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Posted: Sun, 20. Sep 20, 19:38
by oceanway
The most important tool to manage ships in XR is the Property Owned window. With the right commands, you can have your ships do anything you want. The second most
important tool to manage ships is the 3D Camera Drone Radar. This help you see where your ships are and what they're doing from the camera drone's point of view. The
third most important tool to manage ships is the 3D Electronic Compass Radar (ECR). This also help you see what you do not see in the 3D Camera Drone Radar (CDR) from
the Albion Skunk's point of view. However, there are some things that hinder commanding ships effectively and they will be mentioned in the paragraphs below.


I won't get into explaining how to manage the Albion Skunk which includes using the monitors (counter clockwise from bottom left to right: menu, ship interface, drone
interface, CDR, ECR and Weapons interface) in the cockpit. This would have to be shown and explained in a video. But I will mention how to manage your squad, wing and

To secure your squad from threats is to position them at a point in empty space. The minimum distance from the highway area in any direction for their safety is 60 kilometers or one full boost. Although the limit of the sandbox is at least 10,000 kilometers (I've reached approximately 11, 450 kilometers in XR while turned over to the other side of the sandbox at almost 10,000 kilometers in X2: The Threat), beyond that the actual limit of the sandbox in XR is unknown at the time of this post. However, your squad will be safe there when they can't dock into a station or in a carrier.

To have your squad follow you automatically is to have them join your squad. This will come in handy when you want to retreat from a situation and have the ships follow you to safety.

To have the squad not follow you automatically is to have them leave your squad. This will cause them to stop what they're doing once they leave your squad. You will then have to command them manually to fly to your current location or position where they will wait for further orders after arrival. Remember to stay at your current position for them to reach where you are before going somewhere else, or they will follow you to your new location you did not command them to be.

To have multiple ships that are not in your squad to carry out a command in unison is to broadcast them by selecting them in the boxes on the left side in the Property Owned window.

To have the squad positioned by command is to have them fly to position at a coordinate. This is a challenge because you can't position them anywhere beyond 60 kilometers from the highway intersection in a zone. By default, the limit appeared to be 60 kilometers allowed to manually position your ships in a squad in the 3D Camera Drone Radar.

The 3D Camera Drone Radar or CDR is the three dimensional map you see when you press the comma or period button on the keyboard or the Navigation icon in the menu. The Zone CDR shows the intersection or part of the highway, the Sector CDR shows the zones connected by highway tunnels or lines, the System CDR shows the sectors connected by super highway tunnels or lines and the Galaxy CDR shows the systems connected by jump gates.

Be alert to ships that are in your squad and were commanded to hold position at a location. Sometimes they would follow you without notice and put themselves in harms
way when not given the right command.


Now that I mentioned some of the basics of Squad Management, let's put the squads together into a wing:

Without A Carrier

To command squads without a carrier is to select which group of ships that will temporarily be in a squad either individually or broadcast in the Property Owned window and then have them leave squad for specific or individual commands.

To separate the squads is to either physically boost in a direction according to the 3D Electronic Compass Radar or ECR and have them positioned there by commanding them to fly to your current position and hold position there after arrival or dispatched to another zone in the sector using another command. Again, you must wait for them to arrive to your current position before setting up another squad to be positioned in another direction in the zone if positioning them in empty space in the same zone. For example, squad one is positioned approximately 60 kilometers above the plane (ecliptic), squad two is positioned approximately 60 kilometers East on the plane relevant to the ECR and so forth. Use fly to position command when dispatching the squad to another zone at the highway or part of it in the intersection and will not go into empty space for them to meet you.

With A Carrier

To command squads with a carrier is to select the carrier on the list in the Property Owned window if you have a carrier, click the addition button on the left to drop down or show the list of smaller ships that are carried by the carrier. The Albion Skunk is the main ship on the top of the list that does not carry any ship, but incorporated them instead under it.

Separating the carriers is done the same way squads are set up without a carrier. The exception of course is that the squad is in the carrier and you can have a group of carriers as a squad as part of a larger wing which is the fleet.


Using the basics of wing management mentioned above, we can expand to other zones and set up additional wings to form a fleet:

To view what the wings are doing is to click the Show On Map button on the bottom of the Property Owned window. On the CDR, you can select a carrier and command what you want them to do in the zone's hub or highway area. The only drawback is that you can't dispatch them into empty space remotely, even when a ship is there to lock onto.

The 3D CDR also has an electronic compass indicating directions without the grid. The +Z is North, +X is East, -Z is South, -X is West, +Y is Above and -Y is Below. Using both CDR and ECR together will help find things not shown in the zone and flying in empty space with a sense of direction easier. I was able to find and map Xenon sentinels (weapon platforms) in the Natural Expansion sector in Cold Star system using the two radars together with zooming function on the mouse for example. This would aid in finding invisible objects in empty space.


