Deliver 300 units of food rations

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Deliver 300 units of food rations

Post by Evendaen » Sat, 29. Aug 20, 12:37

my problem is, that i can't find a merchant selling food rations.
Or daoes any food will do the trick ? But i can'T finish the quest with the 'food' i own so far :-/
So, where did you get your food rations ?
The help below does not work for chance, to get food rations in Gushing Spring at Chrytal Castle.
So, where am i going wrong ?

That station manager Karen Stringer won't talk to me...some kind of bug ?
I checked the middle modul of that station, it contains over 400k food rations...i must admit at this point, i'm realy disapointed :evil:
Is there is any possibillity, to buy food rations of station ?

Impound Raid [Medium]

Fly to: Watergate
Fly to: Lookout Alpha
Fly to: Auspicious Excavation
Leave highway in 400 km
Fly to: Jump Gate
Fly to: DeVries
Fly to: Crimson Rocks
Fly to: Barren Heart
Fly to: Torrid Veil
Fly to: Glaring Truth
Deliver: 300 units of Food Rations to RoC Solar Energetics
Gushing Spring sells the rations.
If when trying to complete the trade you see "No suitable ships available!" do the following.
Hit Enter - 2 (Info) - 2 (Property owned)
Highlight the Rahanas and click "Comm".
If you do not have the Rahanas in your listing you've hit a bug and need to redo the part with the big fight and you docking on a Heart of Albion Ship
Click Join my squad (1).
Now do the trade

Alan Phipps
Moderator (English)
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Joined: Fri, 16. Apr 04, 19:21

Re: Deliver 300 units of food rations

Post by Alan Phipps » Sat, 29. Aug 20, 19:49

Split from a thread with a different issue that had already been resolved.
A dog has a master; a cat has domestic staff.

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