Teleportation - A Hidden Potential not thought of?

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Post by Kitty » Wed, 4. Oct 17, 21:01

RainerPrem wrote:Hi,
risking a peek into the crystal ball I dare predict that Teleporting will have one effect: Instead of ONE favorite ship like the Springy or the Hype I will need to have a copy of them in each interesting sector.
Indeed. This may push some players away.

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Post by spankahontis » Wed, 4. Oct 17, 21:14

Rice wrote: TO: Odd suggestion indeed, but why not using the Cells in your Computingsystem to generate some thoughts and they are not even thats bad, "Scotty Beam me Upppp !" or how the quote has to look like for planet "exploration" ;P
You wouldn't believe the will power I've needed to not say that.

Axeface wrote: Thats a wild exhaggeration. I'de actually wager that the majority dont want that at all, I for one do not.

Your suggestion however is acheiveable, but gameplay wise its very similar to landing on a station just with a different background. I dont see why not.
I'd wager people who like to explore every inch of a universe would welcome the ability to Land on a Planet.

Several topics in the past have already asked for such a feature.. And in each one, Egosoft members have explained how they wouldn't be able to pull it off and it's mostly down to time constraints and resources needed to make an entire 'Custom made' World let alone a 100 more to fit their systems.

With teleportation, that opportunity presents itself.
Where we could actually explore new Worlds (To a point) instead of looking at them from Orbit like wallpaper.

So if you have any down to Earth ideas of how Egosoft can pull off something on this scale then please divulge.

Not everyone hates walking on stations, they just don't agree with the format in which it has been rolled out and the lack of things that only amplifies the repetitiveness of things like smalltalk, hiring staff etc.
It does have the potential to add so much more that we sadly didn't get with Rebirth.
If it was so unpopular as you seem to think, why do most Space Sims have Station walking, Planet walking? or are adding such things to their Space Sims?
So yeah, there is a market out there, the way it was implemented is the main reason it wasn't well received here.

Most People weren't expecting a first person shooter like Star Citizen's model when you Land when Egosoft said early on it was never going to happen as that's not what X-Games are all about.
Exploration however is a big part of X-Games and in their Hearts, those that aren't sure will be convinced depending on if X4 delivers?
Last edited by spankahontis on Wed, 4. Oct 17, 21:31, edited 1 time in total.

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Post by RAVEN.myst » Wed, 4. Oct 17, 21:24

Kitty wrote:
RainerPrem wrote:Hi,
risking a peek into the crystal ball I dare predict that Teleporting will have one effect: Instead of ONE favorite ship like the Springy or the Hype I will need to have a copy of them in each interesting sector.
Indeed. This may push some players away.
Not to mention the logistical nightmare (or, at the very least, tedium) of actually deploying all those "copies." Also, such "copies" of favourite ships make them non-unique, which is also a disadvantage, in my opinion - while personally I'm not a fan of the HypeVan or the Springy (they're both too "powerful" for my liking, so I simply don't use them), I do have my own favourites (TMs and M7Cs often fill this niche for me) - whichever ship I am using as my capital ship, it is *special* and *unique* to me, and having to duplicate them would simply cheapen that sentiment.

spankahontis wrote:
Rice wrote: TO: Odd suggestion indeed, but why not using the Cells in your Computingsystem to generate some thoughts and they are not even thats bad, "Scotty Beam me Upppp !" or how the quote has to look like for planet "exploration" ;P
You wouldn't believe the will power I've needed to not say that.
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Post by spankahontis » Wed, 4. Oct 17, 21:53

Killjaeden wrote:Ok so you landed or teleported on the station with planetary backdrop. Now what? What does it add to the gameplay that walking on stations in space doesn't already provide?


Think about it, alien Plants, trees, looking up at the sky and seeing 3 separate moons in orbit.
Each Station would give you the ability to look at the cities outside the Station interior. You can sit/stand and watch shuttles flying past, People walking back and forth, just the business of Planetary Life.

Each Planet Station being unique, one could be an Island paradise, or the home of the greatest Bar in Space, a Las Vegas style World full of gambling to a mining colony.
I certainly don't want to see the same Station interior with a New wallpaper to look at, but to create an awesome unique location that you can only see on that planet would be great.

But not just only a custom station with unique features but there is a whole host of unique new chain-missions that you can only do on these Worlds to make visiting them interesting or New Loot and certain items that you can only get on these worlds that would make you a mint if you sold them to Space Stations that rarely receive them.

To actually visit a Vinyard/Distillary production Station where it's main produce is Terran Red Wine, Whisky along with other unique items.
Rather than be lucky to open a loot crate with some Terran Wine in it, you can actually visit a place that makes it.

Kitty wrote:
RainerPrem wrote:Hi,
risking a peek into the crystal ball I dare predict that Teleporting will have one effect: Instead of ONE favorite ship like the Springy or the Hype I will need to have a copy of them in each interesting sector.
Indeed. This may push some players away.
With full foot stomping and holding of breath. :lol:

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