[TC] FROM NOTHING, A Rogue's Tale - Book I [COMPLETED]

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Post by Triaxx2 » Tue, 13. Mar 12, 18:18

Okay, this is probably going to be terrible since it's a second draft. So bear with me. The computer lost the original.

"I hope you know I have other important things to do." Njy's chosen representative said.

"Yes, we know all about your financial issues and the leasing of stations to other families." Rhonkar's chosen council head said. He shook his head. "It is hoped your plan succeeds. But if not, this meeting will discuss alternatives."

"I did not realize it was common knowledge."

"Yes, we knew that as well."

The door opened to admit two other Split. One was a short, squat Split warrior, who was Tkr's chosen representative. He marched to the center of the floor, placed his palm on the hilt of his Jatra, and gave a ser'kavi first to the chosen representative of Rhonkar, and then to the Rhonkar family flag. He took his seat.

The other was a long, lean Split woman, who walked to the center of the room, and gave a single ser'kavi, combined with a bow to the representative. The two lesser representatives started. Either gesture alone was one of respect, one native to Split, one acquired from the humans. Combining both meant that there was more than simple respect.

"Now that we are all here." Rhonkar rapped his gavel. "The phantoms continue to be an issue. How is the idea of..." Tkr's representative exploded.

"There will never be peace between Tkr and that monster. Or his commander."

"So you've said. Then we will speak of war." He turned to the female. "You both know commander Vo'l'nt."

"Uniquely suited to discuss the situation due to her brothers being members." Njy sneered. She turned and smiled at him.

"Yes, indeed. But you see, that gives me advantage. I know what some of them are going to do. Unlike you, who seem unable to predict beyond being hit. Again." she smiled wider. Njy cringed away. Neither of the others could blame him.

"Now, where was I. Ah. We have managed to acquire through probes, information on the location of the Black Queen and her Shark."

"I thought they were destroying any ships that entered." Tkr interrupted.

"Yes, they were, except for Transports, which are what we have been sending. We've been doing a booming business in Space Fuel for the past few days." Rhonkar spoke. "You did not know because it was discussed at a private meeting."

"Indeed. And even though the Shark is not in Avarice, it was easy to track, because it IS a big empire. And so people move from point to point and talk, because it's hard to hide a shark, no matter how much effort you put into it."

"The one being guarded by your brother."

"Yes, though I suspect it requires as much guarding from him as he does guarding it from others." she smiled slightly. "His name is not after all, just a moniker." she glanced to each representative and then continued. "However, there is some traffic amongst the fleet, which suggests that the Osan'gar may be preparing to move away."

"How do you know?"

"We do not, but there was a sudden increase of communications between the Osan'gar and other fleet assets. It was encrypted, but I suspect movement."

"Was it decoded?"

"Of course not, we are not fools. We saw what happened to the Terran's. No, we have a passive beacon just outside the gate to pick up comm traffic in and out of the sector." she shrugged. "It was tagged with the Osan'gar's signature and it was the only coded transmission leaving the sector."

"So you think there maybe an opportunity to attack when the Osan'gar moves away?"

"I believe it would be the best course of action." Tkr's representative snorted.

"Such concern you show for your brother." Vo'l'nt swung around on him, hand on the hilt of her Jatra.

"That sounds like a challenge. If you mean it, I will happily meet you on the field of honor, and dispute your claim. Or rather, I will meet Tkr on the field of honor, because as you represent him, you make such a challenge in his name. And after I have killed him, I will have you ejected into space for stupidity, and it will be the last act of family Tkr. For I will restore my family in it's place, and we will make peace with these Phantoms."

"O-of course I didn't mean it as a challenge."

"No, of course you did not. You are not that great a fool." she turned back. "Ea't is a warrior, born and bred in the finest traditions of the warrior. He rose from a Jaguar to wreak havok on the Boron. And you question the wisdom of waiting until he breaks his guard to attack him?" She looked to Rhonkar.

"Tell them."

"We have through means undisclosed, acquired footage from the attack on Jupiter by the Phantoms. Ea't himself lead the attack. The footage shows him alone engaging and destroying a terran defense fleet."

"So?" Njy asked.

"Terran defense fleets are roughly the same size and firepower as one of our attack fleets." Njy started.

"That was simply the initial wave, he cleared the way for the remainder of the fleet to jump in and they wiped out the remaining Terran ships."

"Remaining ships? I thought Osan'gar destroyed the entire fleet."

"Yes and no." she answered. "Yes, he destroyed the entire fleet. No, that wasn't all the ships. Indeed, there were several fleets, all defense fleets. But they also destroyed the entire civilian population. I suspect that was just the sheer number of missiles fired, and not any intentional malice however."

"That's somewhat horrifying." Njy noted.

"Indeed, in particular the consideration of just how few civilian casualties we've seen." Tkr agreed.

"Then it seems it would behoove us not to kidnap the admiral, wouldn't you agree." Vo'l'nt commented. All three representatives nodded fervently.

"I believe that once the Osan'gar and it's attendant corvettes have pulled away, we will be able to enter and destroy the Shark before they can return to rescue it."

"I concur." Rhonkar nodded. "As does my family. So there is only one piece of other business. Rhonkar has made it clear that he wishes peace with the Phantoms. In his words: 'The universe is sliding closer to war. While we have trained for war, and warriors we are, too long have we been at peace and so when this new war begins inevitably, we must, we have no CHOICE, we must have as many neutral powers, if not allies as we can. You will work towards a solution.' He spoke that himself."

"There cannot be peace with that monster! Or his employer." Njy snapped.

"No chance exists!" Tkr followed on.

"I told him you would say that. This was his response." Rhonkar pulled a small recording device out of his pocket and placed it on the podium. It played at his touch.

"You have asked for and received the protection of the Rhonkar dynasty. This protection only extends to your enemies. If you make an enemy of Rhonkar, you will not only find out that there is no protection from those you have now, but that soon there will be no Families Tkr or Njy. And you will be replaced by lesser families who understand respect and loyalty.

There will be peace, whether it is with Families Tkr and Njy, or over the bones of Families Tkr and Njy, it will happen."

"So your course is clear. One or the other." Rhonkar banged his gavel again.

This session is ended.
A Pirate's Revenge Completed Now in PDF by _Zap_
APR Book 2: Best Served Cold Updated 8/5/2016

The Tale of Ea't s'Quid Completed

Dovie'andi se tovya sagain

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Post by Kirlack » Wed, 14. Mar 12, 15:41

Oi, 36 hours out due to failed ISP, and I come back to find two great updates!

Scion, I know I said it to you in PM, but I love that post. That bit in the hospital...the mental image I got of that was heartbreaking. Great stuff mate :D

Triaxx2! :D So much to work with...so many ideas :lol: I'm gonna have a think and will PM you as soon as my ideas settle into something coherent :)

I love this thread :D

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Post by Triaxx2 » Wed, 14. Mar 12, 16:51

I will be eagerly awaiting your thoughts.
A Pirate's Revenge Completed Now in PDF by _Zap_
APR Book 2: Best Served Cold Updated 8/5/2016

The Tale of Ea't s'Quid Completed

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Post by Sylthos » Thu, 15. Mar 12, 04:16

This one pretty much wrote itself. I actually had to stop myself writing because I went on for too long. I like when that happens.


Everybody was standing in stunned silence. Tabs and Mister angry yell-y lizard guard were both staring at Luna unable to comprehend what she had just said. Several of the other Teladi guards started to gather around windows as some of the Tomahawks had delayed explosions. Luna still wore her smile.

“We’re about to die, you know.”

“How?” Tabs ventured a little unsteadily.

“Your minefield, would you say it would destroy anything that went through it, barring my counterpart’s ship?”

“Without a doubt-?”

“Even the most heavily armed destroyers?”


“So you don’t quite understand that this station, the one that we are in right this second, slowly meandering into your omnipresent minefield of guaranteed overkill of mythical proportions might be a tad concerning?”

The look on Tabs’s face clearly stated that he was in fact very concerned, yet he just did not want to believe. Mister lizard guard understood the situation as well, so did the others that had gathered by the window, and began conferring with Tabs. The topic seemed to be how to save the station and not running for their lives. They for some reason appeared to be more terrified of losing the station then of dying. Teladi, maintaining profits until the bitter end.

