee and waiting to see my response.

I thought for a moment that someone had snuck up and given me a blow to the head as I took in what Uma had said it was impossible or so I had been told but Umas steady gaze and the look in Bekka's eyes said otherwise.

I reached for Bekkas hand words just wouldn't come so I tried to put my feelings into that touch, all the love I felt for her was a fire within me that denied thought. She moved and settled into my lap I just gazed into her eyes unashamed of the tears that rolled down my cheeks as I wrapped my arms around her.

Uma left us about then but I didn't really pay much attention I was too busy kissing Bekka.

I carrie her into the lounge and sat her down making sure she had a jug of Sonra to hand before I went to my personals that had been placed in a cupboard and found what I wanted.

I felt strange as I approached her and kneeled offering her the ring that my grandma had gifted me long before. "Bekka will you marry me" I asked.

Bekka looked at the ring it was a plain simple band of nividium but she knew its import to me and her eyes softened as she took it from me and placed it on her finger before turning to me again.

"Of course I will she answered drawing me to her but I want a proper wedding Kert something people won't forget".

That proved to be a problem over the next few days as I went out on operations with the teams leaving little time to organise things.
Fortunately for me Uma had stepped in to take on the task. The result was spectacular I admitted as I stepped into the great hall of the family Zyarth with a host of visiting dignitaries present including the lady Buali non and her retinue.

I was nervous as I approached the dais Bekka was dressed in a gown of silk that only enhanced her beauty at her side stood her father and to the left of them my parents stood witness how Uma had got them here I could only guess at.

The Chief kept me on track whispering instructions on what was expected of me it would have made me more comfortable had he not pointed out that I was committed with no possibility of evading what lay ahead.

The ceremony was brief as the Split priest intoned the rite of union, I placed my Jatra in Bekkas hand and waited for an eternity before she sheaved it at her waist completing the ritual.
That was when Braks showed up with a squad of marines demanding I be arrested for acts against the Argon people.

I turned around and walked right up to him and tore his precious warrant into pieces.
"I don't really like you Braks so I definitely did not send you an invite to my wedding now why don't you and your men go back where you came from before I get annoyed".

"You would do well to heed Dannars advice advised the Split he is an honoured guest of the family Zyarth we would consider any act taken against him to be one we would be required to oppose with force if necessary".

"Indeed confirmed the Boron Commander Dannar is an accredited ambassador for our people as such we would also resist most strongly any actions that violated his diplomatic status, are you sure you want to create such an incident commander Braks ?".

The man had put himself between a rock and a hard place I figured he was acting on his own and hadn't got approval for this stunt and as he was facing a hall full of Split warriors not to mention my own teams he was vastly outnumbered. He would also be provoking a diplomatic incident with two of the races with consequences of the career ending kind if he continued. The man in charge of his marines clearly did not like the odds and was telling him that he was in a no win situation so he about faced and left the hall though I knew I was going to have to do something about the man sooner rather than later.

I turned to my guests and apologised for the delay then rejoined Bekka on the Dias and led her to the high table where the wedding feast had been prepared for us. After that the wedding party got under way.

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Post by Sabrina Bergin » Tue, 22. Apr 14, 13:04

After the festivities were over we went back to the Hub we had made some new contacts with the Split and they were beginning to offer us some work which I took though in their core sectors there wasn't a lot to do given the aggressive nature of the split themselves and the large sector defence forces they maintained.

I got the feeling it was a way of giving a warning to the likes of Braks amongst the Argon they had been pretty irritated by his barging in a Zyarth and were raising my rank with themselves to make it difficult for the Argon to repeat such an incident without the entire Split race taking steps.
There was a price for this of course in that the split wanted a lot of factories built so I was obliged to but that transport it was not something I wanted to do but I bit the bullet and as I had anticipated I was the only one that got to pilot the damn thing so with that having burnt a hole in our credits before we even got to arm it I got lupo to take over the management of our complex's telling him to make sure we sold the minerals for the best price he could. the joke was he was doing just that in sector M148 where almost all of their stations were sitting with no resources.
At least he got to find a use for that super freighter that had been sitting idle at the hub.
Which left me walking around the Bridge of the Elephant wondering where the hell I was going to find the weapons and shields I needed to outfit it properly. At the moment without having its own fighters on board it might as well have a please steal me notice painted all over it.
I got hold of one of our freighters and had him dock at the hub and told him he was getting a few tazura's leave then with Bekka joining me and with a crew of marines we went in search of the things we needed.
I'd told the Chief to start getting some crew together for the Elephant and left Erin in charge of operations till I got back. fortunately due to our satellite network I had a good idea where to go first and Lupo had given me a list of contacts reluctantly I admit, but given the choice of that or having to get the items for me personally he gave them up.

There was also an intriguing message I'd got from one of our Paranid contacts who told me to speak to a Corporation chief in Third Redemption, apparently because he was a person of some standing the Paranid wanted me to give him some advice on his corporation which it seemed was on the verge of bankruptcy.

