I love the gates, I love the highway, first not, but it streets to multiplayer, Oo

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I love the gates, I love the highway, first not, but it streets to multiplayer, Oo

Post by Botschafter Von Den Glück » Thu, 28. Sep 17, 12:11

Hello out there,

I am X-Player sins the first BFT and I had absolutely no Idea what to do once jumped into the unknown as Brennan cause I was a child, but nonetheless I sticked to the game, and was waiting for LONG time for X2, and X3TC (And Reunion; For the soundtrack, the missions, the reputation, the 'Farnhams Legend' Audiobook), and I have absolutely no problem with XRebirth, I will just have not enough time to play it, I just go over the bugs,
If I saw them, when I bought the game, I did not cry and dry up, but I just waited calm in the beyond to wait for it to be born.

Happily my trust was worth the try, you MUST Innovate and Unfold yourself as a developer, must get time to have something to show, not show everything you are until you are nothing anymore.

Now I see the street to multiplayer a long wish from many I guess, and I was always dreaming of doing it with a Sinza. Haha trapped!

Now I am not interested in other Space games, because they limit you, promising freedom, because their space fits into a pizza carton, they are opportunistic, but too easy thougth-out, to flat, there is some good games out there, that I eventually play, too, but Egosoft is german, means something for me, and Egosoft was the 'first' on that place (looking from my own live-point-of-view only) and the concept was fine.

I just want to say that I love the highways, because NOW you can (within years of course) go over to multiplayer attempts, and X4 is just a step before this, because you must FIRST create the dynamic universe where everything is built and travelled FREE, with no limitations in ships and stations to be built ( Want to point to the resource-driven build-and-research EVERYTHING-approach and so on and what the AI does WOW).

So if I ask for a multiplayer X-Game, you dont have to call it X in the tradidtional way, but of course we need some interaction with planets,
somewhere, at wichever point this would be possible,

but I see a server running a smooth universe would be an extreme computer.

So why not doing exactly just that: Running the universe on a very powerful central machine, maybe more for how many groups want to start a universe, and then the players can play out TOGETHER on the X-Universe, in a private group, or on public groups, using highways together, and I LOVE the X-Games, I see the problems, but its not my part, so I want to play and not play about problems if I play, in contrast to work.

I dont want to classify the Way of multiplayer, just want to call it 'Online-Muliplayer', eg. 'Online-Muliplayer-X4'.
This can be unfold and developed over years. Maybe a parallel production line, if players could support egosoft strong enough. NOT to be meant as a FreetoPlay, or Advertisement-fold game, but honest people pay, and honest people play.

I have time to wait for such a game. Its just a wish list, the CENTRAL (there are smaller goals you prefer, but what would you give to have a high goal?) wish-list of the players, not all, but the core, and more players than even the earth can carry. (I SEE them out there, waiting for this, that ONE game makes it good!) Other Space-Games make it half-baken, its not ripe to multiplay, those do that, but Xgames have ways higher quality, but dont multiplay.

Is it a Mass-or Quality? Quality alone or Mass with Mess of game with Mess of people? (I say it with a smile. Just see so many strange people nowadays...)

So for those who despair on the Introduction of highways: Thing about that adding multiplayer is a long-time-goal, that comes nearer, and that we can eventually reach, and its worth to hope for, and be honest and take the present if you ask it (in the sum, together as a community)
for years, please dont scare off if they attempt to touch the stairways to that point when they can develope this!

This would be MUCH appreciated, if you dont scare off.
PLEASE accept the way, Egosoft is doing their way, they are important, and if the time comes, they include your features!
If they can sail against the wind, and survive it, they are worthy to be supported. Of course they also have to master YOUR Exams to get through.

So the POINT of my Topic is: I ALWAYS MISS TO HAVE PLAYERS Around me, because I am SICK of playing my Rich glamour Edit: Empire for the AI only, which I appreciate, but NOBODY SEES MY Wonder!
NOBODY SEES IF I SHOOT THE STITCH out of my virtual bubble, and I want to experience the game with OTHER X-Players together, and we are all split up, there are some connections, but After the REUNION, so when comes the UNITING of the player?
This asks for the developers to support Unation (I say theese words because they fit, dont ask for grammar I dont like it :evil: :-), I say it different and wrong with a smile because I want to SAY something I could not say differently, Even if I put in the right english word it wouldn't fit; I want to say unite and nation together with a sense thats why. )
and I ask the players to take the rope and climp to the point where you and the developers can grab each-others hand to unite.

