what i want in X-rebirth

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Earth Ultimatum IV.
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what i want in X-rebirth

Post by Earth Ultimatum IV. » Thu, 21. Apr 11, 19:46

*-customizable spacesuits? may be fun
-new races
-at least 20 more ships as in TC
*-better galaxy editor:more understadable for normal human
-completely new space
-interaction with planets
*-what about co-op multiplayer with my steam friend or through LAN???
-awesome graphics LOL
-LOL balanced khaaks
*-best would be if khaaks would be DELETED from X, personally i dislike them. or just change theyr colours, iam not hippie :lol:
*-customizable face,or race selection and own name customization
*-LOL faster marine training

-EGOSOFT- think about your fans-not about money you might get

is it all??? i got no idea now-terran conflict was awesome so i think this game will be godlike.

*marked things are optional, the other ones are awaited! :P

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Post by Zaitsev » Fri, 22. Apr 11, 02:25

One thing: better autopilot.
I'm sorry, I can't hear you over the sound of how awesome I am :D

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Post by Earth Ultimatum IV. » Fri, 22. Apr 11, 10:56

YEA! i knew i forgot something. X is one of games with the crappiest AI ever seen. i use AI only in turrets or sector and space traders. anything other i do handly.

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Post by sonny19281 » Sun, 24. Apr 11, 09:31

I want:
-nice ships
-many new sectors
-SETA should be default equipment of EVERY ship
-ship cocpit views
-option to walk free around your ship interior
-planet interaction
-easy galaxy editor
-many plots
-less trading-more fighting
8) :)

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Post by KongRudi » Thu, 28. Apr 11, 05:25

I don't want planets.

I tought I wanted it - a long time ago.
But then I discovered Aldrin, the most annoying sector in the X-universe, a huge rock the size of a planet ruining all visibilty, and kills the framerate, and also destroys alot of the gameplay.

Maybe you could have some big asteroids like in X2, where you had to maneuver inside a asteroid to find a hidden ship, but nothing enourmous like the big rock in Aldrin, or a planet if you will.
It sounds cool, but it ain't.. :P

If they do add planets, I hope they are hidden behind some earth-gates, or similar so that we can avoid loading them for the most part. :)

What I want however, is lots of new plots, and more hardware-rewards. :)
And new universe would also be cool. :)

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Post by empiro » Thu, 28. Apr 11, 06:00

Rebirth sounds (as if not apparent from the title) like a reboot of the X franchise, so I don't think there's much sense asking for specific tweaks like marine training, because the devs might make ship capturing totally different than Terran Conflict.

That said, I DO want planets to play a role, though I'm not looking to be able to land on them or anything like that. Aldrin was just badly designed.

I'd be pretty happy if even there's a dock that says "planetary depot" or something where you sell supplies, and it acts like a resource sink. I've always found it strange how you've got planets with millions of beings on them, yet they never seemed to trade goods with anyone off-world.

A good UI that lets you easily and effectively manage a large empire would be great, too.

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Post by sekanz » Thu, 28. Apr 11, 06:48

I would like to see a more persistent universe. When I take over a sector, i want it to be mine, until someone takes it from me.

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Post by Deeparth » Thu, 28. Apr 11, 06:58

Faster pace of combact where you have adrenelin rushes. Fighter to fighter combact has the ability to become very fast, challenging and fun.

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Post by CutterJohn1 » Thu, 28. Apr 11, 07:07

I want a complete rework of the UI to emphasize ease of use, context sensitive automation of tasks, along with improved fleet control and replenishments, and more emphasis on mouse control to interact with the game.

Some examples..

Setting up ships. The ship has a menu with a bunch of check boxes. Check off what you want it to equip, and it flys off to retrieve said items. This could also be a specialized ship that does this, rather than a native option.

Setting up stations. When placing, rather than keyboard commands, you have an exterior view that can be panned and zoomed with the mouse to swing around. You then position the station by moving it with XYZ handles that lock it into one axis movement. Rotation is accomplished the same way, but uses a key to alternate to roll pitch yaw handles.

Setting up stations, part 2. If you are a serious producer, you may purchase megastructure shells, like the HQs, to directly install factories into, though of course they cannot fit farms, solar power plants, or mines.

Linking stations. Select the link gizmo, click one, click the other. Done.

Moving goods from one station to another. Open up the stations inventory, select the good, drag and drop onto the destination. If you have a ship available to move it, it will be moved. If you want a specific ship to move it, you drag a ship onto the newly created link.

Moving the output of a station to another. Click the station, drag it to another station. Assign ship if desired. If you have more than one destination(such as a SPP supplying several factories with power), the game will split the deliveries automatically, depending onconsumption by the destination, and will even warn you if the output is not enough.

Trade. Better tools for the industrialist to see where supply and demand for wares are. Perhaps a heat map that shows where demand for a good is and is not being met, so that factories and traders may be positioned accordingly.

