What Buck_Rogers DiD. (Now a `join in` game!)

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Post by Nathancros » Tue, 7. Jun 11, 07:29

shit mate tough luck there, ima thinking, do u has the money to upgrade everyone to M4's? cause seems to me we need a lil more firepower XD
Nullam et arcu vitae magna instabilitate omnia solvit

Am a recovering Addict of the CREATIVE FORUM.

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Post by Buck_Rogers » Thu, 9. Jun 11, 00:04

Nathancros wrote:shit mate tough luck there, ima thinking, do u has the money to upgrade everyone to M4's? cause seems to me we need a lil more firepower XD
Nah. I don't think the power of an M4 warrent's me buying them. Don't worry though, I've got a better idea! ;)

30. Expand and Upgrade

After the debacle in Elenors Fortune, I decide to leave the experiment for a while and attend to other matters. So I start the hunt for another TL to hire. Time to add a few more stations to my enterprise!

But on the way out of EF I get a comm offer of an Escort job to Argon Prime, for 57K or so.

http://i284.photobucket.com/albums/ll3/ ... n00305.jpg

I accept and call Sabre Squadron into formation.

"Giving up on using us a bombers then boss?" Asks Mckenna.

"Not completely Mck, just for now." I reply.

We pass through Presidents End on route. Man I hate that sector! It's so damn spooky, after the Kha'ak trashed it.

http://i284.photobucket.com/albums/ll3/ ... n00308.jpg
http://i284.photobucket.com/albums/ll3/ ... n00309.jpg

A short time later, we arrive at our destination. Again without incident. Just how I like it! ;)

http://i284.photobucket.com/albums/ll3/ ... n00311.jpg

Then, just after receiving payment and wondering what to do next. My thought's are interupted by the lovely Betty again. This time, it's an intel warning in Profit Share.

Would you believe a Mk1 Pirate Centaur had decided to saunter across my hunting ground, as if I wasn'nt there! Erm........wait a minute.............I actually was'nt there. DOH!

Would've liked to have seen how the boys would've handled him, but alas. You win some, you lose some, as they say.

Anyway, back to work. I recieve this a few Mizura's later:

http://i284.photobucket.com/albums/ll3/ ... n00312.jpg

Oh bugger! That's some invasion fleet! So glad we left the patrol zone now!

http://i284.photobucket.com/albums/ll3/ ... n00314.jpg

Oh well, nothin I can do about them just now. Too many big mean ships in there.

So next, I find a Federal Supply Mammoth, slowly yomping across Three Worlds. I try to hire the Captain, but I get no reply. I scan his hold and find why. He's chock full of goods. Someone must've put in a big order, to use almost the entire hold of a Mammoth! lol

Eventually, I find an unempolyed Mammoth wondering Elenors Fortune. I got the feeling this was the same guy I hired before. As the last time I found a TL was also in EF! lol I think I'll keep him on my books, until I can afford my own transporter. I send him to the Shipyard in Argon Prime and buy 2 x Wheat Farms, plus a few complex contruction kits. I then pack him off the Rolks Drift, whilst I sort out a new TS.

Ideally, I would like to use Camimen Haulers, but so far, I've heard they are only available from Pirate Shipyards! :( So I buy an M class Mercury, with all the necessary software to make it a CAG. Then I send it to the Medium Shield Complex in CBSW to be refitted with 3 x 25MW units instead of the 3 x 5MW it came with.

Whilst wondering round a bit, waiting for a couple of ships to reach their destinations, I find 3 adverts for more Universe Explorer's. Here's one of them:

http://i284.photobucket.com/albums/ll3/ ... n00318.jpg

Now, I've been seeing these for a long time now, but these 3 particular ads caught my attention, because they were already flying their own Gonar Rangers! Now how this is possible, I don't know, but I don't care neither! ;) So I snapped all 3 of them up and set them to work. Taking my total explorer contingent to 4. Also during my wonderings, I come across this:

http://i284.photobucket.com/albums/ll3/ ... n00332.jpg

Man what I would'nt give to own one of those beauties!

My next task, was to head to CBSW and buy a Jump Drive Kit from the facility there. A quick hop over to CBSE and I transfer the JDK plus enough E-Cells to get my new TS to Rolks Drift in one jump. I than had it dock with the local Trading Station, to await the TL.

After many Mizura's, the Mammoth finally arrives and I set to work getting my first complex set up. A wee while later and "TigerInc Wheat Farm complex 1" is finished.

http://i284.photobucket.com/albums/ll3/ ... n00320.jpg
http://i284.photobucket.com/albums/ll3/ ... n00321.jpg

I homebase the TS to the hub, transfer 200k, set my prices, set the jump limit to 5, set up an auto money transfer process and finally hire a new Commercial Agent Pilot. PHEW! lol All in a days work.

I tell the Mammoth Captain, that I wish to retain his services and he agrees. So I send him to the Shipyard in Kingdom End, for now.

Next on the hit-list is a job I could just not afford to pass up. A Teladi High-Tech Trader Mercury sent me a message asking for an escort from Rolks Drift, to Home of Light. For a little over 2.9 million credits! Jackpot!

So once again, we all enter formation and set off for Home of Light.

Enroute through Ringo Moon, we come across this:

http://i284.photobucket.com/albums/ll3/ ... n00333.jpg

Hmmmmmmmm. Better keep a note of this location. Those Marines will come in handy when I reach the stage I can board other ships. Although that is a long LONG way off just now.

Luckily that is the only thing worth mentioning from this escort job, as we reach Home of Light with out any enemy contact (Just how I like em!) and I am then contacted by the Mercury Captain:

http://i284.photobucket.com/albums/ll3/ ... n00334.jpg

Woohoooooooo! That's put me now over the 8 million mark! :D Which, in turn, gave me an idea. I would like to do everything I can, to improve the survivability of the pilots under my command. So I think it's time Sabre Squadron got their battle computers upgraded.

Game time = 5 Days 12 hours 52 mins
Ranks = Graduate / Master Broker
Cr = 8.4 Million

Non combat orientated assets:

1 x Silicon Mine L "TigerInc Silicon Mine 1"
1 x Wheat Complex "TigerInc Wheat Farm Complex 1"
11 x Advanced Satellites
1 x Mercury "TI-SM1-T1"
1 x Mercury "TI-WFC1-T1"
1 x Caiman Super Freighter "Profit Maker 1"
1 x Discoverer "Inferno"
1 x Terracorp Vulcan "Lazy Geordie"
1 x Octopus Vanguard (To be renamed)
4 x Gonar Ranger "Universe Explorer1-4"

Combat capable assets:

7 x Harrier Sentinal "Sabre Squadron"
"Shoot that Guy"
"Frozen Dream"

TigerInc TopGun Rankings

Rank-------Pilot------------No. of kills
2nd------Jack Jomar-------------4
Last edited by Buck_Rogers on Thu, 9. Jun 11, 00:17, edited 1 time in total.
Buck Rogers

Vice Admiral of Shadows Haven Alliance (SHA) visit us at:
SHA Forum
Feel free to join my DID
Too often we lose sight of life's simple pleasures. Remember, when someone annoys you, it takes 42 muscles in your face to frown. But only 4 to extend your arm and slap the bugger!

Master of the Blade
Posts: 2259
Joined: Fri, 6. Feb 09, 20:52

Post by Master of the Blade » Thu, 9. Jun 11, 00:08

Such a shame the OTAS Reaper is so cripplingly overspecialised... I love that ship. The hull repair feature kind of helps counteract the ship's pathetic shielding, but it's still not as durable as it needs to be.
Allergic to work.

If at first you don't succeed, delegate the job to a minion.

Posts: 1521
Joined: Mon, 20. Dec 04, 23:23

Post by Buck_Rogers » Sat, 11. Jun 11, 01:28

Master of the Blade wrote:Such a shame the OTAS Reaper is so cripplingly overspecialised... I love that ship. The hull repair feature kind of helps counteract the ship's pathetic shielding, but it's still not as durable as it needs to be.
Hmm. I see your point. Looking at it's shield stat's on the Excel sheet it's joint bottom of the MM6 class. Shame :( I was originally looking at setting them up as sector defense squad leaders.