I soon found out why after looking over his books if there was a choice to be made he invariably made the wrong one if it wasn't for his rank I suspect the board members would have arranged a fatal accident for them before now but I said I would help out where I could as long as they made it clear to him that the moment he started making decisions on his own I would leave him and them to face the consequences. I also started looking out to buy up shares in the corporation knowing that if I could turn the business around I would be likely to make a fortune for a small investment.
So with Lupo keeping his ears to the ground for shareholders that might be glad to unload them I set out buying weapons and shields for the Elephant.
so it was I spent the next few days jumping from side to side of the commonwealth only occasionally getting a chance to get back to the hub and check up on things before setting out again usually to Third redemption first as the Paranid was calling me on an almost daily basis for advice.
I got the impression that he was going to bail out of the corporation as soon as he saw a chance to make a profit doing so.
Which meant I had to step up the pace at which I was buying up those shares.
It seemed the share holders were aware that in real terms the shares they held were worthless, but also that I wanted them so they got me taking care of problems for them that meant I had to call in one or other of the teams to help deal with them. this last one though was not to difficult and I got a chance to use the Elephant as it was intended though still under armed and with only a couple of green fighter pilots sitting in the hanger bay I bought the station the guy wanted and built it in Albion Alpha for him that's when he gave me a list of things he wanted to get it going.

The fact that he had tagged on the list to the original deal I wasn't too concerned I diverted Lupo's SF for a few trips to our complex's and got him to make the delivery making sure I was there to collect the shares before I allowed the guy to unload the freighter.
He handed them over reluctantly I mean he probably thought he could try and stiff me on the prices or add another set of conditions to the deal but when I lit up his shiny new station with some missiles from on board the Centaur he got the message and signed them over.

"Is that it then can we get back to our proper jobs now Kert to be honest I'm getting pretty fed up with this whole deal".

I leaned over and kissed her forehead, "I believe there is just one batch of shares unaccounted for apparently I have to speak to a Teladi in freedoms reach to get them and the way Tufonmeluks has been sending us messages every stazura I think I want to get my hands on them before I go and see him".

"You think he's going to sell out then".

"I would am putting money on it the corporations shares have rocketed in price and I know he wants out as soon as he can". So lets go and see this Teladi before we go back to Third redemption if the corporation is going to be sold I want to maximise our earnings on it".

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Post by Sabrina Bergin » Thu, 24. Apr 14, 15:16

The meeting in aboard the space station was uncomfortable to say the least as the Teladi opened the box and activated the data recorder it contained.
It was obviously a remote storage unit for the man recording to it as he was under attack.
The recording finished abruptly as I suspect had the life of the man who had been speaking and the teladi was visibly shaken.

"I am sorry I did not know what the data log contained, he wa a friend I take it".

"Indeed Commander Dannar I have known him for many Jazura one of the few Boron that I came to respect. It is obvious that others wished his research to end here when he was so close to completion, I warned him it was dangerous but he would not be deterred".

"You believe he was killed because of his work then".

"Why else commander he was close to completion the terrans for one would have been desperate to ensure he did not succeed and others even amongst his colleagues in had warned they had been approached and told to advise him to cease.
Commander Dannar I would ask you to investigate this asteroid he refers to I believe it is the key to completing his life's work and I would see my friend remembered for it, I will of course provide any thing I can to facilitate this the detector for one is in my keeping it would be my friends wish for his work to continue".

I could see one or two problem's with the teladi's proposal for one thing the asteroid he referred to was in Heretic's end as was usually a significant terran fleet. To attempt to go in there and map the sector would not be feasible unless you had enough firepower to deal with any threats and at the moment I wouldn't attempt it a point I made to the Teladi.

"I note your concerns Commander and I would not ask you to jeopardise yourself unnecessarily leave this with me and I will attempt to provide you with the means to complete this task. I assure you that should you be successful then you would not only vindicate my friends life's work and thwart the intent of those who had him killed but you would profit by it".

The teladi was serious I could see that and it did anger me that a man should be killed just because his research might reveal something the nameless people behind his death wanted kept hidden.
"Alright if you can come up with a proposal that does not entail getting me and my people killed I will consider it" I answered before leaving her to it and getting back on board the Centaur.

"I take it that did not go well" said Bekka as I keyed in the coordinates for the jump to third redemption.

"Not really no" I explained briefly what had occurred and saw the same anger in her eyes that I had felt when learning the man had been killed to end his research. What neither of us said but suspected that this was done as part of a black ops mission which meant the mans research must have threatened whoever ordered his death in some way. What neither of us admitted that if the teladi found a means then I intended to go find that asteroid and expose whoever was responsible and my gut feeling was that those bastu in M148 were behind it.

My day did not get any better when I turned up at the trading dock to speak to Tufonmeluk's.
The Paranids offices were being cleared and he'd left a message for me telling me he had sold the corporation. This meant that the effort I had put into saving the corporation was unlikely to be rewarded hell if the Paranid had given me the option of buying him out I would have done so.
I waited till I was off station before I called my accountant and saw that she was unsurprised by this turn of events and had taken steps to preserve my investments. Intrigued by Mumi no's enigmatic reply I jumped for the stock exchange in Queens retribution and went to see her in person".

Bekka was with me as we took our seats across the desk from her and waited for Mumi No to lay out the papers she had prepared.

