[7.0 Beta 5] Several identify resource mission issues [Bug report]

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[7.0 Beta 5] Several identify resource mission issues [Bug report]

Post by Axeface » Sat, 11. May 24, 18:32

Not specific to 7.0 beta. I wont be providing a savegame etc because my game is (lightly) modified, but I suppose I will take the time to highlight these issues that have always been around now that I am playing the game a bit and had complete a few of these missions. I hope that the time I have taken to test this game and provide this feedback doesnt fall on deaf ears just because I have a few mods, and anyone can test these missions by loading any unmodified savegame and accepting them. They are usually provided by the Teladi trade guild or the Pioneer guild.

Identify bountiful region-esk missions have a lot of problems. Here is a video (for what its worth) - by watching the video you should be able to see most of these following problems...

1. The target resource amount in the mission text is sometimes different to the target resource amount in the mission objective.
2. Sub-missions often have the same resource with the same objective amount in the same sector?
3. If you find enough resources to fulfill consecutive sub-missions they will not complete until the sub-mission higher in the list is completed.
4. Sometimes the sub-missions do not detect the resource properly when you have in-fact found it.
5. If several resources are found at once the sound that plays is VERY loud and obnoxious (I have noticed this across the game, please consider this general sound-design feedback). ****
6. The mission spams you with these objective complete messages and I'm not sure why, it is very annoying. ****
7. The sub-missions often complete like you have found enough of a resource when you have not (incorrect calculations?).
8. The white clouds that appear with long range scan do not seem to correlate with resource amounts in your immediate area.
What is this feature supposed to do? I suspect it might be for manual Large ship mining ONLY. The clouds are very destructive to performance and it confuses the entire subject of finding resources - no one manual mines in L ships, so I suggest that something needs to change here.

In general these missions are incredibly bug ridden, un-intuative and messy.
I like the idea behind them but please, they need work - as does the long range scanning feature.

Edit: **** I realised why this is - it is several dozen deploy resource probe upkeep missions completing when I drop the probes, so the identify bountiful-like missions are not as annoying as I thought and its something else causing those 2 problems, but the other issues remain.

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