Acquire the Erlking?

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Re: Acquire the Erlking?

Post by Mikhaleech » Fri, 8. Apr 22, 22:46

Rezedent wrote:
Thu, 7. Apr 22, 13:54
I can only find blueprints erlking_blueprint_1 to 3, but not 4 and 5
That happens because you didn't came across with these Data Vaults by your scout. You may edit your savegame further, as you were suggested, or you may send some scouts to reveal sectors for you (don't forget to manually give expand the bubble to 350 km in orders). Eventually they discover these Vaults and after that your savegame shall consists knownto="player" missed strings

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Re: Acquire the Erlking?

Post by Rezedent » Fri, 8. Apr 22, 23:38

Mikhaleech wrote:
Fri, 8. Apr 22, 22:46
That happens because you didn't came across with these Data Vaults by your scout. You may edit your savegame further, as you were suggested, or you may send some scouts to reveal sectors for you (don't forget to manually give expand the bubble to 350 km in orders). Eventually they discover these Vaults and after that your savegame shall consists knownto="player" missed strings
Thanks. Already make this.

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Re: Acquire the Erlking?

Post by dreamer2008 » Sat, 9. Apr 22, 19:22

silentradios wrote:
Sun, 27. Mar 22, 14:51
Edit 3/27: Apparently Avarice V and IV were swapped (I got the friendly name mapping from reddit - not sure where a real source is) -- I confirmed in my save and two others did as well

Here is a bat file that runs the powershell inside it (sneaky.. but effective) :
It has a few features over the previous script including:
  • A File selection dialog
  • Support for gz / compressed saves
  • GUI output of the positions
Here is the same script that you can copy and past and save into a .bat file (use notepad and save as UTF-8 or ANSI (do not select the with BOM ones) and run to avoid the prompts that you get from windows about it being safe or not..

Code: Select all

@findstr/v "^@f.*&" "%~f0"|powershell -noprofile -executionpolicy bypass -&goto:eof
#Fist line stolen from
#This uses a fair amount of memory - if you have limited ram exit X4 first...
Add-Type -AssemblyName System.Windows.Forms
[System.Windows.Forms.Messagebox]::Show("This uses a fair amount of memory - if you have limited ram exit X4 first...")

#stolen from
$FileBrowser = New-Object System.Windows.Forms.OpenFileDialog -Property @{ 
    InitialDirectory = [Environment]::GetFolderPath('MyDocuments') + "\Egosoft\X4" 
    Filter = '*.xml|*.gz'
    Title = "Select savegame file"
    $null = $FileBrowser.ShowDialog()
    sleep 1

Function Expand-GZip{
        $outfile = ($infile -replace '\.gz$','')
    $input = New-Object System.IO.FileStream $inFile, ([IO.FileMode]::Open), ([IO.FileAccess]::Read), ([IO.FileShare]::Read)
    $output = New-Object System.IO.FileStream $outFile, ([IO.FileMode]::Create), ([IO.FileAccess]::Write), ([IO.FileShare]::None)
    $gzipStream = New-Object System.IO.Compression.GzipStream $input, ([IO.Compression.CompressionMode]::Decompress)
    $buffer = New-Object byte[](1024)
        $read = $gzipstream.Read($buffer, 0, 1024)
        if ($read -le 0){break}
        $output.Write($buffer, 0, $read)

$gzip = $false

if($FileBrowser.FileName -match "\.gz$"){
    Write-Host "Extracting compressed save, this may take a while"
    $gzip = $true
    Expand-GZip -infile $FileBrowser.FileName

if($gzip) {
    $file = ($FileBrowser.FileName -replace '\.gz$','')
} else {
    $file = $FileBrowser.FileName

Write-Host "Loading XML, this may take a while and will use lots of ram"

$Xml=New-Object Xml
#unzip .gz file with 7-zip or gunzip first or use uncompressed saves

Write-Host "Finding Erlking Data Vaults"
$components=Select-Xml -Xml $Xml -XPath "/savegame/universe//component"
$erl=$components | ?{$_.Node.macro -and $_.Node.macro.Contains("erlking")}
$vaults = $erl | ?{$_.Node.macro -and $_.Node.macro.Contains("landmarks_erlking_vault")}

#From hatevampire at
#Not sure where the real source of friendlyname is..

