Xenon resettlement

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Xenon resettlement

Post by EGO_Aut » Wed, 17. Apr 24, 21:38

My Xenon only holds Faulty Logic and Altyas Misfortune. I would like to resettle them in Green Scaleplate, where they are welcome to spread out to Trinity Sanctum.

My plan is to build administration centers in Green Scaleplate and the surrounding area and provide fleets to guard them. Then i install the Beta, again.

I'm hoping for Xenon/Khaak spawns in these areas, that will destroy everything and that the Xenon Warf will be active again.
What are my chances? Witch strategy would you recommend?

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Re: Xenon resettlement

Post by LameFox » Thu, 18. Apr 24, 06:32

I haven't seen the end crisis (or anything else?) spawn Xenon that would do anything to contribute to the economy of a lone wharf. They are combat ships, that fight and die and that's it. If anything I think triggering it there would most likely result in Kha'ak killing the wharf because there only seems to be the one Xenon fleet per invaded sector while Kha'ak keep spawning for quite some time.

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