To find your way back from empty space is to select one of your ships on Property Owned window that's in the zone at the highway area, select detail, select plot course and then select guide. This will give you precise direction and accurate distance in kilometers from it as well as how far you're in empty space and where. Or, if you have a ship with a jump drive follow you, you can dock into it and jump in the next sector.

To haul minerals and gases faster is to have 4-8 Dwalins and Nudungs plus a Lyranea instead of a Fedhelm and a Sequana alone separately. The mined materials can be transferred into the Lyranea. This option will mine faster than with just one big mining ship with drones.

To view what your ships are doing up close is to interactively click on them twice in CDR and press F3. Using Property Owned window after closing the CDR window while still in F3 view can be done for making further commands.

To have the patrol ships protect effectively is to have them attack enemies rather than defend ship by selecting a designated patrol ship in the Property Owned window, select detail, select Defense Officer in management, select detail and then select attacking enemies or defending action under Commands. A Split Defense Officer (lieutenant commander by rank) should defend ship and attack enemies well since they are warriors by nature. The Marine Officer (major by rank) should also be Split and the marines the same through a Split Recruiting Officer.

Hope this post help managing ships in X Rebirth effectively. Yours truly.


Posted: Mon, 21. Sep 20, 18:21
by oceanway

The ships can lock on to another ship by clicking on the enrouting ship in the CDR, a Talorcan for instance, in the main zone (for example, in this case #4 - Darned Hot Air in sector Glaring Truth), select New Order, select Fly to Position, press select button, zoom out with mouse until you see one or more of your ships in empty space, click on one of those ships, click confirm, press back button, select main zone and watch the enrouting ship move towards to and near the target ship in empty space. The same can be done by clicking on a station in the main zone for it to descend back to the highway area.


Posted: Mon, 21. Sep 20, 23:24
by oceanway

One thing I forgot to mention was the Ship Menu window used to manage ships. When you left double click on a ship with your mouse on the list of ships in the ECR and then left click on the ECR monitor in the cockpit or the Details button on the bottom of the CDR, you'll get a Ship Menu window. On the subject of ship management, I'm focusing on Management category containing the list of employees.

When you click on the addition or plus button on the left side of the window, you'll see a dropped down list of employees. The employee that flies the ship is either the Pilot or the Captain. Select the Pilot or the Captain and click on Details button and you'll get the Skills, Commands and Subordinates list. Select the action line which is the first line under the Commands list, the second line is the status line. Then click on the Comm button below to communicate with the Pilot or Captain of the ship.


Posted: Thu, 24. Sep 20, 20:22
by oceanway

You can have your ships fly to position anywhere within and beyond the zone when using the Fly to Position command. Hover the cursor arrow on the CDR screen and adjust the radar by pressing and holding down the right button on the mouse to rotate the dimension. Then scroll or drag the dimension on the CDR screen from top to bottom, left to right, bottom to top, right to left or diagonally likewise by pressing and holding the left button on the mouse after adjusting. Then left click to set the yellow highlighted plus pointer in the dimension and confirm it. The selected ship will fly to that point in space.

However, each time you drag the dimension on the CDR, you're moving from one zone to another when reaching beyond 120 kilometers diameter. Which means you'll be positioning the ship 360 kilometers away from the highway if you drag the dimension three times from top to bottom for instance. At that distance, they could travel by conventional means if you have them fly to your current position or another position in another zone on the sector list instead of the zone they were in. Therefore, be careful when dragging the dimension on the CDR, or you'll have to wait a long time before they arrive to their destination.


Posted: Thu, 1. Oct 20, 20:37
by oceanway

To calculate how long a ship will reach its destination according to its speed and the distance it will travel is to multiply the ship's speed by 60 seconds by 60 minutes divided by 1000 kilometers to get the speed in kilometers per hour. Then divide the distance by speed per hour to get the length of time in hours the ship will reach its destination.

For example, the Albion Skunk's speed is 360 meters per second, its Mk IV engine's top speed, and you want to know how long it will travel to reach 3000 kilometers. Multiply 360 by 60 by 60 (hence 360 x 60 x 60) and divide it by 1000 kilometers to get 1296 kilometers per hour (kph). Then divide 3000 km by 1296 kph to get 2.31481 hours. According to this example, the Skunk will reach 3000 km in 2.31 hours in real time. The speed of a ship is indicated on engine line in the General list in Ship Menu category by selecting a ship in Property Owned window and select Details in the bottom.


Posted: Fri, 2. Oct 20, 03:48
by wildcat71
I just wanted to thank you for your informative posts, I am actually replaying XR and I found useful tips in your thread. Thanks.