“Ugly, grab your gun.” Luna whispered to me. “Is it still loaded?”

I looked over at her, she would know better than me if it was still loaded. My walking stick was leaning against the side of the couch, dangerous end pointed down. I checked the jury-rigged loading mechanism and saw that there still was an energy cell in it. Whether or not it was still charged was beyond me, only Luna would know. The one time I had tested to see if one was charged strongly discouraged any future attempts. My groin, legs and arms thank me greatly, long story. She treats those energy cells like they were children that crap nividium. I twisted it around and held the slide partially open for her to see. She motioned for me to remove it and fished for another that she kept somewhere on her, where was anyone’s guess.

Fully opening the slide had the cell pop out, kind of like those guns I saw on those Terran history documentaries. They used these small metal round things that went into another bigger box like metal thing that slides into the much larger gun that spews small round metal things that are smaller than the original small round things. It’s rather difficult to describe such ancient weapons. Apparently though you had to be a wizard or something to hit other people. If you weren’t you either didn’t hit anything or were mowed down quite quickly or both. Some of the more advanced users could even control the flight of the smaller round metal things. These people could even slow down time and dodge other people’s shots! The best documentaries I’ve ever watch had names like Rambo, Smokin’ Aces, Wanted or The Matrix. I don’t know how people lived back in those days but it sure looked like they had exciting lives. Anyways, I handed the cell over to Luna and she gave me one in return. It went into the gun without a sound. Boring, no loud mechanical noises or anything. Knowing Luna what happens next was going to be equally boring.

“When I say fire, lift your gun and shoot the one with the missing horn in the middle of the group. That should knock them all out. If not, you know what to do.” She stopped whispering to me and turned her attention back to Tabs and his entourage. Very nonchalantly she said to Tabs. “Pardon me, but we really need to get going. You have anything further to say to us? If not, could we take our leave?” She rose to her feet and gestured for me to do the same.

“Wait, we have time before we…”

“We have ten.”

“T-t-ten?! Ten what?”

“We should really get going, Tabs. I mean we should really be going. Understand?”

“But… no, we can… thi… thi… not happening!” Him and the other Teladi began panicking. Panicking but with no action. They all turned to each other and presented us an opportunity.

Luna looked up to me. “Fire.”

After I got to feet, I had placed my right foot behind my walking stick waiting for her signal. With it, I hefted the large cannon to be horizontal aligned with my hips and thumbed the activation key. Forks of teal lightning struck out towards the Teladis. Much to my delight, I discovered that Teladi face for “Oh crap, I’m about to be struck by lightning” is exactly the same as all the other races of the universe thanks to Mister angry yell-y lizard guard when he glanced over to see what I was doing. Most of the group hit the ground in spasms, most assuredly knocked unconscious. The three still standing needed some persuasion that unconsciousness was a lot less painful. Only three steps separated me from them and I was already in motion while they were still disoriented. Three thundering steps and I planted my right foot forward, twisted to my left, and swung my gun level with their heads. Fate is cruel for they gained their bearings just as my weapon screamed towards their faces. They had the general “Oh crap!” face. The first two were flipped under the cannon, blood trickling from their faces as they blacked out lying on the floor. The third attempted to duck and was only rewarded in me changing my angle and smashing his head through one of the nearby cabinets. Simple, effective, and boring.

I have to give Tabs credit, even if what he did was moronic. He saw me lift my gun. Seeing what was potentially a bad thing, he did the right by ducking for cover. But in his terror, he remained cowering beneath the oversized chair. He made easy prey and I grabbed his feet and pulled him into the air. He could took off running leaving me and Luna hard pressed to catch him. I presented him to Luna. Tabs’s eyes were bulging out of their sockets as Luna sauntered up to him.

“Look, N-Nuaru…”

I’ve never seen Luna hit anyone. With her noodle-like arms, I never even consider she could have such a soul-crushing blow. That’s right, she hit him so hard that not only did it devastate his face and numb his mind, it crushed his very soul! I could feel my mine wither as I watched a part of him die. Okay, I may be exaggerating a little but still. Time stopped after that blow. I had a good look at Luna’s expression. Even death could not look as terrifying.

“Don’t you EVER utter that name around me AGAIN! Kill him Ugly!”

“Nononono. Yggdra… Ygg… -gulp-, don’t I b-beg you!” He regarded me with the puffy greenish purple-red side of his face. He was the most pathetic and terrified creature I’ve ever seen. Not even my bounties could claim to have gotten any pity from me as I turned them over to their hunters. But Tabs did.

Luna grabbed him by the snout and turned him to look at her. Her eyes were wide and angry. “Why should I spare you? You drag me all the way here and wasted my frakken’ time. WHY SHOULDN’T I KILL YOU!?”

By now Tabs was crying. Tears were streaking up his face to plop on the ground below. “I… I found more.”

“More?” Luna looked like she was struck.

“Y-Yeah, my… manager found it and I… I… acquired a few…”

“You s-stole it from your boss! You stupid little … argh! You have any idea what she’ll do to you! She… oh dear god… she knows that I’m the only other person looking for it and she thinks I’m dead! Is that why you brought me here! Oh no. I can’t hide anymore can I?”

“Uh Luna, what the hell is going on?” I’ve never seen her so worked up.

“Frakken’ Tabs stole from the most brutally devious member of my kind and is now trying to frame me!”

“Wait, what? I thought he wanted us to repay the money we owed.”

“What money?!” Both Tabs and Luna replied. Luna instantly placed all tentacles over her mouth.

“Ugly, I…”

“Luna, you’ve… borrowed from her?!”

“Tabs, you have no idea what you’re talking…”

“No, I know… yet you claim that I’M A MORON! But no, you’re Luna the Brilliant… got a plan, gonna… take from the man! I mean lady. You-you go and borrow from her!? YOU’RE PLAYING DEAD! You were off her radar! You-you-you IDIOT.” He screamed, tears still streaming up his face.

“Cram it Tabs. I didn’t borrow any frakken’ money from anyone so stuff it before I have Ugly make me a new handbag from your skin!”

“Luna who do we owe money to then?” I was very confused.

“Oh great! You’ve even deceived your friend! You won’t… quit until everyone…” Tabs couldn’t quite finish snapping at Luna.

“Shut up! Shut up! Ugly I-we… we don’t owe anyth… I’m sorry I just… Frak, I don’t even know where to start!” Luna looked like she was going to cry herself.

“We’re going to die!” Tabs wailed.

“Yeah about that you two. Your conversation may be, I don’t know, enlightening? But this station is about to blow up, right? We didn’t stop that from happening just by talking.”

“Holy crap, big man the embodiment of clarity, we are doomed!” Tabs practically howled that.

“You’re right Ugly. Just regain composure and think this through Luna. Think. Think. Good news is that we don’t have much to worry about!” Luna was rapidly regaining her composure.

“But you said we had ten-somethings left. I pretty sure it’s been several somethings since.”

“No Ugly I lied about that.”

“Ha, again!” Tabs proclaimed. Luna raised her tentacles ready to strike causing both me and Tabs to cringe.

“No, we have an entire stazura left. You think these Teladis would be better at math. I lied about this station crashing into the minefield hoping that in their rush to leave they would forget about us. I guess they were more afraid of their boss.”

“So then, we were going to just walk out of here?”

“That was the plan.”

“Is it still? The guards outside ran before you told them how much time they had.”

“The guards I don't know, maybe they don't want to be anywhere near this station when their boss finds out? As for the plan, slight modification, Tabs here is coming with us. You better not be lying, Tabs."

“Unlike you Luna, I’ve… yet to lie. I called you here to take me away from her. I begging you, help me. You know what her temper can be like. When what I did... help me Luna.”

“Let him down Ugly.”

I laid Tabs on the ground and he hurriedly scurried to his feet. After standing he seemed a bit woozy, with all that blood rushing to his head I could understand. Luna had moved toward the window and was slowly pacing back and forth with one tentacle against her head and the rest crossed over her chest. Luna, the more questions get answered about you the more questions pop up. And now there’s Tabs. And this Nuaru lady. And there’s the history between the three of them. I just wasn’t ever going to get all my questions answered. Looking at Luna, I somehow knew even less about her than I did before and that didn’t even make sense.

