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Re: [AP] PRODIGAL SON, A Rogue's Tale - Book II

Posted: Tue, 24. Mar 20, 03:39
by Scion Drakhar
Thanks, Z.

Have no fear. The next chapter was already open and being worked on in another window when I felt the need to check this forum. Or, said another way, I haven't been completely distracted. (Only partially.)


Re: [AP] PRODIGAL SON, A Rogue's Tale - Book II

Posted: Wed, 1. Apr 20, 23:04
by Scion Drakhar
Quick update: My mobo seems to be going bad and killing gpus. So gaming (and several space battles) are on hold for the next few weeks while I wait on a replacement.

Re: [AP] PRODIGAL SON, A Rogue's Tale - Book II

Posted: Tue, 7. Apr 20, 05:02
by Triaxx2
Ouch, that sucks.

Re: [AP] PRODIGAL SON, A Rogue's Tale - Book II

Posted: Wed, 8. Apr 20, 03:08
by Scion Drakhar
Actually I've got the replacement motherboard. Unfortunately I forgot the thermal paste... which won't be here til Saturday.

Re: [AP] PRODIGAL SON, A Rogue's Tale - Book II

Posted: Wed, 22. Apr 20, 12:53
by Zaitsev
Ugh, computer problems are never fun.

With that said, it's been two weeks now so I'm gonna take the risk of applying a careful noodling. With a fresh pool noodle, of course.

Hope you're doing well, Scion. :)

Re: [AP] PRODIGAL SON, A Rogue's Tale - Book II

Posted: Fri, 22. May 20, 23:00
by Zaitsev
It has now been a month since your last noodling, Mr. Scion. Prepare for another one!

*unwraps a fresh pool noodle and proceeds to noodle Scion*

Hope you're doing well, Scion, and that the computer hiccups have been fixed. *crosses fingers*

Cheers :D

Re: [AP] PRODIGAL SON, A Rogue's Tale - Book II

Posted: Mon, 25. May 20, 03:12
by _Zap_
*joins the noodling*

Hadn't read the February chapter until now, loving all the action we're seeing in different places.

"You invited me for a meal yet here you are ungrilled." - this had me on the floor for a good while :mrgreen:

Re: [AP] PRODIGAL SON, A Rogue's Tale - Book II

Posted: Tue, 23. Jun 20, 22:14
by Zaitsev
All right, it's been almost a month so I think it's time for another noodling.

Hope you're doing all right, Scion. <3

Re: [AP] PRODIGAL SON, A Rogue's Tale - Book II

Posted: Sat, 27. Jun 20, 19:20
by Scion Drakhar
Hey guys,

So I've been dealing with some real life... hmm... not sure what to call them. My daughter has had my attention quite a bit of late and, as a consequence, her mom and I have been in each other's orbit again with all the predictable messiness THAT entails. In addition I've been looking at going back to school again and I haven't been in a classroom since 1995 which means I've been feeling rather out of my depth. AND I think my new downstairs neighbor (the one who invited me to this supposedly peaceful little town in the middle of nowhere which has turned out to be horribly noisy and aggravating all of my neural conditions) may actually be plotting to kill me. And, by that, I mean that she is more heavily armed than a policeman while walking around telling everyone who will listen that she feels threatened by me. :o

Which means that I am, once again, looking for a quiet, peaceful place to write and listen to the birds... as opposed to people screaming profanity into a neighborhood with children, the occasional jackhammer and asphalt paving crew, lawnmowers, leaf blowers, chainsaws, snow-ploughs, large trucks both trundling through and frequently backing up (that bloody sound alone is enough to turn me into Drake on a bad day) and, of course, the never-ending monstrous flatulence of the air conditioner belonging to the bank next door. I tell you, after 2008 my patience for banks is thin at best. I've already done the legwork to put the bank manager in contact with reputable and knowledgeable providers of quiet and efficient fan blades AND explained why and how that is what he needs... as opposed to a fence or conduit to physically obstruct the sound. Neither of which would work and the second indicates a failure to understand how a fan works in an enclosed environment.

I tell you, the sound of that AC is the audio equivalent of chinese water torture.

It's my dawns, you know? When the world is just waking up and feels like it's holding its breath in anticipation of the coming day, when all the birds are a choral cacophony of praise for the coming light... aaaaand then there's that goddamn mother-frakking blight on the peace and tranquility of the very fabric of reality (no really I can prove it) also known as the bank's air conditioner farting all over the neighborhood!