Fleets. Assign a ships as a wing or fleet. Assign other ships to it. When a ship is lost, a nice easy button will order a replacement. A ship will be purchased. It will fly around, buying the stuff needed, and fly to the flagship and take up its position. If it is a fighter assigned to a carrier, it will dock with it.

When initially forming a fleet, you may simply use a menu to assign ships and loadouts, and let it build up itself for you.

When commanding multiple ships, the mouse should be useful to select multiple ships, and multiple enemies, in the style of every RTS out there. If you wish to macro and send all your ships at all the enemies, they will try to pick the best targets, otherwise you can micro manage them and send certain individuals or groups at certain targets. Pretty much just playing Homeworld.

At all times, the game should strive to coexist with your playstyle. If you play a military game, rather than an economic one, the economy of the game should stabilize, providing you with a lot of tools for your military conquests, and aggression should ramp up. If you play an economic game instead of a military one, the game should respond by destabilizing the economy so that you can fill the gaps, while keeping military threats low. The game should also keep track of your wealth when organizing threats. A heavily military game where the player sticks to a small number of ships should respond with smaller numbers of enemies than a player who has fleets.

Hardmode. There should be, somewhere in the galaxy, some blocked off gates that the player, at his or her convenience, can unlock. These contain behind it a very angry, very powerful group of individuals, who will not be happy at being disturbed. Maybe some super Xenon. This would be a challenge that exists outside of the regular gameplay and plot, to be done by players for bragging rights. Seriously.. It should be hard. Something players won't be able to beat unless they have an empire, in X3TC terms, whose value is nearing 100b+.

My dreams. Pretty sure I'll be disappointed. :D
Last edited by CutterJohn1 on Fri, 29. Apr 11, 01:20, edited 1 time in total.

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Post by builder680 » Thu, 28. Apr 11, 07:08

Hate to be 'that guy...' but there are lots of threads for this already. Here's a link to just some of them. The first link is basically exactly the same topic as this.

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Post by CutterJohn1 » Thu, 28. Apr 11, 07:56

Or just open an X:R forum, since A, people are going to talk about it anyway, and megathreads about diverse topics are not conducive to decent conversation(even if it is pointless conversation), and B, X:R discussion will need its own forum eventually anyway, since while there may be certain aspects about X, X2, or X3 that are similar, and as such makes a small bit of sense to keep them together, XR will be a whole new beast.

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Post by builder680 » Thu, 28. Apr 11, 07:59

I agree a new forum would be nice... but until then the choices are mega threads... or the specter of every day having 20 new threads on the front page of this forum about "MP in Rebirth?!" "I have an idea for Rebirth!" "Do you think Rebirth will do 'such and such'?" and "What I want in Rebirth." I know which one I prefer.

Gonna stop bumping now, I'm contributing to it. Egads!

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Post by kakatak » Thu, 28. Apr 11, 08:05

1) No creating *anything* out of thin air. Right now the economy doesn't matter at all. You can destroy every factory in the universe and the only thing it will do is stop you, personally, from being able to properly equip ships. The NPC's all just spawn fully equipped out of nowhere. If you make a complex to provide yourself with missiles, ammo, and other ship equipment, then you don't need the rest of the economy. The whole thing is just a thin illusion to make a static universe "feel" alive. Every NPC ship should be built using only what is available to that race through the economy. That said, there should be a special area like UFJD sectors where you can go and just tear things up and where spawning enemies out of nothing is fine as long as they do not affect the rest of the universe.

2) Full drag and drop GUI with context sensitive right click menus. Ability to assign hotkeys to not only shift, but alt and ctr and any combination of them (ctr+alt+shift+d for example).

3) More options in the gameplay menu for setting up the game how you want it. A noob may want to have the option to halve the weapon damage or double the shields. A veteran may want a harder universe to play in. More aggression, bigger enemy fleets, etc. The ability to set things like less rocks and debris, fog, etc, etc.

4) If the AI still collides ships into things in the new game, then add the ability to turn off collision insta-kill.

5) Saner OOS combat calculations. *cough*Q*cough*

6) A Mod/Script manager built in that will detect conflicts.

7) Use Seconds, Minutes, Months, Years. I've been playing X games for what? 10 years now? I still have no idea what a tazura is, nor do I care. If we won't learn another measurement system, like metric, in real life when most of the rest of the planet uses it, then we won't be learning whatever system a game uses. The Elder Scrolls do this with their calendar as well, and it is just annoying. Game immersion? Then why are your aliens talking to me in English?

8) Before you hardcode something ask yourself if it is *really* necessary to hardcode that, making it impossible to mod.

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Post by Thepeon » Thu, 28. Apr 11, 09:09

I say if you make a universe big like in terran conflict make it so you can play with friends if Freelancer could do it so culd Egosoft. Rule nr 1 games get more play value if you can play with friends. Thats something all game companys shuld think about if no online play at leats 2-4 player co-op.