The room was quiet and calm. It was very unnerving considering that we had several bodies in here ready to wake up and attack us. Some of the wooden furniture was scorched. Zigzagging burn marks played across their surfaces. I was deeply saddened by this defacement, more so since I knew I was at fault. These pieces would never regain the elegance they once possessed. Sure the burn marks could be sanded out, but the pieces would be uneven and need to be re-stained and recoated. They would forever bear the scars of today unless they were forgotten and/or destroyed.

Much like me, I realized. I held my hands in front of me. My protruding knuckle guards were the most prominent feature of my hands, but I was looking for the older fainter scars of my childhood. Back then, I would help my mother in the arboretum she owned. She taught me to be gentle with the trees inside of it as every cut and every break shaped the appearance of the trees. They all grew to be beautiful and strong, several bearing the scars of their life only to look more gorgeous for it. Unfortunately the same could not be said of me. My hands were scraped several times a day. I was never good looking to begin with, my scars have not helped me. Looking down on my hands made me wonder if my mom was looking down at me at the moment. If she was, would she be proud of what I’ve done so far? Since she was killed I’ve felt alone, but that was before I found Luna. She for some reason seemed all too keen on taking care of me. Her conversation with Tabs had me wondering. Was she taking advantage of me? She could plan things so far in advance, was I just a tool to her? And what were we working for all this time? Why did she need so much money?

I looked up and saw her staring straight at me. She could easily spot the rift that had sprung up between us. Today I’ve seen a range of emotions she’s never showed. Anger, surprise, fear and now looking at her, I could see shame. Suddenly, I didn’t know anything.

“We need to go.” She said very softly as she broke eye-contact. She made her way towards the door and reloaded the walking stick as she walked by it. Tabs were oblivious to everything as he was staring into a mirror trying to get the swelling of his face to subside. I picked up my weapon and followed her out the door with Tabs trailing behind me.

Questions floated about in my mind as we walked the quiet corridors, my walking stick making thumps against the floor echoing like heart beats. Looking at her back I noticed that her arms weren’t trailing behind her as usual. Instead they hung listlessly at her sides. Was she as troubled as me? I wanted to ask… I wanted to ask many things to tell the truth, I just didn’t know what to ask first. She was my friend, right? And I’m still her friend too, I think. She may have lied, but everybody does. Just how far do her lies go, though? Luna was my friend, I decided, and my friend will tell me. But, my friend was troubled. I should be there for my friend as she has been there for me.

“What’s wrong?”

She barely turned her head towards me. I saw one of her eyes and it was looking at the ground around my feet. Just as she was about to say something, a voice shouted at us from behind.

“Tertocamiusssssss! Bosss sssays we can kill you!”

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Scion Drakhar
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Post by Scion Drakhar » Sat, 24. Mar 12, 12:50

97. The Quiet before the Storm

768-06-04 22:47
The meetin’ with my captains took place on the Credo et Amo, which is currently lumberin’ through the center of Avarice lookin’ scary to the ships in the trade lane beneath it. After a lunch that was mostly liquid I beamed over and once again I have to note that I really do feel at home on Argon ships. Oddly enough I think it's the carpet. I know that's a ridiculous reason to endorse a ship but every time I step foot on a human ship the soft floors just make me feel safe. Hell if I know. Anyway, I was still kind of upset ... sigh ... ok I was a little drunk and lookin' at the very real possibility of finishin' the day in an alcohol fueled despair over how much worse the universe is with me in it. Yeeeah ... just the picture of mental health and emotional stability I am ... but then I ran into Lu.

He was waitin' for me when I stepped off the transporter. I don't know why but the sight of him made me feel better. I think it's the contrast. I mean on the one hand he's tall and lean and hard as a coffin nail, right? I mean the guy reminds me of nothin' so much as the stories of those ancient gunfighters from old earth. Steady and cool and capable of murder in the blink of an eye. Yet in his eyes I saw kindness.

"Drake," he greeted me.

"Lu," I replied.

"Rough day?" he asked and gestured toward the door.

"Oh no," I shook my head. "You can lead the way," I said. "This ship is the size of downtown New London and I don’t know where the hell I’m goin’."

He smiled and nodded. A moment later we were walkin' side by side down one of the comfortable carpeted corridors of his Boreas. "So what's troublin' you, Drake? You look like someone just shot your dog."

"Aah, frak," I shook my head. "Hell I don't know. You'd think I wouldn't have anythin' to complain about, right?" I said. "I mean I'm filthy frakkin' rich and a month ago I couldn't even afford a shower."

He smiled and wrinkled his nose. "I remember," he assured me.

"I started bathin' again before I met you, thank you very much."

"Maybe you were just out of practice."

"Fraaaak you," I laughed and somehow I was already feelin' better but when I looked at him he lifted his chin in a question. I shook my head and tried to dismiss it but again when I looked back at him his eyes seemed to look right through me. So I sighed and steeled myself to admit the truth. "I've just been thinkin' about all the people we've lost."

He nodded. "One of the many burdens of leadership."

"Yeah," I sighed. "So I hear. You know every once in a while I think of this vid I saw a long frakkin’ time ago. It was this reporter interviewin' this retired Titan captain. You can say it was the sum of my trainin' for ..." I gestured around me. "... all a this." I followed him around a corner and into a different corridor that looked just like the last one ... only this one had windows. Through ’em I saw my factory in the distance and all those tiny glints of light movin' in the trade lanes.

"Go on," he prompted me.

“Aaah,” I took a breath. "It wasn't much," I said. "Just some bitter old guy refusin' to answer the reporters questions. I got the impression he'd been ordered to talk to her and wasn’t happy about it. But one thing he did say stuck with me. He said that no matter how much a captain feels for his crew he can't ever be friends with ‘em because he never knows when he'll have to sacrifice their lives.”

Lu just watched me and for a few moments we walked along in silence. Then he asked me a question and it was a doozy. "So is it that people are dying that troubles you ... or is it that they're dying for you?"

"Shit, man," I cursed and exhaled heavily through my nose. I stared at the factory growin' out of the mists in the distance. "I'm just a frakkin' pirate, Lu. I mean when it was just you n' me and the guys on the Destiny I was fine but ..." I stared at the pipes disappearin' into the nebula.

"But?" he prompted me.

I turned and met his eye. “But then I went and built that thing,” I gestured at the factory. “Then I let the Argon and the Teladi pay me to keep the sector safe. Now it's you and me and the guys but it’s also our crews and frak, it’s the twenty thousand other people that work for me." I met his eye. "I mean how the hell did THAT happen?! And that doesn't include any of the people that now depend on us for protection in not one but three different sectors! And I'm still just a frakkin' pirate!"

He nodded. "Except you're not."

"Yeah," I agreed with him. "Except I'm not. I'm the fourteen frakkin' jazura old emperor tryin' to out-think and out-maneuver the largest and most technically advanced military in the known frakkin' universe to make sure we don’t all get killed." He just watched me with that same quiet smile he always wears whenever I get stressed out. “How do you do that?” I asked him.

“Do what?”

“Stand there and smile at me when I’m tellin’ you how everythin’ is upside down and backwards?”

“Maybe I know something that you don’t,” he said.

“What the frak does that mean?”

“It means that maybe I know something that you don’t.”

“Cryptic as always,” I scoffed at him. “You know that’s very frakkin’ informative. Thanks for the clarification.” He just grinned at me. “So what? What do you know?”

“Ask me again some time,” he said and clapped me on the shoulder. Then he gestured to a hatch to his right and said. “We’re here.”

I stared at him with my one very narrowed eye. “No,” I said. “Not this time. You don’t get to say somethin’ like that and then just dismiss me.”

He held my eye and I actually felt our relationship change. It evolved somehow and he was lookin’ at me like I was somethin’ he hadn’t seen before. Then he nodded. “Okay,” he said. “Okay. I’ll tell you. Just ... let me think on it for a little while.”


He smiled at me. “Just give me a day or so, Drake. Let me get it straight in my head.”

I stared at him for a moment and then slowly nodded. “Alright, Lu,” I said. “But I’m not gonna forget. So if that’s what you’re hopin’ for you’re ess-oh-el. You know that, right?”

He grinned at me. “I do now,” he said. “You know you’ve changed, Drake.” He looked me up and down. “You’ve grown somehow.”