Stick together, even through some corrupted times, if developement-technical trouble comes between you, because and only as long as egosoft is worth the child.

I am the Egosoft-Multiplayer-X4. And I am waiting to be born, is it calling from the Commonwealth of the planets.

Lets STEER it! This is a wishful ask to invoke you to take part into this long-term-project.

Only just because nothing is said, it does not mean that nothing can and is to be done.

See you, your

Botschafter Von Den Glücksplaneten

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Post by Vandragorax » Thu, 28. Sep 17, 13:06

Multiplayer has been discussed quite in-depth many times, not least of all recently in this thread: https://forum.egosoft.com/viewtopic.php?t=396105

It's something that is not likely to happen any time soon, the X series has always predominantly been focused on the best single-player experience possible. Even the notion of a drop-in/drop-out limited co-op experience is met with disdain by some players :D

I feel personally that they can spend their development time much better making this the BEST single player space sim game out there, and let other games do the multiplayer stuff. I mean if you want space MP that badly, honestly just go and play EVE Online because it does all of that stuff in a real-time MP universe.

The X games have never been about that and are better placed remaining in a solo oriented game. I'd actually enjoy drop-in 2-player co-op because that's more in line with what the X series is all about IMHO but who knows, we'll have to wait and see what comes in the future :)

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Post by eMYNOCK » Thu, 28. Sep 17, 13:30

dont spread lies...

in the X-Gold CD Rom Box was a link hidden...


this link was the promise to go online and create a X Online Universe for many Players to build in... to trade in and to fight in.

This was in Year 2000... 17 years ago.

And since than i am waiting... and supporting Egosoft with any means i can affort.
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Post by Botschafter Von Den Glück » Thu, 28. Sep 17, 13:43

Let me have my own topic.

The topic has a life. Let the discussion create new and new topics from players who hope for. Dont spoil that they intend to dream for this game, just accept that we are all here.

There is enough room for all of us, but thanks for connecting the topics to produce order.
Invokations cannot be the 124. Answer deep in a topic. You spit on the players to ask it from them. Every comment has a value.
Every is rich.

Lets not cartigorize or judge, what X-Games niche has to be. Let it undefined, and let it be a Singleplayer just go on with that.
And seperately, let us wish for Unfolding.

Because: If you dont let us wish, we cannot show you how much we want this, if you cut the topic whereever it comes up.

Protect yourself from unwanted information that you are not planning to talk officially, but dreams that the players beyond this still have must be communicated, again and again, which is an additional richdom to the forums with every player asking for this.

How do you want to evaluate the direction of your customers, if you cut the attraction of a topic, by claiming the law of production (defining by absolutims what is allowed to be possible!)on any wish the players have?

We are ALL different. Theese rules are basic.

Other games have their niche. The Nightigal screams beautiful and the donnkey yawns, trying to do the same.

Stay within your sphere, thats true, I accept all your words.
But you talk about what was in the past (Xgames have never been...), the status-quo (this is what is to be! and not to be!), and of course that all is what the people want.

Dont scare off if I want to add some things, too.

Growth is the motor of production, and the motor of games, and there can be a growth, that is not against the laws of the earth, but there can be growth, that is a useful developement, that grows players and developers alike.

Just be open and lets dream together, no matter what the frontiers of the now-possible tell us.
X-Beyond-The-Frontier is a title, that shall not turn into opposite in the 5.X-Game (X5- Stay-Within-THEESE-frontier because the developers can't it), this would not keep your promise true.

Let us unfold!

You are appreciated. Lets live our happy life on.

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Post by Crimsonraziel » Thu, 28. Sep 17, 15:49

eMYNOCK wrote:dont spread lies...

in the X-Gold CD Rom Box was a link hidden...


this link was the promise to go online and create a X Online Universe for many Players to build in... to trade in and to fight in.

This was in Year 2000... 17 years ago.

And since than i am waiting... and supporting Egosoft with any means i can affort.
Not sure, wether I should mention April Fools' Day or not.
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Post by Crellion » Thu, 28. Sep 17, 16:49

Not a peep!