"The Paranids actions are most regrettable" she began, "I tried to contact you when I became aware of the creatures intentions but you were unavailable at the time so I took measures to ensure that you received some recompense for the time and costs you had invested in the corporation. The creature obviously did not intend to make you a reasonable payment for your shares indeed his intention was to keep as many credits as he could to himself I fear his creditors may well have been placing pressure on him to do so. Accordingly I arranged for him to transfer some of the companies assets to your sole ownership in exchange for your block of shares".

"So in effect Mumi you took it upon yourself to dispose of my shares I thought I had made it clear you needed my approval before doing anything involving that many credits".

"Indeed you did Sir but I was compelled by urgency it is my belief the Paranid intended to leave you with nothing at all, so I took it upon myself to act on your behalf. I assure you I have achieved the best that was possible and far more than the Paranid fool intended when he accepted the deal I made to him".

I considered that Muni was no ones fool and I trusted her she was recommended to me by Gomi and the Atreus royal family if it was that urgent she had probably done her best. "Alright Muni let me in on the details I'd like to know just how much this has cost me".

"Regrettably I had to make some deduction's from your main account in the sum of sixteen million credits to complete the transactions but I have prepared a balance statement for you if you would care to study it I believe you will approve".

I took the proffered folder and went through the figures to loose sixteen million at the stroke of a pen did not invite my approval so I was startled to see my net worth was more than double what it had been. I looked to Muni for an explanation.

"The Paranid was most careless in the assets he allowed to be transferred to your ownership Sir" Muni said with a satisfied look on her face. "If you will observe it included a station that I have taken the liberty of having loaded aboard your transport vessel that even now sits at the shipyard yonder. I believe if you study the detailed description of that station you will find the explanation you seek".

I reread the statement not having considered the cargo on board the Elephant. " I believe the Paranid might consider himself cheated in this matter Muni". I concluded after having read the details.

"I do not see how sir I clearly detailed the station manifest number on the paperwork he signed in such unseemly haste, it was all done quite legally I assure you".

"Then I am satisfied, you did very well indeed Muni you have my thanks".
I signed of on the transactions and handed the papers back to Muni who even for a Boron was looking quite pleased at the way she had duped the Paranid then I had bid her a good day and led Bekka back to the station docking area to a restaurant where I ordered us both a lunch as I pondered what to do with the cargo the Elephant had in its holds.

For now it meant I would be unable to use it to place stations which had been an increasing source of credits for us of late so we would have to act sooner than later before we stopped getting offers for that kind of work. I contacted the Captain at the Shipyard and told him to wait on station till I told him where I wanted the station placed then turned to Bekka who was waiting patiently for me to fill her in on what Muni No had been up to.

I explained exactly what Muni had done to the Paranid who I suspected would find himself the object of a great deal of anger at his stupidity by the people who had bought the corporation of him no doubt they had assumed the station I now owned would have been part of the deal and might feel he had cheated them.

"Well that's his own damn fault Kert he tried to cheat us so if there are any consequences I wont feel to badly about what happens to him. So what do we do next ?".

"Well first off we go back to the hub and have a discussion about where we place that station, it will have to be somewhere safe enough for us to operate with impunity probably one of the main sectors. Lupo has been saying for a while now that we could do with a trading base so that we can sell our surplus's the Hub station is not really geared up for it and to be honest I wouldn't want anyone but us having access to it we could be asking for trouble if we allowed strangers to dock there".

My pager went of in my pocket and I read the brief message from the Chief. "We have to go the chief has got a job he needs us to cover" I explained finishing my coffee and paying the bill.

I was back on the Bridge and we were undocking before I contacted the Chief.

"Sorry to put on you like this Kert but one of out Split contacts wants a convoy looking after and I've got both teams out on operations".

"No problem Chief send us the details and we'll get it done" I replied alerting the navigator to wait for the jump coordinates to be forwarded to his station.

I read the details as the mission briefing came in not recognising the name of the contractor but that was not really surprising considering how many missions we had been taking for the Split of late and gave the signal for the jump to be initiated.

We emerged in the PTNI sector and received a signal from the three freighters awaiting our arrival. the destination was Patriarchs keep just a few sector transitions away so we settled in position above them as the convoy began moving west.
I called up our satellite network as we approached the gate annoyed to find someone had taken out the satellite we had placed in Profit Centre alpha and called the convoy leader advising him we would enter the gate first to make sure it was safe to proceed.

We exited the gate and I hit full military boost to get us clear of the gate transit area before launching another satellite.

We were ten clicks clear of the gate when I signalled the convoy leader it was safe to proceed but received no response from him which was odd to say the least.
I switched to the feed from PTNI and could see no trace of the convoy they must have jumped out of the system. It was an ambush I realised to late as there was a sudden arrival at the gate behind us a bunch of M3 fighters and an M6 jumped into the sector behind us.

"Weapons free" I ordered using the turbo boost override even as we were getting reports of incoming missiles.

"Bekka started launching our own at the fast approaching fighters which we were out accelerating for the moment until the turbo boost ran out of steam. I turned us about knowing we would be taking hits but I wanted our main guns available for when that M6 got in range, Bekka was doing a good job with the missiles and launching ten fighter drones as I started an attack run on the Pirate Centaur.