$locationtoname = @{
    cluster_500_sector001_macro="Avarice I"
    cluster_500_sector002_macro="Avarice V"
    cluster_500_sector003_macro="Avarice IV"
    cluster_501_macro="Windfall I"
    cluster_502_macro="Windfall III"
    cluster_503_macro="Windfall IV"


#Get offsets up the tree
function Recurse-Offsets($node){
    if($node.class -and $node.class -eq "galaxy"){
        return @()
    if($node.offset -ne $null){
        } else {
            if($node.offset.rotation.yaw){$yaw=$node.offset.rotation.yaw} else {$yaw=0}
            if($node.offset.rotation.pitch){$pitch=$node.offset.rotation.pitch} else {$pitch=0}
            if($node.offset.rotation.roll){$roll=$node.offset.rotation.roll} else {$roll=0}
        } else {
        $obj = [pscustomobject]@{
        return @($obj) + (Recurse-Offsets -node $node.ParentNode)
    } else {
        return Recurse-Offsets -node $node.ParentNode

$data=. {
    foreach($vault in $vaults){
        $data=Recurse-Offsets $vault.Node
        $sums = $data | Measure-Object -Sum -Property x,y,z
        $location = $data |?{$_.class -eq "sector"} | select -ExpandProperty macro
            $location = $data |?{$_.class -eq "cluster"} | select -ExpandProperty macro
            Xkm=($sums |?{$ -eq "x"}).sum/1000
            Ykm=($sums |?{$ -eq "y"}).sum/1000
            Zkm=($sums |?{$ -eq "z"}).sum/1000
            blueprint=$vault.Node.connections.connection.component.blueprints |?{$_ -ne $null}
$data | ft -AutoSize
$data | Out-GridView
    if([System.Windows.Forms.MessageBox]::Show("Remove the extracted save $file" , "Remove Save?" , 4, 64) -eq "Yes"){
        Remove-Item -Path $file

[System.Windows.Forms.Messagebox]::Show("Done, you can copy out of the cmd window or grid view before closing this if you want.")

#Some other useful snippets

#detailed output
. {
    foreach($vault in $vaults){
        Recurse-Offsets $vault.Node
} | ft -AutoSize

#parse out zone info
$zoneinfo = [xml](gc c:\path\to\dlc_pirate_sectors.xml)
$hash = @{}
$zoneinfo.macros.macro | %{
    $_.connections.connection | %{
        $hash += @{$_.macro.ref = $_.offset.position } 
# Generate a powershell hash for the above xml and put it on the clipboard
"@{`n" + ($hash.GetEnumerator() |%{"    `"$($_.key)`"=`"$(@($_.value.x,$_.value.y,$_.value.z) -join ",")`"`n"}) + "}" | clip
$components=Select-Xml -Xml $Xml -XPath "/savegame/universe//component"
# Get all classes
$components.Node.class | select -Unique | sort

order of map related:
Thanks so much for this. It was pure torment trying to find the last vault, with this script I finally found it. I had the weirdest luck to have 4 vaults spawn in the same sector. Once I found 3 I thought it was plenty, didn't search more.

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Re: Acquire the Erlking?

Post by BigBANGtheory » Sun, 10. Apr 22, 15:38

sent in a shock and awe fleet, the VIG didn't even dare open fire during boarding 8)

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Re: Acquire the Erlking?

Post by Sandtrooper » Sun, 10. Apr 22, 19:14

Thanks for the suggested workaround regarding the naming of Navsats/beacons.