Guess I better find another ship for that job.

31. Another busy day

As I order Sabre Squadron to dock at Terracrop Headquarters, I notice "T1-SM1-T1" navigating through Home of Light. I decide to give Toki Silarn a call and ask him to pay a visit to the Industritech Swarm Missile Complex in Argon Prime for another case of Wasp Missiles for Sabre Squardon.........Just in case! ;)

"Your the boss." He replies.

With that I jump back to Kingdom End and dock at the Shipyard there. I buy a Plankton Farm and watch the loading drones slowly lump it into the cargo hold of my hired Mammoth. Who is then instructed to head for the Shipyard in Family Pride, whilst I jump tor Queens Space for a refuel of "Lazy Geordie"

Oh and on a completely irrelevant note, I've come up with a name for my Octopus Vanguard racer. I've settled on the name "Xccelerate". :D You like what I did there?


Getting back to Sabre Squadron, I instruct all my Harrier pilots to buy the Fight Command Mk III software for their ships. After which, I'm left with just over 1.4 million credits. Now perhaps this will be seen as a poor investment to some people, but I don't have may pilots just now and I would like to keep them alive! So this is the best upgrade to help me achieve that. Until I can get them into bigger ships.

Next I wait a good few Mizura's for the boys to meet me in Kingdom End, after I jump back there. When my ships arrive we all head for Rolk's Drift so I can setup an another Advanced Satellite for my intel network. We are just approacing co-ordinates 0,0,0 when I get a tactical warning from Betty:

http://i284.photobucket.com/albums/ll3/ ... n00340.jpg

Bloddy typical!

I instruct Sabre Squardon to form up behind me, whilst I warm up my missile program again. I approach maximum range and activate my systems. I then bring "Lazy Geordie" to a halt and await the fireworks!

http://i284.photobucket.com/albums/ll3/ ... n00341.jpg

However, thanks to my fishy friends, I only manage to score one Kha'ak Scout kill from the whole group. Guess I should be thankful, but I'm not. I just wasted a good few Silkworm's!

After the last Kha'ak is dispatched we all start making the way back to our little patrol area in Teladi space again. But just as we set off, I get an attack warning from Betty.

http://i284.photobucket.com/albums/ll3/ ... n00345.jpg

Holy Argnu! He's taken a beating! I contact him over my internal communications system. Toki says he's Ok. A bit sore from some panelling that blew off the cabin and smacked the back of his pilot seat, but otherwise in better shape than his ship!

However I'm not too pleased when he tell's me where he got jumped. Maelstrom! of all the bloody places! Needless to say, the air was a bit blue by the time I had finished. Although he has promised to be a bit careful in future. That's if he can reach the Repair Yard in Belt of Aguilar, before anyone finishes him off!

As I wait for the repair bill to come in, I order the boys to dock at the Trading Station in Ceo's Buckzoid, whilst I jump to Family Pride. Luckily it's not a wasted journey, as my hired help has already docked at the local Shipyard.

As the docking clamps judder my ship into her bay, my hand hovers over the shut down button. I decide the best action right now, would be to remotely buy what I need. Without leaving my ship. I'm not exactly best pals with the Split just yet ;) Besides, due to the their aggressive *ahem* nature, I'm probably likely to come back with a black eye and a few broken ribs. Or worse!.........

So I remotely buy a Scruffin Farm, wait for it to be loaded and then order the Mammoth to Power Circle.

Geez. I wish these TL Captains would utilise the use of a bloody jump drive. Tight wads!

I consider jumping straight out of Split space, but decide to hang around for a while, to see if I can somewhat improve our relationship. As luck would have it, I don't even have to travel far. As my friends in the Merchants Guild have a few job offers advertised on the Shipyard I'm docked at.

So first up, is a delivery of Microchips.

http://i284.photobucket.com/albums/ll3/ ... d00001.jpg

A quick scoot over to Family Z'rt and I find the chips I need, before jumping back to Family Pride.

http://i284.photobucket.com/albums/ll3/ ... n00348.jpg

Job done. I next find a customer wanting Nosdrop Oil.

http://i284.photobucket.com/albums/ll3/ ... d00003.jpg

No problem. the refinaries in Teladi Fortune have more than enough stock. A few Mizura's later and...

http://i284.photobucket.com/albums/ll3/ ... n00351.jpg


Hmmmmmmm. Not bad, not bad. No rank increase by the Split, but it certainly increased my bank balance! hehehe

Sorry. Bad joke. I'll get my coat.......


Shortly after docking, the every charming Betty decides to interupt me with an intel warning:

http://i284.photobucket.com/albums/ll3/ ... n00352.jpg

Hurray! The Pirates want to play again! I watch the satellite feed for a few Mizura's so I can figure out how best to intercept them. They end up turning South, heading for Greater Profit. I quickly radio Sabre Squadron.

"Who's up for more Pirate bashing?" I chuckle.

Apollo quickly responds. "I am! It's time I opened my account boss."

"Mck. Head for Greater Profit. I want you and the boys to come in through the West Gate."

"That's a can do boss"

Hopefully, with the Falcons in tow. The Pirate group will move slow enough for Sabre Squadron to get into attack position. But first, I'm going to have to thin out the numbers a bit. As the risks are still too great to just let my pilots go in on all 3 of them.

So I wait until all 3 have exited the North Gate and have put a few KM between them and it, before I jump in, right behind them. This time, I don't want to destroy them all. So I'm lauching maually. ;)

Here we go!

http://i284.photobucket.com/albums/ll3/ ... n00353.jpg
http://i284.photobucket.com/albums/ll3/ ... n00354.jpg

Ok, scratch the Falcon Vanguard, and I've got a bounty to collect to.

http://i284.photobucket.com/albums/ll3/ ... d00002.jpg

Both from the pilot and.....

http://i284.photobucket.com/albums/ll3/ ... n00358.jpg

the Teladi Military. I also get prmoted to Veteran! Triple bonus! lol

I speed off towards the ejected Pilot, as I watch the Harrier get carved up by the local sector Police. Shortly after this, Sabre Squadron exit the West Gate and I immediatley radio them to intercept the remaining Falcon. Perfect chance to test the boys new computer upgrades.

Boy oh boy! What a test it was! Normally it takes 2 or 3 passes by my little Harriers, before the Falcons go down. But this one went BOOM on the 1st pass!. Although it could've been massively undershielded I suppose. Anywayz, this pilot also ejects. So after scooping up the 1st I head towards this guy, whilst checking who got the kill.

http://i284.photobucket.com/albums/ll3/ ... n00360.jpg

"Well, well. It looks like you are a man of your word Apollo. Score your very 1st kill, plus 20k bounty. Well done kid."

"Thanks boss. I'll be trying to get a few more to."

"Lets just hope it's the 1st of many. Dock yourselves at the Trading Station, whilst I drop off a couple of scum bags, I've stuck in the hold!"

I cut the comm and set the Autopillock to the nearest station, whilst I sit back and watch Sabre Squadron arc away towards the Trade Dock.

Game time = 5 Days 15 hours 02 mins
Ranks = Veteran / Master Broker
Cr = 1.8 Million

Non combat orientated assets:

1 x Silicon Mine L "TigerInc Silicon Mine 1"
1 x Wheat Complex "TigerInc Wheat Farm Complex 1"
11 x Advanced Satellites
1 x Mercury "TI-SM1-T1"
1 x Mercury "TI-WFC1-T1"
1 x Caiman Super Freighter "Profit Maker 1"
1 x Discoverer "Inferno"
1 x Terracorp Vulcan "Lazy Geordie"
1 x Octopus Vanguard "Xccelerate"
4 x Gonar Ranger "Universe Explorer1-4"

Combat capable assets:

7 x Harrier Sentinal "Sabre Squadron"
"Shoot that Guy"
"Frozen Dream"

TigerInc TopGun Rankings

Rank-------Pilot------------No. of kills
2nd------Jack Jomar-------------4
Buck Rogers

Vice Admiral of Shadows Haven Alliance (SHA) visit us at:
SHA Forum
Feel free to join my DID
Too often we lose sight of life's simple pleasures. Remember, when someone annoys you, it takes 42 muscles in your face to frown. But only 4 to extend your arm and slap the bugger!