Posted: Thu, 8. Oct 20, 16:10
by oceanway

To see how far you're traveling in deep (empty) space from the zone is to position a ship in the center of the zone, go to navigation in menu and select zone, double left-click on the satellite acting ship on the right of CDR where ship positioned is in the center of the zone, select details, select plot course and then select guidance to get the guide interface in the middle of your HUD. Travel in any direction from the sat-ship beyond 60 kms. On the right side of the guide interface, you will see its range meter showing the distance between your Skunk and the sat-ship. The satellite ship (I use a Talorcan as Ranger), or sat-ship for short, is any ship used to measure distance from and/or get access to station information in another zone by remote.


Posted: Thu, 8. Oct 20, 16:14
by oceanway
wildcat71 wrote:
Fri, 2. Oct 20, 03:48
I just wanted to thank you for your informative posts, I am actually replaying XR and I found useful tips in your thread. Thanks.

It is [my] pleasure doing so. You're welcome! Also, others players can contribute their version of tips in this thread for additional insight and information.


Posted: Thu, 15. Oct 20, 16:50
by oceanway

To determine a coordinate within a zone is to have a ship (preferably a Talorcan as Ranger) Fly to Position in the center of the zone, one in the North direction (+Z), one the East direction (+X), one in the South direction (-Z), one in the West direction (-X), one in the Ascending direction (+Y) and one in the Descending direction (-Y) on the CDR. You can also travel 60 kilometers in one direction and have a sat-ship Fly to your Current Position, each at a time using the ECR.

Using your range finder on the Guide Interface, you can find the coordinate by measuring the distance between the Skunk and surrounding sat-ships, not including the one in the center of the zone. Hence, (+Z and -Z) x (+Y and -Y) x (+X and -X) by adding the distance values in each set to get a negative or positive number in each one for the coordinate. Useful if positioning capital ships at key coordinates and (don't know at the time of this post if it could be done) building stations in empty space.

The above is the same for setting coordinates in sectors.


Posted: Thu, 22. Oct 20, 22:16
by oceanway

Other than dragging the dimension to a certain distance to position your ships on the CDR, the depth of the dimension can be adjusted the same. Simply zoon further away from the highway and position your ships accordingly after rotating the dimension to your satisfaction. The distance however, can't be measured easily before positioning the ships. Therefore be careful when scrolling (or dragging) the CDR screen to position ships using the Fly to Position command.


Posted: Thu, 29. Oct 20, 20:07
by oceanway

There are different sets of interaction commands at certain distance from an object. The object could be a ship, station, asteroid, lockbox or transport container.


In open space, if you are near a ship within 40 kilometers from it, the blue, red, or green square box object indicator surrounding it (the white object indicator is the target indicator for missile guidance, nearby object guidance and to claim a ship) will appear. However, the friend, foe or owned, respectively, type and size of a ship will display a certain set of interaction commands when double-left clicking on them. Note that friendly target indicator is Page Up/Down and enemy target indicator activation toggle is Shift + E on keyboard.

On the blue (friendly) ships between 2-40 kilometers, the small and medium size ships will display the Follow Autopilot, Information and Attack interaction commands and the large and extra large size ships will display the Board, Follow Autopilot, Information and Attack interaction commands. However, at 2 kilometers or less, the interaction commands are the same except for large and extra large ships and claiming an abandoned ship. At 2 kilometers for large and extra large ships, a blue landing platform icon will appear. Double-left click on that will display the Fly to Autopilot and Information interaction commands. But within 750 meters of the landing platform icon, the display will show the Fly to Autopilot, Information and Dock interaction commands.

For abandoned ships, you will see Follow Autopilot, Info and Claim interaction commands. You must have a pilot onboard your Albion Skunk to operate it. Double click on the abandoned ship if you have the pilot onboard and select Claim on the bottom-right The commander will fly over in the pod and take control of it. The blue square object indicator box will turn green after the ship is claimed.

On the red (foe) ships between 2-40 kilometers, the small and medium size ships will display the Follow Autopilot, Information and Attack interaction commands and the large and extra large size ships will display the Board, Follow Autopilot, Information and Attack interaction commands. However, at 2 kilometers or less, the interaction are the same except for large and extra large ships. At 2 kilometers for large and extra large ships, a red landing platform icon will appear. Double-left click on that will display the Fly to Autopilot and Information interaction commands. But within 750 meters of the landing platform icon, the display will show the Fly to Autopilot, Information and Dock interaction commands.

The dock and attack commands on the red ships will not work for obvious reason. The captain will simply and sarcastically agree to attack, but really it is to attack you if you select the attack command. Also, to keep up with the enemy when in combat, select the Follow Autopilot command or Shift + A keys on the keyboard to lock on and follow automatically during pursuit. Use boost to get closer to it while watching the shield for protection.