Music? Why indeed. Although the Asgard is large, I don't think it'll accommodate John Williams and his orchestra. More is the pity - the Imperial March playing as I disembarked on a station would be FUN!

Failing that, X3 had the best piece of music IMHO: Boron's Kingdom End soundtrack was nice. When going into battle whilst playing Elite (Atari ST and Amiga days), I would play 'Mars' (Holst's Planet Suite)

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Re: Acquire the Erlking?

Post by Raptor34 » Mon, 11. Apr 22, 16:31

Imperial Good wrote:
Thu, 7. Apr 22, 12:30
jlehtone wrote:
Thu, 7. Apr 22, 11:32
How one is supposed to commandeer one of those station modules? Can't steal, can't hack, can't board.
Buy it with a lot of credits! Erlking is the ultimate battleship for a reason.
How good is it? What about comparisons to the Asgard? Maybe even compared to a good destroyer?
Because frankly it looks ugly, the new ships reminds me of X3 Teladi which I wasn't a fan of. Dislike asymmetry.

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Re: Acquire the Erlking?

Post by chew-ie » Mon, 11. Apr 22, 18:27

It is a long range battleship (>8km for all turrets, both L & M) which eats Xenon K's and small ships. For battling an I I'd give it some additional backup for good measure.


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Re: Acquire the Erlking?

Post by Raptor34 » Mon, 11. Apr 22, 19:43

chew-ie wrote:
Mon, 11. Apr 22, 18:27
It is a long range battleship (>8km for all turrets, both L & M) which eats Xenon K's and small ships. For battling an I I'd give it some additional backup for good measure.
So not as good as an Asgard it sounds like.
I assume those turrets have good accuracy? What about it's super long main gun?

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Re: Acquire the Erlking?

Post by Imperial Good » Mon, 11. Apr 22, 19:46

Raptor34 wrote:
Mon, 11. Apr 22, 16:31
How good is it? What about comparisons to the Asgard? Maybe even compared to a good destroyer?
Asgard still has better forward DPS against big targets. However it still effortlessly destroys entire fleets, and even more so against fighters than the Asgard due to its insane speed (600 m/s flight is possible) and 10 km pulse turret accurate but heavy damage turrets.

You can basically take Erlking into a Xenon sector and, assuming the Xenon bother to build anything, watch as all their ships explode around you. Sure you cannot face tank the Is and Ks like the Asgard due to the explosion damage stripping turrets, but you can kill them more than fast enough from 6km odd and in complete safety.

It is also one of the few ships that laughs at the VIG doomfleet. All the missile spam in the universe is ineffective against the Erlking due to it flying faster than sufficiently powerful missiles do.

Outside of the weak XL battery its only other disappointment is the toughness. Asgard can face tank a lot without much care but with the Erlking you need to make sure that you do not get hit too much. Explosion damage, such as from destroyed capitals, is a huge problem for the Erlking as it can easily strip most of its L and M turrets. For this reason you find yourself often operating in the >5 km range against capitals even if optimal damage is closer.
Raptor34 wrote:
Mon, 11. Apr 22, 19:43
I assume those turrets have good accuracy? What about it's super long main gun?
Yes they have high end damage but with pulse or better projectile speed. Fly it into a S/M swarm and watch ships explode around you. Most S ships are one-shot by the L turrets. The chain bolt (with pulse laser speed) M turrets also make short work of ships, especially if they get too close and start taking a lot of hits.

The XL battery is a disappointment. It makes up 20-30% of your forward DPS but to use you basically need to play like a rhythm game with charge cycling it. Usually it is easier to leave the turrets to deal with anything that is a threat.

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Re: Acquire the Erlking?

