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Using Construction Plans

Posted: Fri, 22. Sep 23, 09:52
by alt3rn1ty
Construction plans once downloaded need to be placed in your documents/Egosoft/X4/constructionplans/ folder.

In the game build UI's, click the Import button

Now as noted in the Import dialogue, use the drop down Load Plan.

You will need to have purchased Blueprints for any modules used in the plan, from the various faction Representatives.

Re: Using Construction Plans

Posted: Fri, 22. Sep 23, 10:10
by CBJ
I know you asked for this to be made a sticky thread, but I'm not going to grant that request for a couple of reasons.
  • There is a well-known phenomenon called "sticky-blindness" in which many forum posters, especially those new to the forum, happily ignore sticky threads that would immediately answer their question, regardless of how clear and obvious the sticky thread title is, in their haste to post. This would be particularly the case in this situation, where a confused player would have to find this forum before they even had a chance of seeing the sticky thread.
  • A more appropriate place for this information kind is the Wiki. If you'd like to add it yourself, we can make that possible. If not then I can pass the information on for someone else to add a page that covers this topic. I should point out, though, that "wiki-blindness" is as common as "sticky-blindness", and the main benefit of having the information in the Wiki is that you can link to it when someone asks the question, which hopefully gives them the idea that the Wiki might be a good place to look in future. :)

Re: Using Construction Plans

Posted: Fri, 22. Sep 23, 10:20
by alt3rn1ty
Oh yes please add it to the Wiki .. I'm clueless with those.
And then this topic can be deleted to stop it being clutter this part of the forum doesn't need.

I think from the way the topic I pointed out was worded, that person had looked at the wiki trying to find the same information, and became confused between blueprints and construction plans, and I am pretty sure the Wiki does not contain the information of how to use them ( unless I am also going information blind and missed it somewhere :) ).

Most appropriate place would be here under "Construction Planning" .. ... Management

If you read it its easy to see how the other confused topic started ..
Construction Planning
The construction of a station requires some planning. It is only possible to plan stations using Blueprints that the player has already obtained (see below).
.. And then there is no mention of actual construction plans.

Hence the "Purchased Blueprints" Cant find Construction plans topic.

Re: Using Construction Plans

Posted: Fri, 22. Sep 23, 10:41
by alt3rn1ty
PS .. If anyone wants to use the images in the OP for the wiki thats no problem :)