On the green (owned) ships between 2-4 kilometers, the small and medium size ships will display the Follow Autopilot and Information interaction commands and the large and extra large size ships will display Board, Follow Autopilot and Information interaction commands. However, at 2 kilometers or less, the interaction commands are the same except for large and extra large ships. At 2 kilometers for large and extra large ships, a green landing platform icon will appear. Double-left click on that will display the Fly to Autopilot and Information interaction commands. But within 750 meters of the landing platform icon, the display will show the Fly to Autopilot, Information and Dock interaction commands.


In open space, if you are near a station, the information on the station will appear on the Multipurpose Monitor in the cockpit within 10 kilometers. It's not possible to double-left click on the station for targeting it nor obtain interaction commands. However, by double-left clicking on one of the stores (loading docks) on the station will display a sell or buy interaction commands on your screen other than its target information on the Skunk's CDR/ECR multipurpose monitor. Through this store, the target of the station is also shown. Also, to lock onto a station is to navigate using the menu to a zone where the target station is located, click on the station in the list to highlight it on the CDR, click on Comm in the bottom to get the station's interaction commands, select Trade Manager and ask 'How can I find you?' The Trade Manager will give you a guide to the station. [Another is to navigate using the menu to a zone where the target station is located, click on the station in the list to highlight it on the CDR, click Details on bottom-right for Station Menu, click Plot Course and then Guidance]. These are the only way to lock on to a station in space.


In open space, if you are near an asteroid within 5 kilometers from it, its icon will appear without any interaction command. The asteroid would act as a bookmark to return to its location when tagged onto it continuously. Also, when you hover closer to it while targeting it (white frame around it) you will see the type of mineral it has. Hence: Ore, Silicon or Nividium.

Lockboxes and Transport Containers

There are three kinds of containers: Cargo container, Transport container and Lockbox container. These containers can be searched for either by using a long range scanner or target scroller. Press Enter, 1 and 5 for long range scanner. Press Page Up or Page Down buttons for scrolling target on ships and floating containers. Look for 'Ware Container' on the Skunk's CDR/ECR multipurpose monitor when scrolling through targets.

Cargo containers look like small packages and come from small sized class ships. They can be picked up or looted by flying through it or holding down the letter 'O' as in Oscar button. Transport containers look like lockboxes, but a different kind and requires transferring method using cargolifters to transport them onto a capable and available ship after selecting and tagging them. Lockbox containers are acutely rectangular in shape and have a mechanical or explosive locks on them. If you left-click on or scroll onto one of these, you will see a white target with range meter on its right indicating how far you are from it and where.


Posted: Thu, 5. Nov 20, 17:30
by oceanway

To stop the Skunk completely from drifting is to press the Back button on the keyboard. The Skunk will cease moving in space. (This should be in the Albion Skunk Management part in the topic above or in one of the subtopics below which will be added soon in this thread.) To stop faster, press the Enter, period or comma buttons. Also, to turn off the steering instructions and guide on the HUD, press Shift + H buttons on the keyboard. Full picture without words and guide indicator will be displayed. Toggle them back on by pressing [Esc for escape or] Shift + H again.

Another way to stop the Skunk is to use the Flight Assist mode located in the Ship Interface platform by pressing the #2 button in the number pad, activate the Ship Interface instrument that's second from the left on the chair and click #7 for Flight Assist. This will prevent the Skunk from drifting automatically.


Posted: Thu, 12. Nov 20, 21:05
by oceanway

When searching for a specific product in the market, you would need to check the market channels: Zone Market, Station Market and Production Market.

Zone Market

In the Zone Market, the market containing all of the products from production modules in the zone and elsewhere are broadcasted in the trade category by pressing Enter, 6 and 1 keys for Offer in the main menu when you are in the zone. Although this post should be in Station Management or Market Exchange Management topic, it is the fact that trade ships (couriers) are needed to retrieve and deliver goods at the loading dock (there are several loading docks on each station) and managing them is the subject related to the Ship Management topic.

Station Market

In the Station Market, the market in the station is broadcasted at the station. Its market could be seen when flying the Skunk close to the station and activating the trade offer icon (Enter-6-1) in the main menu. Pressing and holding down the left shift key while pressing the R key will display the zone/station information on the Skunk's monitor. This should give a more accurate reading of the market than in the Zone Market.

Production Market

In the Production Market, the market of the production module is broadcasted through the loading dock situated on the production module. Not all production modules have a loading dock on certain stations and those that do, their product would show in the market. Those that do not have a loading dock, their product would be shown in the station's market (exchange) board through the Trade option (Market Management) in the menu. Shift + T keys on the keyboard will display the Offer option. This is another way to access the market. Hovering close to the module at at station may show its product in the market board.

Also, note that the items on the market exchange board is from the last zone you visited. To get the current or updated items (commodities) is to fly in the vicinity of any station in the current zone you are in, left-click on the monitor in the cockpit to get the Ship Menu and then select Trade button below for current market information. The radar (Shift + R) must be on for the station information to appear. This method is the best option.

