Request: Player Controlled L/XL gate traversal.

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Request: Player Controlled L/XL gate traversal.

Post by Crovaxo » Sat, 13. Apr 24, 13:18

I loved when you guys implemented the jump ability for NPC ships, it has made them a lot more efficient in navigating gates and has added to the immersion overall.

Yet I find it highly immersion breaking and I also do not understand the reasoning behind not allowing the player controlled (actually flying) L/XL ships to not be able to do the same. Why do we have to navigate these slow and sluggish ships through a gate while all NPC capital vessels are jumping through?

This could even be done by requesting coms with the gate, it would add significantly to the immersion or by just right clicking the gate from a certain distance (5-10km?) and selecting jump through gate or whatever.

I would love it if you guys added it.

Thanks for the awesome game I am closing in on 1100 hours now and I absolutely love it, keep it up!


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