I got in a lot of hits on him enough to take down his shields and changed my heading enough to allow our turrets to add to the damage he was taking as much to avoid his main battery's fire.
That was when he surprised me by turning into our path and ramming us the impact throwing me out of the command chair, the lights went out for a few sezura then flickered back on as the damage alarms started sounding throughout the ship. I picked my self up of the floor and got back in the chair looking at the gravidar for the position of those fighters.
With our shields down in the red and only slowly beginning to recharge we were vulnerable even one missile getting through could kill us all.

"Bekka the fighters can have you got locks on them"

I have Kert the drones are attacking them launching silkworms now she replied which meant she must have switched load outs just before we got rammed. She didn't miss and the drones took care of the fighters that evaded the initial barrage of missiles. I shut of the alarms and began to try and assess how badly we had been hurt. It wasn't good the shields would be okay once they recharged but we had lost the port turret and were venting atmosphere. Worst of all our Com systems were down and there was limited power available.

I altered course to put us behind the gate whilst the drives were still on line before managing to get a reply from the engineering deck.

"Skip this is Choram the chief well he's dead sir and we cant get through to the reactors the next section is venting atmosphere and we cant open the hatch".

"Alright Terrel" I replied remembering his given name, "I'll see what I can do from here you just sit tight for a few mizura we'll get you out of there as quick as we can".

As soon as we reached what I considered a safe distance form the gate I began powering down systems just in case someone came looking for us.

"Bekka I am going to do something about that leak which means I'll have to go outside to do it, see what systems you can get back on line here and get what reports you can as to the crew Jora's dead".

Bekka just nodded and I left the bridge and made my way to the nearest airlock and got suited up grabbing the repair kit as I cycled through the pressure doors.

I found the damaged section easily enough I could see the atmosphere venting from a badly buckled section of the hull just forward of the engineering spaces. The Bastu had obviously hoped to breach our reactor shielding. I locked myself over the gash in the hull and began welding teladianium plates into place. It was going to take a while and it would need a shipyard to do a proper job but for the moment I wanted to make sure we kept enough air to be able to make the journey. Bekka must have isolated the atmosphere supply to that section as it stopped venting after a mizura.

I had to stop once to go and replace the suits air supplies but as I was getting to the point where I might have to do that again I had Bekka pressurise that part of the ship to test the patch an after a tense mizura she said the pressure was holding so I made my way back inside.
Last edited by Sabrina Bergin on Mon, 28. Apr 14, 21:42, edited 1 time in total.

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Post by Sabrina Bergin » Thu, 24. Apr 14, 16:50

A soon as I cycled through the lock I went down to the engineering level and let the crew out. I put Terrel in charge and told them to get freshened up before we started attempting repairs.
Once I got back to the bridge I began to take stock of our situation.
I had thought of traveling to the nearest shipyard to get repairs underway but once I realised we could jump back to the hub once our power was back on line I decided we would do that.
Whoever had just tried to kill us would be well left thinking they had succeeded for the moment.

I called up the inventory of the damage half our weapons systems were offline and I couldn't rely on what remained. Fortunately we had a few missiles left and that system at least was free of damage.
The total overall was about 76% which I had reduced to 50% of hull integrity thanks to the amount of welding I had done at the point where the other ship had actually managed to impact us. I would let Terrel and his men do what they could to improve on that later. I sent Collard down to the galley to make up a pile of sandwiches and coffee for the moment I intended to stay right where we were. I called all the crew up to the bridge and explained my reasoning to them. They wanted to jump to the hub directly as well they knew I suspected this whole thing was an ambush.

"Why would the terrans do this now" asked Collard referring to the same type of ambush in Albion.

"A Very good question which is why I keep recalling that attack in Albion myself. "When that Terran set his ship to take us out but this was different ramming us was a last resort if the man had been that serious he would have sent his reactors to go critical but this captain wanted to survive, then there is the question of the freighter convoy that disappeared prior to the attack no there are just to many differences to convince me it was them.
As the only people who knew the details of that attack are down in M148 I suspect that Braks or someone like him in Argon special ops is involved".

"For the moment all we can do is make what repairs we can and get the main power up properly till then I want someone watching the long range sensors continuously, as soon as we get back to base and get some intel on this we can decide what our next move is going to be so those of us who have the necessary abilities lets give Terrel a hand".

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Post by Sabrina Bergin » Thu, 24. Apr 14, 23:15

I had the crew all suited up as we brought the jump drive online, Terrel had worked for tazura to get the ships systems that he could online even so we had taken a lot of damage and better safe than sorry was an axiom I had learnt on my grandfathers knee.

The warp field opened and we were sucked into the vortex I could feel the ship being strained by the load its weakened hull was being subjected to and the jump seemed to take far longer than normal though it was likely I was imagining that. I wasn't imagining the coarseness of the manouvering controls or the complaints form our already damaged engines as I powered them up from idle to exit the gate transit area I swung onto course for a docking bay hoping the traffic controllers would be able to pick up our short range coms as we got closer.

Beta team launched as soon as we settled onto a heading for the hub docking bay and swept down to escort us in. Obviously short range com was not working the message screen kept trying to come on line but just produced flash's of images with no sound.
I over rode the auto docking setting and took her in manually, someone must have been paying attention as the old style target hologram appeared ahead of us and I nursed her into the zone slowly to avoid missing the grapples that latched onto us as I eased of the forward thrust and let her drift the last few metres.
Within moments the docking procedure was complete and we began shutting down the ships systems.