Post by Raptor34 » Mon, 11. Apr 22, 20:38

Imperial Good wrote:
Mon, 11. Apr 22, 19:46
Raptor34 wrote:
Mon, 11. Apr 22, 16:31
How good is it? What about comparisons to the Asgard? Maybe even compared to a good destroyer?
Asgard still has better forward DPS against big targets. However it still effortlessly destroys entire fleets, and even more so against fighters than the Asgard due to its insane speed (600 m/s flight is possible) and 10 km pulse turret accurate but heavy damage turrets.

You can basically take Erlking into a Xenon sector and, assuming the Xenon bother to build anything, watch as all their ships explode around you. Sure you cannot face tank the Is and Ks like the Asgard due to the explosion damage stripping turrets, but you can kill them more than fast enough from 6km odd and in complete safety.

It is also one of the few ships that laughs at the VIG doomfleet. All the missile spam in the universe is ineffective against the Erlking due to it flying faster than sufficiently powerful missiles do.

Outside of the weak XL battery its only other disappointment is the toughness. Asgard can face tank a lot without much care but with the Erlking you need to make sure that you do not get hit too much. Explosion damage, such as from destroyed capitals, is a huge problem for the Erlking as it can easily strip most of its L and M turrets. For this reason you find yourself often operating in the >5 km range against capitals even if optimal damage is closer.
Raptor34 wrote:
Mon, 11. Apr 22, 19:43
I assume those turrets have good accuracy? What about it's super long main gun?
Yes they have high end damage but with pulse or better projectile speed. Fly it into a S/M swarm and watch ships explode around you. Most S ships are one-shot by the L turrets. The chain bolt (with pulse laser speed) M turrets also make short work of ships, especially if they get too close and start taking a lot of hits.

The XL battery is a disappointment. It makes up 20-30% of your forward DPS but to use you basically need to play like a rhythm game with charge cycling it. Usually it is easier to leave the turrets to deal with anything that is a threat.
Huh. That reminds me of the Xenon I actually. Excellent turrets and all that.
Just too bad it looks like junk unlike the I.

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Re: Acquire the Erlking?

Post by Imperial Good » Mon, 11. Apr 22, 21:02

Raptor34 wrote:
Mon, 11. Apr 22, 20:38
Just too bad it looks like junk unlike the I.
The body work might look like it is hold together by duct tape, but at least it comes as standard with a nice shiny paint job!

The unusual body geometry makes for some pretty good turret coverage. Most of the L turrets can fire directly forward for good focus DPS. Additionally the M turret banks are positioned such they create a wall of fire which S ships struggle not to be hit by at least a few projectiles a second.

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Re: Acquire the Erlking?

Post by BigBANGtheory » Tue, 12. Apr 22, 10:48

Imperial Good wrote:
Thu, 17. Mar 22, 21:40
Once you board it you just need to find the 5 data vaults containing its missing blueprints (there is no guidance for these, this is intended) and then use your own XL maintenance or ship building facility to finish it.

The 5 blueprints are scattered randomly within the new sectors in data vaults. Some are manditory and most are best in slot. The exception is the Erlking shield which is required for the Erlking trophy and is best in slot if you do not own Cradle of Humanity otherwise TER Mk2 XL shield is better than it (disappointing...).
How are you supposed to know to do that, is there supposed to be a mission or dialogue from someone?

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Re: Acquire the Erlking?

Post by Imperial Good » Tue, 12. Apr 22, 10:51

BigBANGtheory wrote:
Tue, 12. Apr 22, 10:48
How are you supposed to know to do that, is there supposed to be a mission or dialogue from someone?
Upon boarding it Boso is apparently meant to say something suggesting that. Never had that dialog work though...

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Re: Acquire the Erlking?

Post by chew-ie » Tue, 12. Apr 22, 10:52

BigBANGtheory wrote:
Tue, 12. Apr 22, 10:48
Imperial Good wrote:
Thu, 17. Mar 22, 21:40
Once you board it you just need to find the 5 data vaults containing its missing blueprints (there is no guidance for these, this is intended) and then use your own XL maintenance or ship building facility to finish it.