I gestured to the vista beyond the window as if that said it all. He followed my hand. Then he met my eye and nodded. He glanced to his right and cocked his head toward the hatch. “Come on.”


When we stepped through the hatch Cai’t Ct’ic, Ea’t s’Quid, Z’ppt, Ch’t F’rst and Malcolm Roberts were all seated around a table and yammerin’ away at each other. The first thing that struck me about the scene was how out of place Malcolm looked among all those Split. That impression was only enhanced by the fact that the Split had to keep stoppin’ to repeat themselves. They were very animated while speakin’ to each other and would often resort to just usin’ their six fingered sign language. Then Z’ppt would translate for Malcolm and by doin’ so remind the others that he couldn’t understand. When I stepped in they all stopped talkin’, looked at me and got to their feet.

“Boys,” I said, and waved ‘em back to their seats.

“Lord Drake,” Ea’t said to me. Cai’t, Z’ppt, Ch’t and Malcolm all greeted me with ‘Admiral.’

“You are looking good, Admiral,” Z’ppt said. “Exercise?”

I nodded. “Among other things,” I said then I looked at him starin' clear eyed and serene as we regarded each other. “You do too, Z’ppt.”

“Haven’t had a drink in two weeks,” he said.

“Well done,” I said. A moment later Lucifer and I sat down at the table with ’em. “I guess you all know why we’re here?”

“Tomorrow,” Ea’t said, “kill pirates.”

“Aye,” I said. “That about sums it up. Tomorrow, after the last Marine is done trainin’ at the Acquisition Pirate Base, we’re gonna wipe out every last pirate ship and station in between the north gate of the Maelstrom and the Pirate Guild Outpost in Gaian Star. Before we do that,” I was lookin’ each man in the face one by one, “I want to make sure that we’ve got all our ducks in a row.”

“So what’s the plan?” Lucifer asked.

“Well that’s what we’re here to work out,” I said. “I was thinkin’ the Credo et Amo would take point with everybody else rollin’ in behind. The carriers’d take crowd control, missile boats’d take the heavy hitters. Ea’t and his team’d do what they do best ...” There were some chuckles from around the table and Ea’t grinned that evil Split leer of his. “ ... while the Credo et Amo levels the station.”

"Well," Lu chuckled, "that sounds like a plan." A couple of them laughed.

“Anythin’ you guys want to add?” I asked.

After that it deteriorated into details. Ca’it reminded us to keep the fighters close so they could fall back into their mothership’s control zone if they got in trouble. Ea’t would be on medium range control duty and promised to kill anythin’ that got close enough to shoot at. Ch’t would be lookin’ for the long range capital ship kill while the Credo et Amo nuked the stations. It was a plan anyway.

“How’s morale?” I asked. I was lookin’ at my datapad when I asked the question and thinkin’ about Seldon ... and Slamer. Silence answered me. When I looked up I looked quickly around the table, but finally leveled my eye at Ch’t. “Well?”

He lifted his head and met my gaze. For a moment there was fire in his eyes, like I’d called him out and he was ready to meet the challenge. Then he nodded to himself. “The marines are ready, Admiral. They are always ready.”

“Yeah,” I said and looked back at the table. “Okay.” Then I looked back up and around the table. “Do me a favor?” They all watched me and I glanced from Ch’t to Ca’it and then Malcolm. “Take care of ’em,” I said. “Those of you who have marines and fighter jocks on your ships, give ‘em whatever they need. I figure if they’re willin’ to put their lives on the line for us the least we can do is spoil ’em some.” I looked back down at my hands, but not before I did I saw a couple approvin’ nods from around the table. “I guess that’s it, guys,” I said and started to turn to Lucifer so I could have him take me back to the transporter.

“Admiral?” Malcolm got my attention. I met his eye. “Can I talk to you for a minute?”

“Sure Mal, what’s up?”

He looked around at the Split and then back to me. “In private?”

“Okay?” I looked around at the rest of the room. “If you gents don’t mind?”

“Lord Drake,” Ea’t said as he got his feet. “I go beat crew into readiness.”

There were a couple of chuckles. Z’ppt nodded and said, “I shall as well.” Ca’it said nothin' but nodded. Ch’t just met my eye and nodded again.

“I’ll leave an escort outside the door, Drake.”

“Thanks Lu.” Several moments later the hatch hissed closed and Mal and I were alone in the room. I met his eye. He looked uncomfortable. “What’s up?” I asked him.

He stared at me for a long moment without sayin' anythin'. So long that I started to feel concerned. “Mal?”

“I’ve got a bad feeling about this, Drake.”

“What? Hittin’ the pirates? I thought you’d be all for it ...”

“I am. It’s just ...” He shook his head. “I don’t know. Maybe the last couple of weeks just have me spooked but ... I just can’t shake the feeling that we’re walking into a trap.”

I stared at him.

“If nothing else you’re committing a destroyer and two carriers to clearing the pirates out of some unwanted sectors and leaving the ...”

“They’re not unwanted,” I stated.

“What I mean is ...”

“You’re worried that I’m leavin’ the back door open.”

He held my eye for a moment and then nodded. “Yes. If I was planning an op against an enemy and I knew that he was going to mobilize the majority of his forces I’d see that as a golden opportunity to do some damage. And Drake? You have two very powerful enemies that would just love to take advantage of it.”

“What do you recommend?”

“At the very least leave one more carrier in Avarice.”

I cocked my head to level my one good eye at him. “If that’s the ‘very least’ what would you actually have me do?”

“Call it off.”

“You know I can’t do that.”

“Sure you can. In fact that’s all you’d have to do ...”

“It’s not gonna happen, Mal” I said. “But I will consider leavin' one of the carriers behind to watch Avarice.”

He nodded.

“I suppose you’d like it to be the Ragnarök?”

He shrugged. “Either way.”

I nodded. "Okay," I said. "The Ragnarök will stay behind and watch Avarice." I grinned. “The rest of us will go kick the pirates out of my trade lane.”

He shook his head a little. "Have fun, Drake. I'll keep the light on."

I stood up and crossed the room. I was aware of him hangin' his head behind me and cast a glance back at him. He wouldn't look at me. Not for the first time I found myself wonderin' if this was the life for him. A moment later I stepped out into the hall and heard the hatch hiss closed behind me. I nodded at the escort Lu had left for me. Less than three mizura later I was steppin' off the pad onto the Magus. Less than five mizura after that and I was makin' my way through the Typhaon to see Hayla.

I found Chef instead. He was tinkerin' around in the kitchen singin' to himself. I heard him before I saw him and when I stepped into the kitchen he didn't see me. I crossed my arms and leaned against the door jam while I waited for him to notice me. I was actually tryin' not to scare him. It didn't work. He turned around saw me watchin' him and tossed all the noodles in his hands all over the kitchen. "Oh!!" Then he covered his heart with both hands and panted. "Oh, Admiral! You scared me."

I smiled at him. "It was just one of those moments, bud. It was gonna happen no matter what I did. So, where's Hayla?"

He still had a hand on his chest but seemed to be gettin' his heart rate back down. He looked back up at me and shook his head. "Aaah, I don't know. She usually goes to the community centers either on this ship or the Endless to meet with friends. You know ... or that Odin."

"You don't like him?"

"Oh it's not that sir. I just can't read him. I've always been good at knowing what people want. You can say it's my one true gift. But with him ..." he shook his head. "I just don't know. Everything he does just seems ... crafted somehow. Like an actor performing on stage."

"Aye," I said. "Thanks, Chef."

I checked in with the nav officer on the Typhaon's bridge and was told that Hayla was not aboard. She'd left with Odin. Which means no one could tell me where she was. I took the time to enjoy my dojo and after some resistance and flexibility trainin' I picked up the shinai Lu had left for me and walked out under the si'tka trees to practice my forms again.

I'm not sure why it happens. I'm guessin' it was a form of meditation for Sensei Shioda and I've inherited it. Either way the instant I picked up the shinai I felt my mind still. As I began workin' through the forms I learned from him, well, it was like ... hell I'm gonna mangle this. It was like takin' a half step ... backwards ... sort of. Backwards and out. Like I was bigger than my body. In fact it was like I was everything, more than everything ... and I held the man practicin' swordplay in my mind. It was like I was dreamin', only I was the dream as well. I don't know how to explain it. It was like I was the void and all the light in the universe existed inside me. I don't think I've ever felt more at peace.