Right. :roll:

So... all of that, the TLDR version, is my way of saying that I'm... sorry I haven't been paying enough attention.


I love you guys. lol

On that note: I'm looking to get Voc Rehab to pay for a class in Wordpress that will enable me to create my own website where I will post all of my writing and links to any youtube videos I upload in case you guys are ever interested in watching me "waste my time" (I'm actually rather proud of my flying in Elite Dangerous. I'm nearly a triple elite pilot who prefers flight assist off (newtonian physics) which lets me vector in one direction and orient in another... very handy in combat). In addition a near-future-big-project is going to be the act of taking every single chapter of all three of the stories I've posted on this forum and, one by one, getting them ready for upload onto Cranky Old Gamer... which already exists I...ah... just don't know how to do anything with it.

Oh, one more little detail: my gaming computer is currently in pieces. My MOBO died. Not sure if it took a couple video cards with it, either. I have the pieces to rebuild the rig but... since it's NOT been a distraction I've found myself spending more time practicing yoga and -gasp!- actually getting out of the house. (Still a work in progress).

I need someplace quiet, you know? Far away from traffic, off a lonely road where I can hear the birds and go for long walks in the woods with my dog. Hell, I'd even like to chop my own firewood, you know? All right, that's enough of me inflicting my crap on all of you.

Cheers, mates. Thanks for calling me back and... I'll get back to work. ;)

Re: [AP] PRODIGAL SON, A Rogue's Tale - Book II

Posted: Sun, 28. Jun 20, 12:57
by Triaxx2
Glad you're still alive, even if irritated. Hope your school thing works well.

Re: [AP] PRODIGAL SON, A Rogue's Tale - Book II

Posted: Sun, 28. Jun 20, 20:43
by Scion Drakhar
Thanks, mate.

Re: [AP] PRODIGAL SON, A Rogue's Tale - Book II

Posted: Sun, 26. Jul 20, 05:22
by _Zap_
Glad you're still rocking, despite all the annoyances in your last post.

Re: [AP] PRODIGAL SON, A Rogue's Tale - Book II

Posted: Sun, 26. Jul 20, 14:14
by Scion Drakhar
Thanks Zap. Glad to see you're still with us too, mate.

Re: [AP] PRODIGAL SON, A Rogue's Tale - Book II

Posted: Wed, 16. Sep 20, 13:14
by Triaxx2
H'nt flicked a glance at the clock. It was stuck. He'd have to report to maintenance. The second hand clicked forward, then back, then forward again in an endless cycling loop. Had he not been Ea't's brother he would have been irritated. The plasma blast that hit the clock was slightly more annoying.

'That was antique.' he complained.

'Now it is art piece.' C'lt snorted.

Re: [AP] PRODIGAL SON, A Rogue's Tale - Book II

Posted: Thu, 19. Nov 20, 15:40
by _Zap_
Ten years ago, today. It's been quite a journey.

Re: [AP] PRODIGAL SON, A Rogue's Tale - Book II

Posted: Thu, 3. Dec 20, 00:09
by Scion Drakhar
Thanks, Zap.

Re: [AP] PRODIGAL SON, A Rogue's Tale - Book II

Posted: Thu, 3. Dec 20, 00:13
by Scion Drakhar
Just you all know: I know how the story will rest. I can't say that it will end but I do know where Prodigal Son will finish.
I'm still working on putting together a web site upon which I will publish. I confess, with the ability to accept donations and perhaps make a living writing I would devote more time to it. Learning new things is something I've developed some hurdles with, however. I'm still running but... sometimes those frackers catch me up and I fall on my face.
Yeah... thanks Zap. And thanks to all of you who are still checking in on this old story.
Much love.

Re: [AP] PRODIGAL SON, A Rogue's Tale - Book II

Posted: Fri, 4. Dec 20, 05:01
by Triaxx2
Glad you're still kicking back when they turn up. Thanks for the great ride.

Re: [AP] PRODIGAL SON, A Rogue's Tale - Book II

Posted: Thu, 10. Dec 20, 04:25
by Zaitsev
I'll admit I'm both glad I got to read this amazing story, immensely grateful for the fact that I could contribute to it, and sad that something that has been a part of my life for what is soon to be ten years will come to an end.

It has been an absolutely fantastic ride, with a lot of great contributors along the way, and I don't think I'm alone when I say I'm very happy I got to be a part of it. Thank you for letting me play along.

Re: [AP] PRODIGAL SON, A Rogue's Tale - Book II

Posted: Fri, 11. Dec 20, 17:20
by Triaxx2
You are definitely not alone.