The reason for this subtopic is simple: To get the courier to pick up the good after the trader makes the buy order and deliver it after the trader makes the sell order. The trader is the CEO and autotraders assist the CEO in the trading as well as pick up and deliver goods they ordered. Therefore, these three broadcast market areas would increase the chance of finding and picking up the available goods and have them delivered.

Making buy orders and sell orders is the easy part. The challenging part is getting the courier to retrieve and deliver the goods. To have the courier retrieve the good is to first find the station that sells the good by using the Navigation icon in the Menu and search each zone. Each zone has a set of stations and each station has a set of production modules. Look up the stations in the encyclopedia under Stations in the information icon in the Menu or drop down the list of modules by left clicking on the addition button next to each station in the CDR to find which one sells the good you're looking for. Remember the name of that station and search other zones for it to increase the chance of buying the specific good. Then go to each zone having that station until you've found one that has the available good because goods are not always available. Buy the good after finding the station using the above market search methods. Once you've made the buy order, the courier will fly to that zone where the station is to retrieve the good. You may have to repeat the buy order or else the courier will just wait in the zone after arrival for a new command if not given the Stop Current Task command. Do the same to sell the good.

Finally, when you've search the market options and still could not find the good you're trying to purchase, press Shift and R at the same time to highlight the name of the zone or station on top of the CDR/ECR object info monitor and fly close to the station until you see its name on it. Then left-click on the monitor to get the production list (modules) in the Ship Menu, select the module of interest and click the Details button on the bottom to get its production time as well as its resources. It should show how much time is left before the good will be available for purchase provided the station has been fully scanned. Some production modules aren't scanned to show its information after the station is scanned. Also, if you're searching for drones in the market but could not find them, go to the Capital Shipyard and purchase them there, you can then convert them into stored cargo afterward for sale.


Posted: Thu, 19. Nov 20, 22:08
by oceanway

This subtopic is the first part in the main topic above over Squad Management. The intent was to introduce how to manage other ships beginning with the squad before getting into how to manage the Albion Skunk. It was reconsidered to add this part in the main topic here.

The fighter called 'Albion Skunk' is a Teladi fighter designed and built by Teladi engineers to escort VIPs. It is a shuttle to be exact, a heavily armed shuttle that outfits all other small class fighters, is heavily shielded, and has high speed engine with boost capabiity that can outrun most ships. Therefore it is a unique fighter that will increase the chance of survival for those inside it.

Ren Otani, the owner of the aforementioned ancient Teladi fighter, is the admiral of his fleet(s) and a CEO of his corporation, hence: Otani Corp. Yisha Tannen, first lieutenant, is his co-pilot on the shuttle-fighter. He normally flies in his Taranis destroyer piloted by its captain. On occasion, he would transfer to other ships piloted by other captains and have an engineer transfer onto them for repairs. Other times he would transfer onto a station to talk to and/or do business with characters in person.

The captains on ships in his fleet(s) have their crew, mainly engineer and defense officer, who are second lieutenants. Their first lieutenants however, are pilots assigned to take over and fly abandoned fighters, and special engineers and defense officers with a marine officer whose rank is major in the marine plus a hired navy captain assigned to board and take over captured ships.

You are the player role modeling Ren Otani. How the characters and the economy in the environment behave depend on how you manage your ships.   Let's begin with the Teladi fighter labeled Albion Skunk.

Before you manage other ships, you must manage the Albion Skunk. This post is not about shooting enemies, flying, navigating nor collecting lost cargoes. It's about using the tools given to manage the Albion Skunk and other ships effectively.

There are four cockpit configurations: Adventurous, Combat, Management and Merchant. Use the Adventurous Configuration if you are into exploring, Combat Configuration if you are into fighting, Management Configuration if you are into managing ships and stations and Merchant Configuration if you are into trading; thus trade, fight, think, build and explore. The mechanic in Ship Services on station will configure the cockpit for a fee.

In the cockpit, there are six interactive instruments: Four on the chair and two on starboard. The first one on the far left of the chair is the menu, next on it's right is the ship interface, next is the drone interface and on the far right is the CDR. The fifth one on the right side of the starboard above the CDR is the multipurpose monitor and the sixth on its left is the weapon system.

Menu Interface

The Menu is the general operation of the Albion Skunk. Most of the Skunk's operation are done from here. To activate the Menu in the cockpit, press and hold #2 on the number pad on the keyboard to look down, move the cursor over the menu instrument on the chair which will change into an asterisk with the mouse and left-click on it once to get the menu or on the keyboard without using the cockpit, press Enter to get the same. The icons on the menu on the left side of the screen will appear.

On this menu, there are ten icons: Scan (Mode) Management, Information Management, Mission Management, Navigation Management, Contact Management, Market (Trade) Management, Crew Management, Drone Management and Menu Close Management.