Frakkin' weird.

Anyway, Hayla got home while I was practicin'. I heard her in the hallway above me long before she and Odin reached the bridge overhead. They were laughin' and sounded somewhat less than sober. I put the shinai back on it's stand and picked up the towel I'd brought with me. As I toweled off I listened to Hayla and thought about the question I needed to ask her. She seemed so happy that I didn't know if I could. A few moments later I was standin' at the hatch to the sittin' room where she'd first told me what happened to her. She was laughin' hard enough to cry and hangin' on to his shoulders. I couldn't hear what he was sayin'. He had this way of not bein' overheard, but whatever it was had her in stitches. For a few moments I just leaned against the doorjamb and watched. Then I turned and began walkin' away.

Some times, Gil whispered inside my skull, you just gotta let sleepin' dogs lie. Ain't that right, son?

"I am not your son," I hissed. "And when I find you, you sunnova bitch ..."

"Drake!" Hayla had seen me. I put on my best face and turned around with a smile. She had climbed off Odin's lap and was rushing across the room toward me. "Drake, come sit with us!" She wobbled as she walked but she hadn't started slurrin' her words yet. She reached out and draped an arm around my shoulders. "Have a drink!" That was apparently absurdly funny because she started laughin' again, usin' me to hold herself upright.

I grinned and sighed. "I think you've had enough for the both of us." I glanced at Odin, who was also smilin' but dead sober. Once again I found myself wonderin' what his game was. I really don't know whether to give the guy his own command or have Gunny t'Kt space him out the nearest airlock. Just as I was thinkin' those thoughts he winked at me. Bloody wanker.

Anyway, I decided against askin' Hayla any questions. There's always tomorrow. Instead I asked Gin to beam over and join me for dinner in front of the fire.
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Post by Deeparth » Sun, 25. Mar 12, 09:51

Another post leaving me wanting more. Im sorry I haven't posted for a long time. I will become active again soon with my holidays just around the corner.

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Post by Scion Drakhar » Sun, 25. Mar 12, 12:56

After Action Report

Admiral Fyar Khovani
USCSS Budapest, Tokyo class carrier
Seventh Fleet, Luna, Earth Defense Force

Assets committed:
*Carrier: USCSS Budapest
*Destroyer: USCSS Moscow
*Frigates: Hannibal, Mononobe, Arminius
*supported by twelve Katana class corvettes, eight Claymore class bombers and ten fighter squadrons

768-06-05 14:30 Intelligence reports majority of enemy forces occupied by covert ops diversion. Attack begins. Seventh fleet destroyer USCSS Moscow sent into sector US 18:16 via north gate to draw fire, establish beachhead, and cut off enemy escape. Corvette and fighter escort follows immediately.
768-06-05 14:34 Seventh fleet carrier USCSS Budapest enters sector.
768-06-05 14:41 Sector defense consists of lone Cerberus class frigate. Cerberus jumps away.
768-06-05 18:13 Enemy weapons complex surrendered. Sector taken without incident. Evacuation of civilians underway. Complex will be demolished afterward.
Mission accomplished.

After Action Report

Admiral R. Kensington
USCSS Luxembourg, Tokyo class carrier
Fifth Fleet, Luna, Earth Defense Force

Assets committed:
*Carriers: Luxembourg, Toronto, Helsinki, Amsterdam
*Destroyers: Genève, Stockholm, Sydney, Seattle
*Frigates: Churchill, Edmond, Rurik, Chan, King, Locke, Jefferson, Leclerc, Zimmerman, Boss, Mayer
*supported by thirty two Katana class corvettes, twenty Claymore class bombers and thirty fighter squadrons.

768-06-05 14:30 Intelligence reports majority of enemy forces out of sector. Attack begins. Fifth fleet destroyers USCSS Stockholm and USCSS Sydney sent with four Katana corvettes and four squadrons of fighters each as escort into sector US 8:8 via east and west gates to draw fire, establish beachhead, and cut off enemy escape.
768-06-05 14:34 USCSS Seattle and USCSS Genève sent with four corvettes and four squadrons of fighters each as escort into sector US 8:8 via east and west gates to support USCSS Stockholm and USCSS Sydney draw enemy fire and maintain beachhead.
768-06-05 14:41 USCSS Stockholm lost with all hands.
768-06-05 14:42 USCSS Toronto and USCSS Helsinki enter sector US 8:8 via east and west gates to provide additional fighter and CIC support to beachhead.
768-06-05 14:44 USCSS Sydney lost with all hands.
768-06-05 14:45 USCSS Seattle lost with all hands.
768-06-05 14:42 USCSS Luxembourg and USCSS Amsterdam enter sector US 8:8 via east and west gates to provide additional fighter and CIC support to beachhead.
768-06-05 14:43 USCSS Frigates Edmond, and Mayer lost with all hands. Enemy Raptor class carrier destroyed.
768-06-05 14:44 USCSS Frigates Churchill, and Zimmerman lost with all hands. Enemy Raptor class carrier destroyed. Enemy Ares class missile frigate destroyed.
768-06-05 14:46 USCSS Boss lost with all hands. Enemy Minotaur class missile frigate destroyed. All enemy capital ships destroyed or routed. Enemy fighters begin to surrender.
768-06-05 15:28 ATF Tyr "Dreadnought" recovered.
768-06-05 19:31 Enemy weapons complex surrendered. Evacuation of civilians underway. Preparations for demolition underway. The sector is ours. Route to Montalaar now open.
Mission accomplished.

After Action Report

General Rik Erwyn

"Well gents we done good. Drakhar's weapon complexes have been destroyed and the majority of his fleet with it."

"I gather your pirates did their job, then?"

"Oh yes. The Boreas and both carriers have been neutralized. The narcotics factory has been blown to hell and the majority of my -ahem- 'employees' were even cooperative enough die in the process. Which leaves the whole Maelstrom, Gaian Star area completely destabilized. We'll be able to put whoever we want in charge here."

"I imagine you'll be supporting that fellow Jerigan?"

"Perhaps. He's been useful so far. He might be a bit too bright for his own good, though."

"His intel on the Phantom's movements was invaluable. If you do decide to keep him just make sure your leash is tight enough. I'd hate to have to go through this again with a Warlord that we put in power."

"No worries, magister. I have everything under control."

"I have no doubt, Rik. No doubt. It's too bad we couldn't find any information on Rabeka's whereabouts. But you certainly have stepped up in her absence. Well done, General, and congratulations on the promotion."

"Thank you, magister."

Somewhere in the Maelstrom

"... ssst ... I've got thermal readings. There's someone in this one, or was anyway. ... ssst... "

"... ssst ... Still breathin? ... ssst ... "

"... ssst ... How the frak do I know? I'm still twenty meters out. I'll let you know when I'm attached. ... ssst ... "

"... ssst ... Don't get your panties in a twist. It's been a long day for me too. ... ssst ..."

"... ssst ... Yeah but you get to be a bitch from a nice cozy chair back on the Tiamat now don't you? I on the other hand ... oof! ... hyuuh. That would be contact. Attaching leads now. So I on the other hand am out here in a bloody space suit getting friendly with all the corpses in these frakking escape pods. ... ssst ..."

" ... ssst ... I've got the world's smallest violin playing 'my heart bleeds for you' ... ssst ... "

"... ssst ... Fraaaak you. Huh. ... ssst ..."

" ... sst ... What is it? ... ssst ..."

" ... ssst ... Hull integrity is good. Air and temp check out ... Well shit, I think they missed this one. ...ssst ..."

" ... ssst ... I can't believe those assholes were shooting escape pods. That's just low. ... ssst ..."

" ... ssst ... Tell me about it. Hey I'm gonna reposition and see if I can get a look inside this thing. ... ssst ... "

"... ssst ... Take your time. I'm not goin' anywhere. Mmm. ...ssst... "

" ... ssst .... Are you eating?! ... ssst ..."

"... ssst ... Last of the roast beef, mate. It's delicious. ...ssst ..."

" ... ssst ... You are such a prick. I am so gonna kick your ass ... Bloody hell! ... ssst ..."

" ssst ... What?! What is it? ... ssst ... "

"... ssst ... It's him! ... ssst ..."

