Xenon Asteroid Station oddities

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Xenon Asteroid Station oddities

Post by Scoob » Thu, 29. Dec 22, 01:21


I'm attempting to clear the sector Thatka's Cascade XV of the Xenon. I've killed several stations and the sector is now neutral, but there are still stations to destroy. The next of these stations is a weird one though, it's built into an Asteroid - looks cool - but has some odd properties. Firstly it's VERY tough, I've hit it with multiple main battery volleys from an Asgard, but it's only down to 98% hull now. Additionally, turrets simply refuse to engage it, regardless of settings. Heavy turrets on my ships are set to "Attack Capital Ships" but that didn't work, I changed this to "Attack my Target" that didn't work either, nor did "Attack all Enemies". Turrets simply will not engage this structure. There appear to be two of these stations in the sector.

So, anyone know what the deal with these is? Why can they not be targetted by turrets and how come they're so very tough. They're not related to a plot are they?

Edit: While I managed to do a little damage to the station via direct fire, taking out surface elements appears to reduce the overall hull percentage too. However, with ALL surface element destroyed, the station is stuck at 17% hull. I've brought in a load of Fighters, now the turrets are gone, as they have direct fire weapons of course so are shooting this station. Zero additional damage though. I've also noticed that, periodically, these stations suddenly regain a chunk of hull, so they're repairing, despite zero resources.

Really don't know how to deal with this, as I've spent a lot of time already. Are these stations designed not to be killed? That's a bit of a pain if the case.

Edit 2: I thought, at first, that perhaps the key was destroying the individual "bits" bolted on to the asteroid, so, the tubing and dish things. I destroyed all of these and the station's hull dropped to 0% However, once again, it started repairing (no resources still) and the turrets etc. started rebuilding. When they're in the rebuilding state, they cannot be damaged at all. In the end, I went OOS and my ships quickly destroyed the station. I like that this is something different to the norm, but it's very buggy.

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Re: Xenon Asteroid Station oddities

Post by LameFox » Thu, 29. Dec 22, 08:27

I think these are vaguely related to the Yaki plot, but I don't recall them actually being used in it, they just resemble one that is.

Turrets unfortunately have a lot of trouble targeting any unconventional structure, or even a conventional one from the wrong angle (e.g. a xenon station approached from above or below). They don't seem to know where to shoot.

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Re: Xenon Asteroid Station oddities

Post by Scoob » Thu, 29. Dec 22, 14:49

I've been through the Yaki plot, but don't recall visiting this sector and seeing those stations during it. Turrets appear to NEVER target these structures, unless that is I check "shoot to disable" after the attack order is issued. Then they take the odd pot shot at the station's Turrets, but not the "hidden" destructible components, nor the station (asteroid) proper. This station is basically broken in-sector and gets stuck in an invulnerable state. Basically, even with NO resources - all incoming ships destroyed - it manages to start rebuilding the various turrets. When they're in this rebuilding state they are totally indestructible. Once they're built they can be destroyed - I let a few ships through to test this - but with no resources, while they start rebuilding, they don't actually complete so remain invulnerable.

Amazed I've never encountered these before really, but then I've never attempted to take over this specific sector before.

Hopefully these "special" stations don't just spawn back in after being destroyed. Sector is owned by me now, so they shouldn't.

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Re: Xenon Asteroid Station oddities

Post by Alan Phipps » Thu, 29. Dec 22, 19:55

The Xenon asteroid weapon platforms are a number of separate weapons modules built onto a rock. The rock itself is invulnerable (ie hitting rock but not a module does nothing) and so the only way to kill these platforms when IS is to target and destroy each and every separate module on the rock. This is best done in parallel IS using a surrounding fleet as if you destroy them in series, the one(s) on the far side of the invulnerable rock to you will regenerate as you kill the ones that you can currently see.

There is a workaround:
Attack them remotely OOS with enough firepower, especially if you have already reduced their hull points IS, and they can soon be killed as the rock does not act as a shield in that case.
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Re: Xenon Asteroid Station oddities

Post by Scoob » Thu, 29. Dec 22, 23:46

I get the concept, but it's bugged. Previously destroyed modules rebuilding - without any resources - then being stuck in a building and invulnerable state. As documented, I tried every other way, even getting the station down to 0% hull multiple times, but it always bugged out due to said invulnerable rebuilding (but no resources) surface elements. The ONLY reliable way for me to destroy this station was to go OOS as I mentioned.

Note: I spend well over an hour trying to take out this one station, but it bugged out.

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