Тем, Кто Может В Суппорт Запостить. Проблема С Миссией.

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Тем, Кто Может В Суппорт Запостить. Проблема С Миссией.

Post by tiu » Thu, 26. Feb 04, 11:19

Встретил на BBS в Priest Pitty такую миссию:
A pilot with good standing amongst the Pirate leadership is required, someone who also has the ability to keep his mouth shut and his ears closed. No reason or explanation will be given for posting this contract at this time. All that is required is a fast ship of TP class and a pilot who knows how to get both the passenger and any bodyguards, females etc from Pirate Base to the SQUASH Mine Factory alpha in Elena`s Fortune. Pilot rank must be a minimum of Professional Industrialist, anything less will not be accepted. Failure to complete this mission on deadline will be taken very seriously. There is a maximum of 15 mizuras to make it to the SQUASH Mine Factory alpha. The total amount of people including the clan leader will be 28 so make sure no one is left behind. Get there in time and payment of 1815Cr will be made. Make it there sooner, and an additional sum of 33043Cr will enter your account. Success will also ensure Pilots will be marked down for future work.

Сам был на нове, но быстро сбегал за аргонским экспрессом, а когда согласился на задание получил сначала одно сообщение:

You have been confirmed as authorized to enter into this mission. Your records confirm you have no established links with law enforcement units in the local sectors. Information relating to the requirements of the mission will be uploaded into your ships log shortly should you wish to refer to it in the future. Transport 28 Very Important Passengers from Pirate Base to the SQUASH Mine Factory alpha in Elena`s Fortune as fast as possible. The deadline for reaching the destination is 15 mizuras. Pilots who can make there in time will be paid 1815Cr, those able to make it there a lot faster than the 15 mizuras may get the additional 33043Cr.

И сразу другое:
Pilot? What just happened? Has there been a hull breach? We appear to have lost some of the life signs from your passengers. This is unacceptable. The incident will be reported to the authorities immediately. Do not think this little incident will not go against your record. Next time you travel by TP as a passenger yourself, I suggest you wear a spacesuit, you may need it.

И никаго продолжения миссии, слетал и на фабрику - ничего, 28 Very Important Passengers валяются в грузовом отсеке, как рабы не продаются, можно только выкинуть, может кто знает что с ними надо делать?
Или может у меня с шипом что-то не так? Пробовал покупать новый, с полным апгрейдом, и без девайсов вообще, непомогло.
это с ЕГ, но проблема не у него одного...
Наличие CLSS не имеет значения, так как миссии по Tour of Life выполняются без проблем.
Eritis sicut deus scientes bonum et malum

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Post by Zyoma » Fri, 27. Feb 04, 15:36

Вааще то форум руский....
Хрен что понял бы из предыдущего поста, кабы инглиш не знал...
EG - forever !!!!!!!!!!

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Post by OlegK » Wed, 17. Mar 04, 16:42

Миссии еще доделываются.

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