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Posted: Tue, 10. Dec 13, 19:00
by HelgeK
SeaBee-T wrote:Wow, Helge! I was not aware you wrote books AND music. I would love to buy your album but I have been resisting tying myself down with iTunes and Amazon doesn't sell outside the US. Do you have plans for other distributors of music like Bandcamp or CDBaby?
Yes, it's distributed via TuneCore (which is a CDBaby competitor).This means, the album is practically on all digital stores you can think of, in and outside of the US.

But you may also want to wait for the physical double album on CD, which I hope will be out by mid february. It will be a pretty six-sided digipack with booklet, artwork and two CDs. Lyrics won't fit in print, though, it's just too much text :-)

Cheers from Cologne,

Posted: Wed, 11. Dec 13, 03:50
by Ruiner82
So with my CE DLC edition from Steam, I didn't buy the full version, I only paid for a cut down version called "X The Space Opera - Per Musica ad Albion"?

Just another thing to leave a bad taste in my mouth. I got a cut down version of an X game, a cut down Collector's Edition and a cut down Space Opera. This is great, thanks Egosoft.

Posted: Wed, 11. Dec 13, 04:19
by Santi
So with my CE DLC edition from Steam, I didn't buy the full version, I only paid for a cut down version called "X The Space Opera - Per Musica ad Albion"?

Just another thing to leave a bad taste in my mouth. I got a cut down version of an X game, a cut down Collector's Edition and a cut down Space Opera. This is great, thanks Egosoft.
Helge, all praise the Lord, put some God dam metal music in your Collection edition, considering it was his personal project and, he paid for it, you can not blame him for including some of the tracks in the collector edition for free (disclaimer about self promoting your music tracks, mostly because you are chums with a software developer), and you complaint that you don't get his full work for free. You get 5 tracks, with a binary condition, you either like it, or not, those tracks being free, you like it, go and buy the rest, you don't, you still have 5 awesome tracks for free.

Posted: Wed, 11. Dec 13, 13:12
by PDouma39
Thank you Helge for the wonderful music, thank you for sharing your talent(and those who also worked on this project) with us X-fans and the rest of the world.

Have a great X-mas.

Posted: Wed, 11. Dec 13, 16:19
by Ruiner82
santi wrote:Helge, all praise the Lord, put some God dam metal music in your Collection edition, considering it was his personal project and, he paid for it, you can not blame him for including some of the tracks in the collector edition for free (disclaimer about self promoting your music tracks, mostly because you are chums with a software developer), and you complaint that you don't get his full work for free. You get 5 tracks, with a binary condition, you either like it, or not, those tracks being free, you like it, go and buy the rest, you don't, you still have 5 awesome tracks for free.
I don't want to turn this thread into a place to argue, so it'll be my only reply.

It wasn't "free", I paid for the CE that was suppose to contain the Space Opera. What I got is basically a "trial version". So no, I'm not thankful. It was advertised as being a part of the CE, it's just yet another thing that was misleadingly presented.

Posted: Wed, 11. Dec 13, 19:13
by Umbru
Not the biggest metal fan but I'd pay for a English translation of the rest of the X books.

Posted: Thu, 12. Dec 13, 13:20
by HelgeK
Ruiner82 wrote:It wasn't "free", I paid for the CE that was suppose to contain the Space Opera. What I got is basically a "trial version". So no, I'm not thankful. It was advertised as being a part of the CE, it's just yet another thing that was misleadingly presented.
Well, voXager so far has made enough music to fill two volumes, the CE contains one volume, called "X - The Space Opera". It has its own 5.1 surround mix and beautiful scenes from the X series, captured by Richard Portely just for this purpose. It is complete as it is.

I do not agree however, that from now on, all musical output of voXager must be given to owners of the CE for free. Thus, the second volume (and the third, which I'm already working on) are separate from the CE. They don't have videos, and no 5.1. They are simply music albums.