Posts: 1521
Joined: Mon, 20. Dec 04, 23:23

Post by Buck_Rogers » Mon, 13. Jun 11, 23:44

32. More escort duties

I'm snapped back to my senses once again by Betty. Who informs me that my Silicon Mine trader has finally limped into the Repair Yard in Belt of Aguilar and the mechanics there have sent me the bill before they begin their work:

http://i284.photobucket.com/albums/ll3/ ... n00347.jpg

65K down the swanny! Lovely!

I begrudgingly thump the button to confirm the transfer of payment and return my attention to the disembarcation of the VIP's, currently residing in my cargo hold. ;)

After completing docking procedures, I watch the authorities march across the dock towards my ship. I punch in the access code to open the hatch and the Teladi climb aboard. Shortly afterwards, my 2 prisoners are frog-marched out of my ship. With binders on their wrists and their helmets removed.

The Teladi security forces Captain then fires me off a salute, before turning back towards his captives. With which, I turn to my console to check my messages. Sure enough I see confirmation of my 20k reward and smile to myself.

I quickly contact traffic control to request a departure slot.

"Granted flight YTSssssssUP-93. Good profitsssss to you!"

As the ship leaves the station, I turn towards the Trading Station where Sabre Squadron have docked and activate the autopillock. Deciding I may as well join them for some R & R! ;)

My thought's of a break soon evaporate though, when I recieve another escort contract.

http://i284.photobucket.com/albums/ll3/ ... n00364.jpg

Hmmmmmm. Just over 855K. We'll have that, thank you very much! :D

I set my ships sensors on my contract and activate auto again. I then get the boys on the line.

"Sorry lads. Shore leave is cancelled. We've got another escort contract."

"Fair do's boss". Replies Mckenna. "Undocking now."

A few Mizura's later and we're all in formation. A good job to, as this jumps in behind us!

http://i284.photobucket.com/albums/ll3/ ... n00365.jpg

"Contact! Yaki Falcon inbound, boss"

"Stay on course. Lets see if our scaley friends can handle him."

Luckily for us, they do and the Falcon is quickly obliterated by sector police.

We barely get 10K or so from our starting position, when the next Pirate scumbag decides to have a go. Only this time, he jumps in right on top of us!

http://i284.photobucket.com/albums/ll3/ ... n00366.jpg

"Contact! Pirate Harrier. Less than 2 clicks out!......He's fireing on our contract!"

"All ships, break and attack! I'll cover our Teladi friend."

I activate my mozzie defence system to cover all of us and switch my ships turrets to attack the Harrier, should he be stupid enough to come into my range.

My turrets don't even get to fire off a shot in anger though. As Sabre Squardon make Argnu mince out of their Pirate counterpart.

http://i284.photobucket.com/albums/ll3/ ... n00367.jpg

"Gravidar is clear boss." Calls Mckenna.

I quickly call up my messages.

http://i284.photobucket.com/albums/ll3/ ... n00368.jpg

"Your on the ball today Apollo. That's your second kill in as many encounters! Oh and add another 5k to your wage packet to." :D

"Thank's boss. I do try!"

Thinking we're in the clear, we reform and once again head for the South Gate and Blue Profit.

Yeah, right! NOT!

Whilst sitting just under a kilometer from the gate and waiting for our employer to align his ship with it, a Pirate Buzzard appears! Once again right on top of us!

The communications channel explodes into life, with the voice of a very anxious Teladi.

"Essssscort. Teladi have no room to manouver! Need to abort gate entry!"

"Negative flight TTSLZ-24. Just get your Bastu through the gate! We'll deal with this scumbag."

"Acknowledged esssscort"

I watch as the freighter slowly picks up speed.

"Boss?" yells Mckenna.

"Go through with him and cover his backside. Your shields are stronger than his. Leave the Buzzard to us."

"You sure Mck?"

"Just bloody go!"

I'm slightly hesitant to leave the boys, but Mck was right. So I increase power to the engines on "Lazy Geordie" and swing her into position, so that I'm directly between the Pirate and the fighter.

"Good luck lads!"

I watch the distance readout slowly tick down......800M.......700M.....

"He's incoming on an attack run!"


"Not if we've got anything to say about it! Head on attack boys and fire at will!"


I watch the monitor as the bullets start to fly, but I don't see the outcome as we reach the event horizon of the gate.....

Game time = 5 Days 16 hours 43 mins
Ranks = Veteran / Master Broker
Cr = 2.2 Million

Non combat orientated assets:

1 x Silicon Mine L "TigerInc Silicon Mine 1"
1 x Wheat Complex "TigerInc Wheat Farm Complex 1"
11 x Advanced Satellites
1 x Mercury "TI-SM1-T1"
1 x Mercury "TI-WFC1-T1"
1 x Caiman Super Freighter "Profit Maker 1"
1 x Discoverer "Inferno"
1 x Terracorp Vulcan "Lazy Geordie"
1 x Octopus Vanguard "Xccelerate"
4 x Gonar Ranger "Universe Explorer1-4"

Combat capable assets:

7 x Harrier Sentinal "Sabre Squadron"
"Shoot that Guy"
"Frozen Dream"

TigerInc TopGun Rankings

Rank-------Pilot------------No. of kills
2nd------Jack Jomar-------------4
Last edited by Buck_Rogers on Thu, 23. Jun 11, 00:28, edited 1 time in total.
Buck Rogers

Vice Admiral of Shadows Haven Alliance (SHA) visit us at:
SHA Forum
Feel free to join my DID
Too often we lose sight of life's simple pleasures. Remember, when someone annoys you, it takes 42 muscles in your face to frown. But only 4 to extend your arm and slap the bugger!

Posts: 1521
Joined: Mon, 20. Dec 04, 23:23

Post by Buck_Rogers » Thu, 23. Jun 11, 00:26

33. More Escort Duties. Part 2

It takes what feels like an eternity before the warp tunnel dissipates and I can check my computer. But eventually.....

http://i284.photobucket.com/albums/ll3/ ... 0368-1.jpg

So Mckenna has finally opend his account. I'm pleased for him, although I'm not such a happy chappy when I see what comes through the gate. Mckenna's ship looks like it's taken a beating!

"Sorry boss. But I told you these tubs don't make good fighters."

"What happend?" I ask.

"I guess the Buzzard just decided to choose me for target practice! But thankfully the whole squad got a piece of him. Otherwise I probably wouldnt be here."

"I guess I should be thankful your in one piece then. Lets get this escort job done ASAP."

I turn back to my ships controls and check the Gravidar.

http://i284.photobucket.com/albums/ll3/ ... n00371.jpg


"Right you lot. Stay sharp. There's 3 hostile's incoming. They don't look like they're after us, but if things turn nasty, then I want everyone to do an RSLG. We can't handle that Blastclaw!"

"What about our contract boss?" Asks Frozen.

"He'll just have to fend for himself. I would rather have you lot in one piece."

I watch as the Pirates edge closer to our group. I then notice that the Harrier is being harrassed by the local law enforcement, but his friends are ignoring his plee's for help and continuing their course.

Eventually the Harrier is toasted by the cops, which just leaves the Falcon and the Blastclaw.

http://i284.photobucket.com/albums/ll3/ ... n00372.jpg

"That's it, just keep flying on by scumbags" I mutter to myself.

Thankfully they ignore us all. PHEW!