I stood and unsealed my suit glad of the taste of a fresh atmosphere then signalled the others to do the same. "Alright everyone can disembark we all need some down time so for the moment consider yourselves off duty".

I climbed down the stairs to the engineering levels and told Terrel and his team to do the same.

"I'll just make sure she's properly shut down skip before I go on station".
Terrel replied staying at his control console.

"As you will Terrel I'll have the Chief send a maintenance team in to check her over as soon as I report in I'll also arrange for the crew we lost to be taken on station". I got out of my environment suit then made my way to the loading ramp where a squad of marines had been stationed to meet us on landing. Obviously the Chief had not wanted to take any chances and with our com system down it had been a wise precaution to take I saw Bekka talking to him at the rear of the bay and joined them.

"A rough trip from what Bekka has been telling me Kert, looking at the state the ship is in I'm surprised you made it".

"No more than me chief but for the moment the dead crew are in the lower cargo bay we can leave them there, I'll make the necessary arrangements later. First of I want to know all about this convoy protection mission where it came from who brokered it everything".

"So Bekka told me but I think we want to be discreet till we know who is involved this was carefully planned I have Erin's Brother Daye getting ready to go to the PTNI sector at the moment. He'll be ready to go once we've briefed him what to look for".

The Chief had acted swiftly and I followed his lead as we took the lift up to the control room two decks above. There was fresh coffee on the go so I grabbed a flask and three mugs and sat down in front of the terminal the chief had been using.

"This is the Message we got offering the contract" said the chief starting it from the beginning.

It seemed normal enough a routine operation and the deposit being placed as a bond with the station manager, the references the teladi provided all checked out as well which was puzzling until we contacted one of the people who were supposed to have recommended us for the job.

The Split told us quite bluntly that he had never heard of the teladi in question let alone provided a reference for her to give to us.
I thanked the man for his time and cut the link.
The other references did check out though they had been recommendations as to a suitable contractor of which ours had been one name of many that had been suggested. We didn't seem to be getting anywhere so I decided to try finding out about the split I had spoken to just before we transited the gate.

"Well that is odd" the chief remarked

I looked to the chief to explain and he paused the replay of the message I had sent to show an image of the Captain of the split freighter. "That Split is wearing the insignia of the family NIJ".

"And" I prompted.

"Well the contract was ostensibly for a convoy for the Family Rhonkar and they detest the family Nij there is no way they would have one of them as a Captain on one of their freighters so lets see what we can find out about the freighters the message log should have registered its core id. Yes there it is but that is a family Nij registration code".

"So we have a family nij Split on a family Nij freighter posing as a member of the family Rhonkar, why ?".

"Misdirection don't forget if your ship had been destroyed we would not have got that id code and assumed family Rhonkar was involved". That makes sense it could have damaged our standing with the Split as well as leading us up a blind alley" the chief explained.

"Lets make that work for us, what if we expose this Splits part in the attempt to discredit the family Rhonkar I can imagine their reaction will be to find out who would dare such a thing, but we will have to be careful about flinging accusations around so lets ask a Split family who is not involved for advice on how to handle it".

"You mean ask Zyarth don't you, that could work quite nicely for us since we reopened the gate he has been trying to improve his standing with Rhonkar and if we supply him with what evidence we have I am pretty sure he will run with it" Bekka concluded for me.

So we worked out the details and instead of sending Daye to PTNI we sent him to Zyarths stand with copies of the log recordings of the attack and the freighters id code as well as the original proposal message.
That would give Zyarth time to get Rhonkar involved before Nij realised what was going on.

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Post by Sabrina Bergin » Wed, 30. Apr 14, 20:15

The Chief made some notes in his data pad then looked at me for a moment before speaking.
"That just leaves one matter to be resolved Kert, how far are you prepared to take this".

There was no straightforward answer I was angry that four of my people had been killed and I wanted not justice..... no I wanted vengeance.
The trouble was if the people who had organised the attack worked directly for a race government then they had access to resources I just could not match. The chief was right any response I made would have to be a measured one.

"Okay Chief I see your point for the moment we'll just wait and see what we can find out. Once we know who was responsible we can consider our options. We will have to respond though".

"Yeah we will I just wanted to be sure you knew that once we start down that road we may not be able to turn back" the Chief answered.

"For the moment then let's keep the Centaur here we can get a lot of work done on her ourselves and keep details of our casualties on a need to know basis. I think I would prefer it if who ever was responsible thought he may have succeeded for the moment, if nothing else it will buy us some time at least" I concluded.

We left it there and we returned to our quarters Bekka said she was going to grab a shower so I got a light meal going for us. Whilst I was cooking I began to consider the Chiefs parting question, at the moment I was pretty certain that the spooks in M148 were behind it but that was not necessarily true. With the number of missions we had been taking it was possible that the pirate guild may have arranged it as payback for a couple of their stations and numerous ships we had destroyed recently.
If that was the case then we should be able to retaliate without any real concerns other than the usual do not get your people or yourself killed ones.