" ... ssst ... It's him? You're sure?! ... ssst ..."

"... ssst ... Yeah I'm sure! He's looking right at me! And shit! He looks pissed! Tell the Cap'n we found him! Drakhar's alive! I repeat Drakhar is alive! ... ssst ..."
A Pirate's Story.pdf(KIA) by _Zap _ From Nothing.PDF(complete) by _Zap _ Prodigal Son(active) Original Thread, Prodigal Son_PDF

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Post by Triaxx2 » Sun, 25. Mar 12, 13:19

Commodore's Log, Ea't s'Quid: Pirate/Mercenary/Honorary member of the Happy Dancers Interstellar Association

Finally, we will ride to battle! And against Pirates! Amongst which there surely will be Boron. Such a feast will our victory celebration be! And then, we shall Dine in Hell! Umm.. Maelstrom at least. View similar.

Wonder what up with Drake? He seem not right. More not right than usual. Can't be not getting laid. Must be something else. Oh. Right, burden of leadership. Perhaps give pep talk? Yes, nice slap upside head. But wait until after fight. Or he'd make me stay behind.

Bad that would be.

End Log

Captain's Log, Ch't F'rst: Captain/Warrior/Drill Sergeant

I watch Lord Drake, and see him changing, ever so subtly into what I know he will be. And I don't mean the changes he's under gone physically, or through the therapy he underwent. I think he figures it doesn't show, but no one changes themselves like that over night. Like they'd spent a life time learning something.

Even so, those aren't the changes that I'm talking about. He's slowly growing into his command, though I know he'd deny it for months if I mentioned it. He does have one problem that I might mention though. He's still trying to do everything himself. I know, Kleo Rana is running around like a mad person and being a former marine, she knows exactly how to manage that, to keep his empire from collapsing under it's own weight.

I suppose having access to the vast knowledge capacities of Legion makes her job easier. Being able to call up negotiating techniques from dozens of species and thousands of years of evolution is a very useful thing. I'm rather glad she's the one busily preventing strikes. I know how Drake would do it. By pointing out all the people that want to kill him and destroy anything he's built. And inform them they should get back to work before he withdraws his protection and lets them all die.

Terror is rarely effective in the long term. And he does not have the patience for those things that are. So it's good he's let her have the reins on those sorts of things.

Now all he has to do is let go of some of the military issues, and remember just because he's in charge, he doesn't have to make every SINGLE decision himself.

For now though, the Marines and I dine on a warriors meal. Argnu Steaks with Stott Sauce, Sun Oil Smoothies, and Quiche. After all, who isn't itching to prove warrior hood after eating a Quiche?

End Log.
A Pirate's Revenge Completed Now in PDF by _Zap_
APR Book 2: Best Served Cold Updated 8/5/2016

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Post by Darshu » Sun, 25. Mar 12, 16:42

I have a feeling that the Terrans won't be around for much longer...

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Post by Olterin » Sun, 25. Mar 12, 18:58

Hmm... now that is the kind of fleet response I would have expected to occur much sooner. But heh, divide and conquer, they say :twisted:

Anyway... it has been far too long - update time! (However boring this one might be)



"Alright people, I want patrols in the air 24/7 and the missile frigates standing by." Malcolm was obviously nervous, this was indeed the perfect time to strike. And going by what he knew about the Terran intelligence network, it was widely known that the majority of the fleet would be out of sector. Divide and conquer, he thought. Drake should have consolidated his forces and moved into a single-gate sector, walling that off entirely, before going anywhere else. He cast Tasha a sidewards glance. She was overseeing the fighter patrols from her station, as far as he could tell.


Tasha went over the inventory on the fighters again. Missiles, check, spare ammo, check, shields, check. Too low on shields, though. In a direct fight with Terran hardware these ships would be hard-pressed to keep up, much less gain the upper hand. She looked up at Malcolm.

"Do you really think the USC or the ATF will attack us?", she asked.
"I'm sure of it. I did tell you about their sabotage attempt, didn't I? 'We' don't forget so easily, and I really doubt that the public opinion is in our favor back home.", he replied. Tasha was a bit pale. They both looked each other in the eye.
"And when they do get here, I want you aboard that Kestrel lifeboat - promise me that." he told her.
"Is that an order, sir?"
"If it has to be."


Alarm sirens were going off. Red lights flashing for those who didn't quite take the hint. "All hands, battle stations. All hands, battle stations. This is not a drill." the alarm went.

"Sir, an Osaka-class destro-*ssst*"
"Signal lost. Patrol fighters one through three obliterated on collision with Osaka, sir!"
"Signal the Kudos - tell Jim to open up with all tubes. Send out all fighters, protect the tenders at all cost."
"Set course for a stand-off point - we will be providing cover as well. How's the other gate looking?"
"Not good sir. Another Terran force is gating in, and I'm receiving distress signals from all over. Sir, our fighters are outgunned out there!"

A massive flash illuminated the bridge briefly.

"Sir, the Kudos reports first Osaka down." A momentary cheer.

"Sir, the corvettes are headed for the tenders."

"Tasha?" - "Ordered an attack wing to intercept. If nothing else, they'll tie up the Katanas-"

"Good." Another ship entered through the gate. Another Osaka. Escorted by yet more fighters and corvettes. "Tell Jim-" - he had no need to do that, though, the Kudos was already opening up with all tubes.

"Sir, Raptor 3 reports heavy losses, they're pulling back towards the military complex."

"How're our fighter wings doing?"

"Not good. Out of the 65 we originally had, 33 are still in the air. Two attack wings of ten and four interceptor wings of five. Ammunition and missiles running low."

"Command? This is blue 3. These Poltergeists are tearing us up! Give us som- AAARRRGH*ssssst*".

"Give the order to retreat towards the military complex. Shorten our resupply lines."

"This is Raptor 3. We cann-*ssst*". Another flash illuminated the bridge.

"Damn! Signal the fleet to regroup on our position. Get those Gauss cannons to target the incoming frigates, Lieutenant!"

"Jim! Get the hell out of there!"

"No way. This is way too much fun!"

"Get to your escape pods, dammit, that's an order!"

"Sir, incoming missiles. Their bombers are swarming us with heavy torpedoes!"

"Initiate self-destruct. Set course for nearest enemy ship. Everyone, to the escape pods! Tasha, you know where t-" They were both enveloped by a blueish light. Next thing he knew, Malcolm was in the co-pilot seat of this retrofitted Kestrel. "You sure about this? This is a fighter, you know?" - "Yeah, Mal, I'm sure."

"Warning, shields down to 30%." The hangar shook notably. "Warning, shields are down. Hull breach imminent. Warning. Hull breach immi-*ssst*". Bits of the flight deck were sent flying all over the place. Unused ammo was exploding all over.

"Let's skip the pre-flight this once. Go!" The Kestrel went through the open hangar bay doors just as the reactor went critical.

"Now what?"

"Fly out of their sensor range, then head for the nearest gate?"

"Warning, incoming missi-*ssst*" - "Oh shut up, you damn computer, I know!", Tasha yelled at the console, punching the mute button and the turbo booster at the same time.

Malcolm took one last look out and consulted their sensor readings. Yep, all capital ships in the sector were lost, the Dreadnought was about to be recaptured. The wreckage of at least nine capitals was still glowing faintly from their reactors going critical and slowly drifting out into the void away from the gates. Most fighters had been lost. The military complex... all those innocent people just going about their daily work... this was no better than Uranus. In fact, this might well be the revenge for it. We are like that, aren't we, Malcolm thought at himself and looked out at the stars. Then caught himself - this was that thousand-yard-stare.
"Do or do not, there is no try"
"My Other Overwhelming Mixed Assault Fleet is a Brigantine" -Seleucius, commenting on my ship naming scheme

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Post by Triaxx2 » Mon, 26. Mar 12, 01:14

Hmm... I must note that I started writing before SD posted his second message. Now I'm worried as to whether or not we need to bother.
A Pirate's Revenge Completed Now in PDF by _Zap_
APR Book 2: Best Served Cold Updated 8/5/2016

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Post by Darshu » Mon, 26. Mar 12, 04:58

I firmly believe that this horrible incident will only strengthen Drakhar's resolve and will to win, not to mention firebomb the Terran sectors into oblivion.