Once I'm sure the 2 Pirates won't try an attack from the rear, I radio Mckenna.

"Mck? I want you to leave the group and head for the Repair Yard in Ceo's Sprite. That way you can get a start on fixing your ship, whilst we head your way."

"Gladly boss. Jack? Your in charge of Sabre Squadron untill I get back. Good luck finishing that escort contract lads."

I watch as "Ascendant" accelerates off into the distance.

http://i284.photobucket.com/albums/ll3/ ... n00373.jpg

A wee while later, as we approach the South Gate in Blue Profit, Betty beeps a message:

http://i284.photobucket.com/albums/ll3/ ... n00374.jpg

Well, I would rather pay a repair bill than a funeral bill! lol So I confirm my payment and return my attention to our escort job. Whilst awaiting the return of Mckenna.

Exiting the North Gate into Ceo's Sprite, I bring up the Gravidar to see where my contract has gotten to. When I hear a loud metalic "Crunch" and am jerked out of my pilots chair.

"What the?!"


Another sound, another jolt. I look at the Gravidar again:

http://i284.photobucket.com/albums/ll3/ ... n00375.jpg

Furious, I open a comm link to Sabre 5.

"What in Sonra's name are you playing at Speedy? You silly Bastu! You trying your best to smash your ship to bits!?"

"Sorry boss. Momentary lapse in concentration. Won't happen again."

"Well, it better not! Bacause next time you day dream, you'll be dead! Either from a Pirate, Xenon or Kha'ak getting the drop on you, or from me shoving a Silkworm up your bloody tail pipe! Now move your Bastu over the the local repair yard pronto! Oh, and the repair bill is coming out of your wage packet!"

An audible sigh is heard.

"Ok boss. Sorry again."

I look out of the cockpit towards Sabre 5 and watch as he limps away.

"This is Sabre Leader. Boss, I'm returning to duty. Jack, I'm taking command again thanks" It was Mckenna, undocking from the Repair Yard in his now patched up ship.

"Welcome back Mck. Form up with the rest of us and we'll finish this job."

We manage to get through Ceo's Sprite without anyone getting any ideas above their station and move into Company Pride.

We exit the North Gate and move off. Suddenly, the sky is lit up and light floods into my cockpit. Looking around I soon see the source.

http://i284.photobucket.com/albums/ll3/ ... n00377.jpg
http://i284.photobucket.com/albums/ll3/ ... n00376.jpg

Wow! Those laser towers sure make a pretty light show! Although, I doubt whoever is underneith all that is thinking the way I am :D Ouch!

I make sure we keep a safe distance from the melee and continue to watch the Gravidar. Just as we clear harms way, something else rears it's ugly head.

http://i284.photobucket.com/albums/ll3/ ... n00378.jpg

Oh bugger!

Game time = 5 Days 23 hours 3 mins
Ranks = Veteran / Master Broker
Cr = 2.5 Million

Non combat orientated assets:

1 x Silicon Mine L "TigerInc Silicon Mine 1"
1 x Wheat Complex "TigerInc Wheat Farm Complex 1"
11 x Advanced Satellites
1 x Mercury "TI-SM1-T1"
1 x Mercury "TI-WFC1-T1"
1 x Caiman Super Freighter "Profit Maker 1"
1 x Discoverer "Inferno"
1 x Terracorp Vulcan "Lazy Geordie"
1 x Octopus Vanguard "Xccelerate"
4 x Gonar Ranger "Universe Explorer1-4"

Combat capable assets:

7 x Harrier Sentinal "Sabre Squadron"
"Shoot that Guy"
"Frozen Dream"

TigerInc TopGun Rankings

Rank-------Pilot------------No. of kills
2nd------Jack Jomar-------------4
Buck Rogers

Vice Admiral of Shadows Haven Alliance (SHA) visit us at:
SHA Forum
Feel free to join my DID
Too often we lose sight of life's simple pleasures. Remember, when someone annoys you, it takes 42 muscles in your face to frown. But only 4 to extend your arm and slap the bugger!

Master of the Blade
Posts: 2259
Joined: Fri, 6. Feb 09, 20:52

Post by Master of the Blade » Thu, 23. Jun 11, 01:05

The Harriers ARE running aPACs, right? They shouldn't have much trouble with an M6 then. Heck, the Vulcan with aHEPTs could probably lolpwn most basic corvettes, Marauder included. :lol:

Sabre Squadron'd been doing so well with regards to collisions until that, hadn't they? Shame the good run had to end.
Allergic to work.

If at first you don't succeed, delegate the job to a minion.

Posts: 1521
Joined: Mon, 20. Dec 04, 23:23

Post by Buck_Rogers » Fri, 24. Jun 11, 08:44

Master of the Blade wrote:The Harriers ARE running aPACs, right? They shouldn't have much trouble with an M6 then. Heck, the Vulcan with aHEPTs could probably lolpwn most basic corvettes, Marauder included. :lol:
Perhaps. But these are the only pilots I have just now. (Don't worry, your application is still on file) So I don't want to risk losing them just now.
Master of the Blade wrote:Sabre Squadron'd been doing so well with regards to collisions until that, hadn't they? Shame the good run had to end.
That's actually the 2nd collision event the boys have had. I'm thinking I may have to split the wing into 2 smaller groups.

34. More Escort duties. Part 3

I set my target sensors on the Marauder and keep an close eye on him, as we continue to follow our escort contract.

http://i284.photobucket.com/albums/ll3/ ... n00379.jpg

I watch as several patrol ships begin to converge on his position and start laying into him.

http://i284.photobucket.com/albums/ll3/ ... n00380.jpg

Slowly, they begin to wear him down.

http://i284.photobucket.com/albums/ll3/ ... n00381.jpg


http://i284.photobucket.com/albums/ll3/ ... n00382.jpg

Leaving only his contingent of Fighter Drones behind. However, they start to come to their senses and look for the nearest target. Which just happens to be.................ME!

"Oh crap!" Quickly I call the boys into action.

"Fighter Drones incoming! Time to go to work again lads"

I activate my turrets and watch from my cockpit as Sabre Squadron vere off towards their targets. Luckily other patrol ships still in the area decide to give chase to the Drones to.

As the Drones plough through the hail of laser fire to reach me, Sabre Squadron way in with some laser fire of their own.

By the time the dust settles, Mckenna has scored 1 Fighter Drone kill and Apollo has scored 2.

As the boys turn back to join us, I turn "Lazy Geordie" back towards our employer and find he has safely docked at the local Trading Staion. I decide to do the same.

On approach through the landing lights, I recieve a message from the Teladi pilot offering his thanks and confirmaing the 855k payment!


My joy is short lived however, as another message comes in...

http://i284.photobucket.com/albums/ll3/ ... n00384.jpg

It's true what they say: You recieve money with one had and its taken away from the other hand! Although it's less than 5% of what I just got from completing that escort job. So I guess I shouldnt complain! :D

Just after Speedy rejoins us, I decide it's time to leave Company Pride and find more profits! :D Just as well I did though because.....

http://i284.photobucket.com/albums/ll3/ ... n00385.jpg

EEK! Time to RSLG!

As I jump to Argon Prime, I order Sabre Squadron to make best speed back to Greater Profit. Preferable without tackling any of the above Pirates!

I dock at the Shipyard and leave my ship to look for a sales rep. But just as I power down, I get an intel warning from Betty...

http://i284.photobucket.com/albums/ll3/ ... n00387.jpg

Geez, they're at it again! I radio Mckenna and tell him and the boys to be vigilant when they reach Greater Prift.

With more haste than I originally anticipated, I lock my ship down and spy the nearest rep. He immediatly starts giving me crap talk about how superior Argon vessels are and how I have made a good choice in coming to him.

"Cut the crap mate. All I want is a Mercury to buy. Pronto!"

The rep looks somewhat shocked and embarrassed, but he does as he is asked and takes me to see a shiney new Mecrury. It's only an S class, but it's what I'm lookng for.