I was still considering the possibilities when Bekka joined me at the breakfast bar and poured us coffees whilst I served up. That raised another problem for me what to do about Bekka as soon as I announced what I was going to do once we had some real information she would want to be part of it and I was just not comfortable with that idea at all though I couldn't think of any way of stopping her maybe I could get her involved in the planning stages so that she would have to stay here.
She must have been reading my thoughts because she just reached out and grabbed my wrist and looked me straight in the eye.

"Don't even think about giving me some scut work to keep me busy on this Kert they killed my friends and I want payback as much as you do. And before you even go down the but you're pregnant road just remember they tried to kill me and our child as well, so when we go after them I want to be there okay".

I couldn't think of an answer to that. I ate my scrambled eggs quietly not tasting them after that. "Okay but let's wait till we see what we are up against first, it may be we won't be able to get the people behind it directly but what ever we do I won't exclude you I promise".

"Just be sure you don't Kert" she warned rising and clearing the dish's.

Daye got back from Zyarth's the following day having passed on the information we had developed but other than an acknowledgement that the matter would be pursued he had not been given any indication what they might do or if they would keep us in the loop.
The search for the missing three freighters also seemed to have hit a wall all three ships seemed to have vanished without trace the moment they had jumped out of PTNI. I was still trying to trace them a few tazura later when Lupo came in to see me and asked why I was so angry.

"Its because these ships have vanished and I can't trace them which should be impossible, I have no records of them having arrived in a sector any where its as if they just vanished".

"Then you already have your answer, the ships no longer exist likely they were sold to a salvager who would have had them processed at an accommodating shipyard where records might be somewhat lax".

I almost hit Lupo right then because he had a grin on his face as if he had just found a thousand credit chip.

"Alright so lets assume you are right, I don't suppose you could suggest ways of finding which shipyard they went to".

Lupo paused for a moment as if to gather her thought's or perhaps to arrange what she was going to say would not suggest she would ever do such a thing.

"If I were doing this I would probably use the shipyard in Grand exchange, it has a known history of dealing in matters that some consider questionable and due to the constant xenon activity detailed records are sketchy at best. I know some people there Kert I could make some discreet enquiries, but I would need to use a ship not known to be connected to your operation".

That ship I had no doubt she would consider to be her fee for doing this which meant she was fairly confident in her assumptions.
"Alright go and buy a ship and see what you can find out but nothing too pretentious, at the moment our budget is a little stretched a little thin now what was it you actually came to see me about ?".

"It can wait I will leave for Queens retribution there is a Mako I know of for sale and the price is quite good though it will need certain upgrades".

That just added another fifty or two hundred thousand to her fee at a stroke but she did seem to be fairly confident and I did want our enquiries to be discreet so I didn't really see much choice.
"Alright Lupo go and get the ship but keep me informed how much you spend I have to account for it at the end of the day. But if you manage to find anything that points us at the people we want to find you may get to keep it".

Lupo left like her tail was on fire I suspected there was some sort of time limit on that ship she wanted. I turned my attention back to the pile of paperwork I had to wade through wondering how a small outfit like ours could generate so much of it.
One thing did catch my eye though a request for a job that had been forwarded to m by the Chief so I buzzed him and asked why he had referred the matter to me.

"Its your call on this one Kert the mans a fighter pilot and we are two light at the moment".

That stung a bit so I asked him to send me the details over so I could look at them. The details on the Pilot Dal Salarn were sketchy for the most part the man was ex fleet and had quit after two tours to go private.
Probably as a bounty hunter I thought looking at the records of where he had worked over the last three Jazura. He did have some impressive references from the various races though which begged the question of why he should want to join a company rather than continue on his own.
I contacted the Chief back and told him to set up an interview at some point.

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Post by Sabrina Bergin » Wed, 30. Apr 14, 20:16

Sorry DP
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Post by Sabrina Bergin » Fri, 2. May 14, 14:39

I don't like teladi trading stations, the atmosphere always smells of weed for one thing and you get hassled every minute by some teladi trying to scam you which was why I was less than pleased to be sat here in a dock side bar that had seen better days waiting to speak to this Dal Silarn.

"He's just come in" Bekka said taking a sip of her drink.

I looked up to the door and saw who she meant a tall rangy guy wearing a flight suit who walked to the bar to get directions then approached us. He stopped a pace away from the table glanced at Bekka then turned to me.

"You Dannar" he asked.

"I am and I take it you are Dal Silarn please take a seat, perhaps you could then tell me why you want to work for us".

The man considered that for a moment then sat down, I poured him a coffee and waited.

"Simple enough really my uncle got killed working for you and I want pay back".

That was unexpected and posed a problem I had dealt with the arrangements for those that had died and a Dal Silarns name had never come up which begged the question who was he and what did he really want. I glanced to Bekka who gave me the nod meaning that she had her hand on a weapon if this turned bad. The man saw that and slowly unholstered his gun holding it by the barrel he gave it to Bekka.

"Marine right close protection and all that shit and I bet you have enough hidden under that coat to take out this station or at least make a mess of the place"

Bekka took the gun and laid it down just out of his reach "Enough" she said simply.

The man took a swig of his coffee then turned his attention back to me.

