Low FPS on high end machine (not the highest end but still up there i think). Whats causing this?

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Low FPS on high end machine (not the highest end but still up there i think). Whats causing this?

Post by naisha » Fri, 16. Feb 24, 18:06

I've been playing X games since X2 and ive played a lot of X3 and X4 foundations.
However, i havent played x4 foundations in a couple of years and i cant 100% remember how last time was but my FPS wasn't this bad. I've played a lot last time and i dont remember having any issues.

Last time i had the same cpu and gpu

I started with the Terran Cadet start and when escorting a transport as part of the missions you are given initially you end up in Getsu Fune. There, my fps is like 30-40.

I thought it was because of the combat but once the combat was over, my fps still stayed low.

It doesnt matter what graphics settings i set, the fps barely changes.

What gives? This is super early game, if im getting this FPS now, im afraid to see what it will be later.

Or maybe this has something to do with Getsu Fune? I remember some systems are more taxing

My temps are fine, gpu is around 50C, cpu is at 60C
This is my rig:

CPU : AMD Ryzen 7 5800X

GPU: RTX 3080

RAM: 32GB RAM at 3200MHz (DOCP is enabled)

1440p monitor
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Re: Low FPS on high end machine (not the highest end but still up there i think). Whats causing this?

Post by CBJ » Fri, 16. Feb 24, 18:14

First things first, we can't really help you without the information requested in the very first thread at the top of the forum. That means your DXDiag and vulkaninfo rather than a quick summary of a couple of elements of your system, whether or not your game is modified, and so on. If it's unmodified, then your savegame would also be important, so that we can see what is going on in your specific case. The sticky thread at the top of the forum also explains how to provide this information.

Second, because of the nature of the game and the universe simulation, performance in the game is more commonly limited by the CPU than the GPU, so changing the graphics settings won't generally help on higher-end graphics hardware (there are some exceptions to this with very high AA settings, for example). Raw CPU core speed and memory speed are important factors. That said, it does sound like something unusual is going on in your case, so the requested information is going to be important if we're going to help further.

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Re: Low FPS on high end machine (not the highest end but still up there i think). Whats causing this?

Post by EGO_Aut » Fri, 16. Feb 24, 18:15

I do not know but with my i7-4790, 16Gb and Vega56 1440p, it runs similiar to your system. :gruebel:

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Re: Low FPS on high end machine (not the highest end but still up there i think). Whats causing this?

Post by naisha » Fri, 16. Feb 24, 18:23

I apologize, i posted this and the went on reading whats on the forum. I was in the process of uploading dxdiag and vulkaninfo

I have attached the dxdiag and vulkaninfo files here.

My game is modified with a bunch of mods i used last time i played (well, those that are working with the current version of the game) but i will disable them and restart the game without any mods and do the same start and the same missions and see if things improve, afterwards i will return here with an update

Vulkaninfo: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1P_pviT ... sp=sharing
DXdiag: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1tN6zP8 ... sp=sharing
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Alan Phipps
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Re: Low FPS on high end machine (not the highest end but still up there i think). Whats causing this?

Post by Alan Phipps » Fri, 16. Feb 24, 20:21

@ naisha: A quick check of your DxDiag shows that your graphics driver and Vulkan can be updated from the Nvidia site and that you have several different sound devices and drivers on the go at the same time - and some of those sound drivers are relatively dated. Almost all of your Windows Error Reports are updating issues.
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