"I'll take it." I say as I hand the once again stunned looking rep my credit chip. "I want it fully tuned and I'll also need a few extra's."

"Yes Sir." Says the rep as he swipes my card through his terminal.

It's probably the easiest sale this guy has had in a while, so I leave him standing, gauping. I grab the access card from him and head towards my new purchase.

climbing into the cockpit, my nose immedialty picks up that new ship smell, that seems to come with all brand new vessels. :D

I activate the ships computer and key in my intel network access code. So I can check on those Kha'ak.

http://i284.photobucket.com/albums/ll3/ ... n00392.jpg

Judging by the salavage they've left behind, they are sure making a mess! Although, as I check through the vessels in sector list, I find...

http://i284.photobucket.com/albums/ll3/ ... n00393.jpg

Wow! 5 x Osprey Mk III's. 2 X Teladi Hawk's and 1 Ranger. Guess the Teladi don't like having their profits blown to shreds! lol

I shut down the ships systems and take a quick inspection tour of the rest of the Mercury. I then leave and instruct the shipyard staff to have it moved to the hangar, for launching.

After a while, I see the Shipyard's heavy lift machinary drop my new Mercury into a vancant docking bay.

I contact the rep, via the comm system.

"Have all the extra items I asked for been added to my purchase?"

"Yes, with the exception of the larger shield units. I'm afraid you'll have to find those yourself Sir."

I cut the channel and remotely activate the computer again. I look across the hangar to see all the Merc's external lights come on. I send a command to the coputer to tell the ship to head for the SPP in Ore Belt, so I can buy some jump fuel for it.

I watch, as the docking clamps are released and the Merc slowly moves towards the Shipyard exit.

Game time = 6 Days 0 hours 53 mins
Ranks = Veteran / Master Broker
Cr = 2.9 Million

Non combat orientated assets:

1 x Silicon Mine L "TigerInc Silicon Mine 1"
1 x Wheat Complex "TigerInc Wheat Farm Complex 1"
11 x Advanced Satellites
1 x Mercury "Your Mercury"
1 x Mercury "TI-SM1-T1"
1 x Mercury "TI-WFC1-T1"
1 x Caiman Super Freighter "Profit Maker 1"
1 x Discoverer "Inferno"
1 x Terracorp Vulcan "Lazy Geordie"
1 x Octopus Vanguard "Xccelerate"
4 x Gonar Ranger "Universe Explorer1-4"

Combat capable assets:

7 x Harrier Sentinal "Sabre Squadron"
"Shoot that Guy"
"Frozen Dream"

TigerInc TopGun Rankings

Rank-------Pilot------------No. of kills
2nd------Jack Jomar-------------4
Buck Rogers

Vice Admiral of Shadows Haven Alliance (SHA) visit us at:
SHA Forum
Feel free to join my DID
Too often we lose sight of life's simple pleasures. Remember, when someone annoys you, it takes 42 muscles in your face to frown. But only 4 to extend your arm and slap the bugger!

Posts: 1521
Joined: Mon, 20. Dec 04, 23:23

Post by Buck_Rogers » Tue, 5. Jul 11, 00:48

Short chapter here guys. The next one I have will be a little large otherwise ;)

35. At Loose Ends

With my new Mercury on it's way to Ore Belt for fuel, I decide to jump to Greater Profit and see what's left of any possible salvage from the recent Kha'ak invasion.

Exiting the South Gate, I notice a few loose missile's lying around and scoop then up. I then notice 2 pilots floating nearby and head off in their direction for rescue and recovery.

After securing them in my cargo bay, I set course for the nearest station, to drop them off.

Unfortuantely, I fail to notice a Teladi Security vessel approach the "Lazy Geordie". It's not until Betty tells me "We are scanned", that I realise I'm in deep Argnu poop!

"Thisss isss Teladi Company Policcce Sssecurity Forccce. Pilot, we asssk to ssstop immediatley! Illegal goodsss are aboard your ssship. Drop Cargo or we fire!"


I try to ignore the request and hope I can reach the station I'm heading for before all hell breaks loose!

"Teladi Company Policcce Sssecurity Forccce to pilot. We sssaid drop goodsss! Do it now, or we fire!"

Luckily thats the last communication I hear from the Teladi Police, as I smash my fist down on the Docking Computer and my ship is safely in dock.


Remind me again to watch where I am, when carrying these rescued pilots around! :evil:

I check my pilot status and again smash my fist off the computer, as I realise I've lost my Teladi Security Licence! STUPID BASTU! :evil: Although the 20K reward goes some way to aleviate the anguish of losing it. And I still have a high enough standing with the Teladi to buy another. So I head to the local Trading Station to purchase one. :D

Bit strange that. I commited an offence, yet I still have a high enough standing with the Teladi to have them allow me to purchase a new licence! Meh, I'm not going to complain!

After buying my new licence, I jump to Rolks Drift to see if I can find a certain item on the local BBS. A Satellite replacement contract to be precise. The same things I bought for my intel and patrol network in Teldai space. It'll save me the time and effort of replacing the Satellite that I have watching my Wheat Complex.

It takes a few factory visits, but I eventually find one at 20 credits per hour, so I accept. I also see an ad for another Universe Explorer. This time at level 18 and flying a Mako Raider. He costs me roughly 400k, but it's a bargain considering the experience he has.

My next job of the day was to do exactly the same job, but this time in Power Circle. Which was the location I had decided for my next factory.

As luck would have it, shortly after I jump in, my hired helper also turns up! Hurray! So I abandon my seach for another Satellite replacement contract and set about getting the TL into position to unload his precious cargo. Whilst I wait, I drop an Advanced Satellite at the centre of Power Circle. Eventually my Scruffin and Plankton Farm's are bashed together and "TigerInc Food Complex 1" is constructed and ready for work.

http://i284.photobucket.com/albums/ll3/ ... n00394.jpg
http://i284.photobucket.com/albums/ll3/ ... n00396.jpg

Turning my attention back to my recent Mercury purchase, I find it docked at one of the SPP's in Ore Belt and proceed to fill her hold with a good few hundred E-Cells. I then pack her off to her next destination. The Shield Complex in Cloud Base South East.

After buying the 3 x 25MJ units, I then dock it at the local EQ facility and sell the now redundant 1MJ unit. After that, I jump her to Power Circle and send her to the local Trading Station for another Commercial Agent pilot. I also swap over a single APAC from "Lazy Geordie", for the Mercury's rear turret. A Short time later and "TI-FC1-T1" is leaving for the 1st of many trade runs for my new complex.

I Hope!

Game time = 6 Days 1 hour 35 mins
Ranks = Veteran / Master Broker
Cr = 3 Million

Non combat orientated assets:

1 x Silicon Mine L "TigerInc Silicon Mine 1"
1 x Wheat Complex "TigerInc Wheat Farm Complex 1"
1 x Food Complex "TigerInc Food Complex 1"
12 x Advanced Satellites
1 x Mercury "TI-SM1-T1"
1 x Mercury "TI-WFC1-T1"
1 x Mercury "TI-FC1-T1"
1 x Caiman Super Freighter "Profit Maker 1"
1 x Discoverer "Inferno"
1 x Terracorp Vulcan "Lazy Geordie"
1 x Octopus Vanguard "Xccelerate"
4 x Gonar Ranger "Universe Explorer1-4"

Combat capable assets:

7 x Harrier Sentinal "Sabre Squadron"
"Shoot that Guy"
"Frozen Dream"

TigerInc TopGun Rankings

Rank-------Pilot------------No. of kills
2nd------Jack Jomar-------------4
Buck Rogers

Vice Admiral of Shadows Haven Alliance (SHA) visit us at:
SHA Forum
Feel free to join my DID
Too often we lose sight of life's simple pleasures. Remember, when someone annoys you, it takes 42 muscles in your face to frown. But only 4 to extend your arm and slap the bugger!