"That makes you the man then don't it kid, now I ain't particularly interested in you or your company I just want to know what you intend to do about my uncle because if you won't do anything then I have got better things to do so speak up".

I put it together then this man was Jorn's nephew the engineering chief on the Centaur, he had spoken about his family but he had neglected to tell me his nephew was a bounty hunter, as had the chief who had known the man for jazura.

"I intend to find those responsible and to kill them does that answer your question".

"Good enough ok you've got your self a pilot so what next commander Dannar ?".

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Post by Sabrina Bergin » Sun, 4. May 14, 12:43

What next indeed I had heard from Lupo and she was waiting a few tables away from us waiting for me to finish speaking to this pilot I signalled her to come over.
Lupo gave Dan Silarn a wary look as she sat down.

"So Lupo did you get any information from your friend at the station".

"Indeed skip the three freighters were sold for salvage as I suspected. The vendor was the Split, further I am informed he is known to carry out many such transactions here I believe he is acting for others who have acquired ships and want them disposed of".

That meant the man was working with pirates no doubt he got a cut of each transaction the question now was how to deal with him it would not be enough just to eliminate him someone else would just take his place, I wanted this man gone but I wanted it done in such a way that it cost those who had tried to kill me and pointed me at those that had hired them.

"I have a proposal skip the man you seek is looking to have some ships recovered I believe he is brokering these abandoned vessels for those he works for, if the ships were to be recovered and sold elsewhere he would face some difficulties with his masters".

I saw where Lupo was going with this and the idea appealed to me.

"Okay Lupo set it up with Dan here he looks disreputable enough for the task and once you have the locations of the ships we'll go and liberate them.
Once the ships have been disposed of we might find the man to be desperate to answer some questions in exchange for his safety".

"It would not be wise to allow the split to live skip the man has no honour" Lupo advised.

"I have no intention of letting him live Lupo he helped kill my people but I do want answers from him before I cut him loose, I imagine once it is known he has told us his contacts names they will take care of him for us".

"And if they don't?" Dan Silarn asked

"Then we kill him ourselves Dan I have no intention of allowing that man to live a moment beyond his usefulness".

That seemed to satisfy the man and he visibly relaxed as we began to work out the details.

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Post by Sabrina Bergin » Tue, 6. May 14, 00:12

Dan Sillarn reported in a wozura later the Split Mo t'ktt had taken the bait and hired him to return four ships. The Split was not entirely trusting though and had only given the coordinates of the first one.

I used the Magnetar to jump him close enough to the ship to claim it in good time and jury rig enough repairs to let it get to the ship yard comfortably.
Then it was just a question of waiting for it to dock. As soon as it had landed the split waved Dan to transfer ownership at which point it vanished from the stations registry.

That was all the confirmation we needed that the man was using the shipyard to sell the ships for salvage for a third party.
I arranged with Dan to put a bit of pressure on the man by explaining he had a contract he could not turn down to complete within four tazura.
The Split gave him the second set of coordinates and said he would supply the other set only when the first ship was en route to the shipyard.
The first was for a peregrine, and again we jumped Dan to the ship and set it on its way from wastelands.
The split must have had someone watching because as soon as it reached the trading station in midnight star the second set of coordinates were transmitted.
Again we jumped to the coordinates this time in Heavens assertion. The ship was a surprise as we homed in on the locater beacon. It was a Boron Thresher.
I contacted the Chief at the hub and had him load the Mistral we were using as a station tender with weapons, crew and shields and had it follow us in as we closed in on the Thresher.
Dan deactivated the Beacon and entered the access code after which we began transferring the crew and freight form the mistral. Again we transferred a jump drive and enough energy cells to give the ship a galaxy wide range. As soon as we got to the bridge we set course for Grand exchange and Dan sent the signal to the split that he was on his way.
What he didn't tell the Split was that he had a jump drive and a crew on board as we turned north to follow the peregrine taking the quickest route back to Grand exchange.
We stopped at the EQ dock and maxed out the engine tunings and rudder controls the route had been prepared with care so that it was just about do able.
As we passed through midnight star we detected the spotter who was watching our progress and made arrangements for him to meet with an accident courtesy of beta team who would eliminate him once we entered the belt of Aguilar. The peregrine I had dock at the Jonferco HQ where it got loaded with energy cells before undocking and heading for Grand exchange.
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Post by Sabrina Bergin » Tue, 6. May 14, 16:26