  • Scan Management allow you to scan stations, cargoes, asteroids, ships and the environment.
  • Information Management increase your awareness in your relationship with factions and license requirements, ships and stations you own, condition of your command ship, history of your events and your education of the environment.
  • Mission Management allow you to organize by priority and keep track of your missions, view missions offered and learn additional information in inventory, drones, the environment, your command ship and guide to the mission site.
  • Navigation Management allow you to navigate, not fly, to specific destinations to fly in after arrival with optional autopilot function.
  • Contact Management allow you to communicate with dealers and traders of Commerce as well as officers and pilots of the Navy and Marine.
  • Market Management allow you to watch the market for deals as well as buy, sell or hold commodities.
  • Crew Management allow you to hire (or fire) crew members for capital ships, non-capital ships and your command ship.
  • Drone Management allow you to extend your arsenal by using drones as expendable auxiliaries for defense (or offense) before using your ships or your command ship with captain and crew.
  • Options Management allow you to customize and toggle features for your command ship.
  • Menu Close Management allow you to promptly or temporarily close the Main Menu when not in use.

Ship Interface

The Information Management contents in the icon in the Menu are concentrated and tailored into the Ship Interface platform displayed on the HUD through the cockpit. To activate the Ship Interface, press and hold #2 button on the number pad on the keyboard to look down, move the cursor over the Ship Interface instrument on the chair which will change into an asterisk with the mouse and left-click on it once to get the Ship Interface platform. This Ship Interface controls the main function and essential operation of your command ship.

  • 1. Property Owned - another way to obtain this mode is by holding down right Shift + P. A platform where stations and ships including squads, wings and fleet are managed.
  • 2. Trade Menu - another way to obtain this mode is by holding down left Shift + T. Also, holding down left Shift + Y will display trade deal. All trade offers, sales and deals on the market exchange board are obtained here.
  • 3. Active Missions - another way to obtain this mode is by pressing Enter, #3 and #1. Allows accepted missions be organized into priority, tracked and updated.
  • 4. Contacts - another way to obtain this mode is by pressing Enter and #5. A lounge room where employees are hired and traders are patronized.
  • 5. CDR - another way to obtain this mode is by pressing Enter, #4 and #4 or just the period key.
  • 6. Mission Board - another way to obtain this mode is by pressing Enter, #3 and #2. A lounge room where missions are offered.
  • 7. Dock - another way to obtain this mode is by holding down left Shift + D.
  • 8. Flight Assist - this is the only way to obtain this mode. Gives better control of the Skunk, prevents drifting and stops at destination in autopilot mode.
  • 9. Autopilot - another way to obtain this mode is by holding down left Shift + A. Allow hands-free steering to destination.
  • 10. SETA - this is the only way to obtain this mode. If you're able to get all of its components in the inventory, you'll be able to use it. The Singularity
    Engine Time Accelerator speeds up time in the environment into the future. A time machine, going forward only.

The Ship Interface platform would have also been managed by pressing numbers 1 through 9 above letters Q through O, but is not available. Also, the Drone
Interface platform would have too been managed by holding down left Shift key while pressing #9 for Smart Defense, #0 for Recall Drones and 1-8 for drones, but is not available either.

Drone Interface

The Drone Management contents in the icon in the Menu are concentrated and tailored into the Drone Interface platform also displayed on the HUD (Inside the eyes behind the retinas and on the spaceshield. The admiral possess a superslave chip implanted in his head allowing him to view the CDR and Menu contents behind the retinas in his eyes. While looking through the CDR and Menu contents, he also sees the starboard and spaceshield plus surroundings in the cockpit in front of him and beyond as normal sight. The crosshair, guidance and target indicators including Ship Interface and Drone Interface platforms are displayed on the spaceshield, the viewport above the starboard. Both the spaceshield and his eyes make up the HUD.) through the cockpit. To activate the Drone Interface, press and hold the #2 button on the number pad on the keyboard to look down, move the cursor over the Drone Interface instrument on the chair which will change into an asterisk with the mouse and left-click on it once to get the Drone Interface platform. This Drone Interface is used to command and control the drones.

Camera Drone Radar Interface

The Navigation Management contents in the icon in the Menu are incorporated into the Interface platform displayed on the HUD through the cockpit. To activate the CDR Interface, press and hold the #2 button on the number pad on the keyboard to look down, move the cursor over the CDR Interface instrument on the chair which will change into an asterisk with the mouse and left-click on it once to get the CDR Interface platform or on the keyboard without the cockpit, press the period button to get the same. This CDR Interface displays and show where you and your ships as well as your stations other than non-owned ships and stations are and what they are doing. The comma button on the keyboard displays the sector in the CDR.