Posts: 674
Joined: Tue, 30. Nov 10, 04:46

Post by Nathancros » Tue, 5. Jul 11, 20:11

loving how the story is going,

tho damage is starting to happen a lil more often...
Need better ships boss!, maybe KESTRELS :P ahahah jokes bloody expensive and crazy things they are!

keep it up mate am LOVING ittttt
Nullam et arcu vitae magna instabilitate omnia solvit

Am a recovering Addict of the CREATIVE FORUM.

Long live X3

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eloo? :P

Post by Nathancros » Sun, 31. Jul 11, 01:57

Might i ask for some more? :P course if ur busy np XD gotta ask tho ahaha this forum ahs been 2 quiet
Nullam et arcu vitae magna instabilitate omnia solvit

Am a recovering Addict of the CREATIVE FORUM.

Long live X3

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Post by Buck_Rogers » Mon, 22. Aug 11, 23:59

Sorry about the delay peeps. You know the old story. Real life and all that. ;)

Nathancros wrote:tho damage is starting to happen a lil more often...
Need better ships boss!, maybe KESTRELS :P ahahah jokes bloody expensive and crazy things they are!
Erm.....................Kestrels are out of the question here. I'm playing X3R, not TC :D
Nathancros wrote:keep it up mate am LOVING ittttt
Thanks Nathan. Always nice to get some positive feedback ;)
Nathancros wrote:Might i ask for some more?
Ask and ye shall recieve :D Enjoy

36. Good and bad news!

After watching my newest investment get to work, I undock and start my search for more work. Its not long before the ever annoying "Betty" informs me of an incoming message.

"Probably another measly escort job!" I mutter to myself, as I access the message....

http://i284.photobucket.com/albums/ll3/ ... n00427.jpg

Holy Argnu!! Now that's more like it! My jaw nearly hits the cabin floor when I read the potential payout, if succesful! A few of those and I'll be ready for the next phase of my plan! :twisted: mwahaha!


I accept the job and check my inventory to see where Sabre Squadron are. I tell them to get to my position as quickly as their "tin cans" can carry them :) Hopefully, my cargo of Silworm Missiles and Mozzie's will hold off anyone who tries anything, until they arrive.

I don't get very far before a single Pirate Harrier decides to try his luck. Needless to say a Silkworm up his Bastu, soon sorts him out! :D

http://i284.photobucket.com/albums/ll3/ ... n00428.jpg

Although he did manage to put a good dent in my contracts shields, I get a nice present from my Argon friends though in the shape of a small 5k bounty.

Thank you very much!

Just as we approach the West Gate, Sabre Squadron come through and form up. I also pick up 2 hostiles on the Gravidar, but they're too far away to be of concern.

http://i284.photobucket.com/albums/ll3/ ... n00432.jpg

Onwards into

Cloud Base North West

Shortly after exiting the East Gate into CBNW, I receive some rather sad news. One of my Universe Explorer's has bought it in Loomankstracts Legacy. Shot down by a Pirate Elite. Luckily it was'nt my good friend Na t'Pst though!

We make it through the rest of CBNW unscathed.....well....almost! About 5 or 6k from the gate, a Pirate Mako comes through and charges straight at us!

"This scumbag is mine boss!" comes the response from Frozen via the comm channel.

"Negative! Stay in formation. A couple of explodey things in his face should sort him out!" I reply as I press the launch button a couple of times.

I watch the bright blue trails of my Silkworm Missiles streak off towards their target and set my sensors to watch the Mako. A few Sezura's later and he's nothing but space dust.

Next stop......

Kindom End

I love this sector. When I retire a multi Gazillionaire, :D I'm going to live here. So peaceful and tranquil. Or at least it was until.....

http://i284.photobucket.com/albums/ll3/ ... n00449.jpg

Luckily for us, they're far enough away for my fishy friends to sort out. Otherwise we would've been in trouble!

I also like KE for the closeness of the 2 Gates there. As it does'nt take long to pass through this. Although, that does'nt stop a lone Pirate Buzzard attacking us as we approach the East Gate! After some quick thinking I decide to whack the aggressor with a Silkworm. Mainly due to the proximity of the gate. I had a funny feeling someone would've crashed right into it!

http://i284.photobucket.com/albums/ll3/ ... n00451.jpg

I notice, as we pass through the gate into...

Rolk's Drift

....that I'm running short on explodey things. So I take the opportunity to check on my Wheat Complex trader. Luckily he's sitting in the Hub on stand by. So I call him up and ask him to carry out a little errand for me.

The vast majority of Rolk's Drift is clear, until we reach the East Gate that is

http://i284.photobucket.com/albums/ll3/ ... n00452.jpg

I decide to ignore these 2 and carry on. No point sending Sabre Squardon on a wild goose chase. Especially when it would leave me and my Teladi Cash Argnu rather exposed. So we bug out into...

Queen's Space

A couple of K's after we exit the West Gate, my 'errand boy' jumps in and draws up alongside our convoy. I quickly beam over my new stock of Silkworm's and send him back to work at my Wheat Complex.

Next on the hit list, a Pirate Nova Raider appears on the edge of my Gravidar range.

http://i284.photobucket.com/albums/ll3/ ... n00455.jpg

I tell the boys to stay in formation and let me deal with him. I wait for him to enter Missile range, then send a nice present of 5 or so Silkworm's his way. I bring up the Nova on screen and watch as it is obliterated. Must've been the pilots lucky day though....If you can say that at all.

http://i284.photobucket.com/albums/ll3/ ... n00457.jpg

Would've been nice to pick him up and hand him over for some extra cash, but I dared not risk it.

I really need another TS to pick up all the salvage and downed pilots I'm missing out on! Perhaps with the credits I net from this mission, I could buy something suitable. If we're successful that is!

Next to try it on are a small group of Pirate M5's This time we are unable to ignore them due to the speed at which they are upon us.

Again Sabre Squadron break formation and let rip into the nearest target. As I set my turrets to open fire on anything that comes near me and my Cash Argnu :D

Both me and Mckenna manage to score 1 M5 kill each, leaving just one Harrier. So I turn my turrets onto it and...........

http://i284.photobucket.com/albums/ll3/ ... n00461.jpg

Oh sweet Sonra! The bugger bails!! Woohooooooooooooooooooo!..............

Game time = 6Days 2hours 18mins
Ranks = Veteran / Master Broker
Cr = 4.1 Million

Non combat orientated assets:

1 x Silicon Mine L "TigerInc Silicon Mine 1"
1 x Wheat Complex "TigerInc Wheat Farm Complex 1"
1 x Food Complex "TigerInc Food Complex 1"
12 x Advanced Satellites
1 x Mercury "TI-SM1-T1"
1 x Mercury "TI-WFC1-T1"
1 x Mercury "TI-FC1-T1"
1 x Caiman Super Freighter "Profit Maker 1"
1 x Discoverer "Inferno"
1 x Terracorp Vulcan "Lazy Geordie"
1 x Octopus Vanguard "Xccelerate"
3 x Gonar Ranger "Universe Explorer1-3"

Combat capable assets:

7 x Harrier Sentinal "Sabre Squadron"
"Shoot that Guy"
"Frozen Dream"

TigerInc TopGun Rankings

Rank-------Pilot------------No. of kills
2nd------Jack Jomar-------------4
Last edited by Buck_Rogers on Mon, 27. Feb 12, 07:44, edited 1 time in total.
Buck Rogers

Vice Admiral of Shadows Haven Alliance (SHA) visit us at:
SHA Forum
Feel free to join my DID
Too often we lose sight of life's simple pleasures. Remember, when someone annoys you, it takes 42 muscles in your face to frown. But only 4 to extend your arm and slap the bugger!

Posts: 674
Joined: Tue, 30. Nov 10, 04:46

Post by Nathancros » Tue, 23. Aug 11, 20:39

Going great mate :P wheres that harrier going? ;)
Nullam et arcu vitae magna instabilitate omnia solvit

Am a recovering Addict of the CREATIVE FORUM.