If gamers (and prog rock/metal fans) like them enough to buy them, great! If not, well, then I'll have to try harder in the future, or leave it be entirely :-)


Posted: Sat, 14. Dec 13, 08:15
by Ebany
Ruiner82 wrote:It wasn't "free", I paid for the CE that was suppose to contain the Space Opera. What I got is basically a "trial version". So no, I'm not thankful. It was advertised as being a part of the CE, it's just yet another thing that was misleadingly presented.
You got a "Trial Edition" of the Space Opera? wow, you'd be the only one. Or wait, do you mean you got a "Trial Edition" of the sound tracks .....

Or are you feeling ripped off about a game so come to this thread for some emotional release. Whatever concerns you have about the game mean little here as the sound track was complete, and beautifully unique, so to complain in this thread you were deceived is truly selfish. Take it to the 2 billion other threads out there which relate to the topic "game is awful" please.
HelgeK wrote:Dear space faring creatures of the X universe!
Do you accept donations or can I purchase without starting an Amazon/iTunes account? Fishpond even? I would also purchase your book(s) if available to me in English.

The music is great, normally I listen to Trans Siberian Orchestra while playing X:Games but now I may have to switch. Luv ur work!

Posted: Tue, 17. Dec 13, 02:50
by Playbahnosh
Hello Helge!

Regardless of the abomination that is Rebirth, the only positive thing I brought up in my review was the music, which is great. You did great fleshing out the X universe in the book, and this "space opera" thing is nice try too. It's kind of a hit and miss for me, I like the instrumental songs, but the ones with singing in so much.

Have you ever considered a collaboration with Gamma Ray by any chance? They are Germans too, and pretty much obsessed with space :)

For me, space metal is this:

As Blind Guardian jumped at the chance to do game soundtrack for Sacred 2, I think Gamma Ray would've been more than happy to cook up some riffs for the X Universe :)

Re: The Space Opera continues!

Posted: Mon, 30. Dec 13, 17:45
by TargetLost
HelgeK wrote: You may have already heard about "X - The Space Opera", found on the BluR

Bravery of a Saurian (not on CE!)
Hello Helge K,

Couldn't you teach your mates at Egosoft how to create an interesting space game? I think xrebirth had been better if you designed it. :D

Just now figured out about X - The Space Opera. Didn't know what you were talking about here.

If you llike some feedback how this sounds sound for someone like me:

It's an interesting style. It has some very good parts but also some very boring ones. In general you mixed in too many sylles or parts into one and the same song.
Dont know if this is because you wanted to tell a story but for someone just wanting to listen to a good song or sound this is harder to enjoy.

My personel detailed Impresion of Bravery of a Saurian (the one that i liked most of the op):

0:00 to 0:45 Good start very like it. Her voice needs a bit work. the voice is too flat/uniteresting/characterless
0:45 to 1:00 the lead over is quite fine
1:00 to 1:30 Love it. Ramstein sure loves that part too! :P
1:30 to 1:45 would be good if only she had more expression in her voice
1:45 to 2:00 good male voice. thats how it should be.
2:00 to 2:20 part doesnt fit at all and is bad
2:20 to 2:40 even better male voice. yes thats the voice
2:40 to 3:00 her flat voice again
3:00 to 3:25 ok you seem to do that to tell a story because thats boring and missplaced
3:25 to 4:20 dirty male voice part does not come over autentic. dont like it.
4:20 to 4:48 is ok not good not bad
4:48 to 5:18 style change..breaks it for me..that's too much changes already in one song.
5:18 to END style change again..That part would be a perfect start for a new song. Good voices and the music fits.

Just my feedback.

Here is something for insperation I guess you know it. But pay attention to the female voice. That's what I call an interesting one..very young thought.

like a bullet train

Your music has something I like but just try to make it less chaotic else no one can listen to it. At least I can't. :)

hmm 2 days early...
but Happy New Year!

first! :)

p.s. read the first and second book.. had liked to read the others.