Monitor Interface

The Multipurpose or Multifunction Display (MFD) Monitor usually display the three dimensional Electronic Compass Radar or ECR. It also display the sector from the CDR with/without the highway loop, single highway lane, ship information, station information, landing platform personnel, zone and station name, collected cargo information, market/loading dock information and target information. This is an important monitor that is used for navigating your command ship via CDR other than ECR because it gives a dynamic clear view of the zone and sector from +y point direction (looking down from above). Pressing Shift + M as in Mode will switch to a single highway lane, bird's eye view of sector highway or ECR, pressing Shift + R as in Radar will switch to the ECR and zone name or station name and pressing Shift + F as in Function will toggle to the nearest target.

Weapon System Interface

Finally, the sixth instrument on the top-left of starboard is the turret and missile management monitor. It is used to select a turret and/or missile to fire on targets.

Cockpit View Function

Press and hold down the scroll wheel on your mouse and move the mouse to free-look the rest of the cockpit. Use this function to look through the spaceshield beyond
the hull where you want to go before steering your command ship in its direction. Letting go of the wheel will automatically activate the steering function. This will
mimic the head movement of Ren in the cockpit flying the command ship simultaneously. Press Shift + H to turn off the superslave chip for a clearer view and Esc to turn it back on.

Finally, you will notice that the Menu and CDR does not sync with Ship and Drone Interface. If you press #6 on the number pad or press the wheel and move right with your mouse and then press Enter, you will see that it's part of Ren's head when you let go of the #6 key or wheel; or use the arrows to navigate while looking to the right. And, when you press #2 on the number pad and then left click on the Ship Interface, you will see that it is displayed on the spaceshield separate from Ren's head. This demonstrates the information from the superslave chip inside Ren's eyes and on the spaceshield in front of him working together as HUD.


Posted: Thu, 17. Dec 20, 22:12
by oceanway

Other than a shuttle for Ren Otani, the Albion Skunk is also a transport ship for his employees. Each employee is titled to do a job in a position and they work on either the Albion Skunk, carrier or station.

In the Albion Skunk, there are three positions: Engineer, Pilot and Marine Officer. The Engineer repairs the ship, Pilot claims a ship and Marine Officer supervise marines who board a ship. The Engineer's Navy rank is Lieutenant Commander, Pilot's Navy rank is Commander and Marine Officer's Marine rank is Major.

The Admiral (who is also CEO) Otani can choose to have the aforementioned crew on board. But some of them could be assigned to work on another ship and may not be effective on the Albion Skunk compared to an employee on a station in Ship Services. Remaining, if not full or no, repair on the Albion Skunk for example, can be obtained from an Engineer on a station. The one on the Albion Skunk would be for the carrier even though designated a crew for Albion Skunk because Yisha, the co-pilot, is already a technician who helped Ren modify it is maintaining it and referred him to an Engineer on a station for further repairs. Usually the Skunk engineer would only work on the Skunk analyzing components.

In a carrier, there are three positions: Captain, Engineer and Defense Officer. The Captain pilot the carrier (capital ship), Engineer repair the carrier and the Defense Officer protect the carrier. The Captain's Navy rank is Captain, Engineer's Navy rank is Lieutenant Commander and Defense Officer's Navy rank is Lieutenant. The Pilot, who is not assigned to work on the carrier, is the Commander designated on the Skunk under its captain. Therefore the Navy Captain flies the carrier instead.

In a station however, there are other employees: Manager, Architect, Defense Officer (Manager) and Specialists. The Specialists' Navy rank would range from ensign to lieutenant. But the Trade Manager and Architect as well as the Defense Manager and Police Chief on station are more corporate than military. This include Specialists' corporate rank if not Navy Warrant Officer rank on the station. On the carrier, the Manager, Architect and Specialist are guests of the captain. All other employees not listed are either Enlist or Petty Officers, usually on planetside. The Recruiting Officer's Marine rank is Captain and unfortunately there are no Navy Captain nor Commander for station on stations.

The Albion Skunk can transport up to five employees: A crew of three for a carrier and two commanders for a lost or abandoned ship.


Posted: Thu, 31. Dec 20, 10:44
by oceanway

Most employers hire employees according to their skill. But sometimes skills aren't enough. Therefore, they hire or place employees according to their aptitude.

For example, which employee would be suitable for a Captain position when all have five star leadership skill rating? A Teladi, Canteran, Split, Abion or Argon?

Another example, which employee would be suitable for a Manager position when all have five star morale skill rating? A Teladi, Canteran, Split, Albion or Argon?

Still another example, which employee would be suitable for an Architect position when all have five star science and engineering skill ratings? A Teladi, Canteran, Split, Albion or Argon?

