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[#2196][v6.20 BUG] Crew stuck in limbo during transfer - Reproducible save available - Fixed

Posted: Mon, 29. Apr 24, 08:04
by Koizuki

I haven't submitted any bug reports here before, so if I'm missing anything, feel free to let me know.
With that out of the way, I have run into a bug where attempting to transfer crew between ships (via 'Work somewhere else for me' menu option) results in them stuck perpetually in an "in transit" state and never arriving at their destination.

My game is v6.20 on Steam, English language, never opted into the 7.0 Beta, and completely vanilla (no mods ever installed.)
The game was started via the Terran Cadet game start, for what it's worth, though I don't believe it matters here.

The issue was first observed when I attempted to transfer a pilot from a Mako (UFF-643) stationed at the HAT Free Port in Heretic's End over to a Heracles building a structure in Nopileos' Fortune VI to skill up engineering. I'm aware that they may take some time to arrive due to the distance between these two sectors, but it's been multiple hours and crew member "Philippa Gupta" is still flagged on the Heracles (named "Heracles Gamma" [EQW-119]) as "in transit," despite multiple rounds of crew successfully transferring to my HQ in Getsu Fune and back for Pilot training. Additionally, crew member "Hola Wa" was also on the same aforementioned Mako as Philippa (albeit as a Service Crew,) and they have arrived on the same Heracles quite a while ago despite being transferred together at the same time (plus/minus a couple seconds at most, but I think I had the game paused when I was issuing the transfer orders.)

I have managed to reproduce this issue reliably, specifically with regard to that particular Mako docked in Heretic's End's HAT station. Curiously, it bugs out only if you transfer them as a pilot from that ship.

Reproduction steps:
  1. Transfer crew from anywhere into the Mako as either a Service Crew or Marine (I used the Erlking (WAF-969) that is idling nearby in Heretic's End.) -> Success
  2. Transfer aforementioned crewmember back to anywhere else (back to Erlking in my case.) -> Success IF they were a Service Crew or Marine on the Mako
  3. Transfer crew from Erlking to Mako as a Pilot. -> Success
  4. Transfer Mako Pilot back to Erlking. -> Failure - Person now is stuck in limbo and will be perpetually "in transit." Observe crew member "Addy Samdi" on the Erlking is still stuck in transit from a prior test using this method.
The save file should be accessible here via OneDrive although I'm not 100% sure if I've set it up properly to allow download access, so I'd appreciate feedback on whether or not it works.

Please let me know if anything else is needed for repro or debug. I am hoping this can help the devs figure out the problem and issue a fix in time for 7.0 going live.


Re: [v6.20 BUG] Crew stuck in limbo during transfer - Reproducible save available

Posted: Mon, 29. Apr 24, 16:29
by CBJ
The report is great, but I don't seem to be able to access the file. You may need to set it to "public".

Re: [v6.20 BUG] Crew stuck in limbo during transfer - Reproducible save available

Posted: Mon, 29. Apr 24, 17:06
by Koizuki
Hmm.. I'm not sure what the issue is there; I did share the file from within OneDrive, and that link was generated via that Share button, with permission set to 'Anyone can view' through that link.
I also tested on another non-logged in browser just now (MS Edge) and it showed up with a download link that did work for me.

You can perhaps try this link which is the subfolder I have that save file in, and I've copied its share link with 'Anyone can view' permissions. Hopefully this works? I'm able to view this link through MS Edge as well, and see the save file on the list.

Let me know if this works or not; if not, I'll try a different service.

Re: [v6.20 BUG] Crew stuck in limbo during transfer - Reproducible save available

Posted: Mon, 29. Apr 24, 17:12
by CBJ
I get a "Sorry something went wrong" message with that one too, I'm afraid. Maybe try Google Drive or Dropbox. :)

Re: [v6.20 BUG] Crew stuck in limbo during transfer - Reproducible save available

Posted: Mon, 29. Apr 24, 17:18
by Koizuki
Okay, I have uploaded it onto Google Drive here and that link is again copied from the Share button, with permission set to anyone with link can view.
Tested in my non-logged in MS Edge again and it works for me; only "error" should be that no preview can be generated, but I see a download link.

My Google Drive is fairly low on space though, which is why I tried OneDrive first, but if this does work please let me know so I can delete it.

Re: [#2196][v6.20 BUG] Crew stuck in limbo during transfer - Reproducible save available

Posted: Mon, 29. Apr 24, 17:41
by Tranxalive
The save is safely stored and archived, so you can delete it from your Google Drive, if you want.
Thanks for the detailed report! :)

Re: [#2196][v6.20 BUG] Crew stuck in limbo during transfer - Reproducible save available

Posted: Mon, 29. Apr 24, 17:56
by Koizuki
That is great to hear, thanks for letting me know!
I'll delete it shortly, but I am hopeful it will be enough for you all to track down this bug.

Thanks, and good luck.