It was all a question of timing now we could anticipate that whoever had arranged the abandoned ships to be left where they were would react swiftly once we stole the ships. That response would no doubt be triggered once we eliminated the spotter. Signalling ahead to the Peregrine I had it reduce speed and to ready itself for a jump to legends home where I had already arranged to sell it and had the Phantom waiting to take off the crew. The Thresher I intended to keep though which meant I had the marines the Chief had bought with him working like crazy to get the weapons systems online. As soon as the guns were manned I had the Peregrine jump to Legends home and gave a general alert to the crew to stand by for enemy action.
We did not have long to wait as soon as the registration of the Peregrine was transferred we had a group of fighters and M6 corvettes jump into the system ahead of us. This is where I intended to give them their first surprise and I set the jump to Zyarths Dominion. Our satellite network had shown a large number of xenon in the system by the east gate and if our pursuers followed their previous tactic of jumping in at the gate furthest from us they would run smack into them.
The following ships promptly obliged us and were decimated by the xenon forces they met those that survived aimed straight for us which is when I had the tracking device we had found ejected and jumped again this time for Queens retribution where the local sec defence forces were busy dealing with there own xenon problems. The guns opened up almost as soon as we stabilised after the jump and we aimed directly for the shipyard. We had a single Dragon jump in behind us but it ran into a group of xenon that took care of him for us. the xenon then turned there attention to us but with the flak cannons mounted they got more than they bargained for.
I watched in awe as the fighters were decimated by the almost continuous fire from our guns. I swung us onto an approach vector for the shipyard then reduced our speed not wanting to get in firing range of the station itself whilst our guns were firing.
The xenon seemed to be drawn to us like a magnet as soon as we slowed down Bekka got busy as we started to get missile lock warnings.

The shields started to take hits as the fighters swarmed us there were a couple of P's moving in on us so I swung the nose of the Ray about to face them.
It was a long wait for them to come into range but when they did I fired the forward guns. The leading P vanished under the PPC fire and the second took some damage from the resulting blast.
That just left the one to deal with I checked the power banks that first shot had taken a lot but they were recharging it was just a question of how close the P got till I was ready to fire again. I left it till he was in range and started firing on us as soon as the shields started to drop I fired in short bursts trying to anticipate his moves even so the laser energy banks were draining fast.
I got lucky the thing turned directly into a burst of fire and his ship took enough damage to bring it to almost a dead stop as Bekka launched a tempest at it. The detonation triggered our anti glare on the view screens and as they cleared all that was left of the P was a slowly expanding field of debris.
I turned back onto an approach vector for the shipyard checking the gravidar for any other hostiles but the sector was clear.

"Captain the sec defence commander has extended his thanks he say's he will meet you aboard the shipyard".

I had no doubt he would also be wanting to know where I had acquired this ship which made me wander how Lupo was getting on with the Split she should be making her move right about now.
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Post by Sabrina Bergin » Tue, 6. May 14, 18:18

Lupo was waiting in the bar the Split had arranged to meet Dan Silarn but of course Lupo knew that Dan Silarn had no intention of meeting the Split.

Lupo saw the man walk in and gave him a few minutes to settle at a table before joining him.

"I do not require company teladi" the Split said in a menacing tone.

"You do not I find that most strange then why my friend Dan Silarn should ask me to seek you out and to warn you".

"Warn me of what" asked the Split one hand reaching for the pistol he kept at his waist.

Lupo passed across the message cube they had prepared and waited for the Split to read it, Kert had gone to a lot of trouble to prepare the message with Dan Silarn the Split would believe that both he and Dan had been betrayed.

"This makes no sense why would they do this I have served them faithfully for jazura ?".

"This is what my friend Silarn discovered the dock master has been skimming on the proceeds of the sales, once the dock master found out he had been discovered he arranged for the ships Dan Silarn claimed on your behalf to be diverted the last message I received was the one you hold in your hands, he was heading to the Belt of Aguilar to try and pick up the trail of the ships, I have not heard from him since ".

"I will kill the scum" Mo t'ktt said half rising before Lupo restrained him.

"Alas the treacherous one has left the station he does not wish to be present whilst your masters have you killed. I am afraid he has decided to cover his tracks at your expense fortunately I know where he has gone and I can take you there".

The Split eyed Lupo suspiciously wondering why this teladi was being so helpful perhaps as she said the Argon Silarn had been a friend the teladi was right about one thing his own life was now in danger. His masters had refused to answer his messages and he had been watching the sector information screens awaiting the arrival of those they sent to kill him.
He made a decision if he left now and got his hands on the Dock master he might be able to salvage the situation. His actions were also dictated by the arrival on the inbound ships information monitors designated as being based at the trading station in Merchant haven. That was where his employers kept their hired killers.

"We go now" he announced standing and allowing the Teladi to lead the way to her ship making sure the securing clip was loose on his sidearm deciding to let the teladi lead him to the Dock master and then to take her ship.
The Teladi led him to the Mako and unlocked the ship before going to the deck office to pay the docking fees. The situation could not be better Mo t'ktt opened the cargo bay and stepped into it drawing his gun as he did so he would stun the teladi as zoon as she returned it should be a simple matter to get the information he wanted.
He was surprised when the Hatch door slammed shut and locked sealing him in. He turned to find the access hatch to the flight deck then howled in outrage as he received a shock that almost drove him to his knees.
He felt the ship power up and launch less than a mizura later the sudden smell of gas told him he had been foolish to trust the Teladi no doubt she had arranged to deliver him to his masters. Deciding they would not have the pleasure of taking him alive he drew his pistol intending to destroy the ship and himself rather than face them. He did not get the opportunity to act before the flight deck hatch opened and he was shot in the chest.

Erin climbed down into the cargo bay and secured the prisoner then took his gun and knives away from him before returning to the flight deck and sealing the hatch behind her.She saw Lupo undock from the shipyard and she set the auto pilot to land on the TM whilst she sent a wave to Kert letting him know they had the Split and would be jumping to the Gate hub station within the stazura after laying a few false trails.

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