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Master of the Blade
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Post by Master of the Blade » Tue, 23. Aug 11, 20:43

Probably the shipyard for sellin' I'd say - the Pirate Harrier Hauler isn't such an awe inspiring ship. The Pirate Harrier Raider, on the other hand...
Allergic to work.

If at first you don't succeed, delegate the job to a minion.

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Post by Nathancros » Wed, 21. Sep 11, 03:35

Nullam et arcu vitae magna instabilitate omnia solvit

Am a recovering Addict of the CREATIVE FORUM.

Long live X3

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Post by Buck_Rogers » Sat, 31. Dec 11, 10:33

Hi guys

Very sorry for the long delay peeps. I'm still going though. lol We've been kinda busy at home since May. What with all the decorating that had to be done. We've only just finished the last kids room! lol

I'm going to post the next chapter here, but I would like to know if there are people out there who are still reading. If my regulars, (Nathancross, Master Of The Blade, you know who you are) or anyone else for that matter, could leave me a wee message, then I'll carry on. I'm just a bit worried that with AP being released and Rebirth soon afterwards (I would imagine), no one will be interesed in a DiD using X3R with XTM.

If the above is the case, then there is no point me continung to risk the wrath of the old 'trouble and strife' by writing this up.

Anywayz. Without further ado.......

37. Logistical Nightare

The joy of my 1st bail is short lived. As I realised I had to leave it where it was, or risk failing my 4 million credit escort job! Grrrrr!

On the way out of Queens Space, a Yaki Octopus and Falcon Vanguard decide it would be a good idea to hound our contract. Their mistake as Sabre 3 turns the Octopus into space dust, whilst my Silkworm's vapourise the Falcon.

The remainder of Queens Space is quiet, as is...

Menelaus Frontier

....Well, almost quiet! lol Another Yaki Octopus appears and gives chase to our Teladi friend. Frozen soon sorts him out though! ;)

http://i284.photobucket.com/albums/ll3/ ... n00464.jpg

Passing into...

Ceo's Buckzoid

...Proves to be a little too hairy for my liking!

1st off a Pirate duo consisting of a Buster and Harrier come charging straight at us. I send Sabre Squardon to intercept. After a brief battle I check the scores.

http://i284.photobucket.com/albums/ll3/ ... n00465.jpg

Ok. So Mck got the Harrier

http://i284.photobucket.com/albums/ll3/ ... n00466.jpg

And Cryo gets the buster.

"Nice one fellas"

Next. At about the half way point between the South and West gates, these 2 show up!

http://i284.photobucket.com/albums/ll3/ ... n00467.jpg


I make a quick choice

"Ok boys. You lot look after the Teladi, whilst I take care of the 2 targets to the North"

"You sure Boss?" Enquires Frozen. Ever eager to squash another Falcon!

"Well, do you think you could handle 2 M3's?" I reply.

"Point taken!"

I swing "Lazy Geordie" to face the oncoming targets and hit the boost button on the console.

"Esssssscort. Where are you going?" I Was wondering if he would notice!

"Don't get your scales in a flap my friend. I'm just going to offer the 2 incoming Pirates a gift."

"Gift? What gift? You have ressssponsibility to my ssssship!"

"Well I'm going to offer them a good few Silkworms's up their tailpipes! Does that meet your approval? Don't worry I'm not going to stray too far. Plus I'm leaving my squadron with you incase anyone else turns up"

"Acknowledged esssssscort."

I keep a close eye on the distance readout to my Teladi friend and prepare my Missle program again. I bring my ship to a halt about 8k from my contract and wait for a few Mizura, for the Pirates to come a little closer.

As they approach 15K from "Lazy Geordie" I hit the 'run' button on my console, then as quick as I can, begin to turn my ship back onto its original course. I activate my sensors and watch as several Silkworm's spew from my hold and streak towards the 2 Pirates.

Suddenly, an alarm blairs in my ear and Mckenna calls in.

"Boss! A single Yaki M5 has just appeared in our vancity. what do we do now?"

"What do you mean, what now? Blast him to smithereens you numpty!"

"Had a feeling you would say that. Just wanted to check. Ok boys. Attack formation, we're going in!"

I arrive back within the vacinity my ships just as Betty beeps me a couple of messages.

http://i284.photobucket.com/albums/ll3/ ... rd0001.jpg

Well, at least I got one of the M3 buggers!

http://i284.photobucket.com/albums/ll3/ ... rd0002.jpg

Looks like Speedy snuffed the Yaki M5 threat out to.

"PHEW!" I find myself saying out loud as I slump back into my chair. Next stop.....

Profit Share

Almost there!

We get about 1/3 across this sector, when the next victim......errm......I mean Pirate appears. :)

http://i284.photobucket.com/albums/ll3/ ... n00471.jpg

Since he was the only target this time, I managed to pay a bit more attention to my sensors to get a closer view of the impending slaughter. lol

http://i284.photobucket.com/albums/ll3/ ... n00473.jpg
http://i284.photobucket.com/albums/ll3/ ... n00472.jpg

All to soon...

http://i284.photobucket.com/albums/ll3/ ... n00474.jpg

Just how I like em.....as space dust! lol A quick check of my ships database later and.....

http://i284.photobucket.com/albums/ll3/ ... rd0003.jpg

"Well done Fendalis."

Oh yeah. Forgot to mention. In all the hullabulloo that was going on the Ceo's Buckzoid, I was notified by Betty of my combat promotion to Sharpshooter.

Yay me! lol

Game time = 6Days 5hours 58mins
Ranks = Sharpshooter / Master Broker
Cr = 4.9 Million

Non combat orientated assets:

1 x Silicon Mine L "TigerInc Silicon Mine 1"
1 x Wheat Complex "TigerInc Wheat Farm Complex 1"
1 x Food Complex "TigerInc Food Complex 1"
12 x Advanced Satellites
1 x Mercury "TI-SM1-T1"
1 x Mercury "TI-WFC1-T1"
1 x Mercury "TI-FC1-T1"
1 x Caiman Super Freighter "Profit Maker 1"
1 x Discoverer "Inferno"
1 x Terracorp Vulcan "Lazy Geordie"
1 x Octopus Vanguard "Xccelerate"
3 x Gonar Ranger "Universe Explorer1-3"

Combat capable assets:

7 x Harrier Sentinal "Sabre Squadron"
"Shoot that Guy"
"Frozen Dream"

TigerInc TopGun Rankings

The below rankings have not been updated just yet. I will total up all my pilots kills, if and when the current mission is finished.

Rank-------Pilot------------No. of kills
2nd------Jack Jomar-------------4
Buck Rogers

Vice Admiral of Shadows Haven Alliance (SHA) visit us at:
SHA Forum
Feel free to join my DID
Too often we lose sight of life's simple pleasures. Remember, when someone annoys you, it takes 42 muscles in your face to frown. But only 4 to extend your arm and slap the bugger!

Master of the Blade
Posts: 2259
Joined: Fri, 6. Feb 09, 20:52

Post by Master of the Blade » Sat, 31. Dec 11, 16:45

Well, hell. You legend. :lol: What with AP coming out I've temporarily stopped my DiD for when the mods I'm using are redone for AP, since I had to have a clean TC install for it to work. I should probably try to do something with it, but...

Anyway, still here, still reading. :)
Allergic to work.

If at first you don't succeed, delegate the job to a minion.

Posts: 674
Joined: Tue, 30. Nov 10, 04:46

Post by Nathancros » Sun, 1. Jan 12, 08:50

*cackles madly* you will never escape me!!!! mwuaahahahahahaha :D

awesome chapter mate, i hope u continue, im worried with AP also but if writers like you,MOTB, Triaxx,scion and so forth keep writing your amazing stories others like me will definitly keep on reading, AP or not! :D
Nullam et arcu vitae magna instabilitate omnia solvit

Am a recovering Addict of the CREATIVE FORUM.

