About the S M L XL Ship classification business

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Post by adeine » Mon, 9. Oct 17, 08:55

Sandalpocalypse wrote:well for one thing you are comparing the property list with 2 ships on it (hardly enough to make any determinations) to a sector list.

XR, and from what i've seen x4 have a more hierarchal and collapsable focus. so a given task group will show up as one object (i.e. Pirate Riot Squad, or HoA Freedom Frigate). X4 will also focus more on looking at the actual map than looking at a list as the map will be much more useable on several dimensions; you'll be able to view a greater gameplay area since it is split up less than both X3 and XR, and what you see will be vastly more informative.

Got some screengrabs for you from the recent stream which further illustrate the visual confusion.

See how the IDs don't line up and are even wrapped out of the list entirely when the name is too long, making it impossible to distinguish between objects (icons would be the same, too).

Being able to collapse things I think is somewhat of a double edged sword - on the one hand it is nice to have things grouped together and "out of sight" when not needed, but not only is this difficult from context (how are things grouped together? what happens when groupings change? what is relevant right now?), it also takes up extra space and makes it harder to see information at a glance. For instance, not easily being able to judge the strength of a collapsed "raiding party", having to click through all collapsed sections and then scroll through to find a specific ship, etc.
Last edited by adeine on Mon, 9. Oct 17, 10:00, edited 1 time in total.

Sparky Sparkycorp
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Post by Sparky Sparkycorp » Mon, 9. Oct 17, 09:35

adeine wrote: Being able to collapse things I think is somewhat of a double edged sword - on the one hand it is nice to have things grouped together and "out of sight" when not needed, but not only is this difficult from context (how are things grouped together? what happens when groupings change? what is relevant right now?), it also takes up extra space and makes it harder to see information at a glance. For instance, not easily being able to judge the strength of a collapsed "raiding party", having to click through all collapsed sections and then scroll through to find a specific ship, etc.
What part takes up extra space? Do you mean the plus symbol next to groups in XR?

MegaJohnny has converted that into a number, which addressses the issue of not knowing the size of the group. That doesn't address all your concerns but it's a nice improvement on one aspect.


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Post by adeine » Mon, 9. Oct 17, 10:16

Sparky Sparkycorp wrote: What part takes up extra space? Do you mean the plus symbol next to groups in XR?

MegaJohnny has converted that into a number, which addressses the issue of not knowing the size of the group. That doesn't address all your concerns but it's a nice improvement on one aspect.

While a number is better than the plus sign it still doesn't tell the player anything about what ships make up the group (type, what hull/shields they are at, etc.).

The extra space investment is obvious when compared to the X3 property/sector lists - all the headers, group captions and variable spacing elements mean we're looking at ~12 entries at a time whereas it's about 60 entries in X3 (with different sections for stations, ships, and player property, too, plus full IDs and icons which are missing in the current X4 lists).

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