Viva la revolucion!

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Post by Scion Drakhar » Mon, 26. Mar 12, 12:30

Hey everybody,

so this is what happened: Somehow my game stopped working. I'm not sure how or why but every time I tried to start it X3tc would immediately CTD. So I uninstalled it, deleted the directory and then reinstalled it and all the mods I was using. At that point the game would start but inform me that any of the savegames I tried to load were corrupt. After much tinkering with mods and updates I was able to load the saves but they remained unplayable. They were extremely slow and unresponsive.

So, not wanting something as minor as technical difficulties to get in the way of a good yarn I decided to try something new and different and ordered Albion Prelude, which arrived today.Considering the theme of the story we've been telling AP, with it's Terran/Commonwealth war, just seems like the perfect backdrop. There was a question regarding the timeline. Zaitsev said he thought that AP took place yearsafter tc for instance, but the starting dates on the timestamp are the same for AP as they are for TC ... and I'm not intending to tell the story quite the same way anyway. So I've decided to go ahead.

Now Drake is alive, and the fate of many of the characters in the story is currently unknown. So I have a lot of options here and am currently weighing them. I've decided to start a new game with AP and I've decided that it is going to be ***modified***. At the very least I intend to use MARS and Missile Defense MKII by Gazz to discourage me from exploiting the vanilla game's weakness to missiles which allowed me to dominate in my last play through. If possible (I haven't checked to see if it's compatible yet) I intend to use CODEA and jump beacons. That way I can bypass the oh-so-extremely hazardous gate traffic but still have to work for it. Loky's Advanced Hyperdrive just felt a bit cheat-ish to me. Besides, needing navigators and destroyable beacons will not only give me hoops to jump through it will give me names to include in the story. You know, if it's compatible and I can actually use it.

My biggest question at the moment is: what do I start with? According to the story Drake still has some pretty impressive resources. At the end of the last post he had over four hundred million credits and a number of ships including the Legion and the Endless (an Elephant) The Tiamat (a Panther) and her twenty eight M3 fighters, three Tigers including the Osan'gar, which is actually armed, corvettes up the wazoo, the Destiny, ... etc. That's obviously too much to start a game with and would remove the oh-so-very-entertaining early chapters where you have to jump through all sorts of hoops just to get your first jumpdrive (for instance.) So I've been trying to iron out just how and why he doesn't have all of that while still keeping enough to allow the plotlines to develop. I need Legion for instance, and Ps'y's story is a long way from being finished.

So that's where I'm at, and to keep all of you interested here's a teaser:

1. Dark Flow

The club overwhelmed the senses. A heavy, driving bass pulsed through every nerve. Red and silver strobe lights flashed in time. A sea of young people gyrated and pressed against each other in primal expressions of lust. Then the bass gave way to a powerful female vocalist. All of the dancers on the floor slowed to sway and tremble as the singer's voice soared into a stellar soprano and then fell all the way into a deep, rich contralto. A moment later the bass rhythms erupted from the speakers again and the vocalist moaned in breathless ecstasy. The entire club exploded into motion and the rafters echoed with cheers and laughter. The vocalist panted in time with the bass, sounding like she was closer to an orgasm with every breath. The sea of people writhed in time below.

Sin Vassar looked down on the crowd and nodded with the music. The DJ was excellent, and making him a fortune. People were coming from all around the planet to dance at his club and it was making him rich. A pair of small hands snaked around his waist and began unfastening his belt buckle. He smiled as he sipped his gin. Another pair of hands wrapped around his chest and both girls giggled as they pressed together against his back.

"Hey Sin, we're feeling neglected." It was the blonde. He couldn't remember her name but he did like her tits. She moved around in front of him and dropped to her knees with a devilish grin. "I don't like feeling neglected."

"Ok," he said as she unzipped his fly and began rummaging around behind it. "But make it quick. I've got things to do tonight." He looked back to the dance floor and smiled as she put him in her mouth. It was good to be him tonight.

"Hey!" The shout came from out in the hall. It was Rik, one of his guards out in the hall. "You can't be up here." Sin only paid it the slightest attention. Occasionally one of the guests would explore. It was nothing to worry ... "You have to go back downstairs! Hey are you listening to ... oof!"

Sin put a hand on the blonde's head. "Wait," he said. "Hey! I said wait!" She had enthusiasm goin' for her, he had to give her that at least. But out in the hall something was wrong.

"What the hell are you ...! Wait-wait! WAIT!" It was Hal, the second guard in the hall. An instant later the double doors into his office burst inward, and the two goons fell to the floor in the wreckage. The girls cried out and tried to take cover behind him. He shoved the blonde away from his crotch and spun around, thinking of the gun in his desk, but crashed into the brunette pressing against his back. "Frak! Move you cow!" He shoved her aside and tried to dash across the room for the gun.

A shadow erupted out of the dark in the hallway. It was through the door and across the room in the blink of an eye. Sin was just touching the drawer with the gun when the shadow rolled across his desk and stood up behind him. In an instant the side of his head was grabbed forcefully and pulled backward and to the side, levered into the press of the guy's shoulder. Sin was suddenly bent over backward, clutching the guys arms, and up on his toes trying to relieve the pressure against his neck. A thin line of pressure appeared against his right cheek. It was cold, but where it touched burned. He glanced down by rolling his eye in it's socket and saw the shining tip of a blade less than a centimeter from his naked right eye. It's edge was already cutting through his cheek.

"Oh shit!" he breathed.

"Hi there," it was a coarse, gravelly growl in his ear. "Sin." It was pure aggression. It was the jaws of a wolf at his throat. His knees nearly buckled with the hatred in that voice. His bladder threatened to let go. The girls took one look at the scene and ran screaming.

"H-hey! Hey!!" he shouted and his panic gave him strength. "Look! Guy! Whatever this is about we can w-work it out alright?!" He could feel the stubble on the guys chin against his neck. He could feel his breath across his ear. It was slow and measured. Steady. He couldn't be sure with his head pinned the way it was but he thought the guy was smiling. "Alright?!"

"Yeah, Sin." The guys voice was like crushed bones and a hot wind at his ear. Teeth close enough for him to hear them click together as the guy talked. "That's good. I want to work it out, see. I do. So just answer me one question."

"Y-yeah! Yeah sure! Whatever you need, guy! J-just don't ...!"

"Where's. My. Money?"

"Huh?! What the hell are you ... " Realization hit like a bucket of ice water. His knees tired to let go underneath him. "Oh shit," he breathed. "Drake." The knife pressed through his cheek and flesh parted as if under a scalpel. An instant later he felt a sensation unlike any he'd ever known. It was a pain so bright and clear that it literally drowned out thought. His eyes swam and the music in the club disappeared. He tried to struggle but he was held perfectly. The more he resisted the closer to breaking his own neck he got ... but that pain!

"Nothin' quite like the feel a steel on bone is there?"

"OH-HOH-ho! Oh my frakkin' stars!" Sin wept. "Stop! Drake STOP! You have to listen to me! That account wasn't yours! It was never yours!"

"I don't give a shit about the account! I just want my money! Give me my frakkin' money!"

"Drake you can't just steal from the syndicate and expect to get away with it! It wasn't yours! You know it wasn't! Did you think you could just ...?" The two goons were gettin' to their feet. "Help!" Sin shouted. "Help me!" The first had climbed off the second and just reached his feet when the singing, metallic sound of a phase discharge rang out twice from the shadows in the hallway. The chest of the first erupted in a fountain of blood and bone and soft tissue. The second's head was atomized while he was still on his knees. They were both dead before they hit the floor.

Sin screamed.

"I am gonna cut your eye outta the socket and flick it on the floor you maggot! Don't frak wit me! Where's my money, you cocksucker?! There was three hundred million credits in that account and I want it back!"

"I don't have it!" Sin screamed. "I don't have it, Drake! I don't frakking have it!"

"Who does?!"

"Toni! Toni Azara! He took the account! He took it! I don't know what he did with the money! I don't have it! Oh frak! Don't frakkin' kill me!"

"Toni Azara?"


"Your fat, greaseball cousin has my money?"


"And you expect me to believe you had nothin' to do wit' it?!"

"Toni has it, Drake! Not me! Please! I'm beggin' you ..."