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Post by Killjaeden » Thu, 28. Sep 17, 16:56

I think someone got a little bit too excited there :lol:

Performant and stable Netcode is a huuuge task. Network coders are in short supply (many game studios want them) and i doubt Egosoft has anyone with that capability in their team currently. So don't get your hopes up...
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Post by spankahontis » Thu, 28. Sep 17, 17:10

Not one for online, there is Elite Dangerous, Eve Online and eventually Star Citizen for that.

Personally I would feel pretty pissed off if my factories were being constantly targeted and farmed by the same group of players in a cooperative.
I've played online games where they form groups to simply run a protection racket of the much smaller factions and single players.

I can see the same thing happening here, you invest hours building your factories and you're being targetted by the same group of players with a much larger fleet than you.
To me It's a waste of time to even bother being a factory mogul if you're going to be hit by more competitive bigger players.

If there was a single/multi-player option, where you could play with all the benefits of online servers but without the other players element to it with the latest options/missions etc. updating your single player game then that would be cool.
You get single player and the choice of multi-player.

But screwing over the single player for online casuals would drive me away from the brand.

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Post by Falcrack » Fri, 29. Sep 17, 00:14

X4 should never be massively mulitplayer with a bunch of random strangers running around. It should be designed and balanced around single player. That being said, a limited multiplayer (maybe a limit of 4 or so), with people who join by invitation only, either cooperative or competitive, could be a lot of fun.

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Post by eMYNOCK » Fri, 29. Sep 17, 03:36

Crimsonraziel wrote:
eMYNOCK wrote:....
Not sure, wether I should mention April Fools' Day or not.
Killjaeden wrote:I think someone got a little bit too excited there :lol:

Performant and stable Netcode is a huuuge task. Network coders are in short supply (many game studios want them) and i doubt Egosoft has anyone with that capability in their team currently. So don't get your hopes up...
I am holding onto my hopes and wishes since god damn 17 Years... and when it will be additional 17 Years i will wait.

Okay... to be honest... i am probably way too old to or even worse in 17 Years.


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Post by ADMNtek » Fri, 29. Sep 17, 03:54

the only thing that i might see working for a game like x is synchronized singelplayer. and even that would be problematic. x games are in my mind to long for MP even if you were to only play it with your friends the level of commitment over 100-1000 hours is extreme. most of us arent the youngest anymore who here can say that they could always make it for a session. because if you don't the chance is high the AI had a total fail and your empire is in ruins. and an X mmo well considering what regularly happens in Eve no thank you.

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Post by AndrewR » Fri, 29. Sep 17, 15:19

I would not support online multiplayer, but would support a live-chat facility - where you can:

- use text chat to converse with other players.
- use VoIP to converse with other players.
- stream your game with other players during chat.

Where it can:
- be switched on and off.
- by default be shown in a top corner of the screen / or moveable

This would help to create community, without turning it into yet another MMO.

For me, the beauty of X is:
- creating a living galaxy without resorting to other players to make it alive
- it is a space game that allows players to control the amount of time they spend in it, without feeling they are losing out.


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Post by dctrjons » Mon, 9. Oct 17, 13:23

For me X3 was a hobby game. A game where I could work on my tiny model universe and then come online to talk with others about their "models" and experiences. The only way it would work multiplayer is if for my 500+ hour universe i had the same people with the same work/life schedules as myself and were able to play 100% of the times i had available. For just one other person that would be near impossible. So, no the only multiplayers that can do that are the AI...

I mean if you dont like eve online....you won't like Xx multiplayer just the names and look would be different.

As for a live community...hmmm thats an idea. Kinda doesn't make gameplay sense....but i think i kinda remember playing some games like this. Diablo 3 kinda has this, play singleplayer but can chat, although all I see are powerlevel chats...but thats because mutiplayer IS an option.

Wonder if theres a 3rd party option.

Sorry for nay saying, but nothing is without cost...and if Xx became a multiplayer game....it would destroy my dream. And to me, my dreams are more important....I checked.

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Post by Alan Phipps » Mon, 9. Oct 17, 17:01

As the OP seems to have lost interest in this thread, the ongoing multiplayer debate can carry on here.
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