Posted: Wed, 1. Jan 14, 19:34
by HelgeK
@TargetLost: Yep, these are no songs in the conventional sense. This is actually kind of the most prominent hallmark of progressive rock/prog metal. If it followed conventional song structures, it wouldn't be progressive, now would it? ;-) It would be mainstream!

I know the music may appear overwhelming to listeners with little previous exposure to prog stuff. The music is mainly inspired by bands like Star One, Ayreon, Dream Theater, but also Cradle of Filth and Dimmu Borgir. And of course JM Jarre & Kraftwerk.


Posted: Wed, 1. Jan 14, 19:41
by HelgeK
Hi space faring crowd,

there's a chaotic pulsating color explosion pretending to be a music video for Unto the Stars. Do not watch if you're likely to have epileptic seizures :-)

There may be videos with ingame-scenes and/or musicians performing later. In the meantime, if any of you would like to create nice looking music videos with ingame-footage (and I meam really nice: filmed to a storyboard, with multiple cameras and so on) and have it posted on the voXager channel, contact me at


Posted: Tue, 7. Jan 14, 10:33
by JClosed
HelgeK wrote:@TargetLost: Yep, these are no songs in the conventional sense. This is actually kind of the most prominent hallmark of progressive rock/prog metal. If it followed conventional song structures, it wouldn't be progressive, now would it? ;-) It would be mainstream!

I know the music may appear overwhelming to listeners with little previous exposure to prog stuff. The music is mainly inspired by bands like Star One, Ayreon, Dream Theater, but also Cradle of Filth and Dimmu Borgir. And of course JM Jarre & Kraftwerk.

Hmm... did I also heard some inspiration from Amon Duul, Karthago, Faust, Can, Neu! (and maybe some Eloy)?

Good work.. :wink:

Posted: Mon, 13. Jan 14, 03:26
by HelgeK
Well, I used to listen to Eloy a lot. I've got all their albums.

Posted: Tue, 4. Feb 14, 18:16
by Commodore MJ Fire
Very nice work! I have a little off-topic question- after asking in a comic- and bookstore they told me that the german novel 'X-Rebirth Plutarch Rising' comes probably at 4/12/14 (ist this correct? english date- in german termination I mean 12. 4. 2014), but internal publisher's information is that it comes this month. Is there a release date you can tell the german fans of your books?

Wait for it... Not only because I want to read, but also to finish the next XRebirth version of the encyclopedia-extension I work on. In the pre-version coming next I already added the halmnan aurora to Albion (for all of you who know the previous mod, its a completely new texture based on a EGO pic which probably shows the aurora), And upgraded planets and whole clusters to fit with some infos from previous books, but I wait for your book to finish the work with all informations...
greetings, MJ Fire

Posted: Mon, 10. Feb 14, 01:16
by HelgeK
I don't actually know when the novel will come out. I'm still working on it, so this delay is on me, not the publisher...

Posted: Mon, 10. Feb 14, 03:37
by Commodore MJ Fire
Ok, then good Luck, waiting for it. The first pages in the Collectors Edition where as good as the other books- and it was funny to read what an old friend of Nopileos does today... :D I look forward to this book.

Viel Erfolg beim schreiben!
greetings, MJ Fire

Posted: Mon, 10. Mar 14, 21:50
by risbosix
I was "away" for some times and it's nice too see the update plan on this game is taking the right direction =)

Posted: Fri, 11. Apr 14, 16:25
by Rapier
I purchased from Amazon UK yesterday and received a promotional discount. I'm not sure what promotion (I don't think it was personal to me). That made it £6.99, at least for a while. I thought others might like to know.

Posted: Mon, 14. Apr 14, 15:39
by HelgeK
It's also available now as digipack/double CD album in the Egosoft Shop for €13, if you're into physical media :-) Content is the same as the digital version, but it has great cover artwork by Egosoft's Alex Preuss, and a booklet with sinister photographs of the voXager crew :-)

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