"Shut the frak up!" Sin was shoved across his desk. An antique blotter and real ink pens tumbled onto the floor as he tried to catch his balance. "And put that thing away before I cut it off!"

Sin realized his dick was still swinging in the breeze and tried to both put it back in his pants and look over his shoulder at the same time. The result was neither got done and instead he tripped over his own chair and fell to the floor. He landed on his side and stared up at the shadow looming over him. Medium height. Medium build. Dressed in black from head to toe. Straw colored hair pulled back from his face in a ponytail. It was Drake alright. But he was ... different. Scary. The guy'd always been intense but now it was like standing next to a blast furnace.

"It's been a long time, Drake," Sin said breathlessly. "I hear you did pretty well for yourself." He grinned maliciously. "... for awhile, anyway." Drake's head whipped around and Sin got to see that the rumors were true. The guy's left eye was covered with a black patch. An instant later, though, and a sick, liquid numbness exploded upward from his crotch. He never even saw the kick coming. It had hit before he realized it had started. "Oh!" he moaned. A moment later the pain caught up to his guts and he rolled over to vomit.

"You never did know when to keep your mouth shut, didja? What was it you used to call Hayla?"

"The back-alley queen," Sin laughed.

"Yeah," Drake growled. "Like she was some kind of hooker, right?"

"She was a hooker, Drake. All the guys that hung out at Mickey's used to say she gave the best head in to-OW!!" A second kick from Drake broke at least one of his ribs.

"Just keep talkin' dumbass. Really. I want you to."

"Who is Toni Azara?" It was a woman's voice and something about it got his attention even through the pain. It was beautiful ... but cold somehow. Whoever she was, she had to be the one that shot Rik and Hal.

"Toni ..." he breathed. "Toni's never gonna give you that money, Drake ..." Sin smiled through the pain in his face, in his guts, and the incredible pounding from his newly broken rib. He rolled his head over to meet Drake's single eye again. "You know it's true ..."

"Then I guess I don't need you anymore, now do I?" In the blink of an eye Sin was staring at a blaster that seemed to appear out of thin air.

"Whoah! Whoah-whoah-whoah! Take it easy!"

"Why should I? I've killed thousands of people, Sin. Tens of thousands. Most of 'em I never even met. I had nothin' against 'em. But you!" Drake thrust the tip of the blaster at him like a finger. "You, I don't like! You, I want to kill. So why should I wait? I mean I'm not a very patient man at the best of times and these are not the best of times, Sin. So why should I ...?"

"I can get you you're money!"

Drake lowered the blaster. "Go on. I'm listenin'."

"Just let me talk to Toni ..."

"Just let you talk to Toni?" Drake grinned as if he'd just heard a joke.

"Yeah! I can talk to him. I'll tell him ..."

"What?" The grin vanished like somebody'd flipped a switch.

Sin stared at him.

"What will you tell him, Sin? What are you gonna say to convince your low life, piece a shit cousin to give me my three hundred million credits?"

"Drake, please don't kill me. Please. I'm beggin' you."

Drake's lip curled in disgust and he shook his head as he looked away. A moment later he looked back. Then he reached out and grabbed Sin by the collar. "You better hope your family loves you, Sin," he growled. "Get the frak up!"

"Just let me talk to him! Drake! Drake don't do this! Just let me talk to him!"

"I'm gonna let you talk to him."

"You are?"

"Yeah," Drake nodded and flashed that grin at him again. "Over the wireless. From an airlock on one of my ships. And Toni'll either give me my money or you get to find out what it's like to try breathin' in a vacuum. I'm told the human being can survive for up to a mizura in space." Drake leaned in and fixed him with that single, ice blue eye. "I'm guessin' that's a really long time when you're prayin' for death."

Sin's mouth worked but his voice had left him.

"Move it, asshole."
A Pirate's Story.pdf(KIA) by _Zap _ From Nothing.PDF(complete) by _Zap _ Prodigal Son(active) Original Thread, Prodigal Son_PDF

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Post by Triaxx2 » Mon, 26. Mar 12, 15:30


Do NOT use Missile Defense MkII. The MARS topic notes specifically it will not work, because AP includes a version of it.

My suggestion, is that after the attack on Maelstrom, the fleet was attacked by Terrans, and Drake ordered a dispersion of the fleet, and all it's assets. Everyone is on their own to begin building their own mini-empires, to later be recombined into one Terran crushing empire of destruction.

Set a goal, and once you reach that everyone comes out of the wood work. Ps'y can continue his shadow war against the Split, Legion can spend his time... legioning... Lu can keep being mysterious and inexplicable.

And Drake can keep making a mess.

No need to wonder what Ea't is up to. He'll be busily scaring the life out of the Boron. Perhaps wandering around with Ch't jacking ships.
A Pirate's Revenge Completed Now in PDF by _Zap_
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Post by Nathancros » Mon, 26. Mar 12, 21:33

Triaxx2 wrote:
Lu can keep being mysterious and inexplicable.
Thank you :D exactly how i wanted him :) good to see everyone saw wat i wanted him to be :D
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Post by Falkirion » Tue, 27. Mar 12, 01:01

Man I lurk for a while and miss out on writing. Ah well. SD do we have a confirmed survivors list or are we waiting to see who lived and who died? Actually just drop me a PM if my characters are gone. Or do we have creative license to ensure their survival?

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Post by Darshu » Tue, 27. Mar 12, 01:52

I may not be the best to comment on how the story should progress from square one, but I would suggest a couple of things:

1. As part of the massive military assault on Drakhar's forces, the Terrans must have secured passage rights to move that much hardware into Commonwealth space (or not, as part of the AP plot). In which case, one or more of the CW races could have hacked into the accounts and siphoned away funds, identities, etc. Economic warfare goes hand in hand with military action, so it isn't a far cry to say that almost all assets were seized and/or frozen.

2. As loyal as Drakhar's friends are, you have to remember what happens when pirates get smashed. The survivors scatter and go to ground for a while evading authorities and "cleanup" efforts to sweep them aside. Part of the "revenge" arc for Drakhar could be finding his old comrades, perhaps discovering "moles" within his organization, finding out who is truly loyal, etc. Important ships and personnel, such as Legion and Ps'y can be re-acquired through boarding or purchasing, with the rationale that Drake is getting the ships out of hock. The Endless for example could have been sold at government auction, with Legion laying dormant and hidden inside the ship, with Drake tracking down the registry and buying/stealing it back.

3. Ships are an easier thing to deal with. I would say that Drakhar was rescued by one of his TMs, that maybe has a Solano and/or Tenjin in the hangars, that had evaded destruction/capture and was sifting through debris fields looking for escape pods. Over time in the story and through gameplay, the larger named ships can be "re-acquired" either through spawning them in to fit the story, or earned back via boarding/buying. So he can start out with a jumpdrive equipped TM, and a couple of fighters.

4. As part of the revenge arc, perhaps Drake can assume a fake identity, to make it easier to track down his various enemies. Rather than building up a vast new empire of destruction only to become a target again, run a leaner, less bloated operation using guerilla tactics to strike down enemies. Smaller and more streamlined factories, smaller defense forces, and only a few capitals hidden in deep space as a fast attack force to hit enemy strongholds once they're discovered.

So yeah, just a few ideas, take em or leave em! :D

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Post by Triaxx2 » Tue, 27. Mar 12, 02:42

Nuts to that. The whole point of piratical type revenge is to go hilariously over the top so you can grind them to dust beneath the heel of your mighty armada.
A Pirate's Revenge Completed Now in PDF by _Zap_
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Post by Darshu » Tue, 27. Mar 12, 03:36

I'm all for "hilariously over the top" but that can be achieved with one M7M in TC lol.

I just meant that rather than basically copy/pasting the previous story which was pretty over the top (one or more million credit paychecks to tens of personnel per day!) already, Drakhar could learn from the mistakes and experiences of the past and apply them to finally exact revenge/justice.

Or skip it all, realize the futility of vengeance and become a Goner priest!

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Post by Tohron » Tue, 27. Mar 12, 04:45

If you want to quickly make 300 million credits ingame, exploiting the Nividium stock market should do the trick. The basic ideas have been posted several times in the forums, though I can give a link to a detailed description if needed.

Of course, since you seem willing to go modified, I suppose you could just use the cheat package.

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