In the first question, I would choose a Canteran from the Devries system for a Captain position because politically they're in a neutral position where neither the Argon nor Teladi would be in conflict with them and for diplomatic reasons by Argon and Albion who let them fly some of their ships to establish the Argon Federation. In the second question, I would choose a Teladi because they possess the managerial skill and are often civil, shrewd and business minded as well as traders and financial experts. And lastly, in the third question, I would choose Argon because they design the best looking stations.

An employee having the skill for the position is good. But one who also have the aptitude is best.


Posted: Thu, 7. Jan 21, 06:04
by oceanway

There are two ways to assign a superior: Assign to escort a ship and assign to support a ship. This is creating a squad separate from the Albion Skunk's squad. In the Admiral's case, his squad is an escort for his shuttle if he has one or more equal or larger ships in it. A frigate on the other hand, would have fighters or equal or smaller ships supporting it, thus fighters in the frigate's case are support ships.

If you want a ship escorted such as a mining ship, open Property Owned window in the menu, select a ship you want to protect it, select comm, then select Assign a Superior. The captain and Yisha (Ren's co-pilot) will guide you through the steps in the assignment. In this example, a Balor would be under the Dwalin to protect it while the Dwalin mines. This is escort assignment.

If you want a ship to have support ships such as fighters, open Property Owned window in the menu, select the ships you want carried in a carrier (you will have to do this one at a time before you can use the broadcast option), select what was comm that is now broadcast, then select Assign a superior. The captain and Yisha will guide you through the steps in the assignment. In this example, the fighters would be under a Rahana or Sanahar on the list in CDR to support it during a skirmish battle. This is support assignment.

Note that Assign a Superior command is aside from Patrol command. The ships would behave like they're patrolling when assigned to a superior, but are either escorting or supporting their superior. The patrol command on the hand is for the superior to execute or carry out that precise command, thus patrol while being supported. A combination of a patrol ship and its assigned ships is possible. Hence, patrol squad and patrol wing.


Posted: Tue, 12. Jan 21, 11:51
by paxis
oceanway wrote:
Sun, 20. Sep 20, 19:38
With A Carrier

To command squads with a carrier is to select the carrier on the list in the Property Owned window if you have a carrier, click the addition button on the left to drop down or show the list of smaller ships that are carried by the carrier. The Albion Skunk is the main ship on the top of the list that does not carry any ship, but incorporated them instead under it.

Separating the carriers is done the same way squads are set up without a carrier. The exception of course is that the squad is in the carrier and you can have a group of carriers as a squad as part of a larger wing which is the fleet.
To use the ships as a carrier you need a special mod (Carriers - Arawn S/M Launch- and Docking - Mod), right?


Posted: Thu, 14. Jan 21, 16:07
by oceanway

There are two ways to assign a superior: Assign to escort a ship and Assign to support a ship. This is creating a squad separate from the Albion Skunk's squad. In the Admiral's case, his squad is an escort for his shuttle if he has one or more equal or larger ships in it. A frigate flown by a captain on the other hand, would have fighters or equal or smaller ships supporting it, thus fighters in the frigate's case are support ships.

If you want a ship escorted such as a mining ship, open Property Owned window in the menu, select a ship you want to protect it, select comm, then select Assign a Superior. The Ren and Yisha will guide you through the steps in the assignment. In this example, a Balor would be under the Dwalin to protect it while the Dwalin mines. This is escort assignment.

If you want a ship to have support ships such as fighters, open Property Owned window in the menu, select the ships you want carried in a carrier (you will have to do this one at a time before you can use the broadcast option), select what was comm that is now broadcast, then select Assign a superior. Ren and Yisha will guide you though the steps in the assignment. In this example, the fighters would be under a Rahana or Sanahar on the list in CDR to support it during a skirmish battle. This is support assignment.

Note that Assign a Superior command is aside from Patrol command. The ships would behave like they're patrolling when assigned to a superior, but are either escorting or supporting their superior. The patrol command on the other hand is for the superior to execute or carry out that precise command, thus patrol while being supported. A combination of a patrol ship and its assigned ships is possible. Hence, patrol squad and patrol wing.


Posted: Thu, 14. Jan 21, 16:13
by oceanway
paxis wrote:
Tue, 12. Jan 21, 11:51
oceanway wrote:
Sun, 20. Sep 20, 19:38
With A Carrier

To command squads with a carrier is to select the carrier on the list in the Property Owned window if you have a carrier, click the addition button on the left to drop down or show the list of smaller ships that are carried by the carrier. The Albion Skunk is the main ship on the top of the list that does not carry any ship, but incorporated them instead under it.

Separating the carriers is done the same way squads are set up without a carrier. The exception of course is that the squad is in the carrier and you can have a group of carriers as a squad as part of a larger wing which is the fleet.
To use the ships as a carrier you need a special mod (Carriers - Arawn S/M Launch- and Docking - Mod), right?
That is an option. In this thread, we only use ships 'as is' without using mods. Some players don't use mods nor know how to modify the game.