Long live X3

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Post by Buck_Rogers » Mon, 27. Feb 12, 00:23

Master of the Blade wrote:Well, hell. You legend. :lol: What with AP coming out I've temporarily stopped my DiD for when the mods I'm using are redone for AP, since I had to have a clean TC install for it to work. I should probably try to do something with it, but...

Anyway, still here, still reading. :)
Thank you my friend :) I hope you carry on with your DiD. I enjoyed reading it. Your descriptive writing is much better than mine! lol
Nathancros wrote:*cackles madly* you will never escape me!!!! mwuaahahahahahaha :D

awesome chapter mate, i hope u continue, im worried with AP also but if writers like you,MOTB, Triaxx,scion and so forth keep writing your amazing stories others like me will definitly keep on reading, AP or not! :D
Lol. And to you to Nathan! Also thank you for mentioning my DiD in your signature. ;)

With that....On with the show!

38. Almost There!

Just have to get my contract to dock at his final destination in:


We exit the West Gate and settle down into formation again. As our friend adjusts his course towards the local Teladi Shipyard.

http://i284.photobucket.com/albums/ll3/ ... n00476.jpg

I guess that's our final destination.

It's about this point that I realise that our contract seems to take dents in his ship far too easily for my liking. So I take the brief lull in the action to scan his ship. Guess what I find?

http://i284.photobucket.com/albums/ll3/ ... n00477.jpg

The stupid Bastu is way undershielded for his class of ship! A whopping 56MJ's total shielding! No wonder this job has'nt been easy! Fool! To make matters worse. I also realise that our final destination, is in a sector that I almost lost one of my ships in. Due to the fact that it's littered with just about every size of asteroid you can imagine!

Just brilliant! As if I did'nt have enough to worry about. If I lose this contract, or any of my ships for that matter, in the final sector, I will be very, VERY not happy!

My contemplating is quickly interupted by Betty, who almost proudly announces an enemy presence. Here we go!

http://i284.photobucket.com/albums/ll3/ ... n00484.jpg

Thankfully though, he is toasted by my Teladi friends. Before becoming a problem.

http://i284.photobucket.com/albums/ll3/ ... n00485.jpg

Things are starting to heat up. Next on the 'hit list', comes a Pirate Falcon. So I send Sabre Squadron to dispatch it. They duely oblige.

http://i284.photobucket.com/albums/ll3/ ... n00486.jpg

No sooner is the Falcon engaged, when a Yaki Buzzard shows up. He promptly recieves a handful a Silkworm's up his tailpipe. For coming to close. lol

http://i284.photobucket.com/albums/ll3/ ... n00487.jpg
http://i284.photobucket.com/albums/ll3/ ... n00488.jpg

So far so good. Or so I thought. As a Yaki Jaguar comes into range of my Silkworm's

http://i284.photobucket.com/albums/ll3/ ... n00489.jpg

However. Due to the Jaguar's speed and manouverabiliy, he easily dodges my 1st missile salvo and heads for my contract ship! I fire off another round of Silkworm's, to keep him away from the Super Freighter. Hopefully he can dock before the Jaguar begins attacking.

Sure enough..

http://i284.photobucket.com/albums/ll3/ ... n00490.jpg

YEEEHHAAAAAAAAAAA!!!! The jobs a good'un lol. 4.9 million credits. YAY!

(Notice the Silkworm trail in the background, still chasing the Jaguar! lol funny!)

Now back to important matters. Namely the bailed Harrier in Queens Space!

I send Sabre Squadron, who by now have polished off the Pirate Falcon I sent them after, to the local trading station for a well earned break. I quickly turn the "Lazy Geordie" towards the nearest Solar Power Plant and hit the boost button. As soon as my ship is docked, I buy several hundred E-cells and prepare for immediate undocking. However, whilst I wait for my departure slot, I can't resist a quick peek at the local Bulletin Board. That's when something else catches my eye.

http://i284.photobucket.com/albums/ll3/ ... n00491.jpg

Well, well. This just keeps getting better! lol Luckily my trading rank was already increased to Economist earlier today. So I accept the mission.

Perhaps I can kill 2 birds with one stone here? I'll 1st make an attempt at claiming the bailed Harrier, if it's still there that is! Before delivering the Medical Equipment to its destination. 56 Mizura's should be long enough. :)

I undock as soon as clearance is given and quickly switch off the auto-pillock, I then point my ship away from the SPP, so I can get enough distance between me and it as fast as possible and hit the boost button once more. Much to the annoyance of the Teladi Traffic Control opperative on duty at the SPP, at the time! hehehe As soon as I have enough distance, I initiate the jump to Queens Space. Before the warp tunnel disapates, I turn to the computer for the look at the sector map. Not even bothering to make sure I'm not in anyones way! lol

http://i284.photobucket.com/albums/ll3/ ... n00494.jpg

YAY! Must be my lucky day!

I bring the "Lazy Geordie" to a stop as close to the Harrier as is safely possible and head for the air lock. Stepping out into space is very un-nerving, after spending so much time inside the 'safe' shell of my ship. Hopefully, I won't have to do this too often!

http://i284.photobucket.com/albums/ll3/ ... n00495.jpg
http://i284.photobucket.com/albums/ll3/ ... n00496.jpg
http://i284.photobucket.com/albums/ll3/ ... n00497.jpg

I activate my suit jets to stop me before I hit the Harriers hull and begin accessing it's computer. A short time later and the Harrier is mine! I bring up it's inventory.

http://i284.photobucket.com/albums/ll3/ ... n00498.jpg

Hmmmmm. Not much to go by. Although those 5 PAC's will come in handy! ;) Plus it's only a small ship I suppose. I dismiss the inventory list and instruct the Harrier's computer to dock it at my Wheat Complex in Rolks Drift. At least until I can decide what to do with it.

I 'hot foot it' back to the "Lazy Geordie" and initiate another jump. This time to Rolk's Drift. I exit the gate closest to my destination, activate Auto and slump back into my seat.


A short time later and...

http://i284.photobucket.com/albums/ll3/ ... n00499.jpg

Another job well done! :)

Please note. Pilot rankings below now updated!

Game time = 6Days 7hours 01mins
Ranks = Sharpshooter / Economist
Cr = 9 Million

Non combat orientated assets:

1 x Silicon Mine L "TigerInc Silicon Mine 1"
1 x Wheat Complex "TigerInc Wheat Farm Complex 1"
1 x Food Complex "TigerInc Food Complex 1"
12 x Advanced Satellites
1 x Mercury "TI-SM1-T1"
1 x Mercury "TI-WFC1-T1"
1 x Mercury "TI-FC1-T1"
1 x Caiman Super Freighter "Profit Maker 1"
1 x Discoverer "Inferno"
1 x Terracorp Vulcan "Lazy Geordie"
1 x Octopus Vanguard "Xccelerate"
3 x Gonar Ranger "Universe Explorer1-3"

Combat capable assets:

7 x Harrier Sentinal "Sabre Squadron"
"Shoot that Guy"
"Frozen Dream"

TigerInc TopGun Rankings

Rank-------Pilot------------No. of kills
4th-------Jack Jomar-------------4
Last edited by Buck_Rogers on Mon, 27. Feb 12, 07:43, edited 1 time in total.
Buck Rogers

Vice Admiral of Shadows Haven Alliance (SHA) visit us at:
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Too often we lose sight of life's simple pleasures. Remember, when someone annoys you, it takes 42 muscles in your face to frown. But only 4 to extend your arm and slap the bugger!

Posts: 674
Joined: Tue, 30. Nov 10, 04:46

Post by Nathancros » Mon, 27. Feb 12, 05:29

very good chapter mate :)

am very happy your continuing this :D

hope to see another chapter soon ;)

me thinks it may be time soon for a 'heavy wing' XD

ur m5's are doing amazing considering 0_0,
Nullam et arcu vitae magna instabilitate omnia solvit

Am a recovering Addict of the CREATIVE FORUM.

Long live X3

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