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Post by lord_kruor » Thu, 28. Apr 11, 09:21

walking around stations would be nice. Sort of a flashback to Freelancer days ^_^

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Re: what i want in X-rebirth

Post by Vitez » Thu, 28. Apr 11, 10:51

Earth ultimatum IV. wrote: -at least 20 more ships as in TC
-interaction with planets
-what about co-op multiplayer with my steam friend or through LAN???
-best would be if khaaks would be DELETED from X, personally i dislike them. or just change theyr colours, iam not hippie :lol:
No. TC had just too many ships. The old M1-M6 ships were just fine; when I wanted more ships, I downloaded a mod - but I couldn't remove the out of TC. Same goes for the too many weapons. I really don't understand why would we need 20 more ships: you got a scout, a light- and a heavy fighter, a corvette, mother- and capital ships, which all differ by race. You want a balanced ship? Argon. Fast and powerfull, but weak shield - Split. Slow as hell but can carry and survive anything? Teladi. I loved these differences and they kinda vanished in TC. These kind of "what I want' threads always remind me of Star Trek Enterprises faith - it was a cool series, IMO 3rd best after TNG and TOS, but the "fans" thought they knew better, and started criticising it from the opening theme song trough the ships design etc. (AFAIK). They tried to change a few things, but the fans still didn't like it. Now I'm not trying to say that criticism is bad, what I am saying is what I want - a good and solid game, which can serve as a base for community based mods, which you can download if you want or not if you don't like it; in TC (which was Reunion tweaked and ultramodified), I didn't have the "don't download" option.

But who knows? Maybe Egosoft will make all the things you said and it might turn out satisfying for everyone - given that my options are based on previous X games and this will be a kind of a "reboot".
think about your fans-not about money you might get
This kinda reminded me of the 1st USA president candidate who used the internet to gain popularity (not Obama, Howard Dean) - he had to choose between his old supporters (who he got via the internet) and the possible new ones - but if he choose one, he could lose the other. I believed we know what happened (there isn't a Howard Dean on Mount Rushmore). So, Egosoft is always listening to fans (they did it for more the a decade, I don't know why they would stop now), but "fans" aren't homogeneous.

That said, this is what I want :) :
- Make it a SPACE game, where SPACE isn't just a Galactic Highway between planets, but the actual place where action takes part and NOT on planets
- Less ships then in TC - maybe more then in Reunion, but not as much as in TC
- No multiplayer - if it isn't an MMO, then I really don't see the point. Tons and tons of sectors only with you two/three/...ten doing what? Combining
your power to make a station complex?

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Re: what i want in X-rebirth

Post by empiro » Thu, 28. Apr 11, 11:53

Vitez wrote:
Earth ultimatum IV. wrote:
That said, this is what I want :) :
- Make it a SPACE game, where SPACE isn't just a Galactic Highway between planets, but the actual place where action takes part and NOT on planets
Agreed, but I think planets can still play a role. Both Privateer and Freelancer had planets, but they were basically just another station you could land on. It's more of a believability thing: planets have millions of people on them; it makes sense they would be trading goods too.
- Less ships then in TC - maybe more then in Reunion, but not as much as in TC
Agreed. And maybe ditch the M[1-8] designation too, because it leaves no room for new ship types to be added :). It was kinda odd that the M6 was between the M3 and M2 in size, the M7 was larger than the M6, but the M8 was small than them both.
- No multiplayer - if it isn't an MMO, then I really don't see the point. Tons and tons of sectors only with you two/three/...ten doing what? Combining
your power to make a station complex?

Agreed big time. If I want MP, I'll go play EVE.

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Post by Incubi » Thu, 28. Apr 11, 11:54

I am hoping for modular ship damage and customizations.

Strategic capital ship controls while keeping the fighters as shooters. Flying cap ships like they are fighters just never worked for me.

Modules for station upgrades. And again customizations.

Custom tags and ship paint jobs.

The ability to design ships with available parts.

Play as a pilot. I do not expect to be able to walk on-planets, but walking on statios and in my own ships would be very nice. eventualy one day I would like to see planet walking, but not untill it can be done right. For now I will be happy with station and ship walking....... Or swimming in a Boron station????? :boron:

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Post by grim company » Thu, 28. Apr 11, 13:18

in the trailer, there seems to be a fast travel system for inside sectors, with speed lines and all.. awfully similar to freelancers cruise speed or trade lanes..

could it be that this will replace seta?

in any case i support the idea of modular ship damage, especially M6 + vessels, as in engines, weapons, shield gens, the classics ;D..
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Post by papakill » Thu, 28. Apr 11, 13:31

I think it would be really nice to add crew.

You could train them and give them names.

Having a engineer or other specialist in your spaceship could add some bonuses.

No crew in small fighter of course ! But why not a robot slot ? Like R2D2 on the Luke Skywalker fighter ?

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