RE: Stuck inside a Xenon ship & LCtrl-Esc

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RE: Stuck inside a Xenon ship & LCtrl-Esc

Post by CORPORATEAN » Fri, 29. Dec 17, 02:17

Two bugs to report...

It is apparently possible to fly up inside the Xenon (K) ships (the larva/shrimp looking ones) and get stuck inside. Not up underneath, but inside the shell, so that you are looking out at the space around you, and can't exit. So far, when trapped inside during the final moments, you may not die or get damaged, but flying out the way you came in is not easy, and sometimes you have to wait until the ship explodes to do so.

Also, I'd like to know why hitting the left Control and Esc key (on purpose or by accident kicks you out of the game, sometimes to the point of not being able to get back in, just a nice rectangle in the upper left with the game name on it that isn't clickable.

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Post by iforgotmysocks » Fri, 29. Dec 17, 02:26

Getting stuck inside structures can happen at anything large u fly against with high velocity. It's a weird bug that's been around since the beginning.
Try boosting against a wall to trigger a 'ping-pong' effect that will eventually free you duo to ur increasing bounce speed, or just jump our with ur jumpdrive if u have one already.
Ur second issue never happend to me i must say. :s

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Post by Alan Phipps » Fri, 29. Dec 17, 15:51

Out of sheer interest, why would anyone want to press or even mistakenly press Ctrl-Esc in-game? I wonder if it perhaps has a 'special' OS function such as with Alt-Tab, Ctrl-Alt-Del, and Alt-F4? <shrugs>
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Post by X2-Illuminatus » Thu, 4. Jan 18, 10:29

By default the key combination Ctrl-Esc opens the windows start menu, i.e. has the same function has the windows key on respective keyboards.
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