The 5 blueprints are scattered randomly within the new sectors in data vaults. Some are manditory and most are best in slot. The exception is the Erlking shield which is required for the Erlking trophy and is best in slot if you do not own Cradle of Humanity otherwise TER Mk2 XL shield is better than it (disappointing...).
How are you supposed to know to do that, is there supposed to be a mission or dialogue from someone?
For me there wasn't any hint - but I had started a new game without having the HQ yet nor did I started / finished the Hatikvah plot. Those two are known for being important preconditions for some additional informations.


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Re: Acquire the Erlking?

Post by NightmareNight91 » Tue, 12. Apr 22, 12:20

I actually like that the new pirate ships remind me of old school teladi designs. Just wish the pirates had a carrier.

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Re: Acquire the Erlking?

Post by Maebius » Wed, 13. Apr 22, 19:29

BigBANGtheory wrote:
Tue, 12. Apr 22, 10:48
How are you supposed to know to do that, is there supposed to be a mission or dialogue from someone?
Pretty sure you get a dialog after boarding it... unsure what it says as mine must have been interrupted by a random "awaiting orders" dialog.

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Re: Acquire the Erlking?

Post by betablues » Wed, 13. Apr 22, 23:07

I don't really know what to think about this. I have found 5 data vaults in the new systems.
But I have only found 3 blueprint. Two of the data vaults was complete EMTY.
Is it supposed to be like that or is it a bug ?
I mean, should I keep looking ? or do I waste my time ? :?

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Re: Acquire the Erlking?

Post by DanKara » Thu, 14. Apr 22, 07:09

betablues wrote:
Wed, 13. Apr 22, 23:07
Two of the data vaults was complete EMTY.
Each of 'my' Earlking-vaults had two containers. One with the blueprint, another with the usual/random loot in the same compartment
After the release of 5.0 there were situations where only the loot-container spawned, that got fixed fairly fast.

So I suspect, you have not 'completed' those two vaults. Might be the ones, were most switches are on the 'upper side' of that central/storage thingy - but had one switch on the 'lower side'? I think, I had two of those kind...

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Re: Acquire the Erlking?

Post by BigBANGtheory » Thu, 14. Apr 22, 09:41

DanKara wrote:
Thu, 14. Apr 22, 07:09
betablues wrote:
Wed, 13. Apr 22, 23:07
Two of the data vaults was complete EMTY.
Each of 'my' Earlking-vaults had two containers. One with the blueprint, another with the usual/random loot in the same compartment
After the release of 5.0 there were situations where only the loot-container spawned, that got fixed fairly fast.

So I suspect, you have not 'completed' those two vaults. Might be the ones, were most switches are on the 'upper side' of that central/storage thingy - but had one switch on the 'lower side'? I think, I had two of those kind...
I would agree with this, most likely cause is you've missed a switch on the data vault somewhere be sure to check all the surfaces.

I've pretty given up trying to find the last DV now for the Erlking fortunately it appears to be the shield which I'm missing which as others have pointed out can easily be replaced by a Terran XL and then modded for strength, recharge or resistance. The first 2 were pretty easy and in plain sight, the 2nd two I found with Adv Sats but god only knows where the 5th one is I can only assume there is a bug or continuity break in the mission at this point. I got no clues after boarding and one comment from Boso on finding the main battery weapon blueprint that was it. :gruebel:

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Re: Acquire the Erlking?

Post by Raptor34 » Thu, 14. Apr 22, 14:12

So rereading the thread and a couple questions.
1. There is no plot or quest to acquire the Erlking? Have to find it in the wild and cap it?
2. Can't get more than one? Does that mean no new Erlking would spawn if there is one available or what?
3. If I lose it I must cap it again? Or will I get a BP on cap to build it?
4. The 5 datavaults are in the new sectors only, i.